• 2018 Adjustment of Constants

    From Lucifer Stars@21:1/5 to Shaitan Iblis on Sun Jun 3 00:01:57 2018
    On Saturday, June 2, 2018 at 4:02:30 AM UTC-5, Shaitan Iblis wrote:
    2018 Adjustment of Constants
    by Shaitan Iblis (SI)

    hbar = e^2*z0
    hbar = [(1.6021766(34) x 10^-19 A-s)^2] * (3.767303134… x 10^2 kg-m^2/A^2-s^3)
    hbar = 9.6705540(00) x 10^-36 kg-m^2/s

    hbar = e^2/e0*c
    hbar = [(1.6021766(34) x 10^-19 A-s)^2] / (8.854187817… x 10^-12 A^2-s^4/kg-m^3) * (2.99792458 x 10^8 m/s)
    hbar = 9.6705540(00) x 10^-36 kg-m^2/s

    hbar = e^2*u0*c
    hbar = [(1.6021766(34) x 10^-19 A-s)^2] * (1.256637061… x 10^-6 kg-m/A^2-s^2) * (2.99792458 x 10^8 m/s)
    hbar = 9.6705540(00) x 10^-36 kg-m^2/s

    hbar = h*(2*alpha)
    hbar = (6.6260701(50) x 10^-34 kg-m^2/s-rad) * [(2.00000000 x 10^0 rad/sr) * (7.2973525(66) x 10^-3 sr)]
    hbar = 9.6705540(00) x 10^-36 kg-m^2/s


