• Inertial frame

    From Luigi Fortunati@21:1/5 to All on Sat May 7 10:38:37 2022
    A free-falling brick is an inertial frame?

    Are a pair of free-falling half-bricks an inertial frame or are they=20
    two distinct inertial frame?

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  • From Julio Di Egidio@21:1/5 to Luigi Fortunati on Sat May 7 13:00:52 2022
    On Saturday, 7 May 2022 at 12:38:42 UTC+2, Luigi Fortunati wrote:

    A free-falling brick is an inertial frame?

    A free-falling brick is *in* "an" inertial frame. Which more precisely
    means that we can find an inertial frame in which the brick is in
    uniform motion, then just a special case is an inertial frame in
    which the brick is at rest, and and even more special case is the
    frame in which the brick is at rest at the origin of space. And we
    might call that last one "the brick's own frame", because there is
    indeed something "privileged" about it as far as that brick is
    concerned: OTOH, though, notice that the fact that the brick is in
    *free-fall* requires no frame to state or verify at all, it's altogether
    a *true* physical property that can be verified *locally*.

    Are a pair of free-falling half-bricks an inertial frame or are they
    two distinct inertial frame?

    It should now be clear that that is simply upside down: if two
    bricks are in free fall, of course one can find an inertial frame in
    which both are in uniform motion, in fact infinitely many of them.


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  • From Luigi Fortunati@21:1/5 to All on Sun May 8 07:41:36 2022
    Julio Di Egidio sabato 07/05/2022 alle ore 15:00:52 ha scritto:
    A free-falling brick is an inertial frame?=20

    A free-falling brick is *in* "an" inertial frame. Which more precisely
    means that we can find an inertial frame in which the brick is in
    uniform motion, then just a special case is an inertial frame in=20
    which the brick is at rest, and and even more special case is the
    frame in which the brick is at rest at the origin of space. And we
    might call that last one "the brick's own frame", because there is
    indeed something "privileged" about it as far as that brick is
    concerned: OTOH, though, notice that the fact that the brick is in *free-fall* requires no frame to state or verify at all, it's altogethe=
    a *true* physical property that can be verified *locally*.

    How small must this be "locally"?

    As small as a brick? A half brick? A tenth of a brick?

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  • From Julio Di Egidio@21:1/5 to Luigi Fortunati on Sun May 8 14:21:21 2022
    On Sunday, 8 May 2022 at 09:41:41 UTC+2, Luigi Fortunati wrote:
    Julio Di Egidio sabato 07/05/2022 alle ore 15:00:52 ha scritto:
    A free-falling brick is an inertial frame?

    A free-falling brick is *in* "an" inertial frame. Which more precisely means that we can find an inertial frame in which the brick is in
    uniform motion, then just a special case is an inertial frame in
    which the brick is at rest, and and even more special case is the
    frame in which the brick is at rest at the origin of space. And we
    might call that last one "the brick's own frame", because there is
    indeed something "privileged" about it as far as that brick is
    concerned: OTOH, though, notice that the fact that the brick is in *free-fall* requires no frame to state or verify at all, it's altogether
    a *true* physical property that can be verified *locally*.

    How small must this be "locally"?
    As small as a brick? A half brick? A tenth of a brick?

    [Apologies for my first reply, not very constructive: please disregard,
    I am trying an actual answer.]

    It's literally the *point*, which is an ideal condition of course, but one
    of those that can be approximated arbitrarily well: keeping in mind
    that this is classical physics, not quantum, so we don't need further

    In practice, it's just a little bit more articulated than that, it goes this way: *you* start moving until your motion is in sync with that of the
    brick, which you can check by having a rigid rod guarantee that your
    distance and orientation relative to the brick does not change (and
    then would you ask why and how that works?), then, by *transitivity*
    of the condition of being inertial, you just check that *you* are
    inertial: and that is as local as it needs be, modulo approximations
    that are simply structural to doing experiments.

    And I am sure most here could rephrase that in better terms, but I'd
    rather invite you to take a step back and this point and reconsider
    how the very progression goes: what it even means for a property
    to be a *true physical property* vs e.g. an artefact of the coordinate


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  • From Julio Di Egidio@21:1/5 to Luigi Fortunati on Sun May 8 17:38:46 2022
    On Sunday, 8 May 2022 at 09:41:41 UTC+2, Luigi Fortunati wrote:
    Julio Di Egidio sabato 07/05/2022 alle ore 15:00:52 ha scritto:
    A free-falling brick is an inertial frame?

    A free-falling brick is *in* "an" inertial frame. Which more precisely means that we can find an inertial frame in which the brick is in
    uniform motion, then just a special case is an inertial frame in
    which the brick is at rest, and and even more special case is the
    frame in which the brick is at rest at the origin of space. And we
    might call that last one "the brick's own frame", because there is
    indeed something "privileged" about it as far as that brick is
    concerned: OTOH, though, notice that the fact that the brick is in *free-fall* requires no frame to state or verify at all, it's altogether
    a *true* physical property that can be verified *locally*.

    How small must this be "locally"?

    Can I assume the first part is clear now?

    As small as a brick? A half brick? A tenth of a brick?

    *Local* has a technical definition (do you need me to tell it to
    you?), just like everything else here, so either you have some
    serious question starting from that definition, or you should
    simply get a good introductory course to the matter. Otherwise
    I too don't see why you are even allowed to keep posting here.


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  • From Tom Roberts@21:1/5 to Julio Di Egidio on Sun May 15 11:10:42 2022
    On 5/8/22 9:21 AM, Julio Di Egidio wrote:
    On Sunday, 8 May 2022 at 09:41:41 UTC+2, Luigi Fortunati wrote:
    How small must this be "locally"? As small as a brick? A half
    brick? A tenth of a brick?
    [... verbiage that does not answer the question]

    You both miss the key concept about locally inertial frames: they are
    only APPROXIMATELY inertial, and the maximum size they can be is
    determined by your measurement resolution; better resolution puts a
    smaller limit on the size of the region in which they can be considered inertial.

    Here's a simple example.

    Suppose you start with a 4-meter-wide elevator in freefall near the
    surface of the earth, and you release two small ball bearings 3 meters
    apart horizontally, at rest relative to the inside of the elevator. They
    will APPROXIMATELY remain at rest relative to the elevator, but we know
    that they are each falling toward the center of the earth, so they will
    slowly approach each other as the elevator continues to fall.

    Imagine you can measure the distance between them with a resolution of 1 millimeter. Since the earth radius is 6.371E6 meters, the elevator can
    fall 1,460 meters until they are 2.999 meters apart, which will take
    17.2 seconds.

    Suppose, instead, that you can measure the distance between them with a resolution of 1 micron. The elevator can fall 1.46 meters until they are 2.999999 meters apart, which will take 0.54 seconds.

    Clearly the limited region of spacetime over which this locally inertial
    frame is approximately inertial depends on how well you can measure.

    Other types of measurements will put different constraints on the size
    of the region. For instance, recent measurements of optical clocks at
    NIST will put a limit of a few centimeters tall before such clocks at
    rest in the elevator at its ceiling and floor will cease to remain in

    Julio Di Egidio continued with an unrelated quest:
    [I] invite you to [...] reconsider [...] what it even means for a
    property to be a *true physical property* vs e.g. an artefact of the coordinate system.

    Modern physics has a simple and very general requirement: "true physical properties" must be invariant under changes of coordinates. This is why
    modern physical theories are all expressed in terms of tensors, which
    are completely independent of coordinates, and therefore invariant under changes of coordinates.

    Tom Roberts

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  • From Rock Brentwood@21:1/5 to Luigi Fortunati on Mon May 16 23:45:31 2022
    [[Mod. note -- I have rewrapped overly-long lines. -- jt]]

    On Saturday, May 7, 2022 at 5:38:42 AM UTC-5, Luigi Fortunati wrote:
    A free-falling brick is an inertial frame?

    If it's not rotating. Otherwise, the free-falling object is in a
    rotating frame, if the frame is attached to and associated with the
    object, itself. If it's not rotating, then it is locally inertial.
    The distinction between the two rests on Newton's bucket thought

    Are a pair of free-falling half-bricks an inertial frame or are they
    two distinct inertial frame?

