• Vision Freedom program by Brian Severson

    From brett.bazant@gmail.com@21:1/5 to Sunniesdre on Mon Dec 3 14:42:00 2018
    On Sunday, 14 September 1997 01:00:00 UTC-6, Sunniesdre wrote:
    Has anyone tried the Vision Freedom program by Brian Severson and had any results -- or do you know of anyone?


    I bought it way back in the day and have had mixed results. I have been very gradually improving ever since. One thing which is hard is that the topic is very abstract and some of the ideas are metaphorical. "Strengthening" your muscles is not always
    the way to view it. "Reprogramming" your visual system is more like it. My myopia was completely cleared by the vision freedom system within a few months, I have wrestled with astigmatism and my progress is very slow. I think I was doing it wrong. I
    would recommend this system as well as studying the many bates method resources, they really do work.

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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From The Real Bev@21:1/5 to brett.bazant@gmail.com on Mon Dec 3 20:04:12 2018
    On 12/03/2018 02:42 PM, brett.bazant@gmail.com wrote:
    On Sunday, 14 September 1997 01:00:00 UTC-6, Sunniesdre wrote:
    Has anyone tried the Vision Freedom program by Brian Severson and
    had any results -- or do you know of anyone?


    I bought it way back in the day and have had mixed results. I have
    been very gradually improving ever since. One thing which is hard is
    that the topic is very abstract and some of the ideas are
    metaphorical. "Strengthening" your muscles is not always the way to
    view it. "Reprogramming" your visual system is more like it. My
    myopia was completely cleared by the vision freedom system within a
    few months, I have wrestled with astigmatism and my progress is very
    slow. I think I was doing it wrong. I would recommend this system
    as well as studying the many bates method resources, they really do

    Are you telling us that you can cure the improper curvature of your
    cornea with this method? Guffaw.

    Cheers, Bev
    "I don't care who your father is! Drop that cross
    one more time and you're out of the parade!"

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  • From brett.bazant@gmail.com@21:1/5 to The Real Bev on Wed Dec 5 07:57:31 2018
    On Monday, 3 December 2018 21:04:14 UTC-7, The Real Bev wrote:
    On 12/03/2018 02:42 PM, brett.bazant@gmail.com wrote:
    On Sunday, 14 September 1997 01:00:00 UTC-6, Sunniesdre wrote:
    Has anyone tried the Vision Freedom program by Brian Severson and
    had any results -- or do you know of anyone?


    I bought it way back in the day and have had mixed results. I have
    been very gradually improving ever since. One thing which is hard is
    that the topic is very abstract and some of the ideas are
    metaphorical. "Strengthening" your muscles is not always the way to
    view it. "Reprogramming" your visual system is more like it. My
    myopia was completely cleared by the vision freedom system within a
    few months, I have wrestled with astigmatism and my progress is very
    slow. I think I was doing it wrong. I would recommend this system
    as well as studying the many bates method resources, they really do

    Are you telling us that you can cure the improper curvature of your
    cornea with this method? Guffaw.

    Cheers, Bev
    "I don't care who your father is! Drop that cross
    one more time and you're out of the parade!"

    definitely. the visual system is capable of change, not just for the worse, and just because present medical theory does not understand this does not mean it is untrue. It is true that the pathological changes of the eye usually change only in one
    directly. this is largely because our interference in the feedback loop of the system forces deleterious adaptation. I see what Dr. Bates was saying when he said 'man cannot be convinced by reason of an opinion he did not use reason to acquire"

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  • From Bob F@21:1/5 to The Real Bev on Sat Feb 1 10:05:29 2020
    On 12/3/2018 8:04 PM, The Real Bev wrote:
    On 12/03/2018 02:42 PM, brett.bazant@gmail.com wrote:
    On Sunday, 14 September 1997 01:00:00 UTC-6, Sunniesdre  wrote:
    Has anyone tried the Vision Freedom program by Brian Severson and
    had any results -- or do you know of anyone?


