• Re: translator's name on the book cover

    From Christian Weisgerber@21:1/5 to HenHanna on Mon Feb 5 22:38:44 2024
    On 2024-02-05, HenHanna <HenHanna@gmail.com> wrote:

    i suppose... in France, Germany, Italy ... it's more common to see
    the translator's name on the book covers.

    Speaking as somebody from that part of the world, that seems highly
    unusual to me. Maybe you'll see that for very famous texts--The
    Iliad, Shakespeare, that kind of thing--but not for Stephen King.
    There you'll have to look inside to find the name of the translator.

    Christian "naddy" Weisgerber naddy@mips.inka.de

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  • From Jeff Barnett@21:1/5 to All on Mon Feb 5 22:34:15 2024
    T24gMi81LzIwMjQgMzowNCBQTSwgSGVuSGFubmEgd3JvdGU6DQo+IA0KPiAgwqBpIHN1cHBv c2UuLi7CoCBpbiBGcmFuY2UsIEdlcm1hbnksIEl0YWx5wqAgLi4uIGl0J3MgbW9yZSBjb21t b24gdG8gc2VlDQo+ICDCoMKgwqDCoMKgwqDCoMKgwqDCoMKgwqDCoCB0aGUgdHJhbnNsYXRv cidzwqAgbmFtZSBvbiB0aGUgYm9vayBjb3ZlcnMuDQo+IA0KPiAgwqBJbiB0aGUgVVNBLMKg IGl0J3Mgb25seSBjb21tb24gaW4gYWNhZGVtaWMgcHVibGlzaGluZyzCoMKgIGkgdGhuay4N Cj4gDQo+IA0KPiAgwqBXaG8gYXJlIHNvbWUgb2YgdGhlIG1vc3QgZmFtb3VzwqAgVHJhbnNs YXRvcnMgaW4gdGhlIFVTQSA/DQo+ICDCoMKgwqDCoMKgwqDCoMKgwqAgaSBjYW4gb25seSB0 aGluayBvZiBvbmUgcGVyc29uLi4uIGhlciBuYW1lIGlzLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4NCj4gDQo+IGlp cmMuLi7CoCB0aGVyZSdzIGEgW0NlbGVicml0eSBUcmFuc2xhdG9yXcKgIGluIFN3ZWRlbg0K DQpGcmV1ZCdzIGJvb2tzIGFyZSBrbm93IGJ5IHRoZSB0cmFuc2xhdG9ycyBpbiB0aGUgVVNB LiBEaWZmZXJlbnQgcmVhZGVycyANCmhhdmUgc3RyaWtpbmdseSBkaWZmZXJlbnQgcHJlZmVy ZW5jZXMuIEl0J3MgcGFydGljdWxhcmx5IGRpZmZpY3VsdCB0byANCmZvbGxvdyB0aHJlYWRz IHdoZW4gZGlmZmVyZW50IHRyYW5zbGF0aW9ucyB1c2Ugc2xpZ2h0bHkgZGlmZmVyZW50IA0K dGVybWlub2xvZ3kgZm9yIGlkZW50aWNhbCBjb25jZXB0cyBvciB3b3JzZSwgdXNlIHRoZSBz YW1lIHBocmFzZSBmb3IgdHdvIA0KZGlmZmVyZW50IHRoaW5ncy4gRnJldWQgaXMgYW4gZXhh bXBsZSB3aGVyZSBzdWJ0bGV0eSBhbmQgbnVhbmNlIGFyZSANCmV4dHJlbWVseSBpbXBvcnRh bnQuIFNvIHN3aXRjaGluZyBob3JzZXMgb3IgdHJhbnNsYXRvcnMgbWlkc3RyZWFtIGNhbiAN CnNvYWsgeW91Lg0KDQpGb3IgbWUsIEkgYWx3YXlzIChyaWdodGx5IG9yIHdyb25nbHkpIHdh bnQgdG8gcmVhZCBhIHRyYW5zbGF0b3Igd2hvc2UgDQpmaXJzdCBvciBiZXN0IGxhbmd1YWdl IGlzIHRoZSAiVE8iIGxhbmd1YWdlLiBUaGF0IGJlY29tZXMgb2J2aW91cyB3aGVuIA0Kb25l IHJlYWRzIGluc3RydWN0aW9ucyB0aGF0IGNhbWUgd2l0aCBtZWNoYW5pY2FsIG9yIGVsZWN0 cm9uaWMgZGV2aWNlcyANCndlcmUgdGhlIHdyaXRlciBoYXMgRW5nbGlzaCBhcyBoaXMgdGhp cmQgb3IgZm91cnRoIGxhbmd1YWdlLiBTdWNoIA0KaW5zdHJ1Y3Rpb25zIGNvdWxkIGVhc2ls eSBiZSBpbXByb3ZlZCBpZiB3cml0dGVuIGJ5IGEgbmF0aXZlIEVuZ2xpc2ggDQpzcGVha2lu ZyBlbmdpbmVlciBhZnRlciBhIGhhbGYgaG91ciBzY3Jld2luZyBhcm91bmQgd2l0aCB0aGUg cHJvZHVjdC4gDQpUaGVuIHRoZXJlIGlzIGFsd2F5cyB0aGUgdGVsZXBob25lIGZvciB0aGF0 IGVuZ2luZWVyIGlmIGhlIG5lZWRzIHNvbWUgDQptb3JlIGluZm9ybWF0aW9uLg0KLS0gDQpK ZWZmIEJhcm5ldHQNCg0K

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  • From HenHanna@21:1/5 to Jeff Barnett on Mon Jul 15 12:19:15 2024
    XPost: alt.usage.english

    On 2/5/2024 9:34 PM, Jeff Barnett wrote:
    On 2/5/2024 3:04 PM, HenHanna wrote:

      i suppose...  in France, Germany, Italy  ... it's more common to see >>                the translator's  name on the book covers.

      In the USA,  it's only common in academic publishing,   i thnk.

      Who are some of the most famous  Translators in the USA ?
               i can only think of one person... her name is...........

    iirc...  there's a [Celebrity Translator]  in Sweden

    Freud's books are know by the translators in the USA. Different readers
    have strikingly different preferences. It's particularly difficult to
    follow threads when different translations use slightly different
    terminology for identical concepts or worse, use the same phrase for two different things. Freud is an example where subtlety and nuance are
    extremely important. So switching horses or translators midstream can
    soak you.

    For me, I always (rightly or wrongly) want to read a translator whose
    first or best language is the "TO" language. That becomes obvious when
    one reads instructions that came with mechanical or electronic devices
    were the writer has English as his third or fourth language. Such instructions could easily be improved if written by a native English
    speaking engineer after a half hour screwing around with the product.
    Then there is always the telephone for that engineer if he needs some
    more information.

    thanks... one tr. of Freud book that i have
    has WIT in the title,

    the other has JOKES

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