    The curvature of space-time is precisely the warping of a field of
    locally inertial free-fall frames whereby those that are initially
    at rest with respect to one another start to accelerate with respect
    to each other. If you display them as worldlines in a 4-dimensional
    graph (or in a 3-dimensional graph, where one of the spatial
    dimensions is suppressed, for the benefit of the unlucky few who
    are visually impaired to see in 4 dimensions) then you'll see the
    worldlines for locally inertial free-fall frames - initially parallel
    in a time-like direction - starting to curve into one another -
    hence the "falling" action associated with gravity. In this sense,
    the gravity one feels and experiences is actually a warping in time,
    first and foremost, rather than a warping in space. The actual
    contraction is quantified and accounted for in the Raychaudhuri
    equation, which is closely related to the "geodesic deviation

    In a flat space-time spatially separated locally inertial frames,
    initially at rest with respect to one another, remain at rest; and
    so can be said to comprise the different locations of a global
    inertial frame.

    All of the foregoing applies independent of paradigm - to *both*
    relativistic *and* non-relativistic theory; so it is neither a
    construct nor innovation of "general relativity", but rather one
    which first fully emerged at the onset of general relativity and
    so has been (falsely) associated with it as a characteristic feature
    of it. It is a general feature of any theory of gravity that respects
    the Equivalence Principle.

    In fact, both Newtonian gravity and Einsteinian gravity (specifically:
    the Schwarzschild solution) can be unified as a one-parameter family
    of geometries, that are warped versions of the 5-dimensional Bargmann
    Geometry, via the line element + constraint:

    dx^2 + dy^2 + dz^2 + 2 dt du + a du^2 - 2 V dt^2 + 2aV/(1 + 2aV) dr^2 = 0

    where r = root(x^2 + y^2 + z^2), dr = (x dx + y dy + z dz)/r and
    V = -GM/r is the potential of a gravitating body of mass M located
    at r = 0.

    The extra, u, coordinate is the non-relativistic limit of (s - t)
    c^2, as c goes to infinity, where s is proper time. This has meaning
    ... which also (by the way) shows that such things as "time dilation"
    and "twin paradox" are *also* rooted in non-relativistic theory in
    disguised form as u, and are not features specific to Relativity!
    The u coordinate shows up, physically, as negative the action per
    unit mass for an inertial particle.

    When a = 0, this is Newtonian gravity, and it can be generalized
    by having V be the total potential for all gravitating bodies,
    rather than just for one. The geodesics for this geometry are the
    orbits of Newtonian gravity. Since V is a function of the coordinates
    and velocities of individual bodies, rather than a bona fide field
    quantity, it is very tempting to try and quantize this geometry
    directly in quantum *mechanics*. But for the fact that you still
    have the self-energy and self-force problems to deal with (in starker
    form, in fact) you'd almost have a full-fledged *geometric* quantum
    theory for Newtonian gravity - one in which space-time itself is
    quantized. But the whole "quantizing field theory as mechanics"
    strategy has these same issues roadblocks, here, as did Feynmann
    and Wheeler's attempt to do the same with electromagnetic theory
    in the 1940's.

    The case where a = 0 and V = 0 is the Bargmann geometry, which is
    the natural geometric arena for non-relativistic theory.

    When a > 0, this is the Schwarzschild solution in which the proper
    time is given as s = t + a u, and in which c = root(1/a) is an
    invariant speed (i.e. "light speed").

    The term "dx^2 + dy^2 + dz^2" is the legacy of Euclidean geometry;
    while "2 dt du" is the legacy of *Galileo*'s principle of Relativity,
    which is where space and time *actually* became unified into the chrono-geometry of spacetime. The secret eloping of the two, however,
    went largely unnoticed until it was fully consummated by the addition
    of the Poincare' term "a du^2", which turns this into a geometry
    for Minkowski space. The warping of time associated with Newtonian
    gravity is in the "-2V dt^2" term, while the warping of space,
    itself, associated with General Relativity is limited to the
    substantially smaller "2aV/(1 + 2aV) dr^2" term.

