6 Supreme Court Justices,Rand Paul,Ted Cruz charged in Civil and Criminal court for aiding abetting, assisting in mass murder of assault rifles and ammo
Bad decision by US Supreme Court, bad bad bad. A few days back I heard a news reporter say that the US Supreme Court decision on guns had the super silly logic of "regulations now, should be similar to the regulations extant at the time of writing the
Constitution in the late 1700s. How silly and ridiculous can our Supreme Court get, and become??? How silly.
Their analysis of the Constitution with respect to guns should all be about-- the Preamble says "Insure the domestic Tranquility" as compared to the 2nd Amendment--the right to own and bear arms.
The Preamble thus limits what guns can be owned and bear in public. Assault rifles are Anti-tranquility and so the Supreme Court should rule that these are to be banned along with their ammunition.
And to further that point. I ask President Biden to draft a Executive Order that outlines the process of charging a Congress person, or a Supreme Court Justice, charge them with aiding, abetting and assisting in mass murder perpetrator if they use a
assault rifle in the scene of the crime, and have them charged in Civil Court and Criminal Court if a mass murder occurs in New York City where the Supreme Court laxed the bans there. In other words, the charges should be on the perpetrators plus the
congress persons plus the justices who thus aided and abetted that crime.
If a mass murder occurs in NYC using assault rifles, then charge with a crime those Justices that voted for "no ban" and thus violated the Preamble of the Constitution.
There has been mass carnage of Americans, all because Congress does not understand what Insure Domestic Tranquility and Justices who do not understand what that means. Instead the Justices dwell on something utterly stupid and pathetic-- what was gun
control like in the 1700s.
This is what we need in the future in the selection process of a vacant seat on the Supreme Court-- have they taken and studied Logic in College. For at University of Cincinnati, when I attended in late 1960s early 70s, the law students were required to
take symbolic logic-- to better think straight and think clearly.
When was the last time you saw the US Supreme Court think straight and think clearly?? Was it 3 decades ago and nothing since then???
Has any Supreme Court Justice been charged in Civil or Criminal Court in the past? And if one is charged for aiding and abetting in mass murder from an assault rifle, would certainly make the Justices stop and think about how they interpret the
Constitution, instead of their arbitrary and willy nilly fashion today.
Google Search reveals cases of guns before the Supreme Court.
News about domestic violence, gun, and Supreme Court
The New York Times
Supreme Court's Devotion to Gun Rights Faces a Challenging Test
2 days ago
NBC News
Supreme Court leans toward upholding law that bars those accused of domestic violence from having firearms
1 day ago
USA Today
Thomas, Kavanaugh, Barrett: Who to watch in epic Second Amendment case
2 days ago
The New Republic
The Supreme Court Might Finally Be Drawing a Line on Gun Rights
1 day ago
Supreme Court to decide if gun bans for domestic abusers are constitutional
1 day ago
Linda Greenhouse
The New York Times
Opinion | Will the Supreme Court Toss Out a Gun Law Meant to Protect Women? Ever since the Supreme Court agreed in June to hear the government's appeal of a particularly noxious Second Amendment ruling,...
.2 days ago
X (Twitter)
We're rallying with allies at the Supreme Court today to say: #ProtectSurvivors. Domestic abusers should NOT have access to guns.
2 days ago
X (Twitter)
The case against disarming violent domestic abusers crumbled before our eyes at SCOTUS this morning. One of the most imbalanced oral arguments I've seen. Looks like an 8-1 or so decision upholding the federal firearms ban for domestic abusers subject to
restraining orders.
2 days ago
Eric Ruben
Brennan Center for Justice
Second Amendment Meets Domestic Violence in the Supreme Court
In U.S. v. Rahimi, the justices are considering whether to strike down a law that aims to keep guns out of domestic abusers' hands.
.5 days ago
Domestic abuse survivor implores Supreme Court to uphold ...
YouTube · ABC News
7 minutes, 20 seconds
3 hours ago
How the Supreme Court is leaning on domestic abuse-gun ...
YouTube · CBS News
3 minutes, 8 seconds
1 day ago
The Supreme Court orders makers of gun parts to comply with ...
YouTube · WGN News
Supreme Court revisits the scope of the right to bear arms ...
https://www.cnn.com › 2023/11/07 › politics › supreme-...
2 days ago — It was only a year ago that the Supreme Court issued a landmark Second Amendment opinion that expanded gun rights nationwide and established ...
US Supreme Court leans toward allowing domestic- ...
https://www.reuters.com › legal › us-supreme-court-mull...
1 day ago — Its 2022 ruling, New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen, recognized a constitutional right to carry a handgun in public for self ...
U.S. Supreme Court hears Texas case on gun rights ...
