• =?UTF-8?Q?Trump=e2=80=99s_vaccine_rhetoric_sends_chills_through_pub?= =

    From Michael Ejercito@21:1/5 to All on Sun Mar 10 09:25:11 2024
    XPost: alt.bible.prophecy, soc.culture.usa, soc.culture.israel


    Trump’s vaccine rhetoric sends chills through public health circles
    BY NATHANIEL WEIXEL - 03/09/24 12:00 PM ET






    Public health advocates are watching in growing alarm as former
    President Trump increasingly embraces the anti-vaccine movement.

    “I will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or a
    mask mandate,” Trump said in a recent campaign rally in Richmond, Va.

    It’s a line Trump has repeated, and his campaign said he is only
    referring to school COVID-19 vaccine mandates — but that hasn’t eased
    fears that the GOP leader could accelerate already worrying trends of
    declining child vaccination.

    Trump “is an important voice. He has a big platform. And he uses that platform, in this case, to do harm. Because he’s implying by saying that
    we shouldn’t mandate vaccines, vaccines are in some ways ineffective or unsafe,” said Paul Offit, a pediatrician and vaccine expert at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

    The ironic part, Offit noted, is that the Trump administration
    kickstarted Operation Warp Speed, which helped drug companies use a
    relatively new technology to make two very effective and safe COVID-19
    vaccines in less than a year.

    Throughout the campaign, Trump has performed a complicated tap dance
    regarding COVID vaccines. He simultaneously wants to take credit for
    their speedy development but has also criticized their use and knocked
    his now former rivals for being too pro-vaccine.

    In a post on Truth Social reacting to Biden’s State of the Union speech
    on Thursday, Trump again claimed credit for the COVID-19 shots.

    “You’re welcome, Joe, nine month approval time vs. 12 years that it
    would have taken you!”

    Every state and the District of Columbia requires children to get
    vaccinated against certain diseases before they start school, including measles, mumps, polio, tetanus, whooping cough and chickenpox. A plan to withhold federal funding would have widespread impact.

    “Like most states, Virginia requires MMR vaccine, chickenpox vaccine,
    polio, etc. So Trump would take millions in federal funds away from all Virginia public schools,” former GOP Rep. Barbara Comstock (Va.) wrote
    in response to his campaign threat on X, formerly Twitter.

    Since the public health emergency ended last May, no state requires
    students to get the COVID-19 vaccine, while 21 states have laws
    specifically banning schools from requiring COVID-19 shots.

    Trump’s campaign says his comments only apply to states that mandate
    COVID-19 vaccines — making it essentially an empty threat.

    “If you actually listen to the entire section, and also if you’ve been following his speeches for the past year, he’s talking about COVID
    vaccines in addition to masks in the same breath. This isn’t anything
    new,” Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung said in an email.

    Experts say the politicization of vaccines has led to an increase in
    hesitancy and is sparking more outbreaks of preventable diseases like

    There have been measles outbreaks in 15 states this year, most recently
    in Florida, where state Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo did not recommend
    parents vaccinate their children or keep unvaccinated students home from
    school as a precaution.

    Instead, he sent a letter to parents advising them to make their own
    decisions about school attendance.

    Ladapo was appointed by Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) in 2021 and has since
    aligned himself with anti-vaccine sentiments, primarily about the
    COVID-19 shots.

    Ladapo told people not to get the most recent shot and has drawn sharp
    rebukes from the medical community — as well as federal health agencies
    — for claims that the shots alter human DNA, can potentially cause
    cancer, and are generally unsafe.

    Georges Benjamin, executive director of the American Public Health
    Association, said he worries that Trump is signaling he will empower
    more people like Ladapo if he wins reelection.

    “I worry about any administration that doesn’t follow good evidence and good science, that they will put more and more people like them in their administration,” Benjamin said.

    “We know that Trump had some extraordinarily competent people [in his
    first term]. But we also know that he had some extraordinarily
    incompetent people, and that in many situations, some of the really
    incompetent people carried the day because they aligned with his
    philosophy,” Benjamin added.

    Robert Blendon, a professor emeritus of health politics at the Harvard
    School of Public Health, said the experience in Florida and the comments
    from Trump are part of a much broader Republican backlash against public
    health expertise and government mandates that can be traced to
    anti-COVID policies.

    “It isn’t that he’s just going after these anti-vaccine votes,” Blendon said of Trump.

