• =?UTF-8?Q?_Ethics_Alarms_Points_Out_How_Terrible_RFK_Jr.=e2=80=99s_?= =

    From Michael Ejercito@21:1/5 to All on Thu Mar 14 20:07:50 2024
    XPost: alt.bible.prophecy, talk.abortion, soc.culture.israel
    XPost: uk.legal


    Ethics Alarms Points Out How Terrible RFK Jr.’s VP “Short List” is; Kamala Harris says “Hold My Beer!”
    MARCH 14, 2024 / JACK MARSHALL

    What a shameless demagogue.

    I am immediately torn, because every Kamala Harris head-exploding
    utterance raises a Julie Principle issue: OK, an elected official who
    has conclusively proven herself to be dumb, irresponsible and ethically
    inert says something that is dumb, irresponsible and ethically alert.
    Why is that worth complaining about or criticizing? Nevertheless, some
    of Harris’s outbursts are just too despicable to be ignored. Like this
    one, today, as she visited abortion providers and staff members at a
    clinic in St. Paul, Minnesota to cheer on women putting the unborn to
    death for the crime of complicating their mothers’ lives:

    “These attacks against an individual’s right to make decisions about
    their own body are outrageous and, in many instances, just plain old immoral,” she thundered. “How dare these elected leaders believe they
    are in a better position to tell women what they need, to tell women
    what is in their best interest. We have to be a nation that trusts women.”

    Nice. Kamala had previously used the “How dare they!” stunt to condemn
    the U.S. Supreme Court for daring to do their jobs, which includes
    striking down bad decisions that made up constitutional rights that
    didn’t exist. The abortion-fanatic’s dishonest defense has always relied
    on pretending that only one life is involved in an abortion, though the
    state has a valid interest in protecting all lives, including unborn
    humans who their mothers want to kill. When does an abortion in Harris’s world suddenly involve more than just the woman’s body? Six weeks? 15
    weeks? 9 months? Never, if her words mean what they appear to mean.
    “Plain old immoral” has always included “Thou shalt not kill”: what weird definition of “immoral” is Harris alluding to? It must be really
    old; Sumarian, maybe? Ancient Aztec?

    And what is the right to do whatever you want with your own body? Does
    it have any limits? Could Kamala please state this right simply and
    concisely? The concept would seem to be an endorsement of anarchy, and
    an assertion that the rule of law is itself “immoral,” which is ironic, since legal codes are moral codes. Government and law necessarily
    dictate what a citizen can or cannot to “with their own body,” and Harris’s party has grand designs on that area even beyond its harsh
    measures to force Americans to get mysterious chemicals injected into
    their bodies as well as their children. It also wants to find ways to
    stop citizens from saying, writing and hearing words, ideas and opinions
    that progressives find “hateful” or “misinformation.”

    Doesn’t using our mouths and brains to do what we want them to do bodily autonomy too?

    The claim that abortion is opposed because elected officials feel it
    isn’t in a woman’s best interests is a flat-out lie. Abortion’s ethical conflict is that it pits a woman’s best interests against another human being’s right to exist. Fine: making the nascent life you carry
    disappear may be in your best interests, just as murdering your cheating
    spouse or stealing your sister jewels might be in your best interests.
    But the rule of law is about balancing valid interests, and making the
    hard choices that create an ethical society.

    Isn’t Kamala supposed to know this? She went to law school, right?

    “We have to be a nation that trusts women”—what does Harris think that means? Should women be subject to no legal restraints at all, since we
    trust these heavenly creatures? Women can’t be trusted to do the right
    thing when they have an interest in opposition to that conduct; in this respect, they’re no different from anyone else. Should we trust women
    not to get pregnant when they can’t care for or support a child? And if
    a woman violates that trust, what are the consequences? Should they be
    borne by her, or the innocent life her conduct created? We can trust
    women to be highly tempted to choose the latter, not because they aren’t trustworthy, but because they are human, and humans are frequently
    guided by non-ethical motives and consideration.

    A complex ethics conflict like abortion can only be addressed by
    examining all factors and competing interests, and what we get from the Vice-President of the United States is hypocrisy, straw man arguments ,
    appeals to emotion and “How dare they!”

