From Archimedes Plutonium@21:1/5 to bwr fml on Fri Feb 17 13:37:34 2023
    David Petry, can ChatGPT even do general math problems???

    Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
    Archimedes Plutonium
    Feb 15, 2023, 2:51:12 PM (2 days ago)

    Thank you very much David for that reply of ChatGPT. Please input my other question on Infinity borderline for it is a direct question on the computer that is ChatGPT.

    I would do it myself but exceeding strapped for time. I am writing 500 books of science and probably do not have the time in my life to learn a new computer format formatting.

    Please input the question on Infinity Borderline, when the digits of pi are evenly divisible by 120, by 720 and by 840.

    I am expecting out to digits 1210 that only 604 and 1208 is divisible evenly by 120, only those two place value digits. I am not expecting any even divisibility by 720 or by 840 out to 1210 digits of pi.

    Can you please input that question. And please tell me how long of a time ChatGPT takes to answer the question, thanks so much.

    Sorry for the confusion. See if ChatGPT can confirm that the first time that pi digits is evenly divisible by 120 = 5! is when pi has its first three zero digits in a row. I will look for a better lay out to the 1208th digit, for I suspect the second
    time pi digits are evenly divisible by 120 is only at the 1208th digit (one zero there). Please ask ChatGPT when in pi digits is it evenly divisible by 720 for the first time?

    Pi = 3.
    1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 : 50
    5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679 : 100
    8214808651 3282306647 0938446095 5058223172 5359408128 : 150
    4811174502 8410270193 8521105559 6446229489 5493038196 : 200
    4428810975 6659334461 2847564823 3786783165 2712019091 : 250
    4564856692 3460348610 4543266482 1339360726 0249141273 : 300
    7245870066 0631558817 4881520920 9628292540 9171536436 : 350
    7892590360 0113305305 4882046652 1384146951 9415116094 : 400
    3305727036 5759591953 0921861173 8193261179 3105118548 : 450
    0744623799 6274956735 1885752724 8912279381 8301194912 : 500
    9833673362 4406566430 8602139494 6395224737 1907021798 : 550
    6094370277 0539217176 2931767523 8467481846 7669405132 : 600
    0005681271 4526356082 7785771342 7577896091 7363717872 : 650
    1468440901 2249534301 4654958537 1050792279 6892589235 : 700
    Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
    Archimedes Plutonium
    Feb 14, 2023, 12:31:24 PM (13 hours ago)

    Can ChatGPT check this computer output:

    Archimedes Plutonium wrote:
    Dec 6, 2022, 11:39:49 PM

    3.14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 83279 50288 41971 69399 37510 

    58209 74944 59230 78164 06286 20899 86280 34825 34211 70679 

    82148 08651 32823 06647 09384 46095 50582 23172 53594 08128 

    48111 74502 84102 70193 85211 05559 64462 29489 54930 38196 

    44288 10975 66593 34461 28475 64823 37867 83165 27120 19091
    45648 56692 34603 48610 45432 66482 13393 60726 02491 41273 

    72458 70066 06315 58817 48815 20920 96282 92540 91715 36436
    78925 90360 01133 05305 48820 46652 13841 46951 94151 16094
    33057 27036 57595 91953 09218 61173 81932 61179 31051 18548 

    07446 23799 62749 56735 18857 52724 89122 79381 83011 94912
    98336 73362 44065 66430 86021 39494 63952 24737 19070 21798 

    60943 70277 05392 17176 29317 67523 84674 81846 76694 05132

    So, what I need is someone with a computer to divide that string of digits of pi, the 604 digits in all, and divide by 120 and confirm it is evenly divisible by 120.

    Next, see if it is evenly divisible by 6 factorial = 720???

    Next, see if it is evenly divisible by 120 x 7 = 840?

    But, that is not all.

    I want the same questions applied to 1*10^1208, the Algebraic Completeness of the infinity borderline of 1*10^604.

    3.14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 83279 50288 41971 69399 37510 

    58209 74944 59230 78164 06286 20899 86280 34825 34211 70679 

    82148 08651 32823 06647 09384 46095 50582 23172 53594 08128 

    48111 74502 84102 70193 85211 05559 64462 29489 54930 38196 

    44288 10975 66593 34461 28475 64823 37867 83165 27120 19091
    45648 56692 34603 48610 45432 66482 13393 60726 02491 41273 

    72458 70066 06315 58817 48815 20920 96282 92540 91715 36436
    78925 90360 01133 05305 48820 46652 13841 46951 94151 16094
    33057 27036 57595 91953 09218 61173 81932 61179 31051 18548 

    07446 23799 62749 56735 18857 52724 89122 79381 83011 94912
    98336 73362 44065 66430 86021 39494 63952 24737 19070 21798 

    60943 70277 05392 17176 29317 67523 84674 81846 76694 05132
    00056 81271 45263 56082 77857 71342 75778 96091 73637 17872
    14684 40901 22495 34301 46549 58537 10507 92279 68925 89235
    42019 95611 21290 21960 86403 44181 59813 62977 47713 09960
    51870 72113 49999 99837 29780 49951 05973 17328 16096 31859 
    50244 59455 34690 83026 42522 30825 33446 85035 26193 11881
    71010 00313 78387 52886 58753 32083 81420 61717 76691 47303 

    59825 34904 28755 46873 11595 62863 88235 37875 93751 95778
    18577 80532 17122 68066 13001 92787 66111 95909 21642 01989
    38095 25720 10654 85863 27886 59361 53381 82796 82303 01952 

    03530 18529 68995 77362 25994 13891 24972 17752 83479 13151
    55748 57242 45415 06959 50829 53311 68617 27855 88907 50983 

    81754 63746 49393 19255 06040 09277 01671 13900 98488 24012
    85836 160

    The x's I used are spots of especial interest, not just myself but such as Dr. Feynman in physics who noticed the strange six 9's in a row of "4999999". And the reason I went so far out on the digits, long past the 1208th digit is the curiousity of
    whether I would see six 0's in a row, before I see five 0's in a row.

    So, can I get someone with a computer to confirm that 604 digits are evenly divisible by 120 and also 1208 digits are evenly divisible by 120???? Then tell me if 604 digits are evenly divisible by 720 or that of 840, also if 1208 digits are evenly
    divisible by 720 or that of 840????? Thanks in advance.
    Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
    Archimedes Plutonium
    Feb 14, 2023, 8:06:22 PM (5 hours ago)

    Hi David, I do hope you have time to ask ChatGPT this question.
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    Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
    Archimedes Plutonium
    Feb 16, 2023, 12:04:33 AM (yesterday)

    David Petry, I am hoping that ChatGPT is not limited to writing essays, poetry, language and music, but can handle math operations. Where in the digits of pi = 3.14..... is it divisible by 120 , by 720 and by 840???? So far I had a different computer say
    that pi is divisible by 120 at 602 and 603 place value and at 1208 place value is that true???

    Or is ChatGPT computer not able to check up on "other computers work"???

    David, is this too much for the ChatGPT computer???

    Timothy Golden's profile photo
    Timothy Golden
    Feb 16, 2023, 10:50:51 AM (yesterday)


    sage can do some of this:
    sage: x=314159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640
    ....: 62862089986280348253421170679821480865132823066470938446095505822317253594
    ....: 08128481117450284102701938521105559644622948954930381964428810975665933446
    ....: 12847564823378678316527120190914564856692346034861045432664821339360726024
    ....: 91412737245870066063155881748815209209628292540917153643678925903600113305
    ....: 30548820466521384146951941511609433057270365759591953092186117381932611793
    ....: 10511854807446237996274956735188575272489122793818301194912983367336244065
    ....: 66430860213949463952247371907021798609437027705392171762931767523846748184
    ....: 67669405132000
    sage: x/120 261799387799149436538553615273291907016430783281258818414578716025651367190517416552336235445176422331845673876106858887257820384129215185977113284010706759787523675225161543425463303718579079577531830369067581305494453844039637352815565263772600159095470
    sage: x/840 261799387799149436538553615273291907016430783281258818414578716025651367190517416552336235445176422331845673876106858887257820384129215185977113284010706759787523675225161543425463303718579079577531830369067581305494453844039637352815565263772600159095470
    sage: x/720 130899693899574718269276807636645953508215391640629409207289358012825683595258708276168117722588211165922836938053429443628910192064607592988556642005353379893761837612580771712731651859289539788765915184533790652747226922019818676407782631886300079547735
    sage: x 314159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196442881097566593344612847564823378678316527120190914564

    so you've got some remainders in there but 120 looks good.
    It would be nice if ChatGPT would participate here.
    I'd love to hear a compendium of creative insults and clever dodges of the truth.
    Maybe even some falsifications of status quo mathematics...
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    Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
    Archimedes Plutonium
    Feb 16, 2023, 2:10:29 PM (yesterday)


    Thanks Tim, I am confused of your above. Whether your Sage computer found it evenly divisible in the 1208 spot???? The Sage found it evenly divisible in ...132000.... but where exactly??? In all three 0 digits??? Did it find it evenly divisible in the
    first 0, then the second 0 then the third 0??? All three zeroes???

    Then, jumping out to the square of 604 power is 1208. There is a lonely zero out there in pi digits. Is it evenly divisible by 120??????

