• Megacycles

    From Hannu Poropudas@21:1/5 to All on Wed Aug 23 00:52:29 2017
    Period of megacycle 429.4 Ma is taken from reference 1.


    (4620 - 4390 Ma)
    4390 - 4190 Ma
    4190 - 3960 Ma
    3960 - 3760 Ma
    3760 - 3540 Ma
    3540 - 3330 Ma
    3330 - 3110 Ma
    3110 - 2900 Ma
    2900 - 2680 Ma
    2680 - 2470 Ma
    2470 - 2250 Ma
    2250 - 2040 Ma
    2040 - 1820 Ma
    1820 - 1620 Ma
    1620 - 1390 Ma
    1390 - 1190 Ma
    1190 - 970 Ma
    970 - 760 Ma
    760 - 540 Ma
    540 - 340 Ma
    340 - 130 Ma
    130 -

    (Earth's age is approximated to be between about 4570 - 4450 Ma).

    Approximately same set is achieved if one takes starting point
    about 2680 Ma for breakup of the Pilbara continent ref. 2) and
    then if one adds to this number 2680 Ma periodically
    429.4 Ma/2 = 214.7 Ma uppwads of the list and secondly if one
    subracts from this number 2680 Ma periodically 429.4 Ma/2 = 214.7 Ma
    downwards of the list.

    (I put below misc references of Kapez B and Krapez B et al about the subject. I'am not sure about existence of 2nd and 3rd order of cyclicities
    proposed by Krapez B and also I do not agreee his about period of
    about 360 Ma. Also some causes of 2nd order and 3rd order cylicities are questionable in my opinion.)


    1. Poropudas Hannu, 1996.
    Harrastelijan ajatuksia päivän, kuukauden ja vuoden pituudesta
    muinaisina aikoina.
    GEOLOGI 48, 4-5/1996, 92-96.

    2. Kapez B, Eisenlohr B, 1998.
    Precambrian Research, vol. 88. Pages 173-205, (2680 Ma on page 204).

    3. Krapez B, 1993.
    Precambrian Research, vol. 60. Pages 1-45.

    4. Krapez B, 1996.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 43. Pages 355-380.

    5. Krapez B, 1997.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 44. Pages 1-36.

    6. Horowitz R C and Krapez B, 1997.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 44. Pages 879-886.

    7. Krapez B, 1999.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 46. Pages 71-87.

    8. Krapez B, 1999.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 46. Pages 89-103.

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas

    Kolamäentie 9E
    Kiiminki / Oulu

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Hannu Poropudas@21:1/5 to Hannu Poropudas on Thu Aug 24 03:45:29 2017
    On Wednesday, August 23, 2017 at 10:52:31 AM UTC+3, Hannu Poropudas wrote:
    Period of megacycle 429.4 Ma is taken from reference 1.


    (4620 - 4390 Ma)
    4390 - 4190 Ma
    4190 - 3960 Ma
    3960 - 3760 Ma
    3760 - 3540 Ma
    3540 - 3330 Ma
    3330 - 3110 Ma
    3110 - 2900 Ma
    2900 - 2680 Ma
    2680 - 2470 Ma
    2470 - 2250 Ma
    2250 - 2040 Ma
    2040 - 1820 Ma
    1820 - 1620 Ma
    1620 - 1390 Ma
    1390 - 1190 Ma
    1190 - 970 Ma
    970 - 760 Ma
    760 - 540 Ma
    540 - 340 Ma
    340 - 130 Ma
    130 -

    (Earth's age is approximated to be between about 4570 - 4450 Ma).

    Approximately same set is achieved if one takes starting point
    about 2680 Ma for breakup of the Pilbara continent ref. 2) and
    then if one adds to this number 2680 Ma periodically
    429.4 Ma/2 = 214.7 Ma uppwads of the list and secondly if one
    subracts from this number 2680 Ma periodically 429.4 Ma/2 = 214.7 Ma downwards of the list.

    (I put below misc references of Kapez B and Krapez B et al about the subject. I'am not sure about existence of 2nd and 3rd order of cyclicities
    proposed by Krapez B and also I do not agreee his about period of
    about 360 Ma. Also some causes of 2nd order and 3rd order cylicities are questionable in my opinion.)


    1. Poropudas Hannu, 1996.
    Harrastelijan ajatuksia päivän, kuukauden ja vuoden pituudesta
    muinaisina aikoina.
    GEOLOGI 48, 4-5/1996, 92-96.

    2. Kapez B, Eisenlohr B, 1998.
    Precambrian Research, vol. 88. Pages 173-205, (2680 Ma on page 204).

    3. Krapez B, 1993.
    Precambrian Research, vol. 60. Pages 1-45.

    4. Krapez B, 1996.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 43. Pages 355-380.

    5. Krapez B, 1997.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 44. Pages 1-36.

    6. Horowitz R C and Krapez B, 1997.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 44. Pages 879-886.

    7. Krapez B, 1999.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 46. Pages 71-87.

    8. Krapez B, 1999.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 46. Pages 89-103.

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas

    Kolamäentie 9E
    Kiiminki / Oulu


    1. Poropudas Hannu, 1996.
    Harrastelijan ajatuksia päivän, kuukauden ja vuoden pituudesta
    muinaisina aikoina.
    GEOLOGI 48, 4-5/1996, 92-96.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Hannu Poropudas@21:1/5 to Hannu Poropudas on Mon Aug 28 23:10:57 2017
    On Thursday, August 24, 2017 at 1:45:31 PM UTC+3, Hannu Poropudas wrote:
    On Wednesday, August 23, 2017 at 10:52:31 AM UTC+3, Hannu Poropudas wrote:
    Period of megacycle 429.4 Ma is taken from reference 1.


    (4620 - 4390 Ma)
    4390 - 4190 Ma
    4190 - 3960 Ma
    3960 - 3760 Ma
    3760 - 3540 Ma
    3540 - 3330 Ma
    3330 - 3110 Ma
    3110 - 2900 Ma
    2900 - 2680 Ma
    2680 - 2470 Ma
    2470 - 2250 Ma
    2250 - 2040 Ma
    2040 - 1820 Ma
    1820 - 1620 Ma
    1620 - 1390 Ma
    1390 - 1190 Ma
    1190 - 970 Ma
    970 - 760 Ma
    760 - 540 Ma
    540 - 340 Ma
    340 - 130 Ma
    130 -

    (Earth's age is approximated to be between about 4570 - 4450 Ma).

    Approximately same set is achieved if one takes starting point
    about 2680 Ma for breakup of the Pilbara continent ref. 2) and
    then if one adds to this number 2680 Ma periodically
    429.4 Ma/2 = 214.7 Ma uppwads of the list and secondly if one
    subracts from this number 2680 Ma periodically 429.4 Ma/2 = 214.7 Ma downwards of the list.

    (I put below misc references of Kapez B and Krapez B et al about the subject.
    I'am not sure about existence of 2nd and 3rd order of cyclicities
    proposed by Krapez B and also I do not agreee his about period of
    about 360 Ma. Also some causes of 2nd order and 3rd order cylicities are questionable in my opinion.)


    1. Poropudas Hannu, 1996.
    Harrastelijan ajatuksia päivän, kuukauden ja vuoden pituudesta
    muinaisina aikoina.
    GEOLOGI 48, 4-5/1996, 92-96.

    2. Kapez B, Eisenlohr B, 1998.
    Precambrian Research, vol. 88. Pages 173-205, (2680 Ma on page 204).

    3. Krapez B, 1993.
    Precambrian Research, vol. 60. Pages 1-45.

    4. Krapez B, 1996.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 43. Pages 355-380.

    5. Krapez B, 1997.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 44. Pages 1-36.

    6. Horowitz R C and Krapez B, 1997.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 44. Pages 879-886.

    7. Krapez B, 1999.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 46. Pages 71-87.

    8. Krapez B, 1999.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 46. Pages 89-103.

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas

    Kolamäentie 9E
    Kiiminki / Oulu


    1. Poropudas Hannu, 1996.
    Harrastelijan ajatuksia päivän, kuukauden ja vuoden pituudesta
    muinaisina aikoina.
    GEOLOGI 48, 4-5/1996, 92-96.


    Newsgroups: sci.astro
    Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2017 23:53:44 -0700 (PDT)
    Message-ID: <52ca9eb0-4d5a-4a5d-8c99-57d7444b8da0@googlegroups.com>
    Subject: Linear extrapolated fossil data tries to tell that perhaps Earth and
    Moon formed as a planet couple ?
    From: Hannu Poropudas <hanp...@luukku.com>
    Injection-Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2017 06:53:44 +0000

    (----COPY BELOW----)

    Linear extrapolated fossil data tries to tell that perhaps Earth and Moon formed as a planet couple ?
    2 posts by 2 authors

    me (Hannu Poropudas change)

    Apr 27

    How to calculate with my extrapolated fossil data of Pannella G.:

    T’ = length of the month recorded by marine life (= synodic month)
    t’ = length of the day recorded by marine life (= solar day)
    T = length of sidereal month
    t = length of sidereal day
    T = T’ /(1+T’/Y)
    t = t’ /(1+t’/Y), this is very nearly equal to t’
    S = T’ / t’ = number of days in month recorded in paleontological specimens.
    Y = length of the year (= tropical year, this is assumed to be constant = 365,2422 days = not changed significantly)
    Runcorn, S. K., 1970.
    Paleontological Measurements of the Changes in the Rotation Rates of Earth and Moon and
    of the Rate of Retreat of the Moon from the Earth., pages 17-23, page 21.
    Runcorn S.K. (Editor), 1970.
    Academic Press Inc., Printed in Great Britain, 518 pages, pages 17-23.

    For example

    (figures from my drawings one example out of range of experimental
    test points for curiosity):

    -4600*10^4 centuries (approx.. Earth’s formation time, 4600 Ma ago)

    11 hours/day (present hours, assumption Earth and Sun distance have not significantly changed, Y = 365,2422 days, solar days and tropical year)

    Y = 780 * 11 h = 8580 h (present hours) = 357,5 days (present solar days, Y changed little (?) in data of tables it is used Y=365,2422 days)

    780 days/year (solar days and tropical year)

    48 days/month (solar days and synodic month) = T’

    T = T’ /(1+T’/Y) = 48 / (1 + 48/357,5) = 42,31812577 =
    = approx. 42 days/sidereal month

    Distance approximately between Earth and Moon at approx. 4600 Ma ago.

    G = 6,67*10^(-11)*N*m^^2/kg^2
    M = 5,974*10^24 kg

    P = 42,31812577*11*60*60 s (present seconds) = 1675797,781 s

    r = ( G*M*P^2/(4*Pi^2) )^()1/3 = 304832464,1 m =
    = approx. 305000 km.

    So linear extrapolated fossil data tries to tell that perhaps
    Earth and Moon formed as a planet couple ?

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas

    _________________COPIES OF MY OLD ARTICLES BELOW (long)_________________

    Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes 1 kirjoittajan 2 viestiä


    Käännä viesti kielelle: suomi

    Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s Fossil Time Data for Test
    (Author: Hannu K.J. Poropudas, Vesaisentie 9E, 90900 Kiiminki,
    Finland, Date: 12.12.2008)
    Three rough data set (TABLE 1, days/month, TABLE 2, days/year and
    TABLE 3, months/year)
    are given in this paper for test purposes of ancient fossil time data.
    Numbers are based
    on Giorgio Pannella’s (1972) fossil time data. Interpretations are my
    These linear extrapolations are based also on uncertain assumption of existence of
    oscillation about 429.4 Ma in Pannella’s Figure 3 (days/month). Many
    ages and fossil
    points are still uncertain. Main intended area of use of these figures
    is about 0-2000 Ma.

    Tables of fossil time data
    TABLE 1
    -T/10^4 Days/Month
    0 29,16
    18,6 29,4
    31,4 29,69
    45,4 29,83
    58,1 30,05
    74,4 29,95
    206,9 29,67
    291,9 30,09
    342,2 30,36
    380,3 30,57
    416,7 30,55
    429,4 30,98
    448 31,22
    460,8 31,51
    467,6 31,24
    474,8 31,65
    487,5 31,87
    503,8 31,77
    639 31,49
    721,3 31,91
    771,6 32,18
    809,7 32,39
    846,1 32,37
    858,8 32,81
    877,4 33,05
    890,2 33,34
    897 33,06
    904,2 33,48
    916,9 33,7
    933,2 33,6
    1068,4 33,32
    1150,7 33,74
    1201 34,01
    1239,1 34,22
    1275,5 34,2
    1288,2 34,63
    1306,8 34,87
    1319,6 35,16
    1326,4 34,89
    1333,6 35,3
    1346,3 35,52
    1362,6 35,42
    1497,8 35,14
    1580,1 35,56
    1630,4 35,83
    1668,5 36,04
    1704,9 36,02
    1717,6 36,46
    1736,2 36,7
    1749 36,99
    1755,8 36,71
    1763 37,13
    1775,7 37,35
    1792 37,25
    1927,2 36,97
    2009,5 37,39
    2059,8 37,66
    2097,9 37,87
    2134,3 37,85
    2147 38,28
    2165,6 38,52
    2178,4 38,81
    2185,2 38,54
    2192,4 38,95
    2205,1 39,17
    2221,4 39,07
    2356,6 38,79
    2438,9 39,21
    2489,2 39,48
    2527,3 39,69
    2563,7 39,67
    2576,4 40,11
    2595 40,35
    2607,8 40,64
    2614,6 40,36
    2621,8 40,78
    2634,5 41
    2650,8 40,9
    2786 40,62
    2868,3 41,04
    2918,6 41,31
    2956,7 41,52
    2993,1 41,5
    3005,8 41,93
    3024,4 42,17
    3037,2 42,46
    3044 42,19
    3051,2 42,6
    3063,9 42,82
    3080,2 42,72
    3215,4 42,44
    3297,7 42,86
    3348 43,13
    3386,1 43,34
    3422,5 43,32
    3435,2 43,76
    3453,8 44
    3466,6 44,29
    3473,4 44,01
    3480,6 44,43
    3493,3 44,65
    3509,6 44,55
    3644,8 44,27
    3727,1 44,69
    3777,4 44,96
    3815,5 45,17
    3851,9 45,15
    3864,6 45,58
    3883,2 45,82
    3896 46,11
    3902,8 45,84
    3910 46,25
    3922,7 46,47
    3939 46,37
    4074,2 46,09
    4156,5 46,51
    4206,8 46,78
    4244,9 46,99
    4281,3 46,97
    4294 47,41
    4312,6 47,65
    4325,4 47,94
    4332,2 47,66
    4339,4 48,08
    4352,1 48,3
    4368,4 48,2
    4503,6 47,92
    (4585,9 48,34
    4636,2 48,61
    4674,3 48,82
    4710,7 48,8
    4761,6 49,49)

    TABLE 2
    -T/10^4 Days/Year
    0 364,76
    52,2 370,95
    52,2 374,76
    226,2 370,95
    276,9 381,46
    276,9 391,22
    335,6 393,66
    340,2 397,56
    340,2 400,16
    367,8 400,65
    367,8 404,52
    367,8 412,26
    394,5 400,65
    408,2 418,06
    429,4 404,09
    435,8 413,23
    445 424
    481,6 410,28
    481,6 414,09
    558,1 431,76
    655,6 410,28
    706,3 420,79
    706,3 430,55
    765 432,99
    769,6 436,89
    769,6 439,49
    797,2 439,98
    797,2 443,85
    797,2 451,59
    823,9 439,98
    837,6 457,39
    858,8 443,42
    865,2 452,56
    874,4 463,33
    911 449,61
    911 453,42
    987,5 471,09
    1085 449,61
    1135,7 460,12
    1135,7 469,88
    1194,4 472,32
    1199 476,22
    1199 478,82
    1226,6 479,31
    1226,6 483,18
    1226,6 490,92
    1253,3 479,31
    1267 496,72
    1288,2 482,75
    1294,6 491,89
    1303,8 502,66
    1340,4 488,94
    1340,4 492,75
    1416,9 510,42
    1514,4 488,94
    1565,1 499,45
    1565,1 509,21
    1623,8 511,65
    1628,4 515,55
    1628,4 518,15
    1656 518,64
    1656 522,51
    1656 530,25
    1682,7 518,64
    1696,4 536,05
    1717,6 522,08
    1724 531,22
    1733,2 541,99
    1769,8 528,27
    1769,8 532,08
    1846,3 549,75
    1943,8 528,27
    1994,5 538,78
    1994,5 548,54
    2053,2 550,98
    2057,8 554,88
    2057,8 557,48
    2085,4 557,97
    2085,4 561,84
    2085,4 569,58
    2112,1 557,97
    2125,8 575,38
    2147 561,41
    2153,4 570,55
    2162,6 581,32
    2199,2 567,6
    2199,2 571,41
    2275,7 589,08
    2373,2 567,6
    2423,9 578,11
    2423,9 587,87
    2482,6 590,31
    2487,2 594,21
    2487,2 596,81
    2514,8 597,3
    2514,8 601,17
    2514,8 608,91
    2541,5 597,3
    2555,2 614,71
    2576,4 600,75
    2582,8 609,88
    2592 620,65
    2628,6 606,94
    2628,6 610,75
    2705,1 628,41
    2802,6 606,94
    2853,3 617,45
    2853,3 627,21
    2912 629,65
    2916,6 633,55
    2916,6 636,15
    2944,2 636,64
    2944,2 640,51
    2944,2 648,25
    2970,9 636,64
    2984,6 654,05
    3005,8 640,08
    3012,2 649,22
    3021,4 659,99
    3058 646,27
    3058 650,08
    3134,5 667,75
    3232 646,27
    3282,7 656,78
    3282,7 666,54
    3341,4 668,98
    3346 672,88
    3346 675,48
    3373,6 675,97
    3373,6 679,84
    3373,6 687,58
    3400,3 675,97
    3414 693,38
    3435,2 679,41
    3441,6 688,55
    3450,8 699,32
    3487,4 685,6
    3487,4 689,41
    3563,9 707,08
    3661,4 685,6
    3712,1 696,11
    3712,1 705,87
    3770,8 708,31
    3775,4 712,21
    3775,4 714,81
    3803 715,3
    3803 719,17
    3803 726,91
    3829,7 715,3
    3843,4 732,71
    3864,6 718,74
    3871 727,88
    3880,2 738,65
    3916,8 724,93
    3916,8 728,74
    3993,3 746,41
    4090,8 724,93
    4141,5 735,44
    4141,5 745,2
    4200,2 747,64
    4204,8 751,54
    4204,8 754,14
    4232,4 754,63
    4232,4 758,5
    4232,4 766,24
    4259,1 754,63
    4272,8 772,04
    4294 758,07
    4300,4 767,21
    4309,6 777,98
    4346,2 764,26
    4346,2 768,07
    4422,7 785,74
    4520,2 764,26
    (4570,9 774,77
    4570,9 784,53
    4629,6 786,97
    4634,2 790,87
    4634,2 793,47
    4661,8 793,96
    4661,8 797,83
    4661,8 805,57
    4688,5 793,96
    4702,2 811,37
    4723,4 797,4
    4729,8 806,54
    4739 817,31
    4775,6 803,59
    4775,6 807,4
    4852,1 825,07)

    TABLE 3
    -T/10^4 Months/Year
    0 12,34
    70 12,49
    70 12,6
    160,7 11,56
    220 12,55
    290 12,71
    340 13,11
    360 12,93
    360 13,35
    429,4 12,95
    499,4 13,1
    499,4 13,21
    510 13
    590,1 12,17
    649,4 13,16
    719,4 13,32
    769,4 13,72
    789,4 13,54
    789,4 13,96
    858,8 13,56
    928,8 13,71
    928,8 13,82
    939,4 13,61
    1019,5 12,78
    1078,8 13,77
    1148,8 13,93
    1198,8 14,33
    1218,8 14,15
    1218,8 14,57
    1288,2 14,17
    1358,2 14,32
    1358,2 14,43
    1368,8 14,22
    1448,9 13,39
    1508,2 14,38
    1578,2 14,54
    1628,2 14,94
    1648,2 14,76
    1648,2 15,18
    1717,6 14,78
    1787,6 14,93
    1787,6 15,04
    1798,2 14,83
    1878,3 14
    1937,6 14,99
    2007,6 15,15
    2057,6 15,55
    2077,6 15,37
    2077,6 15,79
    2147 15,39
    2217 15,54
    2217 15,65
    2227,6 15,44
    2307,7 14,61
    2367 15,6
    2437 15,76
    2487 16,16
    2507 15,98
    2507 16,4
    2576,4 16
    2646,4 16,15
    2646,4 16,26
    2657 16,05
    2737,1 15,22
    2796,4 16,21
    2866,4 16,37
    2916,4 16,77
    2936,4 16,59
    2936,4 17,01
    3005,8 16,61
    3075,8 16,76
    3075,8 16,87
    3086,4 16,66
    3166,5 15,83
    3225,8 16,82
    3295,8 16,98
    3345,8 17,38
    3365,8 17,2
    3365,8 17,62
    3435,2 17,22
    3505,2 17,37
    3505,2 17,48
    3515,8 17,27
    3595,9 16,44
    3655,2 17,43
    3725,2 17,59
    3775,2 17,99
    3795,2 17,81
    3795,2 18,23
    3864,6 17,83
    3934,6 17,98
    3934,6 18,09
    3945,2 17,88
    4025,3 17,05
    4084,6 18,04
    4154,6 18,2
    4204,6 18,6
    4224,6 18,42
    4224,6 18,84
    4294 18,44
    4364 18,59
    4364 18,7
    4374,6 18,49
    4454,7 17,66
    4514 18,65
    (4584 18,81
    4634 19,21
    4654 19,03
    4654 19,45
    4723,4 19,05
    4793,4 19,2
    4793,4 19,31
    4804 19,1
    4884,1 18,27
    4943,4 19,26)

    Pannella Giorgio, 1972.
    Paleontological Evidence on the Earth’s Rotational History Since Early Precambrian.
    Astrophysics and Space Science, 16, (1972), 212-237.
    (Figure 3 on page 235 and Figure 4 on page 236. Mean solar day,
    Synodic Month, Tropical Year.
    Exact age of sedimentation of the Gunflint Formation is 1878.3+-1.3
    Ma, YPM-IP-28510/28511.)
    Scrutton, C.T., (1964), 1965.
    Periodicity in Devonian Coral Growth.
    Paleontology, volume 7, part 4, pages 552-558, plates 86-87.
    (Middle Devonian OUM DT2 fossil, age is 385.3 Ma – 397.5 Ma, GT2004, approximate linear formula 12.37 – 1.43*10^(-7)*T, months/year,
    past time minus signed).
    Scrutton, C.T., 1970.
    Evidence for a monthly periodicity in the growth of some corals.
    Runcorn, S.K. (editor), 1970.
    Paleogeophysics. Academic Press, London, pages 11-16.
    Fralick, P., Davis, D.W., Kissin, S.A., 2002.
    The age of the Gunflint Formation, Ontario, Canada: single zircon U-Pb
    age determinations
    from reworked volcanic ash.
    Can. J. Earth Sci., 39, 1085-1091.
    From: mathematician <haporopu@luukku.com>
    Newsgroups: sci.bio.paleontology,sci.astro,sci.geo.geology,sci.physics,sci.math
    Subject: Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes
    Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2008 01:46:49 -0800 (PST)
    Message-ID: <533c8763-511e-4ec6-a69e-8f3f1e5d1591@z6g2000pre.googlegroups.com> NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2008 09:46:50 +0000 (UTC)

    Testing some ancient time data points with extrapolated Pannella's fossil time data
    1 kirjoittajan 2 viestiä


    Muut vastaanottajat: george....@adelaide.edu.au
    Käännä viesti kielelle: suomi

    Testing some ancient time data points with extrapolated Pannella's
    fossil time data ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    (Author: H.K.J. Poropudas, Vesaisentie 9E, 90900 Kiiminki, Finland.
    Date: 13.1.2009)
    Below are few rough estimations of ancient time data. It should be
    remembered that
    these linear extrapolations are based on my uncertain assumption of
    existence of
    oscillation of period 429.4 Ma in Pannella's figure 3 (reference 2)
    and ages
    and data of fossils and stromatolites are in many cases uncertain

    The Elatina Formation and Reynella Siltstone -----------------------------------------------------------------
    620 Ma:
    655.6 Ma, 410.28 days/year
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give roughly approx. 412 days/year)
    639 Ma, 31.49 days/year
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give roughly approx. 31.7 days/month)
    410.28/31.49 = 13.03 months/year, (primary value = 13.1 +-0.1 months/
    649.4 Ma, 13.16 months/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    (primary value = 13.1 +-0.1 months/year)
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give 412/31.7 = 13.0 months/year)
    (13.0-13.2 months/year)

    The Big Cottonwood Formation
    900 Ma:
    890.2 Ma, 33.34 days/month
    897 Ma, 33.06 days/month
    904.2 Ma, 33.48 days/month
    (33-33.5 days/month, average = 33.29 days/month)
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 33.4 days/month)
    874.4 Ma, 463.33 days/year
    911 Ma, 449.61 days/year
    911 Ma, 453.42 days/year
    (450-463 days/year, average = 455.45 days/year)
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 451 days/year)
    455.45/33.29 = 13.68 months/year, (primary value 13.5 months/year)
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give 451/33.4 = 13.5 months/year)
    928.8 Ma, 13.71 months/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    928.8 Ma, 13.82 months/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    (13.7-13.8 months/year, primary value 13.5 months/year)
    (13.5-13.8 months/year)

    The Weeli Wolli Formation
    2450 Ma:
    2438.9 Ma, 39.21 days/month
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 39.2 days/month)
    2423.9 Ma, 587.87 days/year
    2423.9 Ma, 578.11 days/year
    (578-588 days/year, average = 582.99 days/year)
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 585 days/year)
    582.99/39.21 = 14.87 months/year, (primary value = 14.5 +-0.5 months/
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give 585/39.2 = 14.9 months/year)
    2437 Ma, 15.76 months/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    (primary value = 14.5 +-0.5 months/year)
    (14.9-15.8 months/year)

    Reference (1).

    The Gunflint Formation
    1878.3 +-1.3 Ma:
    1927.2 Ma, 36.97 days/month
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 37.2 days/month)
    1846.3 Ma, 549.75 days/year
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 533 days/year)
    549.75/36.97 = 14.87 months/year (primary value = 14 months/year)
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give 533/37.2 = 14.3 months/year)
    1937.6 Ma, 14.99 monnths/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    (14.3-15.0 months/year)

    Age of the Bulawayan stromatolite UCLA-Bul-7 ? ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    Mode = 10-20-40, Highest Count = 41.
    2576.6.4 Ma, 40.11 days/month
    2595 Ma, 40.35 days/month
    2607.8 Ma, 40.64 days/month
    2614.6 Ma, 40.34 days/month
    2621.8 Ma, 40.78 days/month
    2634.5 Ma, 41 days/month
    2650.8 Ma, 40.9 days/month
    2786 Ma, 40.62 days/month
    2868.3 Ma, 41.04 days/month
    So age of the Bulawayan Stromatolite UCLA-Bul-7 could be:
    2580 Ma - 2870 Ma.
    (primary value of the age =
    (2672 +- 12 Ma - 2715 +- 15 Ma), Upper Bulawayan Group or
    (2831 +- 6 Ma - 2904 +- 9 Ma), Lower Bulawayan Group. These both
    are not local age determinations from the Bubi Greenstone Belt near
    Huntsman Quarries, Zimbabwe.)
    Other Time Data for UCLA-Bul-7 stromatolite: -----------------------------------------------------------------
    (40-41 days/month, primary value)
    (average = 40.5 days/month, primary value)
    2576.4 Ma, 600.75 days/year
    2582.8 Ma, 609.88 days/year
    2592 Ma, 620.65 days/year
    2628.6 Ma, 606.94 days/year
    2628.6 Ma, 610.75 days/year
    2705.1 Ma, 628.41 days/year
    2802.6 Ma, 606.94 days/year
    2853.3 Ma, 617.45 days/year
    2853.3 Ma, 627.21 days/year
    2912 Ma, 629.65 days/year
    2916.6 Ma, 633.55 days/year
    2916.6 Ma, 636.15 days/year
    (average = 7428.33/12 = 619.03 = approx. 619 days/year)
    (601-636 days/year)
    619/40.5 = 15.3 months/year
    OUM-DT2 based estimation:
    2576.4 Ma, 16 months/year
    2646.4 Ma, 16.15 months/year
    2646.4 Ma, 16.26 months/year
    2657 Ma, 16.05 months/year
    2737.1 Ma, 15.22 months/year
    2796.4 Ma, 16.21 months/year
    2866.4 Ma, 16.37 months/year
    2916.4 Ma, 16.77 months/year
    (average = 129.03/8 = 16.13 = approx. 16.1 months/year)
    (15.2 - 16.8 months/year)

    References (2 and 3).

    The Moodies Group
    3225 Ma:
    3215.4 Ma, 42.44 days/month
    (Drawn extrapolated figure roughly gives approx. 42.8 days/month)
    3232 Ma, 646.27 days/year
    (Drawn extrapolated figure roughly gives approx. 650 days/year)
    646.27/42.44 = 15.23 months/year
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give 650/42.8 = 15.2 months/year)
    3225.8 Ma, 16.82 months/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    (15.2-16.8 months/year)

    Reference (4).


    1. Williams, G.E. 2000.
    Reviews of Geophysics, 38, 1/February 2000, pages 37-59.
    2. Pannella, G., 1972.
    Astrophysics and Space Science, 16, (1972), 212-237.
    3. Fralick,P., Davis,D.W., Kissin,S.A., 2002.
    Can. J. Earth Sci., 39, 1085-1091.
    4. Eriksson,K.A., Simpson,E.L., Mueller,W., 2006.
    Sedimentary Geology 190 (2006), 13-24.
    5. Poropudas Hannu, 2009. Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella's Fossil Time Data for Test
    <533c8763-511e-4ec6-a69e-8f3f1e5d1591@z6g2000pre.googlegroups.com> sci.bio.paleontology, sci.astro, sci.geo.geology, sci.physics,
    Sat, 13 Dec 2008, 10 pages.
    (I have drawn four extrapolated figures (0-1200 Ma, days/year, 0-4600
    Ma, days/year,
    0-1200 Ma days/month, 0-4600 Ma, days/month) but unfortunately they
    are not possible
    to give here due this text is in ASCII-format. I could send them via
    email by request.
    My email address:
    luukku.com )
    From: mathematician <haporopu@luukku.com>
    Newsgroups: sci.bio.paleontology,sci.astro,sci.geo.geology,sci.physics,sci.math
    Subject: Testing some ancient time data points with extrapolated Pannella's fossil time data
    Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 21:52:20 -0800 (PST)
    Message-ID: <c91312bb-c2b7-4672-8f30-dbcdf1074662@f40g2000pri.googlegroups.com>
    NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 05:52:20 +0000 (UTC)
    Cc: george....@adelaide.edu.au
    Re: Testing some ancient time data points with extrapolated

    Pannella's fossil time data

    Hannu Poropudas

    Käännä viesti kielelle: suomi

    Earth's Rotational History from Linear
    Extarpolation of Pannella's Ancient Time
    Data of Fossils
    (Author: Hannu K.J. Poropudas, Vesaisentie 9E,
    90900 Kiiminki, Finland, Date: 13.1.2009)
    Assumption: Distance between the Earth
    and the Sun has not changed significantly
    during Earth's life time (about 4550 Ma).
    Main intended area of use of these figures
    which are calculated from TABLE 2 is roughly
    about 0-2000 Ma.

    TABLE 4
    -T/10^4 Hours/Day
    0 24,03
    52,2 23,63
    52,2 23,39
    226,2 23,63
    276,9 22,98
    276,9 22,41
    335,6 22,27
    340,2 22,05
    340,2 21,91
    367,8 21,88
    367,8 21,67
    367,8 21,26
    394,5 21,88
    408,2 20,97
    429,4 21,69
    435,8 21,21
    445 20,67
    481,6 21,37
    481,6 21,17
    558,1 20,3
    655,6 21,37
    706,3 20,83
    706,3 20,36
    765 20,24
    769,6 20,06
    769,6 19,95
    797,2 19,92
    797,2 19,75
    797,2 19,41
    823,9 19,92
    837,6 19,16
    858,8 19,77
    865,2 19,37
    874,4 18,92
    911 19,5
    911 19,33
    987,5 18,61
    1085 19,5
    1135,7 19,05
    1135,7 18,66
    1194,4 18,56
    1199 18,41
    1199 18,31
    1226,6 18,29
    1226,6 18,14
    1226,6 17,86
    1253,3 18,29
    1267 17,65
    1288,2 18,16
    1294,6 17,82
    1303,8 17,44
    1340,4 17,93
    1340,4 17,79
    1416,9 17,17
    1514,4 17,93
    1565,1 17,55
    1565,1 17,21
    1623,8 17,13
    1628,4 17
    1628,4 16,92
    1656 16,9
    1656 16,78
    1656 16,53
    1682,7 16,9
    1696,4 16,35
    1717,6 16,79
    1724 16,5
    1733,2 16,17
    1769,8 16,59
    1769,8 16,47
    1846,3 15,95
    1943,8 16,59
    1994,5 16,27
    1994,5 15,98
    2053,2 15,91
    2057,8 15,8
    2057,8 15,72
    2085,4 15,71
    2085,4 15,6
    2085,4 15,39
    2112,1 15,71
    2125,8 15,23
    2147 15,61
    2153,4 15,36
    2162,6 15,08
    2199,2 15,44
    2199,2 15,34
    2275,7 14,88
    2373,2 15,44
    2423,9 15,16
    2423,9 14,91
    2482,6 14,85
    2487,2 14,75
    2487,2 14,69
    2514,8 14,68
    2514,8 14,58
    2514,8 14,4
    2541,5 14,68
    2555,2 14,26
    2576,4 14,59
    2582,8 14,37
    2592 14,12
    2628,6 14,44
    2628,6 14,35
    2705,1 13,95
    2802,6 14,44
    2853,3 14,2
    2853,3 13,98
    2912 13,92
    2916,6 13,84
    2916,6 13,78
    2944,2 13,77
    2944,2 13,69
    2944,2 13,52
    2970,9 13,77
    2984,6 13,4
    3005,8 13,69
    3012,2 13,5
    3021,4 13,28
    3058 13,56
    3058 13,48
    3134,5 13,13
    3232 13,56
    3282,7 13,35
    3282,7 13,15
    3341,4 13,1
    3346 13,03
    3346 12,98
    3373,6 12,97
    3373,6 12,89
    3373,6 12,75
    3400,3 12,97
    3414 12,64
    3435,2 12,9
    3441,6 12,73
    3450,8 12,53
    3487,4 12,79
    3487,4 12,71
    3563,9 12,4
    3661,4 12,79
    3712,1 12,59
    3712,1 12,42
    3770,8 12,38
    3775,4 12,31
    3775,4 12,26
    3803 12,25
    3803 12,19
    3803 12,06
    3829,7 12,25
    3843,4 11,96
    3864,6 12,2
    3871 12,04
    3880,2 11,87
    3916,8 12,09
    3916,8 12,03
    3993,3 11,74
    4090,8 12,09
    4141,5 11,92
    4141,5 11,76
    4200,2 11,72
    4204,8 11,66
    4204,8 11,62
    4232,4 11,62
    4232,4 11,56
    4232,4 11,44
    4259,1 11,62
    4272,8 11,35
    4294 11,56
    4300,4 11,43
    4309,6 11,27
    4346,2 11,47
    4346,2 11,41
    4422,7 11,16
    4520,2 11,47
    (4570,9 11,31
    4570,9 11,17
    4629,6 11,14
    4634,2 11,08
    4634,2 11,05
    4661,8 11,04
    4661,8 10,99
    4661,8 10,88
    4688,5 11,04
    4702,2 10,8
    4723,4 10,99
    4729,8 10,87
    4739 10,73
    4775,6 10,91
    4775,6 10,86
    4852,1 10,62
    4949,6 10,91)


    Poropudas, Hannu, 2009.
    Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s
    Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes.
    Sat, 13 Dec 2008 01:46:49 -0800 (PST).
    10 pages.
    (mathematician <haporopu

    On Jan 14, 7:52 am, mathematician <hapor...@luukku.com> wrote:
    Testing some ancient time data points with extrapolated Pannella's
    fossil time data ---------------------------------------------------------------------------¬---------------------------------------------
    - näytä lainattu teksti -

    sci.bio.paleontology, sci.astro, sci.geo.geology, sci.physics,
    Sat, 13 Dec 2008, 10 pages.

    (I have drawn four extrapolated figures (0-1200 Ma, days/year, 0-4600
    Ma, days/year,
    0-1200 Ma days/month, 0-4600 Ma, days/month) but unfortunately they
    are not possible
    to give here due this text is in ASCII-format. I could send them via
    email by request.
    My email address:
    luukku.com )

    From: mathematician <haporopu@luukku.com>
    Newsgroups: sci.bio.paleontology,sci.astro,sci.geo.geology,sci.physics,sci.math
    Subject: Re: Testing some ancient time data points with extrapolated Pannella's fossil time data
    Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2009 22:19:37 -0800 (PST)
    Message-ID: <23d6c001-7a3b-4565-baba-d14d023297c5@r10g2000prf.googlegroups.com>
    References: <c91312bb-c2b7-4672-8f30-dbcdf1074662@f40g2000pri.googlegroups.com>
    NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2009 06:19:37 +0000 (UTC)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Hannu Poropudas@21:1/5 to Hannu Poropudas on Wed Sep 27 22:59:50 2017
    On Tuesday, August 29, 2017 at 9:10:59 AM UTC+3, Hannu Poropudas wrote:
    On Thursday, August 24, 2017 at 1:45:31 PM UTC+3, Hannu Poropudas wrote:
    On Wednesday, August 23, 2017 at 10:52:31 AM UTC+3, Hannu Poropudas wrote:
    Period of megacycle 429.4 Ma is taken from reference 1.


    (4620 - 4390 Ma)
    4390 - 4190 Ma
    4190 - 3960 Ma
    3960 - 3760 Ma
    3760 - 3540 Ma
    3540 - 3330 Ma
    3330 - 3110 Ma
    3110 - 2900 Ma
    2900 - 2680 Ma
    2680 - 2470 Ma
    2470 - 2250 Ma
    2250 - 2040 Ma
    2040 - 1820 Ma
    1820 - 1620 Ma
    1620 - 1390 Ma
    1390 - 1190 Ma
    1190 - 970 Ma
    970 - 760 Ma
    760 - 540 Ma
    540 - 340 Ma
    340 - 130 Ma
    130 -

    (Earth's age is approximated to be between about 4570 - 4450 Ma).

    Approximately same set is achieved if one takes starting point
    about 2680 Ma for breakup of the Pilbara continent ref. 2) and
    then if one adds to this number 2680 Ma periodically
    429.4 Ma/2 = 214.7 Ma uppwads of the list and secondly if one
    subracts from this number 2680 Ma periodically 429.4 Ma/2 = 214.7 Ma downwards of the list.

    (I put below misc references of Kapez B and Krapez B et al about the subject.
    I'am not sure about existence of 2nd and 3rd order of cyclicities proposed by Krapez B and also I do not agreee his about period of
    about 360 Ma. Also some causes of 2nd order and 3rd order cylicities are questionable in my opinion.)


    1. Poropudas Hannu, 1996.
    Harrastelijan ajatuksia päivän, kuukauden ja vuoden pituudesta muinaisina aikoina.
    GEOLOGI 48, 4-5/1996, 92-96.

    2. Kapez B, Eisenlohr B, 1998.
    Precambrian Research, vol. 88. Pages 173-205, (2680 Ma on page 204).

    3. Krapez B, 1993.
    Precambrian Research, vol. 60. Pages 1-45.

    4. Krapez B, 1996.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 43. Pages 355-380.

    5. Krapez B, 1997.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 44. Pages 1-36.

    6. Horowitz R C and Krapez B, 1997.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 44. Pages 879-886.

    7. Krapez B, 1999.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 46. Pages 71-87.

    8. Krapez B, 1999.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 46. Pages 89-103.

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas

    Kolamäentie 9E
    Kiiminki / Oulu


    1. Poropudas Hannu, 1996.
    Harrastelijan ajatuksia päivän, kuukauden ja vuoden pituudesta
    muinaisina aikoina.
    GEOLOGI 48, 4-5/1996, 92-96.


    Newsgroups: sci.astro
    Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2017 23:53:44 -0700 (PDT)
    Message-ID: <52ca9eb0-4d5a-4a5d-8c99-57d7444b8da0@googlegroups.com>
    Subject: Linear extrapolated fossil data tries to tell that perhaps Earth and
    Moon formed as a planet couple ?
    From: Hannu Poropudas <hanp...@luukku.com>
    Injection-Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2017 06:53:44 +0000

    (----COPY BELOW----)

    Linear extrapolated fossil data tries to tell that perhaps Earth and Moon formed as a planet couple ?
    2 posts by 2 authors

    me (Hannu Poropudas change)

    Apr 27

    How to calculate with my extrapolated fossil data of Pannella G.:

    T’ = length of the month recorded by marine life (= synodic month)
    t’ = length of the day recorded by marine life (= solar day)
    T = length of sidereal month
    t = length of sidereal day
    T = T’ /(1+T’/Y)
    t = t’ /(1+t’/Y), this is very nearly equal to t’
    S = T’ / t’ = number of days in month recorded in paleontological specimens.
    Y = length of the year (= tropical year, this is assumed to be constant = 365,2422 days = not changed significantly)
    Runcorn, S. K., 1970.
    Paleontological Measurements of the Changes in the Rotation Rates of Earth and Moon and
    of the Rate of Retreat of the Moon from the Earth., pages 17-23, page 21. In:
    Runcorn S.K. (Editor), 1970.
    Academic Press Inc., Printed in Great Britain, 518 pages, pages 17-23.

    For example

    (figures from my drawings one example out of range of experimental
    test points for curiosity):

    -4600*10^4 centuries (approx.. Earth’s formation time, 4600 Ma ago)

    11 hours/day (present hours, assumption Earth and Sun distance have not significantly changed, Y = 365,2422 days, solar days and tropical year)

    Y = 780 * 11 h = 8580 h (present hours) = 357,5 days (present solar days, Y changed little (?) in data of tables it is used Y=365,2422 days)

    780 days/year (solar days and tropical year)

    48 days/month (solar days and synodic month) = T’

    T = T’ /(1+T’/Y) = 48 / (1 + 48/357,5) = 42,31812577 =
    = approx. 42 days/sidereal month

    Distance approximately between Earth and Moon at approx. 4600 Ma ago.

    G = 6,67*10^(-11)*N*m^^2/kg^2
    M = 5,974*10^24 kg

    P = 42,31812577*11*60*60 s (present seconds) = 1675797,781 s

    r = ( G*M*P^2/(4*Pi^2) )^()1/3 = 304832464,1 m =
    = approx. 305000 km.

    So linear extrapolated fossil data tries to tell that perhaps
    Earth and Moon formed as a planet couple ?

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas

    _________________COPIES OF MY OLD ARTICLES BELOW (long)_________________

    Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes
    1 kirjoittajan 2 viestiä


    Käännä viesti kielelle: suomi

    Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes
    (Author: Hannu K.J. Poropudas, Vesaisentie 9E, 90900 Kiiminki,
    Finland, Date: 12.12.2008)
    Three rough data set (TABLE 1, days/month, TABLE 2, days/year and
    TABLE 3, months/year)
    are given in this paper for test purposes of ancient fossil time data. Numbers are based
    on Giorgio Pannella’s (1972) fossil time data. Interpretations are my
    These linear extrapolations are based also on uncertain assumption of existence of
    oscillation about 429.4 Ma in Pannella’s Figure 3 (days/month). Many
    ages and fossil
    points are still uncertain. Main intended area of use of these figures
    is about 0-2000 Ma.

    Tables of fossil time data
    TABLE 1
    -T/10^4 Days/Month
    0 29,16
    18,6 29,4
    31,4 29,69
    45,4 29,83
    58,1 30,05
    74,4 29,95
    206,9 29,67
    291,9 30,09
    342,2 30,36
    380,3 30,57
    416,7 30,55
    429,4 30,98
    448 31,22
    460,8 31,51
    467,6 31,24
    474,8 31,65
    487,5 31,87
    503,8 31,77
    639 31,49
    721,3 31,91
    771,6 32,18
    809,7 32,39
    846,1 32,37
    858,8 32,81
    877,4 33,05
    890,2 33,34
    897 33,06
    904,2 33,48
    916,9 33,7
    933,2 33,6
    1068,4 33,32
    1150,7 33,74
    1201 34,01
    1239,1 34,22
    1275,5 34,2
    1288,2 34,63
    1306,8 34,87
    1319,6 35,16
    1326,4 34,89
    1333,6 35,3
    1346,3 35,52
    1362,6 35,42
    1497,8 35,14
    1580,1 35,56
    1630,4 35,83
    1668,5 36,04
    1704,9 36,02
    1717,6 36,46
    1736,2 36,7
    1749 36,99
    1755,8 36,71
    1763 37,13
    1775,7 37,35
    1792 37,25
    1927,2 36,97
    2009,5 37,39
    2059,8 37,66
    2097,9 37,87
    2134,3 37,85
    2147 38,28
    2165,6 38,52
    2178,4 38,81
    2185,2 38,54
    2192,4 38,95
    2205,1 39,17
    2221,4 39,07
    2356,6 38,79
    2438,9 39,21
    2489,2 39,48
    2527,3 39,69
    2563,7 39,67
    2576,4 40,11
    2595 40,35
    2607,8 40,64
    2614,6 40,36
    2621,8 40,78
    2634,5 41
    2650,8 40,9
    2786 40,62
    2868,3 41,04
    2918,6 41,31
    2956,7 41,52
    2993,1 41,5
    3005,8 41,93
    3024,4 42,17
    3037,2 42,46
    3044 42,19
    3051,2 42,6
    3063,9 42,82
    3080,2 42,72
    3215,4 42,44
    3297,7 42,86
    3348 43,13
    3386,1 43,34
    3422,5 43,32
    3435,2 43,76
    3453,8 44
    3466,6 44,29
    3473,4 44,01
    3480,6 44,43
    3493,3 44,65
    3509,6 44,55
    3644,8 44,27
    3727,1 44,69
    3777,4 44,96
    3815,5 45,17
    3851,9 45,15
    3864,6 45,58
    3883,2 45,82
    3896 46,11
    3902,8 45,84
    3910 46,25
    3922,7 46,47
    3939 46,37
    4074,2 46,09
    4156,5 46,51
    4206,8 46,78
    4244,9 46,99
    4281,3 46,97
    4294 47,41
    4312,6 47,65
    4325,4 47,94
    4332,2 47,66
    4339,4 48,08
    4352,1 48,3
    4368,4 48,2
    4503,6 47,92
    (4585,9 48,34
    4636,2 48,61
    4674,3 48,82
    4710,7 48,8
    4761,6 49,49)

    TABLE 2
    -T/10^4 Days/Year
    0 364,76
    52,2 370,95
    52,2 374,76
    226,2 370,95
    276,9 381,46
    276,9 391,22
    335,6 393,66
    340,2 397,56
    340,2 400,16
    367,8 400,65
    367,8 404,52
    367,8 412,26
    394,5 400,65
    408,2 418,06
    429,4 404,09
    435,8 413,23
    445 424
    481,6 410,28
    481,6 414,09
    558,1 431,76
    655,6 410,28
    706,3 420,79
    706,3 430,55
    765 432,99
    769,6 436,89
    769,6 439,49
    797,2 439,98
    797,2 443,85
    797,2 451,59
    823,9 439,98
    837,6 457,39
    858,8 443,42
    865,2 452,56
    874,4 463,33
    911 449,61
    911 453,42
    987,5 471,09
    1085 449,61
    1135,7 460,12
    1135,7 469,88
    1194,4 472,32
    1199 476,22
    1199 478,82
    1226,6 479,31
    1226,6 483,18
    1226,6 490,92
    1253,3 479,31
    1267 496,72
    1288,2 482,75
    1294,6 491,89
    1303,8 502,66
    1340,4 488,94
    1340,4 492,75
    1416,9 510,42
    1514,4 488,94
    1565,1 499,45
    1565,1 509,21
    1623,8 511,65
    1628,4 515,55
    1628,4 518,15
    1656 518,64
    1656 522,51
    1656 530,25
    1682,7 518,64
    1696,4 536,05
    1717,6 522,08
    1724 531,22
    1733,2 541,99
    1769,8 528,27
    1769,8 532,08
    1846,3 549,75
    1943,8 528,27
    1994,5 538,78
    1994,5 548,54
    2053,2 550,98
    2057,8 554,88
    2057,8 557,48
    2085,4 557,97
    2085,4 561,84
    2085,4 569,58
    2112,1 557,97
    2125,8 575,38
    2147 561,41
    2153,4 570,55
    2162,6 581,32
    2199,2 567,6
    2199,2 571,41
    2275,7 589,08
    2373,2 567,6
    2423,9 578,11
    2423,9 587,87
    2482,6 590,31
    2487,2 594,21
    2487,2 596,81
    2514,8 597,3
    2514,8 601,17
    2514,8 608,91
    2541,5 597,3
    2555,2 614,71
    2576,4 600,75
    2582,8 609,88
    2592 620,65
    2628,6 606,94
    2628,6 610,75
    2705,1 628,41
    2802,6 606,94
    2853,3 617,45
    2853,3 627,21
    2912 629,65
    2916,6 633,55
    2916,6 636,15
    2944,2 636,64
    2944,2 640,51
    2944,2 648,25
    2970,9 636,64
    2984,6 654,05
    3005,8 640,08
    3012,2 649,22
    3021,4 659,99
    3058 646,27
    3058 650,08
    3134,5 667,75
    3232 646,27
    3282,7 656,78
    3282,7 666,54
    3341,4 668,98
    3346 672,88
    3346 675,48
    3373,6 675,97
    3373,6 679,84
    3373,6 687,58
    3400,3 675,97
    3414 693,38
    3435,2 679,41
    3441,6 688,55
    3450,8 699,32
    3487,4 685,6
    3487,4 689,41
    3563,9 707,08
    3661,4 685,6
    3712,1 696,11
    3712,1 705,87
    3770,8 708,31
    3775,4 712,21
    3775,4 714,81
    3803 715,3
    3803 719,17
    3803 726,91
    3829,7 715,3
    3843,4 732,71
    3864,6 718,74
    3871 727,88
    3880,2 738,65
    3916,8 724,93
    3916,8 728,74
    3993,3 746,41
    4090,8 724,93
    4141,5 735,44
    4141,5 745,2
    4200,2 747,64
    4204,8 751,54
    4204,8 754,14
    4232,4 754,63
    4232,4 758,5
    4232,4 766,24
    4259,1 754,63
    4272,8 772,04
    4294 758,07
    4300,4 767,21
    4309,6 777,98
    4346,2 764,26
    4346,2 768,07
    4422,7 785,74
    4520,2 764,26
    (4570,9 774,77
    4570,9 784,53
    4629,6 786,97
    4634,2 790,87
    4634,2 793,47
    4661,8 793,96
    4661,8 797,83
    4661,8 805,57
    4688,5 793,96
    4702,2 811,37
    4723,4 797,4
    4729,8 806,54
    4739 817,31
    4775,6 803,59
    4775,6 807,4
    4852,1 825,07)

    TABLE 3
    -T/10^4 Months/Year
    0 12,34
    70 12,49
    70 12,6
    160,7 11,56
    220 12,55
    290 12,71
    340 13,11
    360 12,93
    360 13,35
    429,4 12,95
    499,4 13,1
    499,4 13,21
    510 13
    590,1 12,17
    649,4 13,16
    719,4 13,32
    769,4 13,72
    789,4 13,54
    789,4 13,96
    858,8 13,56
    928,8 13,71
    928,8 13,82
    939,4 13,61
    1019,5 12,78
    1078,8 13,77
    1148,8 13,93
    1198,8 14,33
    1218,8 14,15
    1218,8 14,57
    1288,2 14,17
    1358,2 14,32
    1358,2 14,43
    1368,8 14,22
    1448,9 13,39
    1508,2 14,38
    1578,2 14,54
    1628,2 14,94
    1648,2 14,76
    1648,2 15,18
    1717,6 14,78
    1787,6 14,93
    1787,6 15,04
    1798,2 14,83
    1878,3 14
    1937,6 14,99
    2007,6 15,15
    2057,6 15,55
    2077,6 15,37
    2077,6 15,79
    2147 15,39
    2217 15,54
    2217 15,65
    2227,6 15,44
    2307,7 14,61
    2367 15,6
    2437 15,76
    2487 16,16
    2507 15,98
    2507 16,4
    2576,4 16
    2646,4 16,15
    2646,4 16,26
    2657 16,05
    2737,1 15,22
    2796,4 16,21
    2866,4 16,37
    2916,4 16,77
    2936,4 16,59
    2936,4 17,01
    3005,8 16,61
    3075,8 16,76
    3075,8 16,87
    3086,4 16,66
    3166,5 15,83
    3225,8 16,82
    3295,8 16,98
    3345,8 17,38
    3365,8 17,2
    3365,8 17,62
    3435,2 17,22
    3505,2 17,37
    3505,2 17,48
    3515,8 17,27
    3595,9 16,44
    3655,2 17,43
    3725,2 17,59
    3775,2 17,99
    3795,2 17,81
    3795,2 18,23
    3864,6 17,83
    3934,6 17,98
    3934,6 18,09
    3945,2 17,88
    4025,3 17,05
    4084,6 18,04
    4154,6 18,2
    4204,6 18,6
    4224,6 18,42
    4224,6 18,84
    4294 18,44
    4364 18,59
    4364 18,7
    4374,6 18,49
    4454,7 17,66
    4514 18,65
    (4584 18,81
    4634 19,21
    4654 19,03
    4654 19,45
    4723,4 19,05
    4793,4 19,2
    4793,4 19,31
    4804 19,1
    4884,1 18,27
    4943,4 19,26)

    Pannella Giorgio, 1972.
    Paleontological Evidence on the Earth’s Rotational History Since Early Precambrian.
    Astrophysics and Space Science, 16, (1972), 212-237.
    (Figure 3 on page 235 and Figure 4 on page 236. Mean solar day,
    Synodic Month, Tropical Year.
    Exact age of sedimentation of the Gunflint Formation is 1878.3+-1.3
    Ma, YPM-IP-28510/28511.)
    Scrutton, C.T., (1964), 1965.
    Periodicity in Devonian Coral Growth.
    Paleontology, volume 7, part 4, pages 552-558, plates 86-87.
    (Middle Devonian OUM DT2 fossil, age is 385.3 Ma – 397.5 Ma, GT2004, approximate linear formula 12.37 – 1.43*10^(-7)*T, months/year, T=centuries,
    past time minus signed).
    Scrutton, C.T., 1970.
    Evidence for a monthly periodicity in the growth of some corals.
    Runcorn, S.K. (editor), 1970.
    Paleogeophysics. Academic Press, London, pages 11-16.
    Fralick, P., Davis, D.W., Kissin, S.A., 2002.
    The age of the Gunflint Formation, Ontario, Canada: single zircon U-Pb
    age determinations
    from reworked volcanic ash.
    Can. J. Earth Sci., 39, 1085-1091.
    From: mathematician <haporopu@luukku.com>
    Newsgroups: sci.bio.paleontology,sci.astro,sci.geo.geology,sci.physics,sci.math
    Subject: Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes
    Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2008 01:46:49 -0800 (PST)
    Message-ID: <533c8763-511e-4ec6-a69e-8f3f1e5d1591@z6g2000pre.googlegroups.com>
    NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2008 09:46:50 +0000 (UTC)

    Testing some ancient time data points with extrapolated Pannella's fossil time data
    1 kirjoittajan 2 viestiä


    Muut vastaanottajat: george....@adelaide.edu.au
    Käännä viesti kielelle: suomi

    Testing some ancient time data points with extrapolated Pannella's
    fossil time data ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    (Author: H.K.J. Poropudas, Vesaisentie 9E, 90900 Kiiminki, Finland.
    Date: 13.1.2009)
    Below are few rough estimations of ancient time data. It should be remembered that
    these linear extrapolations are based on my uncertain assumption of existence of
    oscillation of period 429.4 Ma in Pannella's figure 3 (reference 2)
    and ages
    and data of fossils and stromatolites are in many cases uncertain

    The Elatina Formation and Reynella Siltstone -----------------------------------------------------------------
    620 Ma:
    655.6 Ma, 410.28 days/year
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give roughly approx. 412 days/year)
    639 Ma, 31.49 days/year
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give roughly approx. 31.7 days/month) 410.28/31.49 = 13.03 months/year, (primary value = 13.1 +-0.1 months/
    649.4 Ma, 13.16 months/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    (primary value = 13.1 +-0.1 months/year)
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give 412/31.7 = 13.0 months/year)
    (13.0-13.2 months/year)

    The Big Cottonwood Formation
    900 Ma:
    890.2 Ma, 33.34 days/month
    897 Ma, 33.06 days/month
    904.2 Ma, 33.48 days/month
    (33-33.5 days/month, average = 33.29 days/month)
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 33.4 days/month)
    874.4 Ma, 463.33 days/year
    911 Ma, 449.61 days/year
    911 Ma, 453.42 days/year
    (450-463 days/year, average = 455.45 days/year)
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 451 days/year)
    455.45/33.29 = 13.68 months/year, (primary value 13.5 months/year)
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give 451/33.4 = 13.5 months/year)
    928.8 Ma, 13.71 months/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    928.8 Ma, 13.82 months/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    (13.7-13.8 months/year, primary value 13.5 months/year)
    (13.5-13.8 months/year)

    The Weeli Wolli Formation
    2450 Ma:
    2438.9 Ma, 39.21 days/month
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 39.2 days/month)
    2423.9 Ma, 587.87 days/year
    2423.9 Ma, 578.11 days/year
    (578-588 days/year, average = 582.99 days/year)
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 585 days/year)
    582.99/39.21 = 14.87 months/year, (primary value = 14.5 +-0.5 months/
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give 585/39.2 = 14.9 months/year)
    2437 Ma, 15.76 months/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    (primary value = 14.5 +-0.5 months/year)
    (14.9-15.8 months/year)

    Reference (1).

    The Gunflint Formation
    1878.3 +-1.3 Ma:
    1927.2 Ma, 36.97 days/month
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 37.2 days/month)
    1846.3 Ma, 549.75 days/year
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 533 days/year)
    549.75/36.97 = 14.87 months/year (primary value = 14 months/year)
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give 533/37.2 = 14.3 months/year)
    1937.6 Ma, 14.99 monnths/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    (14.3-15.0 months/year)

    Age of the Bulawayan stromatolite UCLA-Bul-7 ? ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    Mode = 10-20-40, Highest Count = 41.
    2576.6.4 Ma, 40.11 days/month
    2595 Ma, 40.35 days/month
    2607.8 Ma, 40.64 days/month
    2614.6 Ma, 40.34 days/month
    2621.8 Ma, 40.78 days/month
    2634.5 Ma, 41 days/month
    2650.8 Ma, 40.9 days/month
    2786 Ma, 40.62 days/month
    2868.3 Ma, 41.04 days/month
    So age of the Bulawayan Stromatolite UCLA-Bul-7 could be:
    2580 Ma - 2870 Ma.
    (primary value of the age =
    (2672 +- 12 Ma - 2715 +- 15 Ma), Upper Bulawayan Group or
    (2831 +- 6 Ma - 2904 +- 9 Ma), Lower Bulawayan Group. These both
    are not local age determinations from the Bubi Greenstone Belt near
    Huntsman Quarries, Zimbabwe.)
    Other Time Data for UCLA-Bul-7 stromatolite: -----------------------------------------------------------------
    (40-41 days/month, primary value)
    (average = 40.5 days/month, primary value)
    2576.4 Ma, 600.75 days/year
    2582.8 Ma, 609.88 days/year
    2592 Ma, 620.65 days/year
    2628.6 Ma, 606.94 days/year
    2628.6 Ma, 610.75 days/year
    2705.1 Ma, 628.41 days/year
    2802.6 Ma, 606.94 days/year
    2853.3 Ma, 617.45 days/year
    2853.3 Ma, 627.21 days/year
    2912 Ma, 629.65 days/year
    2916.6 Ma, 633.55 days/year
    2916.6 Ma, 636.15 days/year
    (average = 7428.33/12 = 619.03 = approx. 619 days/year)
    (601-636 days/year)
    619/40.5 = 15.3 months/year
    OUM-DT2 based estimation:
    2576.4 Ma, 16 months/year
    2646.4 Ma, 16.15 months/year
    2646.4 Ma, 16.26 months/year
    2657 Ma, 16.05 months/year
    2737.1 Ma, 15.22 months/year
    2796.4 Ma, 16.21 months/year
    2866.4 Ma, 16.37 months/year
    2916.4 Ma, 16.77 months/year
    (average = 129.03/8 = 16.13 = approx. 16.1 months/year)
    (15.2 - 16.8 months/year)

    References (2 and 3).

    The Moodies Group
    3225 Ma:
    3215.4 Ma, 42.44 days/month
    (Drawn extrapolated figure roughly gives approx. 42.8 days/month)
    3232 Ma, 646.27 days/year
    (Drawn extrapolated figure roughly gives approx. 650 days/year)
    646.27/42.44 = 15.23 months/year
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give 650/42.8 = 15.2 months/year)
    3225.8 Ma, 16.82 months/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    (15.2-16.8 months/year)

    Reference (4).


    1. Williams, G.E. 2000.
    Reviews of Geophysics, 38, 1/February 2000, pages 37-59.
    2. Pannella, G., 1972.
    Astrophysics and Space Science, 16, (1972), 212-237.
    3. Fralick,P., Davis,D.W., Kissin,S.A., 2002.
    Can. J. Earth Sci., 39, 1085-1091.
    4. Eriksson,K.A., Simpson,E.L., Mueller,W., 2006.
    Sedimentary Geology 190 (2006), 13-24.
    5. Poropudas Hannu, 2009. Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella's Fossil Time Data for Test
    <533c8763-511e-4ec6-a69e-8f3f1e5d1591@z6g2000pre.googlegroups.com> sci.bio.paleontology, sci.astro, sci.geo.geology, sci.physics,
    Sat, 13 Dec 2008, 10 pages.
    (I have drawn four extrapolated figures (0-1200 Ma, days/year, 0-4600
    Ma, days/year,
    0-1200 Ma days/month, 0-4600 Ma, days/month) but unfortunately they
    are not possible
    to give here due this text is in ASCII-format. I could send them via
    email by request.
    My email address:
    luukku.com )
    From: mathematician <haporopu@luukku.com>
    Newsgroups: sci.bio.paleontology,sci.astro,sci.geo.geology,sci.physics,sci.math
    Subject: Testing some ancient time data points with extrapolated Pannella's fossil time data
    Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 21:52:20 -0800 (PST)
    Message-ID: <c91312bb-c2b7-4672-8f30-dbcdf1074662@f40g2000pri.googlegroups.com>
    NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 05:52:20 +0000 (UTC)
    Cc: george....@adelaide.edu.au
    Re: Testing some ancient time data points with extrapolated

    Pannella's fossil time data

    Hannu Poropudas

    Käännä viesti kielelle: suomi

    Earth's Rotational History from Linear
    Extarpolation of Pannella's Ancient Time
    Data of Fossils
    (Author: Hannu K.J. Poropudas, Vesaisentie 9E,
    90900 Kiiminki, Finland, Date: 13.1.2009)
    Assumption: Distance between the Earth
    and the Sun has not changed significantly
    during Earth's life time (about 4550 Ma).
    Main intended area of use of these figures
    which are calculated from TABLE 2 is roughly
    about 0-2000 Ma.

    TABLE 4
    -T/10^4 Hours/Day
    0 24,03
    52,2 23,63
    52,2 23,39
    226,2 23,63
    276,9 22,98
    276,9 22,41
    335,6 22,27
    340,2 22,05
    340,2 21,91
    367,8 21,88
    367,8 21,67
    367,8 21,26
    394,5 21,88
    408,2 20,97
    429,4 21,69
    435,8 21,21
    445 20,67
    481,6 21,37
    481,6 21,17
    558,1 20,3
    655,6 21,37
    706,3 20,83
    706,3 20,36
    765 20,24
    769,6 20,06
    769,6 19,95
    797,2 19,92
    797,2 19,75
    797,2 19,41
    823,9 19,92
    837,6 19,16
    858,8 19,77
    865,2 19,37
    874,4 18,92
    911 19,5
    911 19,33
    987,5 18,61
    1085 19,5
    1135,7 19,05
    1135,7 18,66
    1194,4 18,56
    1199 18,41
    1199 18,31
    1226,6 18,29
    1226,6 18,14
    1226,6 17,86
    1253,3 18,29
    1267 17,65
    1288,2 18,16
    1294,6 17,82
    1303,8 17,44
    1340,4 17,93
    1340,4 17,79
    1416,9 17,17
    1514,4 17,93
    1565,1 17,55
    1565,1 17,21
    1623,8 17,13
    1628,4 17
    1628,4 16,92
    1656 16,9
    1656 16,78
    1656 16,53
    1682,7 16,9
    1696,4 16,35
    1717,6 16,79
    1724 16,5
    1733,2 16,17
    1769,8 16,59
    1769,8 16,47
    1846,3 15,95
    1943,8 16,59
    1994,5 16,27
    1994,5 15,98
    2053,2 15,91
    2057,8 15,8
    2057,8 15,72
    2085,4 15,71
    2085,4 15,6
    2085,4 15,39
    2112,1 15,71
    2125,8 15,23
    2147 15,61
    2153,4 15,36
    2162,6 15,08
    2199,2 15,44
    2199,2 15,34
    2275,7 14,88
    2373,2 15,44
    2423,9 15,16
    2423,9 14,91
    2482,6 14,85
    2487,2 14,75
    2487,2 14,69
    2514,8 14,68
    2514,8 14,58
    2514,8 14,4
    2541,5 14,68
    2555,2 14,26
    2576,4 14,59
    2582,8 14,37
    2592 14,12
    2628,6 14,44
    2628,6 14,35
    2705,1 13,95
    2802,6 14,44
    2853,3 14,2
    2853,3 13,98
    2912 13,92
    2916,6 13,84
    2916,6 13,78
    2944,2 13,77
    2944,2 13,69
    2944,2 13,52
    2970,9 13,77
    2984,6 13,4
    3005,8 13,69
    3012,2 13,5
    3021,4 13,28
    3058 13,56
    3058 13,48
    3134,5 13,13
    3232 13,56
    3282,7 13,35
    3282,7 13,15
    3341,4 13,1
    3346 13,03
    3346 12,98
    3373,6 12,97
    3373,6 12,89
    3373,6 12,75
    3400,3 12,97
    3414 12,64
    3435,2 12,9
    3441,6 12,73
    3450,8 12,53
    3487,4 12,79
    3487,4 12,71
    3563,9 12,4
    3661,4 12,79
    3712,1 12,59
    3712,1 12,42
    3770,8 12,38
    3775,4 12,31
    3775,4 12,26
    3803 12,25
    3803 12,19
    3803 12,06
    3829,7 12,25
    3843,4 11,96
    3864,6 12,2
    3871 12,04
    3880,2 11,87
    3916,8 12,09
    3916,8 12,03
    3993,3 11,74
    4090,8 12,09
    4141,5 11,92
    4141,5 11,76
    4200,2 11,72
    4204,8 11,66
    4204,8 11,62
    4232,4 11,62
    4232,4 11,56
    4232,4 11,44
    4259,1 11,62
    4272,8 11,35
    4294 11,56
    4300,4 11,43
    4309,6 11,27
    4346,2 11,47
    4346,2 11,41
    4422,7 11,16
    4520,2 11,47
    (4570,9 11,31
    4570,9 11,17
    4629,6 11,14
    4634,2 11,08
    4634,2 11,05
    4661,8 11,04
    4661,8 10,99
    4661,8 10,88
    4688,5 11,04
    4702,2 10,8
    4723,4 10,99
    4729,8 10,87
    4739 10,73
    4775,6 10,91
    4775,6 10,86
    4852,1 10,62
    4949,6 10,91)


    Poropudas, Hannu, 2009.
    Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s
    Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes.
    Sat, 13 Dec 2008 01:46:49 -0800 (PST).
    10 pages.
    (mathematician <haporopu

    [continued in next message]

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Bob Officer@21:1/5 to Hannu Poropudas on Sun Oct 1 21:54:51 2017
    Do,you understand the concept and fallacy of circular self references?