    An untrustworthy woman is calling for women to be trusted.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From HeartDoc Andrew@21:1/5 to Michael Ejercito on Fri Mar 15 00:05:51 2024
    XPost: alt.bible.prophecy, talk.abortion, soc.culture.israel
    XPost: uk.legal, alt.christnet.christianlife

    Michael Ejercito wrote:


    Ethics Alarms Points Out How Terrible RFK Jr.s VP Short List is;
    Kamala Harris says Hold My Beer!
    MARCH 14, 2024 / JACK MARSHALL

    What a shameless demagogue.

    I am immediately torn, because every Kamala Harris head-exploding
    utterance raises a Julie Principle issue: OK, an elected official who
    has conclusively proven herself to be dumb, irresponsible and ethically
    inert says something that is dumb, irresponsible and ethically alert.
    Why is that worth complaining about or criticizing? Nevertheless, some
    of Harriss outbursts are just too despicable to be ignored. Like this
    one, today, as she visited abortion providers and staff members at a
    clinic in St. Paul, Minnesota to cheer on women putting the unborn to
    death for the crime of complicating their mothers lives:

    These attacks against an individuals right to make decisions about
    their own body are outrageous and, in many instances, just plain old >immoral, she thundered. How dare these elected leaders believe they
    are in a better position to tell women what they need, to tell women
    what is in their best interest. We have to be a nation that trusts women.

    Nice. Kamala had previously used the How dare they! stunt to condemn
    the U.S. Supreme Court for daring to do their jobs, which includes
    striking down bad decisions that made up constitutional rights that
    didnt exist. The abortion-fanatics dishonest defense has always relied
    on pretending that only one life is involved in an abortion, though the
    state has a valid interest in protecting all lives, including unborn
    humans who their mothers want to kill. When does an abortion in Harriss >world suddenly involve more than just the womans body? Six weeks? 15
    weeks? 9 months? Never, if her words mean what they appear to mean.
    Plain old immoral has always included Thou shalt not kill: what
    weird definition of immoral is Harris alluding to? It must be really
    old; Sumarian, maybe? Ancient Aztec?

    And what is the right to do whatever you want with your own body? Does
    it have any limits? Could Kamala please state this right simply and >concisely? The concept would seem to be an endorsement of anarchy, and
    an assertion that the rule of law is itself immoral, which is ironic,
    since legal codes are moral codes. Government and law necessarily
    dictate what a citizen can or cannot to with their own body, and
    Harriss party has grand designs on that area even beyond its harsh
    measures to force Americans to get mysterious chemicals injected into
    their bodies as well as their children. It also wants to find ways to
    stop citizens from saying, writing and hearing words, ideas and opinions
    that progressives find hateful or misinformation.

    Doesnt using our mouths and brains to do what we want them to do bodily >autonomy too?

    The claim that abortion is opposed because elected officials feel it
    isnt in a womans best interests is a flat-out lie. Abortions ethical >conflict is that it pits a womans best interests against another human >beings right to exist. Fine: making the nascent life you carry
    disappear may be in your best interests, just as murdering your cheating >spouse or stealing your sister jewels might be in your best interests.
    But the rule of law is about balancing valid interests, and making the
    hard choices that create an ethical society.

    Isnt Kamala supposed to know this? She went to law school, right?

    We have to be a nation that trusts womenwhat does Harris think that
    means? Should women be subject to no legal restraints at all, since we
    trust these heavenly creatures? Women cant be trusted to do the right
    thing when they have an interest in opposition to that conduct; in this >respect, theyre no different from anyone else. Should we trust women
    not to get pregnant when they cant care for or support a child? And if
    a woman violates that trust, what are the consequences? Should they be
    borne by her, or the innocent life her conduct created? We can trust
    women to be highly tempted to choose the latter, not because they arent >trustworthy, but because they are human, and humans are frequently
    guided by non-ethical motives and consideration.

    A complex ethics conflict like abortion can only be addressed by
    examining all factors and competing interests, and what we get from the >Vice-President of the United States is hypocrisy, straw man arguments , >appeals to emotion and How dare they!

    An untrustworthy woman is calling for women to be trusted.

