• Lyme in New York City ... Central Park

    From georgia@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jan 17 15:44:08 2016
    Emerging Infectious Diseases

    Deer Ticks (Ixodes scapularis) and the Agents of Lyme Disease and Human Granulocytic Ehrlichiosis in a New York City Park

    Authors: Thomas J. Daniels,*† Richard C. Falco,*† Ira Schwartz,† Shobha Varde,† and Richard G. Robbins‡

    * Fordham University, Armonk, New York, USA
    † New York Medical College, Valhalla, New York, USA
    ‡ Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, D.C., USA

    <Picture: Back>Abstract: Rodent trapping and drag sampling in Van Cortlandt Park, New York City, yielded all stages of Ixodes scapularis, the deer tick vector of Lyme disease and human granulocytic ehrlichiosis (HGE).
    Polymerase chain reaction analyses of the ticks showed Borrelia burgdorferi
    and the Ehrlichia sp. that causes HGE. [Emerging Infectious Diseases 3(3):353-355, 1997. Centers for Disease Control]

    Lyme disease, a tick-borne spirochetosis transmitted by the deer tick
    (Ixodes scapularis Say), was reported from 46 states in the United States
    in 1996; for the past 6 years, an average of 20% of those cases have been
    from Westchester and Suffolk Counties, New York[1]. While spread of the
    deer tick population in New York State has been documented north and west
    of Westchester County[2], movement of ticks southward toward New York City
    has been largely ignored, despite rising Lyme disease case numbers in
    southern Westchester and a relatively high incidence of human parasitism by vector ticks. The discovery in Westchester County of human granulocytic ehrlichiosis (HGE), a second, potentially fatal, tick-borne disease[3], and
    of the causative Ehrlichia equi-like rickettsial agent in I. scapularis[4] highlights the significance of defining the geographic range of the deer
    tick. This is particularly important in urban areas, where residents may
    not be familiar with tick-borne diseases common in nearby suburban and
    rural areas. Foci of Lyme disease can occur in forested urban areas, as
    well as in rural sites, if ticks and their hosts are present[5].

    Because of the proximity of Van Cortlandt Park to areas of southern
    Westchester where I. scapularis have been collected (Falco, unpub. data),
    the park's relatively large wooded area (approximately 60% of 468 ha), and
    the wide range of vertebrate hosts on which this tick feeds, we examined rodents live-trapped in the park to determine if deer ticks were present.

    For one night in August 1995, during the period of larval I. scapularis activity, trapping was conducted on five study grids, each 50 m by 50 m.
    Fifty Sherman mouse traps (H.B. Sherman, Tallahassee, FL) and nine Tomahawk traps (Tomahawk Live Traps, Tomahawk, WI) for larger mammals were baited
    and placed on each grid. Mean distance between neighboring grids was 400 m,
    and all were located in the northern half of the park, where woodland is concentrated. Captured animals were lightly anesthetized with
    methoxyflurane (Metofane, Pitman-Moore, Mundelein, IN); they were examined,
    and their age, sex, and weight were determined. All ectoparasites were collected, identified, and counted. Animals were released at the capture
    site after recovery from anesthesia.

    The presence of this tick species in the park might lead to a Lyme disease
    or HGE focus and, therefore, the need for additional surveillance efforts.
    To further evaluate the risk for park visitors from infected ticks, host-seeking ticks were sampled in the summer (July 1996), when nymphal I. scapularis were active. Drag sampling, in which a 1 m2 panel of white
    corduroy cloth is pulled along the ground and over vegetation to collect host-seeking ticks, was conducted. Any ticks found on the drag cloth or on researchers were removed with forceps, placed in a glass vial, and held
    live until identification. Specimens were stored in 70% ethanol until

    Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis was conducted on all ticks
    collected in 1995 and 1996[6]. For nymphal and adult ticks, each specimen
    was dissected with sterile needles, and DNA was extracted by the Isoquick
    DNA extraction kit (ORCA Research, Bothell, WA), according to
    manufacturer's directions. Final DNA pellets were suspended in 50 µl of sterile water. Each tick extract was tested for B. burgdorferi and the HGE agent by PCR amplification of a 10 µl aliquot.

