• Gravity

    From Corey White@21:1/5 to All on Thu Jun 1 07:14:35 2023
    In this study, we aim to shed light on the influence of time dilation
    on the perceived motion and outcomes of a high-speed race between two
    cars. We examine the scenario where Car A moves at a velocity close
    to the speed of light, while Car B maintains a relatively lower
    speed. As stationary observers, we eagerly observe the race,
    intrigued by the unfolding physics.

    Our analysis focuses on how time dilation affects the perceived
    motion and outcomes of such a race. Additionally, we investigate the
    impact of extreme time dilation on the speed at which objects fall.
    By exploring these scenarios, we seek to gain a deeper understanding
    of the fundamental nature of time dilation and its implications for
    various physical phenomena.

    The velocity of Car A leads to significant time dilation effects. Due
    to this high velocity, the internal clock of Car A appears to tick
    slower relative to the stationary observer, while Car B, moving at a
    relatively lower velocity, does not undergo substantial time
    dilation. The observed time difference between the two cars becomes a
    crucial factor in determining the race's outcome.

    To the stationary observer, Car A, experiencing time dilation,
    appears to be moving slower compared to Car B. This discrepancy
    arises because the observer's clock ticks at a regular rate, while
    the clock in Car A is dilated. Consequently, Car B, which is not
    affected by time dilation, seems to be progressing faster in the
    race. We can quantify the time dilation effect using the Lorentz
    factor, which relates the time observed by the stationary observer to
    the time experienced by the moving object.

    As the velocity of Car A approaches the speed of light, the Lorentz
    factor becomes increasingly significant, causing time dilation to be
    more pronounced. This amplifies the perceived speed difference
    between the two cars. Therefore, despite Car A potentially covering
    the same physical distance as Car B, the time dilation effect causes
    Car A to lag behind in the observer's frame of reference, resulting
    in Car B being declared the winner of the race.

    Furthermore, we explore the effects of extreme time dilation on the
    perceived speed at which objects fall. The specific behavior depends
    on the circumstances of the time dilation and the reference frame
    from which it is observed. In the context of objects falling, if
    extreme time dilation arises from high velocities relative to an
    observer, the falling objects may appear to descend at a slower rate.
    According to the principles of special relativity, as an object
    approaches the speed of light, its internal processes, including the
    ticking of its clock, slow down relative to a stationary observer.

    This time dilation effect causes the object's perceived motion to be
    slower relative to the observer. However, from the perspective of the time-dilated object itself, it experiences time at a normal rate, and
    its fall would appear to occur at the expected speed. Nevertheless,
    to an observer external to the time dilation region, the falling
    object would appear to move slower than expected due to the time

    By examining the impact of time dilation on high-speed racing and the
    perceived motion of falling objects, we contribute to our
    understanding of relativity and its implications for various physical phenomena. Further research can delve into the implications of time
    dilation in different contexts, leading to novel discoveries and
    deepening our comprehension of the universe.

    Additionally, it is worth mentioning that in the theory of general
    relativity, objects in free fall are considered weightless due to the equivalence principle. The equivalence principle states that the
    effects of gravity are indistinguishable from the effects of
    acceleration. Consequently, when an object is in free fall, it
    experiences no weight due to the balance between the gravitational
    force and its inertia.

    This principle provides a fundamental understanding of the behavior
    of objects in free fall and their weightlessness. When considering a
    scenario where an elevator is in free fall, the experience of a
    person inside the elevator and an observer on the ground differ
    significantly. From the perspective of a person inside the
    free-falling elevator, several notable phenomena come into play.

    The first is weightlessness, where the person experiences a sensation
    of weightlessness as the elevator undergoes free fall. This occurs
    because both the person and the elevator are subject to the same
    acceleration due to gravity. Without any support force acting on the
    person, they feel as though gravity is absent, resulting in a
    sensation of weightlessness. Inside the elevator, all objects and
    bodies are observed to be weightless. Objects float and can be easily
    moved around with minimal force.