The Texas Tribune
https://www.texastribune.org › 2023/11/07 › supreme-...
2 days ago — Following the rehearing, a panel of judges from the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in February ruled that the Second Amendment allows people ...
Supreme Court's new gun test gets airing in domestic ...
The National Constitution Center
https://constitutioncenter.org › blog › supreme-courts-...
3 days ago — In March, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit struck down a federal law prohibiting firearm possession by individuals under domestic ...
Guns rights and domestic violence protections collide at ...
https://www.reuters.com › legal › guns-rights-domestic-v...
3 days ago — The 5th Circuit based its decision on the Supreme Court's ruling called New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen ruling, which ...
Supreme Court reviews federal ban on guns for domestic ...
ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos
https://abcnews.go.com › Politics › story
2 days ago — The high court's ruling said only laws "consistent with the nation's historical tradition of firearm regulation" can be allowed. MORE: Shot 5 ...
Supreme Court expands gun rights, with nation divided
AP News
https://apnews.com › article › supreme-court-guns-dec...
Jun 23, 2022 — The Supreme Court has ruled that Americans have a right to carry firearms in public for self-defense, a major expansion of gun rights.
Archimedes Plutonium
Nov 9, 2023, 12:00:17 PM
to Plutonium Atom Universe
Charge the 6 US Supreme Court Justices with criminal charges both in criminal court and civil court should any mass shooting occur in New York State for their decision in New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen of 2022.
Charge those 6 Justices with Aiding, Abetting, Assisting a perpetrator with an assault rifle and ammo, should a mass murder occur in NY state. Put the perpetrator if he/she lives in civil court and criminal court along with the 6 Supreme Court Justices
in civil and criminal court.
The USA Constitution is very very clear on this -- Preamble--- Insure the Domestic Tranquility takes overwhelming precedence over 2nd Amendment -- right to own and bear arms.
There exists No Domestic Tranquility when public spaces are inundated with assault rifle toting perpetrators.
And 6 of the Supreme Court Justices apparently have no logical marbles in their brains.
Gun regulation is not about finding parallels to what restrictions were like in late 1700's when the Constitution was written as a document, a history test.
No, gun regulation is all about the Preamble-- Insure Domestic Tranquility, and apparently 6 Justices are far far and away too dumb to see that an assault rifle is the opposite of Insure Domestic Tranquility.
So maybe there already has been a mass shooting in New York State after the Supreme Court's wacko decision. And then simply just charge those 6 Justices with Aiding and Abetting and Assisting in mass murder of innocent life.
America has on average 2 mass shootings per day, each and every day of the year, and that is because we lack Congress persons and Supreme Court Justices who lack marbles of intelligence, logical marbles in their brain case. So charge them with civil and
criminal court as accessories to murder. Put the 6 Justices, and Rand Paul and Ted Cruz and other Congress persons into civil and criminal court for assisting mass murderers and violating their oath to the US Constitution-- the very first sentence in the
America needs to be Safe in public spaces, Safe in private spaces.
My 261st published book of science.
Fastest & easiest way to ban assault rifles-- Congress-persons on trial whenever a mass shooting takes place// political science
by Archimedes Plutonium
Preface: The Lewiston, Maine assault rifle massacre touched off a nerve in me, for me to step up and to solve this problem, once and for always. For with all these massacres with assault rifles, it is only a matter of time before almost everyone in the
USA is in that situation of having to be terrorized in a public space. No longer is it feasible for any American to say to themselves -- it will never happen here, or happen to me. At this rate, every State and every town will have to cope with a assault
rifle massacre. Only in America, do we have the primal idiocy of arming citizens in public spaces with weapons of war. This must stop, as the statistics show there are, at present in the United States 2 mass shootings on average, each and every day. And
what is bewildering is where is the Congress in all of this mass carnage? Is the Congress itself with the aid of National Rifle Association, NRA the main cause of mass death across the United States. That the Congress is inept and dullard in passing a
Ban on Assault rifles + ammo. So I dedicate this book to solving that problem and turn the tide back to where the US Constitution in its first sentence of the Preamble of that great document speaks of "insure the domestic Tranquility". Losing your school
children to a assault rifle is anything but domestic tranquility.
Cover Picture: Is my iphone photograph of a Google search of some assault rifles, and notice especially the smallest weapon in that photo being a pistol size. At the rate the NRA is going, everyone will be armed with weapons of war, just to drive into
town to get a loaf of bread or spend time at the public park.
Product details
• Publication date : October 30, 2023
• Language : English
• File size : 787 KB
• Text-to-Speech : Enabled
• Screen Reader : Supported
• Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
• X-Ray : Not Enabled
• Word Wise : Enabled
• Sticky notes : On Kindle Scribe
• Print length : 20 pages
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