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    Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
    Archimedes Plutonium
    Feb 16, 2023, 5:21:38 PM (22 hours ago)

    On Thursday, February 16, 2023 at 4:43:49 PM UTC-6, bwr fml wrote:

    Pi=1-> 3141592653 5897932384 6264338327 9502884197 1693993751
    0582097494 4592307816 4062862089 9862803482 5342117067
    101-> 9821480865 1328230664 7093844609 5505822317 2535940812
    8481117450 2841027019 3852110555 9644622948 9549303819
    201-> 6442881097 5665933446 1284756482 3378678316 5271201909
    1456485669 2346034861 0454326648 2133936072 6024914127
    301-> 3724587006 6063155881 7488152092 0962829254 0917153643
    6789259036 0011330530 5488204665 2138414695 1941511609
    401-> 4330572703 6575959195 3092186117 3819326117 9310511854
    8074462379 9627495673 5188575272 4891227938 1830119491
    501-> 2983367336 2440656643 0860213949 4639522473 7190702179
    8609437027 7053921717 6293176752 3846748184 6766940513
    601-> 2000568127 1452635608 2778577134 2757789609 1736371787
    2146844090 1224953430 1465495853 7105079227 9689258923
    701-> 5420199561 1212902196 0864034418 1598136297 7477130996
    0518707211 3499999983 7297804995 1059731732 8160963185
    801-> 9502445945 5346908302 6425223082 5334468503 5261931188
    1710100031 3783875288 6587533208 3814206171 7766914730
    901-> 3598253490 4287554687 3115956286 3882353787 5937519577
    8185778053 2171226806 6130019278 7661119590 9216420198
    1001-> 9380952572 0106548586 3278865936 1533818279 6823030195
    2035301852 9689957736 2259941389 1249721775 2834791315
    1101-> 1557485724 2454150695 9508295331 1686172785 5889075098
    3817546374 6493931925 5060400927 7016711390 0984882401
    1201-> 2858361603 5637076601 0471018194 2955596198 9467678374

    Define Pinnn to be the integer formed from the first nnn digits of pi.
    Thus Pi6=314159 and is made up of the first 6 digits of pi.
    Define x%y to be the integer remainder after dividing x by y.

    As you can see from the last line of the table above,
    I believe you made an off-by-one mistake many years ago. Pi1208 ends in ...28583616 and thus cannot be divisible by 120 or 720 or 840 or any

    Fool BMR, I am talking decimal place value and that is 1208 where the zero is, not 1209-- which your idiocy counts the 3 of ones digit place value, yet I do not. So AP is correct and BMR the fool he is.

    number ending in zero. Pi1209 ends in 0 and is divisible by 120 and 720. CHECK THIS SIX DIFFERENT WAYS TO MAKE CERTAIN THAT THIS IS CORRECT!!!
    Go find another table of the digits of pi and verify that pi1208 does not end in 0.

    If you want to claim that "lonely zero" is Pi1208 then that will change your location of Pi604 and then it looks like it ruins your 2*604=1208 that all your
    claims depend on. It doesn't look like you can have it both ways at the same time.

    Thanks for the computer output, but your speak and spiel of how much you hate the guts of AP is really intolerable and maybe you need to visit a psychriatrist to sandpaper out that awful streak of repression bully hatred that is within you.

    Let us call this the BMR computer as opposed to the ChatGPT computer as opposed to the Tim Golden Sage computer. So I am purely assuming that these are three different computers, although I may be wrong, that the BMR computer is the same as ChatGPT, but
    I am just going to assume all three are different computers.

    AP made no mistake in his claim of 604, and 1208 for those are place values (BMR you idiot). The three zeros in a row is 601 place value, 602 place value and 603 place value. So the zero out at 1208 is linked to the divisible 604 three string of 0s in pi.

    In other words-- pi has NO PATTERN except for one pattern. The pattern of an infinity borderline exists at 1*10^-604 and 1*10^604. Infinity requires dual infinity borderlines, one for the small and tiny and one for the big and large.

    This is crucial mathematics for it proves that infinity exists at 10^604 with algebraic completeness at 1*10^1208. If this did not exist, then AP has nothing on infinity, but it does exist. And the GEOMETRY meaning is very very clear-- the Regular
    Polyhedra exist out to 1*10^604 for their angles are evenly divisible by 5! = 5*4*3*2*1.

    The flip side of this Computer exercise-- and by the ChatGPT will have to participate or be denounced as a science and math program.

    The flip side is that we ask ChatGPT and all computers willing to participate. AP already asked the BMR computer and AP was correct and successful. This is far more mathematical than division by 120 or 720 or 840.