    Although the laws of Newtonian mechanics still apply, the effective
    force of gravity is masked by the acceleration of free fall, creating
    the illusion of weightlessness. Furthermore, in free fall, both the
    elevator and the person inside experience the same acceleration due
    to gravity. This acceleration, typically denoted by "g" and
    approximately equal to 9.8 m/s=C2=B2 near the surface of the Earth, does
    not cause any noticeable sensation of acceleration for the person
    inside the elevator since they are in a state of free fall.

    The equivalence principle plays a vital role in the theory of general relativity by establishing a connection between gravity and
    acceleration. It consists of two main aspects: the Weak Equivalence
    Principle and the Strong Equivalence Principle. The Weak Equivalence
    Principle states that in a small region of spacetime, the motion of a
    freely falling object is independent of its mass and composition.

    This principle implies that all objects, regardless of their mass or composition, fall with the same acceleration in a gravitational
    field. It aligns with Galileo's observation that objects of different
    masses, when released simultaneously, would fall to the ground at the
    same rate in the absence of air resistance. The Strong Equivalence
    Principle extends the Weak Equivalence Principle further.

    It states that the effects of gravity are locally equivalent to the
    effects of being in an accelerated reference frame. Consequently, in
    a small region of spacetime, the laws of physics, including the
    effects of gravity, are the same for an observer in a freely falling
    reference frame as they would be for an observer in an inertial
    reference frame in the absence of gravity.

    The Strong Equivalence Principle suggests that gravity is not merely
    a force acting on objects but rather a curvature of spacetime caused
    by the presence of mass and energy. According to the theory of
    general relativity, massive objects like stars and planets cause
    spacetime to curve around them, and other objects move along curved
    paths in response to this curvature.

    Therefore, the equivalence principle implies that the experience of
    gravity can be understood as the effect of being in an accelerated
    reference frame in curved spacetime. It provides profound insights
    into the nature of gravity and forms the foundation of Einstein's
    general theory of relativity, which describes gravity as the
    curvature of spacetime caused by matter and energy.

    Particularly, the Strong Equivalence Principle suggests that being in
    an accelerated reference frame is equivalent to being in a
    gravitational field. Now, let's explore the behavior of gyroscopes. A gyroscope, a spinning object with angular momentum, exhibits a
    property known as gyroscopic stability, enabling it to maintain its
    orientation in space even when subjected to external forces.

    When a gyroscope spins rapidly, it possesses significant angular
    momentum, which influences its behavior when subjected to
    gravitational forces. When a gyroscope is dropped vertically, gravity
    exerts a torque on it due to its asymmetrical shape and the force
    acting on its center of mass. However, the gyroscope's angular
    momentum resists this torque, causing it to precess.

    Precession refers to the change in the direction of the gyroscope's
    axis of rotation instead of falling straight down. As a result, the
    gyroscope appears to fall more slowly compared to an object without
    angular momentum, such as a rock falling in a linear downward
    trajectory. The high spin rate of the gyroscope increases its angular
    momentum, enhancing its gyroscopic stability.

    This stability counteracts the gravitational torque to a greater
    extent, leading to a slower apparent fall. The discovery that falling gyroscopes can fall slower than other objects is attributed to a
    physicist named Thomas Precession Searle. In the early 20th century,
    Searle conducted experiments involving rapidly spinning gyroscopes
    and observed their behavior when dropped from a height. He noted that
    the gyroscopes appeared to fall more slowly than expected, exhibiting
    a precession or circular/helical motion during their descent.

    When the effects of gyroscopic stability and time dilation combine,
    the effect of the gyroscope's gyroscopic stability and time dilation
    can lead to an even slower apparent fall compared to both
    non-rotating objects and objects not subjected to time dilation. One
    experiment I have done with gyroscopes is to take a heavy wheel on a
    long axle. While the wheel is spinning, the axle is rotated in a
    circle. This will cause the wheel to lift up in the air pointing
    vertically away from the earth, which in itself is amazing.

    If the wheel or the axle rotates in the opposite direction, the heavy
    wheel will point firmly to the ground and be too heavy to lift. The
    effect happens in reverse in earths southern hemisphere (like water
    going down a drain). And if you preform the experiment in a free
    fall, the wheel on the axle will stay level & won't point up or down
    at all.

