• AP's 262nd book of science-- Explaining Caltech's Jarrett's Ring of Gal

    From Archimedes Plutonium@21:1/5 to Archimedes Plutonium on Wed Sep 20 13:04:12 2023
    At first I attempted to explain this Ring via pure math geometry. Now I see it as an explanation of just exactly "what is Doppler Redshift or Blueshift if not distance".

    The Cosmic mapping of galaxies is nothing but rings, and we use scooting-over. Because the Cosmos is so large, we see only 3 Rings in all.

    AP's 262nd book of science// Looking for a Math Proof that a linear fake tool destroys 90% of a picture but cannot destroy it all.

    Archimedes Plutonium
    Sep 16, 2023, 12:39:14 AM (4 days ago)

    For my 262nd book of science I explore this cosmology astronomy challenge of math.

    Caltech's Jarrett is/was doing a mapping of the galaxies of the Cosmos and found a Ring in the 3rd layer. I keep telling him (via Usenet) that the night sky of galaxies is a Cosmic Proton Torus of many windings of a Plutonium Atom. And that the true
    mapping of galaxies would be all rings. But because Old Physics thinks the Doppler RedShift indicates distance, that the Jarrett mapping is all screwed up except for his one Ring in 3rd layer.

    I keep exclaiming that when you apply a fake tool of Doppler RedShift, you can screw up all the galaxies save for one Ring when all of them should be rings.

    So here I want to explore some Geometry math proofs for the idea, that if you start with say a torus with 10 windings (10 Rings) and inside the torus 1 ring for muon. That if you use a fake tool of Doppler Redshift for distance, that you will screw up
    all 11 Rings save 1. The tool that does the screwing up has to be a "linear function mess-up tool".

    So, I am using my expert mathematical abilities to surmise that when a linear application is applied to geometry figure, it destroys the figure almost all destroyed, save one true winding.

    I suspect there is already a proof inside of mathematics that says the same thing. Only I have to hunt it down if it exists.
    If it does not already exist, this is a conjecture of that idea, and then I have to come up with a proof of the idea.

    I suspect if this proof already exists, it probably lies in "Projective Geometry".

    The physics is clear cut--- using a linear tool that is false. Destroying most of the true picture, however, because it is linear, it cannot destroy all the true picture.


    AP's 262nd book of science// Looking for a Math Proof that a linear fake tool destroys 90% of a picture but cannot destroy it all.

    AP's 262nd book of science-- the Ring in 3rd layer of Jarrett's mapping of galaxies-- is it already a proof in math or does AP need to start from scratch and make the math proof

    to Plutonium Atom Universe
    Archimedes Plutonium
    5:23 PM, 15Sep2023
    to sci.physics
    What Dr.Jarrett & Caltech do not understand, for they are quite a bit backwards in logical intelligence as evidence by their stupid belief slant cut of cone is ellipse when that is an oval, and no wonder no-one at Caltech can do a valid proof of
    Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.

    But the big lesson for today on Caltech failure in astronomy, is that given the Doppler RedShift has no say in distance, for Light Waves cannot be redshifted due to motion of source-- for Caltech scientists are dumb and stupid to think Special Relativity
    is broken with Doppler Redshift.

    And there is a beautiful idea in Mathematics, pure mathematics that given a Mapping of Galaxies, an honest mapping that uses a linear error of Doppler Redshift. Uses that error into the mapping. That the error can eliminate all the rings of the mapping
    except for one.

    This is a beautiful idea that comes from pure mathematics. The idea is that the Cosmos is really a mapping of Rings as a Torus coil with one ring perpendicular and inside the torus coil.

    Now you apply a error ridden stupid Doppler Redshift for distance. And what that stupid error can do, is erase and eliminate all the rings except for one ring. One ring will survive with error filled math of Doppler RedShift. And that one ring is Jarrett'
    s ring in 3rd layer.

    So now if we apply AP's scoot over to all the galaxies. For we do know for certainty in which direction and part of the sky a galaxy lies in. And apply a scoot over, what AP is conjecturing is that a scoot over renders the Cosmic Mapping of Galaxies into
    a Torus Coil of at least 3 rings visible, two of the Proton torus and 1 of the muon inside the proton torus.

    Asking Dr.Jarrett of Caltech, for Volney is far too stupid of a science idiot with his 938 is 12% short of 945.

    So we have to ask Dr. Jarrett what is the Cosmic Ring in the 3rd layer of his mapping??? Is it the Cosmic Muon or a ring of the Cosmic Proton, for the muon is thrusting through the Cosmic Proton Torus of 231Plutonium. That would be 8 rings times 94.
    And of course 94 muons in a chain inside the Proton torus of 8 x 94.

    Now Old Astronomy and Old Physics are working and belaboring under the mindless idiotic notion of Doppler Redshift. They are two faced contradictory idiots of physics for they believe in Special Relativity, which does not allow for Doppler Redshift of
    Light Waves.

    So in one of my books I called for a massive "Scoot Over" of the mapping of galaxies. We know "in general" where the galaxies are located and ask a computer to scoot galaxies to form a Coil, a Torus Coil with a perpendicular Ring inside. We may get
    only 3 rings in all of the proton and muon with scooting over for the Cosmos is big.

    Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
    Archimedes Plutonium
    1:46 AM (13 hours ago)

    I am really psyched and geared up in doing this book. It will be a new conjecture if Old Math never came across such a math idea.

    What is so exciting is that it is a problem already known in Cosmology Astronomy, and all I need to do is apply pure math to it.

    Let me outline the problem and Conjecture once again, as I love this conjecture.

    In astronomy they use a tool which I consider fake tool of distance measure. They use the Doppler Redshift of galaxies. Astronomers claim the redshift is caused by the motion of the galaxy. Red is receding from us, and blue shifted if coming towards us.
    I consider that all poppycock because of Special Relativity forbids the speed of light be augmented by the speed of the source. So AP considers Doppler shifting on Light Waves as a phony measure of distance.

    And what astronomers have done in the last century is mapp where the galaxies are in the night sky. Map where they are located and then used Doppler Redshift for distance.

    And then Caltech's Jarrett has found a Cosmic Ring of galaxies in the 3rd layer.

    So in steps AP with this Geometry Conjecture.

    AP believes the true geometry of the galaxies is like a coil in the Faraday Law. A coil where you thrust a bar magnet (the muon) through the coil and it produces electric current in the coil. Just pure and simple Faraday law.

    And what AP then considers is that Jarrett sees just one of the Rings of many rings of galaxies. And the reason Jarrett is not seeing more Rings, and to be frank and honest-- the galaxies form a coil geometry, all of the galaxies are either in the proton
    coil or the muon bar magnet ring. Mind you there is some empty space between these windings or rings of galaxies. And the empty space maybe so large that we find only 3 cosmic rings in all out of a total of 94 x 8 rings or 94 x 840 windings for proton
    torus and 105 windings for muon.

    So, what this geometry conjecture by AP is all about, is AP is looking in mathematics, if a proof has already been given of the idea. You start with a Coil of windings, and you apply a linear function upon the galaxies as dots. This linear function is a
    fake application. And the conjecture says that regardless of the application of a fake linear function, it cannot destroy all the windings of the torus, but must preserve at least one winding. One true winding-ring is preserved but all the others are
    destroyed by the application of the fake linear function (the Doppler Redshift).

    In several of my past books I outlined a technique I called Scooting Over. We know the general direction in the sky of where all the galaxies exist. We do not know there accurate distance from us for the Doppler Redshift is phony on distance.

    So, that is the conjecture by AP, a linear phony application can destroy all the true picture save for one Ring.

    Is there already a math proof in Projective Geometry of this idea???