    Even though neither B. burgdorferi nor other ehrlichiae are efficiently transovarially transmitted[7,8], white-footed mice are competent reservoirs
    of both agents[9]. Given the likelihood that transovarial transmission of
    the Ehrlichia sp. causing HGE is extremely low, larval I. scapularis
    collected from mice might have acquired either agent while feeding. Seven
    of the nine larvae removed from hosts were tested in pools of two (n = 2)
    or three (n = 1) specimens; the remaining two larvae were tested
    individually. Larvae were pooled only with ticks that had been removed from
    the same host animal. Larval specimens were likewise dissected in a tube,
    and DNA was extracted as described above.

    B. burgdorferi-specific PCR targeted the spacer region between duplicated
    23S rRNA genes with primer IS1 and IS2[10]. Amplified products were electrophoresed on a 1.5% agarose gel, and DNA was transferred to nylon membranes hybridized with a B. burgdorferi-specific probe (P19)[10]. The
    HGE agent was detected by amplifying a 151 bp fragment of 16S rDNA with
    primers GER3 and GER4[11]. PCR products were resolved by electrophoresis on
    2% agarose gels and visualized by staining with ethidium bromide.

    Of 33 captured mammals examined in the summer of 1995, 19 were white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus), the primary reservoir of B. burgdorferi. Four
    (21%) mice hosted I. scapularis; two mice each hosted a single larva, one hosted two larvae, and one mouse hosted five larvae. Mice that hosted ticks were captured on three of the five trapping grids. Examination of the nine chipmunks (Tamias striatus), four gray squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis),
    and one flying squirrel (Glaucomys volans) that also were captured did not
    show any I. scapularis or other tick species.

    To evaluate the relative density of host-seeking I. scapularis, i.e., unattached ticks available to parasitize a passing host, 5,840 m2 of
    woodland habitat was drag sampled on or adjacent to the five trapping
    grids. One nymphal and two adult male I. scapularis were collected, along
    with a single I. dentatus nymph.

    Results of PCR analyses indicated that one pool of two larvae, removed from
    a white-footed mouse that hosted five I. scapularis, was positive for the Ehrlichia agent of HGE. Of the four host-seeking ticks examined, two male
    I. scapularis were infected with B. burgdorferi; the single I. dentatus
    nymph was not infected with either agent. No specimens were infected with
    both agents. The primers used to amplify the HGE agent DNA would also yield
    PCR product with the closely related E. platys (an agent of canine ehrlichiosis) and a recently described Ehrlichia species from white-tailed deer[12]. However, neither of these bacteria has been reported in hosts in
    the northeastern United States, nor are the invertebrate vectors known (although Amblyomma americanum is a suspected vector of the deer Ehrlichia)[12,13]. Since the prevalence rate of the HGE agent in I.
    scapularis collected in Westchester County, New York, is approximately
    20%[14], it is reasonable to conclude that in the current study, positive
    PCR results reflect the presence of the HGE agent.

    Although anecdotal reports of Lyme disease by New York City residents who
    have not traveled to disease-endemic sites have previously suggested the presence of I. scapularis within city limits, to our knowledge, this is the first instance in which the deer tick has been confirmed on wildlife hosts resident in the city. Examinations of tick collections at both the American Museum of Natural History, New York (L.N. Sorkin, pers. comm.), and the
    U.S. National Tick Collection at the Institute of Arthropodology and Parasitology, Georgia Southern University (L.A. Durden, pers. comm.), also indicate that no specimens of I. scapularis previously collected from
    wildlife in New York City have been deposited.