    Hannu Poropudas <hanporop@luukku.com> wrote:
    On Tuesday, August 29, 2017 at 9:10:59 AM UTC+3, Hannu Poropudas wrote:
    On Thursday, August 24, 2017 at 1:45:31 PM UTC+3, Hannu Poropudas wrote:
    On Wednesday, August 23, 2017 at 10:52:31 AM UTC+3, Hannu Poropudas wrote: >>>> Period of megacycle 429.4 Ma is taken from reference 1.


    (4620 - 4390 Ma)
    4390 - 4190 Ma
    4190 - 3960 Ma
    3960 - 3760 Ma
    3760 - 3540 Ma
    3540 - 3330 Ma
    3330 - 3110 Ma
    3110 - 2900 Ma
    2900 - 2680 Ma
    2680 - 2470 Ma
    2470 - 2250 Ma
    2250 - 2040 Ma
    2040 - 1820 Ma
    1820 - 1620 Ma
    1620 - 1390 Ma
    1390 - 1190 Ma
    1190 - 970 Ma
    970 - 760 Ma
    760 - 540 Ma
    540 - 340 Ma
    340 - 130 Ma
    130 -

    (Earth's age is approximated to be between about 4570 - 4450 Ma).

    Approximately same set is achieved if one takes starting point
    about 2680 Ma for breakup of the Pilbara continent ref. 2) and
    then if one adds to this number 2680 Ma periodically
    429.4 Ma/2 = 214.7 Ma uppwads of the list and secondly if one
    subracts from this number 2680 Ma periodically 429.4 Ma/2 = 214.7 Ma
    downwards of the list.

    (I put below misc references of Kapez B and Krapez B et al about the subject.
    I'am not sure about existence of 2nd and 3rd order of cyclicities
    proposed by Krapez B and also I do not agreee his about period of
    about 360 Ma. Also some causes of 2nd order and 3rd order cylicities
    are questionable in my opinion.)


    1. Poropudas Hannu, 1996.
    Harrastelijan ajatuksia päivän, kuukauden ja vuoden pituudesta
    muinaisina aikoina.
    GEOLOGI 48, 4-5/1996, 92-96.

    2. Kapez B, Eisenlohr B, 1998.
    Precambrian Research, vol. 88. Pages 173-205, (2680 Ma on page 204).

    3. Krapez B, 1993.
    Precambrian Research, vol. 60. Pages 1-45.

    4. Krapez B, 1996.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 43. Pages 355-380.

    5. Krapez B, 1997.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 44. Pages 1-36.

    6. Horowitz R C and Krapez B, 1997.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 44. Pages 879-886.

    7. Krapez B, 1999.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 46. Pages 71-87.

    8. Krapez B, 1999.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 46. Pages 89-103.

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas

    Kolamäentie 9E
    Kiiminki / Oulu


    1. Poropudas Hannu, 1996.
    Harrastelijan ajatuksia päivän, kuukauden ja vuoden pituudesta
    muinaisina aikoina.
    GEOLOGI 48, 4-5/1996, 92-96.


    Newsgroups: sci.astro
    Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2017 23:53:44 -0700 (PDT)
    Message-ID: <52ca9eb0-4d5a-4a5d-8c99-57d7444b8da0@googlegroups.com>
    Subject: Linear extrapolated fossil data tries to tell that perhaps Earth and
    Moon formed as a planet couple ?
    From: Hannu Poropudas <hanp...@luukku.com>
    Injection-Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2017 06:53:44 +0000

    (----COPY BELOW----)

    Linear extrapolated fossil data tries to tell that perhaps Earth and
    Moon formed as a planet couple ?
    2 posts by 2 authors

    me (Hannu Poropudas change)

    Apr 27

    How to calculate with my extrapolated fossil data of Pannella G.:

    T’ = length of the month recorded by marine life (= synodic month)
    t’ = length of the day recorded by marine life (= solar day)
    T = length of sidereal month
    t = length of sidereal day
    T = T’ /(1+T’/Y)
    t = t’ /(1+t’/Y), this is very nearly equal to t’
    S = T’ / t’ = number of days in month recorded in paleontological specimens.
    Y = length of the year (= tropical year, this is assumed to be constant
    = 365,2422 days = not changed significantly)
    Runcorn, S. K., 1970.
    Paleontological Measurements of the Changes in the Rotation Rates of Earth and Moon and
    of the Rate of Retreat of the Moon from the Earth., pages 17-23, page 21.
    Runcorn S.K. (Editor), 1970.
    Academic Press Inc., Printed in Great Britain, 518 pages, pages 17-23.

    For example

    (figures from my drawings one example out of range of experimental
    test points for curiosity):

    -4600*10^4 centuries (approx.. Earth’s formation time, 4600 Ma ago)

    11 hours/day (present hours, assumption Earth and Sun distance have not
    significantly changed, Y = 365,2422 days, solar days and tropical year)

    Y = 780 * 11 h = 8580 h (present hours) = 357,5 days (present solar
    days, Y changed little (?) in data of tables it is used Y=365,2422 days)

    780 days/year (solar days and tropical year)

    48 days/month (solar days and synodic month) = T’

    T = T’ /(1+T’/Y) = 48 / (1 + 48/357,5) = 42,31812577 =
    = approx. 42 days/sidereal month

    Distance approximately between Earth and Moon at approx. 4600 Ma ago.

    G = 6,67*10^(-11)*N*m^^2/kg^2
    M = 5,974*10^24 kg

    P = 42,31812577*11*60*60 s (present seconds) = 1675797,781 s

    r = ( G*M*P^2/(4*Pi^2) )^()1/3 = 304832464,1 m =
    = approx. 305000 km.

    So linear extrapolated fossil data tries to tell that perhaps
    Earth and Moon formed as a planet couple ?

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas

    _________________COPIES OF MY OLD ARTICLES BELOW (long)_________________

    Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes
    1 kirjoittajan 2 viestiä


    Käännä viesti kielelle: suomi

    Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s Fossil Time Data for Test
    (Author: Hannu K.J. Poropudas, Vesaisentie 9E, 90900 Kiiminki,
    Finland, Date: 12.12.2008)
    Three rough data set (TABLE 1, days/month, TABLE 2, days/year and
    TABLE 3, months/year)
    are given in this paper for test purposes of ancient fossil time data.
    Numbers are based
    on Giorgio Pannella’s (1972) fossil time data. Interpretations are my
    These linear extrapolations are based also on uncertain assumption of
    existence of
    oscillation about 429.4 Ma in Pannella’s Figure 3 (days/month). Many
    ages and fossil
    points are still uncertain. Main intended area of use of these figures
    is about 0-2000 Ma.

    Tables of fossil time data
    TABLE 1
    -T/10^4 Days/Month
    0 29,16
    18,6 29,4
    31,4 29,69
    45,4 29,83
    58,1 30,05
    74,4 29,95
    206,9 29,67
    291,9 30,09
    342,2 30,36
    380,3 30,57
    416,7 30,55
    429,4 30,98
    448 31,22
    460,8 31,51
    467,6 31,24
    474,8 31,65
    487,5 31,87
    503,8 31,77
    639 31,49
    721,3 31,91
    771,6 32,18
    809,7 32,39
    846,1 32,37
    858,8 32,81
    877,4 33,05
    890,2 33,34
    897 33,06
    904,2 33,48
    916,9 33,7
    933,2 33,6
    1068,4 33,32
    1150,7 33,74
    1201 34,01
    1239,1 34,22
    1275,5 34,2
    1288,2 34,63
    1306,8 34,87
    1319,6 35,16
    1326,4 34,89
    1333,6 35,3
    1346,3 35,52
    1362,6 35,42
    1497,8 35,14
    1580,1 35,56
    1630,4 35,83
    1668,5 36,04
    1704,9 36,02
    1717,6 36,46
    1736,2 36,7
    1749 36,99
    1755,8 36,71
    1763 37,13
    1775,7 37,35
    1792 37,25
    1927,2 36,97
    2009,5 37,39
    2059,8 37,66
    2097,9 37,87
    2134,3 37,85
    2147 38,28
    2165,6 38,52
    2178,4 38,81
    2185,2 38,54
    2192,4 38,95
    2205,1 39,17
    2221,4 39,07
    2356,6 38,79
    2438,9 39,21
    2489,2 39,48
    2527,3 39,69
    2563,7 39,67
    2576,4 40,11
    2595 40,35
    2607,8 40,64
    2614,6 40,36
    2621,8 40,78
    2634,5 41
    2650,8 40,9
    2786 40,62
    2868,3 41,04
    2918,6 41,31
    2956,7 41,52
    2993,1 41,5
    3005,8 41,93
    3024,4 42,17
    3037,2 42,46
    3044 42,19
    3051,2 42,6
    3063,9 42,82
    3080,2 42,72
    3215,4 42,44
    3297,7 42,86
    3348 43,13
    3386,1 43,34
    3422,5 43,32
    3435,2 43,76
    3453,8 44
    3466,6 44,29
    3473,4 44,01
    3480,6 44,43
    3493,3 44,65
    3509,6 44,55
    3644,8 44,27
    3727,1 44,69
    3777,4 44,96
    3815,5 45,17
    3851,9 45,15
    3864,6 45,58
    3883,2 45,82
    3896 46,11
    3902,8 45,84
    3910 46,25
    3922,7 46,47
    3939 46,37
    4074,2 46,09
    4156,5 46,51
    4206,8 46,78
    4244,9 46,99
    4281,3 46,97
    4294 47,41
    4312,6 47,65
    4325,4 47,94
    4332,2 47,66
    4339,4 48,08
    4352,1 48,3
    4368,4 48,2
    4503,6 47,92
    (4585,9 48,34
    4636,2 48,61
    4674,3 48,82
    4710,7 48,8
    4761,6 49,49)

    TABLE 2
    -T/10^4 Days/Year
    0 364,76
    52,2 370,95
    52,2 374,76
    226,2 370,95
    276,9 381,46
    276,9 391,22
    335,6 393,66
    340,2 397,56
    340,2 400,16
    367,8 400,65
    367,8 404,52
    367,8 412,26
    394,5 400,65
    408,2 418,06
    429,4 404,09
    435,8 413,23
    445 424
    481,6 410,28
    481,6 414,09
    558,1 431,76
    655,6 410,28
    706,3 420,79
    706,3 430,55
    765 432,99
    769,6 436,89
    769,6 439,49
    797,2 439,98
    797,2 443,85
    797,2 451,59
    823,9 439,98
    837,6 457,39
    858,8 443,42
    865,2 452,56
    874,4 463,33
    911 449,61
    911 453,42
    987,5 471,09
    1085 449,61
    1135,7 460,12
    1135,7 469,88
    1194,4 472,32
    1199 476,22
    1199 478,82
    1226,6 479,31
    1226,6 483,18
    1226,6 490,92
    1253,3 479,31
    1267 496,72
    1288,2 482,75
    1294,6 491,89
    1303,8 502,66
    1340,4 488,94
    1340,4 492,75
    1416,9 510,42
    1514,4 488,94
    1565,1 499,45
    1565,1 509,21
    1623,8 511,65
    1628,4 515,55
    1628,4 518,15
    1656 518,64
    1656 522,51
    1656 530,25
    1682,7 518,64
    1696,4 536,05
    1717,6 522,08
    1724 531,22
    1733,2 541,99
    1769,8 528,27
    1769,8 532,08
    1846,3 549,75
    1943,8 528,27
    1994,5 538,78
    1994,5 548,54
    2053,2 550,98
    2057,8 554,88
    2057,8 557,48
    2085,4 557,97
    2085,4 561,84
    2085,4 569,58
    2112,1 557,97
    2125,8 575,38
    2147 561,41
    2153,4 570,55
    2162,6 581,32
    2199,2 567,6
    2199,2 571,41
    2275,7 589,08
    2373,2 567,6
    2423,9 578,11
    2423,9 587,87
    2482,6 590,31
    2487,2 594,21
    2487,2 596,81
    2514,8 597,3
    2514,8 601,17
    2514,8 608,91
    2541,5 597,3
    2555,2 614,71
    2576,4 600,75
    2582,8 609,88
    2592 620,65
    2628,6 606,94
    2628,6 610,75
    2705,1 628,41
    2802,6 606,94
    2853,3 617,45
    2853,3 627,21
    2912 629,65
    2916,6 633,55
    2916,6 636,15
    2944,2 636,64
    2944,2 640,51
    2944,2 648,25
    2970,9 636,64
    2984,6 654,05
    3005,8 640,08
    3012,2 649,22
    3021,4 659,99
    3058 646,27
    3058 650,08
    3134,5 667,75
    3232 646,27
    3282,7 656,78
    3282,7 666,54
    3341,4 668,98
    3346 672,88
    3346 675,48
    3373,6 675,97
    3373,6 679,84
    3373,6 687,58
    3400,3 675,97
    3414 693,38
    3435,2 679,41
    3441,6 688,55
    3450,8 699,32
    3487,4 685,6
    3487,4 689,41
    3563,9 707,08
    3661,4 685,6
    3712,1 696,11
    3712,1 705,87
    3770,8 708,31
    3775,4 712,21
    3775,4 714,81
    3803 715,3
    3803 719,17
    3803 726,91
    3829,7 715,3
    3843,4 732,71
    3864,6 718,74
    3871 727,88
    3880,2 738,65
    3916,8 724,93
    3916,8 728,74
    3993,3 746,41
    4090,8 724,93
    4141,5 735,44
    4141,5 745,2
    4200,2 747,64
    4204,8 751,54
    4204,8 754,14
    4232,4 754,63
    4232,4 758,5
    4232,4 766,24
    4259,1 754,63
    4272,8 772,04
    4294 758,07
    4300,4 767,21
    4309,6 777,98
    4346,2 764,26
    4346,2 768,07
    4422,7 785,74
    4520,2 764,26
    (4570,9 774,77
    4570,9 784,53
    4629,6 786,97
    4634,2 790,87
    4634,2 793,47
    4661,8 793,96
    4661,8 797,83
    4661,8 805,57
    4688,5 793,96
    4702,2 811,37
    4723,4 797,4
    4729,8 806,54
    4739 817,31
    4775,6 803,59
    4775,6 807,4
    4852,1 825,07)

    TABLE 3
    -T/10^4 Months/Year
    0 12,34
    70 12,49
    70 12,6
    160,7 11,56
    220 12,55
    290 12,71
    340 13,11
    360 12,93
    360 13,35
    429,4 12,95
    499,4 13,1
    499,4 13,21
    510 13
    590,1 12,17
    649,4 13,16
    719,4 13,32
    769,4 13,72
    789,4 13,54
    789,4 13,96
    858,8 13,56
    928,8 13,71
    928,8 13,82
    939,4 13,61
    1019,5 12,78
    1078,8 13,77
    1148,8 13,93
    1198,8 14,33
    1218,8 14,15
    1218,8 14,57
    1288,2 14,17
    1358,2 14,32
    1358,2 14,43
    1368,8 14,22
    1448,9 13,39
    1508,2 14,38
    1578,2 14,54
    1628,2 14,94
    1648,2 14,76
    1648,2 15,18
    1717,6 14,78
    1787,6 14,93
    1787,6 15,04
    1798,2 14,83
    1878,3 14
    1937,6 14,99
    2007,6 15,15
    2057,6 15,55
    2077,6 15,37
    2077,6 15,79
    2147 15,39
    2217 15,54
    2217 15,65
    2227,6 15,44
    2307,7 14,61
    2367 15,6
    2437 15,76
    2487 16,16
    2507 15,98
    2507 16,4
    2576,4 16
    2646,4 16,15
    2646,4 16,26
    2657 16,05
    2737,1 15,22
    2796,4 16,21
    2866,4 16,37
    2916,4 16,77
    2936,4 16,59
    2936,4 17,01
    3005,8 16,61
    3075,8 16,76
    3075,8 16,87
    3086,4 16,66
    3166,5 15,83
    3225,8 16,82
    3295,8 16,98
    3345,8 17,38
    3365,8 17,2
    3365,8 17,62
    3435,2 17,22
    3505,2 17,37
    3505,2 17,48
    3515,8 17,27
    3595,9 16,44
    3655,2 17,43
    3725,2 17,59
    3775,2 17,99
    3795,2 17,81
    3795,2 18,23
    3864,6 17,83
    3934,6 17,98
    3934,6 18,09
    3945,2 17,88
    4025,3 17,05
    4084,6 18,04
    4154,6 18,2
    4204,6 18,6
    4224,6 18,42
    4224,6 18,84
    4294 18,44
    4364 18,59
    4364 18,7
    4374,6 18,49
    4454,7 17,66
    4514 18,65
    (4584 18,81
    4634 19,21
    4654 19,03
    4654 19,45
    4723,4 19,05
    4793,4 19,2
    4793,4 19,31
    4804 19,1
    4884,1 18,27
    4943,4 19,26)

    Pannella Giorgio, 1972.
    Paleontological Evidence on the Earth’s Rotational History Since Early
    Astrophysics and Space Science, 16, (1972), 212-237.
    (Figure 3 on page 235 and Figure 4 on page 236. Mean solar day,
    Synodic Month, Tropical Year.
    Exact age of sedimentation of the Gunflint Formation is 1878.3+-1.3
    Ma, YPM-IP-28510/28511.)
    Scrutton, C.T., (1964), 1965.
    Periodicity in Devonian Coral Growth.
    Paleontology, volume 7, part 4, pages 552-558, plates 86-87.
    (Middle Devonian OUM DT2 fossil, age is 385.3 Ma – 397.5 Ma, GT2004,
    approximate linear formula 12.37 – 1.43*10^(-7)*T, months/year,
    past time minus signed).
    Scrutton, C.T., 1970.
    Evidence for a monthly periodicity in the growth of some corals.
    Runcorn, S.K. (editor), 1970.
    Paleogeophysics. Academic Press, London, pages 11-16.
    Fralick, P., Davis, D.W., Kissin, S.A., 2002.
    The age of the Gunflint Formation, Ontario, Canada: single zircon U-Pb
    age determinations
    from reworked volcanic ash.
    Can. J. Earth Sci., 39, 1085-1091.
    From: mathematician <haporopu@luukku.com>
    Newsgroups: sci.bio.paleontology,sci.astro,sci.geo.geology,sci.physics,sci.math
    Subject: Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes
    Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2008 01:46:49 -0800 (PST)
    Message-ID: <533c8763-511e-4ec6-a69e-8f3f1e5d1591@z6g2000pre.googlegroups.com>
    NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2008 09:46:50 +0000 (UTC)

    Testing some ancient time data points with extrapolated Pannella's fossil time data
    1 kirjoittajan 2 viestiä


    Muut vastaanottajat: george....@adelaide.edu.au
    Käännä viesti kielelle: suomi

    Testing some ancient time data points with extrapolated Pannella's
    fossil time data

    (Author: H.K.J. Poropudas, Vesaisentie 9E, 90900 Kiiminki, Finland.
    Date: 13.1.2009)
    Below are few rough estimations of ancient time data. It should be
    remembered that
    these linear extrapolations are based on my uncertain assumption of
    existence of
    oscillation of period 429.4 Ma in Pannella's figure 3 (reference 2)
    and ages
    and data of fossils and stromatolites are in many cases uncertain

    The Elatina Formation and Reynella Siltstone
    620 Ma:
    655.6 Ma, 410.28 days/year
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give roughly approx. 412 days/year)
    639 Ma, 31.49 days/year
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give roughly approx. 31.7 days/month)
    410.28/31.49 = 13.03 months/year, (primary value = 13.1 +-0.1 months/
    649.4 Ma, 13.16 months/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    (primary value = 13.1 +-0.1 months/year)
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give 412/31.7 = 13.0 months/year)
    (13.0-13.2 months/year)

    The Big Cottonwood Formation
    900 Ma:
    890.2 Ma, 33.34 days/month
    897 Ma, 33.06 days/month
    904.2 Ma, 33.48 days/month
    (33-33.5 days/month, average = 33.29 days/month)
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 33.4 days/month)
    874.4 Ma, 463.33 days/year
    911 Ma, 449.61 days/year
    911 Ma, 453.42 days/year
    (450-463 days/year, average = 455.45 days/year)
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 451 days/year)
    455.45/33.29 = 13.68 months/year, (primary value 13.5 months/year)
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give 451/33.4 = 13.5 months/year)
    928.8 Ma, 13.71 months/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    928.8 Ma, 13.82 months/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    (13.7-13.8 months/year, primary value 13.5 months/year)
    (13.5-13.8 months/year)

    The Weeli Wolli Formation
    2450 Ma:
    2438.9 Ma, 39.21 days/month
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 39.2 days/month)
    2423.9 Ma, 587.87 days/year
    2423.9 Ma, 578.11 days/year
    (578-588 days/year, average = 582.99 days/year)
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 585 days/year)
    582.99/39.21 = 14.87 months/year, (primary value = 14.5 +-0.5 months/
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give 585/39.2 = 14.9 months/year)
    2437 Ma, 15.76 months/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    (primary value = 14.5 +-0.5 months/year)
    (14.9-15.8 months/year)

    Reference (1).

    The Gunflint Formation
    1878.3 +-1.3 Ma:
    1927.2 Ma, 36.97 days/month
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 37.2 days/month)
    1846.3 Ma, 549.75 days/year
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 533 days/year)
    549.75/36.97 = 14.87 months/year (primary value = 14 months/year)
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give 533/37.2 = 14.3 months/year)
    1937.6 Ma, 14.99 monnths/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    (14.3-15.0 months/year)

    Age of the Bulawayan stromatolite UCLA-Bul-7 ?
    Mode = 10-20-40, Highest Count = 41.
    2576.6.4 Ma, 40.11 days/month
    2595 Ma, 40.35 days/month
    2607.8 Ma, 40.64 days/month
    2614.6 Ma, 40.34 days/month
    2621.8 Ma, 40.78 days/month
    2634.5 Ma, 41 days/month
    2650.8 Ma, 40.9 days/month
    2786 Ma, 40.62 days/month
    2868.3 Ma, 41.04 days/month
    So age of the Bulawayan Stromatolite UCLA-Bul-7 could be:
    2580 Ma - 2870 Ma.
    (primary value of the age =
    (2672 +- 12 Ma - 2715 +- 15 Ma), Upper Bulawayan Group or
    (2831 +- 6 Ma - 2904 +- 9 Ma), Lower Bulawayan Group. These both
    are not local age determinations from the Bubi Greenstone Belt near
    Huntsman Quarries, Zimbabwe.)
    Other Time Data for UCLA-Bul-7 stromatolite:
    (40-41 days/month, primary value)
    (average = 40.5 days/month, primary value)
    2576.4 Ma, 600.75 days/year
    2582.8 Ma, 609.88 days/year
    2592 Ma, 620.65 days/year
    2628.6 Ma, 606.94 days/year
    2628.6 Ma, 610.75 days/year
    2705.1 Ma, 628.41 days/year
    2802.6 Ma, 606.94 days/year
    2853.3 Ma, 617.45 days/year
    2853.3 Ma, 627.21 days/year
    2912 Ma, 629.65 days/year
    2916.6 Ma, 633.55 days/year
    2916.6 Ma, 636.15 days/year
    (average = 7428.33/12 = 619.03 = approx. 619 days/year)
    (601-636 days/year)
    619/40.5 = 15.3 months/year
    OUM-DT2 based estimation:
    2576.4 Ma, 16 months/year
    2646.4 Ma, 16.15 months/year
    2646.4 Ma, 16.26 months/year
    2657 Ma, 16.05 months/year
    2737.1 Ma, 15.22 months/year
    2796.4 Ma, 16.21 months/year
    2866.4 Ma, 16.37 months/year
    2916.4 Ma, 16.77 months/year
    (average = 129.03/8 = 16.13 = approx. 16.1 months/year)
    (15.2 - 16.8 months/year)

    References (2 and 3).

    The Moodies Group
    3225 Ma:
    3215.4 Ma, 42.44 days/month
    (Drawn extrapolated figure roughly gives approx. 42.8 days/month)
    3232 Ma, 646.27 days/year
    (Drawn extrapolated figure roughly gives approx. 650 days/year)
    646.27/42.44 = 15.23 months/year
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give 650/42.8 = 15.2 months/year)
    3225.8 Ma, 16.82 months/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    (15.2-16.8 months/year)

    Reference (4).


    1. Williams, G.E. 2000.
    Reviews of Geophysics, 38, 1/February 2000, pages 37-59.
    2. Pannella, G., 1972.
    Astrophysics and Space Science, 16, (1972), 212-237.
    3. Fralick,P., Davis,D.W., Kissin,S.A., 2002.
    Can. J. Earth Sci., 39, 1085-1091.
    4. Eriksson,K.A., Simpson,E.L., Mueller,W., 2006.
    Sedimentary Geology 190 (2006), 13-24.
    5. Poropudas Hannu, 2009. Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella's
    Fossil Time Data for Test
    sci.bio.paleontology, sci.astro, sci.geo.geology, sci.physics,
    Sat, 13 Dec 2008, 10 pages.
    (I have drawn four extrapolated figures (0-1200 Ma, days/year, 0-4600
    Ma, days/year,
    0-1200 Ma days/month, 0-4600 Ma, days/month) but unfortunately they
    are not possible
    to give here due this text is in ASCII-format. I could send them via
    email by request.
    My email address:
    luukku.com )
    From: mathematician <haporopu@luukku.com>
    Newsgroups: sci.bio.paleontology,sci.astro,sci.geo.geology,sci.physics,sci.math
    Subject: Testing some ancient time data points with extrapolated Pannella's >> fossil time data
    Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 21:52:20 -0800 (PST)
    Message-ID: <c91312bb-c2b7-4672-8f30-dbcdf1074662@f40g2000pri.googlegroups.com>
    NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 05:52:20 +0000 (UTC)
    Cc: george....@adelaide.edu.au
    Re: Testing some ancient time data points with extrapolated

    Pannella's fossil time data

    Hannu Poropudas

    Käännä viesti kielelle: suomi

    Earth's Rotational History from Linear
    Extarpolation of Pannella's Ancient Time
    Data of Fossils
    (Author: Hannu K.J. Poropudas, Vesaisentie 9E,
    90900 Kiiminki, Finland, Date: 13.1.2009)
    Assumption: Distance between the Earth
    and the Sun has not changed significantly
    during Earth's life time (about 4550 Ma).
    Main intended area of use of these figures
    which are calculated from TABLE 2 is roughly
    about 0-2000 Ma.

    TABLE 4
    -T/10^4 Hours/Day
    0 24,03
    52,2 23,63
    52,2 23,39
    226,2 23,63
    276,9 22,98
    276,9 22,41
    335,6 22,27
    340,2 22,05
    340,2 21,91
    367,8 21,88
    367,8 21,67
    367,8 21,26
    394,5 21,88
    408,2 20,97
    429,4 21,69
    435,8 21,21
    445 20,67
    481,6 21,37
    481,6 21,17
    558,1 20,3
    655,6 21,37
    706,3 20,83
    706,3 20,36
    765 20,24
    769,6 20,06
    769,6 19,95
    797,2 19,92
    797,2 19,75
    797,2 19,41
    823,9 19,92
    837,6 19,16
    858,8 19,77
    865,2 19,37
    874,4 18,92
    911 19,5
    911 19,33
    987,5 18,61
    1085 19,5
    1135,7 19,05
    1135,7 18,66
    1194,4 18,56
    1199 18,41
    1199 18,31
    1226,6 18,29
    1226,6 18,14
    1226,6 17,86
    1253,3 18,29
    1267 17,65
    1288,2 18,16
    1294,6 17,82
    1303,8 17,44
    1340,4 17,93
    1340,4 17,79
    1416,9 17,17
    1514,4 17,93
    1565,1 17,55
    1565,1 17,21
    1623,8 17,13
    1628,4 17
    1628,4 16,92
    1656 16,9
    1656 16,78
    1656 16,53
    1682,7 16,9
    1696,4 16,35
    1717,6 16,79
    1724 16,5
    1733,2 16,17
    1769,8 16,59
    1769,8 16,47
    1846,3 15,95
    1943,8 16,59
    1994,5 16,27
    1994,5 15,98
    2053,2 15,91
    2057,8 15,8
    2057,8 15,72
    2085,4 15,71
    2085,4 15,6
    2085,4 15,39
    2112,1 15,71
    2125,8 15,23
    2147 15,61
    2153,4 15,36
    2162,6 15,08
    2199,2 15,44
    2199,2 15,34
    2275,7 14,88
    2373,2 15,44
    2423,9 15,16
    2423,9 14,91
    2482,6 14,85
    2487,2 14,75
    2487,2 14,69
    2514,8 14,68
    2514,8 14,58
    2514,8 14,4
    2541,5 14,68
    2555,2 14,26
    2576,4 14,59
    2582,8 14,37
    2592 14,12
    2628,6 14,44
    2628,6 14,35
    2705,1 13,95
    2802,6 14,44
    2853,3 14,2
    2853,3 13,98
    2912 13,92
    2916,6 13,84
    2916,6 13,78
    2944,2 13,77
    2944,2 13,69
    2944,2 13,52
    2970,9 13,77
    2984,6 13,4
    3005,8 13,69
    3012,2 13,5
    3021,4 13,28
    3058 13,56
    3058 13,48
    3134,5 13,13
    3232 13,56
    3282,7 13,35
    3282,7 13,15
    3341,4 13,1
    3346 13,03
    3346 12,98
    3373,6 12,97
    3373,6 12,89
    3373,6 12,75
    3400,3 12,97
    3414 12,64
    3435,2 12,9
    3441,6 12,73
    3450,8 12,53
    3487,4 12,79
    3487,4 12,71
    3563,9 12,4
    3661,4 12,79
    3712,1 12,59
    3712,1 12,42
    3770,8 12,38
    3775,4 12,31
    3775,4 12,26
    3803 12,25
    3803 12,19
    3803 12,06
    3829,7 12,25
    3843,4 11,96
    3864,6 12,2
    3871 12,04
    3880,2 11,87
    3916,8 12,09
    3916,8 12,03
    3993,3 11,74
    4090,8 12,09
    4141,5 11,92
    4141,5 11,76
    4200,2 11,72
    4204,8 11,66
    4204,8 11,62
    4232,4 11,62
    4232,4 11,56
    4232,4 11,44
    4259,1 11,62
    4272,8 11,35
    4294 11,56
    4300,4 11,43
    4309,6 11,27
    4346,2 11,47
    4346,2 11,41
    4422,7 11,16
    4520,2 11,47
    (4570,9 11,31
    4570,9 11,17
    4629,6 11,14
    4634,2 11,08
    4634,2 11,05
    4661,8 11,04
    4661,8 10,99
    4661,8 10,88
    4688,5 11,04
    4702,2 10,8
    4723,4 10,99
    4729,8 10,87
    4739 10,73
    4775,6 10,91
    4775,6 10,86
    4852,1 10,62
    4949,6 10,91)


    Poropudas, Hannu, 2009.
    Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s
    Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes.
    Sat, 13 Dec 2008 01:46:49 -0800 (PST).
    10 pages.
    (mathematician <haporopu

    On Jan 14, 7:52 am, mathematician <hapor...@luukku.com> wrote:

    [continued in next message]

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Hannu Poropudas@21:1/5 to Hannu Poropudas on Fri Nov 3 00:41:41 2017
    On Thursday, September 28, 2017 at 8:59:51 AM UTC+3, Hannu Poropudas wrote:
    On Tuesday, August 29, 2017 at 9:10:59 AM UTC+3, Hannu Poropudas wrote:
    On Thursday, August 24, 2017 at 1:45:31 PM UTC+3, Hannu Poropudas wrote:
    On Wednesday, August 23, 2017 at 10:52:31 AM UTC+3, Hannu Poropudas wrote:
    Period of megacycle 429.4 Ma is taken from reference 1.


    (4620 - 4390 Ma)
    4390 - 4190 Ma
    4190 - 3960 Ma
    3960 - 3760 Ma
    3760 - 3540 Ma
    3540 - 3330 Ma
    3330 - 3110 Ma
    3110 - 2900 Ma
    2900 - 2680 Ma
    2680 - 2470 Ma
    2470 - 2250 Ma
    2250 - 2040 Ma
    2040 - 1820 Ma
    1820 - 1620 Ma
    1620 - 1390 Ma
    1390 - 1190 Ma
    1190 - 970 Ma
    970 - 760 Ma
    760 - 540 Ma
    540 - 340 Ma
    340 - 130 Ma
    130 -

    (Earth's age is approximated to be between about 4570 - 4450 Ma).

    Approximately same set is achieved if one takes starting point
    about 2680 Ma for breakup of the Pilbara continent ref. 2) and
    then if one adds to this number 2680 Ma periodically
    429.4 Ma/2 = 214.7 Ma uppwads of the list and secondly if one
    subracts from this number 2680 Ma periodically 429.4 Ma/2 = 214.7 Ma downwards of the list.

    (I put below misc references of Kapez B and Krapez B et al about the subject.
    I'am not sure about existence of 2nd and 3rd order of cyclicities proposed by Krapez B and also I do not agreee his about period of about 360 Ma. Also some causes of 2nd order and 3rd order cylicities are questionable in my opinion.)


    1. Poropudas Hannu, 1996.
    Harrastelijan ajatuksia päivän, kuukauden ja vuoden pituudesta muinaisina aikoina.
    GEOLOGI 48, 4-5/1996, 92-96.

    2. Kapez B, Eisenlohr B, 1998.
    Precambrian Research, vol. 88. Pages 173-205, (2680 Ma on page 204).

    3. Krapez B, 1993.
    Precambrian Research, vol. 60. Pages 1-45.

    4. Krapez B, 1996.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 43. Pages 355-380.

    5. Krapez B, 1997.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 44. Pages 1-36.

    6. Horowitz R C and Krapez B, 1997.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 44. Pages 879-886.

    7. Krapez B, 1999.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 46. Pages 71-87.

    8. Krapez B, 1999.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 46. Pages 89-103.

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas

    Kolamäentie 9E
    Kiiminki / Oulu


    1. Poropudas Hannu, 1996.
    Harrastelijan ajatuksia päivän, kuukauden ja vuoden pituudesta muinaisina aikoina.
    GEOLOGI 48, 4-5/1996, 92-96.


    Newsgroups: sci.astro
    Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2017 23:53:44 -0700 (PDT)
    Message-ID: <52ca9eb0-4d5a-4a5d-8c99-57d7444b8da0@googlegroups.com> Subject: Linear extrapolated fossil data tries to tell that perhaps Earth and
    Moon formed as a planet couple ?
    From: Hannu Poropudas <hanp...@luukku.com>
    Injection-Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2017 06:53:44 +0000

    (----COPY BELOW----)

    Linear extrapolated fossil data tries to tell that perhaps Earth and Moon formed as a planet couple ?
    2 posts by 2 authors

    me (Hannu Poropudas change)

    Apr 27

    How to calculate with my extrapolated fossil data of Pannella G.:

    T’ = length of the month recorded by marine life (= synodic month)
    t’ = length of the day recorded by marine life (= solar day)
    T = length of sidereal month
    t = length of sidereal day
    T = T’ /(1+T’/Y)
    t = t’ /(1+t’/Y), this is very nearly equal to t’
    S = T’ / t’ = number of days in month recorded in paleontological specimens.
    Y = length of the year (= tropical year, this is assumed to be constant = 365,2422 days = not changed significantly)
    Runcorn, S. K., 1970.
    Paleontological Measurements of the Changes in the Rotation Rates of Earth and Moon and
    of the Rate of Retreat of the Moon from the Earth., pages 17-23, page 21. In:
    Runcorn S.K. (Editor), 1970.
    Academic Press Inc., Printed in Great Britain, 518 pages, pages 17-23.

    For example

    (figures from my drawings one example out of range of experimental
    test points for curiosity):

    -4600*10^4 centuries (approx.. Earth’s formation time, 4600 Ma ago)

    11 hours/day (present hours, assumption Earth and Sun distance have not significantly changed, Y = 365,2422 days, solar days and tropical year)

    Y = 780 * 11 h = 8580 h (present hours) = 357,5 days (present solar days, Y changed little (?) in data of tables it is used Y=365,2422 days)

    780 days/year (solar days and tropical year)

    48 days/month (solar days and synodic month) = T’

    T = T’ /(1+T’/Y) = 48 / (1 + 48/357,5) = 42,31812577 =
    = approx. 42 days/sidereal month

    Distance approximately between Earth and Moon at approx. 4600 Ma ago.

    G = 6,67*10^(-11)*N*m^^2/kg^2
    M = 5,974*10^24 kg

    P = 42,31812577*11*60*60 s (present seconds) = 1675797,781 s

    r = ( G*M*P^2/(4*Pi^2) )^()1/3 = 304832464,1 m =
    = approx. 305000 km.

    So linear extrapolated fossil data tries to tell that perhaps
    Earth and Moon formed as a planet couple ?

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas

    _________________COPIES OF MY OLD ARTICLES BELOW (long)_________________

    Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes
    1 kirjoittajan 2 viestiä


    Käännä viesti kielelle: suomi

    Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes
    (Author: Hannu K.J. Poropudas, Vesaisentie 9E, 90900 Kiiminki,
    Finland, Date: 12.12.2008)
    Three rough data set (TABLE 1, days/month, TABLE 2, days/year and
    TABLE 3, months/year)
    are given in this paper for test purposes of ancient fossil time data. Numbers are based
    on Giorgio Pannella’s (1972) fossil time data. Interpretations are my own.
    These linear extrapolations are based also on uncertain assumption of existence of
    oscillation about 429.4 Ma in Pannella’s Figure 3 (days/month). Many ages and fossil
    points are still uncertain. Main intended area of use of these figures
    is about 0-2000 Ma.

    Tables of fossil time data
    TABLE 1
    -T/10^4 Days/Month
    0 29,16
    18,6 29,4
    31,4 29,69
    45,4 29,83
    58,1 30,05
    74,4 29,95
    206,9 29,67
    291,9 30,09
    342,2 30,36
    380,3 30,57
    416,7 30,55
    429,4 30,98
    448 31,22
    460,8 31,51
    467,6 31,24
    474,8 31,65
    487,5 31,87
    503,8 31,77
    639 31,49
    721,3 31,91
    771,6 32,18
    809,7 32,39
    846,1 32,37
    858,8 32,81
    877,4 33,05
    890,2 33,34
    897 33,06
    904,2 33,48
    916,9 33,7
    933,2 33,6
    1068,4 33,32
    1150,7 33,74
    1201 34,01
    1239,1 34,22
    1275,5 34,2
    1288,2 34,63
    1306,8 34,87
    1319,6 35,16
    1326,4 34,89
    1333,6 35,3
    1346,3 35,52
    1362,6 35,42
    1497,8 35,14
    1580,1 35,56
    1630,4 35,83
    1668,5 36,04
    1704,9 36,02
    1717,6 36,46
    1736,2 36,7
    1749 36,99
    1755,8 36,71
    1763 37,13
    1775,7 37,35
    1792 37,25
    1927,2 36,97
    2009,5 37,39
    2059,8 37,66
    2097,9 37,87
    2134,3 37,85
    2147 38,28
    2165,6 38,52
    2178,4 38,81
    2185,2 38,54
    2192,4 38,95
    2205,1 39,17
    2221,4 39,07
    2356,6 38,79
    2438,9 39,21
    2489,2 39,48
    2527,3 39,69
    2563,7 39,67
    2576,4 40,11
    2595 40,35
    2607,8 40,64
    2614,6 40,36
    2621,8 40,78
    2634,5 41
    2650,8 40,9
    2786 40,62
    2868,3 41,04
    2918,6 41,31
    2956,7 41,52
    2993,1 41,5
    3005,8 41,93
    3024,4 42,17
    3037,2 42,46
    3044 42,19
    3051,2 42,6
    3063,9 42,82
    3080,2 42,72
    3215,4 42,44
    3297,7 42,86
    3348 43,13
    3386,1 43,34
    3422,5 43,32
    3435,2 43,76
    3453,8 44
    3466,6 44,29
    3473,4 44,01
    3480,6 44,43
    3493,3 44,65
    3509,6 44,55
    3644,8 44,27
    3727,1 44,69
    3777,4 44,96
    3815,5 45,17
    3851,9 45,15
    3864,6 45,58
    3883,2 45,82
    3896 46,11
    3902,8 45,84
    3910 46,25
    3922,7 46,47
    3939 46,37
    4074,2 46,09
    4156,5 46,51
    4206,8 46,78
    4244,9 46,99
    4281,3 46,97
    4294 47,41
    4312,6 47,65
    4325,4 47,94
    4332,2 47,66
    4339,4 48,08
    4352,1 48,3
    4368,4 48,2
    4503,6 47,92
    (4585,9 48,34
    4636,2 48,61
    4674,3 48,82
    4710,7 48,8
    4761,6 49,49)

    TABLE 2
    -T/10^4 Days/Year
    0 364,76
    52,2 370,95
    52,2 374,76
    226,2 370,95
    276,9 381,46
    276,9 391,22
    335,6 393,66
    340,2 397,56
    340,2 400,16
    367,8 400,65
    367,8 404,52
    367,8 412,26
    394,5 400,65
    408,2 418,06
    429,4 404,09
    435,8 413,23
    445 424
    481,6 410,28
    481,6 414,09
    558,1 431,76
    655,6 410,28
    706,3 420,79
    706,3 430,55
    765 432,99
    769,6 436,89
    769,6 439,49
    797,2 439,98
    797,2 443,85
    797,2 451,59
    823,9 439,98
    837,6 457,39
    858,8 443,42
    865,2 452,56
    874,4 463,33
    911 449,61
    911 453,42
    987,5 471,09
    1085 449,61
    1135,7 460,12
    1135,7 469,88
    1194,4 472,32
    1199 476,22
    1199 478,82
    1226,6 479,31
    1226,6 483,18
    1226,6 490,92
    1253,3 479,31
    1267 496,72
    1288,2 482,75
    1294,6 491,89
    1303,8 502,66
    1340,4 488,94
    1340,4 492,75
    1416,9 510,42
    1514,4 488,94
    1565,1 499,45
    1565,1 509,21
    1623,8 511,65
    1628,4 515,55
    1628,4 518,15
    1656 518,64
    1656 522,51
    1656 530,25
    1682,7 518,64
    1696,4 536,05
    1717,6 522,08
    1724 531,22
    1733,2 541,99
    1769,8 528,27
    1769,8 532,08
    1846,3 549,75
    1943,8 528,27
    1994,5 538,78
    1994,5 548,54
    2053,2 550,98
    2057,8 554,88
    2057,8 557,48
    2085,4 557,97
    2085,4 561,84
    2085,4 569,58
    2112,1 557,97
    2125,8 575,38
    2147 561,41
    2153,4 570,55
    2162,6 581,32
    2199,2 567,6
    2199,2 571,41
    2275,7 589,08
    2373,2 567,6
    2423,9 578,11
    2423,9 587,87
    2482,6 590,31
    2487,2 594,21
    2487,2 596,81
    2514,8 597,3
    2514,8 601,17
    2514,8 608,91
    2541,5 597,3
    2555,2 614,71
    2576,4 600,75
    2582,8 609,88
    2592 620,65
    2628,6 606,94
    2628,6 610,75
    2705,1 628,41
    2802,6 606,94
    2853,3 617,45
    2853,3 627,21
    2912 629,65
    2916,6 633,55
    2916,6 636,15
    2944,2 636,64
    2944,2 640,51
    2944,2 648,25
    2970,9 636,64
    2984,6 654,05
    3005,8 640,08
    3012,2 649,22
    3021,4 659,99
    3058 646,27
    3058 650,08
    3134,5 667,75
    3232 646,27
    3282,7 656,78
    3282,7 666,54
    3341,4 668,98
    3346 672,88
    3346 675,48
    3373,6 675,97
    3373,6 679,84
    3373,6 687,58
    3400,3 675,97
    3414 693,38
    3435,2 679,41
    3441,6 688,55
    3450,8 699,32
    3487,4 685,6
    3487,4 689,41
    3563,9 707,08
    3661,4 685,6
    3712,1 696,11
    3712,1 705,87
    3770,8 708,31
    3775,4 712,21
    3775,4 714,81
    3803 715,3
    3803 719,17
    3803 726,91
    3829,7 715,3
    3843,4 732,71
    3864,6 718,74
    3871 727,88
    3880,2 738,65
    3916,8 724,93
    3916,8 728,74
    3993,3 746,41
    4090,8 724,93
    4141,5 735,44
    4141,5 745,2
    4200,2 747,64
    4204,8 751,54
    4204,8 754,14
    4232,4 754,63
    4232,4 758,5
    4232,4 766,24
    4259,1 754,63
    4272,8 772,04
    4294 758,07
    4300,4 767,21
    4309,6 777,98
    4346,2 764,26
    4346,2 768,07
    4422,7 785,74
    4520,2 764,26
    (4570,9 774,77
    4570,9 784,53
    4629,6 786,97
    4634,2 790,87
    4634,2 793,47
    4661,8 793,96
    4661,8 797,83
    4661,8 805,57
    4688,5 793,96
    4702,2 811,37
    4723,4 797,4
    4729,8 806,54
    4739 817,31
    4775,6 803,59
    4775,6 807,4
    4852,1 825,07)

    TABLE 3
    -T/10^4 Months/Year
    0 12,34
    70 12,49
    70 12,6
    160,7 11,56
    220 12,55
    290 12,71
    340 13,11
    360 12,93
    360 13,35
    429,4 12,95
    499,4 13,1
    499,4 13,21
    510 13
    590,1 12,17
    649,4 13,16
    719,4 13,32
    769,4 13,72
    789,4 13,54
    789,4 13,96
    858,8 13,56
    928,8 13,71
    928,8 13,82
    939,4 13,61
    1019,5 12,78
    1078,8 13,77
    1148,8 13,93
    1198,8 14,33
    1218,8 14,15
    1218,8 14,57
    1288,2 14,17
    1358,2 14,32
    1358,2 14,43
    1368,8 14,22
    1448,9 13,39
    1508,2 14,38
    1578,2 14,54
    1628,2 14,94
    1648,2 14,76
    1648,2 15,18
    1717,6 14,78
    1787,6 14,93
    1787,6 15,04
    1798,2 14,83
    1878,3 14
    1937,6 14,99
    2007,6 15,15
    2057,6 15,55
    2077,6 15,37
    2077,6 15,79
    2147 15,39
    2217 15,54
    2217 15,65
    2227,6 15,44
    2307,7 14,61
    2367 15,6
    2437 15,76
    2487 16,16
    2507 15,98
    2507 16,4
    2576,4 16
    2646,4 16,15
    2646,4 16,26
    2657 16,05
    2737,1 15,22
    2796,4 16,21
    2866,4 16,37
    2916,4 16,77
    2936,4 16,59
    2936,4 17,01
    3005,8 16,61
    3075,8 16,76
    3075,8 16,87
    3086,4 16,66
    3166,5 15,83
    3225,8 16,82
    3295,8 16,98
    3345,8 17,38
    3365,8 17,2
    3365,8 17,62
    3435,2 17,22
    3505,2 17,37
    3505,2 17,48
    3515,8 17,27
    3595,9 16,44
    3655,2 17,43
    3725,2 17,59
    3775,2 17,99
    3795,2 17,81
    3795,2 18,23
    3864,6 17,83
    3934,6 17,98
    3934,6 18,09
    3945,2 17,88
    4025,3 17,05
    4084,6 18,04
    4154,6 18,2
    4204,6 18,6
    4224,6 18,42
    4224,6 18,84
    4294 18,44
    4364 18,59
    4364 18,7
    4374,6 18,49
    4454,7 17,66
    4514 18,65
    (4584 18,81
    4634 19,21
    4654 19,03
    4654 19,45
    4723,4 19,05
    4793,4 19,2
    4793,4 19,31
    4804 19,1
    4884,1 18,27
    4943,4 19,26)

    Pannella Giorgio, 1972.
    Paleontological Evidence on the Earth’s Rotational History Since Early Precambrian.
    Astrophysics and Space Science, 16, (1972), 212-237.
    (Figure 3 on page 235 and Figure 4 on page 236. Mean solar day,
    Synodic Month, Tropical Year.
    Exact age of sedimentation of the Gunflint Formation is 1878.3+-1.3
    Ma, YPM-IP-28510/28511.)
    Scrutton, C.T., (1964), 1965.
    Periodicity in Devonian Coral Growth.
    Paleontology, volume 7, part 4, pages 552-558, plates 86-87.
    (Middle Devonian OUM DT2 fossil, age is 385.3 Ma – 397.5 Ma, GT2004, approximate linear formula 12.37 – 1.43*10^(-7)*T, months/year, T=centuries,
    past time minus signed).
    Scrutton, C.T., 1970.
    Evidence for a monthly periodicity in the growth of some corals.
    Runcorn, S.K. (editor), 1970.
    Paleogeophysics. Academic Press, London, pages 11-16.
    Fralick, P., Davis, D.W., Kissin, S.A., 2002.
    The age of the Gunflint Formation, Ontario, Canada: single zircon U-Pb
    age determinations
    from reworked volcanic ash.
    Can. J. Earth Sci., 39, 1085-1091.
    From: mathematician <haporopu@luukku.com>
    Newsgroups: sci.bio.paleontology,sci.astro,sci.geo.geology,sci.physics,sci.math
    Subject: Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes
    Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2008 01:46:49 -0800 (PST)
    Message-ID: <533c8763-511e-4ec6-a69e-8f3f1e5d1591@z6g2000pre.googlegroups.com>
    NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2008 09:46:50 +0000 (UTC)

    Testing some ancient time data points with extrapolated Pannella's fossil time data
    1 kirjoittajan 2 viestiä


    Muut vastaanottajat: george....@adelaide.edu.au
    Käännä viesti kielelle: suomi

    Testing some ancient time data points with extrapolated Pannella's
    fossil time data ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    (Author: H.K.J. Poropudas, Vesaisentie 9E, 90900 Kiiminki, Finland.
    Date: 13.1.2009)
    Below are few rough estimations of ancient time data. It should be remembered that
    these linear extrapolations are based on my uncertain assumption of existence of
    oscillation of period 429.4 Ma in Pannella's figure 3 (reference 2)
    and ages
    and data of fossils and stromatolites are in many cases uncertain

    The Elatina Formation and Reynella Siltstone -----------------------------------------------------------------
    620 Ma:
    655.6 Ma, 410.28 days/year
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give roughly approx. 412 days/year)
    639 Ma, 31.49 days/year
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give roughly approx. 31.7 days/month) 410.28/31.49 = 13.03 months/year, (primary value = 13.1 +-0.1 months/ year)
    649.4 Ma, 13.16 months/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    (primary value = 13.1 +-0.1 months/year)
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give 412/31.7 = 13.0 months/year)
    (13.0-13.2 months/year)

    The Big Cottonwood Formation
    900 Ma:
    890.2 Ma, 33.34 days/month
    897 Ma, 33.06 days/month
    904.2 Ma, 33.48 days/month
    (33-33.5 days/month, average = 33.29 days/month)
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 33.4 days/month)
    874.4 Ma, 463.33 days/year
    911 Ma, 449.61 days/year
    911 Ma, 453.42 days/year
    (450-463 days/year, average = 455.45 days/year)
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 451 days/year) 455.45/33.29 = 13.68 months/year, (primary value 13.5 months/year)
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give 451/33.4 = 13.5 months/year)
    928.8 Ma, 13.71 months/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    928.8 Ma, 13.82 months/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    (13.7-13.8 months/year, primary value 13.5 months/year)
    (13.5-13.8 months/year)

    The Weeli Wolli Formation
    2450 Ma:
    2438.9 Ma, 39.21 days/month
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 39.2 days/month)
    2423.9 Ma, 587.87 days/year
    2423.9 Ma, 578.11 days/year
    (578-588 days/year, average = 582.99 days/year)
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 585 days/year) 582.99/39.21 = 14.87 months/year, (primary value = 14.5 +-0.5 months/ year)
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give 585/39.2 = 14.9 months/year)
    2437 Ma, 15.76 months/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    (primary value = 14.5 +-0.5 months/year)
    (14.9-15.8 months/year)

    Reference (1).

    The Gunflint Formation
    1878.3 +-1.3 Ma:
    1927.2 Ma, 36.97 days/month
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 37.2 days/month)
    1846.3 Ma, 549.75 days/year
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 533 days/year) 549.75/36.97 = 14.87 months/year (primary value = 14 months/year)
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give 533/37.2 = 14.3 months/year)
    1937.6 Ma, 14.99 monnths/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    (14.3-15.0 months/year)

    Age of the Bulawayan stromatolite UCLA-Bul-7 ? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Mode = 10-20-40, Highest Count = 41.
    2576.6.4 Ma, 40.11 days/month
    2595 Ma, 40.35 days/month
    2607.8 Ma, 40.64 days/month
    2614.6 Ma, 40.34 days/month
    2621.8 Ma, 40.78 days/month
    2634.5 Ma, 41 days/month
    2650.8 Ma, 40.9 days/month
    2786 Ma, 40.62 days/month
    2868.3 Ma, 41.04 days/month
    So age of the Bulawayan Stromatolite UCLA-Bul-7 could be:
    2580 Ma - 2870 Ma.
    (primary value of the age =
    (2672 +- 12 Ma - 2715 +- 15 Ma), Upper Bulawayan Group or
    (2831 +- 6 Ma - 2904 +- 9 Ma), Lower Bulawayan Group. These both
    are not local age determinations from the Bubi Greenstone Belt near Huntsman Quarries, Zimbabwe.)
    Other Time Data for UCLA-Bul-7 stromatolite: -----------------------------------------------------------------
    (40-41 days/month, primary value)
    (average = 40.5 days/month, primary value)
    2576.4 Ma, 600.75 days/year
    2582.8 Ma, 609.88 days/year
    2592 Ma, 620.65 days/year
    2628.6 Ma, 606.94 days/year
    2628.6 Ma, 610.75 days/year
    2705.1 Ma, 628.41 days/year
    2802.6 Ma, 606.94 days/year
    2853.3 Ma, 617.45 days/year
    2853.3 Ma, 627.21 days/year
    2912 Ma, 629.65 days/year
    2916.6 Ma, 633.55 days/year
    2916.6 Ma, 636.15 days/year
    (average = 7428.33/12 = 619.03 = approx. 619 days/year)
    (601-636 days/year)
    619/40.5 = 15.3 months/year
    OUM-DT2 based estimation:
    2576.4 Ma, 16 months/year
    2646.4 Ma, 16.15 months/year
    2646.4 Ma, 16.26 months/year
    2657 Ma, 16.05 months/year
    2737.1 Ma, 15.22 months/year
    2796.4 Ma, 16.21 months/year
    2866.4 Ma, 16.37 months/year
    2916.4 Ma, 16.77 months/year
    (average = 129.03/8 = 16.13 = approx. 16.1 months/year)
    (15.2 - 16.8 months/year)

    References (2 and 3).

    The Moodies Group
    3225 Ma:
    3215.4 Ma, 42.44 days/month
    (Drawn extrapolated figure roughly gives approx. 42.8 days/month)
    3232 Ma, 646.27 days/year
    (Drawn extrapolated figure roughly gives approx. 650 days/year) 646.27/42.44 = 15.23 months/year
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give 650/42.8 = 15.2 months/year)
    3225.8 Ma, 16.82 months/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    (15.2-16.8 months/year)

    Reference (4).


    1. Williams, G.E. 2000.
    Reviews of Geophysics, 38, 1/February 2000, pages 37-59.
    2. Pannella, G., 1972.
    Astrophysics and Space Science, 16, (1972), 212-237.
    3. Fralick,P., Davis,D.W., Kissin,S.A., 2002.
    Can. J. Earth Sci., 39, 1085-1091.
    4. Eriksson,K.A., Simpson,E.L., Mueller,W., 2006.
    Sedimentary Geology 190 (2006), 13-24.
    5. Poropudas Hannu, 2009. Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella's Fossil Time Data for Test
    Purposes. <533c8763-511e-4ec6-a69e-8f3f1e5d1591@z6g2000pre.googlegroups.com> sci.bio.paleontology, sci.astro, sci.geo.geology, sci.physics,
    Sat, 13 Dec 2008, 10 pages.
    (I have drawn four extrapolated figures (0-1200 Ma, days/year, 0-4600
    Ma, days/year,
    0-1200 Ma days/month, 0-4600 Ma, days/month) but unfortunately they
    are not possible
    to give here due this text is in ASCII-format. I could send them via
    email by request.
    My email address:
    luukku.com )
    From: mathematician <haporopu@luukku.com>
    Newsgroups: sci.bio.paleontology,sci.astro,sci.geo.geology,sci.physics,sci.math
    Subject: Testing some ancient time data points with extrapolated Pannella's
    fossil time data
    Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 21:52:20 -0800 (PST)
    Message-ID: <c91312bb-c2b7-4672-8f30-dbcdf1074662@f40g2000pri.googlegroups.com>
    NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 05:52:20 +0000 (UTC)
    Cc: george....@adelaide.edu.au
    Re: Testing some ancient time data points with extrapolated

    Pannella's fossil time data

    Hannu Poropudas

    Käännä viesti kielelle: suomi

    Earth's Rotational History from Linear
    Extarpolation of Pannella's Ancient Time
    Data of Fossils
    (Author: Hannu K.J. Poropudas, Vesaisentie 9E,
    90900 Kiiminki, Finland, Date: 13.1.2009)
    Assumption: Distance between the Earth
    and the Sun has not changed significantly
    during Earth's life time (about 4550 Ma).
    Main intended area of use of these figures
    which are calculated from TABLE 2 is roughly
    about 0-2000 Ma.

    TABLE 4
    -T/10^4 Hours/Day
    0 24,03
    52,2 23,63
    52,2 23,39
    226,2 23,63
    276,9 22,98
    276,9 22,41
    335,6 22,27
    340,2 22,05
    340,2 21,91
    367,8 21,88
    367,8 21,67
    367,8 21,26
    394,5 21,88
    408,2 20,97
    429,4 21,69
    435,8 21,21
    445 20,67
    481,6 21,37
    481,6 21,17
    558,1 20,3
    655,6 21,37
    706,3 20,83
    706,3 20,36
    765 20,24
    769,6 20,06
    769,6 19,95
    797,2 19,92
    797,2 19,75
    797,2 19,41
    823,9 19,92
    837,6 19,16
    858,8 19,77
    865,2 19,37
    874,4 18,92
    911 19,5
    911 19,33
    987,5 18,61
    1085 19,5
    1135,7 19,05
    1135,7 18,66
    1194,4 18,56
    1199 18,41
    1199 18,31
    1226,6 18,29
    1226,6 18,14
    1226,6 17,86
    1253,3 18,29
    1267 17,65
    1288,2 18,16
    1294,6 17,82
    1303,8 17,44
    1340,4 17,93
    1340,4 17,79
    1416,9 17,17
    1514,4 17,93
    1565,1 17,55
    1565,1 17,21
    1623,8 17,13
    1628,4 17
    1628,4 16,92
    1656 16,9
    1656 16,78
    1656 16,53
    1682,7 16,9
    1696,4 16,35
    1717,6 16,79
    1724 16,5
    1733,2 16,17
    1769,8 16,59
    1769,8 16,47
    1846,3 15,95
    1943,8 16,59
    1994,5 16,27
    1994,5 15,98
    2053,2 15,91
    2057,8 15,8
    2057,8 15,72
    2085,4 15,71
    2085,4 15,6
    2085,4 15,39
    2112,1 15,71
    2125,8 15,23
    2147 15,61
    2153,4 15,36
    2162,6 15,08
    2199,2 15,44
    2199,2 15,34
    2275,7 14,88
    2373,2 15,44
    2423,9 15,16
    2423,9 14,91
    2482,6 14,85
    2487,2 14,75
    2487,2 14,69
    2514,8 14,68
    2514,8 14,58
    2514,8 14,4
    2541,5 14,68
    2555,2 14,26
    2576,4 14,59
    2582,8 14,37
    2592 14,12
    2628,6 14,44
    2628,6 14,35
    2705,1 13,95
    2802,6 14,44
    2853,3 14,2
    2853,3 13,98
    2912 13,92
    2916,6 13,84
    2916,6 13,78
    2944,2 13,77
    2944,2 13,69
    2944,2 13,52
    2970,9 13,77
    2984,6 13,4
    3005,8 13,69

    [continued in next message]

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Hannu Poropudas@21:1/5 to Hannu Poropudas on Wed Mar 6 01:16:37 2019
    One important reference due articles of Krapez B
    about his missing period 2408 Ma - 2044 Ma ?


    Muller Stefan G. 2005.
    The tectonic evolution and volcanism of the Lower Wyloo Group,
    Ashburton Province, with timing implications for giant iron-ore deposits of the Hamersley Province, Western Australia.
    September 2005. 156 pages + XI-XXXI appendixes
    (not appendix 1 and appendix 4 = Chapter 2).

    (This is thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of The University of Western Australia School of Earth and Geographical Sciences.
    In the discipline of Geology. Supervisors: Prof Mark E Barley, Associate Prof Bryan Krapez, Dr Mark G Doyle and Assistant Prof David A D Evans).)

    Chapter 2 (= Appendix 4, Geology 33, 577-580 article) is on pages 15-26.

    This book contains maybe some interesting Figures and Tables (and references) for timing purposes for this missing period?

    Fig 2.2, p. 18,
    Fig 3.3, p. 31,
    Fig 5.3, p. 91,
    Fig 5.33 p. 117,
    Fig 6.3, p. 128,
    Fig 6.4, p. 131,
    Table 6.1, p. 135,
    Fig 6.9, p. 138,
    Fig 6.10, p. 139,
    Fig 6.11, p. 141.

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas

    On Friday, November 3, 2017 at 9:41:43 AM UTC+2, Hannu Poropudas wrote:
    On Thursday, September 28, 2017 at 8:59:51 AM UTC+3, Hannu Poropudas wrote:
    On Tuesday, August 29, 2017 at 9:10:59 AM UTC+3, Hannu Poropudas wrote:
    On Thursday, August 24, 2017 at 1:45:31 PM UTC+3, Hannu Poropudas wrote:
    On Wednesday, August 23, 2017 at 10:52:31 AM UTC+3, Hannu Poropudas wrote:
    Period of megacycle 429.4 Ma is taken from reference 1.


    (4620 - 4390 Ma)
    4390 - 4190 Ma
    4190 - 3960 Ma
    3960 - 3760 Ma
    3760 - 3540 Ma
    3540 - 3330 Ma
    3330 - 3110 Ma
    3110 - 2900 Ma
    2900 - 2680 Ma
    2680 - 2470 Ma
    2470 - 2250 Ma
    2250 - 2040 Ma
    2040 - 1820 Ma
    1820 - 1620 Ma
    1620 - 1390 Ma
    1390 - 1190 Ma
    1190 - 970 Ma
    970 - 760 Ma
    760 - 540 Ma
    540 - 340 Ma
    340 - 130 Ma
    130 -

    (Earth's age is approximated to be between about 4570 - 4450 Ma).

    Approximately same set is achieved if one takes starting point
    about 2680 Ma for breakup of the Pilbara continent ref. 2) and
    then if one adds to this number 2680 Ma periodically
    429.4 Ma/2 = 214.7 Ma uppwads of the list and secondly if one subracts from this number 2680 Ma periodically 429.4 Ma/2 = 214.7 Ma downwards of the list.

    (I put below misc references of Kapez B and Krapez B et al about the subject.
    I'am not sure about existence of 2nd and 3rd order of cyclicities proposed by Krapez B and also I do not agreee his about period of about 360 Ma. Also some causes of 2nd order and 3rd order cylicities are questionable in my opinion.)


    1. Poropudas Hannu, 1996.
    Harrastelijan ajatuksia päivän, kuukauden ja vuoden pituudesta muinaisina aikoina.
    GEOLOGI 48, 4-5/1996, 92-96.

    2. Kapez B, Eisenlohr B, 1998.
    Precambrian Research, vol. 88. Pages 173-205, (2680 Ma on page 204).

    3. Krapez B, 1993.
    Precambrian Research, vol. 60. Pages 1-45.

    4. Krapez B, 1996.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 43. Pages 355-380.

    5. Krapez B, 1997.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 44. Pages 1-36.

    6. Horowitz R C and Krapez B, 1997.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 44. Pages 879-886.

    7. Krapez B, 1999.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 46. Pages 71-87.

    8. Krapez B, 1999.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 46. Pages 89-103.

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas

    Kolamäentie 9E
    Kiiminki / Oulu


    1. Poropudas Hannu, 1996.
    Harrastelijan ajatuksia päivän, kuukauden ja vuoden pituudesta muinaisina aikoina.
    GEOLOGI 48, 4-5/1996, 92-96.


    Newsgroups: sci.astro
    Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2017 23:53:44 -0700 (PDT)
    Message-ID: <52ca9eb0-4d5a-4a5d-8c99-57d7444b8da0@googlegroups.com> Subject: Linear extrapolated fossil data tries to tell that perhaps Earth and
    Moon formed as a planet couple ?
    From: Hannu Poropudas <hanp...@luukku.com>
    Injection-Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2017 06:53:44 +0000

    (----COPY BELOW----)

    Linear extrapolated fossil data tries to tell that perhaps Earth and Moon formed as a planet couple ?
    2 posts by 2 authors

    me (Hannu Poropudas change)

    Apr 27

    How to calculate with my extrapolated fossil data of Pannella G.:

    T’ = length of the month recorded by marine life (= synodic month) t’ = length of the day recorded by marine life (= solar day)
    T = length of sidereal month
    t = length of sidereal day
    T = T’ /(1+T’/Y)
    t = t’ /(1+t’/Y), this is very nearly equal to t’
    S = T’ / t’ = number of days in month recorded in paleontological specimens.
    Y = length of the year (= tropical year, this is assumed to be constant = 365,2422 days = not changed significantly)
    Runcorn, S. K., 1970.
    Paleontological Measurements of the Changes in the Rotation Rates of Earth and Moon and
    of the Rate of Retreat of the Moon from the Earth., pages 17-23, page 21.
    Runcorn S.K. (Editor), 1970.
    Academic Press Inc., Printed in Great Britain, 518 pages, pages 17-23.

    For example

    (figures from my drawings one example out of range of experimental test points for curiosity):

    -4600*10^4 centuries (approx.. Earth’s formation time, 4600 Ma ago)

    11 hours/day (present hours, assumption Earth and Sun distance have not significantly changed, Y = 365,2422 days, solar days and tropical year)

    Y = 780 * 11 h = 8580 h (present hours) = 357,5 days (present solar days, Y changed little (?) in data of tables it is used Y=365,2422 days)

    780 days/year (solar days and tropical year)

    48 days/month (solar days and synodic month) = T’

    T = T’ /(1+T’/Y) = 48 / (1 + 48/357,5) = 42,31812577 =
    = approx. 42 days/sidereal month

    Distance approximately between Earth and Moon at approx. 4600 Ma ago.

