On 4/3/2023 6:27 PM, Mostowski Collapse wrote:
Ha Ha,
Elon juggling with the Twitter icon, changing
it for a Doge, and boom, +30% more value.
LoLI see you're still breathing. Credit Suisse worth didn't then go quite
down to old newspaper stacks.
Buy crypto and save yourself!
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software. www.avast.com
is Dedollarization happening?
So Ukraine is hunting this harmless Intellectual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABKyIeVgtzA
Some rumors has it, that he is detained.
Physfitfreak schrieb am Mittwoch, 5. April 2023 um 02:45:51 UTC+2:
On 4/3/2023 6:27 PM, Mostowski Collapse wrote:
Ha Ha,
Elon juggling with the Twitter icon, changing
it for a Doge, and boom, +30% more value.
LoLI see you're still breathing. Credit Suisse worth didn't then go quite
down to old newspaper stacks.
Buy crypto and save yourself!
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software. www.avast.com
To this day, there's no search engine for music. I've had short pieces
of classical music taped, or more recently saved on the computer, that I didn't know anything about and wanted to find the full music and could
not. There's simply no way of doing it.
I think I posted something about this fact to usenet but I don't
remember it was to this forum or the Iranian one. That was at least 25
years ago and things have not changed one bit in that regards.
Your dependence on cryptocurrency will increase of course, unless you
begin buying and stockpiling BRIC's currencies, which I doubt you would.
The La Reunion had noble ideas which they thought would be the answer to
the question of how to stop all these wars and begin to live together in harmony.
On 8/24/2023 5:55 PM, Physfitfreak wrote:
Your dependence on cryptocurrency will increase of course, unless you
begin buying and stockpiling BRIC's currencies, which I doubt you would.
Not that you wouldn't _want_ to, but because who'd want to get your
dollars anymore? To do what with it? Are Iranians or Arabs still buying
stuff from you? No, they get everything they need a third of the price,
max, from China and Russia and other BRICS nations. Sometimes tens of
times cheaper. From Arms which they don't yet make themselves, to the medications they still do not manufacture is high enough quantities, all
the way to every form of tech and raw material they ever need.
Even at the highest moment of need, Iran got his Covid vaccines from the safer ones which China was literally selling to her 20 times cheaper.
Here companies charged your insurance $200 for a vaccine, in Iran
Chinese vaccines were charged $10 to the insurance companies, and still
many said it was overpriced and should've been cheaper because China was selling them at the correct price in a square business with Iran.
Iranians won't need you anymore. Try to sell a $200 vaccine to them when within BRICS it can be spotted at $3 total.
I buy the same medicine that here it is charged $400 to my insurance
company, from India, without using my insurance, and pay $15 for it,
because it is still cheaper than the portion of it which my insurance
wants to be paid out of my pocket. And this is the price which Indians
are charging Americans, mind you. The exact same medicine from India, in
Iran is sold to Iranians less than half a dollar. One of my brothers
takes it. Exact same medicine, same company, same bottles, same pills.
Whenever you started to compete with India with your $400 meds against
their half a dollar meds, then and only then you have a place in this
world. Otherwise nobody will trade with you except residents of the Hoovervilles you have created within yourselves. You'll rip off your
working people's juices and add more and more tent cities.
So what would Iranians do with "dollars" when you ask them to exchange currencies so you could stockpile them? The only haven you have is
crypto. Nothing else. Nothing else as long as Reagans, the present day "Hoovers," have appeared again.
subtract any city in Texas from Dallas, what's left is purely the La Reunion effect. That's why close to downtown that tower with the shining and turning ball on top (Reunion Tower), stands so beautifully to say just that to you every night you look thatThe La Reunion had noble ideas which they thought would be the answer to
the question of how to stop all these wars and begin to live together in
I said very little about La Reunion. It is a very important part of Dallas history. It was them, the La Reunion people, who actually launched Dallas from a tiny village that it was in 1850, to a city that Texas to this day has had no equal. When you
But this is a long story and today is my eating day and I'm hungry as hell, so fuck you for now.
On 8/24/2023 7:08 PM, Physfitfreak wrote:
On 8/24/2023 5:55 PM, Physfitfreak wrote:
Your dependence on cryptocurrency will increase of course, unless you
begin buying and stockpiling BRIC's currencies, which I doubt you would.
Not that you wouldn't _want_ to, but because who'd want to get your
dollars anymore? To do what with it? Are Iranians or Arabs still
buying stuff from you? No, they get everything they need a third of
the price, max, from China and Russia and other BRICS nations.
Sometimes tens of times cheaper. From Arms which they don't yet make
themselves, to the medications they still do not manufacture is high
enough quantities, all the way to every form of tech and raw material
they ever need.
Even at the highest moment of need, Iran got his Covid vaccines from
the safer ones which China was literally selling to her 20 times
cheaper. Here companies charged your insurance $200 for a vaccine, in
Iran Chinese vaccines were charged $10 to the insurance companies, and
still many said it was overpriced and should've been cheaper because
China was selling them at the correct price in a square business with
Iranians won't need you anymore. Try to sell a $200 vaccine to them
when within BRICS it can be spotted at $3 total.
I buy the same medicine that here it is charged $400 to my insurance
company, from India, without using my insurance, and pay $15 for it,
because it is still cheaper than the portion of it which my insurance
wants to be paid out of my pocket. And this is the price which Indians
are charging Americans, mind you. The exact same medicine from India,
in Iran is sold to Iranians less than half a dollar. One of my
brothers takes it. Exact same medicine, same company, same bottles,
same pills.
Whenever you started to compete with India with your $400 meds against
their half a dollar meds, then and only then you have a place in this
world. Otherwise nobody will trade with you except residents of the
Hoovervilles you have created within yourselves. You'll rip off your
working people's juices and add more and more tent cities.
So what would Iranians do with "dollars" when you ask them to exchange
currencies so you could stockpile them? The only haven you have is
crypto. Nothing else. Nothing else as long as Reagans, the present day
"Hoovers," have appeared again.
And they are already speaking about "petroyuan" among themselves... Hehehehehheh :-))
Kiss your dollars, then spend them while it can buy something.
Do that quick too, cause "Petrodollar" nommo!
Hahhahhahahh :-))
Are you reverting to gold to back it? :) Boy, imagine half the Americans kissing goodbye to their print-by-demand privileges. So go crypto NOW
while you can.
On 8/27/2023 11:58 AM, Physfit Freak wrote:
The La Reunion had noble ideas which they thought would be the answer to >>> the question of how to stop all these wars and begin to live together in >>> harmony.
I said very little about La Reunion. It is a very important part of
Dallas history. It was them, the La Reunion people, who actually
launched Dallas from a tiny village that it was in 1850, to a city
that Texas to this day has had no equal. When you subtract any city in
Texas from Dallas, what's left is purely the La Reunion effect. That's
why close to downtown that tower with the shining and turning ball on
top (Reunion Tower), stands so beautifully to say just that to you
every night you look that way :)
But this is a long story and today is my eating day and I'm hungry as
hell, so fuck you for now.
In fact the only reason I've been in this hellhole recently is the
extreme heat outside, locking everybody in. You wouldn't hear from me,
you disgusting suckers, you worms, on any normal day and situation.
Ok, La Reunion... Hmm. I've got 10 minutes.
The three hundred or so Individuals who arrived in Texas from 1953 to
around 1957 and _walked_ from Houston to Dallas with all their
By the way, Now that I've spoken of Reverchon a few times, before I
forget I'd like to upload the only picture of him that I know exists:
It is from a Dallas history book published in 1892. The book itself is
in SMU special library where precious manuscripts are kept and guarded
round the clock.
Reverchon chose to be in La Reunion cemetery (Fishtrap) where also his
wife and two sons had earlier been interred. He'd lost his two sons
(Michel and Maximilien), 18 and 19 years old, to typhus fever, one
shortly after another, in 1884.
l you what happened. The two young guys who'd just perished, had a best friend who was always together with them :) This friend was of no La
Reunion origin. He was of those "yahoo" Texans origin that I had talked about. His name was Robert Freeman. Freemen himself was going through
trying times at the loss of his two best friends; plus his own parents,
both, had died earlier and he had no other siblings. He _knew_ what was happening to Reverchons in their now empty house and lives. So he
offered to live with them to keep them company :) The grief-stricken
couple having always seen the three together, accepted, and from then on
he lived with them kind of like an adopted son... So in a strange way, a
good bit of what was so unfairly taken from their midst, for both
Freeman and Reverchons, was thus salvaged, both inside their desolate
homes and lives, as well as inside their hearts...
