Increased red blood cells cause hypertension.
Billions upon billions of dollars can be saved on drugs and treatment costs if we simply implement blood donation on patients, or so they have found and have come to believe.
“Effect of phlebotomy versus oral contraceptives containing cyproterone acetate on the clinical and biochemical parameters in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a randomized controlled trial.”
“Regular blood donation is associated with pronounced decreases of BP in hypertensives. This beneficial effect of blood donation may open a new door regarding community health care and cost reduction in the treatment of hypertension”
One common denominator might be .. increased red blood cells?
Anyone with hypoxia developes it.
Coincidentally all the conditions considered to be connected to death, hypertension, pneumonia, asthma and apnea, display hypoxia AND increased red blood cell count.
Touted to be relieved by .. ? .. decreasing red blood cell count by phlebotomy.
Sooo, to increase ‘oxygenation’ in these critical sufferers of lack of oxygenation, it might be well advised to induce hemodilution by phlebotomy which would increase oxygenation of the body .. ?
“The patient’s general condition improved, her dependence on supplementary oxygen drastically decreased and the blood gas values improved after hemodilution”
“while others show signs such as shortness of breath, persistent headaches, blurred vision or nosebleeds”
It is curious, they recommend phlebotomy in everyone with hypertension and the ‘old school physicians’, bloodletters would recommend bloodletting / phlebotomy for a nose bleed.
So, it seems, bloodletters may have been correct after all?
“beneficial effect of blood donation may open a new door regarding community health care and cost reduction in the treatment of hypertension”
“he told me that he had a patient whose nose bled profusely; he failed to stop it, and the late Dr. Joseph Bell was consulted he told my friend that his father would , in such a case , have opened a vein”
These fellas were researching iron accumulation and found it causes hypertension when supplied with salt.
“Iron accumulation is associated with the pathogenesis of several cardiovascular diseases. However, the preventive effects of iron restriction (IR) against cardiovascular disease remain obscure. We investigated the effects of dietary IR on
cardiovascular pathophysiology and the involved mechanism in Dahl salt-sensitive rats.” “IR could be an effective strategy for prevention of HS-induced organ damage in salt-sensitive hypertensive patients.”
Coincidentally others discovered it destroying tissue.
“Iron-catalyzed protein carbonylation may be involved”
And others .. iron reduction therapy/phlebotomy/blood donation.
“Regular blood donation may help in the management of hypertension: an observational study on 292 blood donors. ”
“Regular blood donation is associated with pronounced decreases of BP in hypertensives. This beneficial effect of blood donation may open a new door regarding community health care and cost reduction in the treatment of hypertension ”
Hypertensives are overrepresented in Coronavirus deaths, and hypertension is thought to be caused by too much blood, raised hemoglobin levels, which are predictive of severe disease development in Coronavirus, according to Artifical Intelligence software
“alanine aminotransferase (ALT), patient-reported myalgia (aching muscles), and raised hemoglobin levels, most accurately predicted the development severe disease.”
Doctors should be ordered to institute phlebotomy ..
There are many studies which specifically speak to low hemoglobin as a healthy marker in different disease states, low hemoglobin, contrary to ‘don’t worry about it’ …?
Since we seem to may have cornered the culprit in the rise of hemoglobin, meat, one cannot so casually bail him out .. ?
“Our findings suggest that an increased Hb level is a predictor of elevated serum ALT in adolescent girls with dyslipidaemia.”
Since it seems hemoglobin doesn’t rise in those who don’t consume meat, and since a rise in hemoglobin has been shown to be involved in quite a few chronic diseases, such as metabolic syndrome?
Lower-end normal Hb around 12.1 one might suppose?
“Our findings suggest that lower-end normal Hb levels are favorable for and maintenance of healthy metabolism involving mild chronic activation of the hypoxia response. Therefore modulation of Hb levels could serve as a novel strategy towards treatment
of metabolic syndrome ”.
Not to mention the logic.
Phlebotomy had been used for thousands of years, before the advent of modern day medicine.
It now seems to come full circle and many diseases such as the very common hypertension has been shown to be easily treated by the thousands of years old treatment of phlebotomy, explaining .. finally, why a thousand year old barbaric treatment may have
And it seems meat may be the guy who raises hemoglobin fand hemoglobin has been shown to mirror hypertension.
Just simple coincidence?
Increased red blood cells in low-grade chronic inflammation, in the meat eater versus the vegetarians.
“Protein intake from only haem animal origin was associated with increased haemoglobin and haematocrit levels whereas protein intakes from non-haem animals and plants were not associated”
"low-grade chronic inflammation"
Increased hemoglobin hails hypertension.
Hemoglobin Level Is Positively Associated With Blood Pressure in a
Large Cohort of Healthy Individuals
Atsma F, Veldhuizen I, Kort WD, Kraaij MV, Jong PP, Deinum J
Hypertension (Sep 2012)
It has been hypothesized that an increased hemoglobin level elevates
blood pressure. The present study investigated the association between hemoglobin level and systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood
pressure in healthy persons.
The study population was composed of 101 377 whole blood and plasma
donors, who made 691 107 visits to the blood bank.
At each visit, hemoglobin level and blood pressure were measured as
part of the standard procedure before a blood donation.
We used repeated measurement analysis to analyze the data.
We used generalized estimating equation models to assess the between-
person effect and linear mixed models to assess the within-person
All of the analyses were done separately for men and women.
In the study population, 50% were men. The mean age in men was 49.3
years (±12.5 years), and in women it was 42.4 years (±13.7 years).
Hemoglobin level was positively associated with both systolic and
diastolic blood pressures.
With respect to the between-person effect, regression coefficients for
systolic blood pressure were 1.3 mm Hg per millimole per liter
increase in hemoglobin level for men and 1.8 mm Hg per millimole per
liter increase in hemoglobin level for women. With respect to the
within-person effect, regression coefficients for systolic blood
pressure were 0.7 mm Hg and 0.9 mm Hg per millimole per liter increase
in hemoglobin level, for men and women, respectively.
For diastolic blood pressure, results were comparable.
The results show that hemoglobin level is positively associated with
both systolic and diastolic blood pressures in healthy individuals.
We observed consistent effects between persons but also within
Who loves ya.
Jesus Was A Vegetarian!
Man Is A Herbivore!
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