    001) dark radiance = 2.0774489(19) x 10^125 kg/s^3-sr
    002) dark irradiance = 1.5159877(20) x 10^123 kg/s^3
    003) radiant density = 5.0567907(21) x 10^114 kg/m-s^2
    004) dark density = 8.5349738(01) x 10^105 /m^3
    005) dark matter density = 5.6264384(79) x 10^97 kg/m^3
    006) inverse luminous efficacy = 2.2239020(52) x 10^96 kg-m^2/cd-sr-s^3
    007) electric current density = 4.0995226(38) x 10^95 A/m^2
    008) thermal transfer = 3.5326953(68) x 10^91 kg/s^3-K
    009) electric charge density = 1.3674535(60) x 10^87 A-s/m^3
    010) angular acceleration = 5.4782038(95) x 10^85 rad/s^2
    011) molar concentration = 1.4172657(44) x 10^82 mol/m^3
    012) surface tension = 2.4744247(42) x 10^79 kg/s^2
    013) dynamic viscosity = 8.2537925(03) x 10^70 kg/m-s
    014) inverse dark area = 4.1763939(85) x 10^70 /m^2
    015) electric field strength = 7.5572384(43) x 10^62 kg-m/A-s^3
    016) surface density = 2.7531688(28) x 10^62 kg/m^2
    017) absorption rate = 5.5063376(58) x 10^60 m^2/s^3
    018) magnetic field strength = 2.0060075(27) x 10^60 A/m
    019) thermal conductivity = 1.7286435(82) x 10^56 kg-m/s^3-K
    020) radiant intensity = 4.9742647(04) x 10^54 kg-m^2/s^3-sr
    021) magnetic flux density = 2.5208234(03) x 10^54 kg/A-s^2
    022) dark power = 3.6298963(30) x 10^52 kg-m^2/s^3
    023) field acceleration = 1.8367165(39) x 10^52 m/s^2
    024) electric flux density = 6.6913208(56) x 10^51 A-s/m^2
    025) surface concentration = 6.9350653(75) x 10^46 mol/m^2
    026) dark force = 1.2108030(85) x 10^44 kg-m/s^2
    027) dark frequency = 6.1266269(04) x 10^43 /s
    028) angular velocity = 8.9416313(11) x 10^41 rad/s
    029) inverse luminous intensity = 4.4708156(57) x 10^41 /cd
    030) dark matter flow rate = 4.0388043(55) x 10^35 kg/s
    031) wave number = 2.0436227(60) x 10^35 /m
    032) electric conductivity = 5.4246305(31) x 10^32 A^2-s^3/kg-m^3
    033) molar dark energy = 3.5679905(07) x 10^32 kg-m^2/s^2-mol
    034) dark temperature = 4.2913061(04) x 10^31 K
    035) dark luminance = 9.3414587(09) x 10^28 cd/m^2
    036) electric potential = 3.6979615(76) x 10^27 kg-m^2/A-s^3
    037) dark matter field = 1.3472001(20) x 10^27 kg/m
    038) luminous flux density = 6.8167917(68) x 10^26 cd-sr/m^2
    039) electric current = 9.8159384(71) x 10^24 A
    040) Avogadro constant = 6.0221407(58) x 10^23 /mol
    041) thermal conductance = 8.4587215(23) x 10^20 kg-m^2/s^3-K
    042) magnetic potential = 1.2335072(07) x 10^19 kg-m/A-s^2
    043) dark displacement = 4.4937758(92) x 10^18 kg-s/m^2
    044) luminous density = 2.2738369(78) x 10^18 cd-sr-s/m^3
    045) dark absorption = 8.987551787… x 10^16 m^2/s^2
    046) electric displacement = 3.2742446(35) x 10^16 A-s/m
    047) molar dark matter = 3.9699248(38) x 10^15 kg/mol
    048) Josephson constant = 4.8359784(84) x 10^14 A-s^2-rad^2/kg-m^2-sr
    049) Josephson quantum = 2.4179892(42) x 10^14 A-s^2-rad/kg-m^2
    050) Coulomb constant = 8.987551787… x 10^9 kg-m^3/A^2-s^4-(4pi)
    051) dark energy = 5.9247876(31) x 10^8 kg-m^2/s^2
    052) speed of light in vacuum = 2.99792458 x 10^8 m/s
    053) inverse dark matter = 1.5169407(49) x 10^8 /kg
    054) Faraday constant = 9.6485332(08) x 10^4 A-s/mol
    055) von Klitzing constant = 2.5812807(46) x 10^4 kg-m^2/A^2-s^3-rad
    056) inverse conductance q. = 1.2906403(73) x 10^4 kg-m^2-sr/A^2-s^3-rad^2 057) impedance of vacuum = 3.767303134… x 10^2 kg-m^2/A^2-s^3
    058) inverse fine-structure constant = 1.3703599(91) x 10^2 /sr
    059) inverse fine-structure angle = 6.8517999(58) x 10^1 /rad
    060) molar gas constant = 8.3144628(25) x 10^0 kg-m^2/s^2-mol-K
    061) spin two = 2.00000000 x 10^0 rad/sr
    062) dark momentum = 1.9762964(25) x 10^0 kg-m/s
    063) relative permeability = 1.00000000 x 10^0 rad/rad
    064) dielectric constant = 1.00000000 x 10^0 sr/sr
    065) spin one-half = 5.00000000 x 10^-1 sr/rad
    066) fine-structure angle = 1.4594705(13) x 10^-2 rad
    067) second radiation = 1.4387768(41) x 10^-2 m-K/rad
