• Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is money laundering (4/4)

    From Happy Oyster@21:1/5 to All on Fri Feb 19 21:44:00 2016
    [continued from previous message]

    ipsa quae ab illo inven-tore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae
    dicta sunt explicabo.




    Com odictor ut ligulate cot ameti dapibus ticdu nt sent usto dolor
    losubo ltiissim commete pulvinar ac loreestibul msed ante. Donec
    sagittieismo purus ut perspiciatisde om istea tus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudant ium totam rem aperiameaque ipsa.

    Lugulate ameti dapibus ticdu nturu mtsen lusto dolor tissim com. Mes
    cuml dia sed inertio lacusueni ascet dolor ngerto aliiqt sit amet eism
    com odictor utmtkr ligulate cot ameti api bus ticdu nt mtsent justo
    dolor losubo.

    Nesciunt. Neque poMes cuml dia sed in lacus ut eniascet ingerto aliiqt
    es site amet eismod ictor ut ligulate ameti dap ibus ticdu nt mtsen
    lusto dolor ltissim com. Mes cuml diaed inertio lacusueni ascet dolor
    ingerto aliiqt sit amet eismcom odictor ut ligulate cot ameti dapibus. [*/quote*]

    Jr. Member

    Posts: 200

    Re: Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is money laundering
    « Reply #14 on: January 25, 2016, 09:54:12 AM »
    Derwayne Lee Smith lying about Lyme disease. What the hell! But look at
    the date! On December 21st., the site still was online. Now he offers it
    for 69 US Dollars.

    This is Google's cache of http://www.lymerevolution.com/~lyme1364/home.
    It is a snapshot of the page as it appeared on Dec 21, 2015 17:34:49



    About BX


    Sign in
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    Family Blogs
    BX Protocol Home Page





    Learn how this global pandemic can be defeated through a revolutionary breakthrough in mitochondrial research. This video reveals a new
    paradigm in medicine that offers real solutions for one of the most
    complex infectious based diseases in history. It offers a fundamentally different approach to addressing this condition unlike anything that you
    have seen. The BX Protocol is changing lives around the globe, why not
    let it be yours!



    The Lyme Family is a groundbreaking new program in the style of reality television.

    No treatment has ever attempted to do what this program will do, follow
    a group of individuals as they undergo treatment for Lyme disease. The
    program will follow the family from shortly before treatment all the way through their first year on of following the revolutionary BX

    This series has several goals. First of all to let people with Chronic
    Lyme disease know that there is hope for them. Secondly it is to help
    raise awareness to the existence, and demonstrate the efficacy of the BX Protocol. The show will be unscripted and candid. Any additional
    treatments taken in addition to the BX Protocol will be disclosed for
    fuller transparency.

    The information provided will be used to keep you informed about
    upcoming episodes of "The Lyme Family", and other information relevant
    to the show. The information will not be shared with any third parties,
    or used for any other purposes.

    Resgister Below to Keep up to date on the Lyme Family's Progress

    Follow the progress of each member in between episodes by following
    their Lyme Family blog! Click on the Blog tab above for links to each of
    the blogs.

    Meet the Family!

    Learn More About the Individual Members of this Amazing Family.


    Jr. Member

    Posts: 200

    Re: Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is money laundering
    « Reply #15 on: January 25, 2016, 10:13:49 AM »
    Dewayne Lee Smith isn't the brightest candle on the cake. But who then
    is making the dirty work for him, like setting up the web-sites, making
    the videos, and so on? Hired students! This is a job offer at the
    Brigham Young University, source of an army of charlatans and snake-oil
    dealers and whatever criminal critters of your nightmares.


    PHP Web Developer ($20-$30 an hour)

    Submitted by Dewayne Smith on Thu, 05/07/2015 - 12:04pm

    Type of Position: Full-Time Placement
    Application Deadline: Sunday, June 7, 2015
    International Students: No

    Job Description:

    $20-$30.00 hourly (or salary commensurate with experience)

    Fast paced internet company seeks an advanced web developer. Candidate
    must have experience developing web applications using PHP, JavaScript,
    CSS, and MySQL

    We are looking for a highly motivated individual who can thrive in a
    fast pace environment and successfully contribute to the team. Our goal
    is to find someone who is experienced with implementing cutting edge web development techniques. The ideal candidate will have a can-do attitude, passion for technology, extensive development experience, and will be
    able to get up to speed quickly.


    Plan and develop new software
    Assist in complete database design (Queries, Indexing and Structure)
    Ongoing re-development of our current software
    Minimal system administration (Repairing corrupted tables,
    restarting services, etc.)
    Maintain and enhance our websites

    Company Info
    Company Name: Delta Member Services
    Company Website: Delta Institute http://www.bxprotocol.com/
    Company Location: Provo Utah United States

    Contact Information
    Contact Name: Dewayne Smith
    Contact Email: thatwillwork@gmail.com
    Contact Phone: 801:244-9906
    Application Email: thatwillwork@gmail.com
    Desired Graduation Date Range: May, 2015 to May, 2018

    The time fits with the spoiled web-site http://www.lymerevolution.com
    Did the students refuse to work for a fraud like Dewayne Lee Smith? Oh
    the fun of it!

    Jr. Member

    Posts: 200

    Dewayne Lee Smith crashed his web-site
    « Reply #16 on: January 25, 2016, 10:19:58 AM »
    Frozen, stored, and ready for use at court:

    "Submitted by Dewayne Smith on Thu, 05/07/2015 - 12:04pm" https://archive.is/sycxq


    Jr. Member

    Posts: 200

    Dewayne Lee Smith and more than half a million US Dollars...
    « Reply #17 on: January 25, 2016, 10:58:42 AM »
    The same address, but different phone number.


    5686 W 12900 S 84096-8922, HERRIMAN (UT)
    Phone: (+1) 801-446-3204

    That address seems to be valid. Dewayne Lee Smith in person (?) showed
    up in a city planning meeting in Herriman in December 2015.


    Thursday, December 3, 2015
    Approved December 17, 2015

    Dewayne Smith, 5686 W 12900 S, he mentioned being excited about having neighbors but was concerned about the road being too narrow because curb
    and gutter is needed. He felt worried about fires and the safety and
    welfare for those in the area. He would like to see the CC&R’s in regard
    to fencing, fire hydrants and lighting. He felt there needs to be more definitive information regarding the size of houses and fencing.

    Hydrants? Why not some cozy cell in jail for him? Where is the money he
    cashed in from his victims? Did he pay the house with that? No big deal
    to find official sources concerning the address and the building there.


    This page shows the assessor's CAMA data, as it was, on May 22, 2015.

    Parcel 26-35-276-034-0000
    Address 5686 W 12900 S
    Total Acreage 1.50
    Above Grade sqft. 3108
    Property Type 111 - SNGL FAM RES
    Tax District 70
    2015 Land Value $ 243,290
    2015 Building Value $ 389,800
    2015 Market Value $ 633,090

    More than half a million Dollars. Paid in cash, I assume... How many
    patients bled for that?

    [are you paid for typos? ET]
    « Last Edit: January 25, 2016, 11:21:01 AM by el_Typo »


    Posts: 1

    Re: Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is money laundering
    « Reply #18 on: January 26, 2016, 03:02:36 AM »
    The operative on this site is a disinformation agent for the
    pharmaceutical industry.

    He is a first year PhD student at Leiden. His position is funded by CEL
    (Centre of Education and Learning), a collaboration between the
    universities of Leiden, Delft and Rotterdam.

    I recommend calling the university and complaining.

    Tim van der Zee
    PhD Candidate

    Name T. van der Zee
    Phone +31 71 527 5004

    Cyber attacks, conducted by Big Pharma disinformation operatives have
    posed a threat to individual and corporate security within the
    integrative health field for a long time. Over the past 6 months Delta
    has been the new hot target within this sector.

    Delta Institute, working with INTERPOL and the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), has launched an investigation in order to combat
    acts of cyber terrorism committed by a Twitter account holder for
    alleged crimes violating international standards for online activity.
    Delta will utilize a variety of investigative tools needed to fight this variety of cyber crime, that Big Pharma uses as an ongoing tactic to
    fight against and suppress emerging health benefits within the
    integrative sector.

    For updates on this ongoing investigation, please visit this blog



    Posts: 1

    Re: Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is money laundering
    « Reply #19 on: January 26, 2016, 03:14:36 AM »
    For more information on the Fabrications regarding bx protocol, please
    visit: http://bxprotocol.com/blog.php or email legal @bxprotocol.com

    Delta has paid for legal reviews in the past. This disinformation has
    been going on for about 6 years.

    Legal opinion letters, certifying Delta's standing, are available upon
    request. These certifications are written by licensed attorneys, not

    I do not work for Delta, but i am a former patient that has had success
    on their program. Almost every single thing on this blog is a LIE, but
    overall I think that one might want to ask the question:


    Think about it...There are virtually zero complaints regarding their
    program, The do not take people that are not doctor referred, and they
    have a 30 days money back guarantee. Does that sound a bit strange? Use
    common sense people.

    Jr. Member

    Posts: 930

    Delta Institute @BX_Protocol Dewayne Lee Smith, the drama queen
    « Reply #20 on: January 29, 2016, 09:10:21 PM »

    Re: Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is money laundering
    « Reply #18 on: January 26, 2016, 03:02:36 AM »

    The operative on this site is a disinformation agent for the
    pharmaceutical industry. -------------------------------------------------------

    I am impressed. Somehow. "heidi1255" is a fake by the gang which runs
    the "Delta Institute" and whatever names they might have used over time. Username: heidi1255
    Email: heidiarnoldson@yahoo.com

    IP Information for
    Quick Stats
    IP Location United States United States South Jordan Qwest
    Communications Company Llc
    Communications Company, LLC (registered Nov 13, 1998)
    Resolve Host 75-162-227-155.slkc.qwest.net

    West Jordan is a part of Salt Lake, Utah.

    Thanks for leaving your finger prints...

    The fake "heidi1255" claims:

    The operative on this site is a disinformation agent for the
    pharmaceutical industry. -------------------------------------------------------

    The Holy Dominatrix does not know about any "operative". And the others
    in the Command Central, the Holy Archives, and the Intergalactic
    Intelligence Department state the same: "Operative" is unknown. Not even
    the hamster of the Secretary of Defense knows "operative", and he knows
    many, many secret things here...

    The fake "heidi1255" claims:

    He is a first year PhD student at Leiden. His position is funded by CEL
    (Centre of Education and Learning), a collaboration between the
    universities of Leiden, Delft and Rotterdam.

    I recommend calling the university and complaining.

    Tim van der Zee
    PhD Candidate

    Name T. van der Zee
    Phone +31 71 527 5004
    t.van.der.zee@iclon.leidenuniv.nl -------------------------------------------------------

    The Holy Dominatrix does not know about any "Tim van der Zee". And the
    others in the Command Central, the Holy Archives, and the Intergalactic Intelligence Department state the same: "Tim van der Zee" is unknown.

    stand up against a criminal gang like the Smith's takes a hero.

    Congrats, Tim. You are a hero! Standing ovations!

    The fake "heidi1255" claims:

    Cyber attacks, conducted by Big Pharma disinformation operatives have
    posed a threat to individual and corporate security within the
    integrative health field for a long time. Over the past 6 months Delta
    has been the new hot target within this sector. -------------------------------------------------------

    That is a number of lies. If there is a gang committing cyber attacks,
    then this gang is "Delta Institute", which is, with real name, Dewayne
    Lee Smith. During the last days he showed up here in the TG-1 with the
    names "heidi1255", "Eve Hyde", and "DouglasHillford" and dumped his
    notorious spam in ALL the threads about him and his frauds, i.e.

    "Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is a vicious fraud" http://transgallaxys.com/~kanzlerzwo/index.php?topic=8772

    "Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is money laundering" http://transgallaxys.com/~kanzlerzwo/index.php?topic=8773

    "Financial bits and pieces of 'DELTA' BX PROTOCOL frauds Smith and

    "How to shoot BX Protocol at Twitter" http://transgallaxys.com/~kanzlerzwo/index.php?topic=8776

    What is a watchdog? Answer: A dog that lets nobody in.

    What is a good watchdog? Answer: A dog that lets nobody out.

    The TG-1 security watchdogs let Smith in, but they will not let him out.
    The spam was moved to the junkyard. But, for tactical reasons, the first
    two forum posts by "heidi1255" they let in the public part. So all can
    see them. As pieces of proof, of course.

    The fake "heidi1255" claims:

    Over the past 6 months Delta has been the new hot target within this

    Dewayne Smith lies. He never was attacked with cyber attacks of the "Big Pharma". No, it is he himself who is committing cyber attacks. His
    attacks against the TG-1 are proof for that. And not to forget his
    public mobbing against Tim van der Zee:

    I recommend calling the university and complaining. -------------------------------------------------------

    To stand up against Dewayne Lee Smith's fraud gang is the right and is
    the duty of every free man.

    The fake "heidi1255" claims:

    Delta Institute, working with INTERPOL and the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), has launched an investigation in order to combat
    acts of cyber terrorism committed by a Twitter account holder for
    alleged crimes violating international standards for online activity. -------------------------------------------------------

    How ridiculous! A fraud claims to have called the police because he is investigated for his crimes. Sounds like directly from the lunatics
    asylum. Or too much booze in too short time. Or being stoned with a
    double overdose of pot. Or all together.

    The so very simple fact is: Dewayne Lee Smith is in the cross-hairs of
    the FDA and of the FBI. All material archived in the vaults of the TG-1
    is an open book for the FBI to read, and it ever was, partly because the archives were open to them, and partly because the TG-1 Command
    Committee of the Day and its members inform the FBI and other agencies immediately about frauds. Like they did now.

    The fake "heidi1255" claims:

    Delta will utilize a variety of investigative tools needed to fight this variety of cyber crime, that Big Pharma uses as an ongoing tactic to
    fight against and suppress emerging health benefits within the
    integrative sector.

    For updates on this ongoing investigation, please visit this blog

    Good grief, Dewayne Lee Smith, the new drama queen. The TG-1 is not an
    old ladies' knitting society, it is a highly armed and trained
    investigative squad, directly connected with the police on the
    continents. We do not boast, we bite. And the waves of cracking down on
    Dewayne Lee Smith already were in the air before I typed the first word
    of this note. Only, Smith did not know it...

    Over the secret wires of the Intarnets we today were informed of a
    double BANG against the Smith gang. Happy days in Salt Lake.

    Or not.
    « Last Edit: January 29, 2016, 09:20:05 PM by ama »

    Heaven can wait!

    Jr. Member

    Posts: 200

    WANTED: Dewayne Lee Smith, Delta Institute @BX_Protocol
    « Reply #21 on: January 30, 2016, 11:19:40 AM »

    Good night, kids

    Jr. Member

    Posts: 195

    Douglas Hillford and Eve Hyde are criminals and spammers
    « Reply #22 on: January 31, 2016, 10:36:29 AM »
    The controls information news mail sent me this data of the two

    Username: DouglasHillford
    Email: douglashillford@gmail.com

    Date Registered: January 26, 2016, 05:16:29 PM


    Last Active: January 28, 2016, 07:35:43 PM

    Username: Eve Hyde
    Email: evegohyde@gmail.com

    Date Registered: January 26, 2016, 05:33:42 PM

    Hostname: c-76-23-49-75.hsd1.ut.comcast.net
    Last Active: January 29, 2016, 04:34:27 PM

    A Swiss IP is easy to get: buy a computer magazine with a DVD and get
    software and access to a proxy. Magazine copy costs 3 to 5 Euros. The
    proxy account will work a whole year.

    Jr. Member

    Posts: 63

    Re: Delta Institute @BX_Protocol Valerie Donaldson is member of the gang
    « Reply #23 on: February 09, 2016, 12:05:57 PM »
    Omega is right in

    Valerie Donaldson indeed is involved deeply in the fraud. Here is a
    piece of proof, dated November 13, 2012. Do note the intense psychic
    pressure by this text, which not only endorses, but strongly advertises
    for the "BX Protocol" crap:


    News Feed
    November 13, 2012 ·

    Please read, this document is base on clinical information on how cancer
    cell can
    die with this procedure! This is a must read!

    BX Antitoxin
    Proposed theory for the Cause of Cancer

    Cancer is caused by mitochondrial dysfunction of the cell, induced by
    the action of a nanobacteria, 0.4 micrometers on the cell wall. This nanobacterium was first identified and named BX by Rife. Bx Antitoxin
    works by breaking down the components of the nanobacteria; allowing
    those components to be used by the cancer cell to restore mitochondrial function, cellular respiration, and oxygenation. As oxygenation is
    increased, the cancer cell dies.

    Background History

    In 1931, Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize for the discovery of the
    action of mitochondrial respiratory enzymes which showed, among other
    things, that cancerous cells survive without oxygen (anaerobic) and
    would be killed if subjected to oxygen. He died August 1, 1970.

    In 1929, Royal Raymond Rife developed and patented a high powered
    microscope that detected nano-organisms sitting on the outside of a
    cancer cell wall that had never been seen before. He named these
    nano-organisms BX. He claimed he documented a 'mortal oscillatory rate”
    for these pathogenic organisms, and could devitalize them by vibrating
    them at the 'mortal oscillatory rate'. It was thought he had the cure
    for cancer as he “cured” 16 cancer patients given to him to treat by the
    AMA. The medical establishment noted all were cancer free. He was then discredited, arrested; his work destroyed and shut down by the medical community. No one has been able to reproduce his work since. He died
    August 5, 1971.

    In 1950's, Virginia Livingston Wheeler, MD, found a bacterium on cancer
    cells she called progenitor cryptocides. (see Cancer Bacteria, Wikipedia
    for review of bacteria known to be associated with cancer). She was told
    it was really just Staphylococcus and her theory shut down by the
    medical community even though she could produce an “82% success rate
    with cancer patients”…..when the medical establishment was getting 15%
    using radiation and chemotherapy in the 1980's. Her practice was called
    a quack and newspaper articles were written warning people not to go to
    her. She died in 1990 still practicing at the age of 83.(www.whale.to/cancer/cantwell)

    For 18 years, DeWayne Smith, PhD, was privately funded to study the work
    of Warburg, Wheeler, and Rife to see if he could again identify the nanobacterium described by Rife. Dr. Smith utilized particle analysis
    and gas studies in closed respirometry to identify the bacterium that
    was previously identified by Rife as a 40 nanometer, cell wall
    deficient, highly pathogenic, pleomorphic organism called BX. As Dr.
    Smith discovered the bactrium described by Rife, he then developed a
    nontoxic biomolecule called Bx Antitoxin to kill the BX nanobacterium.
    The BX Antitoxin given by injection acts as a photochemical catalyst
    that breaks down the Bx bacterium. The breakdown components of the
    bacterium set off a catalytic reaction that increases oxygen to the
    cells by restoring their mitochondrial function. Oxygen, produced by
    normal mitochondrial respiratory cell function, kills anaerobic cancer
    cells. The action of BX antitoxin as a catalyst for this type of
    cellular destruction of abnormal cells is similar to throwing a match in
    a dry forest and starting a forest fire.

