Israel Democracy is a rascist conquering democracy by Occupation of for
Archimedes Plutonium@21:1/5 to
All on Wed Nov 15 15:28:44 2023
A fair democracy, like the US and EU, a fair democracy if it is truly fair, when it occupies a foreign people like West Bank or West Jerusalem or Gaza strip, when it occupies the land of foreign peoples, then it gives those people rights to vote in the
Prime Minister election who is to be the prime minister of Israel.
Whenever Israel has a Prime Minister election-- the only thing on the minds of the majority of Israelis is-- how much of King David's land has he stolen from the Palestinians, and is he the best one to steal far more land and if a genocide of
Palestinians occurs-- who cares.
Because Israel occupies the Palestinian territories, Israel must allow those 5 million Palestinians to vote on who becomes next Israel prime minister as Netanyahu is doing a lousy job and is nothing but a warrior King David stealing land.
5 million Palestinians voting alongside 10 million Israelis on who replaces Netanyahu, who needs to resign immediately.
There is never a Two State Solution in a rascist democracy that is Israel at present time. Its operating mechanism is vote in the most warring King David prototype who increases illegal settlement building and at the slightest signs of Palestinians
showing violence, Israel goes in, aided by America and steals further land of Palestinians.
Israel Democracy is a "stealing land machine" started further back than even Ariel Sharon, but has come to this epitome of land stealing and genocide of Palestinians under Netanyahu.
No wonder Dr. Feynman was ashamed of being listed "Jewish" and rather have "athiest".
The way out of this nightmare so that Palestine and Israel can live side by side in a Two State Solution, is to elect a Prime Minister via voting by both the 5 million Palestinians and the 10 million Israelis. Vote your way to a peace.
New Prime Minister of Israel, Vote for ___one___
Mansour Abbas -- Ra'am
Zehava Gal-On -- Meretz
Ayman Odeh -- Hadash-Ta'al
Voting solves the Israel-Palestinian Conflict. As long as Israel keeps putting land-stealing PMs the warrior King David type of prime minister into office-- Ariel Sharon, Benjamin Netanyahu, there will always be War in the Middle East, endless war and
bloodshed and hatred, because those prime ministers were all about removing every Arab in Palestine land-- shove them into Egypt or Jordan, steal their West Bank, Jerusalem, and Gaza strip, because their only goal and plan was to make Modern Israel be
the same as Ancient Israel.
The Palestinians have to Vote their way into Peace and a Two State Solution, but that cannot happen so long as you have nothing but land stealing Israel prime ministers, like Netanyahu.
Archimedes Plutonium
Nov 8, 2023, 12:52:17 AM
to Plutonium Atom Universe
Tie, any and all aid to Israel with the dismantling of illegal settlements. No dismantling then 0 aid.
Next, tie any and all occupation of Palestinians with giving them the right to vote for who becomes the next Prime Minister of Israel. This gives Israelis the motivation and incentive for a Two State Solution.
Without the above, Israel just goes on stealing land, and makes USA and Europe look like silly stupid duped suckers.
The current Israel will not stop its land stealing and Palestinian genocide or pushed into Jordan or Egypt until Modern Israel is the same land as Ancient Israel, and this is what the hypocrites of USA and Europe want to overlook.
This mindless, endless conflict has gone on for 60 years now. With no end in sight, only ratcheting up worse and worse. Humanity is sick and tired of two small countries that cannot get their act together, and causes world wide fissures and cracks.
America can go to the Moon and back but is too stupid hypocritical to end a mindless conflict.
America can build the computer and the age of the Internet but too stupid and hypocritical in ending a mindless conflict.
America can go to Mars and explore the universe in new telescopes, but too stupid and hypocritical in ending a mindless conflict that has gone on for 60 years.
In 2023 it was a attack from Gaza city. If America does not end this mindless conflict, now, right now, then what is to come 2 years later?? A missile attack upon the USA by the Arab nations disgusted with the hypocrite USA that aids, panders and steals
Palestine and genocide its people?
Maybe America is wanting to relive the days it enslaved and occupied the Native American Indians and sent them to reservations, or enslavement of black slaves from Africa. Israel on Palestine is not much different, and here we have a duped, a suckered
America reliving those past sins. Remarkable, it is Voting that lifts Native American Indians and lifts Black Americans. Why America even had its first Black President not too long ago. And Israel if it cannot stop its occupation should have its first
Palestinian Prime Minister of Israel not too far in the future.
Every time the Israeli government opens its mouth to fob off a reason of bombing Gaza-- there is only one reason Israel behaves the way it does-- they want modern Israel to be the same land as Ancient Israel and if Palestinians are on that land-- shove
them into Egypt or Jordan or genocide.
Perhaps Netanyahu in Oct 1 called up Hamas and told them -- Oct 7 is a good day to attack. All because Netanyahu can then say in his bio, he recaptured Gaza City of old King David of Ancient Israel, while the suckered and duped America came in with more
aid, 14 billion dollars worth to build a new Israeli Gaza City, with bed and breakfast, motels and tourist stores, capped off with a swim in the Sea.
2023 was an attack outside Gaza City, and at this rate, the Arab world will likely attack New York City by 2025.
