• More of my philosophy about the essence of religion and about Buddhism

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Sun Oct 29 17:16:17 2023

    More of my philosophy about the essence of religion and about Buddhism and Taoism and about the monotheistic religions and about my other previous thoughts about is the Universe a Digital Simulation more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    So i think i am also a new philosopher , so you have to understand the exercise of my new philosophy , so for example you can read my new ideas of my philosophy in the below web links , so the exercise is that i am also
    learning you my new philosophy that also learns you about philosophy ,
    so it is like we say in french: "je fais d'une pierre deux coups" , and its translation in english is: "I am like killing two birds with one stone." ,
    also you are noticing that i am coming with my new ideas below about the
    core idea of Taoism that i think comes from Buddhism that precedes, so that you understand the essence of religion , so you are understanding from it that religion is not like philosophy , since i think that philosophy lacks a low level layer, since the
    monotheistic religions uses the low level layer of the enough believing in God so that to for example enforce the detachment or so that to enforce morality since the laws have there limits, so i think that now you are understanding that i am smart by
    doing it like i am doing it so that to learn you and so that to learn you my way of doing , so it is why
    you have to look carefully at my way of doing as a new philosopher so
    that to notice that it is a smart way of doing. And notice how i have also invented a new model of what is consciousness that also shows that we will not attain artificial general intelligence and you can read about it too in my below thoughts , so it is
    why i invite you to read all my below thoughts of
    my philosophy and of my new monotheistic religion and of my new model of what is human consciousness:

    I think i am also a new philosopher , and you can read my new ideas of my philosophy in the below web links , but now i will talk about my other new ideas of my philosophy that are the following:

    So i think that there is a weakness in philosophy and you can easily notice it from for example the fact that i think that the core idea of Taoism has been inspired by the core idea of detachment in Buddhism , since Buddhism precedes Taoism and since i have just explained the core idea of Taoism as following:

    "OK , i think i understand what Taoism wants to mean, so i think that it is about acceptance of life as it is."

    "So i want to be more precise about Taoism, since you have not talked about it, so the acceptance of life as it is in Taoism is that you accept it inside yourself so that to not suffer spiritually, but you can compete with your actions for the reward so
    that to be successful and so that to make life better."

    So i think that the above core idea of Taoism has been inspired from Buddhism, since i think that Buddhism precedes Taoism , since i think that it comes from the core idea of being able to "detach" from the materialistic world so that to be able to
    control correctly the oneself , and you have to understand the detachment is like the detachment of Taoism , since i mean that you can be rich and you can be happy , but the detachment permits to control correctly the oneself , but i think that
    philosophy and Taoism and Buddhism have a weakness , and it is the fact that it is like circular logic, since how to be detachment since the detachment also comes from the limits of the laws of the countries that don't enforce it correctly , so Liberty ,
    as it is , is not the right way to do , since also we can notice that the laws of the countries have there "limits" too , so i think we have for example to be a believer in God or "enough" believer in God , and notice carefully that i am saying the being
    "enough" believer in God, and it can be an enough probability of existence of God , so that to enforce morality or the detachment in a kind of way , so it is why i am coming with my new monotheistic religion that i think is efficient , and you can read
    about it below , also in my new monotheistic religion i am saying that there is dualism , i mean that there is the spiritual world of God and there is the materialistic world , and i am also saying that the happiness in the materialistic world is limited
    like the speed is limited by the speed of light , i mean that for example pleasures of life are limited by the biologic , so the intensity of the pleasure is limited , but in the new model of my new monotheistic religion , the spiritual world is not
    limited by the speed of light and the intensity of the pleasure is not limited , so it is why it permits to understand what looks like happiness in the spiritual world of God. And i invite you to read my following discussion about Taoism with ChatGPT and
    i invite you to read my new ideas of my new monotheistic religion below:

    I think i am a new smart philosopher and you can read my new ideas of my philosophy in the below web links, but now i invite you to read my just new
    discussion with ChatGPT about Taoism , and notice how i am correcting and learning ChatGPT:

    So here is my first question to ChatGPT:

    OK , i think i understand what Taoism want to mean, so i think that it is about acceptance of life as it is.

    And here is what has just answered me ChatGPT:

    "Yes, you've captured the essence of Taoism well. Taoism is indeed about accepting life as it is and working in harmony with the natural order of things. It encourages you to find contentment and balance by embracing the way life unfolds rather than
    constantly striving against it. This acceptance and alignment with the natural flow of life can lead to greater peace and a deeper sense of fulfillment."