    Amazing Preliminary Results for Cancer Patients after 1 Year of BX
    Antitoxin Use

    • 95% 5 year remediation rate for cancer Stage 1-3,
    • 75% 5 year remediation rate for cancer in Stage IV,
    • 40 % 5 year remediation rate for cancer in hospice patients

    Not Formulated for, but Definite Beneficial Effect on the Following
    Diseases in Isolated Cases
    • Rheumatoid Arthritis: Symptoms abated after one injection
    • ALS 50% disease free in one of two ALS patients who took it. They were
    both diagnosed and took the BX within 6 months of diagnosis
    • MS: Sx decreased
    • Parkinsons: 3 patients – 100% Tremors decreased
    • Autism: 1 patient - Sx markedly decreased in a patient who even had
    stem cells multiple times without effect
    • Type II Diabetes: Wiped out DM with one injection,still 3 months out
    and ok
    • Type1 Diabetes.: Stabilized blood sugars

    Side Effects of BX Antitoxin
    As cancer cells die off and are sent into the circulation to be
    excreted, the irritation of the dead cancer cells on the vessels causes
    a 'Herxheimer' reaction. This reaction is mild to severe depending on
    the amount of dead cancer cells being released at one time. The reaction usually does not last more that 48 hours. The 'Herxheimer' reaction is
    similar to flu symptoms. Other than this, there are no side effects.

    For More Information on the BX Antitoxin
    • Type www.mybxprotocol.com/123 in the address bar (not google search)
    for more information.
    • Watch the Bx video and Testimonial video.
    • You can request a SKYPE interview with Dr. Smith or staff, and/or
    • you can go to CONTACTS and register for a phone conference to learn
    more about your individual condition.
    • Please pass this information on to family and friends.

    BX Protocol Research Membership
    To be able to obtain the BX antitoxin you need to fill out an
    application forthe BX Protocol Research Membership which is then
    reviewed by the Delta Company to see if you are a candidate or not. You
    can find the application on the website, sited above. The research
    protocol membership is for one year. The cost is $16,995 for a one year membership. It is non-refundable, but can be transferred.

    Other requirements of the protocol are:
    1. You are on oxygen for 24 hr before and 48 hrs after you give yourself
    the BX Antitoxin injection.
    2. You are on a specific diet as certain foods are contraindicated for
    the Bx Antitoxin to work.
    3. You sign in to a back office website given to you documenting your
    progress, symptoms, and suggested blood work.
    4. You have immediate access to case management staff if needed.

    All of these are supplied as part of your membership in this research

    Valerie Donaldson, MD
    Pittsburgh, Pa


    Valerie Donaldson seems to have moved several times, so this her address
    in 2012:

    Valerie Donaldson, MD
    Pittsburgh, Pa

    This is how Dewayne Lee Smith, Linda Pendleton Smith, Todd David Mauer,
    Valerie Donaldson, and the other criminals cash in: by selling a totally worthless "membership" in a completely worthless "club. The victims even
    are pressed into applying for a membership and are under the pressure if
    the criminals will accept their bid.

    BX Protocol Research Membership

    To be able to obtain the BX antitoxin you need to fill out an
    application forthe BX Protocol Research Membership which is then
    reviewed by the Delta Company to see if you are a candidate or not. You
    can find the application on the website, sited above. The research
    protocol membership is for one year. The cost is $16,995 for a one year membership. It is non-refundable, but can be transferred.

    Other requirements of the protocol are:
    1. You are on oxygen for 24 hr before and 48 hrs after you give yourself
    the BX Antitoxin injection.
    2. You are on a specific diet as certain foods are contraindicated for
    the Bx Antitoxin to work.
    3. You sign in to a back office website given to you documenting your
    progress, symptoms, and suggested blood work.
    4. You have immediate access to case management staff if needed.

    All of these are supplied as part of your membership in this research

    For the $16,995 a victims gets nothing, absolutely nothing. With the
    membership the victim is entiled to buy more shit from Dewayne Lee Smith
    and accomplices for "special, lower prices", which still are a multiple
    of what the Chinese bullshit devices cost on the free market.

    For the $16,995 a victims gets nothing, absolutely nothing. And this
    money is gone. Say bye-bye to the greenbacks, pal! "It is

    The text also reveals: The victims must make the injections themselves.
    So it all is all their very own fault. And, since all and everything is
    a "research", and the victims are "researchers", they can go to hell. It
    all is all their very own fault.

    Also important to note: The "Bx Antitoxin" is an injection, which is a
    breach of US law.

    If you ask me, Dewayne Lee Smith is a piece of shit, Linda Pendleton
    Smith is a piece of shit, Todd David Mauer is a piece of shit, Valerie Donaldson is a piece of shit.

    Why doesn't the federal prison system store such criminals in

    [checked font, ET]
    « Last Edit: February 09, 2016, 11:15:36 PM by el_Typo »


    Posts: 2

    Re: Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is money laundering
    « Reply #24 on: February 13, 2016, 02:32:11 AM » https://www.facebook.com/yogaflowpittsburgh/posts/485485731491690

    "In 1950's, Virginia Livingston Wheeler, MD, found a bacterium on cancer
    cells she called progenitor cryptocides. (see Cancer Bacteria, Wikipedia
    for review of bacteria known to be associated with cancer). She was told
    it was really just Staphylococcus and her theory shut down by the
    medical community even though she could produce an “82% success rate
    with cancer patients”…..when the medical establishment was getting 15%
    using radiation and chemotherapy in the 1980's. Her practice was called
    a quack and newspaper articles were written warning people not to go to
    her. She died in 1990 still practicing at the age of 83.(www.whale.to/cancer/cantwell)"

    When she was, even in public, known to be a charlatan, her licenses and registrations should have been nixed. But the commissions, if there were
    any, did not do that, allowing her to harm more and more patients.

    Why wasn't she shot by a terminally ill cancer patient? He had all the
    right in the world to do it.

    Homöopathie ist nichts als Hütchenspielerbetrug und organisierte Kriminalität http://ariplex.com/folia/archives/565.htm http://ariplex.com/folia/archives/570.htm
    http://ariplex.com/folia/archives/585.htm http://ariplex.com/folia/archives/643.htm

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Happy Oyster@21:1/5 to All on Fri Mar 25 20:45:06 2016
    [continued from previous message]

    ipsa quae ab illo inven-tore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae
    dicta sunt explicabo.




    Com odictor ut ligulate cot ameti dapibus ticdu nt sent usto dolor
    losubo ltiissim commete pulvinar ac loreestibul msed ante. Donec
    sagittieismo purus ut perspiciatisde om istea tus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudant ium totam rem aperiameaque ipsa.

    Lugulate ameti dapibus ticdu nturu mtsen lusto dolor tissim com. Mes
    cuml dia sed inertio lacusueni ascet dolor ngerto aliiqt sit amet eism
    com odictor utmtkr ligulate cot ameti api bus ticdu nt mtsent justo
    dolor losubo.

    Nesciunt. Neque poMes cuml dia sed in lacus ut eniascet ingerto aliiqt
    es site amet eismod ictor ut ligulate ameti dap ibus ticdu nt mtsen
    lusto dolor ltissim com. Mes cuml diaed inertio lacusueni ascet dolor
    ingerto aliiqt sit amet eismcom odictor ut ligulate cot ameti dapibus. [*/quote*]

    Jr. Member

    Posts: 200

    Re: Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is money laundering
    « Reply #14 on: January 25, 2016, 09:54:12 AM »
    Derwayne Lee Smith lying about Lyme disease. What the hell! But look at
    the date! On December 21st., the site still was online. Now he offers it
    for 69 US Dollars.

    This is Google's cache of http://www.lymerevolution.com/~lyme1364/home.
    It is a snapshot of the page as it appeared on Dec 21, 2015 17:34:49



    About BX


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    Learn how this global pandemic can be defeated through a revolutionary breakthrough in mitochondrial research. This video reveals a new
    paradigm in medicine that offers real solutions for one of the most
    complex infectious based diseases in history. It offers a fundamentally different approach to addressing this condition unlike anything that you
    have seen. The BX Protocol is changing lives around the globe, why not
    let it be yours!



    The Lyme Family is a groundbreaking new program in the style of reality television.

    No treatment has ever attempted to do what this program will do, follow
    a group of individuals as they undergo treatment for Lyme disease. The
    program will follow the family from shortly before treatment all the way through their first year on of following the revolutionary BX

    This series has several goals. First of all to let people with Chronic
    Lyme disease know that there is hope for them. Secondly it is to help
    raise awareness to the existence, and demonstrate the efficacy of the BX Protocol. The show will be unscripted and candid. Any additional
    treatments taken in addition to the BX Protocol will be disclosed for
    fuller transparency.

    The information provided will be used to keep you informed about
    upcoming episodes of "The Lyme Family", and other information relevant
    to the show. The information will not be shared with any third parties,
    or used for any other purposes.

    Resgister Below to Keep up to date on the Lyme Family's Progress

    Follow the progress of each member in between episodes by following
    their Lyme Family blog! Click on the Blog tab above for links to each of
    the blogs.

    Meet the Family!

    Learn More About the Individual Members of this Amazing Family.


    Jr. Member

    Posts: 200

    Re: Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is money laundering
    « Reply #15 on: January 25, 2016, 10:13:49 AM »
    Dewayne Lee Smith isn't the brightest candle on the cake. But who then
    is making the dirty work for him, like setting up the web-sites, making
    the videos, and so on? Hired students! This is a job offer at the
    Brigham Young University, source of an army of charlatans and snake-oil
    dealers and whatever criminal critters of your nightmares.


    PHP Web Developer ($20-$30 an hour)

    Submitted by Dewayne Smith on Thu, 05/07/2015 - 12:04pm

    Type of Position: Full-Time Placement
    Application Deadline: Sunday, June 7, 2015
    International Students: No

    Job Description:

    $20-$30.00 hourly (or salary commensurate with experience)

    Fast paced internet company seeks an advanced web developer. Candidate
    must have experience developing web applications using PHP, JavaScript,
    CSS, and MySQL

    We are looking for a highly motivated individual who can thrive in a
    fast pace environment and successfully contribute to the team. Our goal
    is to find someone who is experienced with implementing cutting edge web development techniques. The ideal candidate will have a can-do attitude, passion for technology, extensive development experience, and will be
    able to get up to speed quickly.


    Plan and develop new software
    Assist in complete database design (Queries, Indexing and Structure)
    Ongoing re-development of our current software
    Minimal system administration (Repairing corrupted tables,
    restarting services, etc.)
    Maintain and enhance our websites

    Company Info
    Company Name: Delta Member Services
    Company Website: Delta Institute http://www.bxprotocol.com/
    Company Location: Provo Utah United States

    Contact Information
    Contact Name: Dewayne Smith
    Contact Email: thatwillwork@gmail.com
    Contact Phone: 801:244-9906
    Application Email: thatwillwork@gmail.com
    Desired Graduation Date Range: May, 2015 to May, 2018

    The time fits with the spoiled web-site http://www.lymerevolution.com
    Did the students refuse to work for a fraud like Dewayne Lee Smith? Oh
    the fun of it!

    Jr. Member

    Posts: 200

    Dewayne Lee Smith crashed his web-site
    « Reply #16 on: January 25, 2016, 10:19:58 AM »
    Frozen, stored, and ready for use at court:

    "Submitted by Dewayne Smith on Thu, 05/07/2015 - 12:04pm" https://archive.is/sycxq


    Jr. Member

    Posts: 200

    Dewayne Lee Smith and more than half a million US Dollars...
    « Reply #17 on: January 25, 2016, 10:58:42 AM »
    The same address, but different phone number.


    5686 W 12900 S 84096-8922, HERRIMAN (UT)
    Phone: (+1) 801-446-3204

    That address seems to be valid. Dewayne Lee Smith in person (?) showed
    up in a city planning meeting in Herriman in December 2015.


    Thursday, December 3, 2015
    Approved December 17, 2015

    Dewayne Smith, 5686 W 12900 S, he mentioned being excited about having neighbors but was concerned about the road being too narrow because curb
    and gutter is needed. He felt worried about fires and the safety and
    welfare for those in the area. He would like to see the CC&R’s in regard
    to fencing, fire hydrants and lighting. He felt there needs to be more definitive information regarding the size of houses and fencing.

    Hydrants? Why not some cozy cell in jail for him? Where is the money he
    cashed in from his victims? Did he pay the house with that? No big deal
    to find official sources concerning the address and the building there.


    This page shows the assessor's CAMA data, as it was, on May 22, 2015.

    Parcel 26-35-276-034-0000
    Address 5686 W 12900 S
    Total Acreage 1.50
    Above Grade sqft. 3108
    Property Type 111 - SNGL FAM RES
    Tax District 70
    2015 Land Value $ 243,290
    2015 Building Value $ 389,800
    2015 Market Value $ 633,090

    More than half a million Dollars. Paid in cash, I assume... How many
    patients bled for that?

    [are you paid for typos? ET]
    « Last Edit: January 25, 2016, 11:21:01 AM by el_Typo »


    Posts: 1

    Re: Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is money laundering
    « Reply #18 on: January 26, 2016, 03:02:36 AM »
    The operative on this site is a disinformation agent for the
    pharmaceutical industry.

    He is a first year PhD student at Leiden. His position is funded by CEL
    (Centre of Education and Learning), a collaboration between the
    universities of Leiden, Delft and Rotterdam.

    I recommend calling the university and complaining.

    Tim van der Zee
    PhD Candidate

    Name T. van der Zee
    Phone +31 71 527 5004

    Cyber attacks, conducted by Big Pharma disinformation operatives have
    posed a threat to individual and corporate security within the
    integrative health field for a long time. Over the past 6 months Delta
    has been the new hot target within this sector.

    Delta Institute, working with INTERPOL and the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), has launched an investigation in order to combat
    acts of cyber terrorism committed by a Twitter account holder for
    alleged crimes violating international standards for online activity.
    Delta will utilize a variety of investigative tools needed to fight this variety of cyber crime, that Big Pharma uses as an ongoing tactic to
    fight against and suppress emerging health benefits within the
    integrative sector.

    For updates on this ongoing investigation, please visit this blog



    Posts: 1

    Re: Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is money laundering
    « Reply #19 on: January 26, 2016, 03:14:36 AM »
    For more information on the Fabrications regarding bx protocol, please
    visit: http://bxprotocol.com/blog.php or email legal @bxprotocol.com

    Delta has paid for legal reviews in the past. This disinformation has
    been going on for about 6 years.

    Legal opinion letters, certifying Delta's standing, are available upon
    request. These certifications are written by licensed attorneys, not

    I do not work for Delta, but i am a former patient that has had success
    on their program. Almost every single thing on this blog is a LIE, but
    overall I think that one might want to ask the question:


    Think about it...There are virtually zero complaints regarding their
    program, The do not take people that are not doctor referred, and they
    have a 30 days money back guarantee. Does that sound a bit strange? Use
    common sense people.

    Jr. Member

    Posts: 930

    Delta Institute @BX_Protocol Dewayne Lee Smith, the drama queen
    « Reply #20 on: January 29, 2016, 09:10:21 PM »

    Re: Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is money laundering
    « Reply #18 on: January 26, 2016, 03:02:36 AM »

    The operative on this site is a disinformation agent for the
    pharmaceutical industry. -------------------------------------------------------

    I am impressed. Somehow. "heidi1255" is a fake by the gang which runs
    the "Delta Institute" and whatever names they might have used over time. Username: heidi1255
    Email: heidiarnoldson@yahoo.com

    IP Information for
    Quick Stats
    IP Location United States United States South Jordan Qwest
    Communications Company Llc
    Communications Company, LLC (registered Nov 13, 1998)
    Resolve Host 75-162-227-155.slkc.qwest.net

    West Jordan is a part of Salt Lake, Utah.

    Thanks for leaving your finger prints...

    The fake "heidi1255" claims:

    The operative on this site is a disinformation agent for the
    pharmaceutical industry. -------------------------------------------------------

    The Holy Dominatrix does not know about any "operative". And the others
    in the Command Central, the Holy Archives, and the Intergalactic
    Intelligence Department state the same: "Operative" is unknown. Not even
    the hamster of the Secretary of Defense knows "operative", and he knows
    many, many secret things here...

    The fake "heidi1255" claims:

    He is a first year PhD student at Leiden. His position is funded by CEL
    (Centre of Education and Learning), a collaboration between the
    universities of Leiden, Delft and Rotterdam.

    I recommend calling the university and complaining.

    Tim van der Zee
    PhD Candidate

    Name T. van der Zee
    Phone +31 71 527 5004
    t.van.der.zee@iclon.leidenuniv.nl -------------------------------------------------------

    The Holy Dominatrix does not know about any "Tim van der Zee". And the
    others in the Command Central, the Holy Archives, and the Intergalactic Intelligence Department state the same: "Tim van der Zee" is unknown.

    stand up against a criminal gang like the Smith's takes a hero.

    Congrats, Tim. You are a hero! Standing ovations!

    The fake "heidi1255" claims:

    Cyber attacks, conducted by Big Pharma disinformation operatives have
    posed a threat to individual and corporate security within the
    integrative health field for a long time. Over the past 6 months Delta
    has been the new hot target within this sector. -------------------------------------------------------

    That is a number of lies. If there is a gang committing cyber attacks,
    then this gang is "Delta Institute", which is, with real name, Dewayne
    Lee Smith. During the last days he showed up here in the TG-1 with the
    names "heidi1255", "Eve Hyde", and "DouglasHillford" and dumped his
    notorious spam in ALL the threads about him and his frauds, i.e.

    "Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is a vicious fraud" http://transgallaxys.com/~kanzlerzwo/index.php?topic=8772

    "Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is money laundering" http://transgallaxys.com/~kanzlerzwo/index.php?topic=8773

    "Financial bits and pieces of 'DELTA' BX PROTOCOL frauds Smith and

    "How to shoot BX Protocol at Twitter" http://transgallaxys.com/~kanzlerzwo/index.php?topic=8776

    What is a watchdog? Answer: A dog that lets nobody in.

    What is a good watchdog? Answer: A dog that lets nobody out.

    The TG-1 security watchdogs let Smith in, but they will not let him out.
    The spam was moved to the junkyard. But, for tactical reasons, the first
    two forum posts by "heidi1255" they let in the public part. So all can
    see them. As pieces of proof, of course.

    The fake "heidi1255" claims:

    Over the past 6 months Delta has been the new hot target within this

    Dewayne Smith lies. He never was attacked with cyber attacks of the "Big Pharma". No, it is he himself who is committing cyber attacks. His
    attacks against the TG-1 are proof for that. And not to forget his
    public mobbing against Tim van der Zee:

    I recommend calling the university and complaining. -------------------------------------------------------

    To stand up against Dewayne Lee Smith's fraud gang is the right and is
    the duty of every free man.