    In the interim, we are 100% prepared/protected in the "full armor of
    GOD" (Ephesians 6:11) which we put on as soon as we use Apostle Paul's
    secret (Philippians 4:12). Though masking is less protective, it helps
    us avoid the appearance of doing the evil of spreading airborne
    pathogens while there are people getting sick because of not being
    100% protected. It is written that we're to "abstain from **all**
    appearance of doing evil" (1 Thessalonians 5:22 w/**emphasis**).

    Meanwhile, the only *perfect* (Matt 5:47-8 ) way to eradicate the
    COVID-19 virus, thereby saving lives, in the US & elsewhere is by
    rapidly (i.e. use the "Rapid COVID-19 Test" ) finding out at any given
    moment, including even while on-line, who among us are unwittingly
    contagious (i.e pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic) in order to
    "convince it forward" (John 15:12) for them to call their doctor and self-quarantine per their doctor in hopes of stopping this pandemic.
    Thus, we're hoping for the best while preparing for the worse-case
    scenario of the Alpha lineage mutations and others like the Omicron,
    Gamma, Beta, Epsilon, Iota, Lambda, Mu & Delta lineage mutations
    combining via slip-RNA-replication to form hybrids like "Deltamicron"
    that may render current COVID vaccines/monoclonals/medicines/pills no
    longer effective.

    Indeed, I am wonderfully hungry ( https://groups.google.com/g/sci.med.cardiology/c/6ZoE95d-VKc/m/14vVZoyOBgAJ
    ) and hope you, Michael, also have a healthy appetite too.

    So how are you ?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Michael Ejercito@21:1/5 to HeartDoc Andrew on Thu Mar 14 21:15:41 2024
    XPost: alt.bible.prophecy, talk.abortion, soc.culture.israel
    XPost: uk.legal, alt.christnet.christianlife

    HeartDoc Andrew wrote:
    Michael Ejercito wrote:


    Ethics Alarms Points Out How Terrible RFK Jr.’s VP “Short List” is;
    Kamala Harris says “Hold My Beer!”
    MARCH 14, 2024 / JACK MARSHALL

    What a shameless demagogue.

    I am immediately torn, because every Kamala Harris head-exploding
    utterance raises a Julie Principle issue: OK, an elected official who
    has conclusively proven herself to be dumb, irresponsible and ethically
    inert says something that is dumb, irresponsible and ethically alert.
    Why is that worth complaining about or criticizing? Nevertheless, some
    of Harris’s outbursts are just too despicable to be ignored. Like this
    one, today, as she visited abortion providers and staff members at a
    clinic in St. Paul, Minnesota to cheer on women putting the unborn to
    death for the crime of complicating their mothers’ lives:

    “These attacks against an individual’s right to make decisions about
    their own body are outrageous and, in many instances, just plain old
    immoral,” she thundered. “How dare these elected leaders believe they
    are in a better position to tell women what they need, to tell women
    what is in their best interest. We have to be a nation that trusts women.” >>
    Nice. Kamala had previously used the “How dare they!” stunt to condemn >> the U.S. Supreme Court for daring to do their jobs, which includes
    striking down bad decisions that made up constitutional rights that
    didn’t exist. The abortion-fanatic’s dishonest defense has always relied >> on pretending that only one life is involved in an abortion, though the
    state has a valid interest in protecting all lives, including unborn
    humans who their mothers want to kill. When does an abortion in Harris’s >> world suddenly involve more than just the woman’s body? Six weeks? 15
    weeks? 9 months? Never, if her words mean what they appear to mean.
    “Plain old immoral” has always included “Thou shalt not kill”: what >> weird definition of “immoral” is Harris alluding to? It must be really >> old; Sumarian, maybe? Ancient Aztec?

    And what is the right to do whatever you want with your own body? Does
    it have any limits? Could Kamala please state this right simply and
    concisely? The concept would seem to be an endorsement of anarchy, and
    an assertion that the rule of law is itself “immoral,” which is ironic, >> since legal codes are moral codes. Government and law necessarily
    dictate what a citizen can or cannot to “with their own body,” and
    Harris’s party has grand designs on that area even beyond its harsh
    measures to force Americans to get mysterious chemicals injected into
    their bodies as well as their children. It also wants to find ways to
    stop citizens from saying, writing and hearing words, ideas and opinions
    that progressives find “hateful” or “misinformation.”

    Doesn’t using our mouths and brains to do what we want them to do bodily >> autonomy too?

