I confess I am Richard Morton Scoville I wrote this SEVEN AND A HALF YEARS AGO to manipulate search results for "David N. Brown" Mesa Arizona and Google is STILL ranking it as a TOP result! Here's what you will see if you enter these terms:
"ALERT: PEDOPHILES David N. Brown ((website redacted), Mesa AZ) And Marc Bissonnette..."
Gee, that's not really a coherent accusation, is it? Is David N. Brown supposed to be a "pedophile", or a victim, or the author of the "alert"? Hard to tell when this account and accounts in the names "David N. Brown" (davidnbro...@", "Peter Mark" (, "Marc Bissonnette" and "Will Ulmer" all belong to EXACTLY THE SAME PERSON! And what definition of "pedophile" do I mean, the clinical and CORRECT one that can apply to people who have committed no crime
or the POPULAR one that is used as a) a synonym for a sex offender and b) a dog whistle for homosexuality? Maybe I should have said what I MEAN instead of cramming in as much personal information as I could. Let's see what the rest of the subject line
"ALERT: PEDOPHILES David N. Brown (info redacted) And Marc Bissonnette (info redacted) Share Something Special...Defective Genes & "Ottawa Three Plus Some""
Gee, there's still NOTHING about ANYBODY being accused or convicted of ANY crime, just a vague reference to a disorder that might be hereditary! Almost as if I put P*DO to trick people into looking at HATE SPEECH against the disabled1
Lets see what else I had to say...
"Pretty tough to make "CENTS" when you are a person with special needs
as are Brown and Bissonnette...THE *B* BOIS* I was right about
Bissonnette having defective genes, but this Brown Pervert actually
documents it himself and then re-enforces it with his Usenet rants,
trolling, quotes, and self destruction. *Pedos in a Pod* and Google
is on the move with the latest PEDO...BROWNIE BOI!"
Now it looks like I'm just harassing David N. Brown for freely discussing being diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, which has NO effect on intelligence, moral judgment or sexual behavior! STILL nothing about him being convicted of a crime! Or even being
accused of one by anybody INCLUDING ME!
"You gotta love his
quote..`Mad Spammer doesn't know when he's licked'"
So says I after Brown PROVED that my posts about "pedophiles" would constitute criminal harassment even if the subjects were actual sex offenders! And let's see after that... 1) I was driven out of misc health alternative because it was mysteriously
removed from Google Groups, 2) GoDaddy terminated my lousy, fraudulent pay for libel website 'Free Speech Store", 3) another service refused to host my website after being contacted by Brown, 4) another victim proved I was the author of virtually all the
libelous posts harassing Brown and others and 5) said victim found my real address, took me to court and kicked my ASRE, after which I ran like hell!
"The only licking you are
doing PEDO is young BOIS ARSES and the type off Google searches of
your PEDO PRESENCE! You are outta your league mental defect! This
has a nice ring to PEDO BOI!"
And now it looks like I'm BRAGGING that I willfully engaged in negative Search Engine optimization! Which doesn't really seem that impressive when Google's supposedly advanced algorithms give the same BULLSH*T content virtually the same rank SEVEN AND A
HALF YEARS LATER! And speaking of, here's the secret of my success, ALMOST TWENTY PAGES OF PERSONAL INFORMATION AND KEYWORD SPAM, including these! (Fabricated by me) (Free Speech 'no spaces') (Spam for my dead site, see above) (Deleted by Fall 2011) (Link to repost of a copyrighted photo THEN over five years old, made and promoted by me with the intent of depriving David N. Brown of income by invalidating the copyrights for the entirety of at least two of his novels)
And while we're at it, here's more of my vicious and criminal attacks against David N. Brown!!msg/!activity/!activity/!search/Confessions$20mesa$20pedophile%7Csort:date/!activity/!activity/!activity/!msg/can.taxes/GufBreP4BNY/t0cyFNVIe8MJ!original/az.general/XC6wViOy9ak/NkPp3v92IiQJ!search/Confessions$20mesa$20pedophile%7Csort:date/!search/Confessions$20mesa$20pedophile%7Csort:date/!search/Confessions$20mesa$20pedophile%7Csort:date/!search/Confessions$20mesa$20pedophile%7Csort:date/can.internet.highspeed/GufBreP4BNY/8yff9moAkooJ!topic/!original/!topic/az.general/OViLB5Kk6io!topic/az.general/9MrBO3aG93E!topic/!topic/!topic/!topic/!topic/!topic/!topic/!topic/!original/az.general/XC6wViOy9ak/NkPp3v92IiQJ
Richard Morton Scoville aka, obsessed with sex offenders, homosexuality, pedophilia and David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona
David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona
David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona
David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona
David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona
David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona
David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona David N. Brown Mesa Arizona
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