    The fake "heidi1255" claims:

    Delta Institute, working with INTERPOL and the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), has launched an investigation in order to combat
    acts of cyber terrorism committed by a Twitter account holder for
    alleged crimes violating international standards for online activity. -------------------------------------------------------

    How ridiculous! A fraud claims to have called the police because he is investigated for his crimes. Sounds like directly from the lunatics
    asylum. Or too much booze in too short time. Or being stoned with a
    double overdose of pot. Or all together.

    The so very simple fact is: Dewayne Lee Smith is in the cross-hairs of
    the FDA and of the FBI. All material archived in the vaults of the TG-1
    is an open book for the FBI to read, and it ever was, partly because the archives were open to them, and partly because the TG-1 Command
    Committee of the Day and its members inform the FBI and other agencies immediately about frauds. Like they did now.

    The fake "heidi1255" claims:

    Delta will utilize a variety of investigative tools needed to fight this variety of cyber crime, that Big Pharma uses as an ongoing tactic to
    fight against and suppress emerging health benefits within the
    integrative sector.

    For updates on this ongoing investigation, please visit this blog

    Good grief, Dewayne Lee Smith, the new drama queen. The TG-1 is not an
    old ladies' knitting society, it is a highly armed and trained
    investigative squad, directly connected with the police on the
    continents. We do not boast, we bite. And the waves of cracking down on
    Dewayne Lee Smith already were in the air before I typed the first word
    of this note. Only, Smith did not know it...

    Over the secret wires of the Intarnets we today were informed of a
    double BANG against the Smith gang. Happy days in Salt Lake.

    Or not.
    « Last Edit: January 29, 2016, 09:20:05 PM by ama »

    Heaven can wait!

    Jr. Member

    Posts: 200

    WANTED: Dewayne Lee Smith, Delta Institute @BX_Protocol
    « Reply #21 on: January 30, 2016, 11:19:40 AM »

    Good night, kids

    Jr. Member

    Posts: 195

    Douglas Hillford and Eve Hyde are criminals and spammers
    « Reply #22 on: January 31, 2016, 10:36:29 AM »
    The controls information news mail sent me this data of the two

    Username: DouglasHillford
    Email: douglashillford@gmail.com

    Date Registered: January 26, 2016, 05:16:29 PM


    Last Active: January 28, 2016, 07:35:43 PM

    Username: Eve Hyde
    Email: evegohyde@gmail.com

    Date Registered: January 26, 2016, 05:33:42 PM

    Hostname: c-76-23-49-75.hsd1.ut.comcast.net
    Last Active: January 29, 2016, 04:34:27 PM

    A Swiss IP is easy to get: buy a computer magazine with a DVD and get
    software and access to a proxy. Magazine copy costs 3 to 5 Euros. The
    proxy account will work a whole year.

    Jr. Member

    Posts: 63

    Re: Delta Institute @BX_Protocol Valerie Donaldson is member of the gang
    « Reply #23 on: February 09, 2016, 12:05:57 PM »
    Omega is right in

    Valerie Donaldson indeed is involved deeply in the fraud. Here is a
    piece of proof, dated November 13, 2012. Do note the intense psychic
    pressure by this text, which not only endorses, but strongly advertises
    for the "BX Protocol" crap:


    News Feed
    November 13, 2012 ·

    Please read, this document is base on clinical information on how cancer
    cell can
    die with this procedure! This is a must read!

    BX Antitoxin
    Proposed theory for the Cause of Cancer

    Cancer is caused by mitochondrial dysfunction of the cell, induced by
    the action of a nanobacteria, 0.4 micrometers on the cell wall. This nanobacterium was first identified and named BX by Rife. Bx Antitoxin
    works by breaking down the components of the nanobacteria; allowing
    those components to be used by the cancer cell to restore mitochondrial function, cellular respiration, and oxygenation. As oxygenation is
    increased, the cancer cell dies.

    Background History

    In 1931, Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize for the discovery of the
    action of mitochondrial respiratory enzymes which showed, among other
    things, that cancerous cells survive without oxygen (anaerobic) and
    would be killed if subjected to oxygen. He died August 1, 1970.

    In 1929, Royal Raymond Rife developed and patented a high powered
    microscope that detected nano-organisms sitting on the outside of a
    cancer cell wall that had never been seen before. He named these
    nano-organisms BX. He claimed he documented a 'mortal oscillatory rate”
    for these pathogenic organisms, and could devitalize them by vibrating
    them at the 'mortal oscillatory rate'. It was thought he had the cure
    for cancer as he “cured” 16 cancer patients given to him to treat by the
    AMA. The medical establishment noted all were cancer free. He was then discredited, arrested; his work destroyed and shut down by the medical community. No one has been able to reproduce his work since. He died
    August 5, 1971.

    In 1950's, Virginia Livingston Wheeler, MD, found a bacterium on cancer
    cells she called progenitor cryptocides. (see Cancer Bacteria, Wikipedia
    for review of bacteria known to be associated with cancer). She was told
    it was really just Staphylococcus and her theory shut down by the
    medical community even though she could produce an “82% success rate
    with cancer patients”…..when the medical establishment was getting 15%
    using radiation and chemotherapy in the 1980's. Her practice was called
    a quack and newspaper articles were written warning people not to go to
    her. She died in 1990 still practicing at the age of 83.(www.whale.to/cancer/cantwell)

    For 18 years, DeWayne Smith, PhD, was privately funded to study the work
    of Warburg, Wheeler, and Rife to see if he could again identify the nanobacterium described by Rife. Dr. Smith utilized particle analysis
    and gas studies in closed respirometry to identify the bacterium that
    was previously identified by Rife as a 40 nanometer, cell wall
    deficient, highly pathogenic, pleomorphic organism called BX. As Dr.
    Smith discovered the bactrium described by Rife, he then developed a
    nontoxic biomolecule called Bx Antitoxin to kill the BX nanobacterium.
    The BX Antitoxin given by injection acts as a photochemical catalyst
    that breaks down the Bx bacterium. The breakdown components of the
    bacterium set off a catalytic reaction that increases oxygen to the
    cells by restoring their mitochondrial function. Oxygen, produced by
    normal mitochondrial respiratory cell function, kills anaerobic cancer
    cells. The action of BX antitoxin as a catalyst for this type of
    cellular destruction of abnormal cells is similar to throwing a match in
    a dry forest and starting a forest fire.

    Amazing Preliminary Results for Cancer Patients after 1 Year of BX
    Antitoxin Use

    • 95% 5 year remediation rate for cancer Stage 1-3,
    • 75% 5 year remediation rate for cancer in Stage IV,
    • 40 % 5 year remediation rate for cancer in hospice patients

    Not Formulated for, but Definite Beneficial Effect on the Following
    Diseases in Isolated Cases
    • Rheumatoid Arthritis: Symptoms abated after one injection
    • ALS 50% disease free in one of two ALS patients who took it. They were
    both diagnosed and took the BX within 6 months of diagnosis
    • MS: Sx decreased
    • Parkinsons: 3 patients – 100% Tremors decreased
    • Autism: 1 patient - Sx markedly decreased in a patient who even had
    stem cells multiple times without effect
    • Type II Diabetes: Wiped out DM with one injection,still 3 months out
    and ok
    • Type1 Diabetes.: Stabilized blood sugars

    Side Effects of BX Antitoxin
    As cancer cells die off and are sent into the circulation to be
    excreted, the irritation of the dead cancer cells on the vessels causes
    a 'Herxheimer' reaction. This reaction is mild to severe depending on
    the amount of dead cancer cells being released at one time. The reaction usually does not last more that 48 hours. The 'Herxheimer' reaction is
    similar to flu symptoms. Other than this, there are no side effects.

    For More Information on the BX Antitoxin
    • Type www.mybxprotocol.com/123 in the address bar (not google search)
    for more information.
    • Watch the Bx video and Testimonial video.
    • You can request a SKYPE interview with Dr. Smith or staff, and/or
    • you can go to CONTACTS and register for a phone conference to learn
    more about your individual condition.
    • Please pass this information on to family and friends.

    BX Protocol Research Membership
    To be able to obtain the BX antitoxin you need to fill out an
    application forthe BX Protocol Research Membership which is then
    reviewed by the Delta Company to see if you are a candidate or not. You
    can find the application on the website, sited above. The research
    protocol membership is for one year. The cost is $16,995 for a one year membership. It is non-refundable, but can be transferred.

    Other requirements of the protocol are:
    1. You are on oxygen for 24 hr before and 48 hrs after you give yourself
    the BX Antitoxin injection.
    2. You are on a specific diet as certain foods are contraindicated for
    the Bx Antitoxin to work.
    3. You sign in to a back office website given to you documenting your
    progress, symptoms, and suggested blood work.
    4. You have immediate access to case management staff if needed.

    All of these are supplied as part of your membership in this research

    Valerie Donaldson, MD
    Pittsburgh, Pa


    Valerie Donaldson seems to have moved several times, so this her address
    in 2012:

    Valerie Donaldson, MD
    Pittsburgh, Pa

    This is how Dewayne Lee Smith, Linda Pendleton Smith, Todd David Mauer,
    Valerie Donaldson, and the other criminals cash in: by selling a totally worthless "membership" in a completely worthless "club. The victims even
    are pressed into applying for a membership and are under the pressure if
    the criminals will accept their bid.

    BX Protocol Research Membership

    To be able to obtain the BX antitoxin you need to fill out an
    application forthe BX Protocol Research Membership which is then
    reviewed by the Delta Company to see if you are a candidate or not. You
    can find the application on the website, sited above. The research
    protocol membership is for one year. The cost is $16,995 for a one year membership. It is non-refundable, but can be transferred.

    Other requirements of the protocol are:
    1. You are on oxygen for 24 hr before and 48 hrs after you give yourself
    the BX Antitoxin injection.
    2. You are on a specific diet as certain foods are contraindicated for
    the Bx Antitoxin to work.
    3. You sign in to a back office website given to you documenting your
    progress, symptoms, and suggested blood work.
    4. You have immediate access to case management staff if needed.

    All of these are supplied as part of your membership in this research

    For the $16,995 a victims gets nothing, absolutely nothing. With the
    membership the victim is entiled to buy more shit from Dewayne Lee Smith
    and accomplices for "special, lower prices", which still are a multiple
    of what the Chinese bullshit devices cost on the free market.

    For the $16,995 a victims gets nothing, absolutely nothing. And this
    money is gone. Say bye-bye to the greenbacks, pal! "It is

    The text also reveals: The victims must make the injections themselves.
    So it all is all their very own fault. And, since all and everything is
    a "research", and the victims are "researchers", they can go to hell. It
    all is all their very own fault.

    Also important to note: The "Bx Antitoxin" is an injection, which is a
    breach of US law.

    If you ask me, Dewayne Lee Smith is a piece of shit, Linda Pendleton
    Smith is a piece of shit, Todd David Mauer is a piece of shit, Valerie Donaldson is a piece of shit.

    Why doesn't the federal prison system store such criminals in

    [checked font, ET]
    « Last Edit: February 09, 2016, 11:15:36 PM by el_Typo »


    Posts: 2

    Re: Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is money laundering
    « Reply #24 on: February 13, 2016, 02:32:11 AM » https://www.facebook.com/yogaflowpittsburgh/posts/485485731491690

    "In 1950's, Virginia Livingston Wheeler, MD, found a bacterium on cancer
    cells she called progenitor cryptocides. (see Cancer Bacteria, Wikipedia
    for review of bacteria known to be associated with cancer). She was told
    it was really just Staphylococcus and her theory shut down by the
    medical community even though she could produce an “82% success rate
    with cancer patients”…..when the medical establishment was getting 15%
    using radiation and chemotherapy in the 1980's. Her practice was called
    a quack and newspaper articles were written warning people not to go to
    her. She died in 1990 still practicing at the age of 83.(www.whale.to/cancer/cantwell)"

    When she was, even in public, known to be a charlatan, her licenses and registrations should have been nixed. But the commissions, if there were
    any, did not do that, allowing her to harm more and more patients.

    Why wasn't she shot by a terminally ill cancer patient? He had all the
    right in the world to do it.

    Homöopathie ist nichts als Hütchenspielerbetrug und organisierte Kriminalität http://ariplex.com/folia/archives/565.htm http://ariplex.com/folia/archives/570.htm
    http://ariplex.com/folia/archives/585.htm http://ariplex.com/folia/archives/643.htm

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Happy Oyster@21:1/5 to All on Mon May 16 07:55:01 2016
    [continued from previous message]

    sagittieismo purus ut perspiciatis unde om iste natus error sit
    voluptatem accusa ntium doloremque laudantium totam rem aperiameaque
    ipsa quae ab illo inven-tore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae
    dicta sunt explicabo.




    Com odictor ut ligulate cot ameti dapibus ticdu nt sent usto dolor
    losubo ltiissim commete pulvinar ac loreestibul msed ante. Donec
    sagittieismo purus ut perspiciatisde om istea tus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudant ium totam rem aperiameaque ipsa.

    Lugulate ameti dapibus ticdu nturu mtsen lusto dolor tissim com. Mes
    cuml dia sed inertio lacusueni ascet dolor ngerto aliiqt sit amet eism
    com odictor utmtkr ligulate cot ameti api bus ticdu nt mtsent justo
    dolor losubo.

    Nesciunt. Neque poMes cuml dia sed in lacus ut eniascet ingerto aliiqt
    es site amet eismod ictor ut ligulate ameti dap ibus ticdu nt mtsen
    lusto dolor ltissim com. Mes cuml diaed inertio lacusueni ascet dolor
    ingerto aliiqt sit amet eismcom odictor ut ligulate cot ameti dapibus. [*/quote*]

    Jr. Member

    Posts: 212

    Re: Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is money laundering
    « Reply #14 on: January 25, 2016, 09:54:12 AM »
    Derwayne Lee Smith lying about Lyme disease. What the hell! But look at
    the date! On December 21st., the site still was online. Now he offers it
    for 69 US Dollars.

    This is Google's cache of http://www.lymerevolution.com/~lyme1364/home.
    It is a snapshot of the page as it appeared on Dec 21, 2015 17:34:49



    About BX


    Sign in
    BX Introduction Video
    Additional BX Videos
    BX Youtube Channel
    Current Episode
    Past Episodes
    Family Blogs
    BX Protocol Home Page





    Learn how this global pandemic can be defeated through a revolutionary breakthrough in mitochondrial research. This video reveals a new
    paradigm in medicine that offers real solutions for one of the most
    complex infectious based diseases in history. It offers a fundamentally different approach to addressing this condition unlike anything that you
    have seen. The BX Protocol is changing lives around the globe, why not
    let it be yours!



    The Lyme Family is a groundbreaking new program in the style of reality television.

    No treatment has ever attempted to do what this program will do, follow
    a group of individuals as they undergo treatment for Lyme disease. The
    program will follow the family from shortly before treatment all the way through their first year on of following the revolutionary BX

    This series has several goals. First of all to let people with Chronic
    Lyme disease know that there is hope for them. Secondly it is to help
    raise awareness to the existence, and demonstrate the efficacy of the BX Protocol. The show will be unscripted and candid. Any additional
    treatments taken in addition to the BX Protocol will be disclosed for
    fuller transparency.

    The information provided will be used to keep you informed about
    upcoming episodes of "The Lyme Family", and other information relevant
    to the show. The information will not be shared with any third parties,
    or used for any other purposes.

    Resgister Below to Keep up to date on the Lyme Family's Progress

    Follow the progress of each member in between episodes by following
    their Lyme Family blog! Click on the Blog tab above for links to each of
    the blogs.

    Meet the Family!

    Learn More About the Individual Members of this Amazing Family.


    Jr. Member

    Posts: 212

    Re: Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is money laundering
    « Reply #15 on: January 25, 2016, 10:13:49 AM »
    Dewayne Lee Smith isn't the brightest candle on the cake. But who then
    is making the dirty work for him, like setting up the web-sites, making
    the videos, and so on? Hired students! This is a job offer at the
    Brigham Young University, source of an army of charlatans and snake-oil
    dealers and whatever criminal critters of your nightmares.


    PHP Web Developer ($20-$30 an hour)

    Submitted by Dewayne Smith on Thu, 05/07/2015 - 12:04pm

    Type of Position: Full-Time Placement
    Application Deadline: Sunday, June 7, 2015
    International Students: No

    Job Description:

    $20-$30.00 hourly (or salary commensurate with experience)

    Fast paced internet company seeks an advanced web developer. Candidate
    must have experience developing web applications using PHP, JavaScript,
    CSS, and MySQL

    We are looking for a highly motivated individual who can thrive in a
    fast pace environment and successfully contribute to the team. Our goal
    is to find someone who is experienced with implementing cutting edge web development techniques. The ideal candidate will have a can-do attitude, passion for technology, extensive development experience, and will be
    able to get up to speed quickly.


    Plan and develop new software
    Assist in complete database design (Queries, Indexing and Structure)
    Ongoing re-development of our current software
    Minimal system administration (Repairing corrupted tables,
    restarting services, etc.)
    Maintain and enhance our websites

    Company Info
    Company Name: Delta Member Services
    Company Website: Delta Institute http://www.bxprotocol.com/
    Company Location: Provo Utah United States

    Contact Information
    Contact Name: Dewayne Smith
    Contact Email: thatwillwork@gmail.com
    Contact Phone: 801:244-9906
    Application Email: thatwillwork@gmail.com
    Desired Graduation Date Range: May, 2015 to May, 2018

    The time fits with the spoiled web-site http://www.lymerevolution.com
    Did the students refuse to work for a fraud like Dewayne Lee Smith? Oh
    the fun of it!

    Jr. Member

    Posts: 212

    Dewayne Lee Smith crashed his web-site
    « Reply #16 on: January 25, 2016, 10:19:58 AM »
    Frozen, stored, and ready for use at court:

    "Submitted by Dewayne Smith on Thu, 05/07/2015 - 12:04pm" https://archive.is/sycxq


    Jr. Member

    Posts: 212

    Dewayne Lee Smith and more than half a million US Dollars...
    « Reply #17 on: January 25, 2016, 10:58:42 AM »
    The same address, but different phone number.


    5686 W 12900 S 84096-8922, HERRIMAN (UT)
    Phone: (+1) 801-446-3204

    That address seems to be valid. Dewayne Lee Smith in person (?) showed
    up in a city planning meeting in Herriman in December 2015.


    Thursday, December 3, 2015
    Approved December 17, 2015

    Dewayne Smith, 5686 W 12900 S, he mentioned being excited about having neighbors but was concerned about the road being too narrow because curb
    and gutter is needed. He felt worried about fires and the safety and
    welfare for those in the area. He would like to see the CC&R’s in regard
    to fencing, fire hydrants and lighting. He felt there needs to be more definitive information regarding the size of houses and fencing.

    Hydrants? Why not some cozy cell in jail for him? Where is the money he
    cashed in from his victims? Did he pay the house with that? No big deal
    to find official sources concerning the address and the building there.


    This page shows the assessor's CAMA data, as it was, on May 22, 2015.