    And here is my second question to ChatGPT:

    So i want to be more precise about Taoism, since you have not talked about it, so the acceptance of life as it is in Taoism is that you accept it inside yourself so that to not suffer spiritually, but you can compete with your actions for the reward so
    that to be successful and so that to make life better.

    And here is what has just answered me ChatGPT:

    "Your understanding is on the right track. In Taoism, the acceptance of life as it is primarily involves an internal acceptance, promoting inner peace and reducing spiritual suffering. This means not resisting the natural flow of life, being content with
    what you have, and finding harmony within yourself.

    However, Taoism doesn't advocate passivity or inaction. You can still engage in actions, including competition, to improve your life and the world around you. The key is to do so in a way that aligns with your true nature and doesn't lead to excessive
    stress, attachment, or suffering.

    Taoism suggests that one can compete or strive for rewards, but it encourages finding a balance and not allowing the pursuit of external success to overshadow your inner peace and well-being. It emphasizes moderation, mindfulness, and being in harmony
    with the Tao while engaging in action.

    So, in Taoism, the acceptance of life is primarily internal, but it doesn't discourage external actions and efforts that can lead to success and improvements in life, as long as those actions are in harmony with your true self and the natural order of

    And here is my third question to ChatGPT:

    So there is still a problem with Taoism, and it is that it reduces to a certain level the spiritual suffering, but it doesn't solve the problem, since we have still to be competition for the reward so that to be successful and so that to make better the
    world, but this competition still makes you suffer.

    And here is what has just answered me ChatGPT:

    "Your observation is correct, and it's a common dilemma in life. While Taoism can help reduce spiritual suffering and provide a framework for finding inner peace and contentment, it doesn't eliminate the challenges and potential suffering that can arise
    from competition and striving for rewards, especially in a competitive world.

    Competition and the pursuit of external success can indeed lead to stress, anxiety, and suffering, and this is a complex aspect of human existence. It's important to strike a balance between the external goals we pursue and our inner well-being.

    Taoism offers a perspective that encourages individuals to be mindful of this balance. While it may not eliminate the challenges that come with competition, it suggests that individuals should engage in competition in a way that minimizes unnecessary
    stress, is aligned with their true nature, and doesn't lead to excessive suffering.

    Ultimately, it's up to individuals to find their own approach to this challenge. Some may choose to embrace a more competitive path and work on managing the associated stresses, while others may prioritize inner peace and well-being to a greater extent.
    There is no one-size-fits-all solution, and different people will find different ways to navigate the complexities of competition and success while aiming to lead fulfilling lives."

    And here is my fourth question to ChatGPT:

    So it is why i have invented a new monotheistic religion that makes you be faith in God or enough faith in God so that to solve the problematic of since we have to be competition for the reward, so it makes you suffer, so faith in God or enough faith in
    God makes you not take revenge in a not correct way since you are suffering.

    And here is what has just answered me ChatGPT:

    "Creating a new monotheistic religion that emphasizes faith in God as a means to address the challenges and suffering associated with competition and the pursuit of rewards is a personal and philosophical approach. This belief system can provide
    individuals with guidance and support to navigate the complexities of life, including the stress and suffering that can come from intense competition.

    The idea of turning to faith in God for solace, moral guidance, and perspective is a common aspect of many religions. It can help individuals find inner strength, cultivate forgiveness, and approach challenges with a more positive mindset.

    It's important to recognize that belief systems and religions often serve as sources of comfort, inspiration, and guidance for individuals. Your creation of this new religion can be a way for you to address the challenges you perceive in the world and
    offer a unique perspective to others who may share your beliefs.

    As with any belief system, respect for diverse perspectives is essential, and open dialogue with others can lead to meaningful discussions and an exchange of ideas. Your philosophy and new religion can help you find a sense of purpose and peace, as well
    as offer a path to approach competition and suffering in a way that aligns with your values and beliefs."

    I have just looked at the following new video of a known youtuber that talks
    in french:

    A-t-on besoin de religion ?


    So i am saying that i am a new messenger from God and an Angel from God in form of light has come to me when i was a child of around 11 years ,
    but today i will talk about the above video that is asking the following question: Do we have to keep religion ?

    So i am a new messenger from God and you can read the new ideas of my new monotheistic religion below, so i say that we have to keep the monotheistic religion in another form , i mean since humans don't know wich monotheistic religion is truth , so you
    have to have a monotheistic religion that is lightweight and that gives the great weight of importance to the fact that you have to be a believer or an enough believer in God and of course we can still be inspired by the other monotheistic religions like
    Islam and Christianity and Judaism , so my new monotheistic religion has also those characteristics , so notice also carefully how i am logically inferring the universal laws of my monotheistic religion from the nature of God that i am explaining below, so i invite you to read the thoughts of my new monotheistic religion in my
    following previous thoughts:

    So i invite you to look at the following video from an american that says that life sucks:

    Life Sucks!