    We have Huygens proof that Tractrix is infinite reach but finite area. Because of its infinite reach we can pick off where Infinity borderline is located. We take the graph of unit circle whose area in full is thus 3.14159.... We take the equivalent UNIT
    TRACTRIX and we monitor the area under the graph curve. Huygens was correct-- infinite reach but finite area.

    So, we integrate the tractrix and compare to circle area for each place value digit. Starting off at 3.1 the tractrix is far below with 2.something. Then compare 3.14 and tractrix 2.something, then 3.141 and tractrix 2.something. Finally somewhere out
    there, the tractrix has built up an area at some place value where it is 3.something, but pi area of circle is still far larger.

    Then we get out to the 601 place value where pi has its first 0 digit of three zero digits in a row. The circle is stymied in adding on more area to the pi area of unit circle-- and for the first time in the Life of the Tractrix, it zooms ahead in area
    over the circle area.

    So, I need two other computers-- perhaps Tim Golden's Sage or ChatGPT to confirm my work done in the early years of 2000, that where the Tractrix area catches up for the first time to the associated circle area is at the spot of pi's first three zero
    digits in a row.

    Work not done.

    We have to see what happens at the 1208 decimal place value where pi has a single zero? Does the tractrix area exceed the circle area also at 1208????

    And does the tractrix area exceed circle area only at 604 and then 1208, and none in between?????

    Pi601%120=12 Pi601%720=492 Pi601%840=12 Notice the last digit
    Pi602%120=0 Pi602%720=240 Pi602%840=360 of every remainder
    Pi603%120=0 Pi603%720=240 Pi603%840=360 always exactly equals
    Pi604%120=0 Pi604%720=240 Pi604%840=240 the last digit of Pinnn
    Pi605%120=5 Pi605%720=245 Pi605%840=725 (because 120,720,840 end in 0) Pi1208%120=96 Pi1208%720=576 Pi1208%840=696 That is one check.
    Pi1209%120=0 Pi1209%720=0 Pi1209%840=240 Now find at least two
    Pi1210%120=3 Pi1210%720=3 Pi1210%840=723 more ways to check all this.

    Find all nnn which make Pinnn%120=0 246,602,603,604,639,751,858,879,1209,1415,1416,1600,1601,1776,1831,...
    Find all nnn which make Pinnn%720=0 1209,3261,4084,5229,5909,7267,9226,9655,10075,10630,11656,11657,12744,... Find all nnn which make Pinnn%840=0 879,2581,3135,3756,5094,5095,5229,6148,6366,7923,9475,9646,9890,...
    Find all nnn which make Pinnn end in ...0000 13394,17538,17539,37326,49059,51221,54940,63460,...
    Find all nnn which make Pinnn end in ...9999 766,767,768,17992,19441,19450,19451,22757,31904,42099,...

    Notice that 246,602,603,604,639,751,858,879,1209,879 are exactly
    locations of zeros in the digits of pi.

    BUT all of this is dangerously close to numerology and nothing more.

    If you are trying to be a numerologist then you have to be EXACTLY CORRECT, numerology DEPENDS on EVERY DIGIT of EVERY NUMBER being CORRECT.

    You must realize that no numerologist will ever be given any credit by
    any mathematician for anything. You even have the slightest smell of
    being a numerologist and everything you ever do will be dismissed.
    Consider that very very very carefully.

    You DESPERATELY want credit for what you see as your greatness.

    You desperately are a shithead of science whose only aim is to put other people down. And this causes you to end up as a failure of science, never belonging in science. Science for a shithead like you is "exercise of bully repression" that you are and
    associate with.

    As you have seen for decades,
    telling everyone that they are wrong will never get you that,
    telling everyone that they are stupid will never get you that,
    telling everyone that they are paid government spies will never get you that,
    telling everyone that they are gay will never get you that,
    telling everyone that you are redefining words will never get you that, screaming insults at people will never get you that,
    making up proofs that claim something different will never get you that. Doing any and all those things will GUARANTEE you will NEVER get what you want.

    The ONLY thing that MIGHT get you that it to find and point out and explain EXACTLY
    WHAT and WHERE a SPECIFIC LOGICAL ERROR is made in an accepted classical proof.
    That is the path to getting acceptance for refuting an existing proof. CORRECTLY do EXACTLY THAT, without redefining anything, and you might have
    a chance of getting the recognition that you crave, IF you can overcome
    your reputation that you have built over a lifetime, BUT that will be a
    huge obstacle for you to try to overcome.

    I appreciate your help, but if you cannot cut your bullshit rants of how much you hate my guts, I will continue to speak to you as a academic shithead.

    AP, King of Science, especially Physics

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