    Parcel 26-35-276-034-0000
    Address 5686 W 12900 S
    Total Acreage 1.50
    Above Grade sqft. 3108
    Property Type 111 - SNGL FAM RES
    Tax District 70
    2015 Land Value $ 243,290
    2015 Building Value $ 389,800
    2015 Market Value $ 633,090

    More than half a million Dollars. Paid in cash, I assume... How many
    patients bled for that?

    [are you paid for typos? ET]
    « Last Edit: January 25, 2016, 11:21:01 AM by el_Typo »


    Posts: 1

    Re: Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is money laundering
    « Reply #18 on: January 26, 2016, 03:02:36 AM »
    The operative on this site is a disinformation agent for the
    pharmaceutical industry.

    He is a first year PhD student at Leiden. His position is funded by CEL
    (Centre of Education and Learning), a collaboration between the
    universities of Leiden, Delft and Rotterdam.

    I recommend calling the university and complaining.

    Tim van der Zee
    PhD Candidate

    Name T. van der Zee
    Phone +31 71 527 5004

    Cyber attacks, conducted by Big Pharma disinformation operatives have
    posed a threat to individual and corporate security within the
    integrative health field for a long time. Over the past 6 months Delta
    has been the new hot target within this sector.

    Delta Institute, working with INTERPOL and the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), has launched an investigation in order to combat
    acts of cyber terrorism committed by a Twitter account holder for
    alleged crimes violating international standards for online activity.
    Delta will utilize a variety of investigative tools needed to fight this variety of cyber crime, that Big Pharma uses as an ongoing tactic to
    fight against and suppress emerging health benefits within the
    integrative sector.

    For updates on this ongoing investigation, please visit this blog



    Posts: 1

    Re: Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is money laundering
    « Reply #19 on: January 26, 2016, 03:14:36 AM »
    For more information on the Fabrications regarding bx protocol, please
    visit: http://bxprotocol.com/blog.php or email legal @bxprotocol.com

    Delta has paid for legal reviews in the past. This disinformation has
    been going on for about 6 years.

    Legal opinion letters, certifying Delta's standing, are available upon
    request. These certifications are written by licensed attorneys, not

    I do not work for Delta, but i am a former patient that has had success
    on their program. Almost every single thing on this blog is a LIE, but
    overall I think that one might want to ask the question:


    Think about it...There are virtually zero complaints regarding their
    program, The do not take people that are not doctor referred, and they
    have a 30 days money back guarantee. Does that sound a bit strange? Use
    common sense people.

    Jr. Member

    Posts: 930

    Delta Institute @BX_Protocol Dewayne Lee Smith, the drama queen
    « Reply #20 on: January 29, 2016, 09:10:21 PM »

    Re: Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is money laundering
    « Reply #18 on: January 26, 2016, 03:02:36 AM »

    The operative on this site is a disinformation agent for the
    pharmaceutical industry. -------------------------------------------------------

    I am impressed. Somehow. "heidi1255" is a fake by the gang which runs
    the "Delta Institute" and whatever names they might have used over time. Username: heidi1255
    Email: heidiarnoldson@yahoo.com

    IP Information for
    Quick Stats
    IP Location United States United States South Jordan Qwest
    Communications Company Llc
    Communications Company, LLC (registered Nov 13, 1998)
    Resolve Host 75-162-227-155.slkc.qwest.net

    West Jordan is a part of Salt Lake, Utah.

    Thanks for leaving your finger prints...

    The fake "heidi1255" claims:

    The operative on this site is a disinformation agent for the
    pharmaceutical industry. -------------------------------------------------------

    The Holy Dominatrix does not know about any "operative". And the others
    in the Command Central, the Holy Archives, and the Intergalactic
    Intelligence Department state the same: "Operative" is unknown. Not even
    the hamster of the Secretary of Defense knows "operative", and he knows
    many, many secret things here...

    The fake "heidi1255" claims:

    He is a first year PhD student at Leiden. His position is funded by CEL
    (Centre of Education and Learning), a collaboration between the
    universities of Leiden, Delft and Rotterdam.

    I recommend calling the university and complaining.

    Tim van der Zee
    PhD Candidate

    Name T. van der Zee
    Phone +31 71 527 5004
    t.van.der.zee@iclon.leidenuniv.nl -------------------------------------------------------

    The Holy Dominatrix does not know about any "Tim van der Zee". And the
    others in the Command Central, the Holy Archives, and the Intergalactic Intelligence Department state the same: "Tim van der Zee" is unknown.

    stand up against a criminal gang like the Smith's takes a hero.

    Congrats, Tim. You are a hero! Standing ovations!

    The fake "heidi1255" claims:

    Cyber attacks, conducted by Big Pharma disinformation operatives have
    posed a threat to individual and corporate security within the
    integrative health field for a long time. Over the past 6 months Delta
    has been the new hot target within this sector. -------------------------------------------------------

    That is a number of lies. If there is a gang committing cyber attacks,
    then this gang is "Delta Institute", which is, with real name, Dewayne
    Lee Smith. During the last days he showed up here in the TG-1 with the
    names "heidi1255", "Eve Hyde", and "DouglasHillford" and dumped his
    notorious spam in ALL the threads about him and his frauds, i.e.

    "Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is a vicious fraud" http://transgallaxys.com/~kanzlerzwo/index.php?topic=8772

    "Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is money laundering" http://transgallaxys.com/~kanzlerzwo/index.php?topic=8773

    "Financial bits and pieces of 'DELTA' BX PROTOCOL frauds Smith and

    "How to shoot BX Protocol at Twitter" http://transgallaxys.com/~kanzlerzwo/index.php?topic=8776

    What is a watchdog? Answer: A dog that lets nobody in.

    What is a good watchdog? Answer: A dog that lets nobody out.

    The TG-1 security watchdogs let Smith in, but they will not let him out.
    The spam was moved to the junkyard. But, for tactical reasons, the first
    two forum posts by "heidi1255" they let in the public part. So all can
    see them. As pieces of proof, of course.

    The fake "heidi1255" claims:

    Over the past 6 months Delta has been the new hot target within this

    Dewayne Smith lies. He never was attacked with cyber attacks of the "Big Pharma". No, it is he himself who is committing cyber attacks. His
    attacks against the TG-1 are proof for that. And not to forget his
    public mobbing against Tim van der Zee:

    I recommend calling the university and complaining. -------------------------------------------------------

    To stand up against Dewayne Lee Smith's fraud gang is the right and is
    the duty of every free man.

    The fake "heidi1255" claims:

    Delta Institute, working with INTERPOL and the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), has launched an investigation in order to combat
    acts of cyber terrorism committed by a Twitter account holder for
    alleged crimes violating international standards for online activity. -------------------------------------------------------

    How ridiculous! A fraud claims to have called the police because he is investigated for his crimes. Sounds like directly from the lunatics
    asylum. Or too much booze in too short time. Or being stoned with a
    double overdose of pot. Or all together.

    The so very simple fact is: Dewayne Lee Smith is in the cross-hairs of
    the FDA and of the FBI. All material archived in the vaults of the TG-1
    is an open book for the FBI to read, and it ever was, partly because the archives were open to them, and partly because the TG-1 Command
    Committee of the Day and its members inform the FBI and other agencies immediately about frauds. Like they did now.

    The fake "heidi1255" claims:

    Delta will utilize a variety of investigative tools needed to fight this variety of cyber crime, that Big Pharma uses as an ongoing tactic to
    fight against and suppress emerging health benefits within the
    integrative sector.

    For updates on this ongoing investigation, please visit this blog

    Good grief, Dewayne Lee Smith, the new drama queen. The TG-1 is not an
    old ladies' knitting society, it is a highly armed and trained
    investigative squad, directly connected with the police on the
    continents. We do not boast, we bite. And the waves of cracking down on
    Dewayne Lee Smith already were in the air before I typed the first word
    of this note. Only, Smith did not know it...

    Over the secret wires of the Intarnets we today were informed of a
    double BANG against the Smith gang. Happy days in Salt Lake.

    Or not.
    « Last Edit: January 29, 2016, 09:20:05 PM by ama »

    Heaven can wait!

    Jr. Member

    Posts: 212

    WANTED: Dewayne Lee Smith, Delta Institute @BX_Protocol
    « Reply #21 on: January 30, 2016, 11:19:40 AM »

    Good night, kids

    Jr. Member

    Posts: 196

    Douglas Hillford and Eve Hyde are criminals and spammers
    « Reply #22 on: January 31, 2016, 10:36:29 AM »
    The controls information news mail sent me this data of the two

    Username: DouglasHillford
    Email: douglashillford@gmail.com

    Date Registered: January 26, 2016, 05:16:29 PM


    Last Active: January 28, 2016, 07:35:43 PM

    Username: Eve Hyde
    Email: evegohyde@gmail.com

    Date Registered: January 26, 2016, 05:33:42 PM

    Hostname: c-76-23-49-75.hsd1.ut.comcast.net
    Last Active: January 29, 2016, 04:34:27 PM

    A Swiss IP is easy to get: buy a computer magazine with a DVD and get
    software and access to a proxy. Magazine copy costs 3 to 5 Euros. The
    proxy account will work a whole year.

    Jr. Member

    Posts: 63

    Re: Delta Institute @BX_Protocol Valerie Donaldson is member of the gang
    « Reply #23 on: February 09, 2016, 12:05:57 PM »
    Omega is right in

    Valerie Donaldson indeed is involved deeply in the fraud. Here is a
    piece of proof, dated November 13, 2012. Do note the intense psychic
    pressure by this text, which not only endorses, but strongly advertises
    for the "BX Protocol" crap:


    News Feed
    November 13, 2012 ·

    Please read, this document is base on clinical information on how cancer
    cell can
    die with this procedure! This is a must read!

    BX Antitoxin
    Proposed theory for the Cause of Cancer

    Cancer is caused by mitochondrial dysfunction of the cell, induced by
    the action of a nanobacteria, 0.4 micrometers on the cell wall. This nanobacterium was first identified and named BX by Rife. Bx Antitoxin
    works by breaking down the components of the nanobacteria; allowing
    those components to be used by the cancer cell to restore mitochondrial function, cellular respiration, and oxygenation. As oxygenation is
    increased, the cancer cell dies.

    Background History

    In 1931, Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize for the discovery of the
    action of mitochondrial respiratory enzymes which showed, among other
    things, that cancerous cells survive without oxygen (anaerobic) and
    would be killed if subjected to oxygen. He died August 1, 1970.

    In 1929, Royal Raymond Rife developed and patented a high powered
    microscope that detected nano-organisms sitting on the outside of a
    cancer cell wall that had never been seen before. He named these
    nano-organisms BX. He claimed he documented a 'mortal oscillatory rate”
    for these pathogenic organisms, and could devitalize them by vibrating
    them at the 'mortal oscillatory rate'. It was thought he had the cure
    for cancer as he “cured” 16 cancer patients given to him to treat by the
    AMA. The medical establishment noted all were cancer free. He was then discredited, arrested; his work destroyed and shut down by the medical community. No one has been able to reproduce his work since. He died
    August 5, 1971.

    In 1950's, Virginia Livingston Wheeler, MD, found a bacterium on cancer
    cells she called progenitor cryptocides. (see Cancer Bacteria, Wikipedia
    for review of bacteria known to be associated with cancer). She was told
    it was really just Staphylococcus and her theory shut down by the
    medical community even though she could produce an “82% success rate
    with cancer patients”…..when the medical establishment was getting 15%
    using radiation and chemotherapy in the 1980's. Her practice was called
    a quack and newspaper articles were written warning people not to go to
    her. She died in 1990 still practicing at the age of 83.(www.whale.to/cancer/cantwell)

    For 18 years, DeWayne Smith, PhD, was privately funded to study the work
    of Warburg, Wheeler, and Rife to see if he could again identify the nanobacterium described by Rife. Dr. Smith utilized particle analysis
    and gas studies in closed respirometry to identify the bacterium that
    was previously identified by Rife as a 40 nanometer, cell wall
    deficient, highly pathogenic, pleomorphic organism called BX. As Dr.
    Smith discovered the bactrium described by Rife, he then developed a
    nontoxic biomolecule called Bx Antitoxin to kill the BX nanobacterium.
    The BX Antitoxin given by injection acts as a photochemical catalyst
    that breaks down the Bx bacterium. The breakdown components of the
    bacterium set off a catalytic reaction that increases oxygen to the
    cells by restoring their mitochondrial function. Oxygen, produced by
    normal mitochondrial respiratory cell function, kills anaerobic cancer
    cells. The action of BX antitoxin as a catalyst for this type of
    cellular destruction of abnormal cells is similar to throwing a match in
    a dry forest and starting a forest fire.

    Amazing Preliminary Results for Cancer Patients after 1 Year of BX
    Antitoxin Use

    • 95% 5 year remediation rate for cancer Stage 1-3,
    • 75% 5 year remediation rate for cancer in Stage IV,
    • 40 % 5 year remediation rate for cancer in hospice patients

    Not Formulated for, but Definite Beneficial Effect on the Following
    Diseases in Isolated Cases
    • Rheumatoid Arthritis: Symptoms abated after one injection
    • ALS 50% disease free in one of two ALS patients who took it. They were
    both diagnosed and took the BX within 6 months of diagnosis
    • MS: Sx decreased
    • Parkinsons: 3 patients – 100% Tremors decreased
    • Autism: 1 patient - Sx markedly decreased in a patient who even had
    stem cells multiple times without effect
    • Type II Diabetes: Wiped out DM with one injection,still 3 months out
    and ok
    • Type1 Diabetes.: Stabilized blood sugars

    Side Effects of BX Antitoxin
    As cancer cells die off and are sent into the circulation to be
    excreted, the irritation of the dead cancer cells on the vessels causes
    a 'Herxheimer' reaction. This reaction is mild to severe depending on
    the amount of dead cancer cells being released at one time. The reaction usually does not last more that 48 hours. The 'Herxheimer' reaction is
    similar to flu symptoms. Other than this, there are no side effects.

    For More Information on the BX Antitoxin
    • Type www.mybxprotocol.com/123 in the address bar (not google search)
    for more information.
    • Watch the Bx video and Testimonial video.
    • You can request a SKYPE interview with Dr. Smith or staff, and/or
    • you can go to CONTACTS and register for a phone conference to learn
    more about your individual condition.
    • Please pass this information on to family and friends.

    BX Protocol Research Membership
    To be able to obtain the BX antitoxin you need to fill out an
    application forthe BX Protocol Research Membership which is then
    reviewed by the Delta Company to see if you are a candidate or not. You
    can find the application on the website, sited above. The research
    protocol membership is for one year. The cost is $16,995 for a one year membership. It is non-refundable, but can be transferred.

    Other requirements of the protocol are:
    1. You are on oxygen for 24 hr before and 48 hrs after you give yourself
    the BX Antitoxin injection.
    2. You are on a specific diet as certain foods are contraindicated for
    the Bx Antitoxin to work.
    3. You sign in to a back office website given to you documenting your
    progress, symptoms, and suggested blood work.
    4. You have immediate access to case management staff if needed.

    All of these are supplied as part of your membership in this research

    Valerie Donaldson, MD
    Pittsburgh, Pa


    Valerie Donaldson seems to have moved several times, so this her address
    in 2012:

    Valerie Donaldson, MD
    Pittsburgh, Pa

    This is how Dewayne Lee Smith, Linda Pendleton Smith, Todd David Mauer,
    Valerie Donaldson, and the other criminals cash in: by selling a totally worthless "membership" in a completely worthless "club. The victims even
    are pressed into applying for a membership and are under the pressure if
    the criminals will accept their bid.

    BX Protocol Research Membership

    To be able to obtain the BX antitoxin you need to fill out an
    application forthe BX Protocol Research Membership which is then
    reviewed by the Delta Company to see if you are a candidate or not. You
    can find the application on the website, sited above. The research
    protocol membership is for one year. The cost is $16,995 for a one year membership. It is non-refundable, but can be transferred.

    Other requirements of the protocol are:
    1. You are on oxygen for 24 hr before and 48 hrs after you give yourself
    the BX Antitoxin injection.
    2. You are on a specific diet as certain foods are contraindicated for
    the Bx Antitoxin to work.
    3. You sign in to a back office website given to you documenting your
    progress, symptoms, and suggested blood work.
    4. You have immediate access to case management staff if needed.

    All of these are supplied as part of your membership in this research

    For the $16,995 a victims gets nothing, absolutely nothing. With the
    membership the victim is entiled to buy more shit from Dewayne Lee Smith
    and accomplices for "special, lower prices", which still are a multiple
    of what the Chinese bullshit devices cost on the free market.

    For the $16,995 a victims gets nothing, absolutely nothing. And this
    money is gone. Say bye-bye to the greenbacks, pal! "It is

    The text also reveals: The victims must make the injections themselves.
    So it all is all their very own fault. And, since all and everything is
    a "research", and the victims are "researchers", they can go to hell. It
    all is all their very own fault.

    Also important to note: The "Bx Antitoxin" is an injection, which is a
    breach of US law.

    If you ask me, Dewayne Lee Smith is a piece of shit, Linda Pendleton
    Smith is a piece of shit, Todd David Mauer is a piece of shit, Valerie Donaldson is a piece of shit.

    Why doesn't the federal prison system store such criminals in

    [checked font, ET]
    « Last Edit: February 09, 2016, 11:15:36 PM by el_Typo »


    Posts: 2

    Re: Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is money laundering
    « Reply #24 on: February 13, 2016, 02:32:11 AM » https://www.facebook.com/yogaflowpittsburgh/posts/485485731491690

    "In 1950's, Virginia Livingston Wheeler, MD, found a bacterium on cancer
    cells she called progenitor cryptocides. (see Cancer Bacteria, Wikipedia
    for review of bacteria known to be associated with cancer). She was told
    it was really just Staphylococcus and her theory shut down by the
    medical community even though she could produce an “82% success rate
    with cancer patients”…..when the medical establishment was getting 15%
    using radiation and chemotherapy in the 1980's. Her practice was called
    a quack and newspaper articles were written warning people not to go to
    her. She died in 1990 still practicing at the age of 83.(www.whale.to/cancer/cantwell)"

    When she was, even in public, known to be a charlatan, her licenses and registrations should have been nixed. But the commissions, if there were
    any, did not do that, allowing her to harm more and more patients.

    Why wasn't she shot by a terminally ill cancer patient? He had all the
    right in the world to do it.


    Pages: [1]

    TG-1 * Transgallaxys Forum 1 >
    Die Drahtzieher / Hintergruende und Methoden >
    The Dewayne Lee Smith files, BX Protocol, Delta Institute, Utah >
    Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is money laundering

    Homöopathie ist nichts als Hütchenspielerbetrug und organisierte Kriminalität http://ariplex.com/folia/archives/565.htm http://ariplex.com/folia/archives/570.htm
    http://ariplex.com/folia/archives/585.htm http://ariplex.com/folia/archives/643.htm

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Happy Oyster@21:1/5 to All on Fri Feb 19 21:44:00 2016
    [continued from previous message]

    ipsa quae ab illo inven-tore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae
    dicta sunt explicabo.