    These findings have several implications. First, the distribution of
    infested hosts suggests at least three potential tick population foci
    within Van Cortlandt Park. From these, a growing tick population may
    develop. Second, the larvae collected in this study were likely derived
    from eggs laid by replete females in the park. Thus, it is probable that host-seeking adults had successfully found medium- to large-sized mammals
    on which to feed during the previous adult season. The collection of nymphs
    and adult ticks further supports our conclusion that a population of I. scapularis is established in Van Cortlandt Park, though at a low level. By comparison, average drag densities at a woodland site in central
    Westchester County typically are one nymph per approximately 16 m2 during a comparable period in the nymphal activity cycle (Daniels and Falco, unpub. data). Third, the potential exists for increased exposure to the agents of
    Lyme disease and HGE by park visitors. Rather than creating the
    peridomestic exposure that marks suburban habitats, tick populations in
    urban areas will likely result in more focal exposure, restricted to
    woodland habitat "islands," which exist primarily as parkland. The presence
    of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in such parks, even if it
    occurs on an intermittent, seasonal basis (as appears to be the case in Van Cortlandt Park), may serve to introduce new ticks into the park from
    adjoining disease-endemic areas. In this case, Westchester County is the apparent source of the sporadic deer migration. In addition, the presence
    of deer in the park can feed host-seeking ticks active at that time and
    thereby help increase the tick population. Even in the absence of
    white-tailed deer, the preferred host of adult I. scapularis, small
    populations of deer ticks may be maintained by medium-sized mammals such as raccoons (Procyon lotor). Therefore, these ticks may be overlooked by physicians unaware of the potential risk to their patients, resulting in undiagnosed cases of Lyme disease and HGE.

    The I. scapularis population in Van Cortlandt Park may have been present
    for many years, though at such low densities as to be unnoticed. Moreover, other wooded parks in the city, which can provide a refuge for urban
    wildlife and ticks, may pose a risk of encountering ticks infected with
    either or both of these tick-borne disease agents. Further surveillance
    that measures the extant tick population is needed to assess the risk for
    Lyme disease and ehrlichiosis in this urban area.

    References for:
    [Emerging Infectious Diseases 3(3):353-355, 1997. Centers for Disease


    1.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Lyme disease surveillance
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    Human granulocytic ehrlichiosisNew York, 1995. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 1995;44:593-5. 4.Bakken JS, Dumler JS, Chen SM, Eckman MR, Van Etta LL,
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    Anderson JF. Borrelia burgdorferi in an urban environment: white-tailed
    deer with infected ticks and antibodies. J Clin Microbiol 1995;33:541-4. 6.Schwartz I, Varde S, Nadelman RB, Wormser GP, Fish D. Inhibition of
    efficient polymerase chain reaction amplification of Borrelia burgdorferi
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    of the equine granulocytic ehrlichiosis agent, Ehrlichia equi, in tick cell culture. J Clin Microbiol 1996;34:664-70. 12.Dawson JE, Warner CK, Baker V, Ewing SA, Stallknecht DE, Davidson WR, et al. Ehrlichia-like 16S rDNA
    sequence from wild white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). J Parasitol 1996;82:52-8. 13.Rikihisa Y. The tribe Ehrlichiae and ehrlichial diseases.
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    J Infect Dis. 1996 Nov;174(5):1108-11.
    Risk of urban Lyme disease enhanced by the presence of rats.
    Matuschka FR1, Endepols S, Richter D, Ohlenbusch A, Eiffert H, Spielman A. Author information
    To determine whether Norway rats contribute to the risk of human Lyme disease in a central European city park, densities of endemic rodents were compared as were feeding densities of vector ticks and prevalence of infection by the Lyme disease spirochete.
    Only Norway rats and yellow-necked mice were abundant, and three times as many mice as rats were present. More larval ticks fed on rats than on mice, and far more nymphs engorged on the rats. All rats but only about half of the mice infected ticks. Each
    rat was more infectious than each infectious mouse. Infected rats were distributed throughout the city. Spirochetes infected about a quarter of the questing nymphal ticks. The capacity of rats to serve as reservoir hosts for the Lyme disease spirochete,
    therefore, increases risk of infection among visitors to this and other urban parks.
    PMID: 8896518 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Free full text
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