    068) fine-structure constant = 7.2973525(66) x 10^-3 sr
    069) conductance quantum = 7.7480917(31) x 10^-5 A^2-s^3-rad^2/kg-m^2-sr
    070) electric conductance = 3.8740458(65) x 10^-5 A^2-s^3-rad/kg-m^2
    071) magnetic constant = 1.256637061… x 10^-6 kg-m/A^2-s^2
    072) dark matter = 6.5922152(90) x 10^-9 kg
    073) radiant distribution = 3.335640952… x 10^-9 s/m
    074) inverse dark energy = 1.6878242(09) x 10^-9 s^2/kg-m^2
    075) density of states = 1.6878242(09) x 10^-9 s^2/kg-m^2
    076) molar Planck constant = 3.9903127(10) x 10^-10 kg-m^2/s-mol-rad
    077) atomic permittivity = 1.112650056… x 10^-10 A^2-s^4-(4pi)/kg-m^3
    078) Newtonian constant = 6.671281903… x 10^-11 m^3/kg-s^2
    079) magnetic pole strength = 4.8032047(13) x 10^-11 A-m
    080) magnetic exposure = 2.4304070(23) x 10^-11 A-s/kg
    081) electric constant = 8.854187817… x 10^-12 A^2-s^4/kg-m^3
    082) magnetic flux = 4.1356676(96) x 10^-15 kg-m^2/A-s^2-rad
    083) specific heat = 2.0943627(81) x 10^-15 m^2/s^2-K
    084) magnetic flux quantum = 2.0678338(48) x 10^-15 kg-m^2-sr/A-s^2-rad^2 085) first radiation = 3.7417718(52) x 10^-16 kg-m^4-(2pi)/s^3-rad
    086) dark molality = 2.5189393(78) x 10^-16 mol/kg
    087) first radiation spectral radiance = 1.1910429(72) x 10^-16 kg-m^4/s^3-sr 088) elementary charge = 1.6021766(34) x 10^-19 A-s
    089) thermal resistance = 1.1822117(53) x 10^-21 s^3-K/kg-m^2
    090) Boltzmann constant = 1.3806490(35) x 10^-23 kg-m^2/s^2-K
    091) amount of substance = 1.6605390(68) x 10^-24 mol
    092) inverse electric current = 1.0187512(92) x 10^-25 /A
    093) kinematic viscosity = 1.4669657(43) x 10^-27 m^2/s
    094) electric resistivity = 1.8434435(20) x 10^-33 kg-m^3/A^2-s^3
    095) relative expansion = 2.3302928(66) x 10^-32 /K
    096) Planck constant = 6.6260701(50) x 10^-34 kg-m^2/s-rad
    097) reduced Planck constant = 9.6705540(00) x 10^-36 kg-m^2/s
    098) dark length = 4.8932710(07) x 10^-36 m
    099) absorption-emission = 2.4759802(95) x 10^-36 s/kg
    100) dark inductance = 6.1490656(98) x 10^-42 kg-m^2/A^2-s^2
    101) luminous intensity = 2.2367283(22) x 10^-42 cd
    102) dark moment = 3.2257495(95) x 10^-44 kg-m
    103) dark time = 1.6322195(16) x 10^-44 s
    104) luminous flux = 1.6322195(16) x 10^-44 cd-sr
    105) magnetic moment = 2.3503382(36) x 10^-46 A-m^2
    106) dark capacitance = 4.3325940(55) x 10^-47 A^2-s^4/kg-m^2
    107) electric moment = 7.8398844(71) x 10^-55 A-s-m
    108) dark area = 2.3944101(15) x 10^-71 m^2
    109) dark fluidity = 1.2115642(59) x 10^-71 m-s/kg
    110) inertial moment = 1.5784466(97) x 10^-79 kg-m^2
    111) molar volume = 7.0558397(69) x 10^-83 m^3/mol
    112) electric charge volume = 7.3128626(05) x 10^-88 m^3/A-s
    113) luminous dark energy = 2.6641405(48) x 10^-88 cd-sr-s
    114) electric current volume = 2.4393083(98) x 10^-96 m^2/A
    115) luminous efficacy = 4.4966009(15) x 10^-97 cd-sr-s^3/kg-m^2
    116) dark matter volume = 1.7773232(64) x 10^-98 m^3/kg
    117) dark volume = 1.1716497(59) x 10^-106 m^3
    118) radiant volume = 1.9775388(29) x 10^-115 m-s^2/kg
    119) inverse dark irradiance = 6.5963595(02) x 10^-124 s^3/kg
    120) inverse dark radiance = 4.8135960(94) x 10^-126 s^3-sr/kg


    * dark temperature: [(hbar*c^5/G)^1/2]/k = 4.2913061(04) x 10^31 K
    * electric current: e/[(hbar*G/c^5)^1/2] = 9.8159384(71) x 10^24 A
    * fine-structure angle: e^2/(e0*h*c) = 1.4594705(13) x 10^-2 rad
    * fine-structure constant: e^2/(2*e0*h*c) = 7.2973525(66) x 10-3 sr
    * dark matter: (hbar*c/G)^1/2 = 6.5922152(90) x 10^-9 kg
    * amount of substance: [(hbar*c/G)^1/2]/M = 1.6605390(68) x 10^-24 mol
    * dark length: (hbar*G/c^3)^1/2 = 4.8932710(07) x 10^-36 m
    * luminous intensity: [(hbar*G/c^5)^1/2]/alpha = 2.2367283(22) x 10^-42 cd
    * dark time: (hbar*G/c^5)^1/2 = 1.6322195(16) x 10^-44 s

    2018 Adjustment of Constants
    by Shaitan Iblis (SI)

    It's a Start,

    God the Father
    O Lucifer the
    Devil Satan

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