    Com odictor ut ligulate cot ameti dapibus ticdu nt sent usto dolor
    losubo ltiissim commete pulvinar ac loreestibul msed ante. Donec
    sagittieismo purus ut perspiciatisde om istea tus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudant ium totam rem aperiameaque ipsa.

    Lugulate ameti dapibus ticdu nturu mtsen lusto dolor tissim com. Mes
    cuml dia sed inertio lacusueni ascet dolor ngerto aliiqt sit amet eism
    com odictor utmtkr ligulate cot ameti api bus ticdu nt mtsent justo
    dolor losubo.

    Nesciunt. Neque poMes cuml dia sed in lacus ut eniascet ingerto aliiqt
    es site amet eismod ictor ut ligulate ameti dap ibus ticdu nt mtsen
    lusto dolor ltissim com. Mes cuml diaed inertio lacusueni ascet dolor
    ingerto aliiqt sit amet eismcom odictor ut ligulate cot ameti dapibus. [*/quote*]

    Jr. Member

    Posts: 200

    Re: Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is money laundering
    « Reply #14 on: January 25, 2016, 09:54:12 AM »
    Derwayne Lee Smith lying about Lyme disease. What the hell! But look at
    the date! On December 21st., the site still was online. Now he offers it
    for 69 US Dollars.

    This is Google's cache of http://www.lymerevolution.com/~lyme1364/home.
    It is a snapshot of the page as it appeared on Dec 21, 2015 17:34:49



    About BX


    Sign in
    BX Introduction Video
    Additional BX Videos
    BX Youtube Channel
    Current Episode
    Past Episodes
    Family Blogs
    BX Protocol Home Page





    Learn how this global pandemic can be defeated through a revolutionary breakthrough in mitochondrial research. This video reveals a new
    paradigm in medicine that offers real solutions for one of the most
    complex infectious based diseases in history. It offers a fundamentally different approach to addressing this condition unlike anything that you
    have seen. The BX Protocol is changing lives around the globe, why not
    let it be yours!



    The Lyme Family is a groundbreaking new program in the style of reality television.

    No treatment has ever attempted to do what this program will do, follow
    a group of individuals as they undergo treatment for Lyme disease. The
    program will follow the family from shortly before treatment all the way through their first year on of following the revolutionary BX

    This series has several goals. First of all to let people with Chronic
    Lyme disease know that there is hope for them. Secondly it is to help
    raise awareness to the existence, and demonstrate the efficacy of the BX Protocol. The show will be unscripted and candid. Any additional
    treatments taken in addition to the BX Protocol will be disclosed for
    fuller transparency.

    The information provided will be used to keep you informed about
    upcoming episodes of "The Lyme Family", and other information relevant
    to the show. The information will not be shared with any third parties,
    or used for any other purposes.

    Resgister Below to Keep up to date on the Lyme Family's Progress

    Follow the progress of each member in between episodes by following
    their Lyme Family blog! Click on the Blog tab above for links to each of
    the blogs.

    Meet the Family!

    Learn More About the Individual Members of this Amazing Family.


    Jr. Member

    Posts: 200

    Re: Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is money laundering
    « Reply #15 on: January 25, 2016, 10:13:49 AM »
    Dewayne Lee Smith isn't the brightest candle on the cake. But who then
    is making the dirty work for him, like setting up the web-sites, making
    the videos, and so on? Hired students! This is a job offer at the
    Brigham Young University, source of an army of charlatans and snake-oil
    dealers and whatever criminal critters of your nightmares.


    PHP Web Developer ($20-$30 an hour)

    Submitted by Dewayne Smith on Thu, 05/07/2015 - 12:04pm

    Type of Position: Full-Time Placement
    Application Deadline: Sunday, June 7, 2015
    International Students: No

    Job Description:

    $20-$30.00 hourly (or salary commensurate with experience)

    Fast paced internet company seeks an advanced web developer. Candidate
    must have experience developing web applications using PHP, JavaScript,
    CSS, and MySQL

    We are looking for a highly motivated individual who can thrive in a
    fast pace environment and successfully contribute to the team. Our goal
    is to find someone who is experienced with implementing cutting edge web development techniques. The ideal candidate will have a can-do attitude, passion for technology, extensive development experience, and will be
    able to get up to speed quickly.


    Plan and develop new software
    Assist in complete database design (Queries, Indexing and Structure)
    Ongoing re-development of our current software
    Minimal system administration (Repairing corrupted tables,
    restarting services, etc.)
    Maintain and enhance our websites

    Company Info
    Company Name: Delta Member Services
    Company Website: Delta Institute http://www.bxprotocol.com/
    Company Location: Provo Utah United States

    Contact Information
    Contact Name: Dewayne Smith
    Contact Email: thatwillwork@gmail.com
    Contact Phone: 801:244-9906
    Application Email: thatwillwork@gmail.com
    Desired Graduation Date Range: May, 2015 to May, 2018

    The time fits with the spoiled web-site http://www.lymerevolution.com
    Did the students refuse to work for a fraud like Dewayne Lee Smith? Oh
    the fun of it!

    Jr. Member

    Posts: 200

    Dewayne Lee Smith crashed his web-site
    « Reply #16 on: January 25, 2016, 10:19:58 AM »
    Frozen, stored, and ready for use at court:

    "Submitted by Dewayne Smith on Thu, 05/07/2015 - 12:04pm" https://archive.is/sycxq


    Jr. Member

    Posts: 200

    Dewayne Lee Smith and more than half a million US Dollars...
    « Reply #17 on: January 25, 2016, 10:58:42 AM »
    The same address, but different phone number.


    5686 W 12900 S 84096-8922, HERRIMAN (UT)
    Phone: (+1) 801-446-3204

    That address seems to be valid. Dewayne Lee Smith in person (?) showed
    up in a city planning meeting in Herriman in December 2015.


    Thursday, December 3, 2015
    Approved December 17, 2015

    Dewayne Smith, 5686 W 12900 S, he mentioned being excited about having neighbors but was concerned about the road being too narrow because curb
    and gutter is needed. He felt worried about fires and the safety and
    welfare for those in the area. He would like to see the CC&R’s in regard
    to fencing, fire hydrants and lighting. He felt there needs to be more definitive information regarding the size of houses and fencing.

    Hydrants? Why not some cozy cell in jail for him? Where is the money he
    cashed in from his victims? Did he pay the house with that? No big deal
    to find official sources concerning the address and the building there.


    This page shows the assessor's CAMA data, as it was, on May 22, 2015.

    Parcel 26-35-276-034-0000
    Address 5686 W 12900 S
    Total Acreage 1.50
    Above Grade sqft. 3108
    Property Type 111 - SNGL FAM RES
    Tax District 70
    2015 Land Value $ 243,290
    2015 Building Value $ 389,800
    2015 Market Value $ 633,090

    More than half a million Dollars. Paid in cash, I assume... How many
    patients bled for that?

    [are you paid for typos? ET]
    « Last Edit: January 25, 2016, 11:21:01 AM by el_Typo »


    Posts: 1

    Re: Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is money laundering
    « Reply #18 on: January 26, 2016, 03:02:36 AM »
    The operative on this site is a disinformation agent for the
    pharmaceutical industry.

    He is a first year PhD student at Leiden. His position is funded by CEL
    (Centre of Education and Learning), a collaboration between the
    universities of Leiden, Delft and Rotterdam.

    I recommend calling the university and complaining.

    Tim van der Zee
    PhD Candidate

    Name T. van der Zee
    Phone +31 71 527 5004

    Cyber attacks, conducted by Big Pharma disinformation operatives have
    posed a threat to individual and corporate security within the
    integrative health field for a long time. Over the past 6 months Delta
    has been the new hot target within this sector.

    Delta Institute, working with INTERPOL and the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), has launched an investigation in order to combat
    acts of cyber terrorism committed by a Twitter account holder for
    alleged crimes violating international standards for online activity.
    Delta will utilize a variety of investigative tools needed to fight this variety of cyber crime, that Big Pharma uses as an ongoing tactic to
    fight against and suppress emerging health benefits within the
    integrative sector.

    For updates on this ongoing investigation, please visit this blog



    Posts: 1

    Re: Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is money laundering
    « Reply #19 on: January 26, 2016, 03:14:36 AM »
    For more information on the Fabrications regarding bx protocol, please
    visit: http://bxprotocol.com/blog.php or email legal @bxprotocol.com

    Delta has paid for legal reviews in the past. This disinformation has
    been going on for about 6 years.

    Legal opinion letters, certifying Delta's standing, are available upon
    request. These certifications are written by licensed attorneys, not

    I do not work for Delta, but i am a former patient that has had success
    on their program. Almost every single thing on this blog is a LIE, but
    overall I think that one might want to ask the question:


    Think about it...There are virtually zero complaints regarding their
    program, The do not take people that are not doctor referred, and they
    have a 30 days money back guarantee. Does that sound a bit strange? Use
    common sense people.

    Jr. Member

    Posts: 930

    Delta Institute @BX_Protocol Dewayne Lee Smith, the drama queen
    « Reply #20 on: January 29, 2016, 09:10:21 PM »

    Re: Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is money laundering
    « Reply #18 on: January 26, 2016, 03:02:36 AM »

    The operative on this site is a disinformation agent for the
    pharmaceutical industry. -------------------------------------------------------

    I am impressed. Somehow. "heidi1255" is a fake by the gang which runs
    the "Delta Institute" and whatever names they might have used over time. Username: heidi1255
    Email: heidiarnoldson@yahoo.com

    IP Information for
    Quick Stats
    IP Location United States United States South Jordan Qwest
    Communications Company Llc
    Communications Company, LLC (registered Nov 13, 1998)
    Resolve Host 75-162-227-155.slkc.qwest.net

    West Jordan is a part of Salt Lake, Utah.

    Thanks for leaving your finger prints...

    The fake "heidi1255" claims:

    The operative on this site is a disinformation agent for the
    pharmaceutical industry. -------------------------------------------------------

    The Holy Dominatrix does not know about any "operative". And the others
    in the Command Central, the Holy Archives, and the Intergalactic
    Intelligence Department state the same: "Operative" is unknown. Not even
    the hamster of the Secretary of Defense knows "operative", and he knows
    many, many secret things here...

    The fake "heidi1255" claims:

    He is a first year PhD student at Leiden. His position is funded by CEL
    (Centre of Education and Learning), a collaboration between the
    universities of Leiden, Delft and Rotterdam.

    I recommend calling the university and complaining.

    Tim van der Zee
    PhD Candidate

    Name T. van der Zee
    Phone +31 71 527 5004
    t.van.der.zee@iclon.leidenuniv.nl -------------------------------------------------------

    The Holy Dominatrix does not know about any "Tim van der Zee". And the
    others in the Command Central, the Holy Archives, and the Intergalactic Intelligence Department state the same: "Tim van der Zee" is unknown.

    stand up against a criminal gang like the Smith's takes a hero.

    Congrats, Tim. You are a hero! Standing ovations!

    The fake "heidi1255" claims:

    Cyber attacks, conducted by Big Pharma disinformation operatives have
    posed a threat to individual and corporate security within the
    integrative health field for a long time. Over the past 6 months Delta
    has been the new hot target within this sector. -------------------------------------------------------

    That is a number of lies. If there is a gang committing cyber attacks,
    then this gang is "Delta Institute", which is, with real name, Dewayne
    Lee Smith. During the last days he showed up here in the TG-1 with the
    names "heidi1255", "Eve Hyde", and "DouglasHillford" and dumped his
    notorious spam in ALL the threads about him and his frauds, i.e.

    "Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is a vicious fraud" http://transgallaxys.com/~kanzlerzwo/index.php?topic=8772

    "Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is money laundering" http://transgallaxys.com/~kanzlerzwo/index.php?topic=8773

    "Financial bits and pieces of 'DELTA' BX PROTOCOL frauds Smith and

    "How to shoot BX Protocol at Twitter" http://transgallaxys.com/~kanzlerzwo/index.php?topic=8776

    What is a watchdog? Answer: A dog that lets nobody in.

    What is a good watchdog? Answer: A dog that lets nobody out.

    The TG-1 security watchdogs let Smith in, but they will not let him out.
    The spam was moved to the junkyard. But, for tactical reasons, the first
    two forum posts by "heidi1255" they let in the public part. So all can
    see them. As pieces of proof, of course.

    The fake "heidi1255" claims:

    Over the past 6 months Delta has been the new hot target within this

    Dewayne Smith lies. He never was attacked with cyber attacks of the "Big Pharma". No, it is he himself who is committing cyber attacks. His
    attacks against the TG-1 are proof for that. And not to forget his
    public mobbing against Tim van der Zee:

    I recommend calling the university and complaining. -------------------------------------------------------

    To stand up against Dewayne Lee Smith's fraud gang is the right and is
    the duty of every free man.

    The fake "heidi1255" claims:

    Delta Institute, working with INTERPOL and the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), has launched an investigation in order to combat
    acts of cyber terrorism committed by a Twitter account holder for
    alleged crimes violating international standards for online activity. -------------------------------------------------------

    How ridiculous! A fraud claims to have called the police because he is investigated for his crimes. Sounds like directly from the lunatics
    asylum. Or too much booze in too short time. Or being stoned with a
    double overdose of pot. Or all together.

    The so very simple fact is: Dewayne Lee Smith is in the cross-hairs of
    the FDA and of the FBI. All material archived in the vaults of the TG-1
    is an open book for the FBI to read, and it ever was, partly because the archives were open to them, and partly because the TG-1 Command
    Committee of the Day and its members inform the FBI and other agencies immediately about frauds. Like they did now.

    The fake "heidi1255" claims:

    Delta will utilize a variety of investigative tools needed to fight this variety of cyber crime, that Big Pharma uses as an ongoing tactic to
    fight against and suppress emerging health benefits within the
    integrative sector.

    For updates on this ongoing investigation, please visit this blog

    Good grief, Dewayne Lee Smith, the new drama queen. The TG-1 is not an
    old ladies' knitting society, it is a highly armed and trained
    investigative squad, directly connected with the police on the
    continents. We do not boast, we bite. And the waves of cracking down on
    Dewayne Lee Smith already were in the air before I typed the first word
    of this note. Only, Smith did not know it...

    Over the secret wires of the Intarnets we today were informed of a
    double BANG against the Smith gang. Happy days in Salt Lake.

    Or not.
    « Last Edit: January 29, 2016, 09:20:05 PM by ama »

    Heaven can wait!

    Jr. Member

    Posts: 200

    WANTED: Dewayne Lee Smith, Delta Institute @BX_Protocol
    « Reply #21 on: January 30, 2016, 11:19:40 AM »

    Good night, kids

    Jr. Member

    Posts: 195

    Douglas Hillford and Eve Hyde are criminals and spammers
    « Reply #22 on: January 31, 2016, 10:36:29 AM »
    The controls information news mail sent me this data of the two

    Username: DouglasHillford
    Email: douglashillford@gmail.com

    Date Registered: January 26, 2016, 05:16:29 PM


    Last Active: January 28, 2016, 07:35:43 PM

    Username: Eve Hyde
    Email: evegohyde@gmail.com

    Date Registered: January 26, 2016, 05:33:42 PM

    Hostname: c-76-23-49-75.hsd1.ut.comcast.net
    Last Active: January 29, 2016, 04:34:27 PM

    A Swiss IP is easy to get: buy a computer magazine with a DVD and get
    software and access to a proxy. Magazine copy costs 3 to 5 Euros. The
    proxy account will work a whole year.

    Jr. Member

    Posts: 63

    Re: Delta Institute @BX_Protocol Valerie Donaldson is member of the gang
    « Reply #23 on: February 09, 2016, 12:05:57 PM »
    Omega is right in

    Valerie Donaldson indeed is involved deeply in the fraud. Here is a
    piece of proof, dated November 13, 2012. Do note the intense psychic
    pressure by this text, which not only endorses, but strongly advertises
    for the "BX Protocol" crap:


    News Feed
    November 13, 2012 ·

    Please read, this document is base on clinical information on how cancer
    cell can
    die with this procedure! This is a must read!

    BX Antitoxin
    Proposed theory for the Cause of Cancer

    Cancer is caused by mitochondrial dysfunction of the cell, induced by
    the action of a nanobacteria, 0.4 micrometers on the cell wall. This nanobacterium was first identified and named BX by Rife. Bx Antitoxin
    works by breaking down the components of the nanobacteria; allowing
    those components to be used by the cancer cell to restore mitochondrial function, cellular respiration, and oxygenation. As oxygenation is
    increased, the cancer cell dies.

    Background History

    In 1931, Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize for the discovery of the
    action of mitochondrial respiratory enzymes which showed, among other
    things, that cancerous cells survive without oxygen (anaerobic) and
    would be killed if subjected to oxygen. He died August 1, 1970.

    In 1929, Royal Raymond Rife developed and patented a high powered
    microscope that detected nano-organisms sitting on the outside of a
    cancer cell wall that had never been seen before. He named these
    nano-organisms BX. He claimed he documented a 'mortal oscillatory rate”
    for these pathogenic organisms, and could devitalize them by vibrating
    them at the 'mortal oscillatory rate'. It was thought he had the cure
    for cancer as he “cured” 16 cancer patients given to him to treat by the
    AMA. The medical establishment noted all were cancer free. He was then discredited, arrested; his work destroyed and shut down by the medical community. No one has been able to reproduce his work since. He died
    August 5, 1971.

    In 1950's, Virginia Livingston Wheeler, MD, found a bacterium on cancer
    cells she called progenitor cryptocides. (see Cancer Bacteria, Wikipedia
    for review of bacteria known to be associated with cancer). She was told
    it was really just Staphylococcus and her theory shut down by the
    medical community even though she could produce an “82% success rate
    with cancer patients”…..when the medical establishment was getting 15%
    using radiation and chemotherapy in the 1980's. Her practice was called
    a quack and newspaper articles were written warning people not to go to
    her. She died in 1990 still practicing at the age of 83.(www.whale.to/cancer/cantwell)

    For 18 years, DeWayne Smith, PhD, was privately funded to study the work
    of Warburg, Wheeler, and Rife to see if he could again identify the nanobacterium described by Rife. Dr. Smith utilized particle analysis
    and gas studies in closed respirometry to identify the bacterium that
    was previously identified by Rife as a 40 nanometer, cell wall
    deficient, highly pathogenic, pleomorphic organism called BX. As Dr.
    Smith discovered the bactrium described by Rife, he then developed a
    nontoxic biomolecule called Bx Antitoxin to kill the BX nanobacterium.
    The BX Antitoxin given by injection acts as a photochemical catalyst
    that breaks down the Bx bacterium. The breakdown components of the
    bacterium set off a catalytic reaction that increases oxygen to the
    cells by restoring their mitochondrial function. Oxygen, produced by
    normal mitochondrial respiratory cell function, kills anaerobic cancer
    cells. The action of BX antitoxin as a catalyst for this type of
    cellular destruction of abnormal cells is similar to throwing a match in
    a dry forest and starting a forest fire.