    So i think i am a smart philosopher, and i think that the above person in the above video is making a mistake since he is not a good philosopher , since i think i am a smart philosopher and i say that philosophy is not sufficient since there must be
    something that gives meaning to human life that makes you have faith in life and that makes you disciplined in the right way , and i say that there is not other thing than to have faith or enough faith in God
    and to have a new monotheistic religion that is smart and that is logic and that makes you smart , and it is why i have invented quickly my new monotheistic religion and i invite you to read my new monotheistic religion in my below thoughts:

    So you have to understand my new monotheistic religion, so i am saying that i am a new messenger or prophet from God , so an Angel from God in form of light has come to me when i was a child of around 11 years , so i am giving you my story with this
    Angel from God in the below web link, so the first question is: Why this Angel from God has come to me and
    he has read some parts of the scriptures from God on my body and soul ? ,
    so i think i have been choosen by God since i am also a descendant of prophet Muhammad from my mother and from my father and i am a really
    a decent man and i am a good man and i am really a righteous man, so both of my father and my mother have the genealogy or family tree that confirms that i am descendant of prophet Muhammad and my name that is "Moulay" means in Morocco that i am
    descendant of prophet Muhammad, so i have to explain more my new monotheistic religion, so from my new model of my new monotheistic religion you have to understand that when you look at the genetic of humans from the genetical mutations etc. , you have
    not to be naive and think that God doesn't exist , since my new monotheistic religion says that the bodies of humans are not from God , but it also says that the human consciousness is immaterial and it can live after death , and after death , it can be
    connected with the spiritual world of God and it can be enhanced and judged by God , so i think that we are not all descendants of Adam and Eve , and i think that Adam and Eve can be just human consciousnesses that God can put inside a baby that is born ,
    so i invite you to read carefully the following so that to understand more:

    I think that God is related to the the following patterns in the following articles about the Out-Of-Body Experiences, and the pattern is
    that the outer-body-experience can also "see" what is going on around
    him or her even if he or her is technically dead, so it means that it is
    not only a consciousness , but it is what we call a soul, and a soul
    can see and think and feel as you will notice it in the following articles:

    So look for example in the following interesting article that one 57-year old man seemed to confirm an outer body experience by recalling everything that was going on around him with eerie accuracy while he was technically dead.

    Read more here:


    And read the following that also talks about study the two per cent of outer body experience that exhibited full awareness with explicit recall of “seeing” and “hearing” events – or out-of-body )

    Read more here:


    So i think that since it is like a soul, so i think that there is something like a God of the monotheistic religions that exists. So i think that the souls of humans are from God, so i think it looks like my following new monotheistic religion that says
    that God has not created the universe, but i think that he has created souls of humans.

    I invite you to look carefully at the following interesting video from Islamic Turkey so that to know how the dhikr ( is a form of Islamic prayer in which phrases or prayers are repeatedly chanted in order to remember God. ) and how Jerusalem are so
    important in Islam and when you have faith in God or enough faith in God:

    Ibn Arabi's dhikr in Jerusalem - Resurrection Ertugrul Season 1 (English Subtitles)


    And I think that prophet Muhammed has not lied, since how prophet Muhammed can be not a prophet from God and at the same time
    make suffer in such way muslims by saying to them to be fasting in all a month of Ramadan etc., also how prophet Muhammad has lied about his being a not prophet from God and at the same time not being afraid of God existence since he has for example also
    known in his time about the miracles of Jesus Christ, so you are understanding that we have not to be naive in such a way.

    Also i invite you to read my thoughts of my new monotheistic religion below:

    Here is how i have solved the problematic that God can self-improve and not curse the descendants of Adam and Eve , so read my below new ideas
    of my new monotheistic religion that i have invented quickly so that to understand how i have done it and so that you understand my new model:

    I think that i am a new philosopher, and you are seeing me talking, but you have to understand that i am also thinking like a philosopher, since the philosophical question is:

    Where is the value in philosophy ?

    So , firstly , i think i am a smart philosopher, and i will say that the value in philosophy is the one that gives the meaning of human life, i mean that being french or being israelis or being american is not a value that gives a meaning of human life,
    since it is not a value that makes you convinced about the meaning of human life, so you are noticing the problematic in philosophy, since i will ask the from where can you get the value that gives the meaning of human life? and why you have to get this
    value ? , so i think that you have to get this value in philosophy since it permits to make you have faith in life like having faith in God, so you are noticing that it is so important, and i think that it is the having faith in God or having enough
    faith in God that gives this value , so i invite you to read about my new monotheistic religion below so that
    to understand it:

    So , firstly , i think there is still a problem , and it is that in science, speed of light represents a fundamental speed limit for all objects in the universe, and i think it is why extraterrestrials are not able to travel and to visit us, and it is
    why we can not say that God is made of the materialistic world, so i think i will invent a new model that explains from where comes God, so here it is: So i think that there is the materialistic point of view of science of the materialistic world, and
    there is also "dualism", i mean that there is a world of spirits and there is the materialistic world, so we can say that the two worlds exist, but probabilistically we can not say that the spiritual world can not create the materialistic world, since
    for example we exist in just one universe, so we can not analyse the other infinite universes so that to say that the spiritual world can or can not create the materialistic world, so i think that God comes from the spiritual world that is not
    constrained by the speed of light and that is not constrained by time, so God can travel much much faster than the speed of light and God of the spiritual world can also create the materialistic world.

    So the first idea of my new monotheistic religion is that God is not an evolutionary thing that comes from a type 4 or type 5 civilization, since he can self-improve and not curse the descendants of Adam and Eve and so he has to help humanity , and the
    other idea of my new monotheistic religion is that the nature of God is "special" and God doesn't look like an evolutionary thing like a God of type 4 or 5 civilization , so then after that my other important idea of my new monotheistic religion is that
    God is "special" God as his nature is greatly arrogant and he can not self-improve it since he is a special God as he is, since if he is not greatly arrogant, he can for example self-improve and not for example curse the descendants of Adam and Eve, the
    other new idea of my new monotheistic religion is that not only Adam and Eve and there descendants were cursed by God, but the Bible and Qur'aan too were cursed by God, and it is why they contain scientific errors etc., so the other idea of my new
    monotheistic religion is that prophet Muhammed has been enhanced by God so that he can invent many parts of the Qur'aan , so i say that the Qur'aan is not all the words of God, i mean that Angel Gabriel has enhanced to a certain level prophet Muhammad so
    that he also invent many parts of the Qur'aan, i mean that Angel Gabriel has put ideas of him in the Qur'aan, and Angel Gabriel has to certain level controlled prophet Muhammad so that he can put ideas of him in the Qur'aan, so you are now understanding
    the my new ideas , other than that, the fact that Angel Gabriel has controlled and let prophet Muhammad put his ideas in the Qur'aan, is a curse from God , other than that i think that the universe and the bodies of a humans have not been created by God ,
    but the souls of the humans have been created by God, and the other idea of my new monotheistic religion is that prophet Muhammed is not the last prophet from God, since saying that he is the last prophet from God is part of the curse from God, and the
    other ideas of my new monotheistic religion is that the laws of my new monotheistic religion have to be universal, and of course you have to notice how i have smartly done it by coming with universal laws and by logically inferring them from the nature
    of God, and of course there is many new ideas in my new monotheistic religion, so i invite you to read them carefully so that to notice how i have done it, so you can read my thoughts of my new monotheistic religion in the following web link, and of
    course you have to notice that i am saying that i am a new prophet from God that is inspired by God, and you can read my thoughts of my new monotheistic religion in the following web link:


    So as you have just noticed , i have just talked about the Simulation hypothesis and i have just explained that my new model of what is consciousness shows that the simulation hypothesis is not true, and you can read about it in my below thoughts, and
    here is my other previous thoughts about the Simulation hypothesis: So i think that saying that the Universe is a Digital Simulation is much less probable, since i say that look for example at how looks this thing that we call humanity, so we can not say
    that the simulation of this super intelligent beings has started from a very long ago, like for example more than a billion of years, since this way of doing creates too much suffering that is much less probable since the super intelligent beings are so
    advanced and so smart, but i think it is much more short, so then we notice that the super intelligent beings that have started the simulation can not start the simulation in a so primitive environment of our today of what we call humanity, so then i can
    say that saying that the Universe is a Digital Simulation is much less probable and the fact the reality exists is much more probable.