Robert Freeman is interred in Grove Hill Memorial Park but I'm not sure whether his parents are also there or not. I don't even know their names.
In fact it'd gotten hot just months after Texas had offered near-free
land to organizers of La Reunion and state recognition of them as Texans
in 1952.
Suck on this!
Time to send someone to Biden to whisper in his ears, "petrodollar
nommo!" :-)
On 8/27/2023 1:43 PM, Physfitfreak wrote:
Suck on this!
Time to send someone to Biden to whisper in his ears, "petrodollar
nommo!" :-)
Its powerful winds can topple any tree, save for those that can
withstand even tornados! In other words, your asses don't know what
"weather" even means, until you live in Texas. Cause in here, you may be
one minute watching your TV and next minute hiding in your bathtub with
a good sized heavy mattress on top of you. That's weather!
wonder if South Korea is contemplating to ask for BRICS membership. Boy
if that happens... Hehe :) What else can be the cause of this sudden move.
Thank you Durov brothers. It is still serving the good causes you two believed in and so much struggled for. Thank you!
So there's something very important behind this $6 B deal which has
nothing to do with "prisoner exchange" bullshit. And the way it looks,
it has everything to do with processes in the world, over which U.S. government has no control.
On 9/16/2023 2:26 AM, Physfitfreak wrote:
Its powerful winds can topple any tree, save for those that can
withstand even tornados! In other words, your asses don't know what
"weather" even means, until you live in Texas. Cause in here, you may
be one minute watching your TV and next minute hiding in your bathtub
with a good sized heavy mattress on top of you. That's weather!
This is how it is, sometimes:
Do you have that in "California"? .. :) Hehe :) You don't know what
weather can do, or what it is.
That's 5 months in a row of 100 to 114 degree days. And it may again
come back too I bet in a few days, this is Texas.
What is _not_ like the past 75 years with Saudis?
"One by one" indeed :)
I'm trying to find something about his views on "petro dalla" but cannot
find :) It would be interesting (and important) to know what he decides
to say about it.
So we can hit back.
Let me wrap this up. She may be fuckworthy, I don't know, I'd have to
remove all those red garments and grab that wobbling ass and check it
out for myself to know, but she can't fucking bullshit Iranians via
media without some consequences even if she's fuckworthy. Americans
never got away with anything negative and unfair they did to Iranians.
Don't you people know that?
That's just gas alone. Citgo. You get rude, we go to Citgo.
On 9/24/2023 12:30 AM, Physfitfreak wrote:
That's just gas alone. Citgo. You get rude, we go to Citgo.
Citgo I just read is about to be sold, so it may not be the best gas
station to go right now.
I wished we had Lukoil around here in Dallas. They're all in
Philadelphia (Pennsylvania) for some reason (and of all the places).
They are Russian owned! Hehe :) Just the type of station to go to if you
want to piss off smart alecks :)
But few Iranians live in Philadelphia. Almost nothing, compared to
Dallas or LA.
But sure as hell anywhere Iranians are in USA, there are plenty of
7-Eleven stores with their own gas stations around them. So let's see:
1500000 * 40 * 4 = 240000000 per month!
If you get cute with us with your Senators, we'll take a quarter of a
Billion "dalla"s out of your pockets, _each_ month, and give them to
Japan. How's that for getting cute with Iranians?...
7- Eleven started right here in Dallas, but is now just about everywhere
that Iranians are across the USA, and it is a Japanese-owned company now.
On 1/11/2024 10:33 AM, Mild Shock wrote:
Fack fick fuck fock
1 Day NAV Change as of Jan 10, 2024
-0.53 (-%)
That was a short party. Well HODLers are not stupid.
Also I have bad news. My expectation, these ETFs will make
Bitcoin super boring. I do not expect that it goes through the roof.
Rather expect that volatility and trend will become much
less exciting than in the past.
I missed the boat when bitcoin was 16k... And then again missed it when
it was 25k, and then again when it was 35k, and now it is 45k!
What a world.
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