    Amazing Preliminary Results for Cancer Patients after 1 Year of BX
    Antitoxin Use

    • 95% 5 year remediation rate for cancer Stage 1-3,
    • 75% 5 year remediation rate for cancer in Stage IV,
    • 40 % 5 year remediation rate for cancer in hospice patients

    Not Formulated for, but Definite Beneficial Effect on the Following
    Diseases in Isolated Cases
    • Rheumatoid Arthritis: Symptoms abated after one injection
    • ALS 50% disease free in one of two ALS patients who took it. They were
    both diagnosed and took the BX within 6 months of diagnosis
    • MS: Sx decreased
    • Parkinsons: 3 patients – 100% Tremors decreased
    • Autism: 1 patient - Sx markedly decreased in a patient who even had
    stem cells multiple times without effect
    • Type II Diabetes: Wiped out DM with one injection,still 3 months out
    and ok
    • Type1 Diabetes.: Stabilized blood sugars

    Side Effects of BX Antitoxin
    As cancer cells die off and are sent into the circulation to be
    excreted, the irritation of the dead cancer cells on the vessels causes
    a 'Herxheimer' reaction. This reaction is mild to severe depending on
    the amount of dead cancer cells being released at one time. The reaction usually does not last more that 48 hours. The 'Herxheimer' reaction is
    similar to flu symptoms. Other than this, there are no side effects.

    For More Information on the BX Antitoxin
    • Type www.mybxprotocol.com/123 in the address bar (not google search)
    for more information.
    • Watch the Bx video and Testimonial video.
    • You can request a SKYPE interview with Dr. Smith or staff, and/or
    • you can go to CONTACTS and register for a phone conference to learn
    more about your individual condition.
    • Please pass this information on to family and friends.

    BX Protocol Research Membership
    To be able to obtain the BX antitoxin you need to fill out an
    application forthe BX Protocol Research Membership which is then
    reviewed by the Delta Company to see if you are a candidate or not. You
    can find the application on the website, sited above. The research
    protocol membership is for one year. The cost is $16,995 for a one year membership. It is non-refundable, but can be transferred.

    Other requirements of the protocol are:
    1. You are on oxygen for 24 hr before and 48 hrs after you give yourself
    the BX Antitoxin injection.
    2. You are on a specific diet as certain foods are contraindicated for
    the Bx Antitoxin to work.
    3. You sign in to a back office website given to you documenting your
    progress, symptoms, and suggested blood work.
    4. You have immediate access to case management staff if needed.

    All of these are supplied as part of your membership in this research

    Valerie Donaldson, MD
    Pittsburgh, Pa


    Valerie Donaldson seems to have moved several times, so this her address
    in 2012:

    Valerie Donaldson, MD
    Pittsburgh, Pa

    This is how Dewayne Lee Smith, Linda Pendleton Smith, Todd David Mauer,
    Valerie Donaldson, and the other criminals cash in: by selling a totally worthless "membership" in a completely worthless "club. The victims even
    are pressed into applying for a membership and are under the pressure if
    the criminals will accept their bid.

    BX Protocol Research Membership

    To be able to obtain the BX antitoxin you need to fill out an
    application forthe BX Protocol Research Membership which is then
    reviewed by the Delta Company to see if you are a candidate or not. You
    can find the application on the website, sited above. The research
    protocol membership is for one year. The cost is $16,995 for a one year membership. It is non-refundable, but can be transferred.

    Other requirements of the protocol are:
    1. You are on oxygen for 24 hr before and 48 hrs after you give yourself
    the BX Antitoxin injection.
    2. You are on a specific diet as certain foods are contraindicated for
    the Bx Antitoxin to work.
    3. You sign in to a back office website given to you documenting your
    progress, symptoms, and suggested blood work.
    4. You have immediate access to case management staff if needed.

    All of these are supplied as part of your membership in this research

    For the $16,995 a victims gets nothing, absolutely nothing. With the
    membership the victim is entiled to buy more shit from Dewayne Lee Smith
    and accomplices for "special, lower prices", which still are a multiple
    of what the Chinese bullshit devices cost on the free market.

    For the $16,995 a victims gets nothing, absolutely nothing. And this
    money is gone. Say bye-bye to the greenbacks, pal! "It is

    The text also reveals: The victims must make the injections themselves.
    So it all is all their very own fault. And, since all and everything is
    a "research", and the victims are "researchers", they can go to hell. It
    all is all their very own fault.

    Also important to note: The "Bx Antitoxin" is an injection, which is a
    breach of US law.

    If you ask me, Dewayne Lee Smith is a piece of shit, Linda Pendleton
    Smith is a piece of shit, Todd David Mauer is a piece of shit, Valerie Donaldson is a piece of shit.

    Why doesn't the federal prison system store such criminals in

    [checked font, ET]
    « Last Edit: February 09, 2016, 11:15:36 PM by el_Typo »


    Posts: 2

    Re: Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is money laundering
    « Reply #24 on: February 13, 2016, 02:32:11 AM » https://www.facebook.com/yogaflowpittsburgh/posts/485485731491690

    "In 1950's, Virginia Livingston Wheeler, MD, found a bacterium on cancer
    cells she called progenitor cryptocides. (see Cancer Bacteria, Wikipedia
    for review of bacteria known to be associated with cancer). She was told
    it was really just Staphylococcus and her theory shut down by the
    medical community even though she could produce an “82% success rate
    with cancer patients”…..when the medical establishment was getting 15%
    using radiation and chemotherapy in the 1980's. Her practice was called
    a quack and newspaper articles were written warning people not to go to
    her. She died in 1990 still practicing at the age of 83.(www.whale.to/cancer/cantwell)"

    When she was, even in public, known to be a charlatan, her licenses and registrations should have been nixed. But the commissions, if there were
    any, did not do that, allowing her to harm more and more patients.

    Why wasn't she shot by a terminally ill cancer patient? He had all the
    right in the world to do it.

    Homöopathie ist nichts als Hütchenspielerbetrug und organisierte Kriminalität http://ariplex.com/folia/archives/565.htm http://ariplex.com/folia/archives/570.htm
    http://ariplex.com/folia/archives/585.htm http://ariplex.com/folia/archives/643.htm

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Happy Oyster@21:1/5 to All on Fri Mar 25 20:45:06 2016
    [continued from previous message]

    ipsa quae ab illo inven-tore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae
    dicta sunt explicabo.




    Com odictor ut ligulate cot ameti dapibus ticdu nt sent usto dolor
    losubo ltiissim commete pulvinar ac loreestibul msed ante. Donec
    sagittieismo purus ut perspiciatisde om istea tus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudant ium totam rem aperiameaque ipsa.

    Lugulate ameti dapibus ticdu nturu mtsen lusto dolor tissim com. Mes
    cuml dia sed inertio lacusueni ascet dolor ngerto aliiqt sit amet eism
    com odictor utmtkr ligulate cot ameti api bus ticdu nt mtsent justo
    dolor losubo.

    Nesciunt. Neque poMes cuml dia sed in lacus ut eniascet ingerto aliiqt
    es site amet eismod ictor ut ligulate ameti dap ibus ticdu nt mtsen
    lusto dolor ltissim com. Mes cuml diaed inertio lacusueni ascet dolor
    ingerto aliiqt sit amet eismcom odictor ut ligulate cot ameti dapibus. [*/quote*]

    Jr. Member

    Posts: 200

    Re: Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is money laundering
    « Reply #14 on: January 25, 2016, 09:54:12 AM »
    Derwayne Lee Smith lying about Lyme disease. What the hell! But look at
    the date! On December 21st., the site still was online. Now he offers it
    for 69 US Dollars.

    This is Google's cache of http://www.lymerevolution.com/~lyme1364/home.
    It is a snapshot of the page as it appeared on Dec 21, 2015 17:34:49



    About BX


    Sign in
    BX Introduction Video
    Additional BX Videos
    BX Youtube Channel
    Current Episode
    Past Episodes
    Family Blogs
    BX Protocol Home Page





    Learn how this global pandemic can be defeated through a revolutionary breakthrough in mitochondrial research. This video reveals a new
    paradigm in medicine that offers real solutions for one of the most
    complex infectious based diseases in history. It offers a fundamentally different approach to addressing this condition unlike anything that you
    have seen. The BX Protocol is changing lives around the globe, why not
    let it be yours!



    The Lyme Family is a groundbreaking new program in the style of reality television.

    No treatment has ever attempted to do what this program will do, follow
    a group of individuals as they undergo treatment for Lyme disease. The
    program will follow the family from shortly before treatment all the way through their first year on of following the revolutionary BX

    This series has several goals. First of all to let people with Chronic
    Lyme disease know that there is hope for them. Secondly it is to help
    raise awareness to the existence, and demonstrate the efficacy of the BX Protocol. The show will be unscripted and candid. Any additional
    treatments taken in addition to the BX Protocol will be disclosed for
    fuller transparency.

    The information provided will be used to keep you informed about
    upcoming episodes of "The Lyme Family", and other information relevant
    to the show. The information will not be shared with any third parties,
    or used for any other purposes.

    Resgister Below to Keep up to date on the Lyme Family's Progress

    Follow the progress of each member in between episodes by following
    their Lyme Family blog! Click on the Blog tab above for links to each of
    the blogs.

    Meet the Family!

    Learn More About the Individual Members of this Amazing Family.


    Jr. Member

    Posts: 200

    Re: Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is money laundering
    « Reply #15 on: January 25, 2016, 10:13:49 AM »
    Dewayne Lee Smith isn't the brightest candle on the cake. But who then
    is making the dirty work for him, like setting up the web-sites, making
    the videos, and so on? Hired students! This is a job offer at the
    Brigham Young University, source of an army of charlatans and snake-oil
    dealers and whatever criminal critters of your nightmares.


    PHP Web Developer ($20-$30 an hour)

    Submitted by Dewayne Smith on Thu, 05/07/2015 - 12:04pm

    Type of Position: Full-Time Placement
    Application Deadline: Sunday, June 7, 2015
    International Students: No

    Job Description:

    $20-$30.00 hourly (or salary commensurate with experience)

    Fast paced internet company seeks an advanced web developer. Candidate
    must have experience developing web applications using PHP, JavaScript,
    CSS, and MySQL

    We are looking for a highly motivated individual who can thrive in a
    fast pace environment and successfully contribute to the team. Our goal
    is to find someone who is experienced with implementing cutting edge web development techniques. The ideal candidate will have a can-do attitude, passion for technology, extensive development experience, and will be
    able to get up to speed quickly.


    Plan and develop new software
    Assist in complete database design (Queries, Indexing and Structure)
    Ongoing re-development of our current software
    Minimal system administration (Repairing corrupted tables,
    restarting services, etc.)
    Maintain and enhance our websites

    Company Info
    Company Name: Delta Member Services
    Company Website: Delta Institute http://www.bxprotocol.com/
    Company Location: Provo Utah United States

    Contact Information
    Contact Name: Dewayne Smith
    Contact Email: thatwillwork@gmail.com
    Contact Phone: 801:244-9906
    Application Email: thatwillwork@gmail.com
    Desired Graduation Date Range: May, 2015 to May, 2018

    The time fits with the spoiled web-site http://www.lymerevolution.com
    Did the students refuse to work for a fraud like Dewayne Lee Smith? Oh
    the fun of it!

    Jr. Member

    Posts: 200

    Dewayne Lee Smith crashed his web-site
    « Reply #16 on: January 25, 2016, 10:19:58 AM »
    Frozen, stored, and ready for use at court:

    "Submitted by Dewayne Smith on Thu, 05/07/2015 - 12:04pm" https://archive.is/sycxq


    Jr. Member

    Posts: 200

    Dewayne Lee Smith and more than half a million US Dollars...
    « Reply #17 on: January 25, 2016, 10:58:42 AM »
    The same address, but different phone number.


    5686 W 12900 S 84096-8922, HERRIMAN (UT)
    Phone: (+1) 801-446-3204

    That address seems to be valid. Dewayne Lee Smith in person (?) showed
    up in a city planning meeting in Herriman in December 2015.


    Thursday, December 3, 2015
    Approved December 17, 2015

    Dewayne Smith, 5686 W 12900 S, he mentioned being excited about having neighbors but was concerned about the road being too narrow because curb
    and gutter is needed. He felt worried about fires and the safety and
    welfare for those in the area. He would like to see the CC&R’s in regard
    to fencing, fire hydrants and lighting. He felt there needs to be more definitive information regarding the size of houses and fencing.

    Hydrants? Why not some cozy cell in jail for him? Where is the money he
    cashed in from his victims? Did he pay the house with that? No big deal
    to find official sources concerning the address and the building there.


    This page shows the assessor's CAMA data, as it was, on May 22, 2015.

    Parcel 26-35-276-034-0000
    Address 5686 W 12900 S
    Total Acreage 1.50
    Above Grade sqft. 3108
    Property Type 111 - SNGL FAM RES
    Tax District 70
    2015 Land Value $ 243,290
    2015 Building Value $ 389,800
    2015 Market Value $ 633,090

    More than half a million Dollars. Paid in cash, I assume... How many
    patients bled for that?

    [are you paid for typos? ET]
    « Last Edit: January 25, 2016, 11:21:01 AM by el_Typo »


    Posts: 1

    Re: Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is money laundering
    « Reply #18 on: January 26, 2016, 03:02:36 AM »
    The operative on this site is a disinformation agent for the
    pharmaceutical industry.

    He is a first year PhD student at Leiden. His position is funded by CEL
    (Centre of Education and Learning), a collaboration between the
    universities of Leiden, Delft and Rotterdam.

    I recommend calling the university and complaining.

    Tim van der Zee
    PhD Candidate

    Name T. van der Zee
    Phone +31 71 527 5004

    Cyber attacks, conducted by Big Pharma disinformation operatives have
    posed a threat to individual and corporate security within the
    integrative health field for a long time. Over the past 6 months Delta
    has been the new hot target within this sector.

    Delta Institute, working with INTERPOL and the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), has launched an investigation in order to combat
    acts of cyber terrorism committed by a Twitter account holder for
    alleged crimes violating international standards for online activity.
    Delta will utilize a variety of investigative tools needed to fight this variety of cyber crime, that Big Pharma uses as an ongoing tactic to
    fight against and suppress emerging health benefits within the
    integrative sector.

    For updates on this ongoing investigation, please visit this blog



    Posts: 1

    Re: Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is money laundering
    « Reply #19 on: January 26, 2016, 03:14:36 AM »
    For more information on the Fabrications regarding bx protocol, please
    visit: http://bxprotocol.com/blog.php or email legal @bxprotocol.com

    Delta has paid for legal reviews in the past. This disinformation has
    been going on for about 6 years.

    Legal opinion letters, certifying Delta's standing, are available upon
    request. These certifications are written by licensed attorneys, not

    I do not work for Delta, but i am a former patient that has had success
    on their program. Almost every single thing on this blog is a LIE, but
    overall I think that one might want to ask the question:


    Think about it...There are virtually zero complaints regarding their
    program, The do not take people that are not doctor referred, and they
    have a 30 days money back guarantee. Does that sound a bit strange? Use
    common sense people.

    Jr. Member

    Posts: 930

    Delta Institute @BX_Protocol Dewayne Lee Smith, the drama queen
    « Reply #20 on: January 29, 2016, 09:10:21 PM »

    Re: Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is money laundering
    « Reply #18 on: January 26, 2016, 03:02:36 AM »

    The operative on this site is a disinformation agent for the
    pharmaceutical industry. -------------------------------------------------------

    I am impressed. Somehow. "heidi1255" is a fake by the gang which runs
    the "Delta Institute" and whatever names they might have used over time. Username: heidi1255
    Email: heidiarnoldson@yahoo.com

    IP Information for
    Quick Stats
    IP Location United States United States South Jordan Qwest
    Communications Company Llc
    Communications Company, LLC (registered Nov 13, 1998)
    Resolve Host 75-162-227-155.slkc.qwest.net

    West Jordan is a part of Salt Lake, Utah.

    Thanks for leaving your finger prints...

    The fake "heidi1255" claims:

    The operative on this site is a disinformation agent for the
    pharmaceutical industry. -------------------------------------------------------

    The Holy Dominatrix does not know about any "operative". And the others
    in the Command Central, the Holy Archives, and the Intergalactic
    Intelligence Department state the same: "Operative" is unknown. Not even
    the hamster of the Secretary of Defense knows "operative", and he knows
    many, many secret things here...

    The fake "heidi1255" claims:

    He is a first year PhD student at Leiden. His position is funded by CEL
    (Centre of Education and Learning), a collaboration between the
    universities of Leiden, Delft and Rotterdam.

    I recommend calling the university and complaining.

    Tim van der Zee
    PhD Candidate

    Name T. van der Zee
    Phone +31 71 527 5004
    t.van.der.zee@iclon.leidenuniv.nl -------------------------------------------------------

    The Holy Dominatrix does not know about any "Tim van der Zee". And the
    others in the Command Central, the Holy Archives, and the Intergalactic Intelligence Department state the same: "Tim van der Zee" is unknown.

    stand up against a criminal gang like the Smith's takes a hero.

    Congrats, Tim. You are a hero! Standing ovations!

    The fake "heidi1255" claims:

    Cyber attacks, conducted by Big Pharma disinformation operatives have
    posed a threat to individual and corporate security within the
    integrative health field for a long time. Over the past 6 months Delta
    has been the new hot target within this sector. -------------------------------------------------------

    That is a number of lies. If there is a gang committing cyber attacks,
    then this gang is "Delta Institute", which is, with real name, Dewayne
    Lee Smith. During the last days he showed up here in the TG-1 with the
    names "heidi1255", "Eve Hyde", and "DouglasHillford" and dumped his
    notorious spam in ALL the threads about him and his frauds, i.e.

    "Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is a vicious fraud" http://transgallaxys.com/~kanzlerzwo/index.php?topic=8772

    "Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is money laundering" http://transgallaxys.com/~kanzlerzwo/index.php?topic=8773

    "Financial bits and pieces of 'DELTA' BX PROTOCOL frauds Smith and

    "How to shoot BX Protocol at Twitter" http://transgallaxys.com/~kanzlerzwo/index.php?topic=8776

    What is a watchdog? Answer: A dog that lets nobody in.

    What is a good watchdog? Answer: A dog that lets nobody out.

    The TG-1 security watchdogs let Smith in, but they will not let him out.
    The spam was moved to the junkyard. But, for tactical reasons, the first
    two forum posts by "heidi1255" they let in the public part. So all can
    see them. As pieces of proof, of course.

    The fake "heidi1255" claims:

    Over the past 6 months Delta has been the new hot target within this

    Dewayne Smith lies. He never was attacked with cyber attacks of the "Big Pharma". No, it is he himself who is committing cyber attacks. His
    attacks against the TG-1 are proof for that. And not to forget his
    public mobbing against Tim van der Zee:

    I recommend calling the university and complaining. -------------------------------------------------------

    To stand up against Dewayne Lee Smith's fraud gang is the right and is
    the duty of every free man.