    If I had posted this in 1993 in August when the Usenet sci.math was relatively new. I would get at least 50 replies from dot edu addresses from professors with real names, in reply, saying either no or yes. Some even posting the projective geometry proof.
    But since 1993 and the horrid Huns of dragnet police FBI, CIA spam and then on top of that--paid stalkers, sci.math delivers no reply to a intriguing conjecture.

    AP, King of Science
    Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
    Archimedes Plutonium
    2:52 PM (2 minutes ago)

    On Wednesday, September 20, 2023 at 1:46:27 AM UTC-5, Archimedes Plutonium wrote:
    I am really psyched and geared up in doing this book. It will be a new conjecture if Old Math never came across such a math idea.

    As quickly as I was psyched up, I now see the conjecture is false. All I needed was some good modeling. The billiards table models a linear interaction, showing the conjecture cannot stand.


    AP's 262nd book of science-- Explaining Caltech's Jarrett's Ring of Galaxies in 3rd layer of Cosmic Mapping

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  • From Archimedes Plutonium@21:1/5 to All on Wed Sep 20 13:24:23 2023
    Stars and Sun shine not from fusion but from Faraday law. Faraday law goes on inside each proton of that star. The overall accumulative effect of the electricity produced-- the Dirac magnetic monopoles produced is an average, overall average magnetic
    monopole that tells us what type of star it is. This average magnetic monopole signature is the Doppler Redshift. Some stars are so hot, their average magnetic monopole is blue shifted, but few are that hot and so in the Cosmic skies of all galaxies with
    their stars, are predominantly redshifted.

    Doppler shifting has nothing to do with distance, nor what speed the star is undergoing. Doppler shifting is all about the Faraday law producing magnetic monopoles in their protons of that star.

    Why, even our Sun is Doppler redshifted and no bozo the clown physicist or astronomer is going to claim the Sun is moving away from Earth to cause the redshift. The Sun's redshift is all a indication of the thermodynamics of protons in the Sun doing the
    Faraday law.

    So, to solve Caltech's Jarrett's Ring in 3rd layer is simply the application of Scooting Over.

    The reason our night sky of galaxies are so often filamentary, or whispy string like is because when scooted over they belong to a 2nd or 3rd Ring.

    The proper Mapping of Cosmos Galaxies is not an even distribution as Caltech implies or suggests.

    The proper mapping when all is said and done is going to look like this.

    (----) ))

    That is the outline of a Cosmic Torus for the Universe is a big plutonium single plutonium atom. It is composed of 94 x 840 windings (rings as we would see them)

    Only the Cosmos is so big that we will be lucky to see just 3 of these Windings-Rings.

    For sure we will see One Ring, and that is the ring of 3rd layer that Caltech sees.

    For sure we will see a partial Ring that is the Cosmic Muon inside the torus ring. That is the horizontal bar in the drawing above.

    We likely will see a neighboring ring-- 3 rings in all that we likely will see.

    Before this Atom Totality theory of the cosmos, the mapping of the Universe was "Evenly distributed galaxies" with no structure, as a Big Bang no structure universe.

    With the Atom Totality, the Universe is highly Structured, highly structured of a Torus with rings, and empty space between rings.

    AP, King of Science

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  • From Archimedes Plutonium@21:1/5 to All on Wed Sep 20 16:54:58 2023
    I am pretty sure this is not going to end up being a separate book. But rather put inside the 9th edition of Atom Totality. Where I discuss scooting over technique in Astronomy.

    To prove I am correct-- the Cosmos has galactic structure that is a torus. All I need to do is show one Ring and in the middle of that 1 ring is a second ring perpendicular to the first.

    My 148th published book

    Plutonium Atom Totality Universe, 9th edition 2021, Atom Totality Series, book 1 Kindle Edition
    by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)

    Last revision was 30Nov2021. And this is AP's 148th published science book.

    Physics book that explains what the universe is, and how it works. This is a continuation of the Atomic Theory by Democritus in Ancient Greek times. It adds one more fact to the Atomic Theory picture. That the Universe itself is one gigantic big atom.
    The picture is that of the Universe, in total, is one big atom that contains more atoms, inside itself. It completes the logic of science that Dr. Feynman wrote-- all things are made up of atoms -- and so, to complete that idea -- all things and the
    universe itself is an atom.

    In this edition of year 2021, AP actually proves the Atom Totality theory, and therefore, a simultaneously _disproof_ of the Big Bang theory. The proof is simple, in that the Sun and stars shine not from fusion, but rather, instead, shine from the
    Faraday law going on inside each and every proton in the Sun or star, or, in the Universe. The muon is the true electron of atoms and is the bar magnet in Faraday's law while the proton is a 840MeV particle in the geometry shape of 8 ring coil torus that
    is the closed loop coil in Faraday's Law. NASA scientists have discovered the Sun is a yearly increase in radiation of 0.005% yearly, and is why 25% of all insects have perished in the last decade 2010-2020. Stars and Sun shine from Faraday law, not from
    fusion and that is how the Universe itself grows. So, we cannot logically have two different mechanisms for the creation of the Universe. We cannot have electricity magnetism of Faraday law and then some silly "explosion of Big Bang" to create and grow
    the universe.

    Also, in the course of providing supporting evidence of the Atom Totality theory, my research had to revise and correct the entire Maxwell Equations, and revise and correct the theory, the quantum electrodynamics theory.

    Cover Picture: Again I used 8 rings from plumbing hardware to represent the 8 rings of a proton torus, and visualize each ring as a dot cloud pattern instead of a continuous ring, and the holes in some of those rings helps facilitate that image. Notice
    the muon ring is inside the proton torus rings, and perpendicular, and situated at the equator, going around and around the proton torus at nearly the speed of light in the Faraday law; producing electricity. Atoms are designed to produce maximum
    electricity, given their masses.

    Product details
    • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B08T82M2LP
    • Publication date ‏ : ‎ January 16, 2021
    • Language ‏ : ‎ English
    • File size ‏ : ‎ 872 KB
    • Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
    • Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
    • Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
    • X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
    • Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
    • Print length ‏ : ‎ 329 pages
    • Lending ‏ : ‎ Enabled
    • Best Sellers Rank: #203,710 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)
    ◦ #289 in Physics (Kindle Store)
    ◦ #1,716 in Physics (Books)

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  • From Archimedes Plutonium@21:1/5 to All on Wed Sep 20 17:29:18 2023
    In one of my Atom Totality books I wrote this:

    Alright the below atlas is featured, it is too small so you need to go to the websites.
    One more structure the Coma Supercluster along with the Coma Wall, so for the Cosmic Bar Magnet-- the Cosmic Muon (could be two muons) would be the Coma Wall, Coma Supercluster, Perseus-Pisces Supercluster, Sculptor Wall, A4038, Centaurus Wall. Six dense
    clusters of galaxies all lying in a plane perpendicular to two Cosmic Proton Rings.

    One Proton Ring involves Centaurus and Hercules, Leo Superstructures, and Columba Superstructures, and the second Proton Ring involves Ophuchus, Pavo-Indus, Phoenix Superstructures.
    --- end of quote ---
    What I am looking for is a ring perpendicular to another ring.

    There is the picture showing

    A: Milky Way
    B: Perseus-Pisces Supercluster
    C: Coma Cluster
    D: Virgo Cluster/ Local Supercluster
    E: Hercules Supercluster
    F: Shapley Concentration/ Abell 3558
    G: Hydra-Centarus Supercluster
    H: "Great Attractor"/ Abell 3627
    I: Pavo-Indus Supercluster
    J: Horologium-Reticulum Supercluster

    From looking at that picture with the above data set. It appears that the Milky Way is in the Cosmic Muon and not the Cosmic Proton. That would have huge implications as to whether a Ring in motion is where biology life can exist but not in the Cosmic

    It appears the perpendicular ring the Muon ring is composed of the Milky Way and G: Hydra-Centaurus Supercluster.

    It appears that the F: Shapley Concentrate is the intersection of the Cosmic Muon with Cosmic Proton.

    It appears that most galaxies have a north-south length orientation meaning that is the Cosmic Proton and only a few
  • From Archimedes Plutonium@21:1/5 to All on Wed Sep 20 18:17:59 2023
    Depending on whether the Milky Way is in the Cosmic Muon Ring or in the Cosmic Proton Ring (one of its 94x840 windings), raises an interesting question. Rather, a Astounding question is raised. Can biology life exist in a Cosmic Muon? For the Cosmic Muon
    is circulating inside the torus of the Cosmic Protons of 231Plutonium Atom Totality.

    Is there too much energy and motion in a Cosmic Muon to have biology life? Or perhaps biology life needs that extra energy to grow and live.

    If I were asked the question where can biology life exist -- Cosmic Muon or Cosmic Proton, I would say based on what I know so far-- biology life can live on either. The Cosmic Muon has more energy and motion and is less stable while the Cosmic Proton is
    "more still" and more stable.

    Perhaps some anwers to this question of where can biology life live is answered by the Cosmic gamma ray bursts we observe. A Cosmic Muon would encounter frequent high energy Cosmic gamma ray bursts. A Cosmic Proton not so frequent. It appears in
    astronomy that we observe a high powered Cosmic gamma ray burst about one in every 10 years. This low frequency suggests we live in the Cosmic Proton.


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  • From Archimedes Plutonium@21:1/5 to All on Wed Sep 20 22:33:46 2023
    Now if true, it should be very very easy to tell it is true of a Cosmic Atom Totality, for the Cosmic Proton torus would be relatively motionless, compared to the Cosmic Muon inside the Cosmic Proton torus. The Cosmic Muon/s would be rings of 94 x 105
    windings compared to the Cosmic Proton Torus of 94x840 windings.

    The Cosmic Muons would look like this inside the Proton Torus OOOOOOOOOOO of 94 of those. And the Cosmic Muons would be perpendicular to the Proton Torus windings and should be very visible in astronomy.

    And the Muons are bar magnets versus the Proton torus as a coil in Faraday law. This means that the Cosmic Muons must be speeding or thrusting through the Proton Rings.

    So, do we have any astronomy evidence that a group of galaxies are moving rapidly in one direction across the backdrop of other galaxies??

    I remember in the late 1990s that astronomers found an acceleration of galaxies.

    Of course in a Atom, the muon would be thrusting at near the speed of light. In astronomy that thrusting is no where close to the speed of light. But still very much different in velocity than the surrounding Proton rings.


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  • From Archimedes Plutonium@21:1/5 to All on Thu Sep 21 00:52:47 2023
    Looking at the Wikipedia page of Supercluster gives a good picture diagram.

    Looking for a filament string of superclusters that intersect one another at 90 degrees, a perpendicular ring to another ring.

    The Hercules supercluster with Coma supercluster form one ring, and perpendicular is the Centaurus supercluste with Shapley Supercluster as a second ring.

    It looks as though the Virgo supercluster which houses the Milky Way is in the Centaurus ring.

    Is the Centaurus ring the Cosmic Muon or the Cosmic Proton?

    I would guess the the Virgo-Centaurus-Shapley is the Cosmic Proton as it is far more dense than the Hercules- Coma ring.


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  • From Archimedes Plutonium@21:1/5 to All on Thu Sep 21 11:44:24 2023

    Jarrett cosmic mapping ring

    Milky Way
    z < 0.01 actually this 2nd layer highlights a ring a perpendicular ring
    0.01< z < 0.02 , this is the 3rd layer with the ring in view, but in lower left corner we see a part of the 2nd proton ring
    0.02 < z < 0.03 , this highlights the muon next to proton ring and a faint pattern of a cross figure +
    0.03 < z < 0.04 , this highlights more of the muon ring in upper middle


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  • From Archimedes Plutonium@21:1/5 to All on Thu Sep 21 22:54:24 2023
    On Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 2:53:31 AM UTC-5 Archimedes Plutonium wrote:
    Looking at the Wikipedia page of Supercluster gives a good picture diagram.

