The insidious killer 'Dr. Afolabi
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January 19, 2016, 12:47:41 AM
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The insidious killer 'Dr. Afolabi
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Topic: The insidious killer 'Dr. Afolabi (Read 16 times)
Jr. Member
Posts: 184
The insidious killer 'Dr. Afolabi
« on: January 14, 2016, 09:15:33 AM »
'Dr. Afolabi is an insidious killer. His self-appraisal, claiming he is
able to cure "HIV, hepatitis, ulcers, cancer" for sure is a case for the
court. Why doesn't Boko Haram "treat" this murderer according to sharia?
The Nation Nigeria
‘My experience as a naturopathic doctor’
‘My experience as a naturopathic doctor’
Posted By: Dr Afolabi
on: January 14, 2016
•Continued from last next week.
The treatments offered by Naturopathic doctors like myself are simple, inexpensive, none invasive, causes no harm to the body and they are
designed to treat the root causes of diseases. A naturopath takes time
to find out what is causing the problem in his patient’s body.
He patiently goes through the patient’s lifestyle, elimination history,
eating and drinking habits, sexuality, work ethics, relationships,
spiritual realities, etc. in order to form a big picture of the whole
essence of this individual in his diagnosis, before deciding on what
form of treatment to embark on. This is because we treat the body as a
whole, we practise what we call total healing.
As Naturopaths, we also use the best of today’s technology to help the
body heal itself and this is called electro-medicine. In nature,
everything vibrates at unique frequencies. Plants, physical objects,
cells of the body, all body organs, pathogens like viruses and bacteria,
all have their unique frequencies. These frequencies are all known for a
long time now and are programmed into machines called frequency
generators. Frequency generators have been around for decades. A
scientist called Royal Rife researched and used frequencies to cure
cancer in the 1920s and 1930s. When the frequency of your disease has
been neutralised, the disease miraculously disappear from your system.
We use these high-tech machines in our treatments today in my practice
to destroy pathogens that cause diseases in the human body like HIV,
hepatitis, ulcers, cancer, etc. This is a very fast, painless, effective
and inexpensive treatment and it helps the body rid itself of even the
most malignant of diseases.
Naturopathy is a highly developed medical system and naturopathic
doctors are at the fore-front of healing as we have it today. We
Naturopaths firmly believe that, “there are no incurable diseases, there
are only people who think they are incurable”, according to Dr. John R. Christopher. Most medical experts today have already concluded that what
modern medicine is excellent at today is treatment of acute problems as
in emergency medicine, such as all manner of accidents, broken bones, resuscitation, heart attacks, infections, etc., where well trained
doctors and surgeons can actually save your life in the emergency room.
However, if I’m unlucky enough to develop a chronic disease like cancer,
HIV, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis or stroke, I will stay well away
from allopathic doctors and instead look for a competent Naturopath for
help. This is because modern allopathic medicine have already publicly
declared numerous times that it has not yet found a “cure” for such
diseases, so why would I offer myself to so called “modern medicine” as
a guinea pig or as one of their cash cows, so they can keep milking me
and making money off my misery till I eventually pass away, a broken
man! Instead I will be looking for real cures with medical practitioners
who have been having successes upon successes treating these types of
malignant diseases since the time of Hippocrates the father of medicine.
The treatments offered by Naturopathic doctors like myself are simple, inexpensive, none invasive, causes no harm to the body and they are
designed to treat the root causes of diseases. A naturopath takes time
to find out what is causing the problem in his patient’s body.
To contact Dr Afolabi, call 07068230475, 08121206541, 07061360029 or 09056407384. Email-
To be concluded next week.
Homöopathie ist nichts als Hütchenspielerbetrug und organisierte Kriminalität
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