    G = 6,67*10^(-11)*N*m^^2/kg^2
    M = 5,974*10^24 kg

    P = 42,31812577*11*60*60 s (present seconds) = 1675797,781 s

    r = ( G*M*P^2/(4*Pi^2) )^()1/3 = 304832464,1 m =
    = approx. 305000 km.

    So linear extrapolated fossil data tries to tell that perhaps
    Earth and Moon formed as a planet couple ?

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas

    _________________COPIES OF MY OLD ARTICLES BELOW (long)_________________

    Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes
    1 kirjoittajan 2 viestiä


    Käännä viesti kielelle: suomi

    Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes
    (Author: Hannu K.J. Poropudas, Vesaisentie 9E, 90900 Kiiminki,
    Finland, Date: 12.12.2008)
    Three rough data set (TABLE 1, days/month, TABLE 2, days/year and
    TABLE 3, months/year)
    are given in this paper for test purposes of ancient fossil time data. Numbers are based
    on Giorgio Pannella’s (1972) fossil time data. Interpretations are my own.
    These linear extrapolations are based also on uncertain assumption of existence of
    oscillation about 429.4 Ma in Pannella’s Figure 3 (days/month). Many ages and fossil
    points are still uncertain. Main intended area of use of these figures is about 0-2000 Ma.

    Tables of fossil time data
    TABLE 1
    -T/10^4 Days/Month
    0 29,16
    18,6 29,4
    31,4 29,69
    45,4 29,83
    58,1 30,05
    74,4 29,95
    206,9 29,67
    291,9 30,09
    342,2 30,36
    380,3 30,57
    416,7 30,55
    429,4 30,98
    448 31,22
    460,8 31,51
    467,6 31,24
    474,8 31,65
    487,5 31,87
    503,8 31,77
    639 31,49
    721,3 31,91
    771,6 32,18
    809,7 32,39
    846,1 32,37
    858,8 32,81
    877,4 33,05
    890,2 33,34
    897 33,06
    904,2 33,48
    916,9 33,7
    933,2 33,6
    1068,4 33,32
    1150,7 33,74
    1201 34,01
    1239,1 34,22
    1275,5 34,2
    1288,2 34,63
    1306,8 34,87
    1319,6 35,16
    1326,4 34,89
    1333,6 35,3
    1346,3 35,52
    1362,6 35,42
    1497,8 35,14
    1580,1 35,56
    1630,4 35,83
    1668,5 36,04
    1704,9 36,02
    1717,6 36,46
    1736,2 36,7
    1749 36,99
    1755,8 36,71
    1763 37,13
    1775,7 37,35
    1792 37,25
    1927,2 36,97
    2009,5 37,39
    2059,8 37,66
    2097,9 37,87
    2134,3 37,85
    2147 38,28
    2165,6 38,52
    2178,4 38,81
    2185,2 38,54
    2192,4 38,95
    2205,1 39,17
    2221,4 39,07
    2356,6 38,79
    2438,9 39,21
    2489,2 39,48
    2527,3 39,69
    2563,7 39,67
    2576,4 40,11
    2595 40,35
    2607,8 40,64
    2614,6 40,36
    2621,8 40,78
    2634,5 41
    2650,8 40,9
    2786 40,62
    2868,3 41,04
    2918,6 41,31
    2956,7 41,52
    2993,1 41,5
    3005,8 41,93
    3024,4 42,17
    3037,2 42,46
    3044 42,19
    3051,2 42,6
    3063,9 42,82
    3080,2 42,72
    3215,4 42,44
    3297,7 42,86
    3348 43,13
    3386,1 43,34
    3422,5 43,32
    3435,2 43,76
    3453,8 44
    3466,6 44,29
    3473,4 44,01
    3480,6 44,43
    3493,3 44,65
    3509,6 44,55
    3644,8 44,27
    3727,1 44,69
    3777,4 44,96
    3815,5 45,17
    3851,9 45,15
    3864,6 45,58
    3883,2 45,82
    3896 46,11
    3902,8 45,84
    3910 46,25
    3922,7 46,47
    3939 46,37
    4074,2 46,09
    4156,5 46,51
    4206,8 46,78
    4244,9 46,99
    4281,3 46,97
    4294 47,41
    4312,6 47,65
    4325,4 47,94
    4332,2 47,66
    4339,4 48,08
    4352,1 48,3
    4368,4 48,2
    4503,6 47,92
    (4585,9 48,34
    4636,2 48,61
    4674,3 48,82
    4710,7 48,8
    4761,6 49,49)

    TABLE 2
    -T/10^4 Days/Year
    0 364,76
    52,2 370,95
    52,2 374,76
    226,2 370,95
    276,9 381,46
    276,9 391,22
    335,6 393,66
    340,2 397,56
    340,2 400,16
    367,8 400,65
    367,8 404,52
    367,8 412,26
    394,5 400,65
    408,2 418,06
    429,4 404,09
    435,8 413,23
    445 424
    481,6 410,28
    481,6 414,09
    558,1 431,76
    655,6 410,28
    706,3 420,79
    706,3 430,55
    765 432,99
    769,6 436,89
    769,6 439,49
    797,2 439,98
    797,2 443,85
    797,2 451,59
    823,9 439,98
    837,6 457,39
    858,8 443,42
    865,2 452,56
    874,4 463,33
    911 449,61
    911 453,42
    987,5 471,09
    1085 449,61
    1135,7 460,12
    1135,7 469,88
    1194,4 472,32
    1199 476,22
    1199 478,82
    1226,6 479,31
    1226,6 483,18
    1226,6 490,92
    1253,3 479,31
    1267 496,72
    1288,2 482,75
    1294,6 491,89
    1303,8 502,66
    1340,4 488,94
    1340,4 492,75
    1416,9 510,42
    1514,4 488,94
    1565,1 499,45
    1565,1 509,21
    1623,8 511,65
    1628,4 515,55
    1628,4 518,15
    1656 518,64
    1656 522,51
    1656 530,25
    1682,7 518,64
    1696,4 536,05
    1717,6 522,08
    1724 531,22
    1733,2 541,99
    1769,8 528,27
    1769,8 532,08
    1846,3 549,75
    1943,8 528,27
    1994,5 538,78
    1994,5 548,54
    2053,2 550,98
    2057,8 554,88
    2057,8 557,48
    2085,4 557,97
    2085,4 561,84
    2085,4 569,58
    2112,1 557,97
    2125,8 575,38
    2147 561,41
    2153,4 570,55
    2162,6 581,32
    2199,2 567,6
    2199,2 571,41
    2275,7 589,08
    2373,2 567,6
    2423,9 578,11
    2423,9 587,87
    2482,6 590,31
    2487,2 594,21
    2487,2 596,81
    2514,8 597,3
    2514,8 601,17
    2514,8 608,91
    2541,5 597,3
    2555,2 614,71
    2576,4 600,75
    2582,8 609,88
    2592 620,65
    2628,6 606,94
    2628,6 610,75
    2705,1 628,41
    2802,6 606,94
    2853,3 617,45
    2853,3 627,21
    2912 629,65
    2916,6 633,55
    2916,6 636,15
    2944,2 636,64
    2944,2 640,51
    2944,2 648,25
    2970,9 636,64
    2984,6 654,05
    3005,8 640,08
    3012,2 649,22
    3021,4 659,99
    3058 646,27
    3058 650,08
    3134,5 667,75
    3232 646,27
    3282,7 656,78
    3282,7 666,54
    3341,4 668,98
    3346 672,88
    3346 675,48
    3373,6 675,97
    3373,6 679,84
    3373,6 687,58
    3400,3 675,97
    3414 693,38
    3435,2 679,41
    3441,6 688,55
    3450,8 699,32
    3487,4 685,6
    3487,4 689,41
    3563,9 707,08
    3661,4 685,6
    3712,1 696,11
    3712,1 705,87
    3770,8 708,31
    3775,4 712,21
    3775,4 714,81
    3803 715,3
    3803 719,17
    3803 726,91
    3829,7 715,3
    3843,4 732,71
    3864,6 718,74
    3871 727,88
    3880,2 738,65
    3916,8 724,93
    3916,8 728,74
    3993,3 746,41
    4090,8 724,93
    4141,5 735,44
    4141,5 745,2
    4200,2 747,64
    4204,8 751,54
    4204,8 754,14
    4232,4 754,63
    4232,4 758,5
    4232,4 766,24
    4259,1 754,63
    4272,8 772,04
    4294 758,07
    4300,4 767,21
    4309,6 777,98
    4346,2 764,26
    4346,2 768,07
    4422,7 785,74
    4520,2 764,26
    (4570,9 774,77
    4570,9 784,53
    4629,6 786,97
    4634,2 790,87
    4634,2 793,47
    4661,8 793,96
    4661,8 797,83
    4661,8 805,57
    4688,5 793,96
    4702,2 811,37
    4723,4 797,4
    4729,8 806,54
    4739 817,31
    4775,6 803,59
    4775,6 807,4
    4852,1 825,07)

    TABLE 3
    -T/10^4 Months/Year
    0 12,34
    70 12,49
    70 12,6
    160,7 11,56
    220 12,55
    290 12,71
    340 13,11
    360 12,93
    360 13,35
    429,4 12,95
    499,4 13,1
    499,4 13,21
    510 13
    590,1 12,17
    649,4 13,16
    719,4 13,32
    769,4 13,72
    789,4 13,54
    789,4 13,96
    858,8 13,56
    928,8 13,71
    928,8 13,82
    939,4 13,61
    1019,5 12,78
    1078,8 13,77
    1148,8 13,93
    1198,8 14,33
    1218,8 14,15
    1218,8 14,57
    1288,2 14,17
    1358,2 14,32
    1358,2 14,43
    1368,8 14,22
    1448,9 13,39
    1508,2 14,38
    1578,2 14,54
    1628,2 14,94
    1648,2 14,76
    1648,2 15,18
    1717,6 14,78
    1787,6 14,93
    1787,6 15,04
    1798,2 14,83
    1878,3 14
    1937,6 14,99
    2007,6 15,15
    2057,6 15,55
    2077,6 15,37
    2077,6 15,79
    2147 15,39
    2217 15,54
    2217 15,65
    2227,6 15,44
    2307,7 14,61
    2367 15,6
    2437 15,76
    2487 16,16
    2507 15,98
    2507 16,4
    2576,4 16
    2646,4 16,15
    2646,4 16,26
    2657 16,05
    2737,1 15,22
    2796,4 16,21
    2866,4 16,37
    2916,4 16,77
    2936,4 16,59
    2936,4 17,01
    3005,8 16,61
    3075,8 16,76
    3075,8 16,87
    3086,4 16,66
    3166,5 15,83
    3225,8 16,82
    3295,8 16,98
    3345,8 17,38
    3365,8 17,2
    3365,8 17,62
    3435,2 17,22
    3505,2 17,37
    3505,2 17,48
    3515,8 17,27
    3595,9 16,44
    3655,2 17,43
    3725,2 17,59
    3775,2 17,99
    3795,2 17,81
    3795,2 18,23
    3864,6 17,83
    3934,6 17,98
    3934,6 18,09
    3945,2 17,88
    4025,3 17,05
    4084,6 18,04
    4154,6 18,2
    4204,6 18,6
    4224,6 18,42
    4224,6 18,84
    4294 18,44
    4364 18,59
    4364 18,7
    4374,6 18,49
    4454,7 17,66
    4514 18,65
    (4584 18,81
    4634 19,21
    4654 19,03
    4654 19,45
    4723,4 19,05
    4793,4 19,2
    4793,4 19,31
    4804 19,1
    4884,1 18,27
    4943,4 19,26)

    Pannella Giorgio, 1972.
    Paleontological Evidence on the Earth’s Rotational History Since Early Precambrian.
    Astrophysics and Space Science, 16, (1972), 212-237.
    (Figure 3 on page 235 and Figure 4 on page 236. Mean solar day,
    Synodic Month, Tropical Year.
    Exact age of sedimentation of the Gunflint Formation is 1878.3+-1.3
    Ma, YPM-IP-28510/28511.)
    Scrutton, C.T., (1964), 1965.
    Periodicity in Devonian Coral Growth.
    Paleontology, volume 7, part 4, pages 552-558, plates 86-87.
    (Middle Devonian OUM DT2 fossil, age is 385.3 Ma – 397.5 Ma, GT2004, approximate linear formula 12.37 – 1.43*10^(-7)*T, months/year, T=centuries,
    past time minus signed).
    Scrutton, C.T., 1970.
    Evidence for a monthly periodicity in the growth of some corals.
    Runcorn, S.K. (editor), 1970.
    Paleogeophysics. Academic Press, London, pages 11-16.
    Fralick, P., Davis, D.W., Kissin, S.A., 2002.
    The age of the Gunflint Formation, Ontario, Canada: single zircon U-Pb age determinations
    from reworked volcanic ash.
    Can. J. Earth Sci., 39, 1085-1091.
    From: mathematician <haporopu@luukku.com>
    Newsgroups: sci.bio.paleontology,sci.astro,sci.geo.geology,sci.physics,sci.math
    Subject: Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes
    Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2008 01:46:49 -0800 (PST)
    Message-ID: <533c8763-511e-4ec6-a69e-8f3f1e5d1591@z6g2000pre.googlegroups.com>
    NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2008 09:46:50 +0000 (UTC)

    Testing some ancient time data points with extrapolated Pannella's fossil time data
    1 kirjoittajan 2 viestiä


    Muut vastaanottajat: george....@adelaide.edu.au
    Käännä viesti kielelle: suomi

    Testing some ancient time data points with extrapolated Pannella's fossil time data ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    (Author: H.K.J. Poropudas, Vesaisentie 9E, 90900 Kiiminki, Finland. Date: 13.1.2009)
    Below are few rough estimations of ancient time data. It should be remembered that
    these linear extrapolations are based on my uncertain assumption of existence of
    oscillation of period 429.4 Ma in Pannella's figure 3 (reference 2)
    and ages
    and data of fossils and stromatolites are in many cases uncertain

    The Elatina Formation and Reynella Siltstone -----------------------------------------------------------------
    620 Ma:
    655.6 Ma, 410.28 days/year
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give roughly approx. 412 days/year)
    639 Ma, 31.49 days/year
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give roughly approx. 31.7 days/month) 410.28/31.49 = 13.03 months/year, (primary value = 13.1 +-0.1 months/ year)
    649.4 Ma, 13.16 months/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    (primary value = 13.1 +-0.1 months/year)
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give 412/31.7 = 13.0 months/year)
    (13.0-13.2 months/year)

    The Big Cottonwood Formation --------------------------------------------
    900 Ma:
    890.2 Ma, 33.34 days/month
    897 Ma, 33.06 days/month
    904.2 Ma, 33.48 days/month
    (33-33.5 days/month, average = 33.29 days/month)
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 33.4 days/month)
    874.4 Ma, 463.33 days/year
    911 Ma, 449.61 days/year
    911 Ma, 453.42 days/year
    (450-463 days/year, average = 455.45 days/year)
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 451 days/year) 455.45/33.29 = 13.68 months/year, (primary value 13.5 months/year) (Drawn extrapolated figures give 451/33.4 = 13.5 months/year)
    928.8 Ma, 13.71 months/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    928.8 Ma, 13.82 months/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    (13.7-13.8 months/year, primary value 13.5 months/year)
    (13.5-13.8 months/year)

    The Weeli Wolli Formation
    2450 Ma:
    2438.9 Ma, 39.21 days/month
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 39.2 days/month)
    2423.9 Ma, 587.87 days/year
    2423.9 Ma, 578.11 days/year
    (578-588 days/year, average = 582.99 days/year)
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 585 days/year) 582.99/39.21 = 14.87 months/year, (primary value = 14.5 +-0.5 months/ year)
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give 585/39.2 = 14.9 months/year)
    2437 Ma, 15.76 months/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    (primary value = 14.5 +-0.5 months/year)
    (14.9-15.8 months/year)

    Reference (1).

    The Gunflint Formation
    1878.3 +-1.3 Ma:
    1927.2 Ma, 36.97 days/month
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 37.2 days/month)
    1846.3 Ma, 549.75 days/year
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 533 days/year) 549.75/36.97 = 14.87 months/year (primary value = 14 months/year)
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give 533/37.2 = 14.3 months/year)
    1937.6 Ma, 14.99 monnths/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    (14.3-15.0 months/year)

    Age of the Bulawayan stromatolite UCLA-Bul-7 ? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Mode = 10-20-40, Highest Count = 41.
    2576.6.4 Ma, 40.11 days/month
    2595 Ma, 40.35 days/month
    2607.8 Ma, 40.64 days/month
    2614.6 Ma, 40.34 days/month
    2621.8 Ma, 40.78 days/month
    2634.5 Ma, 41 days/month
    2650.8 Ma, 40.9 days/month
    2786 Ma, 40.62 days/month
    2868.3 Ma, 41.04 days/month
    So age of the Bulawayan Stromatolite UCLA-Bul-7 could be:
    2580 Ma - 2870 Ma.
    (primary value of the age =
    (2672 +- 12 Ma - 2715 +- 15 Ma), Upper Bulawayan Group or
    (2831 +- 6 Ma - 2904 +- 9 Ma), Lower Bulawayan Group. These both
    are not local age determinations from the Bubi Greenstone Belt near Huntsman Quarries, Zimbabwe.)
    Other Time Data for UCLA-Bul-7 stromatolite: -----------------------------------------------------------------
    (40-41 days/month, primary value)
    (average = 40.5 days/month, primary value)
    2576.4 Ma, 600.75 days/year
    2582.8 Ma, 609.88 days/year
    2592 Ma, 620.65 days/year
    2628.6 Ma, 606.94 days/year
    2628.6 Ma, 610.75 days/year
    2705.1 Ma, 628.41 days/year
    2802.6 Ma, 606.94 days/year
    2853.3 Ma, 617.45 days/year
    2853.3 Ma, 627.21 days/year
    2912 Ma, 629.65 days/year
    2916.6 Ma, 633.55 days/year
    2916.6 Ma, 636.15 days/year
    (average = 7428.33/12 = 619.03 = approx. 619 days/year)
    (601-636 days/year)
    619/40.5 = 15.3 months/year
    OUM-DT2 based estimation:
    2576.4 Ma, 16 months/year
    2646.4 Ma, 16.15 months/year
    2646.4 Ma, 16.26 months/year
    2657 Ma, 16.05 months/year
    2737.1 Ma, 15.22 months/year
    2796.4 Ma, 16.21 months/year
    2866.4 Ma, 16.37 months/year
    2916.4 Ma, 16.77 months/year
    (average = 129.03/8 = 16.13 = approx. 16.1 months/year)
    (15.2 - 16.8 months/year)

    References (2 and 3).

    The Moodies Group
    3225 Ma:
    3215.4 Ma, 42.44 days/month
    (Drawn extrapolated figure roughly gives approx. 42.8 days/month)
    3232 Ma, 646.27 days/year
    (Drawn extrapolated figure roughly gives approx. 650 days/year) 646.27/42.44 = 15.23 months/year
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give 650/42.8 = 15.2 months/year)
    3225.8 Ma, 16.82 months/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    (15.2-16.8 months/year)

    Reference (4).


    1. Williams, G.E. 2000.
    Reviews of Geophysics, 38, 1/February 2000, pages 37-59.
    2. Pannella, G., 1972.
    Astrophysics and Space Science, 16, (1972), 212-237.
    3. Fralick,P., Davis,D.W., Kissin,S.A., 2002.
    Can. J. Earth Sci., 39, 1085-1091.
    4. Eriksson,K.A., Simpson,E.L., Mueller,W., 2006.
    Sedimentary Geology 190 (2006), 13-24.
    5. Poropudas Hannu, 2009. Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella's Fossil Time Data for Test
    Purposes. <533c8763-511e-4ec6-a69e-8f3f1e5d1591@z6g2000pre.googlegroups.com> sci.bio.paleontology, sci.astro, sci.geo.geology, sci.physics,
    Sat, 13 Dec 2008, 10 pages.
    (I have drawn four extrapolated figures (0-1200 Ma, days/year, 0-4600 Ma, days/year,
    0-1200 Ma days/month, 0-4600 Ma, days/month) but unfortunately they
    are not possible
    to give here due this text is in ASCII-format. I could send them via email by request.
    My email address:
    luukku.com )
    From: mathematician <haporopu@luukku.com>
    Newsgroups: sci.bio.paleontology,sci.astro,sci.geo.geology,sci.physics,sci.math
    Subject: Testing some ancient time data points with extrapolated Pannella's
    fossil time data
    Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 21:52:20 -0800 (PST)
    Message-ID: <c91312bb-c2b7-4672-8f30-dbcdf1074662@f40g2000pri.googlegroups.com>
    NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 05:52:20 +0000 (UTC)
    Cc: george....@adelaide.edu.au
    Re: Testing some ancient time data points with extrapolated

    Pannella's fossil time data

    Hannu Poropudas

    Käännä viesti kielelle: suomi

    Earth's Rotational History from Linear
    Extarpolation of Pannella's Ancient Time
    Data of Fossils
    (Author: Hannu K.J. Poropudas, Vesaisentie 9E,
    90900 Kiiminki, Finland, Date: 13.1.2009)
    Assumption: Distance between the Earth
    and the Sun has not changed significantly
    during Earth's life time (about 4550 Ma).
    Main intended area of use of these figures

    [continued in next message]

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From Hannu Poropudas@21:1/5 to Hannu Poropudas on Wed Mar 6 23:41:57 2019
    I found couple more easily available references about Krapez's
    missing periods (2445 Ma - 2210 Ma and 2210 Ma - 2030 Ma ?):

    Krapez B., Muller S. G., Fletcher I. R ., Rasmussen B. , 2017.
    A tale of two basins? Stratigraphy and dentrital zircon provenance of
    the Palaeoproterozoic Turee Creek and Horseshoe basins of Western Australia. Precambrian Research, 294 (2017) 67-90.
    (age periods: 2445 Ma - 2210 Ma – 2030 Ma ?)

    Krapez B., Muller S.G., Bekker A., 2015.
    Stratigraphy of the Late Palaeoproterozoic (about 2.03 Ga) Wooly Dolomite, Ashburton Province, Western Australia: A carbonate platform developed in a failed rift basin.
    Precambrian Research, 271 (2015) 1-19.
    (age: 2031 +-6 Ma ?).

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas

    On Wednesday, March 6, 2019 at 11:16:38 AM UTC+2, Hannu Poropudas wrote:
    One important reference due articles of Krapez B
    about his missing period 2408 Ma - 2044 Ma ?


    Muller Stefan G. 2005.
    The tectonic evolution and volcanism of the Lower Wyloo Group,
    Ashburton Province, with timing implications for giant iron-ore deposits of the Hamersley Province, Western Australia.
    September 2005. 156 pages + XI-XXXI appendixes
    (not appendix 1 and appendix 4 = Chapter 2).

    (This is thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of The University of Western Australia School of Earth and Geographical Sciences.
    In the discipline of Geology. Supervisors: Prof Mark E Barley, Associate Prof Bryan Krapez, Dr Mark G Doyle and Assistant Prof David A D Evans).)

    Chapter 2 (= Appendix 4, Geology 33, 577-580 article) is on pages 15-26.

    This book contains maybe some interesting Figures and Tables (and references)
    for timing purposes for this missing period?

    Fig 2.2, p. 18,
    Fig 3.3, p. 31,
    Fig 5.3, p. 91,
    Fig 5.33 p. 117,
    Fig 6.3, p. 128,
    Fig 6.4, p. 131,
    Table 6.1, p. 135,
    Fig 6.9, p. 138,
    Fig 6.10, p. 139,
    Fig 6.11, p. 141.

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas

    On Friday, November 3, 2017 at 9:41:43 AM UTC+2, Hannu Poropudas wrote:
    On Thursday, September 28, 2017 at 8:59:51 AM UTC+3, Hannu Poropudas wrote:
    On Tuesday, August 29, 2017 at 9:10:59 AM UTC+3, Hannu Poropudas wrote:
    On Thursday, August 24, 2017 at 1:45:31 PM UTC+3, Hannu Poropudas wrote:
    On Wednesday, August 23, 2017 at 10:52:31 AM UTC+3, Hannu Poropudas wrote:
    Period of megacycle 429.4 Ma is taken from reference 1.


    (4620 - 4390 Ma)
    4390 - 4190 Ma
    4190 - 3960 Ma
    3960 - 3760 Ma
    3760 - 3540 Ma
    3540 - 3330 Ma
    3330 - 3110 Ma
    3110 - 2900 Ma
    2900 - 2680 Ma
    2680 - 2470 Ma
    2470 - 2250 Ma
    2250 - 2040 Ma
    2040 - 1820 Ma
    1820 - 1620 Ma
    1620 - 1390 Ma
    1390 - 1190 Ma
    1190 - 970 Ma
    970 - 760 Ma
    760 - 540 Ma
    540 - 340 Ma
    340 - 130 Ma
    130 -

    (Earth's age is approximated to be between about 4570 - 4450 Ma).

    Approximately same set is achieved if one takes starting point about 2680 Ma for breakup of the Pilbara continent ref. 2) and then if one adds to this number 2680 Ma periodically
    429.4 Ma/2 = 214.7 Ma uppwads of the list and secondly if one subracts from this number 2680 Ma periodically 429.4 Ma/2 = 214.7 Ma
    downwards of the list.

    (I put below misc references of Kapez B and Krapez B et al about the subject.
    I'am not sure about existence of 2nd and 3rd order of cyclicities proposed by Krapez B and also I do not agreee his about period of about 360 Ma. Also some causes of 2nd order and 3rd order cylicities are questionable in my opinion.)


    1. Poropudas Hannu, 1996.
    Harrastelijan ajatuksia päivän, kuukauden ja vuoden pituudesta muinaisina aikoina.
    GEOLOGI 48, 4-5/1996, 92-96.

    2. Kapez B, Eisenlohr B, 1998.
    Precambrian Research, vol. 88. Pages 173-205, (2680 Ma on page 204).

    3. Krapez B, 1993.
    Precambrian Research, vol. 60. Pages 1-45.

    4. Krapez B, 1996.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 43. Pages 355-380.

    5. Krapez B, 1997.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 44. Pages 1-36.

    6. Horowitz R C and Krapez B, 1997.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 44. Pages 879-886.

    7. Krapez B, 1999.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 46. Pages 71-87.

    8. Krapez B, 1999.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 46. Pages 89-103.

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas

    Kolamäentie 9E
    Kiiminki / Oulu


    1. Poropudas Hannu, 1996.
    Harrastelijan ajatuksia päivän, kuukauden ja vuoden pituudesta muinaisina aikoina.
    GEOLOGI 48, 4-5/1996, 92-96.


    Newsgroups: sci.astro
    Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2017 23:53:44 -0700 (PDT)
    Message-ID: <52ca9eb0-4d5a-4a5d-8c99-57d7444b8da0@googlegroups.com> Subject: Linear extrapolated fossil data tries to tell that perhaps Earth and
    Moon formed as a planet couple ?
    From: Hannu Poropudas <hanp...@luukku.com>
    Injection-Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2017 06:53:44 +0000

    (----COPY BELOW----)

    Linear extrapolated fossil data tries to tell that perhaps Earth and Moon formed as a planet couple ?
    2 posts by 2 authors

    me (Hannu Poropudas change)

    Apr 27

    How to calculate with my extrapolated fossil data of Pannella G.:

    T’ = length of the month recorded by marine life (= synodic month) t’ = length of the day recorded by marine life (= solar day)
    T = length of sidereal month
    t = length of sidereal day
    T = T’ /(1+T’/Y)
    t = t’ /(1+t’/Y), this is very nearly equal to t’
    S = T’ / t’ = number of days in month recorded in paleontological specimens.
    Y = length of the year (= tropical year, this is assumed to be constant = 365,2422 days = not changed significantly)
    Runcorn, S. K., 1970.
    Paleontological Measurements of the Changes in the Rotation Rates of Earth and Moon and
    of the Rate of Retreat of the Moon from the Earth., pages 17-23, page 21.
    Runcorn S.K. (Editor), 1970.
    Academic Press Inc., Printed in Great Britain, 518 pages, pages 17-23.

    For example

    (figures from my drawings one example out of range of experimental test points for curiosity):

    -4600*10^4 centuries (approx.. Earth’s formation time, 4600 Ma ago)

    11 hours/day (present hours, assumption Earth and Sun distance have not significantly changed, Y = 365,2422 days, solar days and tropical year)

    Y = 780 * 11 h = 8580 h (present hours) = 357,5 days (present solar days, Y changed little (?) in data of tables it is used Y=365,2422 days)

    780 days/year (solar days and tropical year)

    48 days/month (solar days and synodic month) = T’

    T = T’ /(1+T’/Y) = 48 / (1 + 48/357,5) = 42,31812577 =
    = approx. 42 days/sidereal month

    Distance approximately between Earth and Moon at approx. 4600 Ma ago.

    G = 6,67*10^(-11)*N*m^^2/kg^2
    M = 5,974*10^24 kg

    P = 42,31812577*11*60*60 s (present seconds) = 1675797,781 s

    r = ( G*M*P^2/(4*Pi^2) )^()1/3 = 304832464,1 m =
    = approx. 305000 km.

    So linear extrapolated fossil data tries to tell that perhaps
    Earth and Moon formed as a planet couple ?

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas

    _________________COPIES OF MY OLD ARTICLES BELOW (long)_________________

    Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes
    1 kirjoittajan 2 viestiä


    Käännä viesti kielelle: suomi

    Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes
    (Author: Hannu K.J. Poropudas, Vesaisentie 9E, 90900 Kiiminki, Finland, Date: 12.12.2008)
    Three rough data set (TABLE 1, days/month, TABLE 2, days/year and TABLE 3, months/year)
    are given in this paper for test purposes of ancient fossil time data. Numbers are based
    on Giorgio Pannella’s (1972) fossil time data. Interpretations are my
    These linear extrapolations are based also on uncertain assumption of existence of
    oscillation about 429.4 Ma in Pannella’s Figure 3 (days/month). Many ages and fossil
    points are still uncertain. Main intended area of use of these figures is about 0-2000 Ma.

    Tables of fossil time data
    TABLE 1
    -T/10^4 Days/Month
    0 29,16
    18,6 29,4
    31,4 29,69
    45,4 29,83
    58,1 30,05
    74,4 29,95
    206,9 29,67
    291,9 30,09
    342,2 30,36
    380,3 30,57
    416,7 30,55
    429,4 30,98
    448 31,22
    460,8 31,51
    467,6 31,24
    474,8 31,65
    487,5 31,87
    503,8 31,77
    639 31,49
    721,3 31,91
    771,6 32,18
    809,7 32,39
    846,1 32,37
    858,8 32,81
    877,4 33,05
    890,2 33,34
    897 33,06
    904,2 33,48
    916,9 33,7
    933,2 33,6
    1068,4 33,32
    1150,7 33,74
    1201 34,01
    1239,1 34,22
    1275,5 34,2
    1288,2 34,63
    1306,8 34,87
    1319,6 35,16
    1326,4 34,89
    1333,6 35,3
    1346,3 35,52
    1362,6 35,42
    1497,8 35,14
    1580,1 35,56
    1630,4 35,83
    1668,5 36,04
    1704,9 36,02
    1717,6 36,46
    1736,2 36,7
    1749 36,99
    1755,8 36,71
    1763 37,13
    1775,7 37,35
    1792 37,25
    1927,2 36,97
    2009,5 37,39
    2059,8 37,66
    2097,9 37,87
    2134,3 37,85
    2147 38,28
    2165,6 38,52
    2178,4 38,81
    2185,2 38,54
    2192,4 38,95
    2205,1 39,17
    2221,4 39,07
    2356,6 38,79
    2438,9 39,21
    2489,2 39,48
    2527,3 39,69
    2563,7 39,67
    2576,4 40,11
    2595 40,35
    2607,8 40,64
    2614,6 40,36
    2621,8 40,78
    2634,5 41
    2650,8 40,9
    2786 40,62
    2868,3 41,04
    2918,6 41,31
    2956,7 41,52
    2993,1 41,5
    3005,8 41,93
    3024,4 42,17
    3037,2 42,46
    3044 42,19
    3051,2 42,6
    3063,9 42,82
    3080,2 42,72
    3215,4 42,44
    3297,7 42,86
    3348 43,13
    3386,1 43,34
    3422,5 43,32
    3435,2 43,76
    3453,8 44
    3466,6 44,29
    3473,4 44,01
    3480,6 44,43
    3493,3 44,65
    3509,6 44,55
    3644,8 44,27
    3727,1 44,69
    3777,4 44,96
    3815,5 45,17
    3851,9 45,15
    3864,6 45,58
    3883,2 45,82
    3896 46,11
    3902,8 45,84
    3910 46,25
    3922,7 46,47
    3939 46,37
    4074,2 46,09
    4156,5 46,51
    4206,8 46,78
    4244,9 46,99
    4281,3 46,97
    4294 47,41
    4312,6 47,65
    4325,4 47,94
    4332,2 47,66
    4339,4 48,08
    4352,1 48,3
    4368,4 48,2
    4503,6 47,92
    (4585,9 48,34
    4636,2 48,61
    4674,3 48,82
    4710,7 48,8
    4761,6 49,49)

    TABLE 2
    -T/10^4 Days/Year
    0 364,76
    52,2 370,95
    52,2 374,76
    226,2 370,95
    276,9 381,46
    276,9 391,22
    335,6 393,66
    340,2 397,56
    340,2 400,16
    367,8 400,65
    367,8 404,52
    367,8 412,26
    394,5 400,65
    408,2 418,06
    429,4 404,09
    435,8 413,23
    445 424
    481,6 410,28
    481,6 414,09
    558,1 431,76
    655,6 410,28
    706,3 420,79
    706,3 430,55
    765 432,99
    769,6 436,89
    769,6 439,49
    797,2 439,98
    797,2 443,85
    797,2 451,59
    823,9 439,98
    837,6 457,39
    858,8 443,42
    865,2 452,56
    874,4 463,33
    911 449,61
    911 453,42
    987,5 471,09
    1085 449,61
    1135,7 460,12
    1135,7 469,88
    1194,4 472,32
    1199 476,22
    1199 478,82
    1226,6 479,31
    1226,6 483,18
    1226,6 490,92
    1253,3 479,31
    1267 496,72
    1288,2 482,75
    1294,6 491,89
    1303,8 502,66
    1340,4 488,94
    1340,4 492,75
    1416,9 510,42
    1514,4 488,94
    1565,1 499,45
    1565,1 509,21
    1623,8 511,65
    1628,4 515,55
    1628,4 518,15
    1656 518,64
    1656 522,51
    1656 530,25
    1682,7 518,64
    1696,4 536,05
    1717,6 522,08
    1724 531,22
    1733,2 541,99
    1769,8 528,27
    1769,8 532,08
    1846,3 549,75
    1943,8 528,27
    1994,5 538,78
    1994,5 548,54
    2053,2 550,98
    2057,8 554,88
    2057,8 557,48
    2085,4 557,97
    2085,4 561,84
    2085,4 569,58
    2112,1 557,97
    2125,8 575,38
    2147 561,41
    2153,4 570,55
    2162,6 581,32
    2199,2 567,6
    2199,2 571,41
    2275,7 589,08
    2373,2 567,6
    2423,9 578,11
    2423,9 587,87
    2482,6 590,31
    2487,2 594,21
    2487,2 596,81
    2514,8 597,3
    2514,8 601,17
    2514,8 608,91
    2541,5 597,3
    2555,2 614,71
    2576,4 600,75
    2582,8 609,88
    2592 620,65
    2628,6 606,94
    2628,6 610,75
    2705,1 628,41
    2802,6 606,94
    2853,3 617,45
    2853,3 627,21
    2912 629,65
    2916,6 633,55
    2916,6 636,15
    2944,2 636,64
    2944,2 640,51
    2944,2 648,25
    2970,9 636,64
    2984,6 654,05
    3005,8 640,08
    3012,2 649,22
    3021,4 659,99
    3058 646,27
    3058 650,08
    3134,5 667,75
    3232 646,27
    3282,7 656,78
    3282,7 666,54
    3341,4 668,98
    3346 672,88
    3346 675,48
    3373,6 675,97
    3373,6 679,84
    3373,6 687,58
    3400,3 675,97
    3414 693,38
    3435,2 679,41
    3441,6 688,55
    3450,8 699,32
    3487,4 685,6
    3487,4 689,41
    3563,9 707,08
    3661,4 685,6
    3712,1 696,11
    3712,1 705,87
    3770,8 708,31
    3775,4 712,21
    3775,4 714,81
    3803 715,3
    3803 719,17
    3803 726,91
    3829,7 715,3
    3843,4 732,71
    3864,6 718,74
    3871 727,88
    3880,2 738,65
    3916,8 724,93
    3916,8 728,74
    3993,3 746,41
    4090,8 724,93
    4141,5 735,44
    4141,5 745,2
    4200,2 747,64
    4204,8 751,54
    4204,8 754,14
    4232,4 754,63
    4232,4 758,5
    4232,4 766,24
    4259,1 754,63
    4272,8 772,04
    4294 758,07
    4300,4 767,21
    4309,6 777,98
    4346,2 764,26
    4346,2 768,07
    4422,7 785,74
    4520,2 764,26
    (4570,9 774,77
    4570,9 784,53
    4629,6 786,97
    4634,2 790,87
    4634,2 793,47
    4661,8 793,96
    4661,8 797,83
    4661,8 805,57
    4688,5 793,96
    4702,2 811,37
    4723,4 797,4
    4729,8 806,54
    4739 817,31
    4775,6 803,59
    4775,6 807,4
    4852,1 825,07)

    TABLE 3
    -T/10^4 Months/Year
    0 12,34
    70 12,49
    70 12,6
    160,7 11,56
    220 12,55
    290 12,71
    340 13,11
    360 12,93
    360 13,35
    429,4 12,95
    499,4 13,1
    499,4 13,21
    510 13
    590,1 12,17
    649,4 13,16
    719,4 13,32
    769,4 13,72
    789,4 13,54
    789,4 13,96
    858,8 13,56
    928,8 13,71
    928,8 13,82
    939,4 13,61
    1019,5 12,78
    1078,8 13,77
    1148,8 13,93
    1198,8 14,33
    1218,8 14,15
    1218,8 14,57
    1288,2 14,17
    1358,2 14,32
    1358,2 14,43
    1368,8 14,22
    1448,9 13,39
    1508,2 14,38
    1578,2 14,54
    1628,2 14,94
    1648,2 14,76
    1648,2 15,18
    1717,6 14,78
    1787,6 14,93
    1787,6 15,04
    1798,2 14,83
    1878,3 14
    1937,6 14,99
    2007,6 15,15
    2057,6 15,55
    2077,6 15,37
    2077,6 15,79
    2147 15,39
    2217 15,54
    2217 15,65
    2227,6 15,44
    2307,7 14,61
    2367 15,6
    2437 15,76
    2487 16,16
    2507 15,98
    2507 16,4
    2576,4 16
    2646,4 16,15
    2646,4 16,26
    2657 16,05
    2737,1 15,22
    2796,4 16,21
    2866,4 16,37
    2916,4 16,77
    2936,4 16,59
    2936,4 17,01
    3005,8 16,61
    3075,8 16,76
    3075,8 16,87
    3086,4 16,66
    3166,5 15,83
    3225,8 16,82
    3295,8 16,98
    3345,8 17,38
    3365,8 17,2
    3365,8 17,62
    3435,2 17,22
    3505,2 17,37
    3505,2 17,48
    3515,8 17,27
    3595,9 16,44
    3655,2 17,43
    3725,2 17,59
    3775,2 17,99
    3795,2 17,81
    3795,2 18,23
    3864,6 17,83
    3934,6 17,98
    3934,6 18,09
    3945,2 17,88
    4025,3 17,05
    4084,6 18,04
    4154,6 18,2
    4204,6 18,6
    4224,6 18,42
    4224,6 18,84
    4294 18,44
    4364 18,59
    4364 18,7
    4374,6 18,49
    4454,7 17,66
    4514 18,65
    (4584 18,81
    4634 19,21
    4654 19,03
    4654 19,45
    4723,4 19,05
    4793,4 19,2
    4793,4 19,31
    4804 19,1
    4884,1 18,27
    4943,4 19,26)

    Pannella Giorgio, 1972.
    Paleontological Evidence on the Earth’s Rotational History Since Early
    Astrophysics and Space Science, 16, (1972), 212-237.
    (Figure 3 on page 235 and Figure 4 on page 236. Mean solar day, Synodic Month, Tropical Year.
    Exact age of sedimentation of the Gunflint Formation is 1878.3+-1.3 Ma, YPM-IP-28510/28511.)
    Scrutton, C.T., (1964), 1965.
    Periodicity in Devonian Coral Growth.
    Paleontology, volume 7, part 4, pages 552-558, plates 86-87.
    (Middle Devonian OUM DT2 fossil, age is 385.3 Ma – 397.5 Ma, GT2004, approximate linear formula 12.37 – 1.43*10^(-7)*T, months/year, T=centuries,
    past time minus signed).
    Scrutton, C.T., 1970.
    Evidence for a monthly periodicity in the growth of some corals.
    Runcorn, S.K. (editor), 1970.
    Paleogeophysics. Academic Press, London, pages 11-16.
    Fralick, P., Davis, D.W., Kissin, S.A., 2002.
    The age of the Gunflint Formation, Ontario, Canada: single zircon U-Pb age determinations
    from reworked volcanic ash.
    Can. J. Earth Sci., 39, 1085-1091.
    From: mathematician <haporopu@luukku.com>
    Newsgroups: sci.bio.paleontology,sci.astro,sci.geo.geology,sci.physics,sci.math
    Subject: Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes
    Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2008 01:46:49 -0800 (PST)
    Message-ID: <533c8763-511e-4ec6-a69e-8f3f1e5d1591@z6g2000pre.googlegroups.com>
    NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2008 09:46:50 +0000 (UTC)

    Testing some ancient time data points with extrapolated Pannella's fossil time data
    1 kirjoittajan 2 viestiä


    Muut vastaanottajat: george....@adelaide.edu.au
    Käännä viesti kielelle: suomi

    Testing some ancient time data points with extrapolated Pannella's fossil time data ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    (Author: H.K.J. Poropudas, Vesaisentie 9E, 90900 Kiiminki, Finland. Date: 13.1.2009)
    Below are few rough estimations of ancient time data. It should be remembered that
    these linear extrapolations are based on my uncertain assumption of existence of
    oscillation of period 429.4 Ma in Pannella's figure 3 (reference 2) and ages
    and data of fossils and stromatolites are in many cases uncertain

    The Elatina Formation and Reynella Siltstone -----------------------------------------------------------------
    620 Ma:
    655.6 Ma, 410.28 days/year
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give roughly approx. 412 days/year)
    639 Ma, 31.49 days/year
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give roughly approx. 31.7 days/month) 410.28/31.49 = 13.03 months/year, (primary value = 13.1 +-0.1 months/ year)
    649.4 Ma, 13.16 months/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    (primary value = 13.1 +-0.1 months/year)
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give 412/31.7 = 13.0 months/year) (13.0-13.2 months/year)

    The Big Cottonwood Formation --------------------------------------------
    900 Ma:
    890.2 Ma, 33.34 days/month
    897 Ma, 33.06 days/month
    904.2 Ma, 33.48 days/month
    (33-33.5 days/month, average = 33.29 days/month)
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 33.4 days/month) 874.4 Ma, 463.33 days/year
    911 Ma, 449.61 days/year
    911 Ma, 453.42 days/year
    (450-463 days/year, average = 455.45 days/year)
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 451 days/year) 455.45/33.29 = 13.68 months/year, (primary value 13.5 months/year) (Drawn extrapolated figures give 451/33.4 = 13.5 months/year)
    928.8 Ma, 13.71 months/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    928.8 Ma, 13.82 months/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    (13.7-13.8 months/year, primary value 13.5 months/year)
    (13.5-13.8 months/year)

    The Weeli Wolli Formation
    2450 Ma:
    2438.9 Ma, 39.21 days/month
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 39.2 days/month) 2423.9 Ma, 587.87 days/year
    2423.9 Ma, 578.11 days/year
    (578-588 days/year, average = 582.99 days/year)
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 585 days/year) 582.99/39.21 = 14.87 months/year, (primary value = 14.5 +-0.5 months/ year)
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give 585/39.2 = 14.9 months/year)
    2437 Ma, 15.76 months/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    (primary value = 14.5 +-0.5 months/year)
    (14.9-15.8 months/year)

    Reference (1).

    The Gunflint Formation
    1878.3 +-1.3 Ma:
    1927.2 Ma, 36.97 days/month
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 37.2 days/month) 1846.3 Ma, 549.75 days/year
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 533 days/year) 549.75/36.97 = 14.87 months/year (primary value = 14 months/year) (Drawn extrapolated figures give 533/37.2 = 14.3 months/year)
    1937.6 Ma, 14.99 monnths/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    (14.3-15.0 months/year)

    Age of the Bulawayan stromatolite UCLA-Bul-7 ? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Mode = 10-20-40, Highest Count = 41.
    2576.6.4 Ma, 40.11 days/month
    2595 Ma, 40.35 days/month
    2607.8 Ma, 40.64 days/month
    2614.6 Ma, 40.34 days/month
    2621.8 Ma, 40.78 days/month
    2634.5 Ma, 41 days/month
    2650.8 Ma, 40.9 days/month
    2786 Ma, 40.62 days/month
    2868.3 Ma, 41.04 days/month
    So age of the Bulawayan Stromatolite UCLA-Bul-7 could be:
    2580 Ma - 2870 Ma.
    (primary value of the age =
    (2672 +- 12 Ma - 2715 +- 15 Ma), Upper Bulawayan Group or
    (2831 +- 6 Ma - 2904 +- 9 Ma), Lower Bulawayan Group. These both
    are not local age determinations from the Bubi Greenstone Belt near Huntsman Quarries, Zimbabwe.)
    Other Time Data for UCLA-Bul-7 stromatolite: ----------------------------------------------------------------- (40-41 days/month, primary value)
    (average = 40.5 days/month, primary value)
    2576.4 Ma, 600.75 days/year
    2582.8 Ma, 609.88 days/year
    2592 Ma, 620.65 days/year
    2628.6 Ma, 606.94 days/year
    2628.6 Ma, 610.75 days/year
    2705.1 Ma, 628.41 days/year
    2802.6 Ma, 606.94 days/year
    2853.3 Ma, 617.45 days/year
    2853.3 Ma, 627.21 days/year
    2912 Ma, 629.65 days/year
    2916.6 Ma, 633.55 days/year
    2916.6 Ma, 636.15 days/year
    (average = 7428.33/12 = 619.03 = approx. 619 days/year)
    (601-636 days/year)
    619/40.5 = 15.3 months/year
    OUM-DT2 based estimation:
    2576.4 Ma, 16 months/year
    2646.4 Ma, 16.15 months/year
    2646.4 Ma, 16.26 months/year
    2657 Ma, 16.05 months/year
    2737.1 Ma, 15.22 months/year
    2796.4 Ma, 16.21 months/year
    2866.4 Ma, 16.37 months/year
    2916.4 Ma, 16.77 months/year
    (average = 129.03/8 = 16.13 = approx. 16.1 months/year)
    (15.2 - 16.8 months/year)

    References (2 and 3).

    The Moodies Group
    3225 Ma:
    3215.4 Ma, 42.44 days/month
    (Drawn extrapolated figure roughly gives approx. 42.8 days/month)
    3232 Ma, 646.27 days/year

    [continued in next message]

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  • From Hannu Poropudas@21:1/5 to Hannu Poropudas on Mon Feb 17 02:16:51 2020
    Hi, Some megacycles may have given names (Wikipedia 17.2.2020) ?

    On Wednesday, August 23, 2017 at 10:52:31 AM UTC+3, Hannu Poropudas wrote:
    Period of megacycle 429.4 Ma is taken from reference 1.


    (4620 - 4390 Ma)
    4390 - 4190 Ma
    4190 - 3960 Ma
    3960 - 3760 Ma
    3760 - 3540 Ma
    3540 - 3330 Ma
    3330 - 3110 Ma
    3110 - 2900 Ma
    2900 - 2680 Ma
    2680 - 2470 Ma
    2470 - 2250 Ma
    Siderian (2500-2300 Ma)
    2250 - 2040 Ma
    Rhyacian (2300-2050 Ma)
    2040 - 1820 Ma
    Orosirian (2050-1800 Ma)
    1820 - 1620 Ma
    Statherian (1800-1600 Ma)
    1620 - 1390 Ma
    1390 - 1190 Ma
    1190 - 970 Ma
    970 - 760 Ma
    760 - 540 Ma
    540 - 340 Ma
    340 - 130 Ma
    130 -

    (Earth's age is approximated to be between about 4570 - 4450 Ma).

    Approximately same set is achieved if one takes starting point
    about 2680 Ma for breakup of the Pilbara continent ref. 2) and
    then if one adds to this number 2680 Ma periodically
    429.4 Ma/2 = 214.7 Ma uppwads of the list and secondly if one
    subracts from this number 2680 Ma periodically 429.4 Ma/2 = 214.7 Ma downwards of the list.

    (I put below misc references of Kapez B and Krapez B et al about the subject. I'am not sure about existence of 2nd and 3rd order of cyclicities
    proposed by Krapez B and also I do not agreee his about period of
    about 360 Ma. Also some causes of 2nd order and 3rd order cylicities are questionable in my opinion.)


    1. Poropudas Hannu, 1996.
    Harrastelijan ajatuksia päivän, kuukauden ja vuoden pituudesta
    muinaisina aikoina.
    GEOLOGI 48, 4-5/1996, 92-96.

    2. Kapez B, Eisenlohr B, 1998.
    Precambrian Research, vol. 88. Pages 173-205, (2680 Ma on page 204).

    3. Krapez B, 1993.
    Precambrian Research, vol. 60. Pages 1-45.

    4. Krapez B, 1996.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 43. Pages 355-380.

    5. Krapez B, 1997.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 44. Pages 1-36.

    6. Horowitz R C and Krapez B, 1997.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 44. Pages 879-886.

    7. Krapez B, 1999.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 46. Pages 71-87.

    8. Krapez B, 1999.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 46. Pages 89-103.

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas

    Kolamäentie 9E
    Kiiminki / Oulu

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  • From Jean-Paul Turcaud@21:1/5 to All on Tue Feb 18 12:07:54 2020
    You really believe this, Hannu?

    Or is it that you are working on a new fiction novel? In that case you have a great class, and deserve to be called "The Jules Verne from The North"


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  • From Hannu Poropudas@21:1/5 to Jean-Paul Turcaud on Wed Feb 19 23:53:39 2020
    On Tuesday, February 18, 2020 at 10:07:56 PM UTC+2, Jean-Paul Turcaud wrote:
    You really believe this, Hannu?

    Or is it that you are working on a new fiction novel? In that case you have a great class, and deserve to be called "The Jules Verne from The North"


    Well, this is basically mathematics.

    I have measured this 429.4 Ma period (429.4*10^4 centuries = 429.4*10^6 years) from the experimental fossil data of Pannella G. (ref. 2) and Pannella G., MacClintoc (ref. 3).
    And then I assumed that
    1. We have geology of Earth-Moon system which is a "planet couple" so that both have non symmetric mass distributions.
    2. The Moon have thicker back side and
    3. Earth have different distribution of mass of it's crust at different times. 4. The Moon has never been close to the Earth and this system has born as a "planet couple".
    5. Periodicty 429.4 Ma extends from thg beginning to the present day
    due Earth has heat flows from the beginning.

    In my drawings I have rejected four too much deviated fossil data points
    of Fig. 4 on page 4 (ref. 2.) in linear extrapolation of Pannella's fossil data.


    1. Poropudas Hannu, 1996.
    Harrastelijan ajatuksia päivän, kuukauden ja vuoden pituudesta
    muinaisina aikoina.
    Geologi, 4-5/1996. pages 92-96. (48. vuosikerta, ISSN 0046-5720).
    429.4*10^4 vuosisataa (centuries) on page 93.
    (429.4*10^6 years = 429.4 Ma).

    2. Pannella Giorgio, 1972.
    Paleontological Evidence on the Earth's Rotational History
    since Early Precambrian.
    Astrophysics and space science. Vol. 16, (1972), 212-237.
    Fig. 3 on page 235,
    (Variations in the length of the synodic month since Ordovician)
    Fig. 4 on page 236,
    (Variation in the length of the year since Gunflint time).

    3. Pannella G., MacClintock C. 1968.
    Paleontological Evidence of Variations in Length of
    Synodic Month since Late Cambrian.
    Science, Vol. 162. 792-796. (No. 3855, 15 Nov. 1968).
    Fig. 2 on page 795.

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas
    (mathematician, amateur geologist)

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  • From Jean-Paul Turcaud@21:1/5 to All on Fri Feb 21 15:36:00 2020

    The moon hit the earth many times and these collisions are related to the different orogenesis time.

    Horbiger in the past cleverly understood those past encounters, but failed to uncover the mechanisms of such direct hits, their consequences & the particular critical period of time.

    Without such basic understanding the whole story of so-called Geology is a mere fiction, and so-called geologists need to be downgraded to the level of mere Rock-surveyors (in which some excel, I readily admit)

    I, for once, admire your efforts at reaching enlightenment on Earth past, but I am afraid you are going down a dead-end! However the upwards track leading to comprehension is much more hazardous, since it involves shedding off the rags of your hard
    learned lessons & all that University 's mind-programming preventing you from making your own mind.

    The Truth is Elsewhere!

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  • From haporopuda@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jul 1 10:13:09 2020
    I forget to mention one asumption which I have used: Earth's distance from the Sun have not significantly changed. This assumption I used when I made table of Earth's rotation rate (TABLE 4, -T/10^4,Hours/Day). Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas, Finland.

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  • From Hannu Poropudas@21:1/5 to hapor...@gmail.com on Fri Jul 17 00:55:42 2020
    On Wednesday, July 1, 2020 at 8:13:10 PM UTC+3, hapor...@gmail.com wrote:
    I forget to mention one asumption which I have used: Earth's distance from the Sun have not significantly changed. This assumption I used when I made table of Earth's rotation rate (TABLE 4, -T/10^4,Hours/Day). Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas, Finland.

    TABLE 4, -T/10^4 centuries, Hour/Day is poorly visible in above, so I put this again here:

    (Author: Hannu K.J. Poropudas, Vesaisentie 9E,
    90900 Kiiminki, Finland, Date: 13.1.2009)
    Assumption: Distance between the Earth
    and the Sun has not changed significantly
    during Earth's life time (about 4550 Ma).
    Main intended area of use of these figures
    which are calculated from TABLE 2 is roughly
    about 0-2000 Ma.

    TABLE 4
    -T/10^4 Hours/Day
    0 24,03
    52,2 23,63
    52,2 23,39
    226,2 23,63
    276,9 22,98
    276,9 22,41
    335,6 22,27
    340,2 22,05
    340,2 21,91
    367,8 21,88
    367,8 21,67
    367,8 21,26
    394,5 21,88
    408,2 20,97
    429,4 21,69
    435,8 21,21
    445 20,67
    481,6 21,37
    481,6 21,17
    558,1 20,3
    655,6 21,37
    706,3 20,83
    706,3 20,36
    765 20,24
    769,6 20,06
    769,6 19,95
    797,2 19,92
    797,2 19,75
    797,2 19,41
    823,9 19,92
    837,6 19,16
    858,8 19,77
    865,2 19,37
    874,4 18,92
    911 19,5
    911 19,33
    987,5 18,61
    1085 19,5
    1135,7 19,05
    1135,7 18,66
    1194,4 18,56
    1199 18,41
    1199 18,31
    1226,6 18,29
    1226,6 18,14
    1226,6 17,86
    1253,3 18,29
    1267 17,65
    1288,2 18,16
    1294,6 17,82
    1303,8 17,44
    1340,4 17,93
    1340,4 17,79
    1416,9 17,17
    1514,4 17,93
    1565,1 17,55
    1565,1 17,21
    1623,8 17,13
    1628,4 17
    1628,4 16,92
    1656 16,9
    1656 16,78
    1656 16,53
    1682,7 16,9
    1696,4 16,35
    1717,6 16,79
    1724 16,5
    1733,2 16,17
    1769,8 16,59
    1769,8 16,47
    1846,3 15,95
    1943,8 16,59
    1994,5 16,27
    1994,5 15,98
    2053,2 15,91
    2057,8 15,8
    2057,8 15,72
    2085,4 15,71
    2085,4 15,6
    2085,4 15,39
    2112,1 15,71
    2125,8 15,23
    2147 15,61
    2153,4 15,36
    2162,6 15,08
    2199,2 15,44
    2199,2 15,34
    2275,7 14,88
    2373,2 15,44
    2423,9 15,16
    2423,9 14,91
    2482,6 14,85
    2487,2 14,75
    2487,2 14,69
    2514,8 14,68
    2514,8 14,58
    2514,8 14,4
    2541,5 14,68
    2555,2 14,26
    2576,4 14,59
    2582,8 14,37
    2592 14,12
    2628,6 14,44
    2628,6 14,35
    2705,1 13,95
    2802,6 14,44
    2853,3 14,2
    2853,3 13,98
    2912 13,92
    2916,6 13,84
    2916,6 13,78
    2944,2 13,77
    2944,2 13,69
    2944,2 13,52
    2970,9 13,77
    2984,6 13,4
    3005,8 13,69
    3012,2 13,5
    3021,4 13,28
    3058 13,56
    3058 13,48
    3134,5 13,13
    3232 13,56
    3282,7 13,35
    3282,7 13,15
    3341,4 13,1
    3346 13,03
    3346 12,98
    3373,6 12,97
    3373,6 12,89
    3373,6 12,75
    3400,3 12,97
    3414 12,64
    3435,2 12,9
    3441,6 12,73
    3450,8 12,53
    3487,4 12,79
    3487,4 12,71
    3563,9 12,4
    3661,4 12,79
    3712,1 12,59
    3712,1 12,42
    3770,8 12,38
    3775,4 12,31
    3775,4 12,26
    3803 12,25
    3803 12,19
    3803 12,06
    3829,7 12,25
    3843,4 11,96
    3864,6 12,2
    3871 12,04
    3880,2 11,87
    3916,8 12,09
    3916,8 12,03
    3993,3 11,74
    4090,8 12,09
    4141,5 11,92
    4141,5 11,76
    4200,2 11,72
    4204,8 11,66
    4204,8 11,62
    4232,4 11,62
    4232,4 11,56
    4232,4 11,44
    4259,1 11,62
    4272,8 11,35
    4294 11,56
    4300,4 11,43
    4309,6 11,27
    4346,2 11,47
    4346,2 11,41
    4422,7 11,16
    4520,2 11,47
    (4570,9 11,31
    4570,9 11,17
    4629,6 11,14
    4634,2 11,08
    4634,2 11,05
    4661,8 11,04
    4661,8 10,99
    4661,8 10,88
    4688,5 11,04
    4702,2 10,8
    4723,4 10,99
    4729,8 10,87
    4739 10,73
    4775,6 10,91
    4775,6 10,86
    4852,1 10,62
    4949,6 10,91)


    Poropudas, Hannu, 2009.
    Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s
    Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes.
    Sat, 13 Dec 2008 01:46:49 -0800 (PST).
    10 pages.
    (mathematician <haporopu

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  • From Hannu Poropudas@21:1/5 to hapor...@gmail.com on Fri Jul 17 00:45:53 2020
    On Wednesday, July 1, 2020 at 8:13:10 PM UTC+3, hapor...@gmail.com wrote:
    I forget to mention one asumption which I have used: Earth's distance from the Sun have not significantly changed. This assumption I used when I made table of Earth's rotation rate (TABLE 4, -T/10^4,Hours/Day). Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas, Finland.


    TABLE 4, -T/10^4 centuries, Hours/Day is poorly visible in above texts, so I put it here again (END of this):

    Newsgroups: sci.astro
    Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2017 23:53:44 -0700 (PDT)
    Message-ID: <52ca9eb0-4d5a-4a5d-8c99-57d7444b8da0@googlegroups.com>
    Subject: Linear extrapolated fossil data tries to tell that perhaps Earth and
    Moon formed as a planet couple ?
    From: Hannu Poropudas <hanp...@luukku.com>
    Injection-Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2017 06:53:44 +0000

    (----COPY BELOW----)

    Linear extrapolated fossil data tries to tell that perhaps Earth and Moon formed as a planet couple ?
    2 posts by 2 authors

    me (Hannu Poropudas change)

    Apr 27

    How to calculate with my extrapolated fossil data of Pannella G.:

    T’ = length of the month recorded by marine life (= synodic month)
    t’ = length of the day recorded by marine life (= solar day)
    T = length of sidereal month
    t = length of sidereal day
    T = T’ /(1+T’/Y)
    t = t’ /(1+t’/Y), this is very nearly equal to t’
    S = T’ / t’ = number of days in month recorded in paleontological specimens.
    Y = length of the year (= tropical year, this is assumed to be constant = 365,2422 days = not changed significantly)
    Runcorn, S. K., 1970.
    Paleontological Measurements of the Changes in the Rotation Rates of Earth and Moon and
    of the Rate of Retreat of the Moon from the Earth., pages 17-23, page 21.
    Runcorn S.K. (Editor), 1970.
    Academic Press Inc., Printed in Great Britain, 518 pages, pages 17-23.

    For example

    (figures from my drawings one example out of range of experimental
    test points for curiosity):

    -4600*10^4 centuries (approx.. Earth’s formation time, 4600 Ma ago)

    11 hours/day (present hours, assumption Earth and Sun distance have not significantly changed, Y = 365,2422 days, solar days and tropical year)

    Y = 780 * 11 h = 8580 h (present hours) = 357,5 days (present solar days, Y changed little (?) in data of tables it is used Y=365,2422 days)

    780 days/year (solar days and tropical year)

    48 days/month (solar days and synodic month) = T’

    T = T’ /(1+T’/Y) = 48 / (1 + 48/357,5) = 42,31812577 =
    = approx. 42 days/sidereal month

    Distance approximately between Earth and Moon at approx. 4600 Ma ago.

    G = 6,67*10^(-11)*N*m^^2/kg^2
    M = 5,974*10^24 kg

    P = 42,31812577*11*60*60 s (present seconds) = 1675797,781 s

    r = ( G*M*P^2/(4*Pi^2) )^()1/3 = 304832464,1 m =
    = approx. 305000 km.

    So linear extrapolated fossil data tries to tell that perhaps
    Earth and Moon formed as a planet couple ?

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas

    _________________COPIES OF MY OLD ARTICLES BELOW (long)_________________

    Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes
    1 kirjoittajan 2 viestiä


    Käännä viesti kielelle: suomi

    Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s Fossil Time Data for Test
    (Author: Hannu K.J. Poropudas, Vesaisentie 9E, 90900 Kiiminki,
    Finland, Date: 12.12.2008)
    Three rough data set (TABLE 1, days/month, TABLE 2, days/year and
    TABLE 3, months/year)
    are given in this paper for test purposes of ancient fossil time data.
    Numbers are based
    on Giorgio Pannella’s (1972) fossil time data. Interpretations are my
    These linear extrapolations are based also on uncertain assumption of
    existence of
    oscillation about 429.4 Ma in Pannella’s Figure 3 (days/month). Many
    ages and fossil
    points are still uncertain. Main intended area of use of these figures
    is about 0-2000 Ma.