    Looking for a filament string of superclusters that intersect one another at 90 degrees, a perpendicular ring to another ring.

    The Hercules supercluster with Coma supercluster form one ring, and perpendicular is the Centaurus supercluste with Shapley Supercluster as a second ring.

    It looks as though the Virgo supercluster which houses the Milky Way is in the Centaurus ring.

    Is the Centaurus ring the Cosmic Muon or the Cosmic Proton?

    I would guess the the Virgo-Centaurus-Shapley is the Cosmic Proton as it is far more dense than the Hercules- Coma ring.

    Eerily, the Southern Cross Constellation looks similar to the alignment of Virgo-Centaurus-Shapley and that of Hercules-Coma.


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  • From Archimedes Plutonium@21:1/5 to All on Thu Sep 21 22:45:59 2023
    ---Quoting Wikipedia of this useful list of Superclusters with notes of particular interest ---

    Galaxy supercluster Data Notes
    King Ghidorah Supercluster
    z = 0.50-0.64
    The most massive galaxy supercluster discovered so far.
    Laniakea Supercluster
    z = 0.000
    Length = 153 Mpc (500 million light-years)
    The Laniakea Supercluster is the supercluster that contains the Virgo Cluster, Local Group, and by extension on the latter, our galaxy; the Milky Way.
    Virgo Supercluster
    z= 0.000
    Length = 33 Mpc (110 million light-years)
    It contains the Local Group with our galaxy, the Milky Way. It also contains the Virgo Cluster near its center, and is sometimes called the Local Supercluster. It is thought to contain over 47,000 galaxies.
    A 2014 study indicates that the Virgo Supercluster is only a lobe of an even greater supercluster, Laniakea.

    Hydra–Centaurus Supercluster It is composed of two lobes, sometimes also referred to as superclusters, or sometimes the entire supercluster is referred to by these other two names
    Hydra Supercluster
    Centaurus Supercluster
    In 2014, the newly announced Laniakea Supercluster subsumed the Hydra-Centaurus Supercluster, which became a component of the new supercluster.

    Pavo–Indus Supercluster
    In 2014, the newly announced Laniakea Supercluster subsumed the Pavo-Indus Supercluster, which became a component of the new supercluster.

    Southern Supercluster
    Includes Fornax Cluster (S373), Dorado and Eridanus clouds.

    Saraswati Supercluster Distance = 4000 Million light years (1.2 Gpc)
    Length = 652 Million light-years

    The Saraswati Supercluster consists of 43 massive galaxy clusters such as Abell 2361 and has a mass of about 2 x 1016 M☉ and is seen in the Pisces constellation
    Nearby superclusters[edit]
    Galaxy supercluster Data Notes
    Perseus–Pisces Supercluster
    Coma Supercluster Forms most of the CfA Homunculus, the center of the CfA2 Great Wall galaxy filament
    Sculptor Superclusters SCl 9
    Hercules Superclusters SCl 160
    Leo Supercluster SCl 93
    Ophiuchus Supercluster
    17h 10m −22°
    cz=8500–9000 km/s (centre)
    18 Mpc x 26 Mpc
    Forming the far wall of the Ophiuchus Void, it may be connected in a filament, with the Pavo-Indus-Telescopium Supercluster and the Hercules Supercluster. This supercluster is centered on the cD cluster Ophiuchus Cluster, and has at least two more galaxy
    clusters, four more galaxy groups, several field galaxies, as members.
    Shapley Supercluster
    z=0.046.(650 Mly away)
    The second supercluster found, after the Local Supercluster.
    Distant superclusters[edit]
    Galaxy supercluster Data Notes
    Pisces–Cetus Supercluster
    Boötes Supercluster SCl 138
    Horologium–Reticulum Supercluster
    z=0.063 (700 Mly)
    Length = 550 Mly
    Corona Borealis Supercluster
    Columba Supercluster
    Aquarius Supercluster
    Aquarius B Supercluster
    Aquarius–Capricornus Supercluster
    Aquarius–Cetus Supercluster
    Bootes A Supercluster
    Caelum Supercluster
    z=0.126 (1.4 Gly)
    Draco Supercluster
    Draco–Ursa Major Supercluster
    Fornax–Eridanus Supercluster
    Grus Supercluster
    Leo A Supercluster
    Leo–Sextans Supercluster
    Leo–Virgo Supercluster SCl 107
    Microscopium Supercluster SCl 174
    Pegasus–Pisces Supercluster SCl 3
    Perseus–Pisces Supercluster SCl 40
    Pisces–Aries Supercluster
    Ursa Majoris Supercluster
    Virgo-Coma Supercluster SCl 111
    Extremely distant superclusters
    Galaxy supercluster Data Notes
    Hyperion proto-supercluster z=2.45 This supercluster at the time of its discovery in 2018 was the earliest and largest proto-supercluster found to date.
    Lynx Supercluster z=1.27 Discovered in 1999 (as ClG J0848+4453, a name now used to describe the western cluster, with ClG J0849+4452 being the eastern one), it contains at least two clusters RXJ 0848.9+4452 (z=1.26) and RXJ 0848.6+4453 (z=1.27) . At the
    time of discovery, it became the most distant known supercluster. Additionally, seven smaller groups of galaxies are associated with the supercluster.
    SCL @ 1338+27 at z=1.1


    A rich supercluster with several galaxy clusters was discovered around an unusual concentration of 23 QSOs at z=1.1 in 2001. The size of the complex of clusters may indicate a wall of galaxies exists there, instead of a single supercluster. The size
    discovered approaches the size of the CfA2 Great Wall filament. At the time of the discovery, it was the largest and most distant supercluster beyond z=0.5
    SCL @ 1604+43 at z=0.9 z=0.91 This supercluster at the time of its discovery was the largest supercluster found so deep into space, in 2000. It consisted of two known rich clusters and one newly discovered cluster as a result of the study that discovered
    it. The then known clusters were Cl 1604+4304 (z=0.897) and Cl 1604+4321 (z=0.924), which then known to have 21 and 42 known galaxies respectively. The then newly discovered cluster was located at 16h 04m 25.7s, +43° 14′ 44.7″
    SCL @ 0018+16 at z=0.54 in SA26 z=0.54 This supercluster lies around radio galaxy 54W084C (z=0.544) and is composed of at least three large clusters, CL 0016+16 (z=0.5455), RX J0018.3+1618 (z=0.5506), RX J0018.8+1602 .
    MS 0302+17


    This supercluster has at least three member clusters, the eastern cluster CL 0303+1706, southern cluster MS 0302+1659 and northern cluster MS 0302+1717.

    --- end quoting Wikipedia ---

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  • From Volney@21:1/5 to Archimedes Plutonium on Fri Sep 22 10:38:37 2023
    On 9/22/2023 1:54 AM, Archimedes Plutonium wrote:

    On Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 2:53:31 AM UTC-5 Archimedes Plutonium wrote:
    Looking at the Wikipedia page of Supercluster gives a good picture diagram.

    Looking for a filament string of superclusters that intersect one another at 90 degrees, a perpendicular ring to another ring.

    The Hercules supercluster with Coma supercluster form one ring, and perpendicular is the Centaurus supercluste with Shapley Supercluster as a second ring.

    It looks as though the Virgo supercluster which houses the Milky Way is in the Centaurus ring.

    Is the Centaurus ring the Cosmic Muon or the Cosmic Proton?

    I would guess the the Virgo-Centaurus-Shapley is the Cosmic Proton as it is far more dense than the Hercules- Coma ring.

    Eerily, the Southern Cross Constellation looks similar to the alignment of Virgo-Centaurus-Shapley and that of Hercules-Coma.

    The letters in "Archimedes Plutonium" can be re-arranged to spell "I am
    the purloined scum".

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