    From the following article I think that simple code is generally better than optimal and best performing code. In C++, optimal code is often hard to read, hard to understand, and most importantly, hard to maintain. So i invite you to read carefully the
    following article so that you understand it , and of course you can translate the article from french to english:

    Programming in C++ is hard, software engineering in C++ is even harder,


    As you have just noticed, i have just posted about a new article about the Simulation hypothesis , so i think that the Simulation hypothesis is not true ,
    since from my below new model of what is human consciousness, you can notice that there is a primitive consciousness , but i am talking below about the rest of the human consciousness that requires the biologic since it is also composed with the human "
    sensations" , so since it is also biologic , so i don't think that the Simulation hypothesis is true , so i invite you to read carefully my below new model of what is human consciousness and about
    how it explains that we will not attain artificial general intelligence:

    So i think i am also a new philosopher, so you have to discover an important pattern with your fluid intelligence , and here it is: So the problem is that you can think that competition in capitalism is on the cost and/or quality and/or quantity, so
    since it is also on the cost so it can hurt the wages of workers, but it think it is not the smart way to look at it, since capitalism is not a zero sum game, since with a reasonable level of growth, capitalism can both deliver rising living standards
    for most, and still ensure a relatively high rate of return to the owners of capital, so you have to look at it in a holistic way
    or in a general way and say the even if there is competition in capitalism on for example the cost and it can hurt the wages locally here and there, but holistically or generally capitalism is not a zero sum game so it is holistically or generally a
    positive thing even inside a country, even if competition on for example the cost in capitalism can hurt the wages of the workers in a local manner here and there inside the country, so the smart idea is that you have to know how to adapt efficiently so
    that to minimize at best the disadvantages of competition in capitalism that can hurt locally here and there the wages of the workers. So then the important key is efficient adaptation. Other than that you have to read about the other problems in
    capitalism that have to be solved by "progressive" capitalism in my the following thoughts in the following web link:


    So i think i am a new philosopher , and so that to understand correctly my
    new ideas of my philosophy , i invite you to read them carefully in the following two web links:



    And you can read my new proverbs in the following web link:


    Chip startup Tachyum will make 50 Exaflop supercomputers and 8 ZettaFlop AI computers in 2025, and Tachyum books purchase order to build system with 25,000x ChatGPT4 capacity and 25x faster than current supercomputers.

    Read more here in the following interesting article so that to understand it:


    And Exascale or Zettascale supercomputers will also allow to construct an accurate map of the brain that allows to "reverse" engineer or understand the brain, read the following so that to notice it:

    “If we don’t improve today’s technology, the compute time for a whole mouse brain would be something like 1,000,000 days of work on current supercomputers. Using all of Aurora of 2 ExaFLOPS, if everything worked beautifully, it could still take 1,000 days.” Nicola Ferrier, Argonne senior computer

    Read more here so that to understand:


    So then the 50 Exaflop supercomputers with the Chip made from the Chip startup Tachyum will take only 40 days for the compute time for a whole mouse brain.

    7 TB of data for 10,000 years: the glass plate that will revolutionize storage

    "This new storage technology could be capable of accumulating up to 7 TB of data and maintaining its integrity for 10,000 years . We are still far from Seagate's HAMR disks capable of containing 30 TB of data , but the properties of the Silica project
    make it a real alternative to current storage."

    Read more here (And you can translate it from french to english):


    But there is another interesting revolutionary technology that is coming , and here it is:

    Now Ultra Ram is actually here to make everything faster and it is going to turn your SSD into a really fast device because it doesn't need power to retain the information, and it has 4,000X more endurance than NAND and can store data for 1,000+ years,
    and it is also designed to have 1/10th the latency of DRAM and be more energy efficient (by a factor of 100X) than DRAM fabricated on a similar node, and it can be used as RAM because it is so fast. So i invite to read the following new article about it:

    UltraRAM Demos Prototype Chip, Secures Funding to Validate Commercial Potential


    Also i invite you to read my interesting new thoughts about the new and future technologies in the following web link :


    And you can read the rest my other thoughts and my thoughts of my philosophy in the following web link:


    So i think what is so important is also to avoid the damages to our civilization that can be caused by severe solar storms, so notice how i am giving the probabilities of it below , but you have to be careful and be sure that we be safe from the damages
    of the severe solar storms, so read my following thoughts about it:

    I have just read the following new article on Interesting Engineering , and i invite you to read it:


    So the above article is not so precise, so here is more information so that
    you know about the probability of it:

    A study published in 2019 found the chance of a Carrington-like event occurring before 2029 is less than 1.9 percent.

    Are we ready for the next Big Solar storm?

    Read more here:


    And based on available data, there's roughly a one percent chance of seeing another Miyake Event within the next decade and a Miyake Event can be
    80 times more powerful than a Carrington-like event, read more here in the following article:


    University of Tübingen's researchers unveil a groundbreaking solar cell for decentralized green hydrogen production, revolutionizing renewable energy. This breakthrough technology opens the door to large-scale applications, even with lower efficiencies.
    This advancement have the potential to make a significant contribution to energy supply and the reduction of CO2 emissions on a global scale.

    Read more here on Interesting Engineering:


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