• Re: Democrat fuel mix-up causes temporary pause of Smith River firefigh

    From Dummyrat incompetence@21:1/5 to nowomr@protonmail.com on Mon Sep 11 08:17:21 2023
    XPost: alt.california, alt.wildland.firefighting, sac.politics
    XPost: talk.politics.guns

    "3 Indictments = Trump!" <nowomr@protonmail.com> wrote in news:udlo42$otm8$5@dont-email.me:

    More Democrat incompetence because of all their silly environmental

    DEL NORTE COUNTY, CALIF. — A fuel mix-up at the Gasquet base of the
    Smith River Fire Complex caused widespread emergency vehicle
    malfunctions on Friday, according to the US Forest Service (USFS).

    The USFS reports that the mistake occurred around 2 p.m. on Thursday,
    September 7th, when a fuel vendor filled one of the fuel tenders at
    Gasquet's base camp with the incorrect fuel type. Reports of
    malfunctioning vehicles then began to pop up across the southern edge of
    the fire.

    An investigation into the mix-up found that, between Thursday and
    Friday, 42 vehicles had received enough incorrect fuel to have a
    negative effect. Though there are more than 700 vehicles currently
    dispatched to the fire, a full-scale pause of firefighting operations
    was put into effect at 4 p.m. on Friday in order to protect emergency responders.

    The pause was lifted just two hours later, and the USFS says that fire operations didn't suffer any noteworthy consequences. As of Sunday
    morning, the fire is 85,882 acres in size, with containment still at

    The USFS says that firefighters who were stuck in disabled vehicles were shuttled back to the nearest incident camp, while others had hot meals delivered to them as they camped overnight.

    Currently, local tow trucks are working to retrieve 24 disabled vehicles
    from the fireline. The USFS says these vehicles will be drained of their incorrect fuel, and the fuel will be disposed of through a method
    approved by the US Environmental Protection Agency.

    https://krcrtv.com/north-coast-news/eureka-local-news/fuel-mix-up-causes- temporary-pause-of-smith-river-firefighting-operations-24-vehicles-in-nee d-of-tow

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