    Trust in public health authorities has dropped precipitously among
    Republicans since 2021, and Blendon said Trump is a symbol of that. The anti-vaccine movement has never been associated with one particular
    political party, whereas the public health backlash is strongly Republican-centric.

    “That’s made it very, very powerful,” Blendon said. “There are Republicans in the House and Senate, who when they’re not investigating public health, want to cut back the budget … so it has caught on within
    the Republican base very widely.”

    Whether it’s anti-vaccine specifically or anti-public health more
    broadly, the sentiment is growing.

    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the
    percentage of kindergartners whose parents opted them out of
    school-required vaccinations rose to the highest level yet during the
    2022-2023 school year.

    Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a well-known vaccine skeptic who is running for president as an independent, has gained a major platform to spread misinformation and widely debunked claims about vaccines.

    He has falsely claimed vaccines cause autism, falsely declared the
    coronavirus shot is the world’s deadliest vaccine and questioned the
    safety of shots’ ingredients.

    Offit, the vaccine expert, said he thinks public health officials could
    have done a better messaging job on the COVID-19 shots, and that by
    mandating vaccines they “inadvertently leaned into a Libertarian left hook.”

    Still, Offit said he is concerned about the increasing anti-science
    rhetoric from politicians like Trump.

    “I feel like we’re on the edge of a precipice here … you have the most contagious of the vaccine preventable diseases coming back to some
    extent, and with Donald Trump basically casting aspersions on vaccines, that’s only going to worsen.”

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From HeartDoc Andrew@21:1/5 to Michael Ejercito on Sun Mar 10 21:27:33 2024
    XPost: alt.bible.prophecy, soc.culture.usa, soc.culture.israel
    XPost: alt.christnet.christianlife

    Michael Ejercito wrote:


    Trumps vaccine rhetoric sends chills through public health circles
    BY NATHANIEL WEIXEL - 03/09/24 12:00 PM ET






    Public health advocates are watching in growing alarm as former
    President Trump increasingly embraces the anti-vaccine movement.

    I will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or a
    mask mandate, Trump said in a recent campaign rally in Richmond, Va.

    Its a line Trump has repeated, and his campaign said he is only
    referring to school COVID-19 vaccine mandates but that hasnt eased
    fears that the GOP leader could accelerate already worrying trends of >declining child vaccination.

    Trump is an important voice. He has a big platform. And he uses that >platform, in this case, to do harm. Because hes implying by saying that
    we shouldnt mandate vaccines, vaccines are in some ways ineffective or >unsafe, said Paul Offit, a pediatrician and vaccine expert at the
    Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia.

    The ironic part, Offit noted, is that the Trump administration
    kickstarted Operation Warp Speed, which helped drug companies use a >relatively new technology to make two very effective and safe COVID-19 >vaccines in less than a year.

    Throughout the campaign, Trump has performed a complicated tap dance >regarding COVID vaccines. He simultaneously wants to take credit for
    their speedy development but has also criticized their use and knocked
    his now former rivals for being too pro-vaccine.

    In a post on Truth Social reacting to Bidens State of the Union speech
    on Thursday, Trump again claimed credit for the COVID-19 shots.

    Youre welcome, Joe, nine month approval time vs. 12 years that it
    would have taken you!

    Every state and the District of Columbia requires children to get
    vaccinated against certain diseases before they start school, including >measles, mumps, polio, tetanus, whooping cough and chickenpox. A plan to >withhold federal funding would have widespread impact.

    Like most states, Virginia requires MMR vaccine, chickenpox vaccine,
    polio, etc. So Trump would take millions in federal funds away from all >Virginia public schools, former GOP Rep. Barbara Comstock (Va.) wrote
    in response to his campaign threat on X, formerly Twitter.

    Since the public health emergency ended last May, no state requires
    students to get the COVID-19 vaccine, while 21 states have laws
    specifically banning schools from requiring COVID-19 shots.

    Trumps campaign says his comments only apply to states that mandate
    COVID-19 vaccines making it essentially an empty threat.

    If you actually listen to the entire section, and also if youve been >following his speeches for the past year, hes talking about COVID
    vaccines in addition to masks in the same breath. This isnt anything
    new, Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung said in an email.

    Experts say the politicization of vaccines has led to an increase in >hesitancy and is sparking more outbreaks of preventable diseases like >measles.