    The claim that abortion is opposed because elected officials feel it
    isn’t in a woman’s best interests is a flat-out lie. Abortion’s ethical
    conflict is that it pits a woman’s best interests against another human
    being’s right to exist. Fine: making the nascent life you carry
    disappear may be in your best interests, just as murdering your cheating
    spouse or stealing your sister jewels might be in your best interests.
    But the rule of law is about balancing valid interests, and making the
    hard choices that create an ethical society.

    Isn’t Kamala supposed to know this? She went to law school, right?

    “We have to be a nation that trusts women”—what does Harris think that >> means? Should women be subject to no legal restraints at all, since we
    trust these heavenly creatures? Women can’t be trusted to do the right
    thing when they have an interest in opposition to that conduct; in this
    respect, they’re no different from anyone else. Should we trust women
    not to get pregnant when they can’t care for or support a child? And if
    a woman violates that trust, what are the consequences? Should they be
    borne by her, or the innocent life her conduct created? We can trust
    women to be highly tempted to choose the latter, not because they aren’t >> trustworthy, but because they are human, and humans are frequently
    guided by non-ethical motives and consideration.

    A complex ethics conflict like abortion can only be addressed by
    examining all factors and competing interests, and what we get from the
    Vice-President of the United States is hypocrisy, straw man arguments ,
    appeals to emotion and “How dare they!”

    An untrustworthy woman is calling for women to be trusted.

    In the interim, we are 100% prepared/protected in the "full armor of
    GOD" (Ephesians 6:11) which we put on as soon as we use Apostle Paul's
    secret (Philippians 4:12). Though masking is less protective, it helps
    us avoid the appearance of doing the evil of spreading airborne
    pathogens while there are people getting sick because of not being
    100% protected. It is written that we're to "abstain from **all**
    appearance of doing evil" (1 Thessalonians 5:22 w/**emphasis**).

    Meanwhile, the only *perfect* (Matt 5:47-8 ) way to eradicate the
    COVID-19 virus, thereby saving lives, in the US & elsewhere is by
    rapidly (i.e. use the "Rapid COVID-19 Test" ) finding out at any given moment, including even while on-line, who among us are unwittingly
    contagious (i.e pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic) in order to
    "convince it forward" (John 15:12) for them to call their doctor and self-quarantine per their doctor in hopes of stopping this pandemic.
    Thus, we're hoping for the best while preparing for the worse-case
    scenario of the Alpha lineage mutations and others like the Omicron,
    Gamma, Beta, Epsilon, Iota, Lambda, Mu & Delta lineage mutations
    combining via slip-RNA-replication to form hybrids like "Deltamicron"
    that may render current COVID vaccines/monoclonals/medicines/pills no
    longer effective.

    Indeed, I am wonderfully hungry ( https://groups.google.com/g/sci.med.cardiology/c/6ZoE95d-VKc/m/14vVZoyOBgAJ
    ) and hope you, Michael, also have a healthy appetite too.

    So how are you ?

    I am wonderfully hungry!


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From HeartDoc Andrew@21:1/5 to Michael Ejercito on Fri Mar 15 00:21:51 2024
    XPost: alt.bible.prophecy, talk.abortion, soc.culture.israel
    XPost: uk.legal, alt.christnet.christianlife

    Michael Ejercito wrote:
    HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
    Michael Ejercito wrote:


    Ethics Alarms Points Out How Terrible RFK Jr.s VP Short List is;
    Kamala Harris says Hold My Beer!
    MARCH 14, 2024 / JACK MARSHALL

    What a shameless demagogue.

    I am immediately torn, because every Kamala Harris head-exploding
    utterance raises a Julie Principle issue: OK, an elected official who
    has conclusively proven herself to be dumb, irresponsible and ethically
    inert says something that is dumb, irresponsible and ethically alert.
    Why is that worth complaining about or criticizing? Nevertheless, some
    of Harriss outbursts are just too despicable to be ignored. Like this
    one, today, as she visited abortion providers and staff members at a
    clinic in St. Paul, Minnesota to cheer on women putting the unborn to
    death for the crime of complicating their mothers lives:

    These attacks against an individuals right to make decisions about
    their own body are outrageous and, in many instances, just plain old
    immoral, she thundered. How dare these elected leaders believe they
    are in a better position to tell women what they need, to tell women
    what is in their best interest. We have to be a nation that trusts women. >>>
    Nice. Kamala had previously used the How dare they! stunt to condemn
    the U.S. Supreme Court for daring to do their jobs, which includes
    striking down bad decisions that made up constitutional rights that
    didnt exist. The abortion-fanatics dishonest defense has always relied >>> on pretending that only one life is involved in an abortion, though the
    state has a valid interest in protecting all lives, including unborn
    humans who their mothers want to kill. When does an abortion in Harriss >>> world suddenly involve more than just the womans body? Six weeks? 15
    weeks? 9 months? Never, if her words mean what they appear to mean.
    Plain old immoral has always included Thou shalt not kill: what
    weird definition of immoral is Harris alluding to? It must be really
    old; Sumarian, maybe? Ancient Aztec?

    And what is the right to do whatever you want with your own body? Does
    it have any limits? Could Kamala please state this right simply and
    concisely? The concept would seem to be an endorsement of anarchy, and
    an assertion that the rule of law is itself immoral, which is ironic,
    since legal codes are moral codes. Government and law necessarily
    dictate what a citizen can or cannot to with their own body, and
    Harriss party has grand designs on that area even beyond its harsh
    measures to force Americans to get mysterious chemicals injected into
    their bodies as well as their children. It also wants to find ways to
    stop citizens from saying, writing and hearing words, ideas and opinions >>> that progressives find hateful or misinformation.

    Doesnt using our mouths and brains to do what we want them to do bodily >>> autonomy too?

    The claim that abortion is opposed because elected officials feel it
    isnt in a womans best interests is a flat-out lie. Abortions ethical
    conflict is that it pits a womans best interests against another human
    beings right to exist. Fine: making the nascent life you carry
    disappear may be in your best interests, just as murdering your cheating >>> spouse or stealing your sister jewels might be in your best interests.
    But the rule of law is about balancing valid interests, and making the
    hard choices that create an ethical society.

    Isnt Kamala supposed to know this? She went to law school, right?

    We have to be a nation that trusts womenwhat does Harris think that
    means? Should women be subject to no legal restraints at all, since we
    trust these heavenly creatures? Women cant be trusted to do the right
    thing when they have an interest in opposition to that conduct; in this
    respect, theyre no different from anyone else. Should we trust women
    not to get pregnant when they cant care for or support a child? And if
    a woman violates that trust, what are the consequences? Should they be
    borne by her, or the innocent life her conduct created? We can trust
    women to be highly tempted to choose the latter, not because they arent >>> trustworthy, but because they are human, and humans are frequently
    guided by non-ethical motives and consideration.

    A complex ethics conflict like abortion can only be addressed by
    examining all factors and competing interests, and what we get from the
    Vice-President of the United States is hypocrisy, straw man arguments ,
    appeals to emotion and How dare they!

    An untrustworthy woman is calling for women to be trusted.

    In the interim, we are 100% prepared/protected in the "full armor of
    GOD" (Ephesians 6:11) which we put on as soon as we use Apostle Paul's
    secret (Philippians 4:12). Though masking is less protective, it helps
    us avoid the appearance of doing the evil of spreading airborne
    pathogens while there are people getting sick because of not being
    100% protected. It is written that we're to "abstain from **all**
    appearance of doing evil" (1 Thessalonians 5:22 w/**emphasis**).

    Meanwhile, the only *perfect* (Matt 5:47-8 ) way to eradicate the
    COVID-19 virus, thereby saving lives, in the US & elsewhere is by
    rapidly (i.e. use the "Rapid COVID-19 Test" ) finding out at any given
    moment, including even while on-line, who among us are unwittingly
    contagious (i.e pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic) in order to
    "convince it forward" (John 15:12) for them to call their doctor and
    self-quarantine per their doctor in hopes of stopping this pandemic.
    Thus, we're hoping for the best while preparing for the worse-case
    scenario of the Alpha lineage mutations and others like the Omicron,
    Gamma, Beta, Epsilon, Iota, Lambda, Mu & Delta lineage mutations
    combining via slip-RNA-replication to form hybrids like "Deltamicron"
    that may render current COVID vaccines/monoclonals/medicines/pills no
    longer effective.