    To understand why this occurs I tried asking chat gpt. It broke it
    down like this:

    Angular Momentum: When the heavy wheel on the long axle spins
    rapidly, it possesses a significant amount of angular momentum.
    Angular momentum is a property of rotating objects and depends on
    both the mass and distribution of mass around the axis of rotation.
    The fast spinning of the wheel creates this angular momentum.
    Torque: When the axle is rotated in a circular motion, it applies a
    torque to the spinning wheel. Torque is a twisting force that tends
    to cause a change in rotational motion. In this case, the torque is
    applied perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the wheel.

    Gyroscopic Stability: Due to its angular momentum, the spinning wheel
    exhibits gyroscopic stability. Gyroscopic stability is the property
    of a spinning object to resist any external torque that tries to
    change its orientation. This resistance to torque is what allows the
    gyroscope to maintain its stability and direction of rotation.

    Gyroscopic Precession: When the axle is rotated, the torque applied
    causes the spinning wheel to precess. Precession is the phenomenon
    where the axis of rotation of a spinning object changes direction in
    response to an applied torque. In this case, the applied torque
    causes the gyroscope's axis to change its direction of pointing. The
    direction of precession is determined by the interaction between the
    applied torque and the existing angular momentum.

    The precession follows a right-hand rule: if you imagine the
    direction of the applied torque vector, the resulting precession will
    be in the direction perpendicular to both the torque vector and the
    angular momentum vector. When the wheel is spinning in one direction
    and the axle is rotated in a particular direction, the torque and
    angular momentum vectors align in a way that causes the gyroscope to
    lift up, pointing vertically away from the Earth.

    When the wheel or the axle rotates in the opposite direction, the
    torque and angular momentum vectors align differently, resulting in
    the gyroscope pointing downward, towards the ground.

    The reversal of this effect in the Earth's southern hemisphere is not
    related to the gyroscope itself but rather to the Coriolis effect.
    The Coriolis effect arises due to the Earth's rotation and can affect
    the behavior of rotating objects.

    The Coriolis effect causes the direction of rotation to appear
    reversed when observed from different hemispheres. This effect
    influences phenomena such as the rotation of weather patterns and
    ocean currents.

    In a free fall or microgravity environment, such as during space
    travel or inside a freely falling elevator, the gyroscope would not
    experience the same gravitational torque as on Earth's surface. As a
    result, it would not exhibit the lifting or pointing behavior you
    described, and the gyroscope would stay level without pointing up or

    You can watch the experiment online here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DGeyDf4ooPdo

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  • From Richard Livingston@21:1/5 to Corey White on Thu Jun 1 14:23:51 2023
    On Thursday, June 1, 2023 at 2:14:39 AM UTC-5, Corey White wrote:
    The velocity of Car A leads to significant time dilation effects. Due
    to this high velocity, the internal clock of Car A appears to tick
    slower relative to the stationary observer, while Car B, moving at a relatively lower velocity, does not undergo substantial time
    This much is correct. The key thing to remember is that time
    dilation is the APPARENT slowing of clocks when viewed by
    an outside observer.

    The observed time difference between the two cars becomes a
    crucial factor in determining the race's outcome.
    This is incorrect. The faster car is ALWAYS the faster car, no
    matter who is observing it.

    To the stationary observer, Car A, experiencing time dilation,
    appears to be moving slower compared to Car B. This discrepancy
    arises because the observer's clock ticks at a regular rate, while
    the clock in Car A is dilated. Consequently, Car B, which is not
    affected by time dilation, seems to be progressing faster in the
    race. We can quantify the time dilation effect using the Lorentz
    factor, which relates the time observed by the stationary observer to
    the time experienced by the moving object.
    Wrong, wrong wrong! Time dilation only affects the rate of clocks
    as observed by an outside observer. It has no effect on the speed
    of the cars.

    ... More incorrect reasoning based on the above misconceptions.

    Rich L.

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