    Tables of fossil time data
    TABLE 1
    -T/10^4 Days/Month
    0 29,16
    18,6 29,4
    31,4 29,69
    45,4 29,83
    58,1 30,05
    74,4 29,95
    206,9 29,67
    291,9 30,09
    342,2 30,36
    380,3 30,57
    416,7 30,55
    429,4 30,98
    448 31,22
    460,8 31,51
    467,6 31,24
    474,8 31,65
    487,5 31,87
    503,8 31,77
    639 31,49
    721,3 31,91
    771,6 32,18
    809,7 32,39
    846,1 32,37
    858,8 32,81
    877,4 33,05
    890,2 33,34
    897 33,06
    904,2 33,48
    916,9 33,7
    933,2 33,6
    1068,4 33,32
    1150,7 33,74
    1201 34,01
    1239,1 34,22
    1275,5 34,2
    1288,2 34,63
    1306,8 34,87
    1319,6 35,16
    1326,4 34,89
    1333,6 35,3
    1346,3 35,52
    1362,6 35,42
    1497,8 35,14
    1580,1 35,56
    1630,4 35,83
    1668,5 36,04
    1704,9 36,02
    1717,6 36,46
    1736,2 36,7
    1749 36,99
    1755,8 36,71
    1763 37,13
    1775,7 37,35
    1792 37,25
    1927,2 36,97
    2009,5 37,39
    2059,8 37,66
    2097,9 37,87
    2134,3 37,85
    2147 38,28
    2165,6 38,52
    2178,4 38,81
    2185,2 38,54
    2192,4 38,95
    2205,1 39,17
    2221,4 39,07
    2356,6 38,79
    2438,9 39,21
    2489,2 39,48
    2527,3 39,69
    2563,7 39,67
    2576,4 40,11
    2595 40,35
    2607,8 40,64
    2614,6 40,36
    2621,8 40,78
    2634,5 41
    2650,8 40,9
    2786 40,62
    2868,3 41,04
    2918,6 41,31
    2956,7 41,52
    2993,1 41,5
    3005,8 41,93
    3024,4 42,17
    3037,2 42,46
    3044 42,19
    3051,2 42,6
    3063,9 42,82
    3080,2 42,72
    3215,4 42,44
    3297,7 42,86
    3348 43,13
    3386,1 43,34
    3422,5 43,32
    3435,2 43,76
    3453,8 44
    3466,6 44,29
    3473,4 44,01
    3480,6 44,43
    3493,3 44,65
    3509,6 44,55
    3644,8 44,27
    3727,1 44,69
    3777,4 44,96
    3815,5 45,17
    3851,9 45,15
    3864,6 45,58
    3883,2 45,82
    3896 46,11
    3902,8 45,84
    3910 46,25
    3922,7 46,47
    3939 46,37
    4074,2 46,09
    4156,5 46,51
    4206,8 46,78
    4244,9 46,99
    4281,3 46,97
    4294 47,41
    4312,6 47,65
    4325,4 47,94
    4332,2 47,66
    4339,4 48,08
    4352,1 48,3
    4368,4 48,2
    4503,6 47,92
    (4585,9 48,34
    4636,2 48,61
    4674,3 48,82
    4710,7 48,8
    4761,6 49,49)

    TABLE 2
    -T/10^4 Days/Year
    0 364,76
    52,2 370,95
    52,2 374,76
    226,2 370,95
    276,9 381,46
    276,9 391,22
    335,6 393,66
    340,2 397,56
    340,2 400,16
    367,8 400,65
    367,8 404,52
    367,8 412,26
    394,5 400,65
    408,2 418,06
    429,4 404,09
    435,8 413,23
    445 424
    481,6 410,28
    481,6 414,09
    558,1 431,76
    655,6 410,28
    706,3 420,79
    706,3 430,55
    765 432,99
    769,6 436,89
    769,6 439,49
    797,2 439,98
    797,2 443,85
    797,2 451,59
    823,9 439,98
    837,6 457,39
    858,8 443,42
    865,2 452,56
    874,4 463,33
    911 449,61
    911 453,42
    987,5 471,09
    1085 449,61
    1135,7 460,12
    1135,7 469,88
    1194,4 472,32
    1199 476,22
    1199 478,82
    1226,6 479,31
    1226,6 483,18
    1226,6 490,92
    1253,3 479,31
    1267 496,72
    1288,2 482,75
    1294,6 491,89
    1303,8 502,66
    1340,4 488,94
    1340,4 492,75
    1416,9 510,42
    1514,4 488,94
    1565,1 499,45
    1565,1 509,21
    1623,8 511,65
    1628,4 515,55
    1628,4 518,15
    1656 518,64
    1656 522,51
    1656 530,25
    1682,7 518,64
    1696,4 536,05
    1717,6 522,08
    1724 531,22
    1733,2 541,99
    1769,8 528,27
    1769,8 532,08
    1846,3 549,75
    1943,8 528,27
    1994,5 538,78
    1994,5 548,54
    2053,2 550,98
    2057,8 554,88
    2057,8 557,48
    2085,4 557,97
    2085,4 561,84
    2085,4 569,58
    2112,1 557,97
    2125,8 575,38
    2147 561,41
    2153,4 570,55
    2162,6 581,32
    2199,2 567,6
    2199,2 571,41
    2275,7 589,08
    2373,2 567,6
    2423,9 578,11
    2423,9 587,87
    2482,6 590,31
    2487,2 594,21
    2487,2 596,81
    2514,8 597,3
    2514,8 601,17
    2514,8 608,91
    2541,5 597,3
    2555,2 614,71
    2576,4 600,75
    2582,8 609,88
    2592 620,65
    2628,6 606,94
    2628,6 610,75
    2705,1 628,41
    2802,6 606,94
    2853,3 617,45
    2853,3 627,21
    2912 629,65
    2916,6 633,55
    2916,6 636,15
    2944,2 636,64
    2944,2 640,51
    2944,2 648,25
    2970,9 636,64
    2984,6 654,05
    3005,8 640,08
    3012,2 649,22
    3021,4 659,99
    3058 646,27
    3058 650,08
    3134,5 667,75
    3232 646,27
    3282,7 656,78
    3282,7 666,54
    3341,4 668,98
    3346 672,88
    3346 675,48
    3373,6 675,97
    3373,6 679,84
    3373,6 687,58
    3400,3 675,97
    3414 693,38
    3435,2 679,41
    3441,6 688,55
    3450,8 699,32
    3487,4 685,6
    3487,4 689,41
    3563,9 707,08
    3661,4 685,6
    3712,1 696,11
    3712,1 705,87
    3770,8 708,31
    3775,4 712,21
    3775,4 714,81
    3803 715,3
    3803 719,17
    3803 726,91
    3829,7 715,3
    3843,4 732,71
    3864,6 718,74
    3871 727,88
    3880,2 738,65
    3916,8 724,93
    3916,8 728,74
    3993,3 746,41
    4090,8 724,93
    4141,5 735,44
    4141,5 745,2
    4200,2 747,64
    4204,8 751,54
    4204,8 754,14
    4232,4 754,63
    4232,4 758,5
    4232,4 766,24
    4259,1 754,63
    4272,8 772,04
    4294 758,07
    4300,4 767,21
    4309,6 777,98
    4346,2 764,26
    4346,2 768,07
    4422,7 785,74
    4520,2 764,26
    (4570,9 774,77
    4570,9 784,53
    4629,6 786,97
    4634,2 790,87
    4634,2 793,47
    4661,8 793,96
    4661,8 797,83
    4661,8 805,57
    4688,5 793,96
    4702,2 811,37
    4723,4 797,4
    4729,8 806,54
    4739 817,31
    4775,6 803,59
    4775,6 807,4
    4852,1 825,07)

    TABLE 3
    -T/10^4 Months/Year
    0 12,34
    70 12,49
    70 12,6
    160,7 11,56
    220 12,55
    290 12,71
    340 13,11
    360 12,93
    360 13,35
    429,4 12,95
    499,4 13,1
    499,4 13,21
    510 13
    590,1 12,17
    649,4 13,16
    719,4 13,32
    769,4 13,72
    789,4 13,54
    789,4 13,96
    858,8 13,56
    928,8 13,71
    928,8 13,82
    939,4 13,61
    1019,5 12,78
    1078,8 13,77
    1148,8 13,93
    1198,8 14,33
    1218,8 14,15
    1218,8 14,57
    1288,2 14,17
    1358,2 14,32
    1358,2 14,43
    1368,8 14,22
    1448,9 13,39
    1508,2 14,38
    1578,2 14,54
    1628,2 14,94
    1648,2 14,76
    1648,2 15,18
    1717,6 14,78
    1787,6 14,93
    1787,6 15,04
    1798,2 14,83
    1878,3 14
    1937,6 14,99
    2007,6 15,15
    2057,6 15,55
    2077,6 15,37
    2077,6 15,79
    2147 15,39
    2217 15,54
    2217 15,65
    2227,6 15,44
    2307,7 14,61
    2367 15,6
    2437 15,76
    2487 16,16
    2507 15,98
    2507 16,4
    2576,4 16
    2646,4 16,15
    2646,4 16,26
    2657 16,05
    2737,1 15,22
    2796,4 16,21
    2866,4 16,37
    2916,4 16,77
    2936,4 16,59
    2936,4 17,01
    3005,8 16,61
    3075,8 16,76
    3075,8 16,87
    3086,4 16,66
    3166,5 15,83
    3225,8 16,82
    3295,8 16,98
    3345,8 17,38
    3365,8 17,2
    3365,8 17,62
    3435,2 17,22
    3505,2 17,37
    3505,2 17,48
    3515,8 17,27
    3595,9 16,44
    3655,2 17,43
    3725,2 17,59
    3775,2 17,99
    3795,2 17,81
    3795,2 18,23
    3864,6 17,83
    3934,6 17,98
    3934,6 18,09
    3945,2 17,88
    4025,3 17,05
    4084,6 18,04
    4154,6 18,2
    4204,6 18,6
    4224,6 18,42
    4224,6 18,84
    4294 18,44
    4364 18,59
    4364 18,7
    4374,6 18,49
    4454,7 17,66
    4514 18,65
    (4584 18,81
    4634 19,21
    4654 19,03
    4654 19,45
    4723,4 19,05
    4793,4 19,2
    4793,4 19,31
    4804 19,1
    4884,1 18,27
    4943,4 19,26)

    Pannella Giorgio, 1972.
    Paleontological Evidence on the Earth’s Rotational History Since Early Precambrian.
    Astrophysics and Space Science, 16, (1972), 212-237.
    (Figure 3 on page 235 and Figure 4 on page 236. Mean solar day,
    Synodic Month, Tropical Year.
    Exact age of sedimentation of the Gunflint Formation is 1878.3+-1.3
    Ma, YPM-IP-28510/28511.)
    Scrutton, C.T., (1964), 1965.
    Periodicity in Devonian Coral Growth.
    Paleontology, volume 7, part 4, pages 552-558, plates 86-87.
    (Middle Devonian OUM DT2 fossil, age is 385.3 Ma – 397.5 Ma, GT2004, approximate linear formula 12.37 – 1.43*10^(-7)*T, months/year,
    past time minus signed).
    Scrutton, C.T., 1970.
    Evidence for a monthly periodicity in the growth of some corals.
    Runcorn, S.K. (editor), 1970.
    Paleogeophysics. Academic Press, London, pages 11-16.
    Fralick, P., Davis, D.W., Kissin, S.A., 2002.
    The age of the Gunflint Formation, Ontario, Canada: single zircon U-Pb
    age determinations
    from reworked volcanic ash.
    Can. J. Earth Sci., 39, 1085-1091.
    From: mathematician <hapo...@luukku.com>
    Newsgroups: sci.bio.paleontology,sci.astro,sci.geo.geology,sci.physics,sci.math Subject: Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes
    Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2008 01:46:49 -0800 (PST)
    Message-ID: <533c8763-511e-4ec6-a69e-8f3f1e5d1591@z6g2000pre.googlegroups.com> NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2008 09:46:50 +0000 (UTC)

    Testing some ancient time data points with extrapolated Pannella's fossil time data
    1 kirjoittajan 2 viestiä


    Muut vastaanottajat: george....@adelaide.edu.au
    Käännä viesti kielelle: suomi

    Testing some ancient time data points with extrapolated Pannella's
    fossil time data ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    (Author: H.K.J. Poropudas, Vesaisentie 9E, 90900 Kiiminki, Finland.
    Date: 13.1.2009)
    Below are few rough estimations of ancient time data. It should be
    remembered that
    these linear extrapolations are based on my uncertain assumption of
    existence of
    oscillation of period 429.4 Ma in Pannella's figure 3 (reference 2)
    and ages
    and data of fossils and stromatolites are in many cases uncertain

    The Elatina Formation and Reynella Siltstone -----------------------------------------------------------------
    620 Ma:
    655.6 Ma, 410.28 days/year
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give roughly approx. 412 days/year)
    639 Ma, 31.49 days/year
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give roughly approx. 31.7 days/month)
    410.28/31.49 = 13.03 months/year, (primary value = 13.1 +-0.1 months/
    649.4 Ma, 13.16 months/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    (primary value = 13.1 +-0.1 months/year)
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give 412/31.7 = 13.0 months/year)
    (13.0-13.2 months/year)

    The Big Cottonwood Formation
    900 Ma:
    890.2 Ma, 33.34 days/month
    897 Ma, 33.06 days/month
    904.2 Ma, 33.48 days/month
    (33-33.5 days/month, average = 33.29 days/month)
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 33.4 days/month)
    874.4 Ma, 463.33 days/year
    911 Ma, 449.61 days/year
    911 Ma, 453.42 days/year
    (450-463 days/year, average = 455.45 days/year)
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 451 days/year)
    455.45/33.29 = 13.68 months/year, (primary value 13.5 months/year)
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give 451/33.4 = 13.5 months/year)
    928.8 Ma, 13.71 months/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    928.8 Ma, 13.82 months/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    (13.7-13.8 months/year, primary value 13.5 months/year)
    (13.5-13.8 months/year)

    The Weeli Wolli Formation
    2450 Ma:
    2438.9 Ma, 39.21 days/month
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 39.2 days/month)
    2423.9 Ma, 587.87 days/year
    2423.9 Ma, 578.11 days/year
    (578-588 days/year, average = 582.99 days/year)
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 585 days/year)
    582.99/39.21 = 14.87 months/year, (primary value = 14.5 +-0.5 months/
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give 585/39.2 = 14.9 months/year)
    2437 Ma, 15.76 months/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    (primary value = 14.5 +-0.5 months/year)
    (14.9-15.8 months/year)

    Reference (1).

    The Gunflint Formation
    1878.3 +-1.3 Ma:
    1927.2 Ma, 36.97 days/month
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 37.2 days/month)
    1846.3 Ma, 549.75 days/year
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 533 days/year)
    549.75/36.97 = 14.87 months/year (primary value = 14 months/year)
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give 533/37.2 = 14.3 months/year)
    1937.6 Ma, 14.99 monnths/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    (14.3-15.0 months/year)

    Age of the Bulawayan stromatolite UCLA-Bul-7 ? ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    Mode = 10-20-40, Highest Count = 41.
    2576.6.4 Ma, 40.11 days/month
    2595 Ma, 40.35 days/month
    2607.8 Ma, 40.64 days/month
    2614.6 Ma, 40.34 days/month
    2621.8 Ma, 40.78 days/month
    2634.5 Ma, 41 days/month
    2650.8 Ma, 40.9 days/month
    2786 Ma, 40.62 days/month
    2868.3 Ma, 41.04 days/month
    So age of the Bulawayan Stromatolite UCLA-Bul-7 could be:
    2580 Ma - 2870 Ma.
    (primary value of the age =
    (2672 +- 12 Ma - 2715 +- 15 Ma), Upper Bulawayan Group or
    (2831 +- 6 Ma - 2904 +- 9 Ma), Lower Bulawayan Group. These both
    are not local age determinations from the Bubi Greenstone Belt near
    Huntsman Quarries, Zimbabwe.)
    Other Time Data for UCLA-Bul-7 stromatolite: -----------------------------------------------------------------
    (40-41 days/month, primary value)
    (average = 40.5 days/month, primary value)
    2576.4 Ma, 600.75 days/year
    2582.8 Ma, 609.88 days/year
    2592 Ma, 620.65 days/year
    2628.6 Ma, 606.94 days/year
    2628.6 Ma, 610.75 days/year
    2705.1 Ma, 628.41 days/year
    2802.6 Ma, 606.94 days/year
    2853.3 Ma, 617.45 days/year
    2853.3 Ma, 627.21 days/year
    2912 Ma, 629.65 days/year
    2916.6 Ma, 633.55 days/year
    2916.6 Ma, 636.15 days/year
    (average = 7428.33/12 = 619.03 = approx. 619 days/year)
    (601-636 days/year)
    619/40.5 = 15.3 months/year
    OUM-DT2 based estimation:
    2576.4 Ma, 16 months/year
    2646.4 Ma, 16.15 months/year
    2646.4 Ma, 16.26 months/year
    2657 Ma, 16.05 months/year
    2737.1 Ma, 15.22 months/year
    2796.4 Ma, 16.21 months/year
    2866.4 Ma, 16.37 months/year
    2916.4 Ma, 16.77 months/year
    (average = 129.03/8 = 16.13 = approx. 16.1 months/year)
    (15.2 - 16.8 months/year)

    References (2 and 3).

    The Moodies Group
    3225 Ma:
    3215.4 Ma, 42.44 days/month
    (Drawn extrapolated figure roughly gives approx. 42.8 days/month)
    3232 Ma, 646.27 days/year
    (Drawn extrapolated figure roughly gives approx. 650 days/year)
    646.27/42.44 = 15.23 months/year
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give 650/42.8 = 15.2 months/year)
    3225.8 Ma, 16.82 months/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    (15.2-16.8 months/year)

    Reference (4).


    1. Williams, G.E. 2000.
    Reviews of Geophysics, 38, 1/February 2000, pages 37-59.
    2. Pannella, G., 1972.
    Astrophysics and Space Science, 16, (1972), 212-237.
    3. Fralick,P., Davis,D.W., Kissin,S.A., 2002.
    Can. J. Earth Sci., 39, 1085-1091.
    4. Eriksson,K.A., Simpson,E.L., Mueller,W., 2006.
    Sedimentary Geology 190 (2006), 13-24.
    5. Poropudas Hannu, 2009. Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella's Fossil Time Data for Test
    <533c8763-511e-4ec6-a69e-8f3f1e5d1591@z6g2000pre.googlegroups.com> sci.bio.paleontology, sci.astro, sci.geo.geology, sci.physics,
    Sat, 13 Dec 2008, 10 pages.
    (I have drawn four extrapolated figures (0-1200 Ma, days/year, 0-4600
    Ma, days/year,
    0-1200 Ma days/month, 0-4600 Ma, days/month) but unfortunately they
    are not possible
    to give here due this text is in ASCII-format. I could send them via
    email by request.
    My email address:
    luukku.com )
    From: mathematician <hapo...@luukku.com>
    Newsgroups: sci.bio.paleontology,sci.astro,sci.geo.geology,sci.physics,sci.math Subject: Testing some ancient time data points with extrapolated Pannella's fossil time data
    Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 21:52:20 -0800 (PST)
    Message-ID: <c91312bb-c2b7-4672-8f30-dbcdf1074662@f40g2000pri.googlegroups.com> NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 05:52:20 +0000 (UTC)
    Cc: george....@adelaide.edu.au
    Re: Testing some ancient time data points with extrapolated

    Pannella's fossil time data

    Hannu Poropudas

    Käännä viesti kielelle: suomi

    Earth's Rotational History from Linear
    Extarpolation of Pannella's Ancient Time
    Data of Fossils
    (Author: Hannu K.J. Poropudas, Vesaisentie 9E,
    90900 Kiiminki, Finland, Date: 13.1.2009)
    Assumption: Distance between the Earth
    and the Sun has not changed significantly
    during Earth's life time (about 4550 Ma).
    Main intended area of use of these figures
    which are calculated from TABLE 2 is roughly
    about 0-2000 Ma.

    TABLE 4
    -T/10^4 Hours/Day
    0 24,03
    52,2 23,63
    52,2 23,39
    226,2 23,63
    276,9 22,98
    276,9 22,41
    335,6 22,27
    340,2 22,05
    340,2 21,91
    367,8 21,88
    367,8 21,67
    367,8 21,26
    394,5 21,88
    408,2 20,97
    429,4 21,69
    435,8 21,21
    445 20,67
    481,6 21,37
    481,6 21,17
    558,1 20,3
    655,6 21,37
    706,3 20,83
    706,3 20,36
    765 20,24
    769,6 20,06
    769,6 19,95
    797,2 19,92
    797,2 19,75
    797,2 19,41
    823,9 19,92
    837,6 19,16
    858,8 19,77
    865,2 19,37
    874,4 18,92
    911 19,5
    911 19,33
    987,5 18,61
    1085 19,5
    1135,7 19,05
    1135,7 18,66
    1194,4 18,56
    1199 18,41
    1199 18,31
    1226,6 18,29
    1226,6 18,14
    1226,6 17,86
    1253,3 18,29
    1267 17,65
    1288,2 18,16
    1294,6 17,82
    1303,8 17,44
    1340,4 17,93
    1340,4 17,79
    1416,9 17,17
    1514,4 17,93
    1565,1 17,55
    1565,1 17,21
    1623,8 17,13
    1628,4 17
    1628,4 16,92
    1656 16,9
    1656 16,78
    1656 16,53
    1682,7 16,9
    1696,4 16,35
    1717,6 16,79
    1724 16,5
    1733,2 16,17
    1769,8 16,59
    1769,8 16,47
    1846,3 15,95
    1943,8 16,59
    1994,5 16,27
    1994,5 15,98
    2053,2 15,91
    2057,8 15,8
    2057,8 15,72
    2085,4 15,71
    2085,4 15,6
    2085,4 15,39
    2112,1 15,71
    2125,8 15,23
    2147 15,61
    2153,4 15,36
    2162,6 15,08
    2199,2 15,44
    2199,2 15,34
    2275,7 14,88
    2373,2 15,44
    2423,9 15,16
    2423,9 14,91
    2482,6 14,85
    2487,2 14,75
    2487,2 14,69
    2514,8 14,68
    2514,8 14,58
    2514,8 14,4
    2541,5 14,68
    2555,2 14,26
    2576,4 14,59
    2582,8 14,37
    2592 14,12
    2628,6 14,44
    2628,6 14,35
    2705,1 13,95
    2802,6 14,44
    2853,3 14,2
    2853,3 13,98
    2912 13,92
    2916,6 13,84
    2916,6 13,78
    2944,2 13,77
    2944,2 13,69
    2944,2 13,52
    2970,9 13,77
    2984,6 13,4
    3005,8 13,69
    3012,2 13,5
    3021,4 13,28
    3058 13,56
    3058 13,48
    3134,5 13,13
    3232 13,56
    3282,7 13,35
    3282,7 13,15
    3341,4 13,1
    3346 13,03
    3346 12,98
    3373,6 12,97
    3373,6 12,89
    3373,6 12,75
    3400,3 12,97
    3414 12,64
    3435,2 12,9
    3441,6 12,73
    3450,8 12,53
    3487,4 12,79
    3487,4 12,71
    3563,9 12,4
    3661,4 12,79
    3712,1 12,59
    3712,1 12,42
    3770,8 12,38
    3775,4 12,31
    3775,4 12,26
    3803 12,25
    3803 12,19
    3803 12,06
    3829,7 12,25
    3843,4 11,96
    3864,6 12,2
    3871 12,04
    3880,2 11,87
    3916,8 12,09
    3916,8 12,03
    3993,3 11,74
    4090,8 12,09
    4141,5 11,92
    4141,5 11,76
    4200,2 11,72
    4204,8 11,66
    4204,8 11,62
    4232,4 11,62
    4232,4 11,56
    4232,4 11,44
    4259,1 11,62
    4272,8 11,35
    4294 11,56
    4300,4 11,43
    4309,6 11,27
    4346,2 11,47
    4346,2 11,41
    4422,7 11,16
    4520,2 11,47
    (4570,9 11,31
    4570,9 11,17
    4629,6 11,14
    4634,2 11,08
    4634,2 11,05
    4661,8 11,04
    4661,8 10,99
    4661,8 10,88
    4688,5 11,04
    4702,2 10,8
    4723,4 10,99
    4729,8 10,87
    4739 10,73
    4775,6 10,91
    4775,6 10,86
    4852,1 10,62
    4949,6 10,91)


    Poropudas, Hannu, 2009.
    Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s
    Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes.
    Sat, 13 Dec 2008 01:46:49 -0800 (PST).
    10 pages.
    (mathematician <haporopu

    On Jan 14, 7:52 am, mathematician <hapor...@luukku.com> wrote:
    Testing some ancient time data points with extrapolated Pannella's
    fossil time data ---------------------------------------------------------------------------¬---------------------------------------------
    - näytä lainattu teksti -

    sci.bio.paleontology, sci.astro, sci.geo.geology, sci.physics,
    Sat, 13 Dec 2008, 10 pages.

    (I have drawn four extrapolated figures (0-1200 Ma, days/year, 0-4600
    Ma, days/year,
    0-1200 Ma days/month, 0-4600 Ma, days/month) but unfortunately they
    are not possible
    to give here due this text is in ASCII-format. I could send them via
    email by request.
    My email address:
    luukku.com )

    From: mathematician <hapo...@luukku.com>
    Newsgroups: sci.bio.paleontology,sci.astro,sci.geo.geology,sci.physics,sci.math Subject: Re: Testing some ancient time data points with extrapolated
    Pannella's fossil time data
    Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2009 22:19:37 -0800 (PST)
    Message-ID: <23d6c001-7a3b-4565-baba-d14d023297c5@r10g2000prf.googlegroups.com> References: <c91312bb-c2b7-4672-8f30-dbcdf1074662@f40g2000pri.googlegroups.com> NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2009 06:19:37 +0000 (UTC)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Hannu Poropudas@21:1/5 to Hannu Poropudas on Mon Jul 26 05:42:52 2021
    On Friday, July 17, 2020 at 10:55:43 AM UTC+3, Hannu Poropudas wrote:
    On Wednesday, July 1, 2020 at 8:13:10 PM UTC+3, hapor...@gmail.com wrote:
    I forget to mention one asumption which I have used: Earth's distance from the Sun have not significantly changed. This assumption I used when I made table of Earth's rotation rate (TABLE 4, -T/10^4,Hours/Day). Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas, Finland.
    TABLE 4, -T/10^4 centuries, Hour/Day is poorly visible in above, so I put this again here:
    (Author: Hannu K.J. Poropudas, Vesaisentie 9E,
    90900 Kiiminki, Finland, Date: 13.1.2009)
    Assumption: Distance between the Earth
    and the Sun has not changed significantly
    during Earth's life time (about 4550 Ma).
    Main intended area of use of these figures
    which are calculated from TABLE 2 is roughly
    about 0-2000 Ma.

    TABLE 4
    -T/10^4 Hours/Day
    0 24,03
    52,2 23,63
    52,2 23,39
    226,2 23,63
    276,9 22,98
    276,9 22,41
    335,6 22,27
    340,2 22,05
    340,2 21,91
    367,8 21,88
    367,8 21,67
    367,8 21,26
    394,5 21,88
    408,2 20,97
    429,4 21,69
    435,8 21,21
    445 20,67
    481,6 21,37
    481,6 21,17
    558,1 20,3
    655,6 21,37
    706,3 20,83
    706,3 20,36
    765 20,24
    769,6 20,06
    769,6 19,95
    797,2 19,92
    797,2 19,75
    797,2 19,41
    823,9 19,92
    837,6 19,16
    858,8 19,77
    865,2 19,37
    874,4 18,92
    911 19,5
    911 19,33
    987,5 18,61
    1085 19,5
    1135,7 19,05
    1135,7 18,66
    1194,4 18,56
    1199 18,41
    1199 18,31
    1226,6 18,29
    1226,6 18,14
    1226,6 17,86
    1253,3 18,29
    1267 17,65
    1288,2 18,16
    1294,6 17,82
    1303,8 17,44
    1340,4 17,93
    1340,4 17,79
    1416,9 17,17
    1514,4 17,93
    1565,1 17,55
    1565,1 17,21
    1623,8 17,13
    1628,4 17
    1628,4 16,92
    1656 16,9
    1656 16,78
    1656 16,53
    1682,7 16,9
    1696,4 16,35
    1717,6 16,79
    1724 16,5
    1733,2 16,17
    1769,8 16,59
    1769,8 16,47
    1846,3 15,95
    1943,8 16,59
    1994,5 16,27
    1994,5 15,98
    2053,2 15,91
    2057,8 15,8
    2057,8 15,72
    2085,4 15,71
    2085,4 15,6
    2085,4 15,39
    2112,1 15,71
    2125,8 15,23
    2147 15,61
    2153,4 15,36
    2162,6 15,08
    2199,2 15,44
    2199,2 15,34
    2275,7 14,88
    2373,2 15,44
    2423,9 15,16
    2423,9 14,91
    2482,6 14,85
    2487,2 14,75
    2487,2 14,69
    2514,8 14,68
    2514,8 14,58
    2514,8 14,4
    2541,5 14,68
    2555,2 14,26
    2576,4 14,59
    2582,8 14,37
    2592 14,12
    2628,6 14,44
    2628,6 14,35
    2705,1 13,95
    2802,6 14,44
    2853,3 14,2
    2853,3 13,98
    2912 13,92
    2916,6 13,84
    2916,6 13,78
    2944,2 13,77
    2944,2 13,69
    2944,2 13,52
    2970,9 13,77
    2984,6 13,4
    3005,8 13,69
    3012,2 13,5
    3021,4 13,28
    3058 13,56
    3058 13,48
    3134,5 13,13
    3232 13,56
    3282,7 13,35
    3282,7 13,15
    3341,4 13,1
    3346 13,03
    3346 12,98
    3373,6 12,97
    3373,6 12,89
    3373,6 12,75
    3400,3 12,97
    3414 12,64
    3435,2 12,9
    3441,6 12,73
    3450,8 12,53
    3487,4 12,79
    3487,4 12,71
    3563,9 12,4
    3661,4 12,79
    3712,1 12,59
    3712,1 12,42
    3770,8 12,38
    3775,4 12,31
    3775,4 12,26
    3803 12,25
    3803 12,19
    3803 12,06
    3829,7 12,25
    3843,4 11,96
    3864,6 12,2
    3871 12,04
    3880,2 11,87
    3916,8 12,09
    3916,8 12,03
    3993,3 11,74
    4090,8 12,09
    4141,5 11,92
    4141,5 11,76
    4200,2 11,72
    4204,8 11,66
    4204,8 11,62
    4232,4 11,62
    4232,4 11,56
    4232,4 11,44
    4259,1 11,62
    4272,8 11,35
    4294 11,56
    4300,4 11,43
    4309,6 11,27
    4346,2 11,47
    4346,2 11,41
    4422,7 11,16
    4520,2 11,47
    (4570,9 11,31
    4570,9 11,17
    4629,6 11,14
    4634,2 11,08
    4634,2 11,05
    4661,8 11,04
    4661,8 10,99
    4661,8 10,88
    4688,5 11,04
    4702,2 10,8
    4723,4 10,99
    4729,8 10,87
    4739 10,73
    4775,6 10,91
    4775,6 10,86
    4852,1 10,62
    4949,6 10,91)


    Poropudas, Hannu, 2009.
    Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s
    Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes.
    Sat, 13 Dec 2008 01:46:49 -0800 (PST).
    10 pages.
    (mathematician <haporopu

    Simple approximate calculation of the length of the cosmic year

    R0 = 7.92 +- 0.16 kpc ,(p. 50-15 / Table 3, power-law model).
    v0 = 227 km*s^(-1), (p. 50-16/Fig 6, p. 50-17), (no error estimation for simplicity).

    1 pc = 3.26 ly,
    1 ly = 9.460528436*10^15 m,

    R0 = 7.92 kpc = 7.92*3.26*10^3*9.460528436*10^15 m = 2.442632758*10^20 m, 2*Pi*R0 = 1.534751426*10^21 m,
    v0 = 227*10^3*m*s^(-1),

    T0 = 2*Pi*R0/v0, (simple circular motion approximation for the length of cosmic year).

    T0 = 1.534751426*10^21 / 227*10^3 s = 6.761019496*10^15 s =
    = 6.761019496*10^15 / (365.2422*24*60*60) yrs = 214248354.8 yrs =
    = approx. 214.25 Myrs.

    (simplified error estimates , if R0 = 8.08 kpc, T0 = 218576604.4 yrs = approx. 219 Myrs and
    if R0 = 7.76 kpc, T0 = 209920105.2 yrs = approx. 210 Myrs)


    VERA collaboration, Tomoya Hirota et al., 2020.
    The First VERA Astronomy Catalog.
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan (2020) 72 (4), 50 (1-19).
    (p. 50-15 / Table 3, power-law model), (p. 50-16/Fig 6, p. 50-17), (no error estimation for simplicity).

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas
    Kolamäentie 9E,
    90900 Oulu / Kiiminki

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Hannu Poropudas@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jul 19 01:10:53 2022
    maanantai 26. heinäkuuta 2021 klo 15.42.53 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    On Friday, July 17, 2020 at 10:55:43 AM UTC+3, Hannu Poropudas wrote:
    On Wednesday, July 1, 2020 at 8:13:10 PM UTC+3, hapor...@gmail.com wrote:
    I forget to mention one asumption which I have used: Earth's distance from the Sun have not significantly changed. This assumption I used when I made table of Earth's rotation rate (TABLE 4, -T/10^4,Hours/Day). Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas,
    TABLE 4, -T/10^4 centuries, Hour/Day is poorly visible in above, so I put this again here:
    (Author: Hannu K.J. Poropudas, Vesaisentie 9E,
    90900 Kiiminki, Finland, Date: 13.1.2009)
    Assumption: Distance between the Earth
    and the Sun has not changed significantly
    during Earth's life time (about 4550 Ma).
    Main intended area of use of these figures
    which are calculated from TABLE 2 is roughly
    about 0-2000 Ma.

    TABLE 4
    -T/10^4 Hours/Day
    0 24,03
    52,2 23,63
    52,2 23,39
    226,2 23,63
    276,9 22,98
    276,9 22,41
    335,6 22,27
    340,2 22,05
    340,2 21,91
    367,8 21,88
    367,8 21,67
    367,8 21,26
    394,5 21,88
    408,2 20,97
    429,4 21,69
    435,8 21,21
    445 20,67
    481,6 21,37
    481,6 21,17
    558,1 20,3
    655,6 21,37
    706,3 20,83
    706,3 20,36
    765 20,24
    769,6 20,06
    769,6 19,95
    797,2 19,92
    797,2 19,75
    797,2 19,41
    823,9 19,92
    837,6 19,16
    858,8 19,77
    865,2 19,37
    874,4 18,92
    911 19,5
    911 19,33
    987,5 18,61
    1085 19,5
    1135,7 19,05
    1135,7 18,66
    1194,4 18,56
    1199 18,41
    1199 18,31
    1226,6 18,29
    1226,6 18,14
    1226,6 17,86
    1253,3 18,29
    1267 17,65
    1288,2 18,16
    1294,6 17,82
    1303,8 17,44
    1340,4 17,93
    1340,4 17,79
    1416,9 17,17
    1514,4 17,93
    1565,1 17,55
    1565,1 17,21
    1623,8 17,13
    1628,4 17
    1628,4 16,92
    1656 16,9
    1656 16,78
    1656 16,53
    1682,7 16,9
    1696,4 16,35
    1717,6 16,79
    1724 16,5
    1733,2 16,17
    1769,8 16,59
    1769,8 16,47
    1846,3 15,95
    1943,8 16,59
    1994,5 16,27
    1994,5 15,98
    2053,2 15,91
    2057,8 15,8
    2057,8 15,72
    2085,4 15,71
    2085,4 15,6
    2085,4 15,39
    2112,1 15,71
    2125,8 15,23
    2147 15,61
    2153,4 15,36
    2162,6 15,08
    2199,2 15,44
    2199,2 15,34
    2275,7 14,88
    2373,2 15,44
    2423,9 15,16
    2423,9 14,91
    2482,6 14,85
    2487,2 14,75
    2487,2 14,69
    2514,8 14,68
    2514,8 14,58
    2514,8 14,4
    2541,5 14,68
    2555,2 14,26
    2576,4 14,59
    2582,8 14,37
    2592 14,12
    2628,6 14,44
    2628,6 14,35
    2705,1 13,95
    2802,6 14,44
    2853,3 14,2
    2853,3 13,98
    2912 13,92
    2916,6 13,84
    2916,6 13,78
    2944,2 13,77
    2944,2 13,69
    2944,2 13,52
    2970,9 13,77
    2984,6 13,4
    3005,8 13,69
    3012,2 13,5
    3021,4 13,28
    3058 13,56
    3058 13,48
    3134,5 13,13
    3232 13,56
    3282,7 13,35
    3282,7 13,15
    3341,4 13,1
    3346 13,03
    3346 12,98
    3373,6 12,97
    3373,6 12,89
    3373,6 12,75
    3400,3 12,97
    3414 12,64
    3435,2 12,9
    3441,6 12,73
    3450,8 12,53
    3487,4 12,79
    3487,4 12,71
    3563,9 12,4
    3661,4 12,79
    3712,1 12,59
    3712,1 12,42
    3770,8 12,38
    3775,4 12,31
    3775,4 12,26
    3803 12,25
    3803 12,19
    3803 12,06
    3829,7 12,25
    3843,4 11,96
    3864,6 12,2
    3871 12,04
    3880,2 11,87
    3916,8 12,09
    3916,8 12,03
    3993,3 11,74
    4090,8 12,09
    4141,5 11,92
    4141,5 11,76
    4200,2 11,72
    4204,8 11,66
    4204,8 11,62
    4232,4 11,62
    4232,4 11,56
    4232,4 11,44
    4259,1 11,62
    4272,8 11,35
    4294 11,56
    4300,4 11,43
    4309,6 11,27
    4346,2 11,47
    4346,2 11,41
    4422,7 11,16
    4520,2 11,47
    (4570,9 11,31
    4570,9 11,17
    4629,6 11,14
    4634,2 11,08
    4634,2 11,05
    4661,8 11,04
    4661,8 10,99
    4661,8 10,88
    4688,5 11,04
    4702,2 10,8
    4723,4 10,99
    4729,8 10,87
    4739 10,73
    4775,6 10,91
    4775,6 10,86
    4852,1 10,62
    4949,6 10,91)


    Poropudas, Hannu, 2009.
    Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s
    Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes.
    Sat, 13 Dec 2008 01:46:49 -0800 (PST).
    10 pages.
    (mathematician <haporopu
    Simple approximate calculation of the length of the cosmic year

    R0 = 7.92 +- 0.16 kpc ,(p. 50-15 / Table 3, power-law model).
    v0 = 227 km*s^(-1), (p. 50-16/Fig 6, p. 50-17), (no error estimation for simplicity).

    1 pc = 3.26 ly,
    1 ly = 9.460528436*10^15 m,

    R0 = 7.92 kpc = 7.92*3.26*10^3*9.460528436*10^15 m = 2.442632758*10^20 m, 2*Pi*R0 = 1.534751426*10^21 m,
    v0 = 227*10^3*m*s^(-1),

    T0 = 2*Pi*R0/v0, (simple circular motion approximation for the length of cosmic year).

    T0 = 1.534751426*10^21 / 227*10^3 s = 6.761019496*10^15 s =
    = 6.761019496*10^15 / (365.2422*24*60*60) yrs = 214248354.8 yrs =
    = approx. 214.25 Myrs.

    (simplified error estimates , if R0 = 8.08 kpc, T0 = 218576604.4 yrs = approx. 219 Myrs and
    if R0 = 7.76 kpc, T0 = 209920105.2 yrs = approx. 210 Myrs)


    VERA collaboration, Tomoya Hirota et al., 2020.
    The First VERA Astronomy Catalog.
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan (2020) 72 (4), 50 (1-19). (p. 50-15 / Table 3, power-law model), (p. 50-16/Fig 6, p. 50-17), (no error estimation for simplicity).

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas
    Kolamäentie 9E,
    90900 Oulu / Kiiminki

    One interesting reference about tidal foresets from the 3200 Ma old Moodies Group:

    Eriksson, K. A., Simpson, E.L., 2000.
    Quantifying the oldest tidal record: The 3.2 Ga Moodies Group,
    Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa.
    Geology; September 2000; v. 28; no. 9; p. 831-834; 5 figures.

    (This article is also available (pdf) in the net from writers Research net page).

    My result about 20-21 present solar days per present sideral month at Moodies Group time
    was mentioned as an example in my previous posting chain (Megacycles).

    Best Regards,
    Hannu Poropudas

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Hannu Poropudas@21:1/5 to All on Mon Dec 19 02:43:18 2022
    maanantai 26. heinäkuuta 2021 klo 15.42.53 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    On Friday, July 17, 2020 at 10:55:43 AM UTC+3, Hannu Poropudas wrote:
    On Wednesday, July 1, 2020 at 8:13:10 PM UTC+3, hapor...@gmail.com wrote:
    I forget to mention one asumption which I have used: Earth's distance from the Sun have not significantly changed. This assumption I used when I made table of Earth's rotation rate (TABLE 4, -T/10^4,Hours/Day). Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas,
    TABLE 4, -T/10^4 centuries, Hour/Day is poorly visible in above, so I put this again here:
    (Author: Hannu K.J. Poropudas, Vesaisentie 9E,
    90900 Kiiminki, Finland, Date: 13.1.2009)
    Assumption: Distance between the Earth
    and the Sun has not changed significantly
    during Earth's life time (about 4550 Ma).
    Main intended area of use of these figures
    which are calculated from TABLE 2 is roughly
    about 0-2000 Ma.

    TABLE 4
    -T/10^4 Hours/Day
    0 24,03
    52,2 23,63
    52,2 23,39
    226,2 23,63
    276,9 22,98
    276,9 22,41
    335,6 22,27
    340,2 22,05
    340,2 21,91
    367,8 21,88
    367,8 21,67
    367,8 21,26
    394,5 21,88
    408,2 20,97
    429,4 21,69
    435,8 21,21
    445 20,67
    481,6 21,37
    481,6 21,17
    558,1 20,3
    655,6 21,37
    706,3 20,83
    706,3 20,36
    765 20,24
    769,6 20,06
    769,6 19,95
    797,2 19,92
    797,2 19,75
    797,2 19,41
    823,9 19,92
    837,6 19,16
    858,8 19,77
    865,2 19,37
    874,4 18,92
    911 19,5
    911 19,33
    987,5 18,61
    1085 19,5
    1135,7 19,05
    1135,7 18,66
    1194,4 18,56
    1199 18,41
    1199 18,31
    1226,6 18,29
    1226,6 18,14
    1226,6 17,86
    1253,3 18,29
    1267 17,65
    1288,2 18,16
    1294,6 17,82
    1303,8 17,44
    1340,4 17,93
    1340,4 17,79
    1416,9 17,17
    1514,4 17,93
    1565,1 17,55
    1565,1 17,21
    1623,8 17,13
    1628,4 17
    1628,4 16,92
    1656 16,9
    1656 16,78
    1656 16,53
    1682,7 16,9
    1696,4 16,35
    1717,6 16,79
    1724 16,5
    1733,2 16,17
    1769,8 16,59
    1769,8 16,47
    1846,3 15,95
    1943,8 16,59
    1994,5 16,27
    1994,5 15,98
    2053,2 15,91
    2057,8 15,8
    2057,8 15,72
    2085,4 15,71
    2085,4 15,6
    2085,4 15,39
    2112,1 15,71
    2125,8 15,23
    2147 15,61
    2153,4 15,36
    2162,6 15,08
    2199,2 15,44
    2199,2 15,34
    2275,7 14,88
    2373,2 15,44
    2423,9 15,16
    2423,9 14,91
    2482,6 14,85
    2487,2 14,75
    2487,2 14,69
    2514,8 14,68
    2514,8 14,58
    2514,8 14,4
    2541,5 14,68
    2555,2 14,26
    2576,4 14,59
    2582,8 14,37
    2592 14,12
    2628,6 14,44
    2628,6 14,35
    2705,1 13,95
    2802,6 14,44
    2853,3 14,2
    2853,3 13,98
    2912 13,92
    2916,6 13,84
    2916,6 13,78
    2944,2 13,77
    2944,2 13,69
    2944,2 13,52
    2970,9 13,77
    2984,6 13,4
    3005,8 13,69
    3012,2 13,5
    3021,4 13,28
    3058 13,56
    3058 13,48
    3134,5 13,13
    3232 13,56
    3282,7 13,35
    3282,7 13,15
    3341,4 13,1
    3346 13,03
    3346 12,98
    3373,6 12,97
    3373,6 12,89
    3373,6 12,75
    3400,3 12,97
    3414 12,64
    3435,2 12,9
    3441,6 12,73
    3450,8 12,53
    3487,4 12,79
    3487,4 12,71
    3563,9 12,4
    3661,4 12,79
    3712,1 12,59
    3712,1 12,42
    3770,8 12,38
    3775,4 12,31
    3775,4 12,26
    3803 12,25
    3803 12,19
    3803 12,06
    3829,7 12,25
    3843,4 11,96
    3864,6 12,2
    3871 12,04
    3880,2 11,87
    3916,8 12,09
    3916,8 12,03
    3993,3 11,74
    4090,8 12,09
    4141,5 11,92
    4141,5 11,76
    4200,2 11,72
    4204,8 11,66
    4204,8 11,62
    4232,4 11,62
    4232,4 11,56
    4232,4 11,44
    4259,1 11,62
    4272,8 11,35
    4294 11,56
    4300,4 11,43
    4309,6 11,27
    4346,2 11,47
    4346,2 11,41
    4422,7 11,16
    4520,2 11,47
    (4570,9 11,31
    4570,9 11,17
    4629,6 11,14
    4634,2 11,08
    4634,2 11,05
    4661,8 11,04
    4661,8 10,99
    4661,8 10,88
    4688,5 11,04
    4702,2 10,8
    4723,4 10,99
    4729,8 10,87
    4739 10,73
    4775,6 10,91
    4775,6 10,86
    4852,1 10,62
    4949,6 10,91)


    Poropudas, Hannu, 2009.
    Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s
    Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes.
    Sat, 13 Dec 2008 01:46:49 -0800 (PST).
    10 pages.
    (mathematician <haporopu
    Simple approximate calculation of the length of the cosmic year

    R0 = 7.92 +- 0.16 kpc ,(p. 50-15 / Table 3, power-law model).
    v0 = 227 km*s^(-1), (p. 50-16/Fig 6, p. 50-17), (no error estimation for simplicity).

    1 pc = 3.26 ly,
    1 ly = 9.460528436*10^15 m,

    R0 = 7.92 kpc = 7.92*3.26*10^3*9.460528436*10^15 m = 2.442632758*10^20 m, 2*Pi*R0 = 1.534751426*10^21 m,
    v0 = 227*10^3*m*s^(-1),

    T0 = 2*Pi*R0/v0, (simple circular motion approximation for the length of cosmic year).

    T0 = 1.534751426*10^21 / 227*10^3 s = 6.761019496*10^15 s =
    = 6.761019496*10^15 / (365.2422*24*60*60) yrs = 214248354.8 yrs =
    = approx. 214.25 Myrs.

    (simplified error estimates , if R0 = 8.08 kpc, T0 = 218576604.4 yrs = approx. 219 Myrs and
    if R0 = 7.76 kpc, T0 = 209920105.2 yrs = approx. 210 Myrs)


    VERA collaboration, Tomoya Hirota et al., 2020.
    The First VERA Astronomy Catalog.
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan (2020) 72 (4), 50 (1-19). (p. 50-15 / Table 3, power-law model), (p. 50-16/Fig 6, p. 50-17), (no error estimation for simplicity).

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas
    Kolamäentie 9E,
    90900 Oulu / Kiiminki


    One very brave strange speculation of mine about time-dimension of the whole space:

    If I speculate that whole space would be a kind of "mega-galaxy",
    then I would speculate that this "mega-galaxy" has a center (inside black hole, "H-M's big ball" and "H-M's color-forces center planet" instead of singularity).
    This would be the origin of time dimension of the whole space.

    Time-dimension would be formed from a "frozen time-wave",
    which consists two kind of direction of flow of time,
    one direction forwards time and other backwards of time.
    (this speculation of mine is similar than H-M's color drawing of a black hole, which is public visible in my Hannu Poropudas Facebook Page.)

    Period of this "frozen time-wave" would have the period of above
    "Megacycles" articles of mine mentioned period of megacycles about
    429.4 million years, which is my brave strange speculation in this case.

    Ofcourse existence of megacycle about 429.4 million years
    must be observed also in geology of other planets and also properties (redshifts?)
    in whole space before this period 429.4 million years of speculation could be true?

    Best Regards,
    Hannu Poropudas, Kolamäentie 9E, 90900 Kiiminki / Oulu, Finland.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Hannu Poropudas@21:1/5 to All on Wed Dec 21 00:38:29 2022
    maanantai 19. joulukuuta 2022 klo 12.43.20 UTC+2 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    maanantai 26. heinäkuuta 2021 klo 15.42.53 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    On Friday, July 17, 2020 at 10:55:43 AM UTC+3, Hannu Poropudas wrote:
    On Wednesday, July 1, 2020 at 8:13:10 PM UTC+3, hapor...@gmail.com wrote:
    I forget to mention one asumption which I have used: Earth's distance from the Sun have not significantly changed. This assumption I used when I made table of Earth's rotation rate (TABLE 4, -T/10^4,Hours/Day). Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas,
    TABLE 4, -T/10^4 centuries, Hour/Day is poorly visible in above, so I put this again here:
    (Author: Hannu K.J. Poropudas, Vesaisentie 9E,
    90900 Kiiminki, Finland, Date: 13.1.2009)
    Assumption: Distance between the Earth
    and the Sun has not changed significantly
    during Earth's life time (about 4550 Ma).
    Main intended area of use of these figures
    which are calculated from TABLE 2 is roughly
    about 0-2000 Ma.

    TABLE 4
    -T/10^4 Hours/Day
    0 24,03
    52,2 23,63
    52,2 23,39
    226,2 23,63
    276,9 22,98
    276,9 22,41
    335,6 22,27
    340,2 22,05
    340,2 21,91
    367,8 21,88
    367,8 21,67
    367,8 21,26
    394,5 21,88
    408,2 20,97
    429,4 21,69
    435,8 21,21
    445 20,67
    481,6 21,37
    481,6 21,17
    558,1 20,3
    655,6 21,37
    706,3 20,83
    706,3 20,36
    765 20,24
    769,6 20,06
    769,6 19,95
    797,2 19,92
    797,2 19,75
    797,2 19,41
    823,9 19,92
    837,6 19,16
    858,8 19,77
    865,2 19,37
    874,4 18,92
    911 19,5
    911 19,33
    987,5 18,61
    1085 19,5
    1135,7 19,05
    1135,7 18,66
    1194,4 18,56
    1199 18,41
    1199 18,31
    1226,6 18,29
    1226,6 18,14
    1226,6 17,86
    1253,3 18,29
    1267 17,65
    1288,2 18,16
    1294,6 17,82
    1303,8 17,44
    1340,4 17,93
    1340,4 17,79
    1416,9 17,17
    1514,4 17,93
    1565,1 17,55
    1565,1 17,21
    1623,8 17,13
    1628,4 17
    1628,4 16,92
    1656 16,9
    1656 16,78
    1656 16,53
    1682,7 16,9
    1696,4 16,35
    1717,6 16,79
    1724 16,5
    1733,2 16,17
    1769,8 16,59
    1769,8 16,47
    1846,3 15,95
    1943,8 16,59
    1994,5 16,27
    1994,5 15,98
    2053,2 15,91
    2057,8 15,8
    2057,8 15,72
    2085,4 15,71
    2085,4 15,6
    2085,4 15,39
    2112,1 15,71
    2125,8 15,23
    2147 15,61
    2153,4 15,36
    2162,6 15,08
    2199,2 15,44
    2199,2 15,34
    2275,7 14,88
    2373,2 15,44
    2423,9 15,16
    2423,9 14,91
    2482,6 14,85
    2487,2 14,75
    2487,2 14,69
    2514,8 14,68
    2514,8 14,58
    2514,8 14,4
    2541,5 14,68
    2555,2 14,26
    2576,4 14,59
    2582,8 14,37
    2592 14,12
    2628,6 14,44
    2628,6 14,35
    2705,1 13,95
    2802,6 14,44
    2853,3 14,2
    2853,3 13,98
    2912 13,92
    2916,6 13,84
    2916,6 13,78
    2944,2 13,77
    2944,2 13,69
    2944,2 13,52
    2970,9 13,77
    2984,6 13,4
    3005,8 13,69
    3012,2 13,5
    3021,4 13,28
    3058 13,56
    3058 13,48
    3134,5 13,13
    3232 13,56
    3282,7 13,35
    3282,7 13,15
    3341,4 13,1
    3346 13,03
    3346 12,98
    3373,6 12,97
    3373,6 12,89
    3373,6 12,75
    3400,3 12,97
    3414 12,64
    3435,2 12,9
    3441,6 12,73
    3450,8 12,53
    3487,4 12,79
    3487,4 12,71
    3563,9 12,4
    3661,4 12,79
    3712,1 12,59
    3712,1 12,42
    3770,8 12,38
    3775,4 12,31
    3775,4 12,26
    3803 12,25
    3803 12,19
    3803 12,06
    3829,7 12,25
    3843,4 11,96
    3864,6 12,2
    3871 12,04
    3880,2 11,87
    3916,8 12,09
    3916,8 12,03
    3993,3 11,74
    4090,8 12,09
    4141,5 11,92
    4141,5 11,76
    4200,2 11,72
    4204,8 11,66
    4204,8 11,62
    4232,4 11,62
    4232,4 11,56
    4232,4 11,44
    4259,1 11,62
    4272,8 11,35
    4294 11,56
    4300,4 11,43
    4309,6 11,27
    4346,2 11,47
    4346,2 11,41
    4422,7 11,16
    4520,2 11,47
    (4570,9 11,31
    4570,9 11,17
    4629,6 11,14
    4634,2 11,08
    4634,2 11,05
    4661,8 11,04
    4661,8 10,99
    4661,8 10,88
    4688,5 11,04
    4702,2 10,8
    4723,4 10,99
    4729,8 10,87
    4739 10,73
    4775,6 10,91
    4775,6 10,86
    4852,1 10,62
    4949,6 10,91)


    Poropudas, Hannu, 2009.
    Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s
    Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes. <533c8763-511e-4ec6-a69e-8f3f1e5d1591
    Sat, 13 Dec 2008 01:46:49 -0800 (PST).
    10 pages.
    (mathematician <haporopu
    Simple approximate calculation of the length of the cosmic year

    R0 = 7.92 +- 0.16 kpc ,(p. 50-15 / Table 3, power-law model).
    v0 = 227 km*s^(-1), (p. 50-16/Fig 6, p. 50-17), (no error estimation for simplicity).

    1 pc = 3.26 ly,
    1 ly = 9.460528436*10^15 m,

    R0 = 7.92 kpc = 7.92*3.26*10^3*9.460528436*10^15 m = 2.442632758*10^20 m, 2*Pi*R0 = 1.534751426*10^21 m,
    v0 = 227*10^3*m*s^(-1),

    T0 = 2*Pi*R0/v0, (simple circular motion approximation for the length of cosmic year).

    T0 = 1.534751426*10^21 / 227*10^3 s = 6.761019496*10^15 s =
    = 6.761019496*10^15 / (365.2422*24*60*60) yrs = 214248354.8 yrs =
    = approx. 214.25 Myrs.

    (simplified error estimates , if R0 = 8.08 kpc, T0 = 218576604.4 yrs = approx. 219 Myrs and
    if R0 = 7.76 kpc, T0 = 209920105.2 yrs = approx. 210 Myrs)


    VERA collaboration, Tomoya Hirota et al., 2020.
    The First VERA Astronomy Catalog.
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan (2020) 72 (4), 50 (1-19).
    (p. 50-15 / Table 3, power-law model), (p. 50-16/Fig 6, p. 50-17), (no error estimation for simplicity).

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas
    Kolamäentie 9E,
    90900 Oulu / Kiiminki

    One very brave strange speculation of mine about time-dimension of the whole space:

    If I speculate that whole space would be a kind of "mega-galaxy",
    then I would speculate that this "mega-galaxy" has a center (inside black hole,
    "H-M's big ball" and "H-M's color-forces center planet" instead of singularity).
    This would be the origin of time dimension of the whole space.

    Time-dimension would be formed from a "frozen time-wave",
    which consists two kind of direction of flow of time,
    one direction forwards time and other backwards of time.
    (this speculation of mine is similar than H-M's color drawing of a black hole,
    which is public visible in my Hannu Poropudas Facebook Page.)

    Period of this "frozen time-wave" would have the period of above "Megacycles" articles of mine mentioned period of megacycles about
    429.4 million years, which is my brave strange speculation in this case.

    Ofcourse existence of megacycle about 429.4 million years
    must be observed also in geology of other planets and also properties (redshifts?)
    in whole space before this period 429.4 million years of speculation could be true?

    Best Regards,
    Hannu Poropudas, Kolamäentie 9E, 90900 Kiiminki / Oulu, Finland.


    "mega-galaxy" -> "metagalaxy"


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Hannu Poropudas@21:1/5 to All on Thu Dec 22 00:08:46 2022
    torstai 22. joulukuuta 2022 klo 9.57.20 UTC+2 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    keskiviikko 21. joulukuuta 2022 klo 10.38.31 UTC+2 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    maanantai 19. joulukuuta 2022 klo 12.43.20 UTC+2 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    maanantai 26. heinäkuuta 2021 klo 15.42.53 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    On Friday, July 17, 2020 at 10:55:43 AM UTC+3, Hannu Poropudas wrote:
    On Wednesday, July 1, 2020 at 8:13:10 PM UTC+3, hapor...@gmail.com wrote:
    I forget to mention one asumption which I have used: Earth's distance from the Sun have not significantly changed. This assumption I used when I made table of Earth's rotation rate (TABLE 4, -T/10^4,Hours/Day). Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas,
    TABLE 4, -T/10^4 centuries, Hour/Day is poorly visible in above, so I put this again here:
    (Author: Hannu K.J. Poropudas, Vesaisentie 9E,
    90900 Kiiminki, Finland, Date: 13.1.2009)
    Assumption: Distance between the Earth
    and the Sun has not changed significantly
    during Earth's life time (about 4550 Ma).
    Main intended area of use of these figures
    which are calculated from TABLE 2 is roughly
    about 0-2000 Ma.

    TABLE 4
    -T/10^4 Hours/Day
    0 24,03
    52,2 23,63
    52,2 23,39
    226,2 23,63
    276,9 22,98
    276,9 22,41
    335,6 22,27
    340,2 22,05
    340,2 21,91
    367,8 21,88
    367,8 21,67
    367,8 21,26
    394,5 21,88
    408,2 20,97
    429,4 21,69
    435,8 21,21
    445 20,67
    481,6 21,37
    481,6 21,17
    558,1 20,3
    655,6 21,37
    706,3 20,83
    706,3 20,36
    765 20,24
    769,6 20,06
    769,6 19,95
    797,2 19,92
    797,2 19,75
    797,2 19,41
    823,9 19,92
    837,6 19,16
    858,8 19,77
    865,2 19,37
    874,4 18,92
    911 19,5
    911 19,33
    987,5 18,61
    1085 19,5
    1135,7 19,05
    1135,7 18,66
    1194,4 18,56
    1199 18,41
    1199 18,31
    1226,6 18,29
    1226,6 18,14
    1226,6 17,86
    1253,3 18,29
    1267 17,65
    1288,2 18,16
    1294,6 17,82
    1303,8 17,44
    1340,4 17,93
    1340,4 17,79
    1416,9 17,17
    1514,4 17,93
    1565,1 17,55
    1565,1 17,21
    1623,8 17,13
    1628,4 17
    1628,4 16,92
    1656 16,9
    1656 16,78
    1656 16,53
    1682,7 16,9
    1696,4 16,35
    1717,6 16,79
    1724 16,5
    1733,2 16,17
    1769,8 16,59
    1769,8 16,47
    1846,3 15,95
    1943,8 16,59
    1994,5 16,27
    1994,5 15,98
    2053,2 15,91
    2057,8 15,8
    2057,8 15,72
    2085,4 15,71
    2085,4 15,6
    2085,4 15,39
    2112,1 15,71
    2125,8 15,23
    2147 15,61
    2153,4 15,36
    2162,6 15,08
    2199,2 15,44
    2199,2 15,34
    2275,7 14,88
    2373,2 15,44
    2423,9 15,16
    2423,9 14,91
    2482,6 14,85
    2487,2 14,75
    2487,2 14,69
    2514,8 14,68
    2514,8 14,58
    2514,8 14,4
    2541,5 14,68
    2555,2 14,26
    2576,4 14,59
    2582,8 14,37
    2592 14,12
    2628,6 14,44
    2628,6 14,35
    2705,1 13,95
    2802,6 14,44
    2853,3 14,2
    2853,3 13,98
    2912 13,92
    2916,6 13,84
    2916,6 13,78
    2944,2 13,77
    2944,2 13,69
    2944,2 13,52
    2970,9 13,77
    2984,6 13,4
    3005,8 13,69
    3012,2 13,5
    3021,4 13,28
    3058 13,56
    3058 13,48
    3134,5 13,13
    3232 13,56
    3282,7 13,35
    3282,7 13,15
    3341,4 13,1
    3346 13,03
    3346 12,98
    3373,6 12,97
    3373,6 12,89
    3373,6 12,75
    3400,3 12,97
    3414 12,64
    3435,2 12,9
    3441,6 12,73
    3450,8 12,53
    3487,4 12,79
    3487,4 12,71
    3563,9 12,4
    3661,4 12,79
    3712,1 12,59
    3712,1 12,42
    3770,8 12,38
    3775,4 12,31
    3775,4 12,26
    3803 12,25
    3803 12,19
    3803 12,06
    3829,7 12,25
    3843,4 11,96
    3864,6 12,2
    3871 12,04
    3880,2 11,87
    3916,8 12,09
    3916,8 12,03
    3993,3 11,74
    4090,8 12,09
    4141,5 11,92
    4141,5 11,76
    4200,2 11,72
    4204,8 11,66
    4204,8 11,62
    4232,4 11,62
    4232,4 11,56
    4232,4 11,44
    4259,1 11,62
    4272,8 11,35
    4294 11,56
    4300,4 11,43
    4309,6 11,27
    4346,2 11,47
    4346,2 11,41
    4422,7 11,16
    4520,2 11,47
    (4570,9 11,31
    4570,9 11,17
    4629,6 11,14
    4634,2 11,08
    4634,2 11,05
    4661,8 11,04
    4661,8 10,99
    4661,8 10,88
    4688,5 11,04
    4702,2 10,8
    4723,4 10,99
    4729,8 10,87
    4739 10,73
    4775,6 10,91
    4775,6 10,86
    4852,1 10,62
    4949,6 10,91)


    Poropudas, Hannu, 2009.
    Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s
    Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes. <533c8763-511e-4ec6-a69e-8f3f1e5d1591
    Sat, 13 Dec 2008 01:46:49 -0800 (PST).
    10 pages.
    (sci.bio.paleontology,sci.astro,sci.geo.geology, sci.physics,sci.math)
    (mathematician <haporopu
    Simple approximate calculation of the length of the cosmic year

    R0 = 7.92 +- 0.16 kpc ,(p. 50-15 / Table 3, power-law model).
    v0 = 227 km*s^(-1), (p. 50-16/Fig 6, p. 50-17), (no error estimation for simplicity).

    1 pc = 3.26 ly,
    1 ly = 9.460528436*10^15 m,

    R0 = 7.92 kpc = 7.92*3.26*10^3*9.460528436*10^15 m = 2.442632758*10^20 m,
    2*Pi*R0 = 1.534751426*10^21 m,
    v0 = 227*10^3*m*s^(-1),

    T0 = 2*Pi*R0/v0, (simple circular motion approximation for the length of cosmic year).

    T0 = 1.534751426*10^21 / 227*10^3 s = 6.761019496*10^15 s =
    = 6.761019496*10^15 / (365.2422*24*60*60) yrs = 214248354.8 yrs =
    = approx. 214.25 Myrs.

    (simplified error estimates , if R0 = 8.08 kpc, T0 = 218576604.4 yrs = approx. 219 Myrs and
    if R0 = 7.76 kpc, T0 = 209920105.2 yrs = approx. 210 Myrs)


    VERA collaboration, Tomoya Hirota et al., 2020.
    The First VERA Astronomy Catalog.
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan (2020) 72 (4), 50 (1-19).
    (p. 50-15 / Table 3, power-law model), (p. 50-16/Fig 6, p. 50-17), (no error estimation for simplicity).

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas
    Kolamäentie 9E,
    90900 Oulu / Kiiminki

    One very brave strange speculation of mine about time-dimension of the whole space:

    If I speculate that whole space would be a kind of "mega-galaxy",
    then I would speculate that this "mega-galaxy" has a center (inside black hole,
    "H-M's big ball" and "H-M's color-forces center planet" instead of singularity).
    This would be the origin of time dimension of the whole space.

    Time-dimension would be formed from a "frozen time-wave",
    which consists two kind of direction of flow of time,
    one direction forwards time and other backwards of time.
    (this speculation of mine is similar than H-M's color drawing of a black hole,
    which is public visible in my Hannu Poropudas Facebook Page.)

    Period of this "frozen time-wave" would have the period of above "Megacycles" articles of mine mentioned period of megacycles about
    429.4 million years, which is my brave strange speculation in this case.

    Ofcourse existence of megacycle about 429.4 million years
    must be observed also in geology of other planets and also properties (redshifts?)
    in whole space before this period 429.4 million years of speculation could be true?

    Best Regards,
    Hannu Poropudas, Kolamäentie 9E, 90900 Kiiminki / Oulu, Finland.

    "mega-galaxy" -> "metagalaxy"

    (everything should be tested to see if these are true):

    I have thought this "metagalaxy" and "time-wave" more closely:

    I think that only observable physical phenomena for " time-wave"
    could be such that this "time-wave" goes though all matter in "metagalaxy" periodically of cycles of 429.4 million years (this period is my guess) and "forwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave" would not have any significant
    effect to physical matter but "backwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave"
    could have some kind of warming effect interiors of planets,
    like Earth, Venus, Mars for example,
    which could increase VOLCANISM in those planets ?

    In H-M's black hole (also galaxy as I have undestood) drawing
    "time-wave" have (freezed?) cycles of oscillation of 100000-300000 years.
    I do not know that would this second limit 300000 years period
    be related to second kind on "H-M's 8/8 single cut diamod" shaped
    "creation stone of the Universe" due she has drawn
    two different kind of "H-M's 8/8 single cut diamond"
    shaped "creation stone of the Universe" on one of her drawing
    (both drawings are also public in Hannu Poropudas Facebook ).

    As I look large-scale structure maps of the Universe, I have poorly understood
    that "large void" areas could be those "backwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave"
    and "supercluster" areas could be those "forwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave"?

    As I look Planck-Satellite 2013 results of cosmic backround radiation temperature
    distribution maps, I see those "cold spots" and "warm spots" which I know both to be "light cones". And "warm spots" of these two are closer to the Big Bang start.
    I have also poorly understood that these spots corresponds to present
    size of "superclusters" and maybe (?) also present size of "large voids"?

    OPEN QUESTION: Is our Universe much larger that we have ever expected due these
    "hidden" cycle periods of 429.4 million years (my own guess) of time flow, if so, this would then look like structure of "pearls on ribbon"
    each "pearl on ribbon" would correspond to a "metagalaxy" and
    time-flow slice of 429.4 million years (my own guess)?

    What we know (not much) presently about geology (VOLGANISM)
    of Venus and Mars:

    1. NASA's Magellan spacegraft mission discovered that
    Venus has a geologically young surface with a relatively uniform age of 500+-200 Ma (million years).

    Geodynamics of Venus (Wikipedia 21.12.2022).

    2. The Ages of Mars (Ga=billion years):
    Pre-Noachian 4.5-4.1 Ga,
    Noachian 4.1-3.7 Ga,
    Hesperian 3.7-2.9 Ga,
    Amazonian 2.9 Ga - present.

    Last Update 1 September 2019.

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas

    CORRECTION TO THE NET ADDRESS: https://sci.esa.int/web/mars-express/-/55481-the-ages-of-mars

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Hannu Poropudas@21:1/5 to All on Thu Dec 22 00:03:14 2022
    torstai 22. joulukuuta 2022 klo 9.57.20 UTC+2 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    keskiviikko 21. joulukuuta 2022 klo 10.38.31 UTC+2 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    maanantai 19. joulukuuta 2022 klo 12.43.20 UTC+2 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    maanantai 26. heinäkuuta 2021 klo 15.42.53 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    On Friday, July 17, 2020 at 10:55:43 AM UTC+3, Hannu Poropudas wrote:
    On Wednesday, July 1, 2020 at 8:13:10 PM UTC+3, hapor...@gmail.com wrote:
    I forget to mention one asumption which I have used: Earth's distance from the Sun have not significantly changed. This assumption I used when I made table of Earth's rotation rate (TABLE 4, -T/10^4,Hours/Day). Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas,
    TABLE 4, -T/10^4 centuries, Hour/Day is poorly visible in above, so I put this again here:
    (Author: Hannu K.J. Poropudas, Vesaisentie 9E,
    90900 Kiiminki, Finland, Date: 13.1.2009)
    Assumption: Distance between the Earth
    and the Sun has not changed significantly
    during Earth's life time (about 4550 Ma).
    Main intended area of use of these figures
    which are calculated from TABLE 2 is roughly
    about 0-2000 Ma.

    TABLE 4
    -T/10^4 Hours/Day
    0 24,03
    52,2 23,63
    52,2 23,39
    226,2 23,63
    276,9 22,98
    276,9 22,41
    335,6 22,27
    340,2 22,05
    340,2 21,91
    367,8 21,88
    367,8 21,67
    367,8 21,26
    394,5 21,88
    408,2 20,97
    429,4 21,69
    435,8 21,21
    445 20,67
    481,6 21,37
    481,6 21,17
    558,1 20,3
    655,6 21,37
    706,3 20,83
    706,3 20,36
    765 20,24
    769,6 20,06
    769,6 19,95
    797,2 19,92
    797,2 19,75
    797,2 19,41
    823,9 19,92
    837,6 19,16
    858,8 19,77
    865,2 19,37
    874,4 18,92
    911 19,5
    911 19,33
    987,5 18,61
    1085 19,5
    1135,7 19,05
    1135,7 18,66
    1194,4 18,56
    1199 18,41
    1199 18,31
    1226,6 18,29
    1226,6 18,14
    1226,6 17,86
    1253,3 18,29
    1267 17,65
    1288,2 18,16
    1294,6 17,82
    1303,8 17,44
    1340,4 17,93
    1340,4 17,79
    1416,9 17,17
    1514,4 17,93
    1565,1 17,55
    1565,1 17,21
    1623,8 17,13
    1628,4 17
    1628,4 16,92
    1656 16,9
    1656 16,78
    1656 16,53
    1682,7 16,9
    1696,4 16,35
    1717,6 16,79
    1724 16,5
    1733,2 16,17
    1769,8 16,59
    1769,8 16,47
    1846,3 15,95
    1943,8 16,59
    1994,5 16,27
    1994,5 15,98
    2053,2 15,91
    2057,8 15,8
    2057,8 15,72
    2085,4 15,71
    2085,4 15,6
    2085,4 15,39
    2112,1 15,71
    2125,8 15,23
    2147 15,61
    2153,4 15,36
    2162,6 15,08
    2199,2 15,44
    2199,2 15,34
    2275,7 14,88
    2373,2 15,44
    2423,9 15,16
    2423,9 14,91
    2482,6 14,85
    2487,2 14,75
    2487,2 14,69
    2514,8 14,68
    2514,8 14,58
    2514,8 14,4
    2541,5 14,68
    2555,2 14,26
    2576,4 14,59
    2582,8 14,37
    2592 14,12
    2628,6 14,44
    2628,6 14,35
    2705,1 13,95
    2802,6 14,44
    2853,3 14,2
    2853,3 13,98
    2912 13,92
    2916,6 13,84
    2916,6 13,78
    2944,2 13,77
    2944,2 13,69
    2944,2 13,52
    2970,9 13,77
    2984,6 13,4
    3005,8 13,69
    3012,2 13,5
    3021,4 13,28
    3058 13,56
    3058 13,48
    3134,5 13,13
    3232 13,56
    3282,7 13,35
    3282,7 13,15
    3341,4 13,1
    3346 13,03
    3346 12,98
    3373,6 12,97
    3373,6 12,89
    3373,6 12,75
    3400,3 12,97
    3414 12,64
    3435,2 12,9
    3441,6 12,73
    3450,8 12,53
    3487,4 12,79
    3487,4 12,71
    3563,9 12,4
    3661,4 12,79
    3712,1 12,59
    3712,1 12,42
    3770,8 12,38
    3775,4 12,31
    3775,4 12,26
    3803 12,25
    3803 12,19
    3803 12,06
    3829,7 12,25
    3843,4 11,96
    3864,6 12,2
    3871 12,04
    3880,2 11,87
    3916,8 12,09
    3916,8 12,03
    3993,3 11,74
    4090,8 12,09
    4141,5 11,92
    4141,5 11,76
    4200,2 11,72
    4204,8 11,66
    4204,8 11,62
    4232,4 11,62
    4232,4 11,56
    4232,4 11,44
    4259,1 11,62
    4272,8 11,35
    4294 11,56
    4300,4 11,43
    4309,6 11,27
    4346,2 11,47
    4346,2 11,41
    4422,7 11,16
    4520,2 11,47
    (4570,9 11,31
    4570,9 11,17
    4629,6 11,14
    4634,2 11,08
    4634,2 11,05
    4661,8 11,04
    4661,8 10,99
    4661,8 10,88
    4688,5 11,04
    4702,2 10,8
    4723,4 10,99
    4729,8 10,87
    4739 10,73
    4775,6 10,91
    4775,6 10,86
    4852,1 10,62
    4949,6 10,91)


    Poropudas, Hannu, 2009.
    Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s
    Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes. <533c8763-511e-4ec6-a69e-8f3f1e5d1591
    Sat, 13 Dec 2008 01:46:49 -0800 (PST).
    10 pages.
    (sci.bio.paleontology,sci.astro,sci.geo.geology, sci.physics,sci.math)
    (mathematician <haporopu
    Simple approximate calculation of the length of the cosmic year

    R0 = 7.92 +- 0.16 kpc ,(p. 50-15 / Table 3, power-law model).
    v0 = 227 km*s^(-1), (p. 50-16/Fig 6, p. 50-17), (no error estimation for simplicity).

    1 pc = 3.26 ly,
    1 ly = 9.460528436*10^15 m,

    R0 = 7.92 kpc = 7.92*3.26*10^3*9.460528436*10^15 m = 2.442632758*10^20 m,
    2*Pi*R0 = 1.534751426*10^21 m,
    v0 = 227*10^3*m*s^(-1),

    T0 = 2*Pi*R0/v0, (simple circular motion approximation for the length of cosmic year).

    T0 = 1.534751426*10^21 / 227*10^3 s = 6.761019496*10^15 s =
    = 6.761019496*10^15 / (365.2422*24*60*60) yrs = 214248354.8 yrs =
    = approx. 214.25 Myrs.

    (simplified error estimates , if R0 = 8.08 kpc, T0 = 218576604.4 yrs = approx. 219 Myrs and
    if R0 = 7.76 kpc, T0 = 209920105.2 yrs = approx. 210 Myrs)


    VERA collaboration, Tomoya Hirota et al., 2020.
    The First VERA Astronomy Catalog.
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan (2020) 72 (4), 50 (1-19).
    (p. 50-15 / Table 3, power-law model), (p. 50-16/Fig 6, p. 50-17), (no error estimation for simplicity).

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas
    Kolamäentie 9E,
    90900 Oulu / Kiiminki

    One very brave strange speculation of mine about time-dimension of the whole space:

    If I speculate that whole space would be a kind of "mega-galaxy",
    then I would speculate that this "mega-galaxy" has a center (inside black hole,
    "H-M's big ball" and "H-M's color-forces center planet" instead of singularity).
    This would be the origin of time dimension of the whole space.

    Time-dimension would be formed from a "frozen time-wave",
    which consists two kind of direction of flow of time,
    one direction forwards time and other backwards of time.
    (this speculation of mine is similar than H-M's color drawing of a black hole,
    which is public visible in my Hannu Poropudas Facebook Page.)

    Period of this "frozen time-wave" would have the period of above "Megacycles" articles of mine mentioned period of megacycles about
    429.4 million years, which is my brave strange speculation in this case.

    Ofcourse existence of megacycle about 429.4 million years
    must be observed also in geology of other planets and also properties (redshifts?)
    in whole space before this period 429.4 million years of speculation could be true?

    Best Regards,
    Hannu Poropudas, Kolamäentie 9E, 90900 Kiiminki / Oulu, Finland.

    "mega-galaxy" -> "metagalaxy"

    (everything should be tested to see if these are true):

    I have thought this "metagalaxy" and "time-wave" more closely:

    I think that only observable physical phenomena for " time-wave"
    could be such that this "time-wave" goes though all matter in "metagalaxy" periodically of cycles of 429.4 million years (this period is my guess) and "forwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave" would not have any significant
    effect to physical matter but "backwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave"
    could have some kind of warming effect interiors of planets,
    like Earth, Venus, Mars for example,
    which could increase VOLCANISM in those planets ?

    In H-M's black hole (also galaxy as I have undestood) drawing
    "time-wave" have (freezed?) cycles of oscillation of 100000-300000 years.
    I do not know that would this second limit 300000 years period
    be related to second kind on "H-M's 8/8 single cut diamod" shaped
    "creation stone of the Universe" due she has drawn
    two different kind of "H-M's 8/8 single cut diamond"
    shaped "creation stone of the Universe" on one of her drawing
    (both drawings are also public in Hannu Poropudas Facebook ).

    As I look large-scale structure maps of the Universe, I have poorly understood
    that "large void" areas could be those "backwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave"
    and "supercluster" areas could be those "forwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave"?

    As I look Planck-Satellite 2013 results of cosmic backround radiation temperature
    distribution maps, I see those "cold spots" and "warm spots" which I know both to be "light cones". And "warm spots" of these two are closer to the Big Bang start.
    I have also poorly understood that these spots corresponds to present
    size of "superclusters" and maybe (?) also present size of "large voids"?

    OPEN QUESTION: Is our Universe much larger that we have ever expected due these
    "hidden" cycle periods of 429.4 million years (my own guess) of time flow, if so, this would then look like structure of "pearls on ribbon"
    each "pearl on ribbon" would correspond to a "metagalaxy" and
    time-flow slice of 429.4 million years (my own guess)?

    What we know (not much) presently about geology (VOLGANISM)
    of Venus and Mars:

    1. NASA's Magellan spacegraft mission discovered that
    Venus has a geologically young surface with a relatively uniform age of 500+-200 Ma (million years).

    Geodynamics of Venus (Wikipedia 21.12.2022).

    2. The Ages of Mars (Ga=billion years):
    Pre-Noachian 4.5-4.1 Ga,
    Noachian 4.1-3.7 Ga,
    Hesperian 3.7-2.9 Ga,
    Amazonian 2.9 Ga - present.

    Last Update 1 September 2019.

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Hannu Poropudas@21:1/5 to All on Wed Dec 21 23:57:18 2022
    keskiviikko 21. joulukuuta 2022 klo 10.38.31 UTC+2 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    maanantai 19. joulukuuta 2022 klo 12.43.20 UTC+2 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    maanantai 26. heinäkuuta 2021 klo 15.42.53 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    On Friday, July 17, 2020 at 10:55:43 AM UTC+3, Hannu Poropudas wrote:
    On Wednesday, July 1, 2020 at 8:13:10 PM UTC+3, hapor...@gmail.com wrote:
    I forget to mention one asumption which I have used: Earth's distance from the Sun have not significantly changed. This assumption I used when I made table of Earth's rotation rate (TABLE 4, -T/10^4,Hours/Day). Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas,
    TABLE 4, -T/10^4 centuries, Hour/Day is poorly visible in above, so I put this again here:
    (Author: Hannu K.J. Poropudas, Vesaisentie 9E,
    90900 Kiiminki, Finland, Date: 13.1.2009)
    Assumption: Distance between the Earth
    and the Sun has not changed significantly
    during Earth's life time (about 4550 Ma).
    Main intended area of use of these figures
    which are calculated from TABLE 2 is roughly
    about 0-2000 Ma.

    TABLE 4
    -T/10^4 Hours/Day
    0 24,03
    52,2 23,63
    52,2 23,39
    226,2 23,63
    276,9 22,98
    276,9 22,41
    335,6 22,27
    340,2 22,05
    340,2 21,91
    367,8 21,88
    367,8 21,67
    367,8 21,26
    394,5 21,88
    408,2 20,97
    429,4 21,69
    435,8 21,21
    445 20,67
    481,6 21,37
    481,6 21,17
    558,1 20,3
    655,6 21,37
    706,3 20,83
    706,3 20,36
    765 20,24
    769,6 20,06
    769,6 19,95
    797,2 19,92
    797,2 19,75
    797,2 19,41
    823,9 19,92
    837,6 19,16
    858,8 19,77
    865,2 19,37
    874,4 18,92
    911 19,5
    911 19,33
    987,5 18,61
    1085 19,5
    1135,7 19,05
    1135,7 18,66
    1194,4 18,56
    1199 18,41
    1199 18,31
    1226,6 18,29
    1226,6 18,14
    1226,6 17,86
    1253,3 18,29
    1267 17,65
    1288,2 18,16
    1294,6 17,82
    1303,8 17,44
    1340,4 17,93
    1340,4 17,79
    1416,9 17,17
    1514,4 17,93
    1565,1 17,55
    1565,1 17,21
    1623,8 17,13
    1628,4 17
    1628,4 16,92
    1656 16,9
    1656 16,78
    1656 16,53
    1682,7 16,9
    1696,4 16,35
    1717,6 16,79
    1724 16,5
    1733,2 16,17
    1769,8 16,59
    1769,8 16,47
    1846,3 15,95
    1943,8 16,59
    1994,5 16,27
    1994,5 15,98
    2053,2 15,91
    2057,8 15,8
    2057,8 15,72
    2085,4 15,71
    2085,4 15,6
    2085,4 15,39
    2112,1 15,71
    2125,8 15,23
    2147 15,61
    2153,4 15,36
    2162,6 15,08
    2199,2 15,44
    2199,2 15,34
    2275,7 14,88
    2373,2 15,44
    2423,9 15,16
    2423,9 14,91
    2482,6 14,85
    2487,2 14,75
    2487,2 14,69
    2514,8 14,68
    2514,8 14,58
    2514,8 14,4
    2541,5 14,68
    2555,2 14,26
    2576,4 14,59
    2582,8 14,37
    2592 14,12
    2628,6 14,44
    2628,6 14,35
    2705,1 13,95
    2802,6 14,44
    2853,3 14,2
    2853,3 13,98
    2912 13,92
    2916,6 13,84
    2916,6 13,78
    2944,2 13,77
    2944,2 13,69
    2944,2 13,52
    2970,9 13,77
    2984,6 13,4
    3005,8 13,69
    3012,2 13,5
    3021,4 13,28
    3058 13,56
    3058 13,48
    3134,5 13,13
    3232 13,56
    3282,7 13,35
    3282,7 13,15
    3341,4 13,1
    3346 13,03
    3346 12,98
    3373,6 12,97
    3373,6 12,89
    3373,6 12,75
    3400,3 12,97
    3414 12,64
    3435,2 12,9
    3441,6 12,73
    3450,8 12,53
    3487,4 12,79
    3487,4 12,71
    3563,9 12,4
    3661,4 12,79
    3712,1 12,59
    3712,1 12,42
    3770,8 12,38
    3775,4 12,31
    3775,4 12,26
    3803 12,25
    3803 12,19
    3803 12,06
    3829,7 12,25
    3843,4 11,96
    3864,6 12,2
    3871 12,04
    3880,2 11,87
    3916,8 12,09
    3916,8 12,03
    3993,3 11,74
    4090,8 12,09
    4141,5 11,92
    4141,5 11,76
    4200,2 11,72
    4204,8 11,66
    4204,8 11,62
    4232,4 11,62
    4232,4 11,56
    4232,4 11,44
    4259,1 11,62
    4272,8 11,35
    4294 11,56
    4300,4 11,43
    4309,6 11,27
    4346,2 11,47
    4346,2 11,41
    4422,7 11,16
    4520,2 11,47
    (4570,9 11,31
    4570,9 11,17
    4629,6 11,14
    4634,2 11,08
    4634,2 11,05
    4661,8 11,04
    4661,8 10,99
    4661,8 10,88
    4688,5 11,04
    4702,2 10,8
    4723,4 10,99
    4729,8 10,87
    4739 10,73
    4775,6 10,91
    4775,6 10,86
    4852,1 10,62
    4949,6 10,91)


    Poropudas, Hannu, 2009.
    Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s
    Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes. <533c8763-511e-4ec6-a69e-8f3f1e5d1591
    Sat, 13 Dec 2008 01:46:49 -0800 (PST).
    10 pages.
    (mathematician <haporopu
    Simple approximate calculation of the length of the cosmic year

    R0 = 7.92 +- 0.16 kpc ,(p. 50-15 / Table 3, power-law model).
    v0 = 227 km*s^(-1), (p. 50-16/Fig 6, p. 50-17), (no error estimation for simplicity).

    1 pc = 3.26 ly,
    1 ly = 9.460528436*10^15 m,

    R0 = 7.92 kpc = 7.92*3.26*10^3*9.460528436*10^15 m = 2.442632758*10^20 m,
    2*Pi*R0 = 1.534751426*10^21 m,
    v0 = 227*10^3*m*s^(-1),

    T0 = 2*Pi*R0/v0, (simple circular motion approximation for the length of cosmic year).

    T0 = 1.534751426*10^21 / 227*10^3 s = 6.761019496*10^15 s =
    = 6.761019496*10^15 / (365.2422*24*60*60) yrs = 214248354.8 yrs =
    = approx. 214.25 Myrs.

    (simplified error estimates , if R0 = 8.08 kpc, T0 = 218576604.4 yrs = approx. 219 Myrs and
    if R0 = 7.76 kpc, T0 = 209920105.2 yrs = approx. 210 Myrs)


    VERA collaboration, Tomoya Hirota et al., 2020.
    The First VERA Astronomy Catalog.
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan (2020) 72 (4), 50 (1-19).
    (p. 50-15 / Table 3, power-law model), (p. 50-16/Fig 6, p. 50-17), (no error estimation for simplicity).

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas
    Kolamäentie 9E,
    90900 Oulu / Kiiminki

    One very brave strange speculation of mine about time-dimension of the whole space:

    If I speculate that whole space would be a kind of "mega-galaxy",
    then I would speculate that this "mega-galaxy" has a center (inside black hole,
    "H-M's big ball" and "H-M's color-forces center planet" instead of singularity).
    This would be the origin of time dimension of the whole space.

    Time-dimension would be formed from a "frozen time-wave",
    which consists two kind of direction of flow of time,
    one direction forwards time and other backwards of time.
    (this speculation of mine is similar than H-M's color drawing of a black hole,
    which is public visible in my Hannu Poropudas Facebook Page.)

    Period of this "frozen time-wave" would have the period of above "Megacycles" articles of mine mentioned period of megacycles about
    429.4 million years, which is my brave strange speculation in this case.

    Ofcourse existence of megacycle about 429.4 million years
    must be observed also in geology of other planets and also properties (redshifts?)
    in whole space before this period 429.4 million years of speculation could be true?

    Best Regards,
    Hannu Poropudas, Kolamäentie 9E, 90900 Kiiminki / Oulu, Finland.

    "mega-galaxy" -> "metagalaxy"


    (everything should be tested to see if these are true):

    I have thought this "metagalaxy" and "time-wave" more closely:

    I think that only observable physical phenomena for " time-wave"
    could be such that this "time-wave" goes though all matter in "metagalaxy" periodically of cycles of 429.4 million years (this period is my guess) and "forwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave" would not have any significant
    effect to physical matter but "backwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave"
    could have some kind of warming effect interiors of planets,
    like Earth, Venus, Mars for example,
    which could increase VOLCANISM in those planets ?

    In H-M's black hole (also galaxy as I have undestood) drawing
    "time-wave" have (freezed?) cycles of oscillation of 100000-300000 years.
    I do not know that would this second limit 300000 years period
    be related to second kind on "H-M's 8/8 single cut diamod" shaped
    "creation stone of the Universe" due she has drawn
    two different kind of "H-M's 8/8 single cut diamond"
    shaped "creation stone of the Universe" on one of her drawing
    (both drawings are also public in Hannu Poropudas Facebook ).

    As I look large-scale structure maps of the Universe, I have poorly understood that "large void" areas could be those "backwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave"
    and "supercluster" areas could be those "forwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave"?

    As I look Planck-Satellite 2013 results of cosmic backround radiation temperature
    distribution maps, I see those "cold spots" and "warm spots" which I know
    both to be "light cones". And "warm spots" of these two are closer to the Big Bang start.
    I have also poorly understood that these spots corresponds to present
    size of "superclusters" and maybe (?) also present size of "large voids"?

    OPEN QUESTION: Is our Universe much larger that we have ever expected due these "hidden" cycle periods of 429.4 million years (my own guess) of time flow,
    if so, this would then look like structure of "pearls on ribbon"
    each "pearl on ribbon" would correspond to a "metagalaxy" and
    time-flow slice of 429.4 million years (my own guess)?

    What we know (not much) presently about geology (VOLGANISM)
    of Venus and Mars:

    1. NASA's Magellan spacegraft mission discovered that
    Venus has a geologically young surface with a relatively uniform age of 500+-200 Ma (million years).

    Geodynamics of Venus (Wikipedia 21.12.2022).

    2. The Ages of Mars (Ga=billion years):
    Pre-Noachian 4.5-4.1 Ga,
    Noachian 4.1-3.7 Ga,
    Hesperian 3.7-2.9 Ga,
    Amazonian 2.9 Ga - present.

    Last Update 1 September 2019.

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Hannu Poropudas@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jan 3 00:26:06 2023
    torstai 22. joulukuuta 2022 klo 9.57.20 UTC+2 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    keskiviikko 21. joulukuuta 2022 klo 10.38.31 UTC+2 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    maanantai 19. joulukuuta 2022 klo 12.43.20 UTC+2 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    maanantai 26. heinäkuuta 2021 klo 15.42.53 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    On Friday, July 17, 2020 at 10:55:43 AM UTC+3, Hannu Poropudas wrote:
    On Wednesday, July 1, 2020 at 8:13:10 PM UTC+3, hapor...@gmail.com wrote:
    I forget to mention one asumption which I have used: Earth's distance from the Sun have not significantly changed. This assumption I used when I made table of Earth's rotation rate (TABLE 4, -T/10^4,Hours/Day). Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas,
    TABLE 4, -T/10^4 centuries, Hour/Day is poorly visible in above, so I put this again here:
    (Author: Hannu K.J. Poropudas, Vesaisentie 9E,
    90900 Kiiminki, Finland, Date: 13.1.2009)
    Assumption: Distance between the Earth
    and the Sun has not changed significantly
    during Earth's life time (about 4550 Ma).
    Main intended area of use of these figures
    which are calculated from TABLE 2 is roughly
    about 0-2000 Ma.

    TABLE 4
    -T/10^4 Hours/Day
    0 24,03
    52,2 23,63
    52,2 23,39
    226,2 23,63
    276,9 22,98
    276,9 22,41
    335,6 22,27
    340,2 22,05
    340,2 21,91
    367,8 21,88
    367,8 21,67
    367,8 21,26
    394,5 21,88
    408,2 20,97
    429,4 21,69
    435,8 21,21
    445 20,67
    481,6 21,37
    481,6 21,17
    558,1 20,3
    655,6 21,37
    706,3 20,83
    706,3 20,36
    765 20,24
    769,6 20,06
    769,6 19,95
    797,2 19,92
    797,2 19,75
    797,2 19,41
    823,9 19,92
    837,6 19,16
    858,8 19,77
    865,2 19,37
    874,4 18,92
    911 19,5
    911 19,33
    987,5 18,61
    1085 19,5
    1135,7 19,05
    1135,7 18,66
    1194,4 18,56
    1199 18,41
    1199 18,31
    1226,6 18,29
    1226,6 18,14
    1226,6 17,86
    1253,3 18,29
    1267 17,65
    1288,2 18,16
    1294,6 17,82
    1303,8 17,44
    1340,4 17,93
    1340,4 17,79
    1416,9 17,17
    1514,4 17,93
    1565,1 17,55
    1565,1 17,21
    1623,8 17,13
    1628,4 17
    1628,4 16,92
    1656 16,9
    1656 16,78
    1656 16,53
    1682,7 16,9
    1696,4 16,35
    1717,6 16,79
    1724 16,5
    1733,2 16,17
    1769,8 16,59
    1769,8 16,47
    1846,3 15,95
    1943,8 16,59
    1994,5 16,27
    1994,5 15,98
    2053,2 15,91
    2057,8 15,8
    2057,8 15,72
    2085,4 15,71
    2085,4 15,6
    2085,4 15,39
    2112,1 15,71
    2125,8 15,23
    2147 15,61
    2153,4 15,36
    2162,6 15,08
    2199,2 15,44
    2199,2 15,34
    2275,7 14,88
    2373,2 15,44
    2423,9 15,16
    2423,9 14,91
    2482,6 14,85
    2487,2 14,75
    2487,2 14,69
    2514,8 14,68
    2514,8 14,58
    2514,8 14,4
    2541,5 14,68
    2555,2 14,26
    2576,4 14,59
    2582,8 14,37
    2592 14,12
    2628,6 14,44
    2628,6 14,35
    2705,1 13,95
    2802,6 14,44
    2853,3 14,2
    2853,3 13,98
    2912 13,92
    2916,6 13,84
    2916,6 13,78
    2944,2 13,77
    2944,2 13,69
    2944,2 13,52
    2970,9 13,77
    2984,6 13,4
    3005,8 13,69
    3012,2 13,5
    3021,4 13,28
    3058 13,56
    3058 13,48
    3134,5 13,13
    3232 13,56
    3282,7 13,35
    3282,7 13,15
    3341,4 13,1
    3346 13,03
    3346 12,98
    3373,6 12,97
    3373,6 12,89
    3373,6 12,75
    3400,3 12,97
    3414 12,64
    3435,2 12,9
    3441,6 12,73
    3450,8 12,53
    3487,4 12,79
    3487,4 12,71
    3563,9 12,4
    3661,4 12,79
    3712,1 12,59
    3712,1 12,42
    3770,8 12,38
    3775,4 12,31
    3775,4 12,26
    3803 12,25
    3803 12,19
    3803 12,06
    3829,7 12,25
    3843,4 11,96
    3864,6 12,2
    3871 12,04
    3880,2 11,87
    3916,8 12,09
    3916,8 12,03
    3993,3 11,74
    4090,8 12,09
    4141,5 11,92
    4141,5 11,76
    4200,2 11,72
    4204,8 11,66
    4204,8 11,62
    4232,4 11,62
    4232,4 11,56
    4232,4 11,44
    4259,1 11,62
    4272,8 11,35
    4294 11,56
    4300,4 11,43
    4309,6 11,27
    4346,2 11,47
    4346,2 11,41
    4422,7 11,16
    4520,2 11,47
    (4570,9 11,31
    4570,9 11,17
    4629,6 11,14
    4634,2 11,08
    4634,2 11,05
    4661,8 11,04
    4661,8 10,99
    4661,8 10,88
    4688,5 11,04
    4702,2 10,8
    4723,4 10,99
    4729,8 10,87
    4739 10,73
    4775,6 10,91
    4775,6 10,86
    4852,1 10,62
    4949,6 10,91)


    Poropudas, Hannu, 2009.
    Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s
    Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes. <533c8763-511e-4ec6-a69e-8f3f1e5d1591
    Sat, 13 Dec 2008 01:46:49 -0800 (PST).
    10 pages.
    (sci.bio.paleontology,sci.astro,sci.geo.geology, sci.physics,sci.math)
    (mathematician <haporopu
    Simple approximate calculation of the length of the cosmic year

    R0 = 7.92 +- 0.16 kpc ,(p. 50-15 / Table 3, power-law model).
    v0 = 227 km*s^(-1), (p. 50-16/Fig 6, p. 50-17), (no error estimation for simplicity).

    1 pc = 3.26 ly,
    1 ly = 9.460528436*10^15 m,

    R0 = 7.92 kpc = 7.92*3.26*10^3*9.460528436*10^15 m = 2.442632758*10^20 m,
    2*Pi*R0 = 1.534751426*10^21 m,
    v0 = 227*10^3*m*s^(-1),

    T0 = 2*Pi*R0/v0, (simple circular motion approximation for the length of cosmic year).

    T0 = 1.534751426*10^21 / 227*10^3 s = 6.761019496*10^15 s =
    = 6.761019496*10^15 / (365.2422*24*60*60) yrs = 214248354.8 yrs =
    = approx. 214.25 Myrs.

    (simplified error estimates , if R0 = 8.08 kpc, T0 = 218576604.4 yrs = approx. 219 Myrs and
    if R0 = 7.76 kpc, T0 = 209920105.2 yrs = approx. 210 Myrs)


    VERA collaboration, Tomoya Hirota et al., 2020.
    The First VERA Astronomy Catalog.
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan (2020) 72 (4), 50 (1-19).
    (p. 50-15 / Table 3, power-law model), (p. 50-16/Fig 6, p. 50-17), (no error estimation for simplicity).

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas
    Kolamäentie 9E,
    90900 Oulu / Kiiminki

    One very brave strange speculation of mine about time-dimension of the whole space:

    If I speculate that whole space would be a kind of "mega-galaxy",
    then I would speculate that this "mega-galaxy" has a center (inside black hole,
    "H-M's big ball" and "H-M's color-forces center planet" instead of singularity).
    This would be the origin of time dimension of the whole space.

    Time-dimension would be formed from a "frozen time-wave",
    which consists two kind of direction of flow of time,
    one direction forwards time and other backwards of time.
    (this speculation of mine is similar than H-M's color drawing of a black hole,
    which is public visible in my Hannu Poropudas Facebook Page.)

    Period of this "frozen time-wave" would have the period of above "Megacycles" articles of mine mentioned period of megacycles about
    429.4 million years, which is my brave strange speculation in this case.

    Ofcourse existence of megacycle about 429.4 million years
    must be observed also in geology of other planets and also properties (redshifts?)
    in whole space before this period 429.4 million years of speculation could be true?

    Best Regards,
    Hannu Poropudas, Kolamäentie 9E, 90900 Kiiminki / Oulu, Finland.

    "mega-galaxy" -> "metagalaxy"

    (everything should be tested to see if these are true):

    I have thought this "metagalaxy" and "time-wave" more closely:

    I think that only observable physical phenomena for " time-wave"
    could be such that this "time-wave" goes though all matter in "metagalaxy" periodically of cycles of 429.4 million years (this period is my guess) and "forwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave" would not have any significant
    effect to physical matter but "backwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave"
    could have some kind of warming effect interiors of planets,
    like Earth, Venus, Mars for example,
    which could increase VOLCANISM in those planets ?

    In H-M's black hole (also galaxy as I have undestood) drawing
    "time-wave" have (freezed?) cycles of oscillation of 100000-300000 years.
    I do not know that would this second limit 300000 years period
    be related to second kind on "H-M's 8/8 single cut diamod" shaped
    "creation stone of the Universe" due she has drawn
    two different kind of "H-M's 8/8 single cut diamond"
    shaped "creation stone of the Universe" on one of her drawing
    (both drawings are also public in Hannu Poropudas Facebook ).

    In H-M's black hole (also galaxy as I have understood) drawing,
    there is also drawn color line and above it written text "Maailmojen Tie" (finnish language). I translate this to english as "Road of the Worlds"

    I don't know what this means.

    I quess that this could be "Road between Planets" in Galaxy OR
    "Road between between planets in galaxies" ???
    (I note this due I think it could be significant)


    As I look large-scale structure maps of the Universe, I have poorly understood
    that "large void" areas could be those "backwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave"
    and "supercluster" areas could be those "forwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave"?

    As I look Planck-Satellite 2013 results of cosmic backround radiation temperature
    distribution maps, I see those "cold spots" and "warm spots" which I know both to be "light cones". And "warm spots" of these two are closer to the Big Bang start.
    I have also poorly understood that these spots corresponds to present
    size of "superclusters" and maybe (?) also present size of "large voids"?

    OPEN QUESTION: Is our Universe much larger that we have ever expected due these
    "hidden" cycle periods of 429.4 million years (my own guess) of time flow, if so, this would then look like structure of "pearls on ribbon"
    each "pearl on ribbon" would correspond to a "metagalaxy" and
    time-flow slice of 429.4 million years (my own guess)?

    What we know (not much) presently about geology (VOLGANISM)
    of Venus and Mars:

    1. NASA's Magellan spacegraft mission discovered that
    Venus has a geologically young surface with a relatively uniform age of 500+-200 Ma (million years).

    Geodynamics of Venus (Wikipedia 21.12.2022).

    2. The Ages of Mars (Ga=billion years):
    Pre-Noachian 4.5-4.1 Ga,
    Noachian 4.1-3.7 Ga,
    Hesperian 3.7-2.9 Ga,
    Amazonian 2.9 Ga - present.

    Last Update 1 September 2019.

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas

    CORRECTION TO THE NET ADDRESS: https://sci.esa.int/web/mars-express/-/55481-the-ages-of-mars

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Hannu Poropudas@21:1/5 to All on Sun Feb 12 23:38:54 2023
    tiistai 29. elokuuta 2017 klo 9.10.59 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    On Thursday, August 24, 2017 at 1:45:31 PM UTC+3, Hannu Poropudas wrote:
    On Wednesday, August 23, 2017 at 10:52:31 AM UTC+3, Hannu Poropudas wrote:
    Period of megacycle 429.4 Ma is taken from reference 1.


    (4620 - 4390 Ma)
    4390 - 4190 Ma
    4190 - 3960 Ma
    3960 - 3760 Ma
    3760 - 3540 Ma
    3540 - 3330 Ma
    3330 - 3110 Ma
    3110 - 2900 Ma
    2900 - 2680 Ma
    2680 - 2470 Ma
    2470 - 2250 Ma
    2250 - 2040 Ma
    2040 - 1820 Ma
    1820 - 1620 Ma
    1620 - 1390 Ma
    1390 - 1190 Ma
    1190 - 970 Ma
    970 - 760 Ma
    760 - 540 Ma
    540 - 340 Ma
    340 - 130 Ma
    130 -

    (Earth's age is approximated to be between about 4570 - 4450 Ma).

    Approximately same set is achieved if one takes starting point
    about 2680 Ma for breakup of the Pilbara continent ref. 2) and
    then if one adds to this number 2680 Ma periodically
    429.4 Ma/2 = 214.7 Ma uppwads of the list and secondly if one
    subracts from this number 2680 Ma periodically 429.4 Ma/2 = 214.7 Ma downwards of the list.

    (I put below misc references of Kapez B and Krapez B et al about the subject.
    I'am not sure about existence of 2nd and 3rd order of cyclicities proposed by Krapez B and also I do not agreee his about period of
    about 360 Ma. Also some causes of 2nd order and 3rd order cylicities are questionable in my opinion.)


    1. Poropudas Hannu, 1996.
    Harrastelijan ajatuksia päivän, kuukauden ja vuoden pituudesta muinaisina aikoina.
    GEOLOGI 48, 4-5/1996, 92-96.

    2. Kapez B, Eisenlohr B, 1998.
    Precambrian Research, vol. 88. Pages 173-205, (2680 Ma on page 204).

    3. Krapez B, 1993.
    Precambrian Research, vol. 60. Pages 1-45.

    4. Krapez B, 1996.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 43. Pages 355-380.

    5. Krapez B, 1997.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 44. Pages 1-36.

    6. Horowitz R C and Krapez B, 1997.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 44. Pages 879-886.

    7. Krapez B, 1999.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 46. Pages 71-87.

    8. Krapez B, 1999.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 46. Pages 89-103.

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas

    Kolamäentie 9E
    Kiiminki / Oulu


    1. Poropudas Hannu, 1996.
    Harrastelijan ajatuksia päivän, kuukauden ja vuoden pituudesta muinaisina aikoina.
    GEOLOGI 48, 4-5/1996, 92-96.

    Newsgroups: sci.astro
    Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2017 23:53:44 -0700 (PDT)
    Message-ID: <52ca9eb0-4d5a-4a5d...@googlegroups.com>
    Subject: Linear extrapolated fossil data tries to tell that perhaps Earth and
    Moon formed as a planet couple ?
    From: Hannu Poropudas <hanp...@luukku.com>
    Injection-Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2017 06:53:44 +0000

    (----COPY BELOW----)

    Linear extrapolated fossil data tries to tell that perhaps Earth and Moon formed as a planet couple ?
    2 posts by 2 authors

    me (Hannu Poropudas change)

    Apr 27

    How to calculate with my extrapolated fossil data of Pannella G.:

    T’ = length of the month recorded by marine life (= synodic month)
    t’ = length of the day recorded by marine life (= solar day)
    T = length of sidereal month
    t = length of sidereal day
    T = T’ /(1+T’/Y)
    t = t’ /(1+t’/Y), this is very nearly equal to t’
    S = T’ / t’ = number of days in month recorded in paleontological specimens.
    Y = length of the year (= tropical year, this is assumed to be constant = 365,2422 days = not changed significantly)
    Runcorn, S. K., 1970.
    Paleontological Measurements of the Changes in the Rotation Rates of Earth and Moon and
    of the Rate of Retreat of the Moon from the Earth., pages 17-23, page 21. In:
    Runcorn S.K. (Editor), 1970.
    Academic Press Inc., Printed in Great Britain, 518 pages, pages 17-23.

    For example

    (figures from my drawings one example out of range of experimental
    test points for curiosity):

    -4600*10^4 centuries (approx.. Earth’s formation time, 4600 Ma ago)

    11 hours/day (present hours, assumption Earth and Sun distance have not significantly changed, Y = 365,2422 days, solar days and tropical year)

    Y = 780 * 11 h = 8580 h (present hours) = 357,5 days (present solar days, Y changed little (?) in data of tables it is used Y=365,2422 days)

    780 days/year (solar days and tropical year)

    48 days/month (solar days and synodic month) = T’

    T = T’ /(1+T’/Y) = 48 / (1 + 48/357,5) = 42,31812577 =
    = approx. 42 days/sidereal month

    Distance approximately between Earth and Moon at approx. 4600 Ma ago.

    G = 6,67*10^(-11)*N*m^^2/kg^2
    M = 5,974*10^24 kg

    P = 42,31812577*11*60*60 s (present seconds) = 1675797,781 s

    r = ( G*M*P^2/(4*Pi^2) )^()1/3 = 304832464,1 m =
    = approx. 305000 km.

    So linear extrapolated fossil data tries to tell that perhaps
    Earth and Moon formed as a planet couple ?

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas

    _________________COPIES OF MY OLD ARTICLES BELOW (long)_________________

    Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes
    1 kirjoittajan 2 viestiä


    Käännä viesti kielelle: suomi

    Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes
    (Author: Hannu K.J. Poropudas, Vesaisentie 9E, 90900 Kiiminki,
    Finland, Date: 12.12.2008)
    Three rough data set (TABLE 1, days/month, TABLE 2, days/year and
    TABLE 3, months/year)
    are given in this paper for test purposes of ancient fossil time data. Numbers are based
    on Giorgio Pannella’s (1972) fossil time data. Interpretations are my
    These linear extrapolations are based also on uncertain assumption of existence of
    oscillation about 429.4 Ma in Pannella’s Figure 3 (days/month). Many
    ages and fossil
    points are still uncertain. Main intended area of use of these figures
    is about 0-2000 Ma.

    Tables of fossil time data
    TABLE 1
    -T/10^4 Days/Month
    0 29,16
    18,6 29,4
    31,4 29,69
    45,4 29,83
    58,1 30,05
    74,4 29,95
    206,9 29,67
    291,9 30,09
    342,2 30,36
    380,3 30,57
    416,7 30,55
    429,4 30,98
    448 31,22
    460,8 31,51
    467,6 31,24
    474,8 31,65
    487,5 31,87
    503,8 31,77
    639 31,49
    721,3 31,91
    771,6 32,18
    809,7 32,39
    846,1 32,37
    858,8 32,81
    877,4 33,05
    890,2 33,34
    897 33,06
    904,2 33,48
    916,9 33,7
    933,2 33,6
    1068,4 33,32
    1150,7 33,74
    1201 34,01
    1239,1 34,22
    1275,5 34,2
    1288,2 34,63
    1306,8 34,87
    1319,6 35,16
    1326,4 34,89
    1333,6 35,3
    1346,3 35,52
    1362,6 35,42
    1497,8 35,14
    1580,1 35,56
    1630,4 35,83
    1668,5 36,04
    1704,9 36,02
    1717,6 36,46
    1736,2 36,7
    1749 36,99
    1755,8 36,71
    1763 37,13
    1775,7 37,35
    1792 37,25
    1927,2 36,97
    2009,5 37,39
    2059,8 37,66
    2097,9 37,87
    2134,3 37,85
    2147 38,28
    2165,6 38,52
    2178,4 38,81
    2185,2 38,54
    2192,4 38,95
    2205,1 39,17
    2221,4 39,07
    2356,6 38,79
    2438,9 39,21
    2489,2 39,48
    2527,3 39,69
    2563,7 39,67
    2576,4 40,11
    2595 40,35
    2607,8 40,64
    2614,6 40,36
    2621,8 40,78
    2634,5 41
    2650,8 40,9
    2786 40,62
    2868,3 41,04
    2918,6 41,31
    2956,7 41,52
    2993,1 41,5
    3005,8 41,93
    3024,4 42,17
    3037,2 42,46
    3044 42,19
    3051,2 42,6
    3063,9 42,82
    3080,2 42,72
    3215,4 42,44
    3297,7 42,86
    3348 43,13
    3386,1 43,34
    3422,5 43,32
    3435,2 43,76
    3453,8 44
    3466,6 44,29
    3473,4 44,01
    3480,6 44,43
    3493,3 44,65
    3509,6 44,55
    3644,8 44,27
    3727,1 44,69
    3777,4 44,96
    3815,5 45,17
    3851,9 45,15
    3864,6 45,58
    3883,2 45,82
    3896 46,11
    3902,8 45,84
    3910 46,25
    3922,7 46,47
    3939 46,37
    4074,2 46,09
    4156,5 46,51
    4206,8 46,78
    4244,9 46,99
    4281,3 46,97
    4294 47,41
    4312,6 47,65
    4325,4 47,94
    4332,2 47,66
    4339,4 48,08
    4352,1 48,3
    4368,4 48,2
    4503,6 47,92
    (4585,9 48,34
    4636,2 48,61
    4674,3 48,82
    4710,7 48,8
    4761,6 49,49)

    TABLE 2
    -T/10^4 Days/Year
    0 364,76
    52,2 370,95
    52,2 374,76
    226,2 370,95
    276,9 381,46
    276,9 391,22
    335,6 393,66
    340,2 397,56
    340,2 400,16
    367,8 400,65
    367,8 404,52
    367,8 412,26
    394,5 400,65
    408,2 418,06
    429,4 404,09
    435,8 413,23
    445 424
    481,6 410,28
    481,6 414,09
    558,1 431,76
    655,6 410,28
    706,3 420,79
    706,3 430,55
    765 432,99
    769,6 436,89
    769,6 439,49
    797,2 439,98
    797,2 443,85
    797,2 451,59
    823,9 439,98
    837,6 457,39
    858,8 443,42
    865,2 452,56
    874,4 463,33
    911 449,61
    911 453,42
    987,5 471,09
    1085 449,61
    1135,7 460,12
    1135,7 469,88
    1194,4 472,32
    1199 476,22
    1199 478,82
    1226,6 479,31
    1226,6 483,18
    1226,6 490,92
    1253,3 479,31
    1267 496,72
    1288,2 482,75
    1294,6 491,89
    1303,8 502,66
    1340,4 488,94
    1340,4 492,75
    1416,9 510,42
    1514,4 488,94
    1565,1 499,45
    1565,1 509,21
    1623,8 511,65
    1628,4 515,55
    1628,4 518,15
    1656 518,64
    1656 522,51
    1656 530,25
    1682,7 518,64
    1696,4 536,05
    1717,6 522,08
    1724 531,22
    1733,2 541,99
    1769,8 528,27
    1769,8 532,08
    1846,3 549,75
    1943,8 528,27
    1994,5 538,78
    1994,5 548,54
    2053,2 550,98
    2057,8 554,88
    2057,8 557,48
    2085,4 557,97
    2085,4 561,84
    2085,4 569,58
    2112,1 557,97
    2125,8 575,38
    2147 561,41
    2153,4 570,55
    2162,6 581,32
    2199,2 567,6
    2199,2 571,41
    2275,7 589,08
    2373,2 567,6
    2423,9 578,11
    2423,9 587,87
    2482,6 590,31
    2487,2 594,21
    2487,2 596,81
    2514,8 597,3
    2514,8 601,17
    2514,8 608,91
    2541,5 597,3
    2555,2 614,71
    2576,4 600,75
    2582,8 609,88
    2592 620,65
    2628,6 606,94
    2628,6 610,75
    2705,1 628,41
    2802,6 606,94
    2853,3 617,45
    2853,3 627,21
    2912 629,65
    2916,6 633,55
    2916,6 636,15
    2944,2 636,64
    2944,2 640,51
    2944,2 648,25
    2970,9 636,64
    2984,6 654,05
    3005,8 640,08
    3012,2 649,22
    3021,4 659,99
    3058 646,27
    3058 650,08
    3134,5 667,75
    3232 646,27
    3282,7 656,78
    3282,7 666,54
    3341,4 668,98
    3346 672,88
    3346 675,48
    3373,6 675,97
    3373,6 679,84
    3373,6 687,58
    3400,3 675,97
    3414 693,38
    3435,2 679,41
    3441,6 688,55
    3450,8 699,32
    3487,4 685,6
    3487,4 689,41
    3563,9 707,08
    3661,4 685,6
    3712,1 696,11
    3712,1 705,87
    3770,8 708,31
    3775,4 712,21
    3775,4 714,81
    3803 715,3
    3803 719,17
    3803 726,91
    3829,7 715,3
    3843,4 732,71
    3864,6 718,74
    3871 727,88
    3880,2 738,65
    3916,8 724,93
    3916,8 728,74
    3993,3 746,41
    4090,8 724,93
    4141,5 735,44
    4141,5 745,2
    4200,2 747,64
    4204,8 751,54
    4204,8 754,14
    4232,4 754,63
    4232,4 758,5
    4232,4 766,24
    4259,1 754,63
    4272,8 772,04
    4294 758,07
    4300,4 767,21
    4309,6 777,98
    4346,2 764,26
    4346,2 768,07
    4422,7 785,74
    4520,2 764,26
    (4570,9 774,77
    4570,9 784,53
    4629,6 786,97
    4634,2 790,87
    4634,2 793,47
    4661,8 793,96
    4661,8 797,83
    4661,8 805,57
    4688,5 793,96
    4702,2 811,37
    4723,4 797,4
    4729,8 806,54
    4739 817,31
    4775,6 803,59
    4775,6 807,4
    4852,1 825,07)

    TABLE 3
    -T/10^4 Months/Year
    0 12,34
    70 12,49
    70 12,6
    160,7 11,56
    220 12,55
    290 12,71
    340 13,11
    360 12,93
    360 13,35
    429,4 12,95
    499,4 13,1
    499,4 13,21
    510 13
    590,1 12,17
    649,4 13,16
    719,4 13,32
    769,4 13,72
    789,4 13,54
    789,4 13,96
    858,8 13,56
    928,8 13,71
    928,8 13,82
    939,4 13,61
    1019,5 12,78
    1078,8 13,77
    1148,8 13,93
    1198,8 14,33
    1218,8 14,15
    1218,8 14,57
    1288,2 14,17
    1358,2 14,32
    1358,2 14,43
    1368,8 14,22
    1448,9 13,39
    1508,2 14,38
    1578,2 14,54
    1628,2 14,94
    1648,2 14,76
    1648,2 15,18
    1717,6 14,78
    1787,6 14,93
    1787,6 15,04
    1798,2 14,83
    1878,3 14
    1937,6 14,99
    2007,6 15,15
    2057,6 15,55
    2077,6 15,37
    2077,6 15,79
    2147 15,39
    2217 15,54
    2217 15,65
    2227,6 15,44
    2307,7 14,61
    2367 15,6
    2437 15,76
    2487 16,16
    2507 15,98
    2507 16,4
    2576,4 16
    2646,4 16,15
    2646,4 16,26
    2657 16,05
    2737,1 15,22
    2796,4 16,21
    2866,4 16,37
    2916,4 16,77
    2936,4 16,59
    2936,4 17,01
    3005,8 16,61
    3075,8 16,76
    3075,8 16,87
    3086,4 16,66
    3166,5 15,83
    3225,8 16,82
    3295,8 16,98
    3345,8 17,38
    3365,8 17,2
    3365,8 17,62
    3435,2 17,22
    3505,2 17,37
    3505,2 17,48
    3515,8 17,27
    3595,9 16,44
    3655,2 17,43
    3725,2 17,59
    3775,2 17,99
    3795,2 17,81
    3795,2 18,23
    3864,6 17,83
    3934,6 17,98
    3934,6 18,09
    3945,2 17,88
    4025,3 17,05
    4084,6 18,04
    4154,6 18,2
    4204,6 18,6
    4224,6 18,42
    4224,6 18,84
    4294 18,44
    4364 18,59
    4364 18,7
    4374,6 18,49
    4454,7 17,66
    4514 18,65
    (4584 18,81
    4634 19,21
    4654 19,03
    4654 19,45
    4723,4 19,05
    4793,4 19,2
    4793,4 19,31
    4804 19,1
    4884,1 18,27
    4943,4 19,26)

    Pannella Giorgio, 1972.
    Paleontological Evidence on the Earth’s Rotational History Since Early Precambrian.
    Astrophysics and Space Science, 16, (1972), 212-237.
    (Figure 3 on page 235 and Figure 4 on page 236. Mean solar day,
    Synodic Month, Tropical Year.
    Exact age of sedimentation of the Gunflint Formation is 1878.3+-1.3
    Ma, YPM-IP-28510/28511.)
    Scrutton, C.T., (1964), 1965.
    Periodicity in Devonian Coral Growth.
    Paleontology, volume 7, part 4, pages 552-558, plates 86-87.
    (Middle Devonian OUM DT2 fossil, age is 385.3 Ma – 397.5 Ma, GT2004, approximate linear formula 12.37 – 1.43*10^(-7)*T, months/year, T=centuries,
    past time minus signed).
    Scrutton, C.T., 1970.
    Evidence for a monthly periodicity in the growth of some corals.
    Runcorn, S.K. (editor), 1970.
    Paleogeophysics. Academic Press, London, pages 11-16.
    Fralick, P., Davis, D.W., Kissin, S.A., 2002.
    The age of the Gunflint Formation, Ontario, Canada: single zircon U-Pb
    age determinations
    from reworked volcanic ash.
    Can. J. Earth Sci., 39, 1085-1091.
    From: mathematician <hapo...@luukku.com>
    Newsgroups: sci.bio.paleontology,sci.astro,sci.geo.geology,sci.physics,sci.math
    Subject: Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes
    Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2008 01:46:49 -0800 (PST)
    Message-ID: <533c8763-511e-4ec6...@z6g2000pre.googlegroups.com> NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2008 09:46:50 +0000 (UTC)

    Testing some ancient time data points with extrapolated Pannella's fossil time data
    1 kirjoittajan 2 viestiä


    Muut vastaanottajat: george....@adelaide.edu.au
    Käännä viesti kielelle: suomi

    Testing some ancient time data points with extrapolated Pannella's
    fossil time data ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    (Author: H.K.J. Poropudas, Vesaisentie 9E, 90900 Kiiminki, Finland.
    Date: 13.1.2009)
    Below are few rough estimations of ancient time data. It should be remembered that
    these linear extrapolations are based on my uncertain assumption of existence of
    oscillation of period 429.4 Ma in Pannella's figure 3 (reference 2)
    and ages
    and data of fossils and stromatolites are in many cases uncertain

    The Elatina Formation and Reynella Siltstone -----------------------------------------------------------------
    620 Ma:
    655.6 Ma, 410.28 days/year
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give roughly approx. 412 days/year)
    639 Ma, 31.49 days/year
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give roughly approx. 31.7 days/month) 410.28/31.49 = 13.03 months/year, (primary value = 13.1 +-0.1 months/
    649.4 Ma, 13.16 months/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    (primary value = 13.1 +-0.1 months/year)
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give 412/31.7 = 13.0 months/year)
    (13.0-13.2 months/year)

    The Big Cottonwood Formation
    900 Ma:
    890.2 Ma, 33.34 days/month
    897 Ma, 33.06 days/month
    904.2 Ma, 33.48 days/month
    (33-33.5 days/month, average = 33.29 days/month)
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 33.4 days/month)
    874.4 Ma, 463.33 days/year
    911 Ma, 449.61 days/year
    911 Ma, 453.42 days/year
    (450-463 days/year, average = 455.45 days/year)
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 451 days/year)
    455.45/33.29 = 13.68 months/year, (primary value 13.5 months/year)
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give 451/33.4 = 13.5 months/year)
    928.8 Ma, 13.71 months/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    928.8 Ma, 13.82 months/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    (13.7-13.8 months/year, primary value 13.5 months/year)
    (13.5-13.8 months/year)

    The Weeli Wolli Formation
    2450 Ma:
    2438.9 Ma, 39.21 days/month
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 39.2 days/month)
    2423.9 Ma, 587.87 days/year
    2423.9 Ma, 578.11 days/year
    (578-588 days/year, average = 582.99 days/year)
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 585 days/year)
    582.99/39.21 = 14.87 months/year, (primary value = 14.5 +-0.5 months/
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give 585/39.2 = 14.9 months/year)
    2437 Ma, 15.76 months/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    (primary value = 14.5 +-0.5 months/year)
    (14.9-15.8 months/year)

    Reference (1).

    The Gunflint Formation
    1878.3 +-1.3 Ma:
    1927.2 Ma, 36.97 days/month
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 37.2 days/month)
    1846.3 Ma, 549.75 days/year
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 533 days/year)
    549.75/36.97 = 14.87 months/year (primary value = 14 months/year)
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give 533/37.2 = 14.3 months/year)
    1937.6 Ma, 14.99 monnths/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    (14.3-15.0 months/year)

    Age of the Bulawayan stromatolite UCLA-Bul-7 ? ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    Mode = 10-20-40, Highest Count = 41.
    2576.6.4 Ma, 40.11 days/month
    2595 Ma, 40.35 days/month
    2607.8 Ma, 40.64 days/month
    2614.6 Ma, 40.34 days/month
    2621.8 Ma, 40.78 days/month
    2634.5 Ma, 41 days/month
    2650.8 Ma, 40.9 days/month
    2786 Ma, 40.62 days/month
    2868.3 Ma, 41.04 days/month
    So age of the Bulawayan Stromatolite UCLA-Bul-7 could be:
    2580 Ma - 2870 Ma.
    (primary value of the age =
    (2672 +- 12 Ma - 2715 +- 15 Ma), Upper Bulawayan Group or
    (2831 +- 6 Ma - 2904 +- 9 Ma), Lower Bulawayan Group. These both
    are not local age determinations from the Bubi Greenstone Belt near
    Huntsman Quarries, Zimbabwe.)
    Other Time Data for UCLA-Bul-7 stromatolite: -----------------------------------------------------------------
    (40-41 days/month, primary value)
    (average = 40.5 days/month, primary value)
    2576.4 Ma, 600.75 days/year
    2582.8 Ma, 609.88 days/year
    2592 Ma, 620.65 days/year
    2628.6 Ma, 606.94 days/year
    2628.6 Ma, 610.75 days/year
    2705.1 Ma, 628.41 days/year
    2802.6 Ma, 606.94 days/year
    2853.3 Ma, 617.45 days/year
    2853.3 Ma, 627.21 days/year
    2912 Ma, 629.65 days/year
    2916.6 Ma, 633.55 days/year
    2916.6 Ma, 636.15 days/year
    (average = 7428.33/12 = 619.03 = approx. 619 days/year)
    (601-636 days/year)
    619/40.5 = 15.3 months/year
    OUM-DT2 based estimation:
    2576.4 Ma, 16 months/year
    2646.4 Ma, 16.15 months/year
    2646.4 Ma, 16.26 months/year
    2657 Ma, 16.05 months/year
    2737.1 Ma, 15.22 months/year
    2796.4 Ma, 16.21 months/year
    2866.4 Ma, 16.37 months/year
    2916.4 Ma, 16.77 months/year
    (average = 129.03/8 = 16.13 = approx. 16.1 months/year)
    (15.2 - 16.8 months/year)

    References (2 and 3).

    The Moodies Group
    3225 Ma:
    3215.4 Ma, 42.44 days/month
    (Drawn extrapolated figure roughly gives approx. 42.8 days/month)
    3232 Ma, 646.27 days/year
    (Drawn extrapolated figure roughly gives approx. 650 days/year)
    646.27/42.44 = 15.23 months/year
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give 650/42.8 = 15.2 months/year)
    3225.8 Ma, 16.82 months/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    (15.2-16.8 months/year)

    Reference (4).


    1. Williams, G.E. 2000.
    Reviews of Geophysics, 38, 1/February 2000, pages 37-59.
    2. Pannella, G., 1972.
    Astrophysics and Space Science, 16, (1972), 212-237.
    3. Fralick,P., Davis,D.W., Kissin,S.A., 2002.
    Can. J. Earth Sci., 39, 1085-1091.
    4. Eriksson,K.A., Simpson,E.L., Mueller,W., 2006.
    Sedimentary Geology 190 (2006), 13-24.
    5. Poropudas Hannu, 2009. Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella's Fossil Time Data for Test
    sci.bio.paleontology, sci.astro, sci.geo.geology, sci.physics,
    Sat, 13 Dec 2008, 10 pages.
    (I have drawn four extrapolated figures (0-1200 Ma, days/year, 0-4600
    Ma, days/year,
    0-1200 Ma days/month, 0-4600 Ma, days/month) but unfortunately they
    are not possible
    to give here due this text is in ASCII-format. I could send them via
    email by request.
    My email address:
    luukku.com )
    From: mathematician <hapo...@luukku.com>
    Newsgroups: sci.bio.paleontology,sci.astro,sci.geo.geology,sci.physics,sci.math
    Subject: Testing some ancient time data points with extrapolated Pannella's fossil time data
    Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 21:52:20 -0800 (PST)
    Message-ID: <c91312bb-c2b7-4672...@f40g2000pri.googlegroups.com> NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 05:52:20 +0000 (UTC)
    Cc: george....@adelaide.edu.au
    Re: Testing some ancient time data points with extrapolated

    Pannella's fossil time data

    Hannu Poropudas

    Käännä viesti kielelle: suomi

    Earth's Rotational History from Linear
    Extarpolation of Pannella's Ancient Time
    Data of Fossils
    (Author: Hannu K.J. Poropudas, Vesaisentie 9E,
    90900 Kiiminki, Finland, Date: 13.1.2009)
    Assumption: Distance between the Earth
    and the Sun has not changed significantly
    during Earth's life time (about 4550 Ma).
    Main intended area of use of these figures
    which are calculated from TABLE 2 is roughly
    about 0-2000 Ma.

    TABLE 4
    -T/10^4 Hours/Day
    0 24,03
    52,2 23,63
    52,2 23,39
    226,2 23,63
    276,9 22,98
    276,9 22,41
    335,6 22,27
    340,2 22,05
    340,2 21,91
    367,8 21,88
    367,8 21,67
    367,8 21,26
    394,5 21,88
    408,2 20,97
    429,4 21,69
    435,8 21,21
    445 20,67
    481,6 21,37
    481,6 21,17
    558,1 20,3
    655,6 21,37
    706,3 20,83
    706,3 20,36
    765 20,24
    769,6 20,06
    769,6 19,95
    797,2 19,92
    797,2 19,75
    797,2 19,41
    823,9 19,92
    837,6 19,16
    858,8 19,77
    865,2 19,37
    874,4 18,92
    911 19,5
    911 19,33
    987,5 18,61
    1085 19,5
    1135,7 19,05
    1135,7 18,66
    1194,4 18,56
    1199 18,41
    1199 18,31
    1226,6 18,29
    1226,6 18,14
    1226,6 17,86
    1253,3 18,29
    1267 17,65
    1288,2 18,16
    1294,6 17,82
    1303,8 17,44
    1340,4 17,93
    1340,4 17,79
    1416,9 17,17
    1514,4 17,93
    1565,1 17,55
    1565,1 17,21
    1623,8 17,13
    1628,4 17
    1628,4 16,92
    1656 16,9
    1656 16,78
    1656 16,53
    1682,7 16,9
    1696,4 16,35
    1717,6 16,79
    1724 16,5
    1733,2 16,17
    1769,8 16,59
    1769,8 16,47
    1846,3 15,95
    1943,8 16,59
    1994,5 16,27
    1994,5 15,98
    2053,2 15,91
    2057,8 15,8
    2057,8 15,72
    2085,4 15,71
    2085,4 15,6
    2085,4 15,39
    2112,1 15,71
    2125,8 15,23
    2147 15,61
    2153,4 15,36
    2162,6 15,08
    2199,2 15,44
    2199,2 15,34
    2275,7 14,88
    2373,2 15,44
    2423,9 15,16
    2423,9 14,91
    2482,6 14,85
    2487,2 14,75
    2487,2 14,69
    2514,8 14,68
    2514,8 14,58
    2514,8 14,4
    2541,5 14,68
    2555,2 14,26
    2576,4 14,59
    2582,8 14,37
    2592 14,12
    2628,6 14,44
    2628,6 14,35
    2705,1 13,95
    2802,6 14,44
    2853,3 14,2
    2853,3 13,98
    2912 13,92
    2916,6 13,84
    2916,6 13,78
    2944,2 13,77
    2944,2 13,69
    2944,2 13,52
    2970,9 13,77
    2984,6 13,4
    3005,8 13,69
    3012,2 13,5
    3021,4 13,28
    3058 13,56
    3058 13,48
    3134,5 13,13
    3232 13,56
    3282,7 13,35
    3282,7 13,15
    3341,4 13,1
    3346 13,03
    3346 12,98
    3373,6 12,97
    3373,6 12,89
    3373,6 12,75
    3400,3 12,97
    3414 12,64
    3435,2 12,9
    3441,6 12,73
    3450,8 12,53
    3487,4 12,79
    3487,4 12,71
    3563,9 12,4
    3661,4 12,79
    3712,1 12,59
    3712,1 12,42
    3770,8 12,38
    3775,4 12,31
    3775,4 12,26
    3803 12,25
    3803 12,19
    3803 12,06
    3829,7 12,25
    3843,4 11,96
    3864,6 12,2
    3871 12,04
    3880,2 11,87
    3916,8 12,09
    3916,8 12,03
    3993,3 11,74
    4090,8 12,09
    4141,5 11,92
    4141,5 11,76
    4200,2 11,72
    4204,8 11,66
    4204,8 11,62
    4232,4 11,62
    4232,4 11,56
    4232,4 11,44
    4259,1 11,62
    4272,8 11,35
    4294 11,56
    4300,4 11,43
    4309,6 11,27
    4346,2 11,47
    4346,2 11,41
    4422,7 11,16
    4520,2 11,47
    (4570,9 11,31
    4570,9 11,17
    4629,6 11,14
    4634,2 11,08
    4634,2 11,05
    4661,8 11,04
    4661,8 10,99
    4661,8 10,88
    4688,5 11,04
    4702,2 10,8
    4723,4 10,99
    4729,8 10,87
    4739 10,73
    4775,6 10,91
    4775,6 10,86
    4852,1 10,62
    4949,6 10,91)


    Poropudas, Hannu, 2009.
    Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s
    Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes.
    Sat, 13 Dec 2008 01:46:49 -0800 (PST).
    10 pages.
    (mathematician <haporopu

    On Jan 14, 7:52 am, mathematician <hapor...@luukku.com> wrote:
    Testing some ancient time data points with extrapolated Pannella's
    fossil time data ---------------------------------------------------------------------------¬---------------------------------------------
    - näytä lainattu teksti -

    sci.bio.paleontology, sci.astro, sci.geo.geology, sci.physics,
    Sat, 13 Dec 2008, 10 pages.

    (I have drawn four extrapolated figures (0-1200 Ma, days/year, 0-4600
    Ma, days/year,
    0-1200 Ma days/month, 0-4600 Ma, days/month) but unfortunately they
    are not possible
    to give here due this text is in ASCII-format. I could send them via
    email by request.
    My email address:
    luukku.com )

    From: mathematician <hapo...@luukku.com>
    Newsgroups: sci.bio.paleontology,sci.astro,sci.geo.geology,sci.physics,sci.math
    Subject: Re: Testing some ancient time data points with extrapolated Pannella's fossil time data
    Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2009 22:19:37 -0800 (PST)
    Message-ID: <23d6c001-7a3b-4565...@r10g2000prf.googlegroups.com>
    References: <c91312bb-c2b7-4672...@f40g2000pri.googlegroups.com> NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2009 06:19:37 +0000 (UTC)

    REMARK: Important TABLE4 (hours/day) is copied here.
    It is assumed that the tropical year has not changed significantly in these calculations
    (linear extrapolation of Pannella G 's fossil time data).

    I put copy of TABLE1, TABLE2, TABLE3 and TABLE4 here due these TABLES are used in
    calculation of UCLA-BUL-7 stromatolite astronomical time data.

    Best Regards,
    Hannu Poropudas
    Kolamäentie 9E,
    90900 Kiiminki / Oulu,

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Hannu Poropudas@21:1/5 to All on Wed Feb 15 00:37:58 2023
    maanantai 13. helmikuuta 2023 klo 9.38.55 UTC+2 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    tiistai 29. elokuuta 2017 klo 9.10.59 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    On Thursday, August 24, 2017 at 1:45:31 PM UTC+3, Hannu Poropudas wrote:
    On Wednesday, August 23, 2017 at 10:52:31 AM UTC+3, Hannu Poropudas wrote:
    Period of megacycle 429.4 Ma is taken from reference 1.


    (4620 - 4390 Ma)
    4390 - 4190 Ma
    4190 - 3960 Ma
    3960 - 3760 Ma
    3760 - 3540 Ma
    3540 - 3330 Ma
    3330 - 3110 Ma
    3110 - 2900 Ma
    2900 - 2680 Ma
    2680 - 2470 Ma
    2470 - 2250 Ma
    2250 - 2040 Ma
    2040 - 1820 Ma
    1820 - 1620 Ma
    1620 - 1390 Ma
    1390 - 1190 Ma
    1190 - 970 Ma
    970 - 760 Ma
    760 - 540 Ma
    540 - 340 Ma
    340 - 130 Ma
    130 -

    (Earth's age is approximated to be between about 4570 - 4450 Ma).

    Approximately same set is achieved if one takes starting point
    about 2680 Ma for breakup of the Pilbara continent ref. 2) and
    then if one adds to this number 2680 Ma periodically
    429.4 Ma/2 = 214.7 Ma uppwads of the list and secondly if one
    subracts from this number 2680 Ma periodically 429.4 Ma/2 = 214.7 Ma downwards of the list.

    (I put below misc references of Kapez B and Krapez B et al about the subject.
    I'am not sure about existence of 2nd and 3rd order of cyclicities proposed by Krapez B and also I do not agreee his about period of about 360 Ma. Also some causes of 2nd order and 3rd order cylicities are questionable in my opinion.)


    1. Poropudas Hannu, 1996.
    Harrastelijan ajatuksia päivän, kuukauden ja vuoden pituudesta muinaisina aikoina.
    GEOLOGI 48, 4-5/1996, 92-96.

    2. Kapez B, Eisenlohr B, 1998.
    Precambrian Research, vol. 88. Pages 173-205, (2680 Ma on page 204).

    3. Krapez B, 1993.
    Precambrian Research, vol. 60. Pages 1-45.

    4. Krapez B, 1996.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 43. Pages 355-380.

    5. Krapez B, 1997.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 44. Pages 1-36.

    6. Horowitz R C and Krapez B, 1997.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 44. Pages 879-886.

    7. Krapez B, 1999.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 46. Pages 71-87.

    8. Krapez B, 1999.
    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 46. Pages 89-103.

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas

    Kolamäentie 9E
    Kiiminki / Oulu


    1. Poropudas Hannu, 1996.
    Harrastelijan ajatuksia päivän, kuukauden ja vuoden pituudesta muinaisina aikoina.
    GEOLOGI 48, 4-5/1996, 92-96.

    Newsgroups: sci.astro
    Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2017 23:53:44 -0700 (PDT)
    Message-ID: <52ca9eb0-4d5a-4a5d...@googlegroups.com>
    Subject: Linear extrapolated fossil data tries to tell that perhaps Earth and
    Moon formed as a planet couple ?
    From: Hannu Poropudas <hanp...@luukku.com>
    Injection-Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2017 06:53:44 +0000

    (----COPY BELOW----)

    Linear extrapolated fossil data tries to tell that perhaps Earth and Moon formed as a planet couple ?
    2 posts by 2 authors

    me (Hannu Poropudas change)

    Apr 27

    How to calculate with my extrapolated fossil data of Pannella G.:

    T’ = length of the month recorded by marine life (= synodic month)
    t’ = length of the day recorded by marine life (= solar day)
    T = length of sidereal month
    t = length of sidereal day
    T = T’ /(1+T’/Y)
    t = t’ /(1+t’/Y), this is very nearly equal to t’
    S = T’ / t’ = number of days in month recorded in paleontological specimens.
    Y = length of the year (= tropical year, this is assumed to be constant = 365,2422 days = not changed significantly)
    Runcorn, S. K., 1970.
    Paleontological Measurements of the Changes in the Rotation Rates of Earth and Moon and
    of the Rate of Retreat of the Moon from the Earth., pages 17-23, page 21. In:
    Runcorn S.K. (Editor), 1970.
    Academic Press Inc., Printed in Great Britain, 518 pages, pages 17-23.

    For example

    (figures from my drawings one example out of range of experimental
    test points for curiosity):

    -4600*10^4 centuries (approx.. Earth’s formation time, 4600 Ma ago)

    11 hours/day (present hours, assumption Earth and Sun distance have not significantly changed, Y = 365,2422 days, solar days and tropical year)

    Y = 780 * 11 h = 8580 h (present hours) = 357,5 days (present solar days, Y changed little (?) in data of tables it is used Y=365,2422 days)

    780 days/year (solar days and tropical year)

    48 days/month (solar days and synodic month) = T’

    T = T’ /(1+T’/Y) = 48 / (1 + 48/357,5) = 42,31812577 =
    = approx. 42 days/sidereal month

    Distance approximately between Earth and Moon at approx. 4600 Ma ago.

    G = 6,67*10^(-11)*N*m^^2/kg^2
    M = 5,974*10^24 kg

    P = 42,31812577*11*60*60 s (present seconds) = 1675797,781 s

    r = ( G*M*P^2/(4*Pi^2) )^()1/3 = 304832464,1 m =
    = approx. 305000 km.