Our duped, suckered and feeble minded politicians here in America need to unscrew their brains, and find a new brain to fit their socket, for we need a resolution of this Conflict-- now and forever more.
Archimedes Plutonium
Nov 9, 2023, 12:36:56 PM
to Plutonium Atom Universe
I need to put "fastest" in the title.
Solving the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, the fastest-easiest way possible-- VOTING// political science by Archimedes Plutonium Preface: In 2019, there was word filtering down in the news that President Trump had a plan for Israel and Palestinians
When will America wake up??
For Israel cherishes land more than life. Israel, ever since 1967 has been on a solitary mission-- make modern Israel be the same land as Ancient Israel, and if Palestinians are on that land-- slowly but forcefully either kill them or push them into
Egypt or Jordan. And America has been Israel's accomplice in this horrible expulsion.
The reason we had 9/11 in 2001 where Arabs hijacked planes and flew them into towers in New York City is for revenge on Ariel Sharon illegal settlement building on West Bank and Gaza. Israel does not care about human life if that human life stands in the
way of getting all the land that was Ancient Israel.
America paid a horrible price in this complicity-- all the lives lost in 9/11. But now, we have nearly 11,000 Palestinians killed for the Hamas attack of 7 Oct. And the question for Americans is how many Americans will be killed because Israel's program
of stealing Palestinian land and shoving the remaining Palestinians into Egypt and Jordan, for make no mistake--- every action done by Israel is to gain back the land that was Ancient Israel and if a Palestinian or American is on that land-- kill him or
her for the land is number 1 to Israel.
No wonder the late and famous Dr. Richard Feynman who wrote Lectures in Physics, one of my heroes, no wonder he was ashamed of being listed as "Jew" and rather be listed as "athiest". No wonder he was ashamed for he realized Israel cherishes Land before
it cherishes Life.
And now, we are faced, us Americans, are faced with a 1/3 of the world is Muslim stretching from Indonesia to Middle East. A huge broad swathe of the geopolitical world. And so we had 9/11 for US being accomplice to Israel land stealing and never a Two
State Solution. What will the Arab world do that is harmful to the US for being this land stealing accomplice? Will the Arab world buy a North Korean missile atomic bomb tipped and flatten New York City instead of tumbling down its skyscrapers?
Will Americans all Americans traveling to or near an Arab country have to fear being taken hostage or killed on the spot, as the Arab revenge for stealing Gaza strip. All because America is far far too stupid to see they are accomplices to Israel land
stealing and genocide of Palestinians. When will America wake up if they ever do wake up??
America--- wake up
Oh say can you see
By the illegal settlements
What so proudly we steal land
And the rockets red blare
Bombs bomb bursting in air
Gave truth through the night
That we killed to steal land
Israel Democracy is a rascist conquering democracy by Occupation of foreign lands then stealing that foreign land-- ie Palestine.
Solving the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, the fastest-easiest way possible-- VOTING// political science
by Archimedes Plutonium
Preface: In 2019, there was word filtering down in the news that President Trump had a plan for Israel and Palestinians that would in my opinion make the Palestinians suffer even more of their 56 year occupation by Israel, their squalid living conditions
and little hope of a free future. So I set myself to the task of figuring out the very finest and easiest solution to this nightmare of a problem for 4.8 million Palestinians opposed by 9.7 million Israelis that were occupying and oppressing them. The
solution I came up with had to be such that it mobilized the Israelis along with the Palestinians in a tandem tied together solution. The solution I came up with was the simple act of Voting, especially voting for a prime minister in Israel. A solution
that would end the bloodshed and ongoing violence. Sadly no-one took my recommendations in 2019, but now in October of 2023 with a huge attack upon Israelis by Hamas in Gaza strip, with hostages, and the threat of massive killing of Palestinians, here I
am again proposing my solution.
Israelis are used to voting, not so the Arabs or Palestinians are __not used to voting__. But voting is what lifted Black Americans and lifted Native American Indians. And I am sure that voting will lift the Palestinians. For nothing is much worse than
the present state of Palestinian peoples, living in poverty, squalor, little hope of a future.
Cover Picture: Is my photograph of a Google search on flags of Palestinians and Israel.
Table of Contents
1) My history on this idea of voting to solve Israel-Palestine Conflict.
2) Modern Israel seeks all the lands of Ancient Israel, an Anachronism of modern political-life.
3) Countries seeking their Ancient borderlines turns Earth into a hell-hole.
4) The March 2020 election between Gantz and Netanyahu.
5) Voting mechanism will drive Israel to seek a Two State Solution.
6) Israel has subjugated, oppressed and occupied Palestinians.
7) There are 4.8 million Palestinians and 9.7 Israelis.
8) Hamas, release the hostages safely, for violence does not work; Voting works.
9) Palestinians in their 56 year occupation, the longest occupation in history.
10) The ever increasing Israel settlement building on occupied Palestinian lands.
11) Russia is fast steal of land of Ukraine and genocide; Israel is slow steal of land Palestine and genocide.
12) Imagine a peaceful and happy Israel-Palestine, all because of Voting.
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