    The only effects of paradigm, here, are those limited to the "Special Relativity" term a du^2 and the "General Relativity" term
    2aV/(1 + 2aV) dr^2 (so that whatever "relativistic corrections" there
    are, which are made to trajectories have to come from these terms).
    The main thrust of gravity - and the essential background behind your
    query - resides with the "Newtonian Gravity" term -2 V dt^2.

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  • From Lou@21:1/5 to Tom Roberts on Fri May 20 12:44:11 2022
    On Sunday, 15 May 2022 at 11:10:45 UTC+1, Tom Roberts wrote:
    On 5/8/22 9:21 AM, Julio Di Egidio wrote:
    On Sunday, 8 May 2022 at 09:41:41 UTC+2, Luigi Fortunati wrote:
    How small must this be "locally"? As small as a brick? A half
    brick? A tenth of a brick?
    [... verbiage that does not answer the question]

    You both miss the key concept about locally inertial frames: they are
    only APPROXIMATELY inertial, and the maximum size they can be is
    determined by your measurement resolution; better resolution puts a
    smaller limit on the size of the region in which they can be considered inertial.

    Here's a simple example.

    Suppose you start with a 4-meter-wide elevator in freefall near the
    surface of the earth, and you release two small ball bearings 3 meters
    apart horizontally, at rest relative to the inside of the elevator. They
    will APPROXIMATELY remain at rest relative to the elevator, but we know
    that they are each falling toward the center of the earth, so they will slowly approach each other as the elevator continues to fall.

    Imagine you can measure the distance between them with a resolution of 1 millimeter. Since the earth radius is 6.371E6 meters, the elevator can
    fall 1,460 meters until they are 2.999 meters apart, which will take
    17.2 seconds.

    Suppose, instead, that you can measure the distance between them with a resolution of 1 micron. The elevator can fall 1.46 meters until they are 2.999999 meters apart, which will take 0.54 seconds.

    Clearly the limited region of spacetime over which this locally inertial frame is approximately inertial depends on how well you can measure.

    An interesting point you make. It follows that there is no such
    thing as an inertial frame because no matter how small you make two
    points in space and how close together they are they will always be
    seperate “inertial” frames. Being pulled towards the Center of gravity
    from slightly different angles. So an inertial frame cannot actually
    exist in 3D space.
    Other types of measurements will put different constraints on the size
    of the region. For instance, recent measurements of optical clocks at
    NIST will put a limit of a few centimeters tall before such clocks at
    rest in the elevator at its ceiling and floor will cease to remain in

    Julio Di Egidio continued with an unrelated quest:
    [I] invite you to [...] reconsider [...] what it even means for a
    property to be a *true physical property* vs e.g. an artefact of the
    coordinate system.
    Modern physics has a simple and very general requirement: "true physical properties" must be invariant under changes of coordinates. This is why modern physical theories are all expressed in terms of tensors, which
    are completely independent of coordinates, and therefore invariant under changes of coordinates.

    Tom Roberts

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  • From Tom Roberts@21:1/5 to Lou on Fri May 20 15:15:32 2022
    On 5/20/22 8:44 AM, Lou wrote:
    On Sunday, 15 May 2022 at 11:10:45 UTC+1, Tom Roberts wrote:
    the key concept [is that] locally inertial frames [...] are
    only APPROXIMATELY inertial [...]

    An interesting point you make.

    It's not my point, this has been known for over a century, since
    Einstein began thinking about gravity.

    It follows that there is no such
    thing as an inertial frame

    Hmmm. Physics is not math. Yes, in the world we inhabit, and in any
    manifold of GR with any nonzero energy density, there are no EXACTLY
    inertial frames. But in physics, where measurements are always inexact, approximately inertial frames can be very useful, because in a locally
    inertial frame one can use SR rather than GR, which GREATLY simplifies
    the analysis. The point is to make sure the approximation involved
    affects answers less than measurement resolutions.

    [For example, at the LHC no individual event lasts more
    than 1 microsecond. A truly inertial frame that is at
    rest in the lab at the start of the event will fall at
    most a few picometers during the event. As their
    detectors have resolutions at least a million times
    larger than that, the difference between the lab frame
    and that inertial frame is completely negligible.]

    So an inertial frame cannot actually
    exist in 3D space.

    Approximately-inertial frames are aspects of (4D) spacetime, not (3D)

    Tom Roberts

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