• Why is push gravity concept considered not viable by mainstream sci

    From LouDeeCruz@21:1/5 to carlip...@physics.ucdavis.edu on Fri Feb 5 13:55:26 2021
    On Thursday, 25 May 2006 at 21:00:38 UTC+1, carlip...@physics.ucdavis.edu wrote:
    Blaze Labs <sav...@blazelabs.com> wrote:

    Hello guys,
    I would like to know the main reasons why the push gravity concept is
    not considered as a viable concept by mainstream science.

    There are a few generic objections, along with particular problems with particular models. The main generic objections I know of are
    1. Drag: As Feynman pointed out in the Feynman Lectures, anything
    that's capable of "pushing" will also create drag on a moving object.
    There are very strong observational limits on such drag, in the
    Solar System and in binary pulsar systems.

    It's hard to defend a EMR push gravity model if critics \_give_/ push
    gravity effects that the model itself does not predict. Why exactly
    would push gravity as EMR give \_drag_/ to an orbitting satelitte?
    Notice any force felt in push gravity is only observed if another mass
    throws a *shadow* on the first body. Otherwise the object floating in
    space is always subject to an equal `push' from all directions of the
    universe. Regardless of its motion relative to any other object.

    Steve and others assume push gravity as EMR would create drag. But no explanation as to how this drag is created. For instance an object in a
    push gravity universe always has uniform EMR pressure coming in from all
    sides. (Except of course if it's experiencing a shadow from another
    nearby mass.) This is the basics of the model. In the same way that an
    object will continue in an inertial path unless acted upon by an
    external force. Which can only be another objects gravitational shadow.
    So an object travelling through the solar system that from our
    perspective is moving...is actually at rest in its own frame. With an
    equal push of universal EMR push gravity from all directions. And the
    solar system is moving.

    This is possible because in a push EMR model a BB is not neccesary. And
    being a novel gravitational model, GR does not apply. Which means any
    atom in an infinite universe is always subject to an even push from all directions. Any point in a infinite universe, ALWAYS has an equal and
    infinite amount of universe in all directions. Regardless of its motion relative to any other atom.

    You immediately run into trouble with the principle of equivalence,
    for one thing. Electromagnetic waves don't interact with other electromagnetic waves (except by truly tiny quantum effects); but
    gravity bends light. Nor do electromagnetic waves interact with
    internal energy, not with neutrinos; but these *are* affected by
    gravity. You also run into grave problems with aberration (see above),
    and very probably with drag. You would *further* have to explain why
    this high frequency radiation is not absorbed by the Earth enough to
    lead to gravitational screening of the type ruled out by experiment.

    This is not a problem in a EMR push model. The push model assumes much
    greater energies than those observed exist. And generally they pass
    through all mass, like the earth. But a small amount interacts with each
    atom. We know this happens because we can observe small amounts of
    visible light reflects off atoms. And \_pushes_/ the atom. As in solar
    sails. This is evidence that EMR does interact with atoms and can give
    observed push. The very basics of a push model are confirmed.

    [Moderator's note: The above is an amalgamation of two overlapping
    posts. I have also removed superfluous quoted text and reformatted it somewhat. Also, note that Stever Carlip's original reply addressed
    several arguments against such theories; at the very least, one would
    have to refute them all, not just the ones mentioned above. -P.H.]

