A randomized synbiotic trial to prevent sepsis among infants in rural India Pinaki Panigrahi, Sailajanandan Parida, Nimai C. Nanda, Radhanath Satpathy, Lingaraj Pradhan, Dinesh S. Chandel, Lorena Baccaglini, Arjit Mohapatra, Subhranshu S. Mohapatra, Pravas R. Misra, Rama Chaudhry, Hegang H. Chen, Judith A. Johnson, J. Glenn
Morris, Nigel Paneth & Ira H. Gewolb
Nature 548, 407–412 (24 August 2017) doi:10.1038/nature23480
Received 14 November 2016 Accepted 07 July 2017 Published online 16 August 2017
Sepsis in early infancy results in one million annual deaths worldwide, most of them in developing countries. No efficient means of prevention is currently available. Here we report on a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of an oral
synbiotic preparation (Lactobacillus plantarum plus fructooligosaccharide) in rural Indian newborns. We enrolled 4,556 infants that were at least 2,000 g at birth, at least 35 weeks of gestation, and with no signs of sepsis or other morbidity, and
monitored them for 60 days. We show a significant reduction in the primary outcome (combination of sepsis and death) in the treatment arm (risk ratio 0.60, 95% confidence interval 0.48–0.74), with few deaths (4 placebo, 6 synbiotic). Significant
reductions were also observed for culture-positive and culture-negative sepsis and lower respiratory tract infections. These findings suggest that a large proportion of neonatal sepsis in developing countries could be effectively prevented using a
synbiotic containing L. plantarum ATCC-202195.
"Lactic acid bacteria are unusual as they have evolved not to require
Lactic acid bacteria from chicken carcasses with inhibitory activity
against Salmonella spp. and Listeria monocytogenes
I. Sakaridisa, N. Soultosa, C.I. Dovasb, E. Papavergoua, I.
Ambrosiadisa, P. Koidisa
a Department of Hygiene and Technology of Foods of Animal Origin,
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,
54124 Thessaloniki, Greece
b Laboratory of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54124
Thessaloniki, Greece
Received 9 March 2011; revised 29 August 2011; Accepted 25 September
2011. Available online 1 October 2011.
This study was conducted to isolate psychrotrophic lactic acid
bacteria (LAB) from chicken carcasses with inhibitory activity
strains of Salmonella spp. and Listeria monocytogenes.
A total of 100 broiler samples were examined for the presence of LAB. Ninety-two LAB isolates that showed antimicrobial effects against
Salmonella spp. and L. monocytogenes were further analysed to examine
their LAB (Gram-positive, catalase negative, oxidase negative) and psychrotrophic characteristics (ability to grow at 7 °C).
Fifty isolates were further selected and identified initially using
standard biochemical tests in miniature (Micro-kits API CH 50) and
then by sequencing of the 16s–23s rRNA gene boundary region
(Intergenic Spacer Region).
By molecular identification, these isolates were classified into 5
different LAB species: Lactobacillus salivarius, Lactobacillus
reuteri, Lactobacillus johnsonii, Pediococcus acidilactici, and
Lactobacillus paralimentarius.
None of the isolates produced tyramine or histamine.
Keywords: Lactic acid bacteria; Biopreservation; Poultry; Salmonella;
Clinical microbiology
The inhibitory activity of Lactobacillus spp. isolated from breast
milk on gastrointestinal pathogenic bacteria of nosocomial origin
Solange Jaraa, Magaly Sáncheza, Rodrigo Veraa, Jaime Cofréa, Erica
Castroa, b, ,
a Laboratorio de Bacterias Lácticas, Facultad de Ingeniería Química, Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile
b Departamento de Obstetricia y Puericultura, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile
Received 31 December 2010; revised 19 July 2011; Accepted 20 July
2011. Available online 10 August 2011.
Milk acts as a mean for transporting many essential substances from
the mother to the child.
In human beings, milk includes several predominant bacteria, such as staphylococci, streptococci, micrococci, lactobacilli, enterococci,
lactococci and bifidobacteria.
Besides, its intake favors the predominance of bifidobacteria and
lactobacilli in the child’s intestinal microbiota.
The present work explores the isolation and selection of lactobacilli
strains with probiotic potential, focusing in their degree of
hydrophobicity and antagonism against important gastrointestinal
nosocomial pathogens.
98 lactobacilli were isolated from 48 breast milk samples, with most
strains belonging to the obligately homofermentative group (36.7%).
63% of the isolated strains showed a high degree of hydrophobicity
when tested on three solvents and were selected for detecting
antimicrobial activity against gastrointestinal pathogens, including Escherichiacoli, Shigella spp, Pseudomonas spp and Salmonella spp
When applying the agar diffusion test, many isolated strains
inhibitory activity against pathogenic strains.
We observed that: Salmonella enteriditis was the most inhibited
pathogen, and the strains with the most inhibitory power were AR2 and
O1 (both highly hydrophobic lactic acid bacteria), which showed an
opposing effect against all nosocomial pathogens tested.
Although more in vitro, in vivo or clinical data would be needed
before any conclusion on the probiotic properties of the strains can
be drawn, our results demonstrate that some of the tested strains may
have good probiotic potential for their inclusion in products
targeting infants.
► The isolation and selection of lactobacilli strains with probiotic potential has been explored.
► We have focused in the hydrophobic degree and antagonism against
important pathogens.
► The highly hydrophobic strains AR2 and O1, showed antagonism
all pathogens tested.
► Some strains may have good probiotic potential for their inclusion
in products targeting infants.
Keywords: Nosocomial bacteria; Lactobacillus sp.; Growth inhibition
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