    There have been measles outbreaks in 15 states this year, most recently
    in Florida, where state Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo did not recommend >parents vaccinate their children or keep unvaccinated students home from >school as a precaution.

    Instead, he sent a letter to parents advising them to make their own >decisions about school attendance.

    Ladapo was appointed by Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) in 2021 and has since
    aligned himself with anti-vaccine sentiments, primarily about the
    COVID-19 shots.

    Ladapo told people not to get the most recent shot and has drawn sharp >rebukes from the medical community as well as federal health agencies
    for claims that the shots alter human DNA, can potentially cause
    cancer, and are generally unsafe.

    Georges Benjamin, executive director of the American Public Health >Association, said he worries that Trump is signaling he will empower
    more people like Ladapo if he wins reelection.

    I worry about any administration that doesnt follow good evidence and
    good science, that they will put more and more people like them in their >administration, Benjamin said.

    We know that Trump had some extraordinarily competent people [in his
    first term]. But we also know that he had some extraordinarily
    incompetent people, and that in many situations, some of the really >incompetent people carried the day because they aligned with his
    philosophy, Benjamin added.

    Robert Blendon, a professor emeritus of health politics at the Harvard
    School of Public Health, said the experience in Florida and the comments
    from Trump are part of a much broader Republican backlash against public >health expertise and government mandates that can be traced to
    anti-COVID policies.

    It isnt that hes just going after these anti-vaccine votes, Blendon
    said of Trump.

    Trust in public health authorities has dropped precipitously among >Republicans since 2021, and Blendon said Trump is a symbol of that. The >anti-vaccine movement has never been associated with one particular
    political party, whereas the public health backlash is strongly >Republican-centric.

    Thats made it very, very powerful, Blendon said. There are
    Republicans in the House and Senate, who when theyre not investigating >public health, want to cut back the budget so it has caught on within
    the Republican base very widely.

    Whether its anti-vaccine specifically or anti-public health more
    broadly, the sentiment is growing.

    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the
    percentage of kindergartners whose parents opted them out of
    school-required vaccinations rose to the highest level yet during the >2022-2023 school year.

    Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a well-known vaccine skeptic who is running for >president as an independent, has gained a major platform to spread >misinformation and widely debunked claims about vaccines.

    He has falsely claimed vaccines cause autism, falsely declared the >coronavirus shot is the worlds deadliest vaccine and questioned the
    safety of shots ingredients.

    Offit, the vaccine expert, said he thinks public health officials could
    have done a better messaging job on the COVID-19 shots, and that by
    mandating vaccines they inadvertently leaned into a Libertarian left

    Still, Offit said he is concerned about the increasing anti-science
    rhetoric from politicians like Trump.

    I feel like were on the edge of a precipice here you have the most >contagious of the vaccine preventable diseases coming back to some
    extent, and with Donald Trump basically casting aspersions on vaccines, >thats only going to worsen.

    In the interim, we are 100% prepared/protected in the "full armor of
    GOD" (Ephesians 6:11) which we put on as soon as we use Apostle Paul's
    secret (Philippians 4:12). Though masking is less protective, it helps
    us avoid the appearance of doing the evil of spreading airborne
    pathogens while there are people getting sick because of not being
    100% protected. It is written that we're to "abstain from **all**
    appearance of doing evil" (1 Thessalonians 5:22 w/**emphasis**).

    Meanwhile, the only *perfect* (Matt 5:47-8 ) way to eradicate the
    COVID-19 virus, thereby saving lives, in the US & elsewhere is by
    rapidly (i.e. use the "Rapid COVID-19 Test" ) finding out at any given
    moment, including even while on-line, who among us are unwittingly
    contagious (i.e pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic) in order to
    "convince it forward" (John 15:12) for them to call their doctor and self-quarantine per their doctor in hopes of stopping this pandemic.
    Thus, we're hoping for the best while preparing for the worse-case
    scenario of the Alpha lineage mutations and others like the Omicron,
    Gamma, Beta, Epsilon, Iota, Lambda, Mu & Delta lineage mutations
    combining via slip-RNA-replication to form hybrids like "Deltamicron"
    that may render current COVID vaccines/monoclonals/medicines/pills no
    longer effective.

    Indeed, I am wonderfully hungry ( https://groups.google.com/g/sci.med.cardiology/c/6ZoE95d-VKc/m/14vVZoyOBgAJ
    ) and hope you, Michael, also have a healthy appetite too.

    So how are you ?

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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)