• Concerning Antibiotics & The Germ Theory Of Disease

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    Concerning Antibiotics & The Germ Theory Of Disease



    by Peter Morrell

    Concerning Antibiotics and the Germ Theory of Disease
    [July 2001]

    Domination by Theory and Bacteriological Reductionism?

    "In attempting to reduce the use of antibiotics for respiratory infections it is profitable to look at the incidence of several of these problems. Ear infections in the US have increased from 9.9 million in 1975 to 24.7 million in 1990 (1). Though there
    are no comparable large scale studies, sinus disease appears to be increasing as well. All respiratory disease are primarilly caused by bacteria colonizing the nasopharynx." [1]

    9.9 million to 24.7 million in 25 years, being 149% increase over 25 years, is a 6% annual rise in these conditions. Given the veritable blitz on the bacterial world with antibiotics, sustained in rich countries like the US over this very same period,
    how can bacteria be the cause of these steeply rising infections? The one datum supplied simply does not seem to warrant the conclusion drawn.

    "Antibiotic use (and misuse) has soared since the first commercial versions were introduced and now includes many non-medicinal applications. In 1954 two million pounds were produced in the U.S.; today the figure exceeds 50 million pounds." [2]

    1954 to 1998 is 44 years; a shift from 2 million pounds [1 kg. = 2.2 lbs] to 50 million pounds is 48 million; an increase of 48 million over 44 years is 1.091 million per year and that represents an annual increase of 54.5%. It is hard to interpret such
    figures against those of ear infections given above, as these are global figures for all antibiotics in the USA. However, some might say that a 6% rise in such infections would be much higher without antibiotics. Others might say such a war waged against
    the microbial world is fundamentally unwinnable and therefore futile.

    Let me open an historical window to gaze out of...

    "Lest in the eager hunt for specifics against the bacillus, we lose sight of that most important factor, the predisposition, the soil upon which the bacilli seem to flourish...let the bacilli take care of themselves, let us take care of our patients." [3]

    "Physicians who criticized the proposal to ground therapeutics in bacteriology especially feared that domination by theory would oversimplify practice...the complexity of clinical phenomena and the exercise of judgment could not be bypassed by
    bacteriological reductionism." [4]

    Has much progress in this view been made in 120 years?

    "The flaws in nineteenth century bacteriology were evident to everyone. Why did diphtheria bacilli cause disease in one person and not another whose throat cultures showed the presence of virulent bacilli? How did bacilli actually cause disease? All
    physicians were ignorant of the answers to these and many other fundamental questions." [5]

    And patently still are.

    "Physicians were less concerned with how and why a therapy worked than with the demonstrable fact that a therapy was medically valid, demonstrable, and consistent." [6]

    Does not 'bacteriological reductionism' ignore, exclude and downgrade the importance of previous medical history, general level of health, hygiene, psycho-social factors, diet and lifestyle factors in the development of infectious disease? Factors which,
    in fact, create the very susceptibility to infection, which distinguish 'the infected' as a category from 'the non-infected', not only in the same town, but in the same house or family.

    Therefore, we might conclude that bacteria, viruses, and other bugs are not 'primarily the cause of all infectious respiratory disease', but secondary, tertiary or even merely associative causes.

    Finally, Professor Warner gives another clue that might explain both why physicians in the 1890s despised the Germ Theory, and why physicians today give antibiotics by reflex:

    "Therapeutic conformity, or at least avoidance of criticism, was important to the young practitioner trying to gain approval...regular physicians' attitudes towards therapeutic change were molded by a dialectic between their commitment to progress and
    their loyalty to tradition." [7]

    Perhaps the force of conformity in medicine is far more powerful than the desire to answer those 'fundamental questions' that Rothstein lists above or to make progress in the use of antibiotics that Dr Jones suggests in his e-letter.

    Asking some fundamental questions

    When Joseph Watine says, "let us hope that he does not forget that antibiotics still have the ability to save the lives of many patients suffering from bacterial respiratory diseases (legionellosis, tuberculosis, etc)." [8], I would say it contains an
    outer meaning and an inner meaning.

    Joseph Watine, in making this statement, utters a declaration of his own medical conformity in the presence of his medically qualified brethren, 'beats the drum', and declares his belief in his own training and its underpinning system of beliefs, like a
    declaration of belief before members of the mother church.

    If, 1000 years ago, I had criticised a dominant medical practice like purging, medical practitioners would have similarly reacted and pronounced their belief that above all, sickness was "regarded as the finger of Providence. God used illness for a
    multitude of higher purposes...as a punishment..." [9]. Disease "was routinely interpreted as the consequence of sin, crime, or moral fault, as precipitated by evil spirits, or as the work of black magic. Disease was thus personalized and given a moral
    or religious meaning." [10]. Doctors would also have declared the healing power of Christ in the world, and that Antimony, prayer and fasting were the sole cures.

    Such a reaction is broadly similar to that of Joseph Watine. His remark not only reveals the unquestioning and deeply conformist nature of medical training, practice and belief, and the desire to be just another grey brick in a uniformly grey wall - a
    conformist who questions nothing - but it also
    denotes how belief-driven, how theory-dominated medicine is. That is no less true today than it was in pagan or medieval times. The beliefs might have changed, but the attitude hasn't. In "the seventeenth century...the accent of therapeutics lay on
    expelling toxic substances from the body - by purging, sweating, vomiting, and the much favoured surgical technique of bloodletting..." [11]. Milder shadows of these practices persist in herbal and proprietary preparations with laxative, diaphoretic,
    expectorant or diuretic properties.

    Getting back to the superficial point his question raises, I would say that because antibiotics do not and cannot even impinge upon, let alone remove, the OTHER causes of disease [other than 'germs'], so it is clear that their power over disease is
    limited. Indeed, their curative power is very precisely limited to that narrow, specific role. Therefore, in cases where removal of such 'germs' is most urgently required as the main therapeutic objective, then yes, of course, the effect of antibiotics
    is demonstrably spectacular, even miraculous. However, such is not so commonly the case today as compared to 50 or 100 years ago. It is not the full picture.

    Today, especially in the rich countries, the power of antibiotics is diminished precisely because the conditions or causes that create infectious disease are largely constitutional, dietary and psycho-social and not so overtly bacteria-driven. "Villermé
    [in 1828]...was able to prove that morbidity and mortality rates were, in a sense, a function of the living conditions of a given class...filth and overcrowding were proved to act...as the indirect causes of fevers." [12]. And thus it became apparent
    that "cleanliness was in some way a protection against disease." [13]. Although "water-borne infections were checked by a combination of bacteriological diagnosis and improved sanitary engineering." [14], many physicians remained sceptical of the Germ

    It was not unusual in New York for "well known physicians to get up and leave the hall when medical papers were being read which emphasised the germ theory of disease. They wanted to express their contemptuous scorn for such theories and refused to
    listen to them." [15]. Some physicians "refused to believe that the horrifying effects of many diseases could be traced to an almost invisible micro-organism...nineteenth century bacteriology raised more methodological and substantive questions than it
    answered...scepticism was...a reasonable position...taken by many leaders of the profession." [16]

    Some, more reflective persons did exist. "One of Koch's students once asked him why anthrax bacilli caused death in an animal. Koch said, 'Why its vessels are plugged with bacilli!' The student asked, 'A mechanical death?' to which Koch replied, '
    Certainly'...such questions, which should have raised serious doubts about all bacteriology, do not appear to have disturbed physicians very deeply." [17]

    Certainly, there are social, financial, economic and cultural causes of disease every bit as potent as bacteria and just as active today in certain parts of every town and city. Therefore, the power of antibiotics to cure such 'infections' is
    correspondingly diminished [to zero] and yet they are prescribed in a reflex manner like old-fashioned palliatives to mollify patients and/or their concerned parents, a point made in some letters to this article.

    Adopting briefly the homeopathic cloak, I would have to say that most 'ear infections' so-called are better treated with Pulsatilla or Belladonna, whichever most closely matches the symptoms of the individual case, and that the vast majority of childhood
    'earaches' resolve quickly with such treatment and in an uncomplicated manner. Any practitioner can satisfy themselves on this point, very easily. However, such a point does raise the deeper conceptual question of whether 'the germs' were really there at
    all in the first place, and what the real cause of such earaches actually is? "The craze of the day is the somewhat hypothetical germ." [18]. It also raises the question of what any treatment actually achieves. We grope in the dark and at best see only
    dimly through a dark lens.

    For example, on whose 'side' do the homeopathic remedies work - do they influence 'the enemy' or do they strengthen the innate healing powers of the organism? Antibiotics only affect 'the enemy' and seem to do nothing for the organism. All the natural
    therapies seem to strengthen the organism rather than touching 'the enemy' at all. Allopathy has a deeply ingrained tendency to attack the enemy and to do little for the innate vital powers. That is predominantly the case.

    Lest we do believe that 'germs' are the only cause we should recall "A distinguished sanitarian Max von Pettenkofer of Munich...made his magnificent gesture - which by all odds should have killed him - of drinking a whole glassful of cholera bacilli
    without suffering any harm." [19]. Clearly, the deeper question is not the bacteria themselves, but the 'soil they grow in', which is our relationship with them. In an infection we must be clear about what has happened. In health, we are just as
    surrounded by 'germs' as an ill person is, but they do not affect us - our relationship with them is normally balanced, harmonious and unproblematic. In the diseased state, this previously harmonious relationship mysteriously somehow deteriorates and '
    the germs' come to proliferate.