    The fake "heidi1255" claims:

    Delta Institute, working with INTERPOL and the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), has launched an investigation in order to combat
    acts of cyber terrorism committed by a Twitter account holder for
    alleged crimes violating international standards for online activity. -------------------------------------------------------

    How ridiculous! A fraud claims to have called the police because he is investigated for his crimes. Sounds like directly from the lunatics
    asylum. Or too much booze in too short time. Or being stoned with a
    double overdose of pot. Or all together.

    The so very simple fact is: Dewayne Lee Smith is in the cross-hairs of
    the FDA and of the FBI. All material archived in the vaults of the TG-1
    is an open book for the FBI to read, and it ever was, partly because the archives were open to them, and partly because the TG-1 Command
    Committee of the Day and its members inform the FBI and other agencies immediately about frauds. Like they did now.

    The fake "heidi1255" claims:

    Delta will utilize a variety of investigative tools needed to fight this variety of cyber crime, that Big Pharma uses as an ongoing tactic to
    fight against and suppress emerging health benefits within the
    integrative sector.

    For updates on this ongoing investigation, please visit this blog

    Good grief, Dewayne Lee Smith, the new drama queen. The TG-1 is not an
    old ladies' knitting society, it is a highly armed and trained
    investigative squad, directly connected with the police on the
    continents. We do not boast, we bite. And the waves of cracking down on
    Dewayne Lee Smith already were in the air before I typed the first word
    of this note. Only, Smith did not know it...

    Over the secret wires of the Intarnets we today were informed of a
    double BANG against the Smith gang. Happy days in Salt Lake.

    Or not.
    « Last Edit: January 29, 2016, 09:20:05 PM by ama »

    Heaven can wait!

    Jr. Member

    Posts: 200

    WANTED: Dewayne Lee Smith, Delta Institute @BX_Protocol
    « Reply #21 on: January 30, 2016, 11:19:40 AM »

    Good night, kids

    Jr. Member

    Posts: 195

    Douglas Hillford and Eve Hyde are criminals and spammers
    « Reply #22 on: January 31, 2016, 10:36:29 AM »
    The controls information news mail sent me this data of the two

    Username: DouglasHillford
    Email: douglashillford@gmail.com

    Date Registered: January 26, 2016, 05:16:29 PM


    Last Active: January 28, 2016, 07:35:43 PM

    Username: Eve Hyde
    Email: evegohyde@gmail.com

    Date Registered: January 26, 2016, 05:33:42 PM

    Hostname: c-76-23-49-75.hsd1.ut.comcast.net
    Last Active: January 29, 2016, 04:34:27 PM

    A Swiss IP is easy to get: buy a computer magazine with a DVD and get
    software and access to a proxy. Magazine copy costs 3 to 5 Euros. The
    proxy account will work a whole year.

    Jr. Member

    Posts: 63

    Re: Delta Institute @BX_Protocol Valerie Donaldson is member of the gang
    « Reply #23 on: February 09, 2016, 12:05:57 PM »
    Omega is right in

    Valerie Donaldson indeed is involved deeply in the fraud. Here is a
    piece of proof, dated November 13, 2012. Do note the intense psychic
    pressure by this text, which not only endorses, but strongly advertises
    for the "BX Protocol" crap:


    News Feed
    November 13, 2012 ·

    Please read, this document is base on clinical information on how cancer
    cell can
    die with this procedure! This is a must read!

    BX Antitoxin
    Proposed theory for the Cause of Cancer

    Cancer is caused by mitochondrial dysfunction of the cell, induced by
    the action of a nanobacteria, 0.4 micrometers on the cell wall. This nanobacterium was first identified and named BX by Rife. Bx Antitoxin
    works by breaking down the components of the nanobacteria; allowing
    those components to be used by the cancer cell to restore mitochondrial function, cellular respiration, and oxygenation. As oxygenation is
    increased, the cancer cell dies.

    Background History

    In 1931, Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize for the discovery of the
    action of mitochondrial respiratory enzymes which showed, among other
    things, that cancerous cells survive without oxygen (anaerobic) and
    would be killed if subjected to oxygen. He died August 1, 1970.

    In 1929, Royal Raymond Rife developed and patented a high powered
    microscope that detected nano-organisms sitting on the outside of a
    cancer cell wall that had never been seen before. He named these
    nano-organisms BX. He claimed he documented a 'mortal oscillatory rate”
    for these pathogenic organisms, and could devitalize them by vibrating
    them at the 'mortal oscillatory rate'. It was thought he had the cure
    for cancer as he “cured” 16 cancer patients given to him to treat by the
    AMA. The medical establishment noted all were cancer free. He was then discredited, arrested; his work destroyed and shut down by the medical community. No one has been able to reproduce his work since. He died
    August 5, 1971.

    In 1950's, Virginia Livingston Wheeler, MD, found a bacterium on cancer
    cells she called progenitor cryptocides. (see Cancer Bacteria, Wikipedia
    for review of bacteria known to be associated with cancer). She was told
    it was really just Staphylococcus and her theory shut down by the
    medical community even though she could produce an “82% success rate
    with cancer patients”…..when the medical establishment was getting 15%
    using radiation and chemotherapy in the 1980's. Her practice was called
    a quack and newspaper articles were written warning people not to go to
    her. She died in 1990 still practicing at the age of 83.(www.whale.to/cancer/cantwell)

    For 18 years, DeWayne Smith, PhD, was privately funded to study the work
    of Warburg, Wheeler, and Rife to see if he could again identify the nanobacterium described by Rife. Dr. Smith utilized particle analysis
    and gas studies in closed respirometry to identify the bacterium that
    was previously identified by Rife as a 40 nanometer, cell wall
    deficient, highly pathogenic, pleomorphic organism called BX. As Dr.
    Smith discovered the bactrium described by Rife, he then developed a
    nontoxic biomolecule called Bx Antitoxin to kill the BX nanobacterium.
    The BX Antitoxin given by injection acts as a photochemical catalyst
    that breaks down the Bx bacterium. The breakdown components of the
    bacterium set off a catalytic reaction that increases oxygen to the
    cells by restoring their mitochondrial function. Oxygen, produced by
    normal mitochondrial respiratory cell function, kills anaerobic cancer
    cells. The action of BX antitoxin as a catalyst for this type of
    cellular destruction of abnormal cells is similar to throwing a match in
    a dry forest and starting a forest fire.

    Amazing Preliminary Results for Cancer Patients after 1 Year of BX
    Antitoxin Use

    • 95% 5 year remediation rate for cancer Stage 1-3,
    • 75% 5 year remediation rate for cancer in Stage IV,
    • 40 % 5 year remediation rate for cancer in hospice patients

    Not Formulated for, but Definite Beneficial Effect on the Following
    Diseases in Isolated Cases
    • Rheumatoid Arthritis: Symptoms abated after one injection
    • ALS 50% disease free in one of two ALS patients who took it. They were
    both diagnosed and took the BX within 6 months of diagnosis
    • MS: Sx decreased
    • Parkinsons: 3 patients – 100% Tremors decreased
    • Autism: 1 patient - Sx markedly decreased in a patient who even had
    stem cells multiple times without effect
    • Type II Diabetes: Wiped out DM with one injection,still 3 months out
    and ok
    • Type1 Diabetes.: Stabilized blood sugars

    Side Effects of BX Antitoxin
    As cancer cells die off and are sent into the circulation to be
    excreted, the irritation of the dead cancer cells on the vessels causes
    a 'Herxheimer' reaction. This reaction is mild to severe depending on
    the amount of dead cancer cells being released at one time. The reaction usually does not last more that 48 hours. The 'Herxheimer' reaction is
    similar to flu symptoms. Other than this, there are no side effects.

    For More Information on the BX Antitoxin
    • Type www.mybxprotocol.com/123 in the address bar (not google search)
    for more information.
    • Watch the Bx video and Testimonial video.
    • You can request a SKYPE interview with Dr. Smith or staff, and/or
    • you can go to CONTACTS and register for a phone conference to learn
    more about your individual condition.
    • Please pass this information on to family and friends.

    BX Protocol Research Membership
    To be able to obtain the BX antitoxin you need to fill out an
    application forthe BX Protocol Research Membership which is then
    reviewed by the Delta Company to see if you are a candidate or not. You
    can find the application on the website, sited above. The research
    protocol membership is for one year. The cost is $16,995 for a one year membership. It is non-refundable, but can be transferred.

    Other requirements of the protocol are:
    1. You are on oxygen for 24 hr before and 48 hrs after you give yourself
    the BX Antitoxin injection.
    2. You are on a specific diet as certain foods are contraindicated for
    the Bx Antitoxin to work.
    3. You sign in to a back office website given to you documenting your
    progress, symptoms, and suggested blood work.
    4. You have immediate access to case management staff if needed.

    All of these are supplied as part of your membership in this research

    Valerie Donaldson, MD
    Pittsburgh, Pa


    Valerie Donaldson seems to have moved several times, so this her address
    in 2012:

    Valerie Donaldson, MD
    Pittsburgh, Pa

    This is how Dewayne Lee Smith, Linda Pendleton Smith, Todd David Mauer,
    Valerie Donaldson, and the other criminals cash in: by selling a totally worthless "membership" in a completely worthless "club. The victims even
    are pressed into applying for a membership and are under the pressure if
    the criminals will accept their bid.

    BX Protocol Research Membership

    To be able to obtain the BX antitoxin you need to fill out an
    application forthe BX Protocol Research Membership which is then
    reviewed by the Delta Company to see if you are a candidate or not. You
    can find the application on the website, sited above. The research
    protocol membership is for one year. The cost is $16,995 for a one year membership. It is non-refundable, but can be transferred.

    Other requirements of the protocol are:
    1. You are on oxygen for 24 hr before and 48 hrs after you give yourself
    the BX Antitoxin injection.
    2. You are on a specific diet as certain foods are contraindicated for
    the Bx Antitoxin to work.
    3. You sign in to a back office website given to you documenting your
    progress, symptoms, and suggested blood work.
    4. You have immediate access to case management staff if needed.

    All of these are supplied as part of your membership in this research

    For the $16,995 a victims gets nothing, absolutely nothing. With the
    membership the victim is entiled to buy more shit from Dewayne Lee Smith
    and accomplices for "special, lower prices", which still are a multiple
    of what the Chinese bullshit devices cost on the free market.

    For the $16,995 a victims gets nothing, absolutely nothing. And this
    money is gone. Say bye-bye to the greenbacks, pal! "It is

    The text also reveals: The victims must make the injections themselves.
    So it all is all their very own fault. And, since all and everything is
    a "research", and the victims are "researchers", they can go to hell. It
    all is all their very own fault.

    Also important to note: The "Bx Antitoxin" is an injection, which is a
    breach of US law.

    If you ask me, Dewayne Lee Smith is a piece of shit, Linda Pendleton
    Smith is a piece of shit, Todd David Mauer is a piece of shit, Valerie Donaldson is a piece of shit.

    Why doesn't the federal prison system store such criminals in

    [checked font, ET]
    « Last Edit: February 09, 2016, 11:15:36 PM by el_Typo »


    Posts: 2

    Re: Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is money laundering
    « Reply #24 on: February 13, 2016, 02:32:11 AM » https://www.facebook.com/yogaflowpittsburgh/posts/485485731491690

    "In 1950's, Virginia Livingston Wheeler, MD, found a bacterium on cancer
    cells she called progenitor cryptocides. (see Cancer Bacteria, Wikipedia
    for review of bacteria known to be associated with cancer). She was told
    it was really just Staphylococcus and her theory shut down by the
    medical community even though she could produce an “82% success rate
    with cancer patients”…..when the medical establishment was getting 15%
    using radiation and chemotherapy in the 1980's. Her practice was called
    a quack and newspaper articles were written warning people not to go to
    her. She died in 1990 still practicing at the age of 83.(www.whale.to/cancer/cantwell)"

    When she was, even in public, known to be a charlatan, her licenses and registrations should have been nixed. But the commissions, if there were
    any, did not do that, allowing her to harm more and more patients.

    Why wasn't she shot by a terminally ill cancer patient? He had all the
    right in the world to do it.

    Homöopathie ist nichts als Hütchenspielerbetrug und organisierte Kriminalität http://ariplex.com/folia/archives/565.htm http://ariplex.com/folia/archives/570.htm
    http://ariplex.com/folia/archives/585.htm http://ariplex.com/folia/archives/643.htm

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Happy Oyster@21:1/5 to All on Mon May 16 07:55:01 2016
    [continued from previous message]

    sagittieismo purus ut perspiciatis unde om iste natus error sit
    voluptatem accusa ntium doloremque laudantium totam rem aperiameaque
    ipsa quae ab illo inven-tore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae
    dicta sunt explicabo.




    Com odictor ut ligulate cot ameti dapibus ticdu nt sent usto dolor
    losubo ltiissim commete pulvinar ac loreestibul msed ante. Donec
    sagittieismo purus ut perspiciatisde om istea tus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudant ium totam rem aperiameaque ipsa.

    Lugulate ameti dapibus ticdu nturu mtsen lusto dolor tissim com. Mes
    cuml dia sed inertio lacusueni ascet dolor ngerto aliiqt sit amet eism
    com odictor utmtkr ligulate cot ameti api bus ticdu nt mtsent justo
    dolor losubo.

    Nesciunt. Neque poMes cuml dia sed in lacus ut eniascet ingerto aliiqt
    es site amet eismod ictor ut ligulate ameti dap ibus ticdu nt mtsen
    lusto dolor ltissim com. Mes cuml diaed inertio lacusueni ascet dolor
    ingerto aliiqt sit amet eismcom odictor ut ligulate cot ameti dapibus. [*/quote*]

    Jr. Member

    Posts: 212

    Re: Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is money laundering
    « Reply #14 on: January 25, 2016, 09:54:12 AM »
    Derwayne Lee Smith lying about Lyme disease. What the hell! But look at
    the date! On December 21st., the site still was online. Now he offers it
    for 69 US Dollars.

    This is Google's cache of http://www.lymerevolution.com/~lyme1364/home.
    It is a snapshot of the page as it appeared on Dec 21, 2015 17:34:49



    About BX


    Sign in
    BX Introduction Video
    Additional BX Videos
    BX Youtube Channel
    Current Episode
    Past Episodes
    Family Blogs
    BX Protocol Home Page





    Learn how this global pandemic can be defeated through a revolutionary breakthrough in mitochondrial research. This video reveals a new
    paradigm in medicine that offers real solutions for one of the most
    complex infectious based diseases in history. It offers a fundamentally different approach to addressing this condition unlike anything that you
    have seen. The BX Protocol is changing lives around the globe, why not
    let it be yours!



    The Lyme Family is a groundbreaking new program in the style of reality television.

    No treatment has ever attempted to do what this program will do, follow
    a group of individuals as they undergo treatment for Lyme disease. The
    program will follow the family from shortly before treatment all the way through their first year on of following the revolutionary BX

    This series has several goals. First of all to let people with Chronic
    Lyme disease know that there is hope for them. Secondly it is to help
    raise awareness to the existence, and demonstrate the efficacy of the BX Protocol. The show will be unscripted and candid. Any additional
    treatments taken in addition to the BX Protocol will be disclosed for
    fuller transparency.

    The information provided will be used to keep you informed about
    upcoming episodes of "The Lyme Family", and other information relevant
    to the show. The information will not be shared with any third parties,
    or used for any other purposes.

    Resgister Below to Keep up to date on the Lyme Family's Progress

    Follow the progress of each member in between episodes by following
    their Lyme Family blog! Click on the Blog tab above for links to each of
    the blogs.

    Meet the Family!

    Learn More About the Individual Members of this Amazing Family.


    Jr. Member

    Posts: 212

    Re: Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is money laundering
    « Reply #15 on: January 25, 2016, 10:13:49 AM »
    Dewayne Lee Smith isn't the brightest candle on the cake. But who then
    is making the dirty work for him, like setting up the web-sites, making
    the videos, and so on? Hired students! This is a job offer at the
    Brigham Young University, source of an army of charlatans and snake-oil
    dealers and whatever criminal critters of your nightmares.


    PHP Web Developer ($20-$30 an hour)

    Submitted by Dewayne Smith on Thu, 05/07/2015 - 12:04pm

    Type of Position: Full-Time Placement
    Application Deadline: Sunday, June 7, 2015
    International Students: No

    Job Description:

    $20-$30.00 hourly (or salary commensurate with experience)

    Fast paced internet company seeks an advanced web developer. Candidate
    must have experience developing web applications using PHP, JavaScript,
    CSS, and MySQL

    We are looking for a highly motivated individual who can thrive in a
    fast pace environment and successfully contribute to the team. Our goal
    is to find someone who is experienced with implementing cutting edge web development techniques. The ideal candidate will have a can-do attitude, passion for technology, extensive development experience, and will be
    able to get up to speed quickly.


    Plan and develop new software
    Assist in complete database design (Queries, Indexing and Structure)
    Ongoing re-development of our current software
    Minimal system administration (Repairing corrupted tables,
    restarting services, etc.)
    Maintain and enhance our websites

    Company Info
    Company Name: Delta Member Services
    Company Website: Delta Institute http://www.bxprotocol.com/
    Company Location: Provo Utah United States

    Contact Information
    Contact Name: Dewayne Smith
    Contact Email: thatwillwork@gmail.com
    Contact Phone: 801:244-9906
    Application Email: thatwillwork@gmail.com
    Desired Graduation Date Range: May, 2015 to May, 2018

    The time fits with the spoiled web-site http://www.lymerevolution.com
    Did the students refuse to work for a fraud like Dewayne Lee Smith? Oh
    the fun of it!

    Jr. Member

    Posts: 212

    Dewayne Lee Smith crashed his web-site
    « Reply #16 on: January 25, 2016, 10:19:58 AM »
    Frozen, stored, and ready for use at court:

    "Submitted by Dewayne Smith on Thu, 05/07/2015 - 12:04pm" https://archive.is/sycxq


    Jr. Member

    Posts: 212

    Dewayne Lee Smith and more than half a million US Dollars...
    « Reply #17 on: January 25, 2016, 10:58:42 AM »
    The same address, but different phone number.


    5686 W 12900 S 84096-8922, HERRIMAN (UT)
    Phone: (+1) 801-446-3204

    That address seems to be valid. Dewayne Lee Smith in person (?) showed
    up in a city planning meeting in Herriman in December 2015.


    Thursday, December 3, 2015
    Approved December 17, 2015

    Dewayne Smith, 5686 W 12900 S, he mentioned being excited about having neighbors but was concerned about the road being too narrow because curb
    and gutter is needed. He felt worried about fires and the safety and
    welfare for those in the area. He would like to see the CC&R’s in regard
    to fencing, fire hydrants and lighting. He felt there needs to be more definitive information regarding the size of houses and fencing.

    Hydrants? Why not some cozy cell in jail for him? Where is the money he
    cashed in from his victims? Did he pay the house with that? No big deal
    to find official sources concerning the address and the building there.