    I bought it way back in the day and have had mixed results.  I have
    been very gradually improving ever since.  One thing which is hard is
    that the topic is very abstract and some of the ideas are
    metaphorical.  "Strengthening" your muscles is not always the way to
    view it.  "Reprogramming" your visual system is more like it.  My
    myopia was completely cleared by the vision freedom system within a
    few months, I have wrestled with astigmatism and my progress is very
    slow.  I think I was doing it wrong.  I would recommend this system
    as well as studying the many bates method resources, they really do

    Are you telling us that you can cure the improper curvature of your
    cornea with this method?  Guffaw.

    I got tired of glasses, especially for skiing back in my 30's. I went to
    a doctor that did biofeedback training and taught vision exercises. In a
    matter of months, I could see fine without my glasses, and did not wear
    any for decades. Several years ago I did start occasionally using
    reading glasses for close work, and finally got prescription reading and computer glasses this last year because of developing astigmatism
    causing double vision. I am now 72 YO.

    When I was younger, doing the near-far focus exercise could quickly move
    my near focus from maybe 18" to 6" in 5 minutes of exercise.

    Exercise sure worked for my vision.

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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From steve rekedal@21:1/5 to Bob F on Fri Jan 8 11:15:00 2021
    On Saturday, February 1, 2020 at 12:05:46 PM UTC-6, Bob F wrote:
    On 12/3/2018 8:04 PM, The Real Bev wrote:
    On 12/03/2018 02:42 PM, brett....@gmail.com wrote:
    On Sunday, 14 September 1997 01:00:00 UTC-6, Sunniesdre wrote:
    Has anyone tried the Vision Freedom program by Brian Severson and
    had any results -- or do you know of anyone?


    I bought it way back in the day and have had mixed results. I have
    been very gradually improving ever since. One thing which is hard is
    that the topic is very abstract and some of the ideas are
    metaphorical. "Strengthening" your muscles is not always the way to
    view it. "Reprogramming" your visual system is more like it. My
    myopia was completely cleared by the vision freedom system within a
    few months, I have wrestled with astigmatism and my progress is very
    slow. I think I was doing it wrong. I would recommend this system
    as well as studying the many bates method resources, they really do

    Are you telling us that you can cure the improper curvature of your
    cornea with this method? Guffaw.
    I got tired of glasses, especially for skiing back in my 30's. I went to
    a doctor that did biofeedback training and taught vision exercises. In a matter of months, I could see fine without my glasses, and did not wear
    any for decades. Several years ago I did start occasionally using
    reading glasses for close work, and finally got prescription reading and computer glasses this last year because of developing astigmatism
    causing double vision. I am now 72 YO.

    When I was younger, doing the near-far focus exercise could quickly move
    my near focus from maybe 18" to 6" in 5 minutes of exercise.