    It is certainly not 'the germs' that bring this shift about. It is not a germ-driven change. It is those psycho-social, stress and dietary factors, hygiene, etc, which cause the relationship to deteriorate. No-one can say with certainty why this happens
    at certain times and in any individual case. What is certain is that these changes are internal to the organism, they are initiated on 'our side', not from the side of 'the germs'. This recognition does not seem to be emphasised in orthodox medicine,
    where the 'magic bullet ', and attacking 'the enemy' are the central themes of practice. Hence, I would say, that modern medicine can learn from this situation and realise why it stands accused of looking in the wrong place and treating the wrong thing.
    It should treat the patient, not the disease; the person not 'the germ'. Thus, I would repeat that bacteria do not cause disease, it is the deterioration in our relationship with them that lies at the root of the matter. The 'germs' are manifestly only
    secondary or merely associative causes of infections. Clearly therefore, if bacteria are not the main cause, then how can antibiotics comprise anything approaching a 'cure'?

    In certain parts of the world it is still a widely held belief that "disease is a supernatural phenomenon governed by a hierarchy of vital powers...disharmony in these vital powers can cause illness. Thus, ancestral spirits can make a person ill.
    Ingredients obtained from animals, plants, and other objects can restore the decreased power in a sick person and therefore have medicinal properties." [20]. Modern medicine seems too grounded in the study of disease [pathology] and in its eradication
    and not enough in studying health and how to create it. These are two very different medical attitudes underpinning the great divide in medicine that need bringing together for greater future progress.

    When the acupuncturist says disease is due to an imbalance in the energies flowing in the meridians, they are making a certain conception of the disease process, which their treatment then seeks to adjust. It is not necessarily an incorrect conception,
    merely a different one from that of the bacteriologist. Likewise, when the homeopath calls disease primarily a derangement of the life force, echoing in this sentiment Stahl's animism. Or, when the naturopath conceives disease to be a product of toxins,
    which fasting and enemas will eliminate, he comes close to the sentiment that "disease is not an entity...but is only the organic and functional forces, or powers of life, modified by perversion of activity...remedies are relative agents...they only act
    curatively by a judicious application to the individual case in hand. Individualism, not universalism, attaches therefore to all our therapeutic measures." [21]

    Such is still a valid sentiment. These are all different apprehensions of the disease process due to different modes of medical conception. All are equally belief-driven or theory-dominated, but each stems from a very different mode of conception of what
    is nevertheless the same disease process. They might well be seen as different blind men describing the same elephant!


    [1] BMJ letter, Re: Reducing antibiotics for respiratory infections, 6 July, Jones, Lon, Family Practice, Hale Center, Texas, USA


    [2] The Challenge of Antibiotic Resistance, Stuart B. Levy, Scientific American 1998


    [3] Eric E Sattler, The Present Status of the Tubercle Bacillus, Cincinnati Lancet and Clinic, 12, 1884, 415; quoted in John H Warner, 1986, The Therapeutic Perspective - Medical Practice, Knowledge and Identity in America 1820-1885, Harvard Univ. Press,
    USA, 280

    [4] Warner, 281

    [5] William G Rothstein, 1972, American Physicians in the Nineteenth Century, From Sects to Science, Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, Baltimore, 281

    [6] Rothstein, 281

    [7] Warner, 183

    [8] BMJ letter, Re: Domination by Theory..., Joseph Watine, Hôpital de Rodez, France, (11 July 2001)

    [9] Roy Porter, 1987, Disease, Medicine and Society in England 1550-1860, Macmillan, London, 27

    [10] 'Disease' by Roy Porter, in Hutchinson Family Encyclopoedia: http://ebooks.whsmithonline.co.uk/encyclopedia/52/F0000152.htm

    [11] Porter, 1987, 14

    [12] Richard H Shryock, 1966, The Development of Modern Medicine, Pennsylvania Univ. Press, 220

    [13] Shryock, 240

    [14] Shryock, 311

    [15] James J Walsh, History of Medicine in New York, 1919, quoted in Rothstein, 265

    [16] Rothstein66-7

    [17] Rothstein, 281

    [18] New York physician in 1883, quoted in Warner, 281

    [19] Shryock, 282

    [20] Kale, Rajendra, Education and Debate, South African Health: Traditional healers in South Africa: a parallel health care system, BMJ 1995; 310: 1182-85 (6 May)

    [21] John P Harrison, Notes on Empiricism, Western Lancet and Hospital Reporter, 8, 1848, 122, quoted in Warner, 63

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