    This page shows the assessor's CAMA data, as it was, on May 22, 2015.

    Parcel 26-35-276-034-0000
    Address 5686 W 12900 S
    Total Acreage 1.50
    Above Grade sqft. 3108
    Property Type 111 - SNGL FAM RES
    Tax District 70
    2015 Land Value $ 243,290
    2015 Building Value $ 389,800
    2015 Market Value $ 633,090

    More than half a million Dollars. Paid in cash, I assume... How many
    patients bled for that?

    [are you paid for typos? ET]
    « Last Edit: January 25, 2016, 11:21:01 AM by el_Typo »


    Posts: 1

    Re: Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is money laundering
    « Reply #18 on: January 26, 2016, 03:02:36 AM »
    The operative on this site is a disinformation agent for the
    pharmaceutical industry.

    He is a first year PhD student at Leiden. His position is funded by CEL
    (Centre of Education and Learning), a collaboration between the
    universities of Leiden, Delft and Rotterdam.

    I recommend calling the university and complaining.

    Tim van der Zee
    PhD Candidate

    Name T. van der Zee
    Phone +31 71 527 5004

    Cyber attacks, conducted by Big Pharma disinformation operatives have
    posed a threat to individual and corporate security within the
    integrative health field for a long time. Over the past 6 months Delta
    has been the new hot target within this sector.

    Delta Institute, working with INTERPOL and the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), has launched an investigation in order to combat
    acts of cyber terrorism committed by a Twitter account holder for
    alleged crimes violating international standards for online activity.
    Delta will utilize a variety of investigative tools needed to fight this variety of cyber crime, that Big Pharma uses as an ongoing tactic to
    fight against and suppress emerging health benefits within the
    integrative sector.

    For updates on this ongoing investigation, please visit this blog



    Posts: 1

    Re: Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is money laundering
    « Reply #19 on: January 26, 2016, 03:14:36 AM »
    For more information on the Fabrications regarding bx protocol, please
    visit: http://bxprotocol.com/blog.php or email legal @bxprotocol.com

    Delta has paid for legal reviews in the past. This disinformation has
    been going on for about 6 years.

    Legal opinion letters, certifying Delta's standing, are available upon
    request. These certifications are written by licensed attorneys, not

    I do not work for Delta, but i am a former patient that has had success
    on their program. Almost every single thing on this blog is a LIE, but
    overall I think that one might want to ask the question:


    Think about it...There are virtually zero complaints regarding their
    program, The do not take people that are not doctor referred, and they
    have a 30 days money back guarantee. Does that sound a bit strange? Use
    common sense people.

    Jr. Member

    Posts: 930

    Delta Institute @BX_Protocol Dewayne Lee Smith, the drama queen
    « Reply #20 on: January 29, 2016, 09:10:21 PM »

    Re: Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is money laundering
    « Reply #18 on: January 26, 2016, 03:02:36 AM »

    The operative on this site is a disinformation agent for the
    pharmaceutical industry. -------------------------------------------------------

    I am impressed. Somehow. "heidi1255" is a fake by the gang which runs
    the "Delta Institute" and whatever names they might have used over time. Username: heidi1255
    Email: heidiarnoldson@yahoo.com

    IP Information for
    Quick Stats
    IP Location United States United States South Jordan Qwest
    Communications Company Llc
    Communications Company, LLC (registered Nov 13, 1998)
    Resolve Host 75-162-227-155.slkc.qwest.net

    West Jordan is a part of Salt Lake, Utah.

    Thanks for leaving your finger prints...

    The fake "heidi1255" claims:

    The operative on this site is a disinformation agent for the
    pharmaceutical industry. -------------------------------------------------------

    The Holy Dominatrix does not know about any "operative". And the others
    in the Command Central, the Holy Archives, and the Intergalactic
    Intelligence Department state the same: "Operative" is unknown. Not even
    the hamster of the Secretary of Defense knows "operative", and he knows
    many, many secret things here...

    The fake "heidi1255" claims:

    He is a first year PhD student at Leiden. His position is funded by CEL
    (Centre of Education and Learning), a collaboration between the
    universities of Leiden, Delft and Rotterdam.

    I recommend calling the university and complaining.

    Tim van der Zee
    PhD Candidate

    Name T. van der Zee
    Phone +31 71 527 5004
    t.van.der.zee@iclon.leidenuniv.nl -------------------------------------------------------

    The Holy Dominatrix does not know about any "Tim van der Zee". And the
    others in the Command Central, the Holy Archives, and the Intergalactic Intelligence Department state the same: "Tim van der Zee" is unknown.

    stand up against a criminal gang like the Smith's takes a hero.

    Congrats, Tim. You are a hero! Standing ovations!

    The fake "heidi1255" claims:

    Cyber attacks, conducted by Big Pharma disinformation operatives have
    posed a threat to individual and corporate security within the
    integrative health field for a long time. Over the past 6 months Delta
    has been the new hot target within this sector. -------------------------------------------------------

    That is a number of lies. If there is a gang committing cyber attacks,
    then this gang is "Delta Institute", which is, with real name, Dewayne
    Lee Smith. During the last days he showed up here in the TG-1 with the
    names "heidi1255", "Eve Hyde", and "DouglasHillford" and dumped his
    notorious spam in ALL the threads about him and his frauds, i.e.

    "Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is a vicious fraud" http://transgallaxys.com/~kanzlerzwo/index.php?topic=8772

    "Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is money laundering" http://transgallaxys.com/~kanzlerzwo/index.php?topic=8773

    "Financial bits and pieces of 'DELTA' BX PROTOCOL frauds Smith and

    "How to shoot BX Protocol at Twitter" http://transgallaxys.com/~kanzlerzwo/index.php?topic=8776

    What is a watchdog? Answer: A dog that lets nobody in.

    What is a good watchdog? Answer: A dog that lets nobody out.

    The TG-1 security watchdogs let Smith in, but they will not let him out.
    The spam was moved to the junkyard. But, for tactical reasons, the first
    two forum posts by "heidi1255" they let in the public part. So all can
    see them. As pieces of proof, of course.

    The fake "heidi1255" claims:

    Over the past 6 months Delta has been the new hot target within this

    Dewayne Smith lies. He never was attacked with cyber attacks of the "Big Pharma". No, it is he himself who is committing cyber attacks. His
    attacks against the TG-1 are proof for that. And not to forget his
    public mobbing against Tim van der Zee:

    I recommend calling the university and complaining. -------------------------------------------------------

    To stand up against Dewayne Lee Smith's fraud gang is the right and is
    the duty of every free man.

    The fake "heidi1255" claims:

    Delta Institute, working with INTERPOL and the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), has launched an investigation in order to combat
    acts of cyber terrorism committed by a Twitter account holder for
    alleged crimes violating international standards for online activity. -------------------------------------------------------

    How ridiculous! A fraud claims to have called the police because he is investigated for his crimes. Sounds like directly from the lunatics
    asylum. Or too much booze in too short time. Or being stoned with a
    double overdose of pot. Or all together.

    The so very simple fact is: Dewayne Lee Smith is in the cross-hairs of
    the FDA and of the FBI. All material archived in the vaults of the TG-1
    is an open book for the FBI to read, and it ever was, partly because the archives were open to them, and partly because the TG-1 Command
    Committee of the Day and its members inform the FBI and other agencies immediately about frauds. Like they did now.

    The fake "heidi1255" claims:

    Delta will utilize a variety of investigative tools needed to fight this variety of cyber crime, that Big Pharma uses as an ongoing tactic to
    fight against and suppress emerging health benefits within the
    integrative sector.

    For updates on this ongoing investigation, please visit this blog

    Good grief, Dewayne Lee Smith, the new drama queen. The TG-1 is not an
    old ladies' knitting society, it is a highly armed and trained
    investigative squad, directly connected with the police on the
    continents. We do not boast, we bite. And the waves of cracking down on
    Dewayne Lee Smith already were in the air before I typed the first word
    of this note. Only, Smith did not know it...

    Over the secret wires of the Intarnets we today were informed of a
    double BANG against the Smith gang. Happy days in Salt Lake.

    Or not.
    « Last Edit: January 29, 2016, 09:20:05 PM by ama »

    Heaven can wait!

    Jr. Member

    Posts: 212

    WANTED: Dewayne Lee Smith, Delta Institute @BX_Protocol
    « Reply #21 on: January 30, 2016, 11:19:40 AM »

    Good night, kids

    Jr. Member

    Posts: 196

    Douglas Hillford and Eve Hyde are criminals and spammers
    « Reply #22 on: January 31, 2016, 10:36:29 AM »
    The controls information news mail sent me this data of the two

    Username: DouglasHillford
    Email: douglashillford@gmail.com

    Date Registered: January 26, 2016, 05:16:29 PM


    Last Active: January 28, 2016, 07:35:43 PM

    Username: Eve Hyde
    Email: evegohyde@gmail.com

    Date Registered: January 26, 2016, 05:33:42 PM

    Hostname: c-76-23-49-75.hsd1.ut.comcast.net
    Last Active: January 29, 2016, 04:34:27 PM

    A Swiss IP is easy to get: buy a computer magazine with a DVD and get
    software and access to a proxy. Magazine copy costs 3 to 5 Euros. The
    proxy account will work a whole year.

    Jr. Member

    Posts: 63

    Re: Delta Institute @BX_Protocol Valerie Donaldson is member of the gang
    « Reply #23 on: February 09, 2016, 12:05:57 PM »
    Omega is right in

    Valerie Donaldson indeed is involved deeply in the fraud. Here is a
    piece of proof, dated November 13, 2012. Do note the intense psychic
    pressure by this text, which not only endorses, but strongly advertises
    for the "BX Protocol" crap:


    News Feed
    November 13, 2012 ·

    Please read, this document is base on clinical information on how cancer
    cell can
    die with this procedure! This is a must read!

    BX Antitoxin
    Proposed theory for the Cause of Cancer

    Cancer is caused by mitochondrial dysfunction of the cell, induced by
    the action of a nanobacteria, 0.4 micrometers on the cell wall. This nanobacterium was first identified and named BX by Rife. Bx Antitoxin
    works by breaking down the components of the nanobacteria; allowing
    those components to be used by the cancer cell to restore mitochondrial function, cellular respiration, and oxygenation. As oxygenation is
    increased, the cancer cell dies.

    Background History

    In 1931, Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize for the discovery of the
    action of mitochondrial respiratory enzymes which showed, among other
    things, that cancerous cells survive without oxygen (anaerobic) and
    would be killed if subjected to oxygen. He died August 1, 1970.

    In 1929, Royal Raymond Rife developed and patented a high powered
    microscope that detected nano-organisms sitting on the outside of a
    cancer cell wall that had never been seen before. He named these
    nano-organisms BX. He claimed he documented a 'mortal oscillatory rate”
    for these pathogenic organisms, and could devitalize them by vibrating
    them at the 'mortal oscillatory rate'. It was thought he had the cure
    for cancer as he “cured” 16 cancer patients given to him to treat by the
    AMA. The medical establishment noted all were cancer free. He was then discredited, arrested; his work destroyed and shut down by the medical community. No one has been able to reproduce his work since. He died
    August 5, 1971.

    In 1950's, Virginia Livingston Wheeler, MD, found a bacterium on cancer
    cells she called progenitor cryptocides. (see Cancer Bacteria, Wikipedia
    for review of bacteria known to be associated with cancer). She was told
    it was really just Staphylococcus and her theory shut down by the
    medical community even though she could produce an “82% success rate
    with cancer patients”…..when the medical establishment was getting 15%
    using radiation and chemotherapy in the 1980's. Her practice was called
    a quack and newspaper articles were written warning people not to go to
    her. She died in 1990 still practicing at the age of 83.(www.whale.to/cancer/cantwell)

    For 18 years, DeWayne Smith, PhD, was privately funded to study the work
    of Warburg, Wheeler, and Rife to see if he could again identify the nanobacterium described by Rife. Dr. Smith utilized particle analysis
    and gas studies in closed respirometry to identify the bacterium that
    was previously identified by Rife as a 40 nanometer, cell wall
    deficient, highly pathogenic, pleomorphic organism called BX. As Dr.
    Smith discovered the bactrium described by Rife, he then developed a
    nontoxic biomolecule called Bx Antitoxin to kill the BX nanobacterium.
    The BX Antitoxin given by injection acts as a photochemical catalyst
    that breaks down the Bx bacterium. The breakdown components of the
    bacterium set off a catalytic reaction that increases oxygen to the
    cells by restoring their mitochondrial function. Oxygen, produced by
    normal mitochondrial respiratory cell function, kills anaerobic cancer
    cells. The action of BX antitoxin as a catalyst for this type of
    cellular destruction of abnormal cells is similar to throwing a match in
    a dry forest and starting a forest fire.

    Amazing Preliminary Results for Cancer Patients after 1 Year of BX
    Antitoxin Use

    • 95% 5 year remediation rate for cancer Stage 1-3,
    • 75% 5 year remediation rate for cancer in Stage IV,
    • 40 % 5 year remediation rate for cancer in hospice patients

    Not Formulated for, but Definite Beneficial Effect on the Following
    Diseases in Isolated Cases
    • Rheumatoid Arthritis: Symptoms abated after one injection
    • ALS 50% disease free in one of two ALS patients who took it. They were
    both diagnosed and took the BX within 6 months of diagnosis
    • MS: Sx decreased
    • Parkinsons: 3 patients – 100% Tremors decreased
    • Autism: 1 patient - Sx markedly decreased in a patient who even had
    stem cells multiple times without effect
    • Type II Diabetes: Wiped out DM with one injection,still 3 months out
    and ok
    • Type1 Diabetes.: Stabilized blood sugars

    Side Effects of BX Antitoxin
    As cancer cells die off and are sent into the circulation to be
    excreted, the irritation of the dead cancer cells on the vessels causes
    a 'Herxheimer' reaction. This reaction is mild to severe depending on
    the amount of dead cancer cells being released at one time. The reaction usually does not last more that 48 hours. The 'Herxheimer' reaction is
    similar to flu symptoms. Other than this, there are no side effects.

    For More Information on the BX Antitoxin
    • Type www.mybxprotocol.com/123 in the address bar (not google search)
    for more information.
    • Watch the Bx video and Testimonial video.
    • You can request a SKYPE interview with Dr. Smith or staff, and/or
    • you can go to CONTACTS and register for a phone conference to learn
    more about your individual condition.
    • Please pass this information on to family and friends.

    BX Protocol Research Membership
    To be able to obtain the BX antitoxin you need to fill out an
    application forthe BX Protocol Research Membership which is then
    reviewed by the Delta Company to see if you are a candidate or not. You
    can find the application on the website, sited above. The research
    protocol membership is for one year. The cost is $16,995 for a one year membership. It is non-refundable, but can be transferred.

    Other requirements of the protocol are:
    1. You are on oxygen for 24 hr before and 48 hrs after you give yourself
    the BX Antitoxin injection.
    2. You are on a specific diet as certain foods are contraindicated for
    the Bx Antitoxin to work.
    3. You sign in to a back office website given to you documenting your
    progress, symptoms, and suggested blood work.
    4. You have immediate access to case management staff if needed.

    All of these are supplied as part of your membership in this research

    Valerie Donaldson, MD
    Pittsburgh, Pa


    Valerie Donaldson seems to have moved several times, so this her address
    in 2012:

    Valerie Donaldson, MD
    Pittsburgh, Pa

    This is how Dewayne Lee Smith, Linda Pendleton Smith, Todd David Mauer,
    Valerie Donaldson, and the other criminals cash in: by selling a totally worthless "membership" in a completely worthless "club. The victims even
    are pressed into applying for a membership and are under the pressure if
    the criminals will accept their bid.

    BX Protocol Research Membership

    To be able to obtain the BX antitoxin you need to fill out an
    application forthe BX Protocol Research Membership which is then
    reviewed by the Delta Company to see if you are a candidate or not. You
    can find the application on the website, sited above. The research
    protocol membership is for one year. The cost is $16,995 for a one year membership. It is non-refundable, but can be transferred.

    Other requirements of the protocol are:
    1. You are on oxygen for 24 hr before and 48 hrs after you give yourself
    the BX Antitoxin injection.
    2. You are on a specific diet as certain foods are contraindicated for
    the Bx Antitoxin to work.
    3. You sign in to a back office website given to you documenting your
    progress, symptoms, and suggested blood work.
    4. You have immediate access to case management staff if needed.

    All of these are supplied as part of your membership in this research

    For the $16,995 a victims gets nothing, absolutely nothing. With the
    membership the victim is entiled to buy more shit from Dewayne Lee Smith
    and accomplices for "special, lower prices", which still are a multiple
    of what the Chinese bullshit devices cost on the free market.

    For the $16,995 a victims gets nothing, absolutely nothing. And this
    money is gone. Say bye-bye to the greenbacks, pal! "It is

    The text also reveals: The victims must make the injections themselves.
    So it all is all their very own fault. And, since all and everything is
    a "research", and the victims are "researchers", they can go to hell. It
    all is all their very own fault.

    Also important to note: The "Bx Antitoxin" is an injection, which is a
    breach of US law.

    If you ask me, Dewayne Lee Smith is a piece of shit, Linda Pendleton
    Smith is a piece of shit, Todd David Mauer is a piece of shit, Valerie Donaldson is a piece of shit.

    Why doesn't the federal prison system store such criminals in

    [checked font, ET]
    « Last Edit: February 09, 2016, 11:15:36 PM by el_Typo »


    Posts: 2

    Re: Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is money laundering
    « Reply #24 on: February 13, 2016, 02:32:11 AM » https://www.facebook.com/yogaflowpittsburgh/posts/485485731491690

    "In 1950's, Virginia Livingston Wheeler, MD, found a bacterium on cancer
    cells she called progenitor cryptocides. (see Cancer Bacteria, Wikipedia
    for review of bacteria known to be associated with cancer). She was told
    it was really just Staphylococcus and her theory shut down by the
    medical community even though she could produce an “82% success rate
    with cancer patients”…..when the medical establishment was getting 15%
    using radiation and chemotherapy in the 1980's. Her practice was called
    a quack and newspaper articles were written warning people not to go to
    her. She died in 1990 still practicing at the age of 83.(www.whale.to/cancer/cantwell)"

    When she was, even in public, known to be a charlatan, her licenses and registrations should have been nixed. But the commissions, if there were
    any, did not do that, allowing her to harm more and more patients.

    Why wasn't she shot by a terminally ill cancer patient? He had all the
    right in the world to do it.


    Pages: [1]

    TG-1 * Transgallaxys Forum 1 >
    Die Drahtzieher / Hintergruende und Methoden >
    The Dewayne Lee Smith files, BX Protocol, Delta Institute, Utah >
    Delta Institute @BX_Protocol is money laundering

    Homöopathie ist nichts als Hütchenspielerbetrug und organisierte Kriminalität http://ariplex.com/folia/archives/565.htm http://ariplex.com/folia/archives/570.htm
    http://ariplex.com/folia/archives/585.htm http://ariplex.com/folia/archives/643.htm

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