    Exercise sure worked for my vision.
    At the age of 48 I was a corporate pilot and wearing trifocal glasses. I used the vision freedom system to correct my vision to 20/20. I'm now 68 and do not wear glasses. My vision has deteriorated slightly in dim light. My secret was to open my eyes
    as wide as possible any time my vision was not perfect and within seconds my vision cleared, sometimes I would have to blink and then hold eyes wide open. It became a habit I never had to think about to do. When I started, my vision was 180/200 left eye
    and 200/200 right eye. At the beginning of my journey I could barely read the E at the top of the chart. At about 20 hours into the eye exercises I was trying to read as far down the eye chart as I could when I felt this pulling sensation in my right
    eye, the chart cleared to the 20/10 line. I felt a sensation like a needle going through my eye and it hurt so bad I had to close my eyes. That was the motivation I needed to know it works. It took a couple years to strengthen the eyes to not wear
    glasses at all. Wearing glasses will slow the journey. In dim light I now wear reading glasses. The system works but it takes a lot of motivation. How motivated are you?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Bob F@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jan 8 13:10:37 2021
    T24gMS84LzIwMjEgMTE6MTUgQU0sIHN0ZXZlIHJla2VkYWwgd3JvdGU6DQo+IE9uIFNhdHVy ZGF5LCBGZWJydWFyeSAxLCAyMDIwIGF0IDEyOjA1OjQ2IFBNIFVUQy02LCBCb2IgRiB3cm90 ZToNCj4+IE9uIDEyLzMvMjAxOCA4OjA0IFBNLCBUaGUgUmVhbCBCZXYgd3JvdGU6DQo+Pj4g T24gMTIvMDMvMjAxOCAwMjo0MiBQTSwgYnJldHQuLi4uQGdtYWlsLmNvbSB3cm90ZToNCj4+ Pj4gT24gU3VuZGF5LCAxNCBTZXB0ZW1iZXIgMTk5NyAwMTowMDowMCBVVEMtNiwgU3Vubmll c2RyZSB3cm90ZToNCj4+Pj4+IEhhcyBhbnlvbmUgdHJpZWQgdGhlIFZpc2lvbiBGcmVlZG9t IHByb2dyYW0gYnkgQnJpYW4gU2V2ZXJzb24gYW5kDQo+Pj4+PiBoYWQgYW55IHJlc3VsdHMg LS0gb3IgZG8geW91IGtub3cgb2YgYW55b25lPw0KPj4+Pj4NCj4+Pj4+IFRoYW5rcy4NCj4+ Pj4NCj4+Pj4gSSBib3VnaHQgaXQgd2F5IGJhY2sgaW4gdGhlIGRheSBhbmQgaGF2ZSBoYWQg bWl4ZWQgcmVzdWx0cy4gSSBoYXZlDQo+Pj4+IGJlZW4gdmVyeSBncmFkdWFsbHkgaW1wcm92 aW5nIGV2ZXIgc2luY2UuIE9uZSB0aGluZyB3aGljaCBpcyBoYXJkIGlzDQo+Pj4+IHRoYXQg dGhlIHRvcGljIGlzIHZlcnkgYWJzdHJhY3QgYW5kIHNvbWUgb2YgdGhlIGlkZWFzIGFyZQ0K Pj4+PiBtZXRhcGhvcmljYWwuICJTdHJlbmd0aGVuaW5nIiB5b3VyIG11c2NsZXMgaXMgbm90 IGFsd2F5cyB0aGUgd2F5IHRvDQo+Pj4+IHZpZXcgaXQuICJSZXByb2dyYW1taW5nIiB5b3Vy IHZpc3VhbCBzeXN0ZW0gaXMgbW9yZSBsaWtlIGl0LiBNeQ0KPj4+PiBteW9waWEgd2FzIGNv bXBsZXRlbHkgY2xlYXJlZCBieSB0aGUgdmlzaW9uIGZyZWVkb20gc3lzdGVtIHdpdGhpbiBh DQo+Pj4+IGZldyBtb250aHMsIEkgaGF2ZSB3cmVzdGxlZCB3aXRoIGFzdGlnbWF0aXNtIGFu ZCBteSBwcm9ncmVzcyBpcyB2ZXJ5DQo+Pj4+IHNsb3cuIEkgdGhpbmsgSSB3YXMgZG9pbmcg aXQgd3JvbmcuIEkgd291bGQgcmVjb21tZW5kIHRoaXMgc3lzdGVtDQo+Pj4+IGFzIHdlbGwg YXMgc3R1ZHlpbmcgdGhlIG1hbnkgYmF0ZXMgbWV0aG9kIHJlc291cmNlcywgdGhleSByZWFs bHkgZG8NCj4+Pj4gd29yay4NCj4+Pg0KPj4+IEFyZSB5b3UgdGVsbGluZyB1cyB0aGF0IHlv dSBjYW4gY3VyZSB0aGUgaW1wcm9wZXIgY3VydmF0dXJlIG9mIHlvdXINCj4+PiBjb3JuZWEg d2l0aCB0aGlzIG1ldGhvZD8gR3VmZmF3Lg0KPj4gSSBnb3QgdGlyZWQgb2YgZ2xhc3Nlcywg ZXNwZWNpYWxseSBmb3Igc2tpaW5nIGJhY2sgaW4gbXkgMzAncy4gSSB3ZW50IHRvDQo+PiBh IGRvY3RvciB0aGF0IGRpZCBiaW9mZWVkYmFjayB0cmFpbmluZyBhbmQgdGF1Z2h0IHZpc2lv biBleGVyY2lzZXMuIEluIGENCj4+IG1hdHRlciBvZiBtb250aHMsIEkgY291bGQgc2VlIGZp bmUgd2l0aG91dCBteSBnbGFzc2VzLCBhbmQgZGlkIG5vdCB3ZWFyDQo+PiBhbnkgZm9yIGRl Y2FkZXMuIFNldmVyYWwgeWVhcnMgYWdvIEkgZGlkIHN0YXJ0IG9jY2FzaW9uYWxseSB1c2lu Zw0KPj4gcmVhZGluZyBnbGFzc2VzIGZvciBjbG9zZSB3b3JrLCBhbmQgZmluYWxseSBnb3Qg cHJlc2NyaXB0aW9uIHJlYWRpbmcgYW5kDQo+PiBjb21wdXRlciBnbGFzc2VzIHRoaXMgbGFz dCB5ZWFyIGJlY2F1c2Ugb2YgZGV2ZWxvcGluZyBhc3RpZ21hdGlzbQ0KPj4gY2F1c2luZyBk b3VibGUgdmlzaW9uLiBJIGFtIG5vdyA3MiBZTy4NCj4+DQo+PiBXaGVuIEkgd2FzIHlvdW5n ZXIsIGRvaW5nIHRoZSBuZWFyLWZhciBmb2N1cyBleGVyY2lzZSBjb3VsZCBxdWlja2x5IG1v dmUNCj4+IG15IG5lYXIgZm9jdXMgZnJvbSBtYXliZSAxOCIgdG8gNiIgaW4gNSBtaW51dGVz IG9mIGV4ZXJjaXNlLg0KPj4NCj4+IEV4ZXJjaXNlIHN1cmUgd29ya2VkIGZvciBteSB2aXNp b24uDQo+IEF0IHRoZSBhZ2Ugb2YgNDggSSB3YXMgYSBjb3Jwb3JhdGUgcGlsb3QgYW5kIHdl YXJpbmcgdHJpZm9jYWwgZ2xhc3Nlcy4gIEkgdXNlZCB0aGUgdmlzaW9uIGZyZWVkb20gc3lz dGVtIHRvIGNvcnJlY3QgbXkgdmlzaW9uIHRvIDIwLzIwLiAgSSdtIG5vdyA2OCBhbmQgZG8g bm90IHdlYXIgZ2xhc3Nlcy4gIE15IHZpc2lvbiBoYXMgZGV0ZXJpb3JhdGVkIHNsaWdodGx5 IGluIGRpbSBsaWdodC4gIE15IHNlY3JldCB3YXMgdG8gb3BlbiBteSBleWVzIGFzIHdpZGUg YXMgcG9zc2libGUgYW55IHRpbWUgbXkgdmlzaW9uIHdhcyBub3QgcGVyZmVjdCBhbmQgd2l0 aGluIHNlY29uZHMgbXkgdmlzaW9uIGNsZWFyZWQsIHNvbWV0aW1lcyBJIHdvdWxkIGhhdmUg dG8gYmxpbmsgYW5kIHRoZW4gaG9sZCBleWVzIHdpZGUgb3Blbi4gIEl0IGJlY2FtZSBhIGhh Yml0IEkgbmV2ZXIgaGFkIHRvIHRoaW5rIGFib3V0IHRvIGRvLiBXaGVuIEkgc3RhcnRlZCwg bXkgdmlzaW9uIHdhcyAxODAvMjAwIGxlZnQgZXllIGFuZCAyMDAvMjAwIHJpZ2h0IGV5ZS4g IEF0IHRoZSBiZWdpbm5pbmcgb2YgbXkgam91cm5leSBJIGNvdWxkIGJhcmVseSByZWFkIHRo ZSBFIGF0IHRoZSB0b3Agb2YgdGhlIGNoYXJ0LiAgQXQgYWJvdXQgMjAgaG91cnMgaW50byB0 aGUgZXllIGV4ZXJjaXNlcyBJIHdhcyB0cnlpbmcgdG8gcmVhZCBhcyBmYXIgZG93biB0aGUg ZXllIGNoYXJ0IGFzIEkgY291bGQgd2hlbiBJIGZlbHQgdGhpcyBwdWxsaW5nIHNlbnNhdGlv biBpbiBteSByaWdodCBleWUsIHRoZSBjaGFydCBjbGVhcmVkIHRvIHRoZSAyMC8xMCBsaW5l LiBJIGZlbHQgYSBzZW5zYXRpb24gbGlrZSBhIG5lZWRsZSBnb2luZyB0aHJvdWdoIG15IGV5 ZSBhbmQgaXQgaHVydCBzbyBiYWQgSSBoYWQgdG8gY2xvc2UgbXkgZXllcy4gIFRoYXQgd2Fz IHRoZSBtb3RpdmF0aW9uIEkgbmVlZGVkIHRvIGtub3cgaXQgd29ya3MuICBJdCB0b29rIGEg Y291cGxlIHllYXJzIHRvIHN0cmVuZ3RoZW4gdGhlIGV5ZXMgdG8gbm90IHdlYXIgZ2xhc3Nl cyBhdCBhbGwuICBXZWFyaW5nIGdsYXNzZXMgd2lsbCBzbG93IHRoZSBqb3VybmV5LiAgSW4g ZGltIGxpZ2h0IEkgbm93IHdlYXIgcmVhZGluZyBnbGFzc2VzLiAgVGhlIHN5c3RlbSB3b3Jr cyBidXQgaXQgdGFrZXMgYSBsb3Qgb2YgbW90aXZhdGlvbi4gIEhvdyBtb3RpdmF0ZWQgYXJl IHlvdT8NCj4gDQoNCkltcHJlc3NpdmUuICBNeSBpc3N1ZSBub3cgaXMgYXN0aWdtYXRpc20u IEkgY2FuIHN0aWxsIHJlYWQgYm9va3Mgb3IgDQpjb21wdXRlciBzY3JlZW5zLCBidXQgbXkg ZXllcyBkZWZpbml0ZWx5IGdldCB0aXJlZCBmYXN0ZXIsIGFuZCBrZWVwIA0KZ29pbmcgYmx1 cnJ5IGVub3VnaCB0byBuYXJyb3cgdGhlICB2aXNpb24gZmllbGQsIHNvIEkgaGF2ZSBiZWVu IHVzaW5nIA0KZ2xhc3NlcyBmb3IgdGhvc2UgYWN0aXZpdGllcy4gSSBoYXZlIG5vdCBuZWVk ZWQgdGhlbSBmb3IgZGlzdGFudCB2aXNpb24sIA0KYWx0aG91Z2ggZm9yIHN0YXJnYXppbmcg SSBkZWZpbml0ZWx5IHNlZSBhIGRvdWJsZSBpbWFnZS4NCg==

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  • From The Real Bev@21:1/5 to Bob F on Fri Jan 8 21:44:07 2021
    On 01/08/2021 01:10 PM, Bob F wrote:

    Impressive. My issue now is astigmatism. I can still read books or
    computer screens, but my eyes definitely get tired faster, and keep
    going blurry enough to narrow the vision field, so I have been using
    glasses for those activities. I have not needed them for distant vision, although for stargazing I definitely see a double image.

    It just gets worse the older you get. I hoped that the expensive toric cataract lenses would take care of that as well as the extreme
    farsigntedness, but it wasn't perfect and the macular defect in the
    sharper eye is REALLY annoying!

    Curiously enough, in spite of the fact that I've had a certain amount of apparently-uncorrectable astigmatism which I only noticed when I was 36,
    my eyes have never been tired and I've never had headaches. Just double/smeared images. And the best part is that the smears are
    different in each eye, making a circle into an X.

    Cheers, Bev
    I've had a Lucas pacemaker for years and have
    never experienced any prob

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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)