• Kai Kit Wan for my Prostatitis?

    From snan1989@gmail.com@21:1/5 to joe on Thu Aug 6 04:04:02 2020
    On Wednesday, November 12, 2003 at 12:25:57 PM UTC+3, joe wrote:
    Hi to all! I would like to have your opinion about my situation and my purpose.
    I'm 30 years old and from one month and a week to now I'm taking antibiotics (first Ciproxin 500, then Bactrim) to cure a prostatitis. This one was diagnosed to me - after I find blood in my urin and sperm - with a trans-rectal ecography, which evidenced a dimension a little bit smaller
    normal, periuretral macrocalcifications and a pretty big vascularisation. My actual symptoms are little pain during urination and ejaculation, a
    sensation of heat in the perianal zone, a reduced flow of urine and sperm
    and some little disturbs in the sexual-sphere (strongless erection and sometimes lacking), so the cure seems not to be so good.
    I've read in the prostatitis.org site and in this ng about the Kai Kit Wan Pills and I was looking for it. I've found a site which do international shipping (I stay in Italy): http://drug-store-china.com/prostategland/kai_kit_wan/ My questions are:
    1- This brand/kind of Kai Kit Wan and its composition is good?
    2- Is this offer cheap enough, considering I have to do a international
    order and many other site don't do it?
    3- How can I be sure that this and similar products they are not dangerous, one for all - in example - for containing heavy metal?

    Thanks to all and forgive me for my not perfect english

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    Hi guys, i know it's long time since this post was published and hope you are healthy and enjoying your life. I just would like to ask if Kai Kit Wan really help you with prostatitis

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