    Indeed, I am wonderfully hungry (
    https://groups.google.com/g/sci.med.cardiology/c/6ZoE95d-VKc/m/14vVZoyOBgAJ >> ) and hope you, Michael, also have a healthy appetite too.

    So how are you ?

    I am wonderfully hungry!

    While wonderfully hungry in the Holy Spirit, Who causes (Deuteronomy
    8:3) us to hunger, I note that you, Michael, are rapture ready (Luke
    17:37 means no COVID just as eagles circling over their food have no
    COVID) and pray (2 Chronicles 7:14) that our Everlasting (Isaiah 9:6)
    Father in Heaven continues to give us "much more" (Luke 11:13) Holy
    Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) so that we'd have much more of His Help to
    always say/write that we're "wonderfully hungry" in **all** ways
    including especially caring to "convince it forward" (John 15:12) with
    all glory (Psalm112:1) to GOD (aka HaShem, Elohim, Abba, DEO), in
    the name (John 16:23) of LORD Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.

    Laus DEO !

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Michael Ejercito@21:1/5 to All on Fri Mar 15 11:20:49 2024
    XPost: alt.bible.prophecy, talk.abortion, soc.culture.israel
    XPost: uk.legal, alt.christnet.christianlife

    Quack Andrew B. Chung
    I am wonderfully hungry!

    You are anything BUTT hungry, you morbidly obese Asiatic slug! https://www.instagram.com/p/Cy3sTCuxtlf/?hl=en
    Great picture.

    You are a gook.
    Mangina, try being wonderfully hungry.

    Then you can be rapture ready!

    You are a Nazi.

    As a Nazi, you are, above all else, a craven coward.

    You are afraid to compete with others as equals because you know you
    can not measure up.

    You are afraid of your own inadequacy, so you want to murder your

    You are afraid of the truth, so you want to murder those who would
    tell it.

    You are afraid of history, so you want to murder the past, to wipe
    out the knowledge of the degeneracy, cowardice and failure of National Socialism.

    Finally, you are afraid of the power of educated, informed adults.
    Freedom of choice terrifies you… which is why you choose minor children
    as sexual partners. You can not interact with competent adults in a consensually sexual way. You need to be able to impose yourself on a
    helpless victim, be it a prepubescent boy, or a patient in a mental

    That is what you are, a Nazi, and there is nothing polite or honest
    about it.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From HeartDoc Andrew@21:1/5 to All on Fri Mar 15 14:29:56 2024
    XPost: alt.bible.prophecy, talk.abortion, soc.culture.israel
    XPost: uk.legal, alt.christnet.christianlife

    (Kamala) 03/15/24 Again praying w/ Michael here ...


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Michael Ejercito@21:1/5 to All on Mon Mar 18 11:06:03 2024
    XPost: alt.bible.prophecy, talk.abortion, soc.culture.israel
    XPost: uk.legal, alt.christnet.christianlife

    Quack Andrew B. Chung
    Post by Michael Ejercito
    Then you can be rapture ready!
    You have been ready for rapture by the ICE Five-0 for YEARS!
    Nithing, there you go again with your deportation fantasies.

    You are a nithing- homo sapiens by birth, subhuman BY CHOICE. The
    key word is CHOICE. You were born with the same human nature as the
    rest of us. Your CHOICES made you a nithing.

    Bill explains what nithings are.


    Define and Dehumanize the Enemy: Jihadists as Nithings or Nidings

    by Bill Levinson
    It is an ancient principle of magic (which modern people recognize as stories that reflect a society’s culture and psychology) that
    knowledge of a person’s real or True Name delivers power over that
    person. What it really means is that, if you know the person’s
    psychology, you can gain an advantage over him. It is also well known
    that the side that controls the language of an argument controls the
    argument. As an example, Hamas terrorists and their enablers refer to Israel’s military as an “occupation force” and terrorisitic violence against civilians as “resistance.”

    We have long sought a single word that strips the enemy of all
    humanity, and reduces him to something less than an animal that is
    worthy of nothing less than extermination. As far as we know, the
    English language contains no such word, although “dreck” (garbage or refuse) comes close. “Homo sapiens by BIRTH, subhuman by CHOICE”
    describes Islamic supremacists perfectly, but it is a phrase and not a
    word. We now propose to refer to Islamic supremacists as nithings or
    nidings: a Scandinavian word that strips its object of all humanity. Webster’s dictionary (1913) defines it as “A coward; a dastard; — a
    term of utmost opprobrium.”

