• Is Maxwell-Lorentz theory (and Yang-Mills theory) justified by the in

    From rockbrentwood@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Thu Jun 11 08:39:39 2020
    In the following, we define
    * Maxwell-Lorentz theory is the electrodynamic theory derived from the Maxwell-Lorentz Lagrangian
    * Yang-Mills theory is a gauge theory for a gauge field with a
    semi-simple Lie group, derived from the corresponding Yang-Mills
    * for definiteness, the definitions and explicit forms of these items are laid out below.

    The constitutive law in electrodynamics is:

    D = epsilon_0 E, B = mu_0 H

    where D is the electric induction, E the electric field, B the magnetic induction, H the magnetic field, epsilon_0 the permittivity in a vacuum,
    and mu_0 the permeability in a vacuum. The two coefficients are related
    in such a way that the speed 1/sqrt(epsilon_0 mu_0) is one and the same
    as the invariant speed postulated by Special Relativity, which is
    denoted "c".

    A similar set of relations hold for NON-ABELIAN fields with the
    following provisos:
    (1) E, B are now Lie-valued vectors, but also still 3-space vectors,

    (2) D, H are now dual Lie-valued covectors, but also still 3-space
    vectors, using a,b,c,... for Lie indexes, they would be written D_a,
    H_a, E^a, B^a, with a corresponding basis (Y_a) and dual basis (Y^a).

    (3) for non-Abelian gauge fields, with a simple Lie group, epsilon_0 and
    mu_0 are now Lie matrices; indexed respectively as (epsilon_0)_{ab}, (mu_0)^{ab} and are both diagonal; the matrices continue to satisfy the relation (in matrix form)

    (epsilon_0)_{ab} (mu_0)^{ba'} = 1/c^2 delta_a^a'

    where delta is the Kronecker delta; and the diagonal elements are
    related to the "coupling coeffcient" up to proportionality by

    (epsilon_0)_{ab} c = delta_{ab}/g^2

    (4) for non-Abelian gauge fields with a semi-simple Lie group, the
    matrix epsilon_0 c = k, where k is an adjoint-invariant metric ... this decomposes into a direct sum of forms given by (3) for each factor
    simple Lie group making up the semi-simple Lie group, thereby giving one coupling coefficient for each such subgroup. Abelian factors (e.g. the
    U(1) in SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1)) have to be handled separately by orthogonalization. This entails redefining the basis element for the
    Abelian factor with suitable additions of basis elements from the
    non-Abelian factors.

    (5) The constitutive relations are the ones obtained from a Lagrangian
    theory with Lagrangian density L by the definitions

    D = @L/@E, H = -@L/@B (@ being used to denote "partial derivative")

    in which

    (5a) the Lagrangian is the Maxwell-Lorentz Lagrangian in the case of electromagnetism (i.e. L = 1/2 epsilon_0 c (E^2 - B^2 c^2)

    (5b) the Lagrangian is the Yang-Mills Lagrangian in the gauge theory
    case; i.e. the Lagrangian expressed - in this notation - as L = 1/2
    k_{ab} (E^a E^b - B^a B^b c^2).

    Now the question is: are these Lagrangians ... or ANY Lagrangians
    justified by the in vacuuo constitutive laws D = epsilon_0 E, B = mu_0

    And the answer is NO! It is "no" for the very simple reason that: these relations follow from ALL LAGRANGIANS, subject to only very minor
    restrictions as follows:

    (6) The Lagrangian density L(E,B) as a function of E and B reduce to a
    function L(I,J) of the relativistic invariants I = 1/2 (E^2 - B^2 c^2)
    and J = E.B

    (7) In the non-Abelian case, the invariants are I^{ab} = 1/2 (E^a E^b -
    B^a B^b c^2) and J^{ab} = E^a . B^b; the Lagrangian reduces to a
    function L(I^{ab}, J^{ab}) of these

    (8) The derivative epsilon def= @L/@I be non-zero (while the derivative
    theta def= @L/@J need not be subject to any restriction at all). In the non-Abelian case, @L/@I is assumed to be a non-singular matrix.

    (9) The derivative epsilon_{ab} = @L/@I^{ab} also be adjoint-invariant.

    A consequence of this, and of the definitions for D and H, are that one
    has the following constitutive law:

    D = epsilon E + theta B, H = epsilon c^2 B - theta E

    where epsilon(I,J) and theta(I,J) are functions of the invariants I, J
    such that epsilon != 0 and

    @epsilon/@J = @theta/@I.

    When far-removed from matter, the field approaches a NULL-FIELD, which
    also happens to be defined by the conditions: I = 0, J = 0.
    Correspondingly, the constitutive law in regions remote from matter
    reduce to the forms

    D = epsilon_0 E + theta_0 B, H = epsilon_0 c^2 B - theta_0 E


    epsilon_0 = epsilon(0, 0), theta_0 = theta(0, 0).

    By a suitable redefinition of the (D,H) fields

    D redefined as D - theta_0 B, H redefined as H + theta_0 E

    (which is justified, since the modified fields continue to satisfy the
    Maxwell equations div D = rho, curl H - @D/@t = J, if the original ones
    do; a similar observation also applies in the non-Abelian case), this
    reduces to

    D = epsilon_0 E, B = mu_0 H

    where epsilon_0 mu_0 = 1/c^2, mu_0 being defined as the 1/c^2 multiple
    of the inverse of epsilon_0.

    In the non-Abelian case, the null-field value gives us the adjoint
    invariant metric

    k_{ab} = epsilon(0,0)_{ab} c

    which reduces to the forms described above in (3) and (4).

    A corollary of this conclusion is that:

    Neither the constitutive laws D = epsilon_0 E, B = mu_0 H, nor their non-Abelian generalizations are justified by the in vacuuo constitutive relations - not even as microphysical laws!

    The only microphysical relations justified by the observations made as
    those just laid out:

    D = epsilon(I,J) E + theta(I,J) B, H = epsilon(I,J) c^2 B - theta(I,J) E

    such that

    epsilon(I,J) != 0, epsilon(0,0) = epsilon_0, theta(0,0) = 0.

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