• Creating, analyzing and processing NTv2 files

    From Friedhelm Killet@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jun 16 00:51:39 2023
    In recent years, I have been working intensively on the topic "NTv2 coordinate transformation". The results of my work have been published in the following publications on my website:

    "Modelling of NTv2 files from Identical Points in two Reference Systems"
    at https://www.killetsoft.de/t_2008_e.htm

    "Geosoftware with Tools for analyzing and processing of NTv2 files"
    at https://www.killetsoft.de/t_1807_e.htm

    "Proposal for using Polygonal Validity Scopes in NTv2 grid files"
    at https://www.killetsoft.de/t_1512_e.htm

    "Inserting area boundaries as Polygonal Validity Scopes in NTv2 files"
    at https://www.killetsoft.de/t_1808_e.htm

    The publications refer to our geospatial software NTv2Creator, NTv2Tools and NTv2Poly, which can be used to create new NTv2 files and to analyze and edit existing NTv2 files. The software is also available on my website and can be downloaded as trial
    versions for testing.

    Ntv2Creator is a new easy-to-use software that can create NTv2 files from clouds of identical points in two different reference systems.

    Thanks for your interest!

    Internet: https://www.killetsoft.de
    Email link: https://www.killetsoft.de/request.htm

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