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  • From Lou@21:1/5 to carlip.. on Sun Feb 7 09:04:17 2021
    On Thursday, 25 May 2006 at 21:00:38 UTC+1, carlip.. wrote:
    Blaze Labs <> wrote:
    Hello guys,
    I would like to know the main reasons why the push gravity concept is
    not considered as a viable concept by mainstream science.
    There are a few generic objections, along with particular problems with particular models. The main generic objections I know of are
    ( Moderator: Thanks for the format edits on my last post. I’ve tried to better follow The formatting rules here and answer some of the other
    points you suggested I address. )
    2. Aberration: Suppose "pushing" particles move at a speed v, and
    look at the effect on the Solar System. For a planet at distance d
    from the Sun, the "push" will not be toward the instantaneous
    position of the Sun, but towards its position at a time d/v in the
    past. This is a drastic effect -- if v is the speed of light, the
    Solar System would be drastically unstable over a thousand-year
    time scale.
    (The effect of aberration is to increase the velocity of a planet,
    and you might hope that drag would cancel it. But it's easy to
    check that such cancellation can occur at, at most, one radial
    distance from the Sun.)
    Instantaneous gravity or at least the appearance of it is not a
    problem for emr push gravity.
    So for example: A point distance d from the sun. Radiation
    pushes from above at distance d. You don’t have to wait for it to
    come across the universe. It’s already arrived and is present
    everywhere. Not just at point distance d. Otherwise push gravity
    wouldn’t work.
    The Same applies with the slightly less “push” coming up from the
    sun. The suns “shadow” as it is called by some. If you suddenly materialised at point distance d from the sun you don’t have to
    wait for this radiation to come from the suns interior. It’s already
    there at that point defined by distance d. Or at any other point
    outside the suns surface. The suns push gravity shadow pushing
    out, in the suns frame, has been there and propagating outwards,
    for the billions of years of its life. Essentially this allows the push
    model to appear “instantaneous” at any point, even though the
    speed v of the emr gravity itself is finite.
    3. Principle of equivalence: It is observed that gravity acts not
    only on mass, but on all forms of energy. A "push gravity" theory
    would have to come with an explanation of how the particles that do
    the pushing manage to push against, for example, electrostatic binding
    energy and the kinetic energy of electrons in an atom, and why that
    "push" exactly matches the "push" against ordinary matter.
    In particular, we observe that gravitational binding energy itself gravitates. This seems to require self-interaction among the
    pushing particles. On the other hand, the accuracy of the inverse
    square law over long distances requires that the self-interaction
    be very small -- you certainly need a mean free path larger than
    the size of the Solar System if you don't want to mess up Pluto's
    I can’t see any incompatibility with Newtonian or Keplerian Principle
    of Equivelence. And Steve doesn’t actually cite any specific problems.
    And regarding any problems with relativistic PoE, its important to note
    Push Gravity and GR are two seperate theories of gravity. Neither needs
    to be bound by assumptions made by the other.
    4. Gravitational screening: There are very strong limits on the kind
    of "gravitational screening" one would expect from a "push gravity"
    model -- see, for example, Unnikrishnan et al., Phys. Rev. D 63 (2001) 062002.
    Gravitational screening. I’ve checked the paper abstract... it’s paywalled. I think Steve didn’t read it properly though. It mentions shielding but
    no reference to push gravity. Rather an anomolus observation that
    the moon may block some of the suns gravity.
    Please note, I am NOT asking about Le Sage ultramundane particles
    theory (which also falls under the push gravity category), which I can
    easiely discredit myself. I'm mostly interested in the concept of
    electromagnetic radiation pressure of high frequency radiation acting
    as the gravitational mechanism, and its shadowing creating the inverse
    square law, low pressure areas.
    You immediately run into trouble with the principle of equivalence,
    for one thing. Electromagnetic waves don't interact with other electromagnetic waves (except by truly tiny quantum effects); but
    gravity bends light. Nor do electromagnetic waves interact with
    internal energy, not with neutrinos; but these *are* affected by
    gravity. You also run into grave problems with aberration (see above),
    This is an odd criticism. Push emr gravity does not need to have emr interacting with emr. And I won’t broach gravitational bending. It’s a hot perennial topic with refraction vs GR and needs its own thread.
    And as far as I’m aware neutrinoes are not considered EMR. Regarding “Internal energy”.(atoms?) this is not specified but if an atom already
    can be shown to be pushed by emr via solar sails (IKAROS) then
    by association the atoms internal energy has been affected by emr.
    and very probably with drag. You would *further* have to explain why
    this high frequency radiation is not absorbed by the Earth enough to
    lead to gravitational screening of the type ruled out by experiment.
    Note that "high frequency [electromagnetic] radiation" is gamma radiation. There are experimental measurements of very high energy gamma rays, and
    a fair amount is known about their spectrum. I suspect you would have
    a very hard time reconciling your model with these observations
    Once again an odd claim. Push gravity predicts push comes from very
    high energies beyond the upper energies of the known spectrum.
    To say that these energies don’t exist because they haven’t yet been observed yet is in itself not a very good assumption in my opinion.
    Notice also that EMR push gravity predicts these energies do exist and
    states that the observed interaction of hi energy radiation with atoms
    will manifest as gravity. Which is observed.

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  • From Ray Tomes@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jun 11 07:13:07 2021
    It was proven (by Feynman?) that push gravity cannot work if whatever
    flux does the pushing is reflected from a mass. That is because the
    shadow of any body is exactly balanced by reflections from that body
    from the other side. Therefore push *cannot* work by reflection.

    The other possibility is push by absorption of the flux. This shows much
    more promise because:

    1. Such absorption would need to happen at the level of atomic particles
    and would therefore cause increase in mass of particles as described in Narlikar's variable mass hypothesis (VMH).

    2. Such a change in particle masses over time would lead to a blue shift
    of atomic spectra over time. This looks exactly like a red shift of
    spectral lines with distance because distance is a measure of how far
    back in time we look. So VMH automatically offers an explanation for the cosmological redshift.

    3. The rate of absorption must exactly explain the cosmological
    redshift, and that rate will give exactly the correct strength of
    gravity relative to e/m forces as 10^40 weaker.

    4. It helps if it is understood that particles are some special form of standing waves of e/m as described my Milo Wollfe who proved that all of
    the properties of the electron were excactly matched by the Wave
    Structure of Matter (WSM) model. The exact e/m wave structure of
    nucleons has not been determined as far as I know.

    5. When the particle standing wave is understood as an incoming and
    outgoing (after it passes through the centre) wave as Feynman and
    Wheeler almost came to understand for an electron then we can observe
    the true meaning of the Large Numbers Hypothesis (LNH) as favoured by
    Dirac and Eddington. When a wave has traveled 10^40 (Compton)
    wavelengths of a nucleon then it spreads over a sphere of area of 10^80
    times a nucleon by which point it becomes the incoming wave of all other nucleons in the Universe. It is fully absorbed and re radiated at the
    Hubble scale.

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