    So linear extrapolated fossil data tries to tell that perhaps
    Earth and Moon formed as a planet couple ?

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas

    _________________COPIES OF MY OLD ARTICLES BELOW (long)_________________

    Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes
    1 kirjoittajan 2 viestiä


    Käännä viesti kielelle: suomi

    Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes
    (Author: Hannu K.J. Poropudas, Vesaisentie 9E, 90900 Kiiminki,
    Finland, Date: 12.12.2008)
    Three rough data set (TABLE 1, days/month, TABLE 2, days/year and
    TABLE 3, months/year)
    are given in this paper for test purposes of ancient fossil time data. Numbers are based
    on Giorgio Pannella’s (1972) fossil time data. Interpretations are my own.
    These linear extrapolations are based also on uncertain assumption of existence of
    oscillation about 429.4 Ma in Pannella’s Figure 3 (days/month). Many ages and fossil
    points are still uncertain. Main intended area of use of these figures
    is about 0-2000 Ma.

    Tables of fossil time data
    TABLE 1
    -T/10^4 Days/Month
    0 29,16
    18,6 29,4
    31,4 29,69
    45,4 29,83
    58,1 30,05
    74,4 29,95
    206,9 29,67
    291,9 30,09
    342,2 30,36
    380,3 30,57
    416,7 30,55
    429,4 30,98
    448 31,22
    460,8 31,51
    467,6 31,24
    474,8 31,65
    487,5 31,87
    503,8 31,77
    639 31,49
    721,3 31,91
    771,6 32,18
    809,7 32,39
    846,1 32,37
    858,8 32,81
    877,4 33,05
    890,2 33,34
    897 33,06
    904,2 33,48
    916,9 33,7
    933,2 33,6
    1068,4 33,32
    1150,7 33,74
    1201 34,01
    1239,1 34,22
    1275,5 34,2
    1288,2 34,63
    1306,8 34,87
    1319,6 35,16
    1326,4 34,89
    1333,6 35,3
    1346,3 35,52
    1362,6 35,42
    1497,8 35,14
    1580,1 35,56
    1630,4 35,83
    1668,5 36,04
    1704,9 36,02
    1717,6 36,46
    1736,2 36,7
    1749 36,99
    1755,8 36,71
    1763 37,13
    1775,7 37,35
    1792 37,25
    1927,2 36,97
    2009,5 37,39
    2059,8 37,66
    2097,9 37,87
    2134,3 37,85
    2147 38,28
    2165,6 38,52
    2178,4 38,81
    2185,2 38,54
    2192,4 38,95
    2205,1 39,17
    2221,4 39,07
    2356,6 38,79
    2438,9 39,21
    2489,2 39,48
    2527,3 39,69
    2563,7 39,67
    2576,4 40,11
    2595 40,35
    2607,8 40,64
    2614,6 40,36
    2621,8 40,78
    2634,5 41
    2650,8 40,9
    2786 40,62
    2868,3 41,04
    2918,6 41,31
    2956,7 41,52
    2993,1 41,5
    3005,8 41,93
    3024,4 42,17
    3037,2 42,46
    3044 42,19
    3051,2 42,6
    3063,9 42,82
    3080,2 42,72
    3215,4 42,44
    3297,7 42,86
    3348 43,13
    3386,1 43,34
    3422,5 43,32
    3435,2 43,76
    3453,8 44
    3466,6 44,29
    3473,4 44,01
    3480,6 44,43
    3493,3 44,65
    3509,6 44,55
    3644,8 44,27
    3727,1 44,69
    3777,4 44,96
    3815,5 45,17
    3851,9 45,15
    3864,6 45,58
    3883,2 45,82
    3896 46,11
    3902,8 45,84
    3910 46,25
    3922,7 46,47
    3939 46,37
    4074,2 46,09
    4156,5 46,51
    4206,8 46,78
    4244,9 46,99
    4281,3 46,97
    4294 47,41
    4312,6 47,65
    4325,4 47,94
    4332,2 47,66
    4339,4 48,08
    4352,1 48,3
    4368,4 48,2
    4503,6 47,92
    (4585,9 48,34
    4636,2 48,61
    4674,3 48,82
    4710,7 48,8
    4761,6 49,49)

    TABLE 2
    -T/10^4 Days/Year
    0 364,76
    52,2 370,95
    52,2 374,76
    226,2 370,95
    276,9 381,46
    276,9 391,22
    335,6 393,66
    340,2 397,56
    340,2 400,16
    367,8 400,65
    367,8 404,52
    367,8 412,26
    394,5 400,65
    408,2 418,06
    429,4 404,09
    435,8 413,23
    445 424
    481,6 410,28
    481,6 414,09
    558,1 431,76
    655,6 410,28
    706,3 420,79
    706,3 430,55
    765 432,99
    769,6 436,89
    769,6 439,49
    797,2 439,98
    797,2 443,85
    797,2 451,59
    823,9 439,98
    837,6 457,39
    858,8 443,42
    865,2 452,56
    874,4 463,33
    911 449,61
    911 453,42
    987,5 471,09
    1085 449,61
    1135,7 460,12
    1135,7 469,88
    1194,4 472,32
    1199 476,22
    1199 478,82
    1226,6 479,31
    1226,6 483,18
    1226,6 490,92
    1253,3 479,31
    1267 496,72
    1288,2 482,75
    1294,6 491,89
    1303,8 502,66
    1340,4 488,94
    1340,4 492,75
    1416,9 510,42
    1514,4 488,94
    1565,1 499,45
    1565,1 509,21
    1623,8 511,65
    1628,4 515,55
    1628,4 518,15
    1656 518,64
    1656 522,51
    1656 530,25
    1682,7 518,64
    1696,4 536,05
    1717,6 522,08
    1724 531,22
    1733,2 541,99
    1769,8 528,27
    1769,8 532,08
    1846,3 549,75
    1943,8 528,27
    1994,5 538,78
    1994,5 548,54
    2053,2 550,98
    2057,8 554,88
    2057,8 557,48
    2085,4 557,97
    2085,4 561,84
    2085,4 569,58
    2112,1 557,97
    2125,8 575,38
    2147 561,41
    2153,4 570,55
    2162,6 581,32
    2199,2 567,6
    2199,2 571,41
    2275,7 589,08
    2373,2 567,6
    2423,9 578,11
    2423,9 587,87
    2482,6 590,31
    2487,2 594,21
    2487,2 596,81
    2514,8 597,3
    2514,8 601,17
    2514,8 608,91
    2541,5 597,3
    2555,2 614,71
    2576,4 600,75
    2582,8 609,88
    2592 620,65
    2628,6 606,94
    2628,6 610,75
    2705,1 628,41
    2802,6 606,94
    2853,3 617,45
    2853,3 627,21
    2912 629,65
    2916,6 633,55
    2916,6 636,15
    2944,2 636,64
    2944,2 640,51
    2944,2 648,25
    2970,9 636,64
    2984,6 654,05
    3005,8 640,08
    3012,2 649,22
    3021,4 659,99
    3058 646,27
    3058 650,08
    3134,5 667,75
    3232 646,27
    3282,7 656,78
    3282,7 666,54
    3341,4 668,98
    3346 672,88
    3346 675,48
    3373,6 675,97
    3373,6 679,84
    3373,6 687,58
    3400,3 675,97
    3414 693,38
    3435,2 679,41
    3441,6 688,55
    3450,8 699,32
    3487,4 685,6
    3487,4 689,41
    3563,9 707,08
    3661,4 685,6
    3712,1 696,11
    3712,1 705,87
    3770,8 708,31
    3775,4 712,21
    3775,4 714,81
    3803 715,3
    3803 719,17
    3803 726,91
    3829,7 715,3
    3843,4 732,71
    3864,6 718,74
    3871 727,88
    3880,2 738,65
    3916,8 724,93
    3916,8 728,74
    3993,3 746,41
    4090,8 724,93
    4141,5 735,44
    4141,5 745,2
    4200,2 747,64
    4204,8 751,54
    4204,8 754,14
    4232,4 754,63
    4232,4 758,5
    4232,4 766,24
    4259,1 754,63
    4272,8 772,04
    4294 758,07
    4300,4 767,21
    4309,6 777,98
    4346,2 764,26
    4346,2 768,07
    4422,7 785,74
    4520,2 764,26
    (4570,9 774,77
    4570,9 784,53
    4629,6 786,97
    4634,2 790,87
    4634,2 793,47
    4661,8 793,96
    4661,8 797,83
    4661,8 805,57
    4688,5 793,96
    4702,2 811,37
    4723,4 797,4
    4729,8 806,54
    4739 817,31
    4775,6 803,59
    4775,6 807,4
    4852,1 825,07)

    TABLE 3
    -T/10^4 Months/Year
    0 12,34
    70 12,49
    70 12,6
    160,7 11,56
    220 12,55
    290 12,71
    340 13,11
    360 12,93
    360 13,35
    429,4 12,95
    499,4 13,1
    499,4 13,21
    510 13
    590,1 12,17
    649,4 13,16
    719,4 13,32
    769,4 13,72
    789,4 13,54
    789,4 13,96
    858,8 13,56
    928,8 13,71
    928,8 13,82
    939,4 13,61
    1019,5 12,78
    1078,8 13,77
    1148,8 13,93
    1198,8 14,33
    1218,8 14,15
    1218,8 14,57
    1288,2 14,17
    1358,2 14,32
    1358,2 14,43
    1368,8 14,22
    1448,9 13,39
    1508,2 14,38
    1578,2 14,54
    1628,2 14,94
    1648,2 14,76
    1648,2 15,18
    1717,6 14,78
    1787,6 14,93
    1787,6 15,04
    1798,2 14,83
    1878,3 14
    1937,6 14,99
    2007,6 15,15
    2057,6 15,55
    2077,6 15,37
    2077,6 15,79
    2147 15,39
    2217 15,54
    2217 15,65
    2227,6 15,44
    2307,7 14,61
    2367 15,6
    2437 15,76
    2487 16,16
    2507 15,98
    2507 16,4
    2576,4 16
    2646,4 16,15
    2646,4 16,26
    2657 16,05
    2737,1 15,22
    2796,4 16,21
    2866,4 16,37
    2916,4 16,77
    2936,4 16,59
    2936,4 17,01
    3005,8 16,61
    3075,8 16,76
    3075,8 16,87
    3086,4 16,66
    3166,5 15,83
    3225,8 16,82
    3295,8 16,98
    3345,8 17,38
    3365,8 17,2
    3365,8 17,62
    3435,2 17,22
    3505,2 17,37
    3505,2 17,48
    3515,8 17,27
    3595,9 16,44
    3655,2 17,43
    3725,2 17,59
    3775,2 17,99
    3795,2 17,81
    3795,2 18,23
    3864,6 17,83
    3934,6 17,98
    3934,6 18,09
    3945,2 17,88
    4025,3 17,05
    4084,6 18,04
    4154,6 18,2
    4204,6 18,6
    4224,6 18,42
    4224,6 18,84
    4294 18,44
    4364 18,59
    4364 18,7
    4374,6 18,49
    4454,7 17,66
    4514 18,65
    (4584 18,81
    4634 19,21
    4654 19,03
    4654 19,45
    4723,4 19,05
    4793,4 19,2
    4793,4 19,31
    4804 19,1
    4884,1 18,27
    4943,4 19,26)

    Pannella Giorgio, 1972.
    Paleontological Evidence on the Earth’s Rotational History Since Early Precambrian.
    Astrophysics and Space Science, 16, (1972), 212-237.
    (Figure 3 on page 235 and Figure 4 on page 236. Mean solar day,
    Synodic Month, Tropical Year.
    Exact age of sedimentation of the Gunflint Formation is 1878.3+-1.3
    Ma, YPM-IP-28510/28511.)
    Scrutton, C.T., (1964), 1965.
    Periodicity in Devonian Coral Growth.
    Paleontology, volume 7, part 4, pages 552-558, plates 86-87.
    (Middle Devonian OUM DT2 fossil, age is 385.3 Ma – 397.5 Ma, GT2004, approximate linear formula 12.37 – 1.43*10^(-7)*T, months/year, T=centuries,
    past time minus signed).
    Scrutton, C.T., 1970.
    Evidence for a monthly periodicity in the growth of some corals.
    Runcorn, S.K. (editor), 1970.
    Paleogeophysics. Academic Press, London, pages 11-16.
    Fralick, P., Davis, D.W., Kissin, S.A., 2002.
    The age of the Gunflint Formation, Ontario, Canada: single zircon U-Pb
    age determinations
    from reworked volcanic ash.
    Can. J. Earth Sci., 39, 1085-1091.
    From: mathematician <hapo...@luukku.com>
    Newsgroups: sci.bio.paleontology,sci.astro,sci.geo.geology,sci.physics,sci.math
    Subject: Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes
    Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2008 01:46:49 -0800 (PST)
    Message-ID: <533c8763-511e-4ec6...@z6g2000pre.googlegroups.com> NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2008 09:46:50 +0000 (UTC)

    Testing some ancient time data points with extrapolated Pannella's fossil time data
    1 kirjoittajan 2 viestiä


    Muut vastaanottajat: george....@adelaide.edu.au
    Käännä viesti kielelle: suomi

    Testing some ancient time data points with extrapolated Pannella's
    fossil time data ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    (Author: H.K.J. Poropudas, Vesaisentie 9E, 90900 Kiiminki, Finland.
    Date: 13.1.2009)
    Below are few rough estimations of ancient time data. It should be remembered that
    these linear extrapolations are based on my uncertain assumption of existence of
    oscillation of period 429.4 Ma in Pannella's figure 3 (reference 2)
    and ages
    and data of fossils and stromatolites are in many cases uncertain

    The Elatina Formation and Reynella Siltstone -----------------------------------------------------------------
    620 Ma:
    655.6 Ma, 410.28 days/year
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give roughly approx. 412 days/year)
    639 Ma, 31.49 days/year
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give roughly approx. 31.7 days/month) 410.28/31.49 = 13.03 months/year, (primary value = 13.1 +-0.1 months/ year)
    649.4 Ma, 13.16 months/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    (primary value = 13.1 +-0.1 months/year)
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give 412/31.7 = 13.0 months/year)
    (13.0-13.2 months/year)

    The Big Cottonwood Formation
    900 Ma:
    890.2 Ma, 33.34 days/month
    897 Ma, 33.06 days/month
    904.2 Ma, 33.48 days/month
    (33-33.5 days/month, average = 33.29 days/month)
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 33.4 days/month)
    874.4 Ma, 463.33 days/year
    911 Ma, 449.61 days/year
    911 Ma, 453.42 days/year
    (450-463 days/year, average = 455.45 days/year)
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 451 days/year) 455.45/33.29 = 13.68 months/year, (primary value 13.5 months/year)
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give 451/33.4 = 13.5 months/year)
    928.8 Ma, 13.71 months/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    928.8 Ma, 13.82 months/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    (13.7-13.8 months/year, primary value 13.5 months/year)
    (13.5-13.8 months/year)

    The Weeli Wolli Formation
    2450 Ma:
    2438.9 Ma, 39.21 days/month
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 39.2 days/month)
    2423.9 Ma, 587.87 days/year
    2423.9 Ma, 578.11 days/year
    (578-588 days/year, average = 582.99 days/year)
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 585 days/year) 582.99/39.21 = 14.87 months/year, (primary value = 14.5 +-0.5 months/ year)
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give 585/39.2 = 14.9 months/year)
    2437 Ma, 15.76 months/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    (primary value = 14.5 +-0.5 months/year)
    (14.9-15.8 months/year)

    Reference (1).

    The Gunflint Formation
    1878.3 +-1.3 Ma:
    1927.2 Ma, 36.97 days/month
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 37.2 days/month)
    1846.3 Ma, 549.75 days/year
    (Drawn extrapolated figure gives roughly approx. 533 days/year) 549.75/36.97 = 14.87 months/year (primary value = 14 months/year)
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give 533/37.2 = 14.3 months/year)
    1937.6 Ma, 14.99 monnths/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    (14.3-15.0 months/year)

    Age of the Bulawayan stromatolite UCLA-Bul-7 ? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Mode = 10-20-40, Highest Count = 41.
    2576.6.4 Ma, 40.11 days/month
    2595 Ma, 40.35 days/month
    2607.8 Ma, 40.64 days/month
    2614.6 Ma, 40.34 days/month
    2621.8 Ma, 40.78 days/month
    2634.5 Ma, 41 days/month
    2650.8 Ma, 40.9 days/month
    2786 Ma, 40.62 days/month
    2868.3 Ma, 41.04 days/month
    So age of the Bulawayan Stromatolite UCLA-Bul-7 could be:
    2580 Ma - 2870 Ma.
    (primary value of the age =
    (2672 +- 12 Ma - 2715 +- 15 Ma), Upper Bulawayan Group or
    (2831 +- 6 Ma - 2904 +- 9 Ma), Lower Bulawayan Group. These both
    are not local age determinations from the Bubi Greenstone Belt near Huntsman Quarries, Zimbabwe.)
    Other Time Data for UCLA-Bul-7 stromatolite: -----------------------------------------------------------------
    (40-41 days/month, primary value)
    (average = 40.5 days/month, primary value)
    2576.4 Ma, 600.75 days/year
    2582.8 Ma, 609.88 days/year
    2592 Ma, 620.65 days/year
    2628.6 Ma, 606.94 days/year
    2628.6 Ma, 610.75 days/year
    2705.1 Ma, 628.41 days/year
    2802.6 Ma, 606.94 days/year
    2853.3 Ma, 617.45 days/year
    2853.3 Ma, 627.21 days/year
    2912 Ma, 629.65 days/year
    2916.6 Ma, 633.55 days/year
    2916.6 Ma, 636.15 days/year
    (average = 7428.33/12 = 619.03 = approx. 619 days/year)
    (601-636 days/year)
    619/40.5 = 15.3 months/year
    OUM-DT2 based estimation:
    2576.4 Ma, 16 months/year
    2646.4 Ma, 16.15 months/year
    2646.4 Ma, 16.26 months/year
    2657 Ma, 16.05 months/year
    2737.1 Ma, 15.22 months/year
    2796.4 Ma, 16.21 months/year
    2866.4 Ma, 16.37 months/year
    2916.4 Ma, 16.77 months/year
    (average = 129.03/8 = 16.13 = approx. 16.1 months/year)
    (15.2 - 16.8 months/year)

    References (2 and 3).

    The Moodies Group
    3225 Ma:
    3215.4 Ma, 42.44 days/month
    (Drawn extrapolated figure roughly gives approx. 42.8 days/month)
    3232 Ma, 646.27 days/year
    (Drawn extrapolated figure roughly gives approx. 650 days/year) 646.27/42.44 = 15.23 months/year
    (Drawn extrapolated figures give 650/42.8 = 15.2 months/year)
    3225.8 Ma, 16.82 months/year (OUM-DT2 based)
    (15.2-16.8 months/year)

    Reference (4).


    1. Williams, G.E. 2000.
    Reviews of Geophysics, 38, 1/February 2000, pages 37-59.
    2. Pannella, G., 1972.
    Astrophysics and Space Science, 16, (1972), 212-237.
    3. Fralick,P., Davis,D.W., Kissin,S.A., 2002.
    Can. J. Earth Sci., 39, 1085-1091.
    4. Eriksson,K.A., Simpson,E.L., Mueller,W., 2006.
    Sedimentary Geology 190 (2006), 13-24.
    5. Poropudas Hannu, 2009. Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella's Fossil Time Data for Test
    sci.bio.paleontology, sci.astro, sci.geo.geology, sci.physics,
    Sat, 13 Dec 2008, 10 pages.
    (I have drawn four extrapolated figures (0-1200 Ma, days/year, 0-4600
    Ma, days/year,
    0-1200 Ma days/month, 0-4600 Ma, days/month) but unfortunately they
    are not possible
    to give here due this text is in ASCII-format. I could send them via
    email by request.
    My email address:
    luukku.com )
    From: mathematician <hapo...@luukku.com>
    Newsgroups: sci.bio.paleontology,sci.astro,sci.geo.geology,sci.physics,sci.math
    Subject: Testing some ancient time data points with extrapolated Pannella's
    fossil time data
    Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 21:52:20 -0800 (PST)
    Message-ID: <c91312bb-c2b7-4672...@f40g2000pri.googlegroups.com> NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 05:52:20 +0000 (UTC)
    Cc: george....@adelaide.edu.au
    Re: Testing some ancient time data points with extrapolated

    Pannella's fossil time data

    Hannu Poropudas

    Käännä viesti kielelle: suomi

    Earth's Rotational History from Linear
    Extarpolation of Pannella's Ancient Time
    Data of Fossils
    (Author: Hannu K.J. Poropudas, Vesaisentie 9E,
    90900 Kiiminki, Finland, Date: 13.1.2009)
    Assumption: Distance between the Earth
    and the Sun has not changed significantly
    during Earth's life time (about 4550 Ma).
    Main intended area of use of these figures
    which are calculated from TABLE 2 is roughly
    about 0-2000 Ma.

    TABLE 4
    -T/10^4 Hours/Day
    0 24,03
    52,2 23,63
    52,2 23,39
    226,2 23,63
    276,9 22,98
    276,9 22,41
    335,6 22,27
    340,2 22,05
    340,2 21,91
    367,8 21,88
    367,8 21,67
    367,8 21,26
    394,5 21,88
    408,2 20,97
    429,4 21,69
    435,8 21,21
    445 20,67
    481,6 21,37
    481,6 21,17
    558,1 20,3
    655,6 21,37
    706,3 20,83
    706,3 20,36
    765 20,24
    769,6 20,06
    769,6 19,95
    797,2 19,92
    797,2 19,75
    797,2 19,41
    823,9 19,92
    837,6 19,16
    858,8 19,77
    865,2 19,37
    874,4 18,92
    911 19,5
    911 19,33
    987,5 18,61
    1085 19,5
    1135,7 19,05
    1135,7 18,66
    1194,4 18,56
    1199 18,41
    1199 18,31
    1226,6 18,29
    1226,6 18,14
    1226,6 17,86
    1253,3 18,29
    1267 17,65
    1288,2 18,16
    1294,6 17,82
    1303,8 17,44
    1340,4 17,93
    1340,4 17,79
    1416,9 17,17
    1514,4 17,93
    1565,1 17,55
    1565,1 17,21
    1623,8 17,13
    1628,4 17
    1628,4 16,92
    1656 16,9
    1656 16,78
    1656 16,53
    1682,7 16,9
    1696,4 16,35
    1717,6 16,79
    1724 16,5
    1733,2 16,17
    1769,8 16,59
    1769,8 16,47
    1846,3 15,95
    1943,8 16,59
    1994,5 16,27
    1994,5 15,98
    2053,2 15,91
    2057,8 15,8
    2057,8 15,72
    2085,4 15,71
    2085,4 15,6
    2085,4 15,39
    2112,1 15,71
    2125,8 15,23
    2147 15,61
    2153,4 15,36
    2162,6 15,08
    2199,2 15,44
    2199,2 15,34
    2275,7 14,88
    2373,2 15,44
    2423,9 15,16
    2423,9 14,91
    2482,6 14,85
    2487,2 14,75
    2487,2 14,69
    2514,8 14,68
    2514,8 14,58
    2514,8 14,4
    2541,5 14,68
    2555,2 14,26
    2576,4 14,59
    2582,8 14,37
    2592 14,12
    2628,6 14,44
    2628,6 14,35
    2705,1 13,95
    2802,6 14,44
    2853,3 14,2
    2853,3 13,98
    2912 13,92
    2916,6 13,84
    2916,6 13,78
    2944,2 13,77
    2944,2 13,69
    2944,2 13,52
    2970,9 13,77
    2984,6 13,4
    3005,8 13,69
    3012,2 13,5
    3021,4 13,28
    3058 13,56
    3058 13,48
    3134,5 13,13
    3232 13,56
    3282,7 13,35
    3282,7 13,15
    3341,4 13,1
    3346 13,03
    3346 12,98
    3373,6 12,97
    3373,6 12,89
    3373,6 12,75
    3400,3 12,97
    3414 12,64
    3435,2 12,9
    3441,6 12,73
    3450,8 12,53
    3487,4 12,79
    3487,4 12,71
    3563,9 12,4
    3661,4 12,79
    3712,1 12,59
    3712,1 12,42
    3770,8 12,38
    3775,4 12,31
    3775,4 12,26
    3803 12,25
    3803 12,19
    3803 12,06
    3829,7 12,25
    3843,4 11,96
    3864,6 12,2
    3871 12,04
    3880,2 11,87
    3916,8 12,09
    3916,8 12,03
    3993,3 11,74
    4090,8 12,09
    4141,5 11,92
    4141,5 11,76
    4200,2 11,72
    4204,8 11,66
    4204,8 11,62
    4232,4 11,62
    4232,4 11,56
    4232,4 11,44
    4259,1 11,62
    4272,8 11,35
    4294 11,56
    4300,4 11,43
    4309,6 11,27
    4346,2 11,47
    4346,2 11,41
    4422,7 11,16
    4520,2 11,47
    (4570,9 11,31
    4570,9 11,17
    4629,6 11,14
    4634,2 11,08
    4634,2 11,05
    4661,8 11,04
    4661,8 10,99
    4661,8 10,88
    4688,5 11,04
    4702,2 10,8
    4723,4 10,99
    4729,8 10,87
    4739 10,73
    4775,6 10,91
    4775,6 10,86
    4852,1 10,62
    4949,6 10,91)


    Poropudas, Hannu, 2009.
    Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s
    Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes.
    Sat, 13 Dec 2008 01:46:49 -0800 (PST).
    10 pages.
    (mathematician <haporopu

    On Jan 14, 7:52 am, mathematician <hapor...@luukku.com> wrote:
    Testing some ancient time data points with extrapolated Pannella's fossil time data ---------------------------------------------------------------------------¬---------------------------------------------
    - näytä lainattu teksti -

    sci.bio.paleontology, sci.astro, sci.geo.geology, sci.physics,
    Sat, 13 Dec 2008, 10 pages.

    (I have drawn four extrapolated figures (0-1200 Ma, days/year, 0-4600 Ma, days/year,
    0-1200 Ma days/month, 0-4600 Ma, days/month) but unfortunately they
    are not possible
    to give here due this text is in ASCII-format. I could send them via email by request.
    My email address:
    luukku.com )

    From: mathematician <hapo...@luukku.com>
    Newsgroups: sci.bio.paleontology,sci.astro,sci.geo.geology,sci.physics,sci.math
    Subject: Re: Testing some ancient time data points with extrapolated Pannella's fossil time data
    Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2009 22:19:37 -0800 (PST)
    Message-ID: <23d6c001-7a3b-4565...@r10g2000prf.googlegroups.com> References: <c91312bb-c2b7-4672...@f40g2000pri.googlegroups.com> NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2009 06:19:37 +0000 (UTC)
    REMARK: Important TABLE4 (hours/day) is copied here.
    It is assumed that the tropical year has not changed significantly in these calculations
    (linear extrapolation of Pannella G 's fossil time data).

    I put copy of TABLE1, TABLE2, TABLE3 and TABLE4 here due these TABLES are used in
    calculation of UCLA-BUL-7 stromatolite astronomical time data.

    Best Regards,
    Hannu Poropudas
    Kolamäentie 9E,
    90900 Kiiminki / Oulu,

    For comparison reasons.

    Testing Drawings H.P. (made by me from TABLE1, TABLE2, TABLE3 and TABLE4).

    I calculated also time data from stromatolite from Gunflint Formation YPM-IP-28510 and YPM-IP-28511 stromatolite samples (Pannella G., 1972):

    Time data from Drawings H.P.

    Age = approximately 1880 Ma,
    approximately 37.3 days/month,
    approximately 534 days/year,
    approximately 16.50 hours/day.
    approximately 14.32 months/year (= 534 / 37.3).

    Primary values calculated from these Gunflint Fm. stromatolite samples .

    Age = 1878 Ma +- 1.3 Ma, (Fralick, P et al 2002),
    Mode = 18-36, (Pannella G., 1972),
    Highest Count = 39, (Pannella G., 1972),
    Months/Year = 14, (Pannella G., 1972),
    Days/year = 504 - 546 (= 14*36 - 14*39), (this is calculated also 440 in ref. Pannella G., 1972),

    Calculations for comparison:
    Drawings H.P.
    T' = 37.3 , (Drawing H.P.),
    t' = 16.50 , (Drawing H.P.),

    [continued in next message]

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Hannu Poropudas@21:1/5 to All on Thu Jun 1 00:39:38 2023
    torstai 22. joulukuuta 2022 klo 9.57.20 UTC+2 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    keskiviikko 21. joulukuuta 2022 klo 10.38.31 UTC+2 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    maanantai 19. joulukuuta 2022 klo 12.43.20 UTC+2 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    maanantai 26. heinäkuuta 2021 klo 15.42.53 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    On Friday, July 17, 2020 at 10:55:43 AM UTC+3, Hannu Poropudas wrote:
    On Wednesday, July 1, 2020 at 8:13:10 PM UTC+3, hapor...@gmail.com wrote:
    I forget to mention one asumption which I have used: Earth's distance from the Sun have not significantly changed. This assumption I used when I made table of Earth's rotation rate (TABLE 4, -T/10^4,Hours/Day). Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas,
    TABLE 4, -T/10^4 centuries, Hour/Day is poorly visible in above, so I put this again here:
    (Author: Hannu K.J. Poropudas, Vesaisentie 9E,
    90900 Kiiminki, Finland, Date: 13.1.2009)
    Assumption: Distance between the Earth
    and the Sun has not changed significantly
    during Earth's life time (about 4550 Ma).
    Main intended area of use of these figures
    which are calculated from TABLE 2 is roughly
    about 0-2000 Ma.

    TABLE 4
    -T/10^4 Hours/Day
    0 24,03
    52,2 23,63
    52,2 23,39
    226,2 23,63
    276,9 22,98
    276,9 22,41
    335,6 22,27
    340,2 22,05
    340,2 21,91
    367,8 21,88
    367,8 21,67
    367,8 21,26
    394,5 21,88
    408,2 20,97
    429,4 21,69
    435,8 21,21
    445 20,67
    481,6 21,37
    481,6 21,17
    558,1 20,3
    655,6 21,37
    706,3 20,83
    706,3 20,36
    765 20,24
    769,6 20,06
    769,6 19,95
    797,2 19,92
    797,2 19,75
    797,2 19,41
    823,9 19,92
    837,6 19,16
    858,8 19,77
    865,2 19,37
    874,4 18,92
    911 19,5
    911 19,33
    987,5 18,61
    1085 19,5
    1135,7 19,05
    1135,7 18,66
    1194,4 18,56
    1199 18,41
    1199 18,31
    1226,6 18,29
    1226,6 18,14
    1226,6 17,86
    1253,3 18,29
    1267 17,65
    1288,2 18,16
    1294,6 17,82
    1303,8 17,44
    1340,4 17,93
    1340,4 17,79
    1416,9 17,17
    1514,4 17,93
    1565,1 17,55
    1565,1 17,21
    1623,8 17,13
    1628,4 17
    1628,4 16,92
    1656 16,9
    1656 16,78
    1656 16,53
    1682,7 16,9
    1696,4 16,35
    1717,6 16,79
    1724 16,5
    1733,2 16,17
    1769,8 16,59
    1769,8 16,47
    1846,3 15,95
    1943,8 16,59
    1994,5 16,27
    1994,5 15,98
    2053,2 15,91
    2057,8 15,8
    2057,8 15,72
    2085,4 15,71
    2085,4 15,6
    2085,4 15,39
    2112,1 15,71
    2125,8 15,23
    2147 15,61
    2153,4 15,36
    2162,6 15,08
    2199,2 15,44
    2199,2 15,34
    2275,7 14,88
    2373,2 15,44
    2423,9 15,16
    2423,9 14,91
    2482,6 14,85
    2487,2 14,75
    2487,2 14,69
    2514,8 14,68
    2514,8 14,58
    2514,8 14,4
    2541,5 14,68
    2555,2 14,26
    2576,4 14,59
    2582,8 14,37
    2592 14,12
    2628,6 14,44
    2628,6 14,35
    2705,1 13,95
    2802,6 14,44
    2853,3 14,2
    2853,3 13,98
    2912 13,92
    2916,6 13,84
    2916,6 13,78
    2944,2 13,77
    2944,2 13,69
    2944,2 13,52
    2970,9 13,77
    2984,6 13,4
    3005,8 13,69
    3012,2 13,5
    3021,4 13,28
    3058 13,56
    3058 13,48
    3134,5 13,13
    3232 13,56
    3282,7 13,35
    3282,7 13,15
    3341,4 13,1
    3346 13,03
    3346 12,98
    3373,6 12,97
    3373,6 12,89
    3373,6 12,75
    3400,3 12,97
    3414 12,64
    3435,2 12,9
    3441,6 12,73
    3450,8 12,53
    3487,4 12,79
    3487,4 12,71
    3563,9 12,4
    3661,4 12,79
    3712,1 12,59
    3712,1 12,42
    3770,8 12,38
    3775,4 12,31
    3775,4 12,26
    3803 12,25
    3803 12,19
    3803 12,06
    3829,7 12,25
    3843,4 11,96
    3864,6 12,2
    3871 12,04
    3880,2 11,87
    3916,8 12,09
    3916,8 12,03
    3993,3 11,74
    4090,8 12,09
    4141,5 11,92
    4141,5 11,76
    4200,2 11,72
    4204,8 11,66
    4204,8 11,62
    4232,4 11,62
    4232,4 11,56
    4232,4 11,44
    4259,1 11,62
    4272,8 11,35
    4294 11,56
    4300,4 11,43
    4309,6 11,27
    4346,2 11,47
    4346,2 11,41
    4422,7 11,16
    4520,2 11,47
    (4570,9 11,31
    4570,9 11,17
    4629,6 11,14
    4634,2 11,08
    4634,2 11,05
    4661,8 11,04
    4661,8 10,99
    4661,8 10,88
    4688,5 11,04
    4702,2 10,8
    4723,4 10,99
    4729,8 10,87
    4739 10,73
    4775,6 10,91
    4775,6 10,86
    4852,1 10,62
    4949,6 10,91)


    Poropudas, Hannu, 2009.
    Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s
    Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes. <533c8763-511e-4ec6-a69e-8f3f1e5d1591
    Sat, 13 Dec 2008 01:46:49 -0800 (PST).
    10 pages.
    (sci.bio.paleontology,sci.astro,sci.geo.geology, sci.physics,sci.math)
    (mathematician <haporopu
    Simple approximate calculation of the length of the cosmic year

    R0 = 7.92 +- 0.16 kpc ,(p. 50-15 / Table 3, power-law model).
    v0 = 227 km*s^(-1), (p. 50-16/Fig 6, p. 50-17), (no error estimation for simplicity).

    1 pc = 3.26 ly,
    1 ly = 9.460528436*10^15 m,

    R0 = 7.92 kpc = 7.92*3.26*10^3*9.460528436*10^15 m = 2.442632758*10^20 m,
    2*Pi*R0 = 1.534751426*10^21 m,
    v0 = 227*10^3*m*s^(-1),

    T0 = 2*Pi*R0/v0, (simple circular motion approximation for the length of cosmic year).

    T0 = 1.534751426*10^21 / 227*10^3 s = 6.761019496*10^15 s =
    = 6.761019496*10^15 / (365.2422*24*60*60) yrs = 214248354.8 yrs =
    = approx. 214.25 Myrs.

    (simplified error estimates , if R0 = 8.08 kpc, T0 = 218576604.4 yrs = approx. 219 Myrs and
    if R0 = 7.76 kpc, T0 = 209920105.2 yrs = approx. 210 Myrs)


    VERA collaboration, Tomoya Hirota et al., 2020.
    The First VERA Astronomy Catalog.
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan (2020) 72 (4), 50 (1-19).
    (p. 50-15 / Table 3, power-law model), (p. 50-16/Fig 6, p. 50-17), (no error estimation for simplicity).

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas
    Kolamäentie 9E,
    90900 Oulu / Kiiminki

    One very brave strange speculation of mine about time-dimension of the whole space:

    If I speculate that whole space would be a kind of "mega-galaxy",
    then I would speculate that this "mega-galaxy" has a center (inside black hole,
    "H-M's big ball" and "H-M's color-forces center planet" instead of singularity).
    This would be the origin of time dimension of the whole space.

    Time-dimension would be formed from a "frozen time-wave",
    which consists two kind of direction of flow of time,
    one direction forwards time and other backwards of time.
    (this speculation of mine is similar than H-M's color drawing of a black hole,
    which is public visible in my Hannu Poropudas Facebook Page.)

    Period of this "frozen time-wave" would have the period of above "Megacycles" articles of mine mentioned period of megacycles about
    429.4 million years, which is my brave strange speculation in this case.

    Ofcourse existence of megacycle about 429.4 million years
    must be observed also in geology of other planets and also properties (redshifts?)
    in whole space before this period 429.4 million years of speculation could be true?

    Best Regards,
    Hannu Poropudas, Kolamäentie 9E, 90900 Kiiminki / Oulu, Finland.

    "mega-galaxy" -> "metagalaxy"

    (everything should be tested to see if these are true):

    I have thought this "metagalaxy" and "time-wave" more closely:

    I think that only observable physical phenomena for " time-wave"
    could be such that this "time-wave" goes though all matter in "metagalaxy" periodically of cycles of 429.4 million years (this period is my guess) and "forwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave" would not have any significant
    effect to physical matter but "backwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave"
    could have some kind of warming effect interiors of planets,
    like Earth, Venus, Mars for example,
    which could increase VOLCANISM in those planets ?

    In H-M's black hole (also galaxy as I have undestood) drawing
    "time-wave" have (freezed?) cycles of oscillation of 100000-300000 years.
    I do not know that would this second limit 300000 years period
    be related to second kind on "H-M's 8/8 single cut diamod" shaped
    "creation stone of the Universe" due she has drawn
    two different kind of "H-M's 8/8 single cut diamond"
    shaped "creation stone of the Universe" on one of her drawing
    (both drawings are also public in Hannu Poropudas Facebook ).

    Above mentioned 100000 years periodicity of volcanism would fit nicely to the "Figure 2. Climate and sea level of the last 450 kyrs" ?
    I would prefer volcanism explanation instead explanation of the Milankovitch Theory
    of Earth's eccentricity periodicity about 100000 years.

    This is due that Earth's orbit eccentricity changes would be too SMALL to cause these high sea level rises points in this Figure 2 ?

    Carlson Anders, 2011.
    Ice Sheets and Sea Level in Earth's Past.
    Nature Education Knowledge 3 (10):3, 8 pages. Figure 2 Sea Level (m).

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas

    As I look large-scale structure maps of the Universe, I have poorly understood
    that "large void" areas could be those "backwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave"
    and "supercluster" areas could be those "forwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave"?

    As I look Planck-Satellite 2013 results of cosmic backround radiation temperature
    distribution maps, I see those "cold spots" and "warm spots" which I know both to be "light cones". And "warm spots" of these two are closer to the Big Bang start.
    I have also poorly understood that these spots corresponds to present
    size of "superclusters" and maybe (?) also present size of "large voids"?

    OPEN QUESTION: Is our Universe much larger that we have ever expected due these
    "hidden" cycle periods of 429.4 million years (my own guess) of time flow, if so, this would then look like structure of "pearls on ribbon"
    each "pearl on ribbon" would correspond to a "metagalaxy" and
    time-flow slice of 429.4 million years (my own guess)?

    What we know (not much) presently about geology (VOLGANISM)
    of Venus and Mars:

    1. NASA's Magellan spacegraft mission discovered that
    Venus has a geologically young surface with a relatively uniform age of 500+-200 Ma (million years).

    Geodynamics of Venus (Wikipedia 21.12.2022).

    2. The Ages of Mars (Ga=billion years):
    Pre-Noachian 4.5-4.1 Ga,
    Noachian 4.1-3.7 Ga,
    Hesperian 3.7-2.9 Ga,
    Amazonian 2.9 Ga - present.

    Last Update 1 September 2019.

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Hannu Poropudas@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jun 13 23:25:38 2023
    torstai 1. kesäkuuta 2023 klo 10.39.40 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    torstai 22. joulukuuta 2022 klo 9.57.20 UTC+2 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    keskiviikko 21. joulukuuta 2022 klo 10.38.31 UTC+2 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    maanantai 19. joulukuuta 2022 klo 12.43.20 UTC+2 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    maanantai 26. heinäkuuta 2021 klo 15.42.53 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    On Friday, July 17, 2020 at 10:55:43 AM UTC+3, Hannu Poropudas wrote:
    On Wednesday, July 1, 2020 at 8:13:10 PM UTC+3, hapor...@gmail.com wrote:
    I forget to mention one asumption which I have used: Earth's distance from the Sun have not significantly changed. This assumption I used when I made table of Earth's rotation rate (TABLE 4, -T/10^4,Hours/Day). Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas,
    TABLE 4, -T/10^4 centuries, Hour/Day is poorly visible in above, so I put this again here:
    (Author: Hannu K.J. Poropudas, Vesaisentie 9E,
    90900 Kiiminki, Finland, Date: 13.1.2009)
    Assumption: Distance between the Earth
    and the Sun has not changed significantly
    during Earth's life time (about 4550 Ma).
    Main intended area of use of these figures
    which are calculated from TABLE 2 is roughly
    about 0-2000 Ma.

    TABLE 4
    -T/10^4 Hours/Day
    0 24,03
    52,2 23,63
    52,2 23,39
    226,2 23,63
    276,9 22,98
    276,9 22,41
    335,6 22,27
    340,2 22,05
    340,2 21,91
    367,8 21,88
    367,8 21,67
    367,8 21,26
    394,5 21,88
    408,2 20,97
    429,4 21,69
    435,8 21,21
    445 20,67
    481,6 21,37
    481,6 21,17
    558,1 20,3
    655,6 21,37
    706,3 20,83
    706,3 20,36
    765 20,24
    769,6 20,06
    769,6 19,95
    797,2 19,92
    797,2 19,75
    797,2 19,41
    823,9 19,92
    837,6 19,16
    858,8 19,77
    865,2 19,37
    874,4 18,92
    911 19,5
    911 19,33
    987,5 18,61
    1085 19,5
    1135,7 19,05
    1135,7 18,66
    1194,4 18,56
    1199 18,41
    1199 18,31
    1226,6 18,29
    1226,6 18,14
    1226,6 17,86
    1253,3 18,29
    1267 17,65
    1288,2 18,16
    1294,6 17,82
    1303,8 17,44
    1340,4 17,93
    1340,4 17,79
    1416,9 17,17
    1514,4 17,93
    1565,1 17,55
    1565,1 17,21
    1623,8 17,13
    1628,4 17
    1628,4 16,92
    1656 16,9
    1656 16,78
    1656 16,53
    1682,7 16,9
    1696,4 16,35
    1717,6 16,79
    1724 16,5
    1733,2 16,17
    1769,8 16,59
    1769,8 16,47
    1846,3 15,95
    1943,8 16,59
    1994,5 16,27
    1994,5 15,98
    2053,2 15,91
    2057,8 15,8
    2057,8 15,72
    2085,4 15,71
    2085,4 15,6
    2085,4 15,39
    2112,1 15,71
    2125,8 15,23
    2147 15,61
    2153,4 15,36
    2162,6 15,08
    2199,2 15,44
    2199,2 15,34
    2275,7 14,88
    2373,2 15,44
    2423,9 15,16
    2423,9 14,91
    2482,6 14,85
    2487,2 14,75
    2487,2 14,69
    2514,8 14,68
    2514,8 14,58
    2514,8 14,4
    2541,5 14,68
    2555,2 14,26
    2576,4 14,59
    2582,8 14,37
    2592 14,12
    2628,6 14,44
    2628,6 14,35
    2705,1 13,95
    2802,6 14,44
    2853,3 14,2
    2853,3 13,98
    2912 13,92
    2916,6 13,84
    2916,6 13,78
    2944,2 13,77
    2944,2 13,69
    2944,2 13,52
    2970,9 13,77
    2984,6 13,4
    3005,8 13,69
    3012,2 13,5
    3021,4 13,28
    3058 13,56
    3058 13,48
    3134,5 13,13
    3232 13,56
    3282,7 13,35
    3282,7 13,15
    3341,4 13,1
    3346 13,03
    3346 12,98
    3373,6 12,97
    3373,6 12,89
    3373,6 12,75
    3400,3 12,97
    3414 12,64
    3435,2 12,9
    3441,6 12,73
    3450,8 12,53
    3487,4 12,79
    3487,4 12,71
    3563,9 12,4
    3661,4 12,79
    3712,1 12,59
    3712,1 12,42
    3770,8 12,38
    3775,4 12,31
    3775,4 12,26
    3803 12,25
    3803 12,19
    3803 12,06
    3829,7 12,25
    3843,4 11,96
    3864,6 12,2
    3871 12,04
    3880,2 11,87
    3916,8 12,09
    3916,8 12,03
    3993,3 11,74
    4090,8 12,09
    4141,5 11,92
    4141,5 11,76
    4200,2 11,72
    4204,8 11,66
    4204,8 11,62
    4232,4 11,62
    4232,4 11,56
    4232,4 11,44
    4259,1 11,62
    4272,8 11,35
    4294 11,56
    4300,4 11,43
    4309,6 11,27
    4346,2 11,47
    4346,2 11,41
    4422,7 11,16
    4520,2 11,47
    (4570,9 11,31
    4570,9 11,17
    4629,6 11,14
    4634,2 11,08
    4634,2 11,05
    4661,8 11,04
    4661,8 10,99
    4661,8 10,88
    4688,5 11,04
    4702,2 10,8
    4723,4 10,99
    4729,8 10,87
    4739 10,73
    4775,6 10,91
    4775,6 10,86
    4852,1 10,62
    4949,6 10,91)


    Poropudas, Hannu, 2009.
    Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s
    Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes. <533c8763-511e-4ec6-a69e-8f3f1e5d1591
    Sat, 13 Dec 2008 01:46:49 -0800 (PST).
    10 pages.
    (sci.bio.paleontology,sci.astro,sci.geo.geology, sci.physics,sci.math)
    (mathematician <haporopu
    Simple approximate calculation of the length of the cosmic year

    R0 = 7.92 +- 0.16 kpc ,(p. 50-15 / Table 3, power-law model).
    v0 = 227 km*s^(-1), (p. 50-16/Fig 6, p. 50-17), (no error estimation for simplicity).

    1 pc = 3.26 ly,
    1 ly = 9.460528436*10^15 m,

    R0 = 7.92 kpc = 7.92*3.26*10^3*9.460528436*10^15 m = 2.442632758*10^20 m,
    2*Pi*R0 = 1.534751426*10^21 m,
    v0 = 227*10^3*m*s^(-1),

    T0 = 2*Pi*R0/v0, (simple circular motion approximation for the length of cosmic year).

    T0 = 1.534751426*10^21 / 227*10^3 s = 6.761019496*10^15 s =
    = 6.761019496*10^15 / (365.2422*24*60*60) yrs = 214248354.8 yrs =
    = approx. 214.25 Myrs.

    (simplified error estimates , if R0 = 8.08 kpc, T0 = 218576604.4 yrs = approx. 219 Myrs and
    if R0 = 7.76 kpc, T0 = 209920105.2 yrs = approx. 210 Myrs)


    VERA collaboration, Tomoya Hirota et al., 2020.
    The First VERA Astronomy Catalog.
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan (2020) 72 (4), 50 (1-19).
    (p. 50-15 / Table 3, power-law model), (p. 50-16/Fig 6, p. 50-17), (no error estimation for simplicity).

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas
    Kolamäentie 9E,
    90900 Oulu / Kiiminki

    One very brave strange speculation of mine about time-dimension of the whole space:

    If I speculate that whole space would be a kind of "mega-galaxy",
    then I would speculate that this "mega-galaxy" has a center (inside black hole,
    "H-M's big ball" and "H-M's color-forces center planet" instead of singularity).
    This would be the origin of time dimension of the whole space.

    Time-dimension would be formed from a "frozen time-wave",
    which consists two kind of direction of flow of time,
    one direction forwards time and other backwards of time.
    (this speculation of mine is similar than H-M's color drawing of a black hole,
    which is public visible in my Hannu Poropudas Facebook Page.)

    Period of this "frozen time-wave" would have the period of above "Megacycles" articles of mine mentioned period of megacycles about 429.4 million years, which is my brave strange speculation in this case.

    Ofcourse existence of megacycle about 429.4 million years
    must be observed also in geology of other planets and also properties (redshifts?)
    in whole space before this period 429.4 million years of speculation could be true?

    Best Regards,
    Hannu Poropudas, Kolamäentie 9E, 90900 Kiiminki / Oulu, Finland.

    "mega-galaxy" -> "metagalaxy"

    (everything should be tested to see if these are true):

    I have thought this "metagalaxy" and "time-wave" more closely:

    I think that only observable physical phenomena for " time-wave"
    could be such that this "time-wave" goes though all matter in "metagalaxy" periodically of cycles of 429.4 million years (this period is my guess) and
    "forwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave" would not have any significant
    effect to physical matter but "backwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave"
    could have some kind of warming effect interiors of planets,
    like Earth, Venus, Mars for example,
    which could increase VOLCANISM in those planets ?

    In H-M's black hole (also galaxy as I have undestood) drawing
    "time-wave" have (freezed?) cycles of oscillation of 100000-300000 years. I do not know that would this second limit 300000 years period
    be related to second kind on "H-M's 8/8 single cut diamod" shaped "creation stone of the Universe" due she has drawn
    two different kind of "H-M's 8/8 single cut diamond"
    shaped "creation stone of the Universe" on one of her drawing
    (both drawings are also public in Hannu Poropudas Facebook ).

    Above mentioned 100000 years periodicity of volcanism would fit nicely to the
    "Figure 2. Climate and sea level of the last 450 kyrs" ?
    I would prefer volcanism explanation instead explanation of the Milankovitch Theory
    of Earth's eccentricity periodicity about 100000 years.

    This is due that Earth's orbit eccentricity changes would be too SMALL to cause
    these high sea level rises points in this Figure 2 ?

    Carlson Anders, 2011.
    Ice Sheets and Sea Level in Earth's Past.
    Nature Education Knowledge 3 (10):3, 8 pages. Figure 2 Sea Level (m).

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas
    As I look large-scale structure maps of the Universe, I have poorly understood
    that "large void" areas could be those "backwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave"
    and "supercluster" areas could be those "forwards direction of time flow" of

    As I look Planck-Satellite 2013 results of cosmic backround radiation temperature
    distribution maps, I see those "cold spots" and "warm spots" which I know both to be "light cones". And "warm spots" of these two are closer to the Big Bang start.
    I have also poorly understood that these spots corresponds to present
    size of "superclusters" and maybe (?) also present size of "large voids"?

    OPEN QUESTION: Is our Universe much larger that we have ever expected due these
    "hidden" cycle periods of 429.4 million years (my own guess) of time flow, if so, this would then look like structure of "pearls on ribbon"
    each "pearl on ribbon" would correspond to a "metagalaxy" and
    time-flow slice of 429.4 million years (my own guess)?

    What we know (not much) presently about geology (VOLGANISM)
    of Venus and Mars:

    1. NASA's Magellan spacegraft mission discovered that
    Venus has a geologically young surface with a relatively uniform age of 500+-200 Ma (million years).

    Geodynamics of Venus (Wikipedia 21.12.2022).

    2. The Ages of Mars (Ga=billion years):
    Pre-Noachian 4.5-4.1 Ga,
    Noachian 4.1-3.7 Ga,
    Hesperian 3.7-2.9 Ga,
    Amazonian 2.9 Ga - present.

    Last Update 1 September 2019.

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas

    I found one interesting experimental reference
    of time-series plots from age histograms in recent
    Kenneth Condie paper, from (5d.) which I found roughly
    following approximate maximums:

    3820 Ma
    3520 Ma
    3450 Ma
    3150 Ma
    2980 Ma
    2920 Ma
    2880 Ma
    2780 Ma
    2700 Ma
    2620 Ma
    2580 Ma
    2500 Ma
    2450 Ma
    2380 Ma
    2220 Ma
    2180 Ma
    2120 Ma
    2050 Ma
    1980 Ma
    1890 Ma
    1800 Ma
    1780 Ma
    1700 Ma
    1650 Ma
    1590 Ma
    1450 Ma
    1390 Ma
    1250 Ma
    1190 Ma
    1100 Ma
    1000 Ma
    920 Ma
    790 Ma
    720 Ma
    600 Ma
    520 Ma
    450 Ma
    390 Ma
    300 Ma
    250 Ma
    200 Ma
    100 Ma


    Condie, K. C., 2021.
    Revisiting the Mesoproterozoic.
    Gondwanda Research, 100 (2021) 44-52.
    (Figure 5d, page 48).

    (Figure 5. Raw time-series plots from age histograms
    at 10 Myr intervals, regional weighting of ages, U/Pb records
    accepted with absolute discordance < 70 Myr and
    2-sigma uncertainty < 75 Myr; 25 Myr resolution.

    5d. large igneous province (LIP) ages represented
    in 535 crustal provinces (no regional weighting,
    smoothed with 3-weight Gaussian kernel).)

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Hannu Poropudas@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jun 14 23:44:58 2023
    keskiviikko 14. kesäkuuta 2023 klo 9.25.40 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    torstai 1. kesäkuuta 2023 klo 10.39.40 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    torstai 22. joulukuuta 2022 klo 9.57.20 UTC+2 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    keskiviikko 21. joulukuuta 2022 klo 10.38.31 UTC+2 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    maanantai 19. joulukuuta 2022 klo 12.43.20 UTC+2 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    maanantai 26. heinäkuuta 2021 klo 15.42.53 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    On Friday, July 17, 2020 at 10:55:43 AM UTC+3, Hannu Poropudas wrote:
    On Wednesday, July 1, 2020 at 8:13:10 PM UTC+3, hapor...@gmail.com wrote:
    I forget to mention one asumption which I have used: Earth's distance from the Sun have not significantly changed. This assumption I used when I made table of Earth's rotation rate (TABLE 4, -T/10^4,Hours/Day). Best Regards, Hannu
    Poropudas, Finland.
    TABLE 4, -T/10^4 centuries, Hour/Day is poorly visible in above, so I put this again here:
    (Author: Hannu K.J. Poropudas, Vesaisentie 9E,
    90900 Kiiminki, Finland, Date: 13.1.2009)
    Assumption: Distance between the Earth
    and the Sun has not changed significantly
    during Earth's life time (about 4550 Ma).
    Main intended area of use of these figures
    which are calculated from TABLE 2 is roughly
    about 0-2000 Ma.

    TABLE 4
    -T/10^4 Hours/Day
    0 24,03
    52,2 23,63
    52,2 23,39
    226,2 23,63
    276,9 22,98
    276,9 22,41
    335,6 22,27
    340,2 22,05
    340,2 21,91
    367,8 21,88
    367,8 21,67
    367,8 21,26
    394,5 21,88
    408,2 20,97
    429,4 21,69
    435,8 21,21
    445 20,67
    481,6 21,37
    481,6 21,17
    558,1 20,3
    655,6 21,37
    706,3 20,83
    706,3 20,36
    765 20,24
    769,6 20,06
    769,6 19,95
    797,2 19,92
    797,2 19,75
    797,2 19,41
    823,9 19,92
    837,6 19,16
    858,8 19,77
    865,2 19,37
    874,4 18,92
    911 19,5
    911 19,33
    987,5 18,61
    1085 19,5
    1135,7 19,05
    1135,7 18,66
    1194,4 18,56
    1199 18,41
    1199 18,31
    1226,6 18,29
    1226,6 18,14
    1226,6 17,86
    1253,3 18,29
    1267 17,65
    1288,2 18,16
    1294,6 17,82
    1303,8 17,44
    1340,4 17,93
    1340,4 17,79
    1416,9 17,17
    1514,4 17,93
    1565,1 17,55
    1565,1 17,21
    1623,8 17,13
    1628,4 17
    1628,4 16,92
    1656 16,9
    1656 16,78
    1656 16,53
    1682,7 16,9
    1696,4 16,35
    1717,6 16,79
    1724 16,5
    1733,2 16,17
    1769,8 16,59
    1769,8 16,47
    1846,3 15,95
    1943,8 16,59
    1994,5 16,27
    1994,5 15,98
    2053,2 15,91
    2057,8 15,8
    2057,8 15,72
    2085,4 15,71
    2085,4 15,6
    2085,4 15,39
    2112,1 15,71
    2125,8 15,23
    2147 15,61
    2153,4 15,36
    2162,6 15,08
    2199,2 15,44
    2199,2 15,34
    2275,7 14,88
    2373,2 15,44
    2423,9 15,16
    2423,9 14,91
    2482,6 14,85
    2487,2 14,75
    2487,2 14,69
    2514,8 14,68
    2514,8 14,58
    2514,8 14,4
    2541,5 14,68
    2555,2 14,26
    2576,4 14,59
    2582,8 14,37
    2592 14,12
    2628,6 14,44
    2628,6 14,35
    2705,1 13,95
    2802,6 14,44
    2853,3 14,2
    2853,3 13,98
    2912 13,92
    2916,6 13,84
    2916,6 13,78
    2944,2 13,77
    2944,2 13,69
    2944,2 13,52
    2970,9 13,77
    2984,6 13,4
    3005,8 13,69
    3012,2 13,5
    3021,4 13,28
    3058 13,56
    3058 13,48
    3134,5 13,13
    3232 13,56
    3282,7 13,35
    3282,7 13,15
    3341,4 13,1
    3346 13,03
    3346 12,98
    3373,6 12,97
    3373,6 12,89
    3373,6 12,75
    3400,3 12,97
    3414 12,64
    3435,2 12,9
    3441,6 12,73
    3450,8 12,53
    3487,4 12,79
    3487,4 12,71
    3563,9 12,4
    3661,4 12,79
    3712,1 12,59
    3712,1 12,42
    3770,8 12,38
    3775,4 12,31
    3775,4 12,26
    3803 12,25
    3803 12,19
    3803 12,06
    3829,7 12,25
    3843,4 11,96
    3864,6 12,2
    3871 12,04
    3880,2 11,87
    3916,8 12,09
    3916,8 12,03
    3993,3 11,74
    4090,8 12,09
    4141,5 11,92
    4141,5 11,76
    4200,2 11,72
    4204,8 11,66
    4204,8 11,62
    4232,4 11,62
    4232,4 11,56
    4232,4 11,44
    4259,1 11,62
    4272,8 11,35
    4294 11,56
    4300,4 11,43
    4309,6 11,27
    4346,2 11,47
    4346,2 11,41
    4422,7 11,16
    4520,2 11,47
    (4570,9 11,31
    4570,9 11,17
    4629,6 11,14
    4634,2 11,08
    4634,2 11,05
    4661,8 11,04
    4661,8 10,99
    4661,8 10,88
    4688,5 11,04
    4702,2 10,8
    4723,4 10,99
    4729,8 10,87
    4739 10,73
    4775,6 10,91
    4775,6 10,86
    4852,1 10,62
    4949,6 10,91)


    Poropudas, Hannu, 2009.
    Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s
    Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes. <533c8763-511e-4ec6-a69e-8f3f1e5d1591
    Sat, 13 Dec 2008 01:46:49 -0800 (PST).
    10 pages.
    (sci.bio.paleontology,sci.astro,sci.geo.geology, sci.physics,sci.math)
    (mathematician <haporopu
    Simple approximate calculation of the length of the cosmic year

    R0 = 7.92 +- 0.16 kpc ,(p. 50-15 / Table 3, power-law model).
    v0 = 227 km*s^(-1), (p. 50-16/Fig 6, p. 50-17), (no error estimation for simplicity).

    1 pc = 3.26 ly,
    1 ly = 9.460528436*10^15 m,

    R0 = 7.92 kpc = 7.92*3.26*10^3*9.460528436*10^15 m = 2.442632758*10^20 m,
    2*Pi*R0 = 1.534751426*10^21 m,
    v0 = 227*10^3*m*s^(-1),

    T0 = 2*Pi*R0/v0, (simple circular motion approximation for the length of cosmic year).

    T0 = 1.534751426*10^21 / 227*10^3 s = 6.761019496*10^15 s =
    = 6.761019496*10^15 / (365.2422*24*60*60) yrs = 214248354.8 yrs = = approx. 214.25 Myrs.

    (simplified error estimates , if R0 = 8.08 kpc, T0 = 218576604.4 yrs = approx. 219 Myrs and
    if R0 = 7.76 kpc, T0 = 209920105.2 yrs = approx. 210 Myrs)


    VERA collaboration, Tomoya Hirota et al., 2020.
    The First VERA Astronomy Catalog.
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan (2020) 72 (4), 50 (1-19).
    (p. 50-15 / Table 3, power-law model), (p. 50-16/Fig 6, p. 50-17), (no error estimation for simplicity).

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas
    Kolamäentie 9E,
    90900 Oulu / Kiiminki

    One very brave strange speculation of mine about time-dimension of the whole space:

    If I speculate that whole space would be a kind of "mega-galaxy", then I would speculate that this "mega-galaxy" has a center (inside black hole,
    "H-M's big ball" and "H-M's color-forces center planet" instead of singularity).
    This would be the origin of time dimension of the whole space.

    Time-dimension would be formed from a "frozen time-wave",
    which consists two kind of direction of flow of time,
    one direction forwards time and other backwards of time.
    (this speculation of mine is similar than H-M's color drawing of a black hole,
    which is public visible in my Hannu Poropudas Facebook Page.)

    Period of this "frozen time-wave" would have the period of above "Megacycles" articles of mine mentioned period of megacycles about 429.4 million years, which is my brave strange speculation in this case.

    Ofcourse existence of megacycle about 429.4 million years
    must be observed also in geology of other planets and also properties (redshifts?)
    in whole space before this period 429.4 million years of speculation could be true?

    Best Regards,
    Hannu Poropudas, Kolamäentie 9E, 90900 Kiiminki / Oulu, Finland.

    "mega-galaxy" -> "metagalaxy"

    (everything should be tested to see if these are true):

    I have thought this "metagalaxy" and "time-wave" more closely:

    I think that only observable physical phenomena for " time-wave"
    could be such that this "time-wave" goes though all matter in "metagalaxy"
    periodically of cycles of 429.4 million years (this period is my guess) and
    "forwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave" would not have any significant
    effect to physical matter but "backwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave"
    could have some kind of warming effect interiors of planets,
    like Earth, Venus, Mars for example,
    which could increase VOLCANISM in those planets ?

    In H-M's black hole (also galaxy as I have undestood) drawing "time-wave" have (freezed?) cycles of oscillation of 100000-300000 years.
    I do not know that would this second limit 300000 years period
    be related to second kind on "H-M's 8/8 single cut diamod" shaped "creation stone of the Universe" due she has drawn
    two different kind of "H-M's 8/8 single cut diamond"
    shaped "creation stone of the Universe" on one of her drawing
    (both drawings are also public in Hannu Poropudas Facebook ).

    Above mentioned 100000 years periodicity of volcanism would fit nicely to the
    "Figure 2. Climate and sea level of the last 450 kyrs" ?
    I would prefer volcanism explanation instead explanation of the Milankovitch Theory
    of Earth's eccentricity periodicity about 100000 years.

    This is due that Earth's orbit eccentricity changes would be too SMALL to cause
    these high sea level rises points in this Figure 2 ?

    Carlson Anders, 2011.
    Ice Sheets and Sea Level in Earth's Past.
    Nature Education Knowledge 3 (10):3, 8 pages. Figure 2 Sea Level (m).

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas
    As I look large-scale structure maps of the Universe, I have poorly understood
    that "large void" areas could be those "backwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave"
    and "supercluster" areas could be those "forwards direction of time flow" of

    As I look Planck-Satellite 2013 results of cosmic backround radiation temperature
    distribution maps, I see those "cold spots" and "warm spots" which I know
    both to be "light cones". And "warm spots" of these two are closer to the Big Bang start.
    I have also poorly understood that these spots corresponds to present size of "superclusters" and maybe (?) also present size of "large voids"?

    OPEN QUESTION: Is our Universe much larger that we have ever expected due these
    "hidden" cycle periods of 429.4 million years (my own guess) of time flow,
    if so, this would then look like structure of "pearls on ribbon"
    each "pearl on ribbon" would correspond to a "metagalaxy" and
    time-flow slice of 429.4 million years (my own guess)?

    What we know (not much) presently about geology (VOLGANISM)
    of Venus and Mars:

    1. NASA's Magellan spacegraft mission discovered that
    Venus has a geologically young surface with a relatively uniform age of 500+-200 Ma (million years).

    Geodynamics of Venus (Wikipedia 21.12.2022).

    2. The Ages of Mars (Ga=billion years):
    Pre-Noachian 4.5-4.1 Ga,
    Noachian 4.1-3.7 Ga,
    Hesperian 3.7-2.9 Ga,
    Amazonian 2.9 Ga - present.

    Last Update 1 September 2019.

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas


    I noticed from Figure 5d that at least following rough approximations
    of maximums are also present in Figure 5d:

    3390 Ma
    3250 Ma
    3020 Ma
    820 Ma.

    I put these also in to the list:

    I found one interesting experimental reference
    of time-series plots from age histograms in recent
    Kenneth Condie paper, from (5d.) which I found roughly
    following approximate maximums:

    3820 Ma
    3520 Ma
    3450 Ma

    3390 Ma
    3250 Ma

    3150 Ma

    3020 Ma

    2980 Ma
    2920 Ma
    2880 Ma
    2780 Ma
    2700 Ma
    2620 Ma
    2580 Ma
    2500 Ma
    2450 Ma
    2380 Ma
    2220 Ma
    2180 Ma
    2120 Ma
    2050 Ma
    1980 Ma
    1890 Ma
    1800 Ma
    1780 Ma
    1700 Ma
    1650 Ma
    1590 Ma
    1450 Ma
    1390 Ma
    1250 Ma
    1190 Ma
    1100 Ma
    1000 Ma
    920 Ma

    820 Ma

    790 Ma
    720 Ma
    600 Ma
    520 Ma
    450 Ma
    390 Ma
    300 Ma
    250 Ma
    200 Ma
    100 Ma


    Condie, K. C., 2021.
    Revisiting the Mesoproterozoic.
    Gondwanda Research, 100 (2021) 44-52.
    (Figure 5d, page 48).

    (Figure 5. Raw time-series plots from age histograms
    at 10 Myr intervals, regional weighting of ages, U/Pb records
    accepted with absolute discordance < 70 Myr and
    2-sigma uncertainty < 75 Myr; 25 Myr resolution.

    5d. large igneous province (LIP) ages represented
    in 535 crustal provinces (no regional weighting,
    smoothed with 3-weight Gaussian kernel).)

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas

    I'am sorry about my mistake of missing maximums

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Hannu Poropudas@21:1/5 to All on Thu Jun 15 23:29:15 2023
    torstai 15. kesäkuuta 2023 klo 9.45.00 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    keskiviikko 14. kesäkuuta 2023 klo 9.25.40 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    torstai 1. kesäkuuta 2023 klo 10.39.40 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    torstai 22. joulukuuta 2022 klo 9.57.20 UTC+2 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    keskiviikko 21. joulukuuta 2022 klo 10.38.31 UTC+2 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    maanantai 19. joulukuuta 2022 klo 12.43.20 UTC+2 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    maanantai 26. heinäkuuta 2021 klo 15.42.53 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    On Friday, July 17, 2020 at 10:55:43 AM UTC+3, Hannu Poropudas wrote:
    On Wednesday, July 1, 2020 at 8:13:10 PM UTC+3, hapor...@gmail.com wrote:
    I forget to mention one asumption which I have used: Earth's distance from the Sun have not significantly changed. This assumption I used when I made table of Earth's rotation rate (TABLE 4, -T/10^4,Hours/Day). Best Regards, Hannu
    Poropudas, Finland.
    TABLE 4, -T/10^4 centuries, Hour/Day is poorly visible in above, so I put this again here:
    (Author: Hannu K.J. Poropudas, Vesaisentie 9E,
    90900 Kiiminki, Finland, Date: 13.1.2009)
    Assumption: Distance between the Earth
    and the Sun has not changed significantly
    during Earth's life time (about 4550 Ma).
    Main intended area of use of these figures
    which are calculated from TABLE 2 is roughly
    about 0-2000 Ma.

    TABLE 4
    -T/10^4 Hours/Day
    0 24,03
    52,2 23,63
    52,2 23,39
    226,2 23,63
    276,9 22,98
    276,9 22,41
    335,6 22,27
    340,2 22,05
    340,2 21,91
    367,8 21,88
    367,8 21,67
    367,8 21,26
    394,5 21,88
    408,2 20,97
    429,4 21,69
    435,8 21,21
    445 20,67
    481,6 21,37
    481,6 21,17
    558,1 20,3
    655,6 21,37
    706,3 20,83
    706,3 20,36
    765 20,24
    769,6 20,06
    769,6 19,95
    797,2 19,92
    797,2 19,75
    797,2 19,41
    823,9 19,92
    837,6 19,16
    858,8 19,77
    865,2 19,37
    874,4 18,92
    911 19,5
    911 19,33
    987,5 18,61
    1085 19,5
    1135,7 19,05
    1135,7 18,66
    1194,4 18,56
    1199 18,41
    1199 18,31
    1226,6 18,29
    1226,6 18,14
    1226,6 17,86
    1253,3 18,29
    1267 17,65
    1288,2 18,16
    1294,6 17,82
    1303,8 17,44
    1340,4 17,93
    1340,4 17,79
    1416,9 17,17
    1514,4 17,93
    1565,1 17,55
    1565,1 17,21
    1623,8 17,13
    1628,4 17
    1628,4 16,92
    1656 16,9
    1656 16,78
    1656 16,53
    1682,7 16,9
    1696,4 16,35
    1717,6 16,79
    1724 16,5
    1733,2 16,17
    1769,8 16,59
    1769,8 16,47
    1846,3 15,95
    1943,8 16,59
    1994,5 16,27
    1994,5 15,98
    2053,2 15,91
    2057,8 15,8
    2057,8 15,72
    2085,4 15,71
    2085,4 15,6
    2085,4 15,39
    2112,1 15,71
    2125,8 15,23
    2147 15,61
    2153,4 15,36
    2162,6 15,08
    2199,2 15,44
    2199,2 15,34
    2275,7 14,88
    2373,2 15,44
    2423,9 15,16
    2423,9 14,91
    2482,6 14,85
    2487,2 14,75
    2487,2 14,69
    2514,8 14,68
    2514,8 14,58
    2514,8 14,4
    2541,5 14,68
    2555,2 14,26
    2576,4 14,59
    2582,8 14,37
    2592 14,12
    2628,6 14,44
    2628,6 14,35
    2705,1 13,95
    2802,6 14,44
    2853,3 14,2
    2853,3 13,98
    2912 13,92
    2916,6 13,84
    2916,6 13,78
    2944,2 13,77
    2944,2 13,69
    2944,2 13,52
    2970,9 13,77
    2984,6 13,4
    3005,8 13,69
    3012,2 13,5
    3021,4 13,28
    3058 13,56
    3058 13,48
    3134,5 13,13
    3232 13,56
    3282,7 13,35
    3282,7 13,15
    3341,4 13,1
    3346 13,03
    3346 12,98
    3373,6 12,97
    3373,6 12,89
    3373,6 12,75
    3400,3 12,97
    3414 12,64
    3435,2 12,9
    3441,6 12,73
    3450,8 12,53
    3487,4 12,79
    3487,4 12,71
    3563,9 12,4
    3661,4 12,79
    3712,1 12,59
    3712,1 12,42
    3770,8 12,38
    3775,4 12,31
    3775,4 12,26
    3803 12,25
    3803 12,19
    3803 12,06
    3829,7 12,25
    3843,4 11,96
    3864,6 12,2
    3871 12,04
    3880,2 11,87
    3916,8 12,09
    3916,8 12,03
    3993,3 11,74
    4090,8 12,09
    4141,5 11,92
    4141,5 11,76
    4200,2 11,72
    4204,8 11,66
    4204,8 11,62
    4232,4 11,62
    4232,4 11,56
    4232,4 11,44
    4259,1 11,62
    4272,8 11,35
    4294 11,56
    4300,4 11,43
    4309,6 11,27
    4346,2 11,47
    4346,2 11,41
    4422,7 11,16
    4520,2 11,47
    (4570,9 11,31
    4570,9 11,17
    4629,6 11,14
    4634,2 11,08
    4634,2 11,05
    4661,8 11,04
    4661,8 10,99
    4661,8 10,88
    4688,5 11,04
    4702,2 10,8
    4723,4 10,99
    4729,8 10,87
    4739 10,73
    4775,6 10,91
    4775,6 10,86
    4852,1 10,62
    4949,6 10,91)


    Poropudas, Hannu, 2009.
    Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s
    Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes. <533c8763-511e-4ec6-a69e-8f3f1e5d1591
    Sat, 13 Dec 2008 01:46:49 -0800 (PST).
    10 pages.
    (sci.bio.paleontology,sci.astro,sci.geo.geology, sci.physics,sci.math)
    (mathematician <haporopu
    Simple approximate calculation of the length of the cosmic year

    R0 = 7.92 +- 0.16 kpc ,(p. 50-15 / Table 3, power-law model).
    v0 = 227 km*s^(-1), (p. 50-16/Fig 6, p. 50-17), (no error estimation for simplicity).

    1 pc = 3.26 ly,
    1 ly = 9.460528436*10^15 m,

    R0 = 7.92 kpc = 7.92*3.26*10^3*9.460528436*10^15 m = 2.442632758*10^20 m,
    2*Pi*R0 = 1.534751426*10^21 m,
    v0 = 227*10^3*m*s^(-1),

    T0 = 2*Pi*R0/v0, (simple circular motion approximation for the length of cosmic year).

    T0 = 1.534751426*10^21 / 227*10^3 s = 6.761019496*10^15 s =
    = 6.761019496*10^15 / (365.2422*24*60*60) yrs = 214248354.8 yrs =
    = approx. 214.25 Myrs.

    (simplified error estimates , if R0 = 8.08 kpc, T0 = 218576604.4 yrs = approx. 219 Myrs and
    if R0 = 7.76 kpc, T0 = 209920105.2 yrs = approx. 210 Myrs)


    VERA collaboration, Tomoya Hirota et al., 2020.
    The First VERA Astronomy Catalog.
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan (2020) 72 (4), 50 (1-19).
    (p. 50-15 / Table 3, power-law model), (p. 50-16/Fig 6, p. 50-17), (no error estimation for simplicity).

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas
    Kolamäentie 9E,
    90900 Oulu / Kiiminki

    One very brave strange speculation of mine about time-dimension of the whole space:

    If I speculate that whole space would be a kind of "mega-galaxy", then I would speculate that this "mega-galaxy" has a center (inside black hole,
    "H-M's big ball" and "H-M's color-forces center planet" instead of singularity).
    This would be the origin of time dimension of the whole space.

    Time-dimension would be formed from a "frozen time-wave",
    which consists two kind of direction of flow of time,
    one direction forwards time and other backwards of time.
    (this speculation of mine is similar than H-M's color drawing of a black hole,
    which is public visible in my Hannu Poropudas Facebook Page.)

    Period of this "frozen time-wave" would have the period of above "Megacycles" articles of mine mentioned period of megacycles about 429.4 million years, which is my brave strange speculation in this case.

    Ofcourse existence of megacycle about 429.4 million years
    must be observed also in geology of other planets and also properties (redshifts?)
    in whole space before this period 429.4 million years of speculation could be true?

    Best Regards,
    Hannu Poropudas, Kolamäentie 9E, 90900 Kiiminki / Oulu, Finland.

    "mega-galaxy" -> "metagalaxy"

    (everything should be tested to see if these are true):

    I have thought this "metagalaxy" and "time-wave" more closely:

    I think that only observable physical phenomena for " time-wave"
    could be such that this "time-wave" goes though all matter in "metagalaxy"
    periodically of cycles of 429.4 million years (this period is my guess) and
    "forwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave" would not have any significant
    effect to physical matter but "backwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave"
    could have some kind of warming effect interiors of planets,
    like Earth, Venus, Mars for example,
    which could increase VOLCANISM in those planets ?

    In H-M's black hole (also galaxy as I have undestood) drawing "time-wave" have (freezed?) cycles of oscillation of 100000-300000 years.
    I do not know that would this second limit 300000 years period
    be related to second kind on "H-M's 8/8 single cut diamod" shaped "creation stone of the Universe" due she has drawn
    two different kind of "H-M's 8/8 single cut diamond"
    shaped "creation stone of the Universe" on one of her drawing
    (both drawings are also public in Hannu Poropudas Facebook ).

    Above mentioned 100000 years periodicity of volcanism would fit nicely to the
    "Figure 2. Climate and sea level of the last 450 kyrs" ?
    I would prefer volcanism explanation instead explanation of the Milankovitch Theory
    of Earth's eccentricity periodicity about 100000 years.

    This is due that Earth's orbit eccentricity changes would be too SMALL to cause
    these high sea level rises points in this Figure 2 ?

    Carlson Anders, 2011.
    Ice Sheets and Sea Level in Earth's Past.
    Nature Education Knowledge 3 (10):3, 8 pages. Figure 2 Sea Level (m).

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas
    As I look large-scale structure maps of the Universe, I have poorly understood
    that "large void" areas could be those "backwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave"
    and "supercluster" areas could be those "forwards direction of time flow" of

    As I look Planck-Satellite 2013 results of cosmic backround radiation temperature
    distribution maps, I see those "cold spots" and "warm spots" which I know
    both to be "light cones". And "warm spots" of these two are closer to the Big Bang start.
    I have also poorly understood that these spots corresponds to present size of "superclusters" and maybe (?) also present size of "large voids"?

    OPEN QUESTION: Is our Universe much larger that we have ever expected due these
    "hidden" cycle periods of 429.4 million years (my own guess) of time flow,
    if so, this would then look like structure of "pearls on ribbon"
    each "pearl on ribbon" would correspond to a "metagalaxy" and time-flow slice of 429.4 million years (my own guess)?

    What we know (not much) presently about geology (VOLGANISM)
    of Venus and Mars:

    1. NASA's Magellan spacegraft mission discovered that
    Venus has a geologically young surface with a relatively uniform age of
    500+-200 Ma (million years).

    Geodynamics of Venus (Wikipedia 21.12.2022).

    2. The Ages of Mars (Ga=billion years):
    Pre-Noachian 4.5-4.1 Ga,
    Noachian 4.1-3.7 Ga,
    Hesperian 3.7-2.9 Ga,
    Amazonian 2.9 Ga - present.

    Reference: https://sci.eas.int/web/mars-express/~/55481-the-ages_of_mars
    Last Update 1 September 2019.

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas

    I noticed from Figure 5d that at least following rough approximations
    of maximums are also present in Figure 5d:

    3390 Ma
    3250 Ma
    3020 Ma
    820 Ma.

    I put these also in to the list:
    I found one interesting experimental reference
    of time-series plots from age histograms in recent
    Kenneth Condie paper, from (5d.) which I found roughly
    following approximate maximums:

    3820 Ma
    3520 Ma
    3450 Ma
    3390 Ma
    3250 Ma

    3150 Ma

    3020 Ma
    2980 Ma
    2920 Ma
    2880 Ma
    2780 Ma
    2700 Ma
    2620 Ma
    2580 Ma
    2500 Ma
    2450 Ma
    2380 Ma
    2220 Ma
    2180 Ma
    2120 Ma
    2050 Ma
    1980 Ma
    1890 Ma
    1800 Ma
    1780 Ma
    1700 Ma
    1650 Ma
    1590 Ma
    1450 Ma
    1390 Ma
    1250 Ma
    1190 Ma
    1100 Ma
    1000 Ma
    920 Ma
    820 Ma
    790 Ma
    720 Ma
    600 Ma
    520 Ma
    450 Ma
    390 Ma
    300 Ma
    250 Ma
    200 Ma
    100 Ma


    Condie, K. C., 2021.
    Revisiting the Mesoproterozoic.
    Gondwanda Research, 100 (2021) 44-52.
    (Figure 5d, page 48).

    (Figure 5. Raw time-series plots from age histograms
    at 10 Myr intervals, regional weighting of ages, U/Pb records
    accepted with absolute discordance < 70 Myr and
    2-sigma uncertainty < 75 Myr; 25 Myr resolution.

    5d. large igneous province (LIP) ages represented
    in 535 crustal provinces (no regional weighting,
    smoothed with 3-weight Gaussian kernel).)

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas
    I'am sorry about my mistake of missing maximums

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas

    I found one (more clear than above reference
    of (Condie K C 2021) ?)
    reference in which (Condie K C et al 2021) have found
    approximately 400-Myr periodicity ?


    Condie, K. C., Pisarevsky, S. A., Puetz, S. J., 2021.
    LIPs, orogens and supercontinents: The ongoing saga.
    Gondwana Research, 96 (2021) 105-121.
    (Figure 5, page 110 and Figure 8, page 113, --------------------------------------------------------------------
    five major age peaks are observed with --------------------------------------------------------------
    approximately 400-Myr periodicity, page 118.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    I wonder that would meaning of last part of the title of the reference
    "The ongoing saga"
    be same as
    "a long complicated series of related, usually negative, events" ?

    Best Regards,
    Hannu Poropudas

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Hannu Poropudas@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jun 20 00:10:58 2023
    perjantai 16. kesäkuuta 2023 klo 9.29.17 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    torstai 15. kesäkuuta 2023 klo 9.45.00 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    keskiviikko 14. kesäkuuta 2023 klo 9.25.40 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    torstai 1. kesäkuuta 2023 klo 10.39.40 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    torstai 22. joulukuuta 2022 klo 9.57.20 UTC+2 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    keskiviikko 21. joulukuuta 2022 klo 10.38.31 UTC+2 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    maanantai 19. joulukuuta 2022 klo 12.43.20 UTC+2 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    maanantai 26. heinäkuuta 2021 klo 15.42.53 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    On Friday, July 17, 2020 at 10:55:43 AM UTC+3, Hannu Poropudas wrote:
    On Wednesday, July 1, 2020 at 8:13:10 PM UTC+3, hapor...@gmail.com wrote:
    I forget to mention one asumption which I have used: Earth's distance from the Sun have not significantly changed. This assumption I used when I made table of Earth's rotation rate (TABLE 4, -T/10^4,Hours/Day). Best Regards, Hannu
    Poropudas, Finland.
    TABLE 4, -T/10^4 centuries, Hour/Day is poorly visible in above, so I put this again here:
    (Author: Hannu K.J. Poropudas, Vesaisentie 9E,
    90900 Kiiminki, Finland, Date: 13.1.2009)
    Assumption: Distance between the Earth
    and the Sun has not changed significantly
    during Earth's life time (about 4550 Ma).
    Main intended area of use of these figures
    which are calculated from TABLE 2 is roughly
    about 0-2000 Ma.

    TABLE 4
    -T/10^4 Hours/Day
    0 24,03
    52,2 23,63
    52,2 23,39
    226,2 23,63
    276,9 22,98
    276,9 22,41
    335,6 22,27
    340,2 22,05
    340,2 21,91
    367,8 21,88
    367,8 21,67
    367,8 21,26
    394,5 21,88
    408,2 20,97
    429,4 21,69
    435,8 21,21
    445 20,67
    481,6 21,37
    481,6 21,17
    558,1 20,3
    655,6 21,37
    706,3 20,83
    706,3 20,36
    765 20,24
    769,6 20,06
    769,6 19,95
    797,2 19,92
    797,2 19,75
    797,2 19,41
    823,9 19,92
    837,6 19,16
    858,8 19,77
    865,2 19,37
    874,4 18,92
    911 19,5
    911 19,33
    987,5 18,61
    1085 19,5
    1135,7 19,05
    1135,7 18,66
    1194,4 18,56
    1199 18,41
    1199 18,31
    1226,6 18,29
    1226,6 18,14
    1226,6 17,86
    1253,3 18,29
    1267 17,65
    1288,2 18,16
    1294,6 17,82
    1303,8 17,44
    1340,4 17,93
    1340,4 17,79
    1416,9 17,17
    1514,4 17,93
    1565,1 17,55
    1565,1 17,21
    1623,8 17,13
    1628,4 17
    1628,4 16,92
    1656 16,9
    1656 16,78
    1656 16,53
    1682,7 16,9
    1696,4 16,35
    1717,6 16,79
    1724 16,5
    1733,2 16,17
    1769,8 16,59
    1769,8 16,47
    1846,3 15,95
    1943,8 16,59
    1994,5 16,27
    1994,5 15,98
    2053,2 15,91
    2057,8 15,8
    2057,8 15,72
    2085,4 15,71
    2085,4 15,6
    2085,4 15,39
    2112,1 15,71
    2125,8 15,23
    2147 15,61
    2153,4 15,36
    2162,6 15,08
    2199,2 15,44
    2199,2 15,34
    2275,7 14,88
    2373,2 15,44
    2423,9 15,16
    2423,9 14,91
    2482,6 14,85
    2487,2 14,75
    2487,2 14,69
    2514,8 14,68
    2514,8 14,58
    2514,8 14,4
    2541,5 14,68
    2555,2 14,26
    2576,4 14,59
    2582,8 14,37
    2592 14,12
    2628,6 14,44
    2628,6 14,35
    2705,1 13,95
    2802,6 14,44
    2853,3 14,2
    2853,3 13,98
    2912 13,92
    2916,6 13,84
    2916,6 13,78
    2944,2 13,77
    2944,2 13,69
    2944,2 13,52
    2970,9 13,77
    2984,6 13,4
    3005,8 13,69
    3012,2 13,5
    3021,4 13,28
    3058 13,56
    3058 13,48
    3134,5 13,13
    3232 13,56
    3282,7 13,35
    3282,7 13,15
    3341,4 13,1
    3346 13,03
    3346 12,98
    3373,6 12,97
    3373,6 12,89
    3373,6 12,75
    3400,3 12,97
    3414 12,64
    3435,2 12,9
    3441,6 12,73
    3450,8 12,53
    3487,4 12,79
    3487,4 12,71
    3563,9 12,4
    3661,4 12,79
    3712,1 12,59
    3712,1 12,42
    3770,8 12,38
    3775,4 12,31
    3775,4 12,26
    3803 12,25
    3803 12,19
    3803 12,06
    3829,7 12,25
    3843,4 11,96
    3864,6 12,2
    3871 12,04
    3880,2 11,87
    3916,8 12,09
    3916,8 12,03
    3993,3 11,74
    4090,8 12,09
    4141,5 11,92
    4141,5 11,76
    4200,2 11,72
    4204,8 11,66
    4204,8 11,62
    4232,4 11,62
    4232,4 11,56
    4232,4 11,44
    4259,1 11,62
    4272,8 11,35
    4294 11,56
    4300,4 11,43
    4309,6 11,27
    4346,2 11,47
    4346,2 11,41
    4422,7 11,16
    4520,2 11,47
    (4570,9 11,31
    4570,9 11,17
    4629,6 11,14
    4634,2 11,08
    4634,2 11,05
    4661,8 11,04
    4661,8 10,99
    4661,8 10,88
    4688,5 11,04
    4702,2 10,8
    4723,4 10,99
    4729,8 10,87
    4739 10,73
    4775,6 10,91
    4775,6 10,86
    4852,1 10,62
    4949,6 10,91)


    Poropudas, Hannu, 2009.
    Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s
    Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes. <533c8763-511e-4ec6-a69e-8f3f1e5d1591
    Sat, 13 Dec 2008 01:46:49 -0800 (PST).
    10 pages.
    (sci.bio.paleontology,sci.astro,sci.geo.geology, sci.physics,sci.math)
    (mathematician <haporopu
    Simple approximate calculation of the length of the cosmic year

    R0 = 7.92 +- 0.16 kpc ,(p. 50-15 / Table 3, power-law model). v0 = 227 km*s^(-1), (p. 50-16/Fig 6, p. 50-17), (no error estimation for simplicity).

    1 pc = 3.26 ly,
    1 ly = 9.460528436*10^15 m,

    R0 = 7.92 kpc = 7.92*3.26*10^3*9.460528436*10^15 m = 2.442632758*10^20 m,
    2*Pi*R0 = 1.534751426*10^21 m,
    v0 = 227*10^3*m*s^(-1),

    T0 = 2*Pi*R0/v0, (simple circular motion approximation for the length of cosmic year).

    T0 = 1.534751426*10^21 / 227*10^3 s = 6.761019496*10^15 s =
    = 6.761019496*10^15 / (365.2422*24*60*60) yrs = 214248354.8 yrs =
    = approx. 214.25 Myrs.

    (simplified error estimates , if R0 = 8.08 kpc, T0 = 218576604.4 yrs = approx. 219 Myrs and
    if R0 = 7.76 kpc, T0 = 209920105.2 yrs = approx. 210 Myrs)


    VERA collaboration, Tomoya Hirota et al., 2020.
    The First VERA Astronomy Catalog.
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan (2020) 72 (4), 50 (1-19).
    (p. 50-15 / Table 3, power-law model), (p. 50-16/Fig 6, p. 50-17), (no error estimation for simplicity).

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas
    Kolamäentie 9E,
    90900 Oulu / Kiiminki

    One very brave strange speculation of mine about time-dimension of the whole space:

    If I speculate that whole space would be a kind of "mega-galaxy",
    then I would speculate that this "mega-galaxy" has a center (inside black hole,
    "H-M's big ball" and "H-M's color-forces center planet" instead of singularity).
    This would be the origin of time dimension of the whole space.

    Time-dimension would be formed from a "frozen time-wave",
    which consists two kind of direction of flow of time,
    one direction forwards time and other backwards of time.
    (this speculation of mine is similar than H-M's color drawing of a black hole,
    which is public visible in my Hannu Poropudas Facebook Page.)

    Period of this "frozen time-wave" would have the period of above "Megacycles" articles of mine mentioned period of megacycles about
    429.4 million years, which is my brave strange speculation in this case.

    Ofcourse existence of megacycle about 429.4 million years
    must be observed also in geology of other planets and also properties (redshifts?)
    in whole space before this period 429.4 million years of speculation could be true?

    Best Regards,
    Hannu Poropudas, Kolamäentie 9E, 90900 Kiiminki / Oulu, Finland.

    "mega-galaxy" -> "metagalaxy"

    (everything should be tested to see if these are true):

    I have thought this "metagalaxy" and "time-wave" more closely:

    I think that only observable physical phenomena for " time-wave" could be such that this "time-wave" goes though all matter in "metagalaxy"
    periodically of cycles of 429.4 million years (this period is my guess) and
    "forwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave" would not have any significant
    effect to physical matter but "backwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave"
    could have some kind of warming effect interiors of planets,
    like Earth, Venus, Mars for example,
    which could increase VOLCANISM in those planets ?

    In H-M's black hole (also galaxy as I have undestood) drawing "time-wave" have (freezed?) cycles of oscillation of 100000-300000 years.
    I do not know that would this second limit 300000 years period
    be related to second kind on "H-M's 8/8 single cut diamod" shaped "creation stone of the Universe" due she has drawn
    two different kind of "H-M's 8/8 single cut diamond"
    shaped "creation stone of the Universe" on one of her drawing
    (both drawings are also public in Hannu Poropudas Facebook ).

    Above mentioned 100000 years periodicity of volcanism would fit nicely to the
    "Figure 2. Climate and sea level of the last 450 kyrs" ?
    I would prefer volcanism explanation instead explanation of the Milankovitch Theory
    of Earth's eccentricity periodicity about 100000 years.

    This is due that Earth's orbit eccentricity changes would be too SMALL to cause
    these high sea level rises points in this Figure 2 ?

    Carlson Anders, 2011.
    Ice Sheets and Sea Level in Earth's Past.
    Nature Education Knowledge 3 (10):3, 8 pages. Figure 2 Sea Level (m).

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas
    As I look large-scale structure maps of the Universe, I have poorly understood
    that "large void" areas could be those "backwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave"
    and "supercluster" areas could be those "forwards direction of time flow" of

    As I look Planck-Satellite 2013 results of cosmic backround radiation temperature
    distribution maps, I see those "cold spots" and "warm spots" which I know
    both to be "light cones". And "warm spots" of these two are closer to the Big Bang start.
    I have also poorly understood that these spots corresponds to present
    size of "superclusters" and maybe (?) also present size of "large voids"?

    OPEN QUESTION: Is our Universe much larger that we have ever expected due these
    "hidden" cycle periods of 429.4 million years (my own guess) of time flow,
    if so, this would then look like structure of "pearls on ribbon" each "pearl on ribbon" would correspond to a "metagalaxy" and time-flow slice of 429.4 million years (my own guess)?

    What we know (not much) presently about geology (VOLGANISM)
    of Venus and Mars:

    1. NASA's Magellan spacegraft mission discovered that
    Venus has a geologically young surface with a relatively uniform age of
    500+-200 Ma (million years).

    Geodynamics of Venus (Wikipedia 21.12.2022).

    2. The Ages of Mars (Ga=billion years):
    Pre-Noachian 4.5-4.1 Ga,
    Noachian 4.1-3.7 Ga,
    Hesperian 3.7-2.9 Ga,
    Amazonian 2.9 Ga - present.

    Reference: https://sci.eas.int/web/mars-express/~/55481-the-ages_of_mars
    Last Update 1 September 2019.

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas

    I noticed from Figure 5d that at least following rough approximations
    of maximums are also present in Figure 5d:

    3390 Ma
    3250 Ma
    3020 Ma
    820 Ma.

    I put these also in to the list:
    I found one interesting experimental reference
    of time-series plots from age histograms in recent
    Kenneth Condie paper, from (5d.) which I found roughly
    following approximate maximums:

    3820 Ma
    3520 Ma
    3450 Ma
    3390 Ma
    3250 Ma

    3150 Ma

    3020 Ma
    2980 Ma
    2920 Ma
    2880 Ma
    2780 Ma
    2700 Ma
    2620 Ma
    2580 Ma
    2500 Ma
    2450 Ma
    2380 Ma
    2220 Ma
    2180 Ma
    2120 Ma
    2050 Ma
    1980 Ma
    1890 Ma
    1800 Ma
    1780 Ma
    1700 Ma
    1650 Ma
    1590 Ma
    1450 Ma
    1390 Ma
    1250 Ma
    1190 Ma
    1100 Ma
    1000 Ma
    920 Ma
    820 Ma
    790 Ma
    720 Ma
    600 Ma
    520 Ma
    450 Ma
    390 Ma
    300 Ma
    250 Ma
    200 Ma
    100 Ma


    Condie, K. C., 2021.
    Revisiting the Mesoproterozoic.
    Gondwanda Research, 100 (2021) 44-52.
    (Figure 5d, page 48).

    (Figure 5. Raw time-series plots from age histograms
    at 10 Myr intervals, regional weighting of ages, U/Pb records
    accepted with absolute discordance < 70 Myr and
    2-sigma uncertainty < 75 Myr; 25 Myr resolution.

    5d. large igneous province (LIP) ages represented
    in 535 crustal provinces (no regional weighting,
    smoothed with 3-weight Gaussian kernel).)

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas
    I'am sorry about my mistake of missing maximums

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas
    I found one (more clear than above reference
    of (Condie K C 2021) ?)
    reference in which (Condie K C et al 2021) have found
    approximately 400-Myr periodicity ?


    Condie, K. C., Pisarevsky, S. A., Puetz, S. J., 2021.
    LIPs, orogens and supercontinents: The ongoing saga.
    Gondwana Research, 96 (2021) 105-121.
    (Figure 5, page 110 and Figure 8, page 113, --------------------------------------------------------------------
    five major age peaks are observed with --------------------------------------------------------------
    approximately 400-Myr periodicity, page 118.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    I wonder that would meaning of last part of the title of the reference
    "The ongoing saga"
    be same as
    "a long complicated series of related, usually negative, events" ?

    Best Regards,
    Hannu Poropudas


    I found one more recent reference than Krapez B refereces I mentioned -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    in beginning of this posting chain of mine few years ago: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Barley Mark E., Bekker Andrey, Krapez Brian, 2005.
    Late Archean to Early Paleoproterozoic global tectonics,
    environmental change and the rise of atmospheric oxygen.
    Earth and Planetary Science Letters 238 (2005) 156-171.

    (recommended two search words: " breakup" and "breakout"
    are for AGEs and AGE periods of continental/supercontinental
    or plume events of interest.)

    Please take a look!

    This (pdf format) text is freely available from the internet and
    can be easily found by Google search machine.

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Hannu Poropudas@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jun 20 23:38:06 2023
    tiistai 20. kesäkuuta 2023 klo 10.11.00 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    perjantai 16. kesäkuuta 2023 klo 9.29.17 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    torstai 15. kesäkuuta 2023 klo 9.45.00 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    keskiviikko 14. kesäkuuta 2023 klo 9.25.40 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    torstai 1. kesäkuuta 2023 klo 10.39.40 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    torstai 22. joulukuuta 2022 klo 9.57.20 UTC+2 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    keskiviikko 21. joulukuuta 2022 klo 10.38.31 UTC+2 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    maanantai 19. joulukuuta 2022 klo 12.43.20 UTC+2 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    maanantai 26. heinäkuuta 2021 klo 15.42.53 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    On Friday, July 17, 2020 at 10:55:43 AM UTC+3, Hannu Poropudas wrote:
    On Wednesday, July 1, 2020 at 8:13:10 PM UTC+3, hapor...@gmail.com wrote:
    I forget to mention one asumption which I have used: Earth's distance from the Sun have not significantly changed. This assumption I used when I made table of Earth's rotation rate (TABLE 4, -T/10^4,Hours/Day). Best Regards, Hannu
    Poropudas, Finland.
    TABLE 4, -T/10^4 centuries, Hour/Day is poorly visible in above, so I put this again here:
    (Author: Hannu K.J. Poropudas, Vesaisentie 9E,
    90900 Kiiminki, Finland, Date: 13.1.2009)
    Assumption: Distance between the Earth
    and the Sun has not changed significantly
    during Earth's life time (about 4550 Ma).
    Main intended area of use of these figures
    which are calculated from TABLE 2 is roughly
    about 0-2000 Ma.

    TABLE 4
    -T/10^4 Hours/Day
    0 24,03
    52,2 23,63
    52,2 23,39
    226,2 23,63
    276,9 22,98
    276,9 22,41
    335,6 22,27
    340,2 22,05
    340,2 21,91
    367,8 21,88
    367,8 21,67
    367,8 21,26
    394,5 21,88
    408,2 20,97
    429,4 21,69
    435,8 21,21
    445 20,67
    481,6 21,37
    481,6 21,17
    558,1 20,3
    655,6 21,37
    706,3 20,83
    706,3 20,36
    765 20,24
    769,6 20,06
    769,6 19,95
    797,2 19,92
    797,2 19,75
    797,2 19,41
    823,9 19,92
    837,6 19,16
    858,8 19,77
    865,2 19,37
    874,4 18,92
    911 19,5
    911 19,33
    987,5 18,61
    1085 19,5
    1135,7 19,05
    1135,7 18,66
    1194,4 18,56
    1199 18,41
    1199 18,31
    1226,6 18,29
    1226,6 18,14
    1226,6 17,86
    1253,3 18,29
    1267 17,65
    1288,2 18,16
    1294,6 17,82
    1303,8 17,44
    1340,4 17,93
    1340,4 17,79
    1416,9 17,17
    1514,4 17,93
    1565,1 17,55
    1565,1 17,21
    1623,8 17,13
    1628,4 17
    1628,4 16,92
    1656 16,9
    1656 16,78
    1656 16,53
    1682,7 16,9
    1696,4 16,35
    1717,6 16,79
    1724 16,5
    1733,2 16,17
    1769,8 16,59
    1769,8 16,47
    1846,3 15,95
    1943,8 16,59
    1994,5 16,27
    1994,5 15,98
    2053,2 15,91
    2057,8 15,8
    2057,8 15,72
    2085,4 15,71
    2085,4 15,6
    2085,4 15,39
    2112,1 15,71
    2125,8 15,23
    2147 15,61
    2153,4 15,36
    2162,6 15,08
    2199,2 15,44
    2199,2 15,34
    2275,7 14,88
    2373,2 15,44
    2423,9 15,16
    2423,9 14,91
    2482,6 14,85
    2487,2 14,75
    2487,2 14,69
    2514,8 14,68
    2514,8 14,58
    2514,8 14,4
    2541,5 14,68
    2555,2 14,26
    2576,4 14,59
    2582,8 14,37
    2592 14,12
    2628,6 14,44
    2628,6 14,35
    2705,1 13,95
    2802,6 14,44
    2853,3 14,2
    2853,3 13,98
    2912 13,92
    2916,6 13,84
    2916,6 13,78
    2944,2 13,77
    2944,2 13,69
    2944,2 13,52
    2970,9 13,77
    2984,6 13,4
    3005,8 13,69
    3012,2 13,5
    3021,4 13,28
    3058 13,56
    3058 13,48
    3134,5 13,13
    3232 13,56
    3282,7 13,35
    3282,7 13,15
    3341,4 13,1
    3346 13,03
    3346 12,98
    3373,6 12,97
    3373,6 12,89
    3373,6 12,75
    3400,3 12,97
    3414 12,64
    3435,2 12,9
    3441,6 12,73
    3450,8 12,53
    3487,4 12,79
    3487,4 12,71
    3563,9 12,4
    3661,4 12,79
    3712,1 12,59
    3712,1 12,42
    3770,8 12,38
    3775,4 12,31
    3775,4 12,26
    3803 12,25
    3803 12,19
    3803 12,06
    3829,7 12,25
    3843,4 11,96
    3864,6 12,2
    3871 12,04
    3880,2 11,87
    3916,8 12,09
    3916,8 12,03
    3993,3 11,74
    4090,8 12,09
    4141,5 11,92
    4141,5 11,76
    4200,2 11,72
    4204,8 11,66
    4204,8 11,62
    4232,4 11,62
    4232,4 11,56
    4232,4 11,44
    4259,1 11,62
    4272,8 11,35
    4294 11,56
    4300,4 11,43
    4309,6 11,27
    4346,2 11,47
    4346,2 11,41
    4422,7 11,16
    4520,2 11,47
    (4570,9 11,31
    4570,9 11,17
    4629,6 11,14
    4634,2 11,08
    4634,2 11,05
    4661,8 11,04
    4661,8 10,99
    4661,8 10,88
    4688,5 11,04
    4702,2 10,8
    4723,4 10,99
    4729,8 10,87
    4739 10,73
    4775,6 10,91
    4775,6 10,86
    4852,1 10,62
    4949,6 10,91)


    Poropudas, Hannu, 2009.
    Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s
    Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes. <533c8763-511e-4ec6-a69e-8f3f1e5d1591
    Sat, 13 Dec 2008 01:46:49 -0800 (PST).
    10 pages.
    (sci.bio.paleontology,sci.astro,sci.geo.geology, sci.physics,sci.math)
    (mathematician <haporopu
    Simple approximate calculation of the length of the cosmic year

    R0 = 7.92 +- 0.16 kpc ,(p. 50-15 / Table 3, power-law model).
    v0 = 227 km*s^(-1), (p. 50-16/Fig 6, p. 50-17), (no error estimation for simplicity).

    1 pc = 3.26 ly,
    1 ly = 9.460528436*10^15 m,

    R0 = 7.92 kpc = 7.92*3.26*10^3*9.460528436*10^15 m = 2.442632758*10^20 m,
    2*Pi*R0 = 1.534751426*10^21 m,
    v0 = 227*10^3*m*s^(-1),

    T0 = 2*Pi*R0/v0, (simple circular motion approximation for the length of cosmic year).

    T0 = 1.534751426*10^21 / 227*10^3 s = 6.761019496*10^15 s = = 6.761019496*10^15 / (365.2422*24*60*60) yrs = 214248354.8 yrs =
    = approx. 214.25 Myrs.

    (simplified error estimates , if R0 = 8.08 kpc, T0 = 218576604.4 yrs = approx. 219 Myrs and
    if R0 = 7.76 kpc, T0 = 209920105.2 yrs = approx. 210 Myrs)


    VERA collaboration, Tomoya Hirota et al., 2020.
    The First VERA Astronomy Catalog.
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan (2020) 72 (4), 50 (1-19).
    (p. 50-15 / Table 3, power-law model), (p. 50-16/Fig 6, p. 50-17), (no error estimation for simplicity).

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas
    Kolamäentie 9E,
    90900 Oulu / Kiiminki

    One very brave strange speculation of mine about time-dimension of the whole space:

    If I speculate that whole space would be a kind of "mega-galaxy",
    then I would speculate that this "mega-galaxy" has a center (inside black hole,
    "H-M's big ball" and "H-M's color-forces center planet" instead of singularity).
    This would be the origin of time dimension of the whole space.

    Time-dimension would be formed from a "frozen time-wave", which consists two kind of direction of flow of time,
    one direction forwards time and other backwards of time.
    (this speculation of mine is similar than H-M's color drawing of a black hole,
    which is public visible in my Hannu Poropudas Facebook Page.)

    Period of this "frozen time-wave" would have the period of above
    "Megacycles" articles of mine mentioned period of megacycles about
    429.4 million years, which is my brave strange speculation in this case.

    Ofcourse existence of megacycle about 429.4 million years
    must be observed also in geology of other planets and also properties (redshifts?)
    in whole space before this period 429.4 million years of speculation could be true?

    Best Regards,
    Hannu Poropudas, Kolamäentie 9E, 90900 Kiiminki / Oulu, Finland.

    "mega-galaxy" -> "metagalaxy"

    (everything should be tested to see if these are true):

    I have thought this "metagalaxy" and "time-wave" more closely:

    I think that only observable physical phenomena for " time-wave" could be such that this "time-wave" goes though all matter in "metagalaxy"
    periodically of cycles of 429.4 million years (this period is my guess) and
    "forwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave" would not have any significant
    effect to physical matter but "backwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave"
    could have some kind of warming effect interiors of planets,
    like Earth, Venus, Mars for example,
    which could increase VOLCANISM in those planets ?

    In H-M's black hole (also galaxy as I have undestood) drawing "time-wave" have (freezed?) cycles of oscillation of 100000-300000 years.
    I do not know that would this second limit 300000 years period
    be related to second kind on "H-M's 8/8 single cut diamod" shaped "creation stone of the Universe" due she has drawn
    two different kind of "H-M's 8/8 single cut diamond"
    shaped "creation stone of the Universe" on one of her drawing (both drawings are also public in Hannu Poropudas Facebook ).

    Above mentioned 100000 years periodicity of volcanism would fit nicely to the
    "Figure 2. Climate and sea level of the last 450 kyrs" ?
    I would prefer volcanism explanation instead explanation of the Milankovitch Theory
    of Earth's eccentricity periodicity about 100000 years.

    This is due that Earth's orbit eccentricity changes would be too SMALL to cause
    these high sea level rises points in this Figure 2 ?

    Carlson Anders, 2011.
    Ice Sheets and Sea Level in Earth's Past.
    Nature Education Knowledge 3 (10):3, 8 pages. Figure 2 Sea Level (m).

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas
    As I look large-scale structure maps of the Universe, I have poorly understood
    that "large void" areas could be those "backwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave"
    and "supercluster" areas could be those "forwards direction of time flow" of

    As I look Planck-Satellite 2013 results of cosmic backround radiation temperature
    distribution maps, I see those "cold spots" and "warm spots" which I know
    both to be "light cones". And "warm spots" of these two are closer to the Big Bang start.
    I have also poorly understood that these spots corresponds to present
    size of "superclusters" and maybe (?) also present size of "large voids"?

    OPEN QUESTION: Is our Universe much larger that we have ever expected due these
    "hidden" cycle periods of 429.4 million years (my own guess) of time flow,
    if so, this would then look like structure of "pearls on ribbon" each "pearl on ribbon" would correspond to a "metagalaxy" and time-flow slice of 429.4 million years (my own guess)?

    What we know (not much) presently about geology (VOLGANISM)
    of Venus and Mars:

    1. NASA's Magellan spacegraft mission discovered that
    Venus has a geologically young surface with a relatively uniform age of
    500+-200 Ma (million years).

    Geodynamics of Venus (Wikipedia 21.12.2022).

    2. The Ages of Mars (Ga=billion years):
    Pre-Noachian 4.5-4.1 Ga,
    Noachian 4.1-3.7 Ga,
    Hesperian 3.7-2.9 Ga,
    Amazonian 2.9 Ga - present.

    Reference: https://sci.eas.int/web/mars-express/~/55481-the-ages_of_mars
    Last Update 1 September 2019.

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas

    I noticed from Figure 5d that at least following rough approximations
    of maximums are also present in Figure 5d:

    3390 Ma
    3250 Ma
    3020 Ma
    820 Ma.

    I put these also in to the list:
    I found one interesting experimental reference
    of time-series plots from age histograms in recent
    Kenneth Condie paper, from (5d.) which I found roughly
    following approximate maximums:

    3820 Ma
    3520 Ma
    3450 Ma
    3390 Ma
    3250 Ma

    3150 Ma

    3020 Ma
    2980 Ma
    2920 Ma
    2880 Ma
    2780 Ma
    2700 Ma
    2620 Ma
    2580 Ma
    2500 Ma
    2450 Ma
    2380 Ma
    2220 Ma
    2180 Ma
    2120 Ma
    2050 Ma
    1980 Ma
    1890 Ma
    1800 Ma
    1780 Ma
    1700 Ma
    1650 Ma
    1590 Ma
    1450 Ma
    1390 Ma
    1250 Ma
    1190 Ma
    1100 Ma
    1000 Ma
    920 Ma
    820 Ma
    790 Ma
    720 Ma
    600 Ma
    520 Ma
    450 Ma
    390 Ma
    300 Ma
    250 Ma
    200 Ma
    100 Ma


    Condie, K. C., 2021.
    Revisiting the Mesoproterozoic.
    Gondwanda Research, 100 (2021) 44-52.
    (Figure 5d, page 48).

    (Figure 5. Raw time-series plots from age histograms
    at 10 Myr intervals, regional weighting of ages, U/Pb records
    accepted with absolute discordance < 70 Myr and
    2-sigma uncertainty < 75 Myr; 25 Myr resolution.

    5d. large igneous province (LIP) ages represented
    in 535 crustal provinces (no regional weighting,
    smoothed with 3-weight Gaussian kernel).)

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas
    I'am sorry about my mistake of missing maximums

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas
    I found one (more clear than above reference
    of (Condie K C 2021) ?)
    reference in which (Condie K C et al 2021) have found
    approximately 400-Myr periodicity ?


    Condie, K. C., Pisarevsky, S. A., Puetz, S. J., 2021.
    LIPs, orogens and supercontinents: The ongoing saga.
    Gondwana Research, 96 (2021) 105-121.
    (Figure 5, page 110 and Figure 8, page 113, --------------------------------------------------------------------
    five major age peaks are observed with -------------------------------------------------------------- approximately 400-Myr periodicity, page 118.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    I wonder that would meaning of last part of the title of the reference "The ongoing saga"
    be same as
    "a long complicated series of related, usually negative, events" ?

    Best Regards,
    Hannu Poropudas

    I found one more recent reference than Krapez B refereces I mentioned -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    in beginning of this posting chain of mine few years ago: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Barley Mark E., Bekker Andrey, Krapez Brian, 2005.
    Late Archean to Early Paleoproterozoic global tectonics,
    environmental change and the rise of atmospheric oxygen.
    Earth and Planetary Science Letters 238 (2005) 156-171.

    (recommended two search words: " breakup" and "breakout"
    are for AGEs and AGE periods of continental/supercontinental
    or plume events of interest.)

    Please take a look!

    This (pdf format) text is freely available from the internet and
    can be easily found by Google search machine.

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas


    I found better reference for my selection approximately 2680 Ma
    as a starting point of my calculations in my megacycle list
    (which was my first posting in this posting chain few years ago).
    Krapez B giving approximate age 2680 Ma was OK,
    but his reference was wrong.


    Barley Mark E., Krapez Bryan, Groves David I., Kerrich Rob, 1998.
    The Late Archaean bonanza: metallogenic and environmental
    consequences of the interaction between mantle plumes,
    lithospheric tectonics and global cyclicity.
    Precambrian Research 91 (1998) 65-90.
    Pages 66 - 67 and Page 80.

    Writers of this article have following cycles:

    (Page 66: "approximately 360 m.y global tectonic cycle")

    (Page 67:
    "For each full cycle, there is an initial approximately
    180 m.y period, or megacycle, during which an internal ocean opens
    (e.g. Atlantic Ocean), followed by a similar length megacycle during
    which the internal ocean closes and continents reassemble.")

    About 2680 Ma:

    (Page 80, search (Find) words which are recommended to use:

    "2.68 Ga",
    "Pilbara Craton",
    "plume breakout",
    "rising global sea-level",
    "Indian-type ocean",
    "continental flooding" )

    I have in my megacyle list these periods (measured from
    experimental Pannella G's fossil time data )

    429.4 m.y. (global tectonic cycle)


    429.4 m.y. /2 = 214.7 m.y. (megacycle).

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Hannu Poropudas@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jul 3 00:56:46 2023
    keskiviikko 21. kesäkuuta 2023 klo 9.38.07 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    tiistai 20. kesäkuuta 2023 klo 10.11.00 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    perjantai 16. kesäkuuta 2023 klo 9.29.17 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    torstai 15. kesäkuuta 2023 klo 9.45.00 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    keskiviikko 14. kesäkuuta 2023 klo 9.25.40 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    torstai 1. kesäkuuta 2023 klo 10.39.40 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    torstai 22. joulukuuta 2022 klo 9.57.20 UTC+2 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    keskiviikko 21. joulukuuta 2022 klo 10.38.31 UTC+2 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    maanantai 19. joulukuuta 2022 klo 12.43.20 UTC+2 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    maanantai 26. heinäkuuta 2021 klo 15.42.53 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    On Friday, July 17, 2020 at 10:55:43 AM UTC+3, Hannu Poropudas wrote:
    On Wednesday, July 1, 2020 at 8:13:10 PM UTC+3, hapor...@gmail.com wrote:
    I forget to mention one asumption which I have used: Earth's distance from the Sun have not significantly changed. This assumption I used when I made table of Earth's rotation rate (TABLE 4, -T/10^4,Hours/Day). Best Regards, Hannu
    Poropudas, Finland.
    TABLE 4, -T/10^4 centuries, Hour/Day is poorly visible in above, so I put this again here:
    (Author: Hannu K.J. Poropudas, Vesaisentie 9E,
    90900 Kiiminki, Finland, Date: 13.1.2009)
    Assumption: Distance between the Earth
    and the Sun has not changed significantly
    during Earth's life time (about 4550 Ma).
    Main intended area of use of these figures
    which are calculated from TABLE 2 is roughly
    about 0-2000 Ma.

    TABLE 4
    -T/10^4 Hours/Day
    0 24,03
    52,2 23,63
    52,2 23,39
    226,2 23,63
    276,9 22,98
    276,9 22,41
    335,6 22,27
    340,2 22,05
    340,2 21,91
    367,8 21,88
    367,8 21,67
    367,8 21,26
    394,5 21,88
    408,2 20,97
    429,4 21,69
    435,8 21,21
    445 20,67
    481,6 21,37
    481,6 21,17
    558,1 20,3
    655,6 21,37
    706,3 20,83
    706,3 20,36
    765 20,24
    769,6 20,06
    769,6 19,95
    797,2 19,92
    797,2 19,75
    797,2 19,41
    823,9 19,92
    837,6 19,16
    858,8 19,77
    865,2 19,37
    874,4 18,92
    911 19,5
    911 19,33
    987,5 18,61
    1085 19,5
    1135,7 19,05
    1135,7 18,66
    1194,4 18,56
    1199 18,41
    1199 18,31
    1226,6 18,29
    1226,6 18,14
    1226,6 17,86
    1253,3 18,29
    1267 17,65
    1288,2 18,16
    1294,6 17,82
    1303,8 17,44
    1340,4 17,93
    1340,4 17,79
    1416,9 17,17
    1514,4 17,93
    1565,1 17,55
    1565,1 17,21
    1623,8 17,13
    1628,4 17
    1628,4 16,92
    1656 16,9
    1656 16,78
    1656 16,53
    1682,7 16,9
    1696,4 16,35
    1717,6 16,79
    1724 16,5
    1733,2 16,17
    1769,8 16,59
    1769,8 16,47
    1846,3 15,95
    1943,8 16,59
    1994,5 16,27
    1994,5 15,98
    2053,2 15,91
    2057,8 15,8
    2057,8 15,72
    2085,4 15,71
    2085,4 15,6
    2085,4 15,39
    2112,1 15,71
    2125,8 15,23
    2147 15,61
    2153,4 15,36
    2162,6 15,08
    2199,2 15,44
    2199,2 15,34
    2275,7 14,88
    2373,2 15,44
    2423,9 15,16
    2423,9 14,91
    2482,6 14,85
    2487,2 14,75
    2487,2 14,69
    2514,8 14,68
    2514,8 14,58
    2514,8 14,4
    2541,5 14,68
    2555,2 14,26
    2576,4 14,59
    2582,8 14,37
    2592 14,12
    2628,6 14,44
    2628,6 14,35
    2705,1 13,95
    2802,6 14,44
    2853,3 14,2
    2853,3 13,98
    2912 13,92
    2916,6 13,84
    2916,6 13,78
    2944,2 13,77
    2944,2 13,69
    2944,2 13,52
    2970,9 13,77
    2984,6 13,4
    3005,8 13,69
    3012,2 13,5
    3021,4 13,28
    3058 13,56
    3058 13,48
    3134,5 13,13
    3232 13,56
    3282,7 13,35
    3282,7 13,15
    3341,4 13,1
    3346 13,03
    3346 12,98
    3373,6 12,97
    3373,6 12,89
    3373,6 12,75
    3400,3 12,97
    3414 12,64
    3435,2 12,9
    3441,6 12,73
    3450,8 12,53
    3487,4 12,79
    3487,4 12,71
    3563,9 12,4
    3661,4 12,79
    3712,1 12,59
    3712,1 12,42
    3770,8 12,38
    3775,4 12,31
    3775,4 12,26
    3803 12,25
    3803 12,19
    3803 12,06
    3829,7 12,25
    3843,4 11,96
    3864,6 12,2
    3871 12,04
    3880,2 11,87
    3916,8 12,09
    3916,8 12,03
    3993,3 11,74
    4090,8 12,09
    4141,5 11,92
    4141,5 11,76
    4200,2 11,72
    4204,8 11,66
    4204,8 11,62
    4232,4 11,62
    4232,4 11,56
    4232,4 11,44
    4259,1 11,62
    4272,8 11,35
    4294 11,56
    4300,4 11,43
    4309,6 11,27
    4346,2 11,47
    4346,2 11,41
    4422,7 11,16
    4520,2 11,47
    (4570,9 11,31
    4570,9 11,17
    4629,6 11,14
    4634,2 11,08
    4634,2 11,05
    4661,8 11,04
    4661,8 10,99
    4661,8 10,88
    4688,5 11,04
    4702,2 10,8
    4723,4 10,99
    4729,8 10,87
    4739 10,73
    4775,6 10,91
    4775,6 10,86
    4852,1 10,62
    4949,6 10,91)


    Poropudas, Hannu, 2009.
    Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s
    Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes. <533c8763-511e-4ec6-a69e-8f3f1e5d1591
    Sat, 13 Dec 2008 01:46:49 -0800 (PST).
    10 pages. (sci.bio.paleontology,sci.astro,sci.geo.geology, sci.physics,sci.math)
    (mathematician <haporopu
    Simple approximate calculation of the length of the cosmic year

    R0 = 7.92 +- 0.16 kpc ,(p. 50-15 / Table 3, power-law model).
    v0 = 227 km*s^(-1), (p. 50-16/Fig 6, p. 50-17), (no error estimation for simplicity).

    1 pc = 3.26 ly,
    1 ly = 9.460528436*10^15 m,

    R0 = 7.92 kpc = 7.92*3.26*10^3*9.460528436*10^15 m = 2.442632758*10^20 m,
    2*Pi*R0 = 1.534751426*10^21 m,
    v0 = 227*10^3*m*s^(-1),

    T0 = 2*Pi*R0/v0, (simple circular motion approximation for the length of cosmic year).

    T0 = 1.534751426*10^21 / 227*10^3 s = 6.761019496*10^15 s =
    = 6.761019496*10^15 / (365.2422*24*60*60) yrs = 214248354.8 yrs =
    = approx. 214.25 Myrs.

    (simplified error estimates , if R0 = 8.08 kpc, T0 = 218576604.4 yrs = approx. 219 Myrs and
    if R0 = 7.76 kpc, T0 = 209920105.2 yrs = approx. 210 Myrs)


    VERA collaboration, Tomoya Hirota et al., 2020.
    The First VERA Astronomy Catalog.
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan (2020) 72 (4), 50 (1-19).
    (p. 50-15 / Table 3, power-law model), (p. 50-16/Fig 6, p. 50-17), (no error estimation for simplicity).

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas
    Kolamäentie 9E,
    90900 Oulu / Kiiminki

    One very brave strange speculation of mine about time-dimension of the whole space:

    If I speculate that whole space would be a kind of "mega-galaxy",
    then I would speculate that this "mega-galaxy" has a center (inside black hole,
    "H-M's big ball" and "H-M's color-forces center planet" instead of singularity).
    This would be the origin of time dimension of the whole space.

    Time-dimension would be formed from a "frozen time-wave", which consists two kind of direction of flow of time,
    one direction forwards time and other backwards of time. (this speculation of mine is similar than H-M's color drawing of a black hole,
    which is public visible in my Hannu Poropudas Facebook Page.)

    Period of this "frozen time-wave" would have the period of above
    "Megacycles" articles of mine mentioned period of megacycles about
    429.4 million years, which is my brave strange speculation in this case.

    Ofcourse existence of megacycle about 429.4 million years must be observed also in geology of other planets and also properties (redshifts?)
    in whole space before this period 429.4 million years of speculation could be true?

    Best Regards,
    Hannu Poropudas, Kolamäentie 9E, 90900 Kiiminki / Oulu, Finland.

    "mega-galaxy" -> "metagalaxy"

    (everything should be tested to see if these are true):

    I have thought this "metagalaxy" and "time-wave" more closely:

    I think that only observable physical phenomena for " time-wave" could be such that this "time-wave" goes though all matter in "metagalaxy"
    periodically of cycles of 429.4 million years (this period is my guess) and
    "forwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave" would not have any significant
    effect to physical matter but "backwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave"
    could have some kind of warming effect interiors of planets, like Earth, Venus, Mars for example,
    which could increase VOLCANISM in those planets ?

    In H-M's black hole (also galaxy as I have undestood) drawing "time-wave" have (freezed?) cycles of oscillation of 100000-300000 years.
    I do not know that would this second limit 300000 years period be related to second kind on "H-M's 8/8 single cut diamod" shaped
    "creation stone of the Universe" due she has drawn
    two different kind of "H-M's 8/8 single cut diamond"
    shaped "creation stone of the Universe" on one of her drawing (both drawings are also public in Hannu Poropudas Facebook ).

    Above mentioned 100000 years periodicity of volcanism would fit nicely to the
    "Figure 2. Climate and sea level of the last 450 kyrs" ?
    I would prefer volcanism explanation instead explanation of the Milankovitch Theory
    of Earth's eccentricity periodicity about 100000 years.

    This is due that Earth's orbit eccentricity changes would be too SMALL to cause
    these high sea level rises points in this Figure 2 ?

    Carlson Anders, 2011.
    Ice Sheets and Sea Level in Earth's Past.
    Nature Education Knowledge 3 (10):3, 8 pages. Figure 2 Sea Level (m).

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas
    As I look large-scale structure maps of the Universe, I have poorly understood
    that "large void" areas could be those "backwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave"
    and "supercluster" areas could be those "forwards direction of time flow" of

    As I look Planck-Satellite 2013 results of cosmic backround radiation temperature
    distribution maps, I see those "cold spots" and "warm spots" which I know
    both to be "light cones". And "warm spots" of these two are closer to the Big Bang start.
    I have also poorly understood that these spots corresponds to present
    size of "superclusters" and maybe (?) also present size of "large voids"?

    OPEN QUESTION: Is our Universe much larger that we have ever expected due these
    "hidden" cycle periods of 429.4 million years (my own guess) of time flow,
    if so, this would then look like structure of "pearls on ribbon" each "pearl on ribbon" would correspond to a "metagalaxy" and time-flow slice of 429.4 million years (my own guess)?

    What we know (not much) presently about geology (VOLGANISM)
    of Venus and Mars:

    1. NASA's Magellan spacegraft mission discovered that
    Venus has a geologically young surface with a relatively uniform age of
    500+-200 Ma (million years).

    Geodynamics of Venus (Wikipedia 21.12.2022).

    2. The Ages of Mars (Ga=billion years):
    Pre-Noachian 4.5-4.1 Ga,
    Noachian 4.1-3.7 Ga,
    Hesperian 3.7-2.9 Ga,
    Amazonian 2.9 Ga - present.

    Reference: https://sci.eas.int/web/mars-express/~/55481-the-ages_of_mars Last Update 1 September 2019.

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas

    I noticed from Figure 5d that at least following rough approximations of maximums are also present in Figure 5d:

    3390 Ma
    3250 Ma
    3020 Ma
    820 Ma.

    I put these also in to the list:
    I found one interesting experimental reference
    of time-series plots from age histograms in recent
    Kenneth Condie paper, from (5d.) which I found roughly
    following approximate maximums:

    3820 Ma
    3520 Ma
    3450 Ma
    3390 Ma
    3250 Ma

    3150 Ma

    3020 Ma
    2980 Ma
    2920 Ma
    2880 Ma
    2780 Ma
    2700 Ma
    2620 Ma
    2580 Ma
    2500 Ma
    2450 Ma
    2380 Ma
    2220 Ma
    2180 Ma
    2120 Ma
    2050 Ma
    1980 Ma
    1890 Ma
    1800 Ma
    1780 Ma
    1700 Ma
    1650 Ma
    1590 Ma
    1450 Ma
    1390 Ma
    1250 Ma
    1190 Ma
    1100 Ma
    1000 Ma
    920 Ma
    820 Ma
    790 Ma
    720 Ma
    600 Ma
    520 Ma
    450 Ma
    390 Ma
    300 Ma
    250 Ma
    200 Ma
    100 Ma


    Condie, K. C., 2021.
    Revisiting the Mesoproterozoic.
    Gondwanda Research, 100 (2021) 44-52.
    (Figure 5d, page 48).

    (Figure 5. Raw time-series plots from age histograms
    at 10 Myr intervals, regional weighting of ages, U/Pb records accepted with absolute discordance < 70 Myr and
    2-sigma uncertainty < 75 Myr; 25 Myr resolution.

    5d. large igneous province (LIP) ages represented
    in 535 crustal provinces (no regional weighting,
    smoothed with 3-weight Gaussian kernel).)

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas
    I'am sorry about my mistake of missing maximums

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas
    I found one (more clear than above reference
    of (Condie K C 2021) ?)
    reference in which (Condie K C et al 2021) have found
    approximately 400-Myr periodicity ?


    Condie, K. C., Pisarevsky, S. A., Puetz, S. J., 2021.
    LIPs, orogens and supercontinents: The ongoing saga.
    Gondwana Research, 96 (2021) 105-121.
    (Figure 5, page 110 and Figure 8, page 113, -------------------------------------------------------------------- five major age peaks are observed with -------------------------------------------------------------- approximately 400-Myr periodicity, page 118.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    I wonder that would meaning of last part of the title of the reference "The ongoing saga"
    be same as
    "a long complicated series of related, usually negative, events" ?

    Best Regards,
    Hannu Poropudas

    I found one more recent reference than Krapez B refereces I mentioned -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    in beginning of this posting chain of mine few years ago: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Barley Mark E., Bekker Andrey, Krapez Brian, 2005.
    Late Archean to Early Paleoproterozoic global tectonics,
    environmental change and the rise of atmospheric oxygen.
    Earth and Planetary Science Letters 238 (2005) 156-171.

    (recommended two search words: " breakup" and "breakout"
    are for AGEs and AGE periods of continental/supercontinental
    or plume events of interest.)

    Please take a look!

    This (pdf format) text is freely available from the internet and
    can be easily found by Google search machine.

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas

    I found better reference for my selection approximately 2680 Ma
    as a starting point of my calculations in my megacycle list
    (which was my first posting in this posting chain few years ago).
    Krapez B giving approximate age 2680 Ma was OK,
    but his reference was wrong.


    Barley Mark E., Krapez Bryan, Groves David I., Kerrich Rob, 1998.
    The Late Archaean bonanza: metallogenic and environmental
    consequences of the interaction between mantle plumes,
    lithospheric tectonics and global cyclicity.
    Precambrian Research 91 (1998) 65-90.
    Pages 66 - 67 and Page 80.

    Writers of this article have following cycles:

    (Page 66: "approximately 360 m.y global tectonic cycle")

    (Page 67:
    "For each full cycle, there is an initial approximately
    180 m.y period, or megacycle, during which an internal ocean opens
    (e.g. Atlantic Ocean), followed by a similar length megacycle during
    which the internal ocean closes and continents reassemble.")

    About 2680 Ma:

    (Page 80, search (Find) words which are recommended to use:

    "2.68 Ga",
    "Pilbara Craton",
    "plume breakout",
    "rising global sea-level",
    "Indian-type ocean",
    "continental flooding" )

    I have in my megacyle list these periods (measured from
    experimental Pannella G's fossil time data )

    429.4 m.y. (global tectonic cycle)


    429.4 m.y. /2 = 214.7 m.y. (megacycle).

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas

    I found one interesting reference which
    could give important AGE data of passive margins:


    Bradley Dwight C., 2008.
    Passive margins through earth history.
    Earth-Science Reviews 91 (2008) 1-26.

    Please take a look AGEs from this reference
    and compare them to my megacycles
    (say some +-50 Ma accuracy )
    for example pp. 20-23.

    8. Comparison with postulated supercontinents, pages 20-23.
    8.1 Pangea, page 21,
    8.2 Pannotia (Gondwana etc), page 21,
    8.3 Rodinia, pages 21-22,
    8.4 Nuna (=Columbia), page 22,
    8.5 Sclavia, Superia, and Vaalbara, page 22,
    8.6 Proposed scenario, pages 22-23 and
    8.7 Implications for continental reconstructions, page 23.

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Hannu Poropudas@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jul 5 01:35:41 2023
    maanantai 3. heinäkuuta 2023 klo 10.56.48 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    keskiviikko 21. kesäkuuta 2023 klo 9.38.07 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    tiistai 20. kesäkuuta 2023 klo 10.11.00 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    perjantai 16. kesäkuuta 2023 klo 9.29.17 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    torstai 15. kesäkuuta 2023 klo 9.45.00 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    keskiviikko 14. kesäkuuta 2023 klo 9.25.40 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    torstai 1. kesäkuuta 2023 klo 10.39.40 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    torstai 22. joulukuuta 2022 klo 9.57.20 UTC+2 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    keskiviikko 21. joulukuuta 2022 klo 10.38.31 UTC+2 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    maanantai 19. joulukuuta 2022 klo 12.43.20 UTC+2 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    maanantai 26. heinäkuuta 2021 klo 15.42.53 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    On Friday, July 17, 2020 at 10:55:43 AM UTC+3, Hannu Poropudas wrote:
    On Wednesday, July 1, 2020 at 8:13:10 PM UTC+3, hapor...@gmail.com wrote:
    I forget to mention one asumption which I have used: Earth's distance from the Sun have not significantly changed. This assumption I used when I made table of Earth's rotation rate (TABLE 4, -T/10^4,Hours/Day). Best Regards,
    Hannu Poropudas, Finland.
    TABLE 4, -T/10^4 centuries, Hour/Day is poorly visible in above, so I put this again here:
    (Author: Hannu K.J. Poropudas, Vesaisentie 9E,
    90900 Kiiminki, Finland, Date: 13.1.2009)
    Assumption: Distance between the Earth
    and the Sun has not changed significantly
    during Earth's life time (about 4550 Ma).
    Main intended area of use of these figures
    which are calculated from TABLE 2 is roughly
    about 0-2000 Ma.

    TABLE 4
    -T/10^4 Hours/Day
    0 24,03
    52,2 23,63
    52,2 23,39
    226,2 23,63
    276,9 22,98
    276,9 22,41
    335,6 22,27
    340,2 22,05
    340,2 21,91
    367,8 21,88
    367,8 21,67
    367,8 21,26
    394,5 21,88
    408,2 20,97
    429,4 21,69
    435,8 21,21
    445 20,67
    481,6 21,37
    481,6 21,17
    558,1 20,3
    655,6 21,37
    706,3 20,83
    706,3 20,36
    765 20,24
    769,6 20,06
    769,6 19,95
    797,2 19,92
    797,2 19,75
    797,2 19,41
    823,9 19,92
    837,6 19,16
    858,8 19,77
    865,2 19,37
    874,4 18,92
    911 19,5
    911 19,33
    987,5 18,61
    1085 19,5
    1135,7 19,05
    1135,7 18,66
    1194,4 18,56
    1199 18,41
    1199 18,31
    1226,6 18,29
    1226,6 18,14
    1226,6 17,86
    1253,3 18,29
    1267 17,65
    1288,2 18,16
    1294,6 17,82
    1303,8 17,44
    1340,4 17,93
    1340,4 17,79
    1416,9 17,17
    1514,4 17,93
    1565,1 17,55
    1565,1 17,21
    1623,8 17,13
    1628,4 17
    1628,4 16,92
    1656 16,9
    1656 16,78
    1656 16,53
    1682,7 16,9
    1696,4 16,35
    1717,6 16,79
    1724 16,5
    1733,2 16,17
    1769,8 16,59
    1769,8 16,47
    1846,3 15,95
    1943,8 16,59
    1994,5 16,27
    1994,5 15,98
    2053,2 15,91
    2057,8 15,8
    2057,8 15,72
    2085,4 15,71
    2085,4 15,6
    2085,4 15,39
    2112,1 15,71
    2125,8 15,23
    2147 15,61
    2153,4 15,36
    2162,6 15,08
    2199,2 15,44
    2199,2 15,34
    2275,7 14,88
    2373,2 15,44
    2423,9 15,16
    2423,9 14,91
    2482,6 14,85
    2487,2 14,75
    2487,2 14,69
    2514,8 14,68
    2514,8 14,58
    2514,8 14,4
    2541,5 14,68
    2555,2 14,26
    2576,4 14,59
    2582,8 14,37
    2592 14,12
    2628,6 14,44
    2628,6 14,35
    2705,1 13,95
    2802,6 14,44
    2853,3 14,2
    2853,3 13,98
    2912 13,92
    2916,6 13,84
    2916,6 13,78
    2944,2 13,77
    2944,2 13,69
    2944,2 13,52
    2970,9 13,77
    2984,6 13,4
    3005,8 13,69
    3012,2 13,5
    3021,4 13,28
    3058 13,56
    3058 13,48
    3134,5 13,13
    3232 13,56
    3282,7 13,35
    3282,7 13,15
    3341,4 13,1
    3346 13,03
    3346 12,98
    3373,6 12,97
    3373,6 12,89
    3373,6 12,75
    3400,3 12,97
    3414 12,64
    3435,2 12,9
    3441,6 12,73
    3450,8 12,53
    3487,4 12,79
    3487,4 12,71
    3563,9 12,4
    3661,4 12,79
    3712,1 12,59
    3712,1 12,42
    3770,8 12,38
    3775,4 12,31
    3775,4 12,26
    3803 12,25
    3803 12,19
    3803 12,06
    3829,7 12,25
    3843,4 11,96
    3864,6 12,2
    3871 12,04
    3880,2 11,87
    3916,8 12,09
    3916,8 12,03
    3993,3 11,74
    4090,8 12,09
    4141,5 11,92
    4141,5 11,76
    4200,2 11,72
    4204,8 11,66
    4204,8 11,62
    4232,4 11,62
    4232,4 11,56
    4232,4 11,44
    4259,1 11,62
    4272,8 11,35
    4294 11,56
    4300,4 11,43
    4309,6 11,27
    4346,2 11,47
    4346,2 11,41
    4422,7 11,16
    4520,2 11,47
    (4570,9 11,31
    4570,9 11,17
    4629,6 11,14
    4634,2 11,08
    4634,2 11,05
    4661,8 11,04
    4661,8 10,99
    4661,8 10,88
    4688,5 11,04
    4702,2 10,8
    4723,4 10,99
    4729,8 10,87
    4739 10,73
    4775,6 10,91
    4775,6 10,86
    4852,1 10,62
    4949,6 10,91)


    Poropudas, Hannu, 2009.
    Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s
    Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes. <533c8763-511e-4ec6-a69e-8f3f1e5d1591
    Sat, 13 Dec 2008 01:46:49 -0800 (PST).
    10 pages. (sci.bio.paleontology,sci.astro,sci.geo.geology, sci.physics,sci.math)
    (mathematician <haporopu
    Simple approximate calculation of the length of the cosmic year

    R0 = 7.92 +- 0.16 kpc ,(p. 50-15 / Table 3, power-law model).
    v0 = 227 km*s^(-1), (p. 50-16/Fig 6, p. 50-17), (no error estimation for simplicity).

    1 pc = 3.26 ly,
    1 ly = 9.460528436*10^15 m,

    R0 = 7.92 kpc = 7.92*3.26*10^3*9.460528436*10^15 m = 2.442632758*10^20 m,
    2*Pi*R0 = 1.534751426*10^21 m,
    v0 = 227*10^3*m*s^(-1),

    T0 = 2*Pi*R0/v0, (simple circular motion approximation for the length of cosmic year).

    T0 = 1.534751426*10^21 / 227*10^3 s = 6.761019496*10^15 s =
    = 6.761019496*10^15 / (365.2422*24*60*60) yrs = 214248354.8 yrs =
    = approx. 214.25 Myrs.

    (simplified error estimates , if R0 = 8.08 kpc, T0 = 218576604.4 yrs = approx. 219 Myrs and
    if R0 = 7.76 kpc, T0 = 209920105.2 yrs = approx. 210 Myrs)


    VERA collaboration, Tomoya Hirota et al., 2020.
    The First VERA Astronomy Catalog.
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan (2020) 72 (4), 50 (1-19).
    (p. 50-15 / Table 3, power-law model), (p. 50-16/Fig 6, p. 50-17), (no error estimation for simplicity).

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas
    Kolamäentie 9E,
    90900 Oulu / Kiiminki

    One very brave strange speculation of mine about time-dimension of the whole space:

    If I speculate that whole space would be a kind of "mega-galaxy",
    then I would speculate that this "mega-galaxy" has a center (inside black hole,
    "H-M's big ball" and "H-M's color-forces center planet" instead of singularity).
    This would be the origin of time dimension of the whole space.

    Time-dimension would be formed from a "frozen time-wave", which consists two kind of direction of flow of time,
    one direction forwards time and other backwards of time. (this speculation of mine is similar than H-M's color drawing of a black hole,
    which is public visible in my Hannu Poropudas Facebook Page.)

    Period of this "frozen time-wave" would have the period of above
    "Megacycles" articles of mine mentioned period of megacycles about
    429.4 million years, which is my brave strange speculation in this case.

    Ofcourse existence of megacycle about 429.4 million years must be observed also in geology of other planets and also properties (redshifts?)
    in whole space before this period 429.4 million years of speculation could be true?

    Best Regards,
    Hannu Poropudas, Kolamäentie 9E, 90900 Kiiminki / Oulu, Finland.

    "mega-galaxy" -> "metagalaxy"

    (everything should be tested to see if these are true):

    I have thought this "metagalaxy" and "time-wave" more closely:

    I think that only observable physical phenomena for " time-wave"
    could be such that this "time-wave" goes though all matter in "metagalaxy"
    periodically of cycles of 429.4 million years (this period is my guess) and
    "forwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave" would not have any significant
    effect to physical matter but "backwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave"
    could have some kind of warming effect interiors of planets, like Earth, Venus, Mars for example,
    which could increase VOLCANISM in those planets ?

    In H-M's black hole (also galaxy as I have undestood) drawing "time-wave" have (freezed?) cycles of oscillation of 100000-300000 years.
    I do not know that would this second limit 300000 years period be related to second kind on "H-M's 8/8 single cut diamod" shaped
    "creation stone of the Universe" due she has drawn
    two different kind of "H-M's 8/8 single cut diamond"
    shaped "creation stone of the Universe" on one of her drawing (both drawings are also public in Hannu Poropudas Facebook ).

    Above mentioned 100000 years periodicity of volcanism would fit nicely to the
    "Figure 2. Climate and sea level of the last 450 kyrs" ?
    I would prefer volcanism explanation instead explanation of the Milankovitch Theory
    of Earth's eccentricity periodicity about 100000 years.

    This is due that Earth's orbit eccentricity changes would be too SMALL to cause
    these high sea level rises points in this Figure 2 ?

    Carlson Anders, 2011.
    Ice Sheets and Sea Level in Earth's Past.
    Nature Education Knowledge 3 (10):3, 8 pages. Figure 2 Sea Level (m).

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas
    As I look large-scale structure maps of the Universe, I have poorly understood
    that "large void" areas could be those "backwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave"
    and "supercluster" areas could be those "forwards direction of time flow" of

    As I look Planck-Satellite 2013 results of cosmic backround radiation temperature
    distribution maps, I see those "cold spots" and "warm spots" which I know
    both to be "light cones". And "warm spots" of these two are closer to the Big Bang start.
    I have also poorly understood that these spots corresponds to present
    size of "superclusters" and maybe (?) also present size of "large voids"?

    OPEN QUESTION: Is our Universe much larger that we have ever expected due these
    "hidden" cycle periods of 429.4 million years (my own guess) of time flow,
    if so, this would then look like structure of "pearls on ribbon"
    each "pearl on ribbon" would correspond to a "metagalaxy" and time-flow slice of 429.4 million years (my own guess)?

    What we know (not much) presently about geology (VOLGANISM)
    of Venus and Mars:

    1. NASA's Magellan spacegraft mission discovered that
    Venus has a geologically young surface with a relatively uniform age of
    500+-200 Ma (million years).

    Geodynamics of Venus (Wikipedia 21.12.2022).

    2. The Ages of Mars (Ga=billion years):
    Pre-Noachian 4.5-4.1 Ga,
    Noachian 4.1-3.7 Ga,
    Hesperian 3.7-2.9 Ga,
    Amazonian 2.9 Ga - present.

    Reference: https://sci.eas.int/web/mars-express/~/55481-the-ages_of_mars Last Update 1 September 2019.

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas

    I noticed from Figure 5d that at least following rough approximations
    of maximums are also present in Figure 5d:

    3390 Ma
    3250 Ma
    3020 Ma
    820 Ma.

    I put these also in to the list:
    I found one interesting experimental reference
    of time-series plots from age histograms in recent
    Kenneth Condie paper, from (5d.) which I found roughly
    following approximate maximums:

    3820 Ma
    3520 Ma
    3450 Ma
    3390 Ma
    3250 Ma

    3150 Ma

    3020 Ma
    2980 Ma
    2920 Ma
    2880 Ma
    2780 Ma
    2700 Ma
    2620 Ma
    2580 Ma
    2500 Ma
    2450 Ma
    2380 Ma
    2220 Ma
    2180 Ma
    2120 Ma
    2050 Ma
    1980 Ma
    1890 Ma
    1800 Ma
    1780 Ma
    1700 Ma
    1650 Ma
    1590 Ma
    1450 Ma
    1390 Ma
    1250 Ma
    1190 Ma
    1100 Ma
    1000 Ma
    920 Ma
    820 Ma
    790 Ma
    720 Ma
    600 Ma
    520 Ma
    450 Ma
    390 Ma
    300 Ma
    250 Ma
    200 Ma
    100 Ma


    Condie, K. C., 2021.
    Revisiting the Mesoproterozoic.
    Gondwanda Research, 100 (2021) 44-52.
    (Figure 5d, page 48).

    (Figure 5. Raw time-series plots from age histograms
    at 10 Myr intervals, regional weighting of ages, U/Pb records accepted with absolute discordance < 70 Myr and
    2-sigma uncertainty < 75 Myr; 25 Myr resolution.

    5d. large igneous province (LIP) ages represented
    in 535 crustal provinces (no regional weighting,
    smoothed with 3-weight Gaussian kernel).)

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas
    I'am sorry about my mistake of missing maximums

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas
    I found one (more clear than above reference
    of (Condie K C 2021) ?)
    reference in which (Condie K C et al 2021) have found
    approximately 400-Myr periodicity ?


    Condie, K. C., Pisarevsky, S. A., Puetz, S. J., 2021.
    LIPs, orogens and supercontinents: The ongoing saga.
    Gondwana Research, 96 (2021) 105-121.
    (Figure 5, page 110 and Figure 8, page 113, -------------------------------------------------------------------- five major age peaks are observed with -------------------------------------------------------------- approximately 400-Myr periodicity, page 118.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    I wonder that would meaning of last part of the title of the reference "The ongoing saga"
    be same as
    "a long complicated series of related, usually negative, events" ?

    Best Regards,
    Hannu Poropudas

    I found one more recent reference than Krapez B refereces I mentioned -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    in beginning of this posting chain of mine few years ago: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Barley Mark E., Bekker Andrey, Krapez Brian, 2005.
    Late Archean to Early Paleoproterozoic global tectonics,
    environmental change and the rise of atmospheric oxygen.
    Earth and Planetary Science Letters 238 (2005) 156-171.

    (recommended two search words: " breakup" and "breakout"
    are for AGEs and AGE periods of continental/supercontinental
    or plume events of interest.)

    Please take a look!

    This (pdf format) text is freely available from the internet and
    can be easily found by Google search machine.

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas

    I found better reference for my selection approximately 2680 Ma
    as a starting point of my calculations in my megacycle list
    (which was my first posting in this posting chain few years ago).
    Krapez B giving approximate age 2680 Ma was OK,
    but his reference was wrong.


    Barley Mark E., Krapez Bryan, Groves David I., Kerrich Rob, 1998.
    The Late Archaean bonanza: metallogenic and environmental
    consequences of the interaction between mantle plumes,
    lithospheric tectonics and global cyclicity.
    Precambrian Research 91 (1998) 65-90.
    Pages 66 - 67 and Page 80.

    Writers of this article have following cycles:

    (Page 66: "approximately 360 m.y global tectonic cycle")

    (Page 67:
    "For each full cycle, there is an initial approximately
    180 m.y period, or megacycle, during which an internal ocean opens
    (e.g. Atlantic Ocean), followed by a similar length megacycle during
    which the internal ocean closes and continents reassemble.")

    About 2680 Ma:

    (Page 80, search (Find) words which are recommended to use:

    "2.68 Ga",
    "Pilbara Craton",
    "plume breakout",
    "rising global sea-level",
    "Indian-type ocean",
    "continental flooding" )

    I have in my megacyle list these periods (measured from
    experimental Pannella G's fossil time data )

    429.4 m.y. (global tectonic cycle)


    429.4 m.y. /2 = 214.7 m.y. (megacycle).

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas
    I found one interesting reference which
    could give important AGE data of passive margins:


    Bradley Dwight C., 2008.
    Passive margins through earth history.
    Earth-Science Reviews 91 (2008) 1-26.

    Please take a look AGEs from this reference
    and compare them to my megacycles
    (say some +-50 Ma accuracy )
    for example pp. 20-23.

    8. Comparison with postulated supercontinents, pages 20-23.
    8.1 Pangea, page 21,
    8.2 Pannotia (Gondwana etc), page 21,
    8.3 Rodinia, pages 21-22,
    8.4 Nuna (=Columbia), page 22,
    8.5 Sclavia, Superia, and Vaalbara, page 22,
    8.6 Proposed scenario, pages 22-23 and
    8.7 Implications for continental reconstructions, page 23.

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas

    I found second interesting reference which could
    give important AGE data of passive margins:

    REFERENCES (Important in my opinion):

    Bradley Dwight C., 2011.
    Secular trends in the geologic record
    and the supercontinent cycle.
    Earth-Science Reviews 108 (2011) 16-33.

    Bradley Dwight C., 2008.
    Passive margins through earth history.
    Earth-Science Reviews 91 (2008) 1-26.

    I looked only "quality ranking A" (= best) points of plot
    (Age (Ma), Passive-margin abundance)
    of Fig. 11 on page 21 (Passive-margins abundance (Bradley, 2008))
    and I found for example (for Pangea) following approximate age limits
    with (Bradley, 2008, 2011) interpretations:

    maximum 1850 Ma - 2050 Ma (break up) ->
    start increasing (750 Ma - 800 Ma)->
    maximum (500 Ma - 550 Ma) (break up) ->
    decreasing (350 Ma - 500 Ma) ->
    minimum (low level) (250 Ma - 350 Ma) (assembly) ->
    increasing (250 Ma -150 Ma ) ->
    maximum (150 Ma - 200 Ma) (break up) ->
    decreasing (0 Ma - 150 Ma).

    Last assembly and break up could fit well to the Pangea ?

    My megacycles (say +,-50 Ma accuracy) which seems
    to fit also to these age limits could be following ?

    2040 Ma - 1820 Ma,

    760 Ma - 540 Ma,
    540 Ma - 340 Ma,
    340 Ma - 130 Ma,
    130 Ma -

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Hannu Poropudas@21:1/5 to All on Thu Jul 6 22:54:36 2023
    keskiviikko 5. heinäkuuta 2023 klo 11.35.43 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    maanantai 3. heinäkuuta 2023 klo 10.56.48 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    keskiviikko 21. kesäkuuta 2023 klo 9.38.07 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    tiistai 20. kesäkuuta 2023 klo 10.11.00 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    perjantai 16. kesäkuuta 2023 klo 9.29.17 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    torstai 15. kesäkuuta 2023 klo 9.45.00 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    keskiviikko 14. kesäkuuta 2023 klo 9.25.40 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    torstai 1. kesäkuuta 2023 klo 10.39.40 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    torstai 22. joulukuuta 2022 klo 9.57.20 UTC+2 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    keskiviikko 21. joulukuuta 2022 klo 10.38.31 UTC+2 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    maanantai 19. joulukuuta 2022 klo 12.43.20 UTC+2 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    maanantai 26. heinäkuuta 2021 klo 15.42.53 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    On Friday, July 17, 2020 at 10:55:43 AM UTC+3, Hannu Poropudas wrote:
    On Wednesday, July 1, 2020 at 8:13:10 PM UTC+3, hapor...@gmail.com wrote:
    I forget to mention one asumption which I have used: Earth's distance from the Sun have not significantly changed. This assumption I used when I made table of Earth's rotation rate (TABLE 4, -T/10^4,Hours/Day). Best Regards,
    Hannu Poropudas, Finland.
    TABLE 4, -T/10^4 centuries, Hour/Day is poorly visible in above, so I put this again here:
    (Author: Hannu K.J. Poropudas, Vesaisentie 9E,
    90900 Kiiminki, Finland, Date: 13.1.2009) Assumption: Distance between the Earth
    and the Sun has not changed significantly
    during Earth's life time (about 4550 Ma).
    Main intended area of use of these figures
    which are calculated from TABLE 2 is roughly
    about 0-2000 Ma.

    TABLE 4
    -T/10^4 Hours/Day
    0 24,03
    52,2 23,63
    52,2 23,39
    226,2 23,63
    276,9 22,98
    276,9 22,41
    335,6 22,27
    340,2 22,05
    340,2 21,91
    367,8 21,88
    367,8 21,67
    367,8 21,26
    394,5 21,88
    408,2 20,97
    429,4 21,69
    435,8 21,21
    445 20,67
    481,6 21,37
    481,6 21,17
    558,1 20,3
    655,6 21,37
    706,3 20,83
    706,3 20,36
    765 20,24
    769,6 20,06
    769,6 19,95
    797,2 19,92
    797,2 19,75
    797,2 19,41
    823,9 19,92
    837,6 19,16
    858,8 19,77
    865,2 19,37
    874,4 18,92
    911 19,5
    911 19,33
    987,5 18,61
    1085 19,5
    1135,7 19,05
    1135,7 18,66
    1194,4 18,56
    1199 18,41
    1199 18,31
    1226,6 18,29
    1226,6 18,14
    1226,6 17,86
    1253,3 18,29
    1267 17,65
    1288,2 18,16
    1294,6 17,82
    1303,8 17,44
    1340,4 17,93
    1340,4 17,79
    1416,9 17,17
    1514,4 17,93
    1565,1 17,55
    1565,1 17,21
    1623,8 17,13
    1628,4 17
    1628,4 16,92
    1656 16,9
    1656 16,78
    1656 16,53
    1682,7 16,9
    1696,4 16,35
    1717,6 16,79
    1724 16,5
    1733,2 16,17
    1769,8 16,59
    1769,8 16,47
    1846,3 15,95
    1943,8 16,59
    1994,5 16,27
    1994,5 15,98
    2053,2 15,91
    2057,8 15,8
    2057,8 15,72
    2085,4 15,71
    2085,4 15,6
    2085,4 15,39
    2112,1 15,71
    2125,8 15,23
    2147 15,61
    2153,4 15,36
    2162,6 15,08
    2199,2 15,44
    2199,2 15,34
    2275,7 14,88
    2373,2 15,44
    2423,9 15,16
    2423,9 14,91
    2482,6 14,85
    2487,2 14,75
    2487,2 14,69
    2514,8 14,68
    2514,8 14,58
    2514,8 14,4
    2541,5 14,68
    2555,2 14,26
    2576,4 14,59
    2582,8 14,37
    2592 14,12
    2628,6 14,44
    2628,6 14,35
    2705,1 13,95
    2802,6 14,44
    2853,3 14,2
    2853,3 13,98
    2912 13,92
    2916,6 13,84
    2916,6 13,78
    2944,2 13,77
    2944,2 13,69
    2944,2 13,52
    2970,9 13,77
    2984,6 13,4
    3005,8 13,69
    3012,2 13,5
    3021,4 13,28
    3058 13,56
    3058 13,48
    3134,5 13,13
    3232 13,56
    3282,7 13,35
    3282,7 13,15
    3341,4 13,1
    3346 13,03
    3346 12,98
    3373,6 12,97
    3373,6 12,89
    3373,6 12,75
    3400,3 12,97
    3414 12,64
    3435,2 12,9
    3441,6 12,73
    3450,8 12,53
    3487,4 12,79
    3487,4 12,71
    3563,9 12,4
    3661,4 12,79
    3712,1 12,59
    3712,1 12,42
    3770,8 12,38
    3775,4 12,31
    3775,4 12,26
    3803 12,25
    3803 12,19
    3803 12,06
    3829,7 12,25
    3843,4 11,96
    3864,6 12,2
    3871 12,04
    3880,2 11,87
    3916,8 12,09
    3916,8 12,03
    3993,3 11,74
    4090,8 12,09
    4141,5 11,92
    4141,5 11,76
    4200,2 11,72
    4204,8 11,66
    4204,8 11,62
    4232,4 11,62
    4232,4 11,56
    4232,4 11,44
    4259,1 11,62
    4272,8 11,35
    4294 11,56
    4300,4 11,43
    4309,6 11,27
    4346,2 11,47
    4346,2 11,41
    4422,7 11,16
    4520,2 11,47
    (4570,9 11,31
    4570,9 11,17
    4629,6 11,14
    4634,2 11,08
    4634,2 11,05
    4661,8 11,04
    4661,8 10,99
    4661,8 10,88
    4688,5 11,04
    4702,2 10,8
    4723,4 10,99
    4729,8 10,87
    4739 10,73
    4775,6 10,91
    4775,6 10,86
    4852,1 10,62
    4949,6 10,91)


    Poropudas, Hannu, 2009.
    Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s
    Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes. <533c8763-511e-4ec6-a69e-8f3f1e5d1591
    Sat, 13 Dec 2008 01:46:49 -0800 (PST).
    10 pages. (sci.bio.paleontology,sci.astro,sci.geo.geology, sci.physics,sci.math)
    (mathematician <haporopu
    Simple approximate calculation of the length of the cosmic year

    R0 = 7.92 +- 0.16 kpc ,(p. 50-15 / Table 3, power-law model).
    v0 = 227 km*s^(-1), (p. 50-16/Fig 6, p. 50-17), (no error estimation for simplicity).

    1 pc = 3.26 ly,
    1 ly = 9.460528436*10^15 m,

    R0 = 7.92 kpc = 7.92*3.26*10^3*9.460528436*10^15 m = 2.442632758*10^20 m,
    2*Pi*R0 = 1.534751426*10^21 m,
    v0 = 227*10^3*m*s^(-1),

    T0 = 2*Pi*R0/v0, (simple circular motion approximation for the length of cosmic year).

    T0 = 1.534751426*10^21 / 227*10^3 s = 6.761019496*10^15 s =
    = 6.761019496*10^15 / (365.2422*24*60*60) yrs = 214248354.8 yrs =
    = approx. 214.25 Myrs.

    (simplified error estimates , if R0 = 8.08 kpc, T0 = 218576604.4 yrs = approx. 219 Myrs and
    if R0 = 7.76 kpc, T0 = 209920105.2 yrs = approx. 210 Myrs)


    VERA collaboration, Tomoya Hirota et al., 2020.
    The First VERA Astronomy Catalog.
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan (2020) 72 (4), 50 (1-19).
    (p. 50-15 / Table 3, power-law model), (p. 50-16/Fig 6, p. 50-17), (no error estimation for simplicity).

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas
    Kolamäentie 9E,
    90900 Oulu / Kiiminki

    One very brave strange speculation of mine about time-dimension of the whole space:

    If I speculate that whole space would be a kind of "mega-galaxy",
    then I would speculate that this "mega-galaxy" has a center (inside black hole,
    "H-M's big ball" and "H-M's color-forces center planet" instead of singularity).
    This would be the origin of time dimension of the whole space.

    Time-dimension would be formed from a "frozen time-wave",
    which consists two kind of direction of flow of time, one direction forwards time and other backwards of time. (this speculation of mine is similar than H-M's color drawing of a black hole,
    which is public visible in my Hannu Poropudas Facebook Page.)

    Period of this "frozen time-wave" would have the period of above
    "Megacycles" articles of mine mentioned period of megacycles about
    429.4 million years, which is my brave strange speculation in this case.

    Ofcourse existence of megacycle about 429.4 million years
    must be observed also in geology of other planets and also properties (redshifts?)
    in whole space before this period 429.4 million years of speculation could be true?

    Best Regards,
    Hannu Poropudas, Kolamäentie 9E, 90900 Kiiminki / Oulu, Finland.

    "mega-galaxy" -> "metagalaxy"

    (everything should be tested to see if these are true):

    I have thought this "metagalaxy" and "time-wave" more closely:

    I think that only observable physical phenomena for " time-wave"
    could be such that this "time-wave" goes though all matter in "metagalaxy"
    periodically of cycles of 429.4 million years (this period is my guess) and
    "forwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave" would not have any significant
    effect to physical matter but "backwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave"
    could have some kind of warming effect interiors of planets, like Earth, Venus, Mars for example,
    which could increase VOLCANISM in those planets ?

    In H-M's black hole (also galaxy as I have undestood) drawing
    "time-wave" have (freezed?) cycles of oscillation of 100000-300000 years.
    I do not know that would this second limit 300000 years period
    be related to second kind on "H-M's 8/8 single cut diamod" shaped
    "creation stone of the Universe" due she has drawn
    two different kind of "H-M's 8/8 single cut diamond"
    shaped "creation stone of the Universe" on one of her drawing
    (both drawings are also public in Hannu Poropudas Facebook ).

    Above mentioned 100000 years periodicity of volcanism would fit nicely to the
    "Figure 2. Climate and sea level of the last 450 kyrs" ?
    I would prefer volcanism explanation instead explanation of the Milankovitch Theory
    of Earth's eccentricity periodicity about 100000 years.

    This is due that Earth's orbit eccentricity changes would be too SMALL to cause
    these high sea level rises points in this Figure 2 ?

    Carlson Anders, 2011.
    Ice Sheets and Sea Level in Earth's Past.
    Nature Education Knowledge 3 (10):3, 8 pages. Figure 2 Sea Level (m).

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas
    As I look large-scale structure maps of the Universe, I have poorly understood
    that "large void" areas could be those "backwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave"
    and "supercluster" areas could be those "forwards direction of time flow" of

    As I look Planck-Satellite 2013 results of cosmic backround radiation temperature
    distribution maps, I see those "cold spots" and "warm spots" which I know
    both to be "light cones". And "warm spots" of these two are closer to the Big Bang start.
    I have also poorly understood that these spots corresponds to present
    size of "superclusters" and maybe (?) also present size of "large voids"?

    OPEN QUESTION: Is our Universe much larger that we have ever expected due these
    "hidden" cycle periods of 429.4 million years (my own guess) of time flow,
    if so, this would then look like structure of "pearls on ribbon"
    each "pearl on ribbon" would correspond to a "metagalaxy" and
    time-flow slice of 429.4 million years (my own guess)?

    What we know (not much) presently about geology (VOLGANISM) of Venus and Mars:

    1. NASA's Magellan spacegraft mission discovered that
    Venus has a geologically young surface with a relatively uniform age of
    500+-200 Ma (million years).

    Geodynamics of Venus (Wikipedia 21.12.2022).

    2. The Ages of Mars (Ga=billion years):
    Pre-Noachian 4.5-4.1 Ga,
    Noachian 4.1-3.7 Ga,
    Hesperian 3.7-2.9 Ga,
    Amazonian 2.9 Ga - present.

    Reference: https://sci.eas.int/web/mars-express/~/55481-the-ages_of_mars
    Last Update 1 September 2019.

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas

    I noticed from Figure 5d that at least following rough approximations
    of maximums are also present in Figure 5d:

    3390 Ma
    3250 Ma
    3020 Ma
    820 Ma.

    I put these also in to the list:
    I found one interesting experimental reference
    of time-series plots from age histograms in recent
    Kenneth Condie paper, from (5d.) which I found roughly
    following approximate maximums:

    3820 Ma
    3520 Ma
    3450 Ma
    3390 Ma
    3250 Ma

    3150 Ma

    3020 Ma
    2980 Ma
    2920 Ma
    2880 Ma
    2780 Ma
    2700 Ma
    2620 Ma
    2580 Ma
    2500 Ma
    2450 Ma
    2380 Ma
    2220 Ma
    2180 Ma
    2120 Ma
    2050 Ma
    1980 Ma
    1890 Ma
    1800 Ma
    1780 Ma
    1700 Ma
    1650 Ma
    1590 Ma
    1450 Ma
    1390 Ma
    1250 Ma
    1190 Ma
    1100 Ma
    1000 Ma
    920 Ma
    820 Ma
    790 Ma
    720 Ma
    600 Ma
    520 Ma
    450 Ma
    390 Ma
    300 Ma
    250 Ma
    200 Ma
    100 Ma


    Condie, K. C., 2021.
    Revisiting the Mesoproterozoic.
    Gondwanda Research, 100 (2021) 44-52.
    (Figure 5d, page 48).

    (Figure 5. Raw time-series plots from age histograms
    at 10 Myr intervals, regional weighting of ages, U/Pb records accepted with absolute discordance < 70 Myr and
    2-sigma uncertainty < 75 Myr; 25 Myr resolution.

    5d. large igneous province (LIP) ages represented
    in 535 crustal provinces (no regional weighting,
    smoothed with 3-weight Gaussian kernel).)

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas
    I'am sorry about my mistake of missing maximums

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas
    I found one (more clear than above reference
    of (Condie K C 2021) ?)
    reference in which (Condie K C et al 2021) have found
    approximately 400-Myr periodicity ?


    Condie, K. C., Pisarevsky, S. A., Puetz, S. J., 2021.
    LIPs, orogens and supercontinents: The ongoing saga.
    Gondwana Research, 96 (2021) 105-121.
    (Figure 5, page 110 and Figure 8, page 113, -------------------------------------------------------------------- five major age peaks are observed with -------------------------------------------------------------- approximately 400-Myr periodicity, page 118.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    I wonder that would meaning of last part of the title of the reference
    "The ongoing saga"
    be same as
    "a long complicated series of related, usually negative, events" ?

    Best Regards,
    Hannu Poropudas

    I found one more recent reference than Krapez B refereces I mentioned -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    in beginning of this posting chain of mine few years ago: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Barley Mark E., Bekker Andrey, Krapez Brian, 2005.
    Late Archean to Early Paleoproterozoic global tectonics,
    environmental change and the rise of atmospheric oxygen.
    Earth and Planetary Science Letters 238 (2005) 156-171.

    (recommended two search words: " breakup" and "breakout"
    are for AGEs and AGE periods of continental/supercontinental
    or plume events of interest.)

    Please take a look!

    This (pdf format) text is freely available from the internet and
    can be easily found by Google search machine.

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas

    I found better reference for my selection approximately 2680 Ma
    as a starting point of my calculations in my megacycle list
    (which was my first posting in this posting chain few years ago).
    Krapez B giving approximate age 2680 Ma was OK,
    but his reference was wrong.


    Barley Mark E., Krapez Bryan, Groves David I., Kerrich Rob, 1998.
    The Late Archaean bonanza: metallogenic and environmental
    consequences of the interaction between mantle plumes,
    lithospheric tectonics and global cyclicity.
    Precambrian Research 91 (1998) 65-90.
    Pages 66 - 67 and Page 80.

    Writers of this article have following cycles:

    (Page 66: "approximately 360 m.y global tectonic cycle")

    (Page 67:
    "For each full cycle, there is an initial approximately
    180 m.y period, or megacycle, during which an internal ocean opens
    (e.g. Atlantic Ocean), followed by a similar length megacycle during which the internal ocean closes and continents reassemble.")

    About 2680 Ma:

    (Page 80, search (Find) words which are recommended to use:

    "2.68 Ga",
    "Pilbara Craton",
    "plume breakout",
    "rising global sea-level",
    "Indian-type ocean",
    "continental flooding" )

    I have in my megacyle list these periods (measured from
    experimental Pannella G's fossil time data )

    429.4 m.y. (global tectonic cycle)


    429.4 m.y. /2 = 214.7 m.y. (megacycle).

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas
    I found one interesting reference which
    could give important AGE data of passive margins:


    Bradley Dwight C., 2008.
    Passive margins through earth history.
    Earth-Science Reviews 91 (2008) 1-26.

    Please take a look AGEs from this reference
    and compare them to my megacycles
    (say some +-50 Ma accuracy )
    for example pp. 20-23.

    8. Comparison with postulated supercontinents, pages 20-23.
    8.1 Pangea, page 21,
    8.2 Pannotia (Gondwana etc), page 21,
    8.3 Rodinia, pages 21-22,
    8.4 Nuna (=Columbia), page 22,
    8.5 Sclavia, Superia, and Vaalbara, page 22,
    8.6 Proposed scenario, pages 22-23 and
    8.7 Implications for continental reconstructions, page 23.

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas
    I found second interesting reference which could
    give important AGE data of passive margins:
    REFERENCES (Important in my opinion):

    Bradley Dwight C., 2011.
    Secular trends in the geologic record
    and the supercontinent cycle.
    Earth-Science Reviews 108 (2011) 16-33.
    Bradley Dwight C., 2008.
    Passive margins through earth history.
    Earth-Science Reviews 91 (2008) 1-26.
    I looked only "quality ranking A" (= best) points of plot
    (Age (Ma), Passive-margin abundance)
    of Fig. 11 on page 21 (Passive-margins abundance (Bradley, 2008))
    and I found for example (for Pangea) following approximate age limits
    with (Bradley, 2008, 2011) interpretations:

    maximum 1850 Ma - 2050 Ma (break up) ->
    start increasing (750 Ma - 800 Ma)->
    maximum (500 Ma - 550 Ma) (break up) ->
    decreasing (350 Ma - 500 Ma) ->
    minimum (low level) (250 Ma - 350 Ma) (assembly) ->
    increasing (250 Ma -150 Ma ) ->
    maximum (150 Ma - 200 Ma) (break up) ->
    decreasing (0 Ma - 150 Ma).

    Last assembly and break up could fit well to the Pangea ?

    My megacycles (say +,-50 Ma accuracy) which seems
    to fit also to these age limits could be following ?

    2040 Ma - 1820 Ma,

    760 Ma - 540 Ma,
    540 Ma - 340 Ma,
    340 Ma - 130 Ma,
    130 Ma -

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas

    For comparison I put below copy from text part of
    (Bradley 2011, pp. 20, 24, 25).

    Ages start of passive margins and ages end of passive margins could
    be perhaps too inaccurate to investigate length of supercontinent cycle ?

    More accurate maximum and minimum (low level) ages
    of passive margins (with ranking quality A = best)
    could be useful to use for this purpose ?

    COPY from (Bradley 2011, pp. 20, 24, 25) below:

    "The Phanerozoic age distribution of passive margins (Fig. 46)
    tracks the assembly, tenure, and disassembly of Pangea.

    The tenure of Pangea coincided with a low at 300 to 275 Ma.
    The increase in passive margins since then tracks Pangea's breakup;
    the sharp decline from ca. 500 toca. 350 Ma concides with
    Pangea's assembly."

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Hannu Poropudas@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jul 10 23:07:59 2023
    perjantai 7. heinäkuuta 2023 klo 8.54.39 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    keskiviikko 5. heinäkuuta 2023 klo 11.35.43 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    maanantai 3. heinäkuuta 2023 klo 10.56.48 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    keskiviikko 21. kesäkuuta 2023 klo 9.38.07 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    tiistai 20. kesäkuuta 2023 klo 10.11.00 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    perjantai 16. kesäkuuta 2023 klo 9.29.17 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    torstai 15. kesäkuuta 2023 klo 9.45.00 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    keskiviikko 14. kesäkuuta 2023 klo 9.25.40 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    torstai 1. kesäkuuta 2023 klo 10.39.40 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    torstai 22. joulukuuta 2022 klo 9.57.20 UTC+2 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    keskiviikko 21. joulukuuta 2022 klo 10.38.31 UTC+2 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    maanantai 19. joulukuuta 2022 klo 12.43.20 UTC+2 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    maanantai 26. heinäkuuta 2021 klo 15.42.53 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    On Friday, July 17, 2020 at 10:55:43 AM UTC+3, Hannu Poropudas wrote:
    On Wednesday, July 1, 2020 at 8:13:10 PM UTC+3, hapor...@gmail.com wrote:
    I forget to mention one asumption which I have used: Earth's distance from the Sun have not significantly changed. This assumption I used when I made table of Earth's rotation rate (TABLE 4, -T/10^4,Hours/Day). Best Regards,
    Hannu Poropudas, Finland.
    TABLE 4, -T/10^4 centuries, Hour/Day is poorly visible in above, so I put this again here:
    (Author: Hannu K.J. Poropudas, Vesaisentie 9E, 90900 Kiiminki, Finland, Date: 13.1.2009) Assumption: Distance between the Earth
    and the Sun has not changed significantly
    during Earth's life time (about 4550 Ma).
    Main intended area of use of these figures
    which are calculated from TABLE 2 is roughly
    about 0-2000 Ma.

    TABLE 4
    -T/10^4 Hours/Day
    0 24,03
    52,2 23,63
    52,2 23,39
    226,2 23,63
    276,9 22,98
    276,9 22,41
    335,6 22,27
    340,2 22,05
    340,2 21,91
    367,8 21,88
    367,8 21,67
    367,8 21,26
    394,5 21,88
    408,2 20,97
    429,4 21,69
    435,8 21,21
    445 20,67
    481,6 21,37
    481,6 21,17
    558,1 20,3
    655,6 21,37
    706,3 20,83
    706,3 20,36
    765 20,24
    769,6 20,06
    769,6 19,95
    797,2 19,92
    797,2 19,75
    797,2 19,41
    823,9 19,92
    837,6 19,16
    858,8 19,77
    865,2 19,37
    874,4 18,92
    911 19,5
    911 19,33
    987,5 18,61
    1085 19,5
    1135,7 19,05
    1135,7 18,66
    1194,4 18,56
    1199 18,41
    1199 18,31
    1226,6 18,29
    1226,6 18,14
    1226,6 17,86
    1253,3 18,29
    1267 17,65
    1288,2 18,16
    1294,6 17,82
    1303,8 17,44
    1340,4 17,93
    1340,4 17,79
    1416,9 17,17
    1514,4 17,93
    1565,1 17,55
    1565,1 17,21
    1623,8 17,13
    1628,4 17
    1628,4 16,92
    1656 16,9
    1656 16,78
    1656 16,53
    1682,7 16,9
    1696,4 16,35
    1717,6 16,79
    1724 16,5
    1733,2 16,17
    1769,8 16,59
    1769,8 16,47
    1846,3 15,95
    1943,8 16,59
    1994,5 16,27
    1994,5 15,98
    2053,2 15,91
    2057,8 15,8
    2057,8 15,72
    2085,4 15,71
    2085,4 15,6
    2085,4 15,39
    2112,1 15,71
    2125,8 15,23
    2147 15,61
    2153,4 15,36
    2162,6 15,08
    2199,2 15,44
    2199,2 15,34
    2275,7 14,88
    2373,2 15,44
    2423,9 15,16
    2423,9 14,91
    2482,6 14,85
    2487,2 14,75
    2487,2 14,69
    2514,8 14,68
    2514,8 14,58
    2514,8 14,4
    2541,5 14,68
    2555,2 14,26
    2576,4 14,59
    2582,8 14,37
    2592 14,12
    2628,6 14,44
    2628,6 14,35
    2705,1 13,95
    2802,6 14,44
    2853,3 14,2
    2853,3 13,98
    2912 13,92
    2916,6 13,84
    2916,6 13,78
    2944,2 13,77
    2944,2 13,69
    2944,2 13,52
    2970,9 13,77
    2984,6 13,4
    3005,8 13,69
    3012,2 13,5
    3021,4 13,28
    3058 13,56
    3058 13,48
    3134,5 13,13
    3232 13,56
    3282,7 13,35
    3282,7 13,15
    3341,4 13,1
    3346 13,03
    3346 12,98
    3373,6 12,97
    3373,6 12,89
    3373,6 12,75
    3400,3 12,97
    3414 12,64
    3435,2 12,9
    3441,6 12,73
    3450,8 12,53
    3487,4 12,79
    3487,4 12,71
    3563,9 12,4
    3661,4 12,79
    3712,1 12,59
    3712,1 12,42
    3770,8 12,38
    3775,4 12,31
    3775,4 12,26
    3803 12,25
    3803 12,19
    3803 12,06
    3829,7 12,25
    3843,4 11,96
    3864,6 12,2
    3871 12,04
    3880,2 11,87
    3916,8 12,09
    3916,8 12,03
    3993,3 11,74
    4090,8 12,09
    4141,5 11,92
    4141,5 11,76
    4200,2 11,72
    4204,8 11,66
    4204,8 11,62
    4232,4 11,62
    4232,4 11,56
    4232,4 11,44
    4259,1 11,62
    4272,8 11,35
    4294 11,56
    4300,4 11,43
    4309,6 11,27
    4346,2 11,47
    4346,2 11,41
    4422,7 11,16
    4520,2 11,47
    (4570,9 11,31
    4570,9 11,17
    4629,6 11,14
    4634,2 11,08
    4634,2 11,05
    4661,8 11,04
    4661,8 10,99
    4661,8 10,88
    4688,5 11,04
    4702,2 10,8
    4723,4 10,99
    4729,8 10,87
    4739 10,73
    4775,6 10,91
    4775,6 10,86
    4852,1 10,62
    4949,6 10,91)


    Poropudas, Hannu, 2009.
    Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s
    Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes. <533c8763-511e-4ec6-a69e-8f3f1e5d1591
    Sat, 13 Dec 2008 01:46:49 -0800 (PST).
    10 pages. (sci.bio.paleontology,sci.astro,sci.geo.geology, sci.physics,sci.math)
    (mathematician <haporopu
    Simple approximate calculation of the length of the cosmic year

    R0 = 7.92 +- 0.16 kpc ,(p. 50-15 / Table 3, power-law model).
    v0 = 227 km*s^(-1), (p. 50-16/Fig 6, p. 50-17), (no error estimation for simplicity).

    1 pc = 3.26 ly,
    1 ly = 9.460528436*10^15 m,

    R0 = 7.92 kpc = 7.92*3.26*10^3*9.460528436*10^15 m = 2.442632758*10^20 m,
    2*Pi*R0 = 1.534751426*10^21 m,
    v0 = 227*10^3*m*s^(-1),

    T0 = 2*Pi*R0/v0, (simple circular motion approximation for the length of cosmic year).

    T0 = 1.534751426*10^21 / 227*10^3 s = 6.761019496*10^15 s =
    = 6.761019496*10^15 / (365.2422*24*60*60) yrs = 214248354.8 yrs =
    = approx. 214.25 Myrs.

    (simplified error estimates , if R0 = 8.08 kpc, T0 = 218576604.4 yrs = approx. 219 Myrs and
    if R0 = 7.76 kpc, T0 = 209920105.2 yrs = approx. 210 Myrs)


    VERA collaboration, Tomoya Hirota et al., 2020.
    The First VERA Astronomy Catalog.
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan (2020) 72 (4), 50 (1-19).
    (p. 50-15 / Table 3, power-law model), (p. 50-16/Fig 6, p. 50-17), (no error estimation for simplicity).

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas
    Kolamäentie 9E,
    90900 Oulu / Kiiminki

    One very brave strange speculation of mine about time-dimension of the whole space:

    If I speculate that whole space would be a kind of "mega-galaxy",
    then I would speculate that this "mega-galaxy" has a center (inside black hole,
    "H-M's big ball" and "H-M's color-forces center planet" instead of singularity).
    This would be the origin of time dimension of the whole space.

    Time-dimension would be formed from a "frozen time-wave",
    which consists two kind of direction of flow of time, one direction forwards time and other backwards of time.
    (this speculation of mine is similar than H-M's color drawing of a black hole,
    which is public visible in my Hannu Poropudas Facebook Page.)

    Period of this "frozen time-wave" would have the period of above
    "Megacycles" articles of mine mentioned period of megacycles about
    429.4 million years, which is my brave strange speculation in this case.

    Ofcourse existence of megacycle about 429.4 million years
    must be observed also in geology of other planets and also properties (redshifts?)
    in whole space before this period 429.4 million years of speculation could be true?

    Best Regards,
    Hannu Poropudas, Kolamäentie 9E, 90900 Kiiminki / Oulu, Finland.

    "mega-galaxy" -> "metagalaxy"

    (everything should be tested to see if these are true):

    I have thought this "metagalaxy" and "time-wave" more closely:

    I think that only observable physical phenomena for " time-wave"
    could be such that this "time-wave" goes though all matter in "metagalaxy"
    periodically of cycles of 429.4 million years (this period is my guess) and
    "forwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave" would not have any significant
    effect to physical matter but "backwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave"
    could have some kind of warming effect interiors of planets,
    like Earth, Venus, Mars for example,
    which could increase VOLCANISM in those planets ?

    In H-M's black hole (also galaxy as I have undestood) drawing
    "time-wave" have (freezed?) cycles of oscillation of 100000-300000 years.
    I do not know that would this second limit 300000 years period
    be related to second kind on "H-M's 8/8 single cut diamod" shaped
    "creation stone of the Universe" due she has drawn
    two different kind of "H-M's 8/8 single cut diamond" shaped "creation stone of the Universe" on one of her drawing
    (both drawings are also public in Hannu Poropudas Facebook ).

    Above mentioned 100000 years periodicity of volcanism would fit nicely to the
    "Figure 2. Climate and sea level of the last 450 kyrs" ?
    I would prefer volcanism explanation instead explanation of the Milankovitch Theory
    of Earth's eccentricity periodicity about 100000 years.

    This is due that Earth's orbit eccentricity changes would be too SMALL to cause
    these high sea level rises points in this Figure 2 ?

    Carlson Anders, 2011.
    Ice Sheets and Sea Level in Earth's Past.
    Nature Education Knowledge 3 (10):3, 8 pages. Figure 2 Sea Level (m).

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas
    As I look large-scale structure maps of the Universe, I have poorly understood
    that "large void" areas could be those "backwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave"
    and "supercluster" areas could be those "forwards direction of time flow" of

    As I look Planck-Satellite 2013 results of cosmic backround radiation temperature
    distribution maps, I see those "cold spots" and "warm spots" which I know
    both to be "light cones". And "warm spots" of these two are closer to the Big Bang start.
    I have also poorly understood that these spots corresponds to present
    size of "superclusters" and maybe (?) also present size of "large voids"?

    OPEN QUESTION: Is our Universe much larger that we have ever expected due these
    "hidden" cycle periods of 429.4 million years (my own guess) of time flow,
    if so, this would then look like structure of "pearls on ribbon"
    each "pearl on ribbon" would correspond to a "metagalaxy" and
    time-flow slice of 429.4 million years (my own guess)?

    What we know (not much) presently about geology (VOLGANISM)
    of Venus and Mars:

    1. NASA's Magellan spacegraft mission discovered that Venus has a geologically young surface with a relatively uniform age of
    500+-200 Ma (million years).

    Geodynamics of Venus (Wikipedia 21.12.2022).

    2. The Ages of Mars (Ga=billion years):
    Pre-Noachian 4.5-4.1 Ga,
    Noachian 4.1-3.7 Ga,
    Hesperian 3.7-2.9 Ga,
    Amazonian 2.9 Ga - present.

    Reference: https://sci.eas.int/web/mars-express/~/55481-the-ages_of_mars
    Last Update 1 September 2019.

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas

    I noticed from Figure 5d that at least following rough approximations
    of maximums are also present in Figure 5d:

    3390 Ma
    3250 Ma
    3020 Ma
    820 Ma.

    I put these also in to the list:
    I found one interesting experimental reference
    of time-series plots from age histograms in recent
    Kenneth Condie paper, from (5d.) which I found roughly following approximate maximums:

    3820 Ma
    3520 Ma
    3450 Ma
    3390 Ma
    3250 Ma

    3150 Ma

    3020 Ma
    2980 Ma
    2920 Ma
    2880 Ma
    2780 Ma
    2700 Ma
    2620 Ma
    2580 Ma
    2500 Ma
    2450 Ma
    2380 Ma
    2220 Ma
    2180 Ma
    2120 Ma
    2050 Ma
    1980 Ma
    1890 Ma
    1800 Ma
    1780 Ma
    1700 Ma
    1650 Ma
    1590 Ma
    1450 Ma
    1390 Ma
    1250 Ma
    1190 Ma
    1100 Ma
    1000 Ma
    920 Ma
    820 Ma
    790 Ma
    720 Ma
    600 Ma
    520 Ma
    450 Ma
    390 Ma
    300 Ma
    250 Ma
    200 Ma
    100 Ma


    Condie, K. C., 2021.
    Revisiting the Mesoproterozoic.
    Gondwanda Research, 100 (2021) 44-52.
    (Figure 5d, page 48).

    (Figure 5. Raw time-series plots from age histograms
    at 10 Myr intervals, regional weighting of ages, U/Pb records accepted with absolute discordance < 70 Myr and
    2-sigma uncertainty < 75 Myr; 25 Myr resolution.

    5d. large igneous province (LIP) ages represented
    in 535 crustal provinces (no regional weighting,
    smoothed with 3-weight Gaussian kernel).)

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas
    I'am sorry about my mistake of missing maximums

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas
    I found one (more clear than above reference
    of (Condie K C 2021) ?)
    reference in which (Condie K C et al 2021) have found approximately 400-Myr periodicity ?


    Condie, K. C., Pisarevsky, S. A., Puetz, S. J., 2021.
    LIPs, orogens and supercontinents: The ongoing saga.
    Gondwana Research, 96 (2021) 105-121.
    (Figure 5, page 110 and Figure 8, page 113, --------------------------------------------------------------------
    five major age peaks are observed with -------------------------------------------------------------- approximately 400-Myr periodicity, page 118.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    I wonder that would meaning of last part of the title of the reference
    "The ongoing saga"
    be same as
    "a long complicated series of related, usually negative, events" ?

    Best Regards,
    Hannu Poropudas

    I found one more recent reference than Krapez B refereces I mentioned
    in beginning of this posting chain of mine few years ago: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Barley Mark E., Bekker Andrey, Krapez Brian, 2005.
    Late Archean to Early Paleoproterozoic global tectonics, environmental change and the rise of atmospheric oxygen.
    Earth and Planetary Science Letters 238 (2005) 156-171.

    (recommended two search words: " breakup" and "breakout"
    are for AGEs and AGE periods of continental/supercontinental
    or plume events of interest.)

    Please take a look!

    This (pdf format) text is freely available from the internet and
    can be easily found by Google search machine.

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas

    I found better reference for my selection approximately 2680 Ma
    as a starting point of my calculations in my megacycle list
    (which was my first posting in this posting chain few years ago). Krapez B giving approximate age 2680 Ma was OK,
    but his reference was wrong.


    Barley Mark E., Krapez Bryan, Groves David I., Kerrich Rob, 1998.
    The Late Archaean bonanza: metallogenic and environmental
    consequences of the interaction between mantle plumes,
    lithospheric tectonics and global cyclicity.
    Precambrian Research 91 (1998) 65-90.
    Pages 66 - 67 and Page 80.

    Writers of this article have following cycles:

    (Page 66: "approximately 360 m.y global tectonic cycle")

    (Page 67:
    "For each full cycle, there is an initial approximately
    180 m.y period, or megacycle, during which an internal ocean opens (e.g. Atlantic Ocean), followed by a similar length megacycle during which the internal ocean closes and continents reassemble.")

    About 2680 Ma:

    (Page 80, search (Find) words which are recommended to use:

    "2.68 Ga",
    "Pilbara Craton",
    "plume breakout",
    "rising global sea-level",
    "Indian-type ocean",
    "continental flooding" )

    I have in my megacyle list these periods (measured from
    experimental Pannella G's fossil time data )

    429.4 m.y. (global tectonic cycle)


    429.4 m.y. /2 = 214.7 m.y. (megacycle).

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas
    I found one interesting reference which
    could give important AGE data of passive margins:


    Bradley Dwight C., 2008.
    Passive margins through earth history.
    Earth-Science Reviews 91 (2008) 1-26.

    Please take a look AGEs from this reference
    and compare them to my megacycles
    (say some +-50 Ma accuracy )
    for example pp. 20-23.

    8. Comparison with postulated supercontinents, pages 20-23.
    8.1 Pangea, page 21,
    8.2 Pannotia (Gondwana etc), page 21,
    8.3 Rodinia, pages 21-22,
    8.4 Nuna (=Columbia), page 22,
    8.5 Sclavia, Superia, and Vaalbara, page 22,
    8.6 Proposed scenario, pages 22-23 and
    8.7 Implications for continental reconstructions, page 23.

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas
    I found second interesting reference which could
    give important AGE data of passive margins:
    REFERENCES (Important in my opinion):

    Bradley Dwight C., 2011.
    Secular trends in the geologic record
    and the supercontinent cycle.
    Earth-Science Reviews 108 (2011) 16-33.
    Bradley Dwight C., 2008.
    Passive margins through earth history.
    Earth-Science Reviews 91 (2008) 1-26.
    I looked only "quality ranking A" (= best) points of plot
    (Age (Ma), Passive-margin abundance)
    of Fig. 11 on page 21 (Passive-margins abundance (Bradley, 2008))
    and I found for example (for Pangea) following approximate age limits
    with (Bradley, 2008, 2011) interpretations:

    maximum 1850 Ma - 2050 Ma (break up) ->
    start increasing (750 Ma - 800 Ma)->
    maximum (500 Ma - 550 Ma) (break up) ->
    decreasing (350 Ma - 500 Ma) ->
    minimum (low level) (250 Ma - 350 Ma) (assembly) ->
    increasing (250 Ma -150 Ma ) ->
    maximum (150 Ma - 200 Ma) (break up) ->
    decreasing (0 Ma - 150 Ma).

    Last assembly and break up could fit well to the Pangea ?

    My megacycles (say +,-50 Ma accuracy) which seems
    to fit also to these age limits could be following ?

    2040 Ma - 1820 Ma,

    760 Ma - 540 Ma,
    540 Ma - 340 Ma,
    340 Ma - 130 Ma,
    130 Ma -

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas
    For comparison I put below copy from text part of
    (Bradley 2011, pp. 20, 24, 25).

    Ages start of passive margins and ages end of passive margins could
    be perhaps too inaccurate to investigate length of supercontinent cycle ?

    More accurate maximum and minimum (low level) ages
    of passive margins (with ranking quality A = best)
    could be useful to use for this purpose ?

    COPY from (Bradley 2011, pp. 20, 24, 25) below:

    "The Phanerozoic age distribution of passive margins (Fig. 46)
    tracks the assembly, tenure, and disassembly of Pangea.

    The tenure of Pangea coincided with a low at 300 to 275 Ma.
    The increase in passive margins since then tracks Pangea's breakup;
    the sharp decline from ca. 500 toca. 350 Ma concides with
    Pangea's assembly."

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas

    REFERENCES (more details)
    Bradley Dwight C., 2011.
    Secular trends in the geologic record
    and the supercontinent cycle.
    Earth-Science Reviews 108 (2011) 16-33.

    Bradley Dwight C., 2008.
    Passive margins through earth history.
    Earth-Science Reviews 91 (2008) 1-26.

    I took a loo more carefully (Bradley 2011) Fig. 16 / page 21
    and I got following list of ages from the plot (n => 26000, 8 piles / 200 Ma)

    "Detrital zircons from sandstones and metasandstones"

    maximums areas (Ma):

    3950 - 4050
    3575 - 3625
    3325 - 3400
    2625 - 2775, (max = 2697)
    2425 - 2575, (max = 2500)
    1800 - 2200, (max = 1824)
    1400 - 1500, (max = 1435)
    1250 - 1275
    900 - 1100, (max = 1047)
    775 - 800
    575 - 625, (max = 594)
    375 - 500, (max = 432)
    125 - 200, (max = 174)

    minimums areas (low), (Ma):

    2100 - 2425, (min = 2347)
    1500 - 1600, (min = 1565)
    375 - 875, (min = 853)
    500 - 575, (min = 529)
    300 - 375, (min = 367)
    225 - 275

    I don't know how to interpret these ages ?

    I can compare my megacycles (from my first posting
    of this posting chain of mine), say accuracy +, - 50 Ma,
    to these, but with NO my own interpretations.

    These ages seems to fit somehow approximately
    to these megacycles, with couple exceptional ages ?

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas

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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Hannu Poropudas@21:1/5 to All on Fri Aug 11 01:08:47 2023
    torstai 1. kesäkuuta 2023 klo 10.39.40 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    torstai 22. joulukuuta 2022 klo 9.57.20 UTC+2 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    keskiviikko 21. joulukuuta 2022 klo 10.38.31 UTC+2 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    maanantai 19. joulukuuta 2022 klo 12.43.20 UTC+2 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    maanantai 26. heinäkuuta 2021 klo 15.42.53 UTC+3 Hannu Poropudas kirjoitti:
    On Friday, July 17, 2020 at 10:55:43 AM UTC+3, Hannu Poropudas wrote:
    On Wednesday, July 1, 2020 at 8:13:10 PM UTC+3, hapor...@gmail.com wrote:
    I forget to mention one asumption which I have used: Earth's distance from the Sun have not significantly changed. This assumption I used when I made table of Earth's rotation rate (TABLE 4, -T/10^4,Hours/Day). Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas,
    TABLE 4, -T/10^4 centuries, Hour/Day is poorly visible in above, so I put this again here:
    (Author: Hannu K.J. Poropudas, Vesaisentie 9E,
    90900 Kiiminki, Finland, Date: 13.1.2009)
    Assumption: Distance between the Earth
    and the Sun has not changed significantly
    during Earth's life time (about 4550 Ma).
    Main intended area of use of these figures
    which are calculated from TABLE 2 is roughly
    about 0-2000 Ma.

    TABLE 4
    -T/10^4 Hours/Day
    0 24,03
    52,2 23,63
    52,2 23,39
    226,2 23,63
    276,9 22,98
    276,9 22,41
    335,6 22,27
    340,2 22,05
    340,2 21,91
    367,8 21,88
    367,8 21,67
    367,8 21,26
    394,5 21,88
    408,2 20,97
    429,4 21,69
    435,8 21,21
    445 20,67
    481,6 21,37
    481,6 21,17
    558,1 20,3
    655,6 21,37
    706,3 20,83
    706,3 20,36
    765 20,24
    769,6 20,06
    769,6 19,95
    797,2 19,92
    797,2 19,75
    797,2 19,41
    823,9 19,92
    837,6 19,16
    858,8 19,77
    865,2 19,37
    874,4 18,92
    911 19,5
    911 19,33
    987,5 18,61
    1085 19,5
    1135,7 19,05
    1135,7 18,66
    1194,4 18,56
    1199 18,41
    1199 18,31
    1226,6 18,29
    1226,6 18,14
    1226,6 17,86
    1253,3 18,29
    1267 17,65
    1288,2 18,16
    1294,6 17,82
    1303,8 17,44
    1340,4 17,93
    1340,4 17,79
    1416,9 17,17
    1514,4 17,93
    1565,1 17,55
    1565,1 17,21
    1623,8 17,13
    1628,4 17
    1628,4 16,92
    1656 16,9
    1656 16,78
    1656 16,53
    1682,7 16,9
    1696,4 16,35
    1717,6 16,79
    1724 16,5
    1733,2 16,17
    1769,8 16,59
    1769,8 16,47
    1846,3 15,95
    1943,8 16,59
    1994,5 16,27
    1994,5 15,98
    2053,2 15,91
    2057,8 15,8
    2057,8 15,72
    2085,4 15,71
    2085,4 15,6
    2085,4 15,39
    2112,1 15,71
    2125,8 15,23
    2147 15,61
    2153,4 15,36
    2162,6 15,08
    2199,2 15,44
    2199,2 15,34
    2275,7 14,88
    2373,2 15,44
    2423,9 15,16
    2423,9 14,91
    2482,6 14,85
    2487,2 14,75
    2487,2 14,69
    2514,8 14,68
    2514,8 14,58
    2514,8 14,4
    2541,5 14,68
    2555,2 14,26
    2576,4 14,59
    2582,8 14,37
    2592 14,12
    2628,6 14,44
    2628,6 14,35
    2705,1 13,95
    2802,6 14,44
    2853,3 14,2
    2853,3 13,98
    2912 13,92
    2916,6 13,84
    2916,6 13,78
    2944,2 13,77
    2944,2 13,69
    2944,2 13,52
    2970,9 13,77
    2984,6 13,4
    3005,8 13,69
    3012,2 13,5
    3021,4 13,28
    3058 13,56
    3058 13,48
    3134,5 13,13
    3232 13,56
    3282,7 13,35
    3282,7 13,15
    3341,4 13,1
    3346 13,03
    3346 12,98
    3373,6 12,97
    3373,6 12,89
    3373,6 12,75
    3400,3 12,97
    3414 12,64
    3435,2 12,9
    3441,6 12,73
    3450,8 12,53
    3487,4 12,79
    3487,4 12,71
    3563,9 12,4
    3661,4 12,79
    3712,1 12,59
    3712,1 12,42
    3770,8 12,38
    3775,4 12,31
    3775,4 12,26
    3803 12,25
    3803 12,19
    3803 12,06
    3829,7 12,25
    3843,4 11,96
    3864,6 12,2
    3871 12,04
    3880,2 11,87
    3916,8 12,09
    3916,8 12,03
    3993,3 11,74
    4090,8 12,09
    4141,5 11,92
    4141,5 11,76
    4200,2 11,72
    4204,8 11,66
    4204,8 11,62
    4232,4 11,62
    4232,4 11,56
    4232,4 11,44
    4259,1 11,62
    4272,8 11,35
    4294 11,56
    4300,4 11,43
    4309,6 11,27
    4346,2 11,47
    4346,2 11,41
    4422,7 11,16
    4520,2 11,47
    (4570,9 11,31
    4570,9 11,17
    4629,6 11,14
    4634,2 11,08
    4634,2 11,05
    4661,8 11,04
    4661,8 10,99
    4661,8 10,88
    4688,5 11,04
    4702,2 10,8
    4723,4 10,99
    4729,8 10,87
    4739 10,73
    4775,6 10,91
    4775,6 10,86
    4852,1 10,62
    4949,6 10,91)


    Poropudas, Hannu, 2009.
    Some Linear Extrapolations of Pannella’s
    Fossil Time Data for Test Purposes. <533c8763-511e-4ec6-a69e-8f3f1e5d1591
    Sat, 13 Dec 2008 01:46:49 -0800 (PST).
    10 pages.
    (sci.bio.paleontology,sci.astro,sci.geo.geology, sci.physics,sci.math)
    (mathematician <haporopu
    Simple approximate calculation of the length of the cosmic year

    R0 = 7.92 +- 0.16 kpc ,(p. 50-15 / Table 3, power-law model).
    v0 = 227 km*s^(-1), (p. 50-16/Fig 6, p. 50-17), (no error estimation for simplicity).

    1 pc = 3.26 ly,
    1 ly = 9.460528436*10^15 m,

    R0 = 7.92 kpc = 7.92*3.26*10^3*9.460528436*10^15 m = 2.442632758*10^20 m,
    2*Pi*R0 = 1.534751426*10^21 m,
    v0 = 227*10^3*m*s^(-1),

    T0 = 2*Pi*R0/v0, (simple circular motion approximation for the length of cosmic year).

    T0 = 1.534751426*10^21 / 227*10^3 s = 6.761019496*10^15 s =
    = 6.761019496*10^15 / (365.2422*24*60*60) yrs = 214248354.8 yrs =
    = approx. 214.25 Myrs.

    (simplified error estimates , if R0 = 8.08 kpc, T0 = 218576604.4 yrs = approx. 219 Myrs and
    if R0 = 7.76 kpc, T0 = 209920105.2 yrs = approx. 210 Myrs)


    VERA collaboration, Tomoya Hirota et al., 2020.
    The First VERA Astronomy Catalog.
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan (2020) 72 (4), 50 (1-19).
    (p. 50-15 / Table 3, power-law model), (p. 50-16/Fig 6, p. 50-17), (no error estimation for simplicity).

    Best Regards,

    Hannu Poropudas
    Kolamäentie 9E,
    90900 Oulu / Kiiminki

    One very brave strange speculation of mine about time-dimension of the whole space:

    If I speculate that whole space would be a kind of "mega-galaxy",
    then I would speculate that this "mega-galaxy" has a center (inside black hole,
    "H-M's big ball" and "H-M's color-forces center planet" instead of singularity).
    This would be the origin of time dimension of the whole space.

    Time-dimension would be formed from a "frozen time-wave",
    which consists two kind of direction of flow of time,
    one direction forwards time and other backwards of time.
    (this speculation of mine is similar than H-M's color drawing of a black hole,
    which is public visible in my Hannu Poropudas Facebook Page.)

    Period of this "frozen time-wave" would have the period of above "Megacycles" articles of mine mentioned period of megacycles about 429.4 million years, which is my brave strange speculation in this case.

    Ofcourse existence of megacycle about 429.4 million years
    must be observed also in geology of other planets and also properties (redshifts?)
    in whole space before this period 429.4 million years of speculation could be true?

    Best Regards,
    Hannu Poropudas, Kolamäentie 9E, 90900 Kiiminki / Oulu, Finland.

    "mega-galaxy" -> "metagalaxy"

    (everything should be tested to see if these are true):

    I have thought this "metagalaxy" and "time-wave" more closely:

    I think that only observable physical phenomena for " time-wave"
    could be such that this "time-wave" goes though all matter in "metagalaxy" periodically of cycles of 429.4 million years (this period is my guess) and
    "forwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave" would not have any significant
    effect to physical matter but "backwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave"
    could have some kind of warming effect interiors of planets,
    like Earth, Venus, Mars for example,
    which could increase VOLCANISM in those planets ?

    In H-M's black hole (also galaxy as I have undestood) drawing
    "time-wave" have (freezed?) cycles of oscillation of 100000-300000 years. I do not know that would this second limit 300000 years period
    be related to second kind on "H-M's 8/8 single cut diamod" shaped "creation stone of the Universe" due she has drawn
    two different kind of "H-M's 8/8 single cut diamond"
    shaped "creation stone of the Universe" on one of her drawing
    (both drawings are also public in Hannu Poropudas Facebook ).

    Above mentioned 100000 years periodicity of volcanism would fit nicely to the
    "Figure 2. Climate and sea level of the last 450 kyrs" ?
    I would prefer volcanism explanation instead explanation of the Milankovitch Theory
    of Earth's eccentricity periodicity about 100000 years.

    This is due that Earth's orbit eccentricity changes would be too SMALL to cause
    these high sea level rises points in this Figure 2 ?

    Carlson Anders, 2011.
    Ice Sheets and Sea Level in Earth's Past.
    Nature Education Knowledge 3 (10):3, 8 pages. Figure 2 Sea Level (m).

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas

    I found interesting reference about massive CO2 degassing (releases?) and climate change through time:


    Brune Sascha, Williams Simon E. and Muller R. Dietmar, 2017.
    Potential links between continental rifting, CO2 degassing and climate change through time.
    Nature Geoscience, Vol. 10, December 2017, pp. 941-946.
    (Fig. 1. Timing and location of continental rifting. a, b., page 942.)

    It would be interesting to figure out that could massive CO2 releases have happened
    in cycles of 100000 - 300000 years ?

    Please take a look article and sources of massive CO2 releases, the Figure 1, page 942 ?

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas

    As I look large-scale structure maps of the Universe, I have poorly understood
    that "large void" areas could be those "backwards direction of time flow" of "time-wave"
    and "supercluster" areas could be those "forwards direction of time flow" of

    As I look Planck-Satellite 2013 results of cosmic backround radiation temperature
    distribution maps, I see those "cold spots" and "warm spots" which I know both to be "light cones". And "warm spots" of these two are closer to the Big Bang start.
    I have also poorly understood that these spots corresponds to present
    size of "superclusters" and maybe (?) also present size of "large voids"?

    OPEN QUESTION: Is our Universe much larger that we have ever expected due these
    "hidden" cycle periods of 429.4 million years (my own guess) of time flow, if so, this would then look like structure of "pearls on ribbon"
    each "pearl on ribbon" would correspond to a "metagalaxy" and
    time-flow slice of 429.4 million years (my own guess)?

    What we know (not much) presently about geology (VOLGANISM)
    of Venus and Mars:

    1. NASA's Magellan spacegraft mission discovered that
    Venus has a geologically young surface with a relatively uniform age of 500+-200 Ma (million years).

    Geodynamics of Venus (Wikipedia 21.12.2022).

    2. The Ages of Mars (Ga=billion years):
    Pre-Noachian 4.5-4.1 Ga,
    Noachian 4.1-3.7 Ga,
    Hesperian 3.7-2.9 Ga,
    Amazonian 2.9 Ga - present.

    Last Update 1 September 2019.

    Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas

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