    We remind readers who object to the dehumanization of Islamic
    supremacists that those enemies are already attempting to dehumanize
    Jews, and to a lesser degree Christians, with images that could have
    come directly from Adolf Hitler. As they have chosen to sow the
    dragon’s teeth, our position is that they must now reap their rightful harvest: the complete hatred and loathing of all civilized human

    Nithing or niding was more than a common insult, because Scandinavian culture required its subject to fight a duel with the accuser or
    become an outlaw: totally devoid of rights, honor, and even
    recognition as a human being. Per the Wikipedia entry,

    The actual meaning of the adjective argr or ragr [= Anglo-Saxon
    earg] was the nature or appearance of effeminacy, especially by
    obscene acts. Argr was the worst, most derogatory swearword of all
    known to the Norse language. According to Icelandic law, the accused
    was expected to kill the accuser at once. …If the accused did not
    retort by violent attack yielding either the accuser to take his words
    back or the accuser’s death, he was hence proven to be a weak and
    cowardly nithing by not retorting accordingly.

    A nithing was devoid of all human rights, and he was considered the
    enemy of civilized humanity: a perfect depiction of Islamic
    supremacists. The word therefore strips the enemy of all humanity, and
    degrades him to the status of a wolf or strangler (per Scandinavian
    tradition) or a virulent disease like the Black Plague. Black Plague
    is a deadly and contagious disease whose vector consists of plague-
    carrying rats, while the Green Plague of militant “Islam” is a deadly
    and contagious ideology that is spread by bipedal rats: nidings or
    nithings, non-humans that raise violent hands to all of civilized

    The immediate consequence of being proven a nithing was
    outlawing. The outlawed did not have any rights, he was exlex (Latin
    for “outside of the legal system”), in Anglo-Saxon utlah, Middle Low
    German uutlagh, Old Norse utlagr. Just as feud yielded enmity among
    kinships, outlawry yielded enmity of all humanity.[63] …”Yet that is
    but one aspect of outlawry. The outlaw is not only expelled from the
    kinship, he is also regarded henceforth as an enemy to mankind.”

    The actual definition of a nithing is somewhat more involved and
    complex, and it gets into sexual perversions and zoomorphical
    transformations (Loki’s transformation of himself into a mare to have
    sexual intercourse with a stallion, and thus beget Odin’s horse
    Sleipner is probably an example), but the following line is pertinent:
    “The nithing used its malicious seid magic to destroy anything owned
    and made by man, ultimately the human race and Midgard itself[6], due
    to its basically unlimited envy, hate, and malice that were nith.”

    "Destruction of everything owned and made by Man” (the Palestinians’ destruction of the greenhouses in Gaza comes to mind immediately) and “unlimited envy, hate, and malice” describe militant “Islam”
    perfectly, and further underscore the application of nithing or niding
    to describe it. The propensity for mindless destruction also appears
    in Orson Scott Card’s Alvin Maker series, in which a supernatural
    enemy is known as the Unmaker: a personification of evil that is the
    total antithesis of God the Creator.

    The Unmaker is the main antagonist in Orson Scott Card’s
    alternate history/fantasy series The Tales of Alvin Maker. Never
    directly confronted, it is a supernatural force that breaks apart
    matter and aims to destroy and consume everything and everyone. …To
    make something is to oppose the Unmaker, but a point often made is
    that this is futile. By natural law the Unmaker can tear down faster
    than any man can build.

    This also is an outstanding definition of militant “Islam” or Islamic supremacy: an ideology that seeks to destroy everything into which it
    comes in contact, and with which no reason, negotiation, or compromise
    is possible.

    In summary, a nithing or niding is the enemy of Civilization, a
    subhuman (through its behavioral choices, and emphatically NOT due to
    its racial or ethnic origin) monster with total hatred and malice
    toward all human industry and arts, and worthy of nothing but
    extermination like any virulent disease. This is the word we will now
    apply to Islamic supremacists and their enablers, and we encourage
    others to do likewise.

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