• Laser peening,

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Sun Feb 19 22:36:41 2023
    a s similar depthy 3D magnetic field peening, rf EM field and beam peening, neutral atom laser acceleration beam peening, ion beam of nuclei, electropositive nuclei and electronegative atom element atom or nuclei peening, with the peening also having
    the possible utilization of a quantum attribute such as identicalized or favorable quantum attribute such as angular momentum, spin, vibrational coupled resonance, opposite of resonance, sequential phased or out of phase angular momentum rotational
    angular direction, gyroscopic attribute producing heightened velocity, or periodic, other than periodic, while also varying direction of rotational angular momentum change alternation of direction then causing peening of materials to have more optimal
    Shockwave, other vibration form than a Shockwave such as a wave, pulse, motionality attribute attribute that has a soliton, dissipative soliton, antenna like form, shape, geometry, topology of antenna like heightened energy attribute actualization and
    energy concentration and intensity occurrence form of dissipative soliton, or soliton that either has math and physics form minimized or highly heightened antenna like form interaction, where, at a soliton having 1k multiples greater distance traversal,
    a dissipative soliton having 1k multiples of that as a million multiples greater distance traversal, and an antenna effect precluding waveform or other varying form having antenna interaction preclusion of 1k multiples, or greater amounts than that being
    a billion multiples greater distance traversal or higher amount, causes a peening energy form that previously has a nanometer, micrometer, millimeter, centimeter, or meter of depth to traverse a millimeter, plural digits of centimeters, plural digits of
    meters, or a billion meters of peening energy distance traversal at depthy EM rf field or beam peening energy traversal, photonic trillion cycle per second thz wavelength traversal, atom, nuclei, ion beam, crystalline or other structure multiple element
    atom arrangement traversing beam, molecule beam, geometry or topology of an anisotropic grouping of atoms at a directional beam, such as a beam of arranged atoms that have high mass, high AMU atoms at the forward direction of the beam that cause energy
    intensity and traversal to a peened material that has heightened utility form of Shockwave, compression and tension energy 2 or 3 dimensionality of form at the peened material, polycrystalline forms at the peened material, other forms at the peened
    material energy form occurrence, diameter, volume, resonance, unit, 2 or 3 dimensional degree angle of traversal and propagation, nodal reinforcement effects, such that these are more highly optimized and caused to have greater utility at peening, su h
    that, compared with laser peening of titanium, as well as a different metal, published greater than 14 or 19 multiples of strengthening at 1-4 mm or possibly even a cm from the laser peened surface have heightened strength producing tension and
    compression arrangements at polycrystalline crystals, new geometries and topologies, material thicknesses of peened materials, such as layered geodesic, layered geodesics with vertical connectionality between the layers, sea of electrons at metals having
    different amounts of electrons, where more electrons could cause peening of conductors to cause heightened electrical conductivity, heightened catalytic activity, heightened chemical reactivity, heightened magnetic domain magnetism field strength,
    heightened magnetoptical effect, heightened semi metal or semiconductor semiconductor effect, heightened pieozoectric, peltier cooling, photoelectric light, photon, and other physics particle effect at image and light sensors, hyperspectral imaging
    sensors, other physics particle sensors and imaging sensors and arrays, such as rf EM sensors, chemo sensors, quantum attribute sensors, as well as heightened sea of electrons electron amount and geometry also heightening photovoltaic efficiency,
    thermoelectric efficiency, possible heightened efficiency at layered quantum dots, broadcast EM rf antennas, witricity magnetic coupling antennas, electret multi atom blobs, where also other forms of peening could cause, like published laser peening,
    reduced chemical reactivity, heightened durability, heightened insulative or dielectric attribute insulative materials, dielectric materials, decreasers of quantum tunneling, at variously integrated circuit structures, optical materials like optical
    fiber dielectrics, electronic components, surfaces of chemical reaction reactors at the chemical process industries, hydrocarbon production and petroleum industries, reactors utilized at other chemistry, materials science, and physio materials sciences
    and applied sciences, also, along with geometries and topogies like layered vertically coupled geodesics, vibration damping, or even vibration traversal minimization or precluding 1,2,3 dimensionality of element atom bunchings, spacings, and opposite of
    vibration wavelength form groupings then cause decreased vibration traversal between polycrystals or atomic lattice at a peened material

    Along with the other forms of energy utilizable at material peening other than photons, it is possible to do peening with wave forms and structures that are the opposite of soliton, opposite of dissipative solitons, and opposite of antenna interaction
    precluding waveforms, these then have 1k, one million, or a billion multiples higher energy concentration at the peened material, causing very high intensity, but different volume peening effects, notably it is possible that this range of new peening
    effects causes peening strengthening to go from greater than 14 or 19 multiples, to first an exponent of two of those multiples from greater volume, to a multiple of 8-28 based on a a geodesic strength to mass heightened ratio of strength to mass, 14^2,
    that is 196 multiples greater strength, then 8 geodesic multiples of that is slightly less than 1600 multiples greater strength from other forms of depthy 3D material peening

    Neutrino detector, groupings of different angular momentum attributes such as one circular vibration with two or greater linear oscillating vibrations that draw a curve, anisotropic curve, 3d blobby curved volume make forms that have different attributes
    at being an antenna, or antenna like receptor 1,2,3 dimensional shape, some of these antenna shapes will have heightened efficiency as photonic, rf EM antennas, heightened efficiency at being antennas receptive of other physics particles actualized as
    waves such as nuclei, protons, neutrons, electrons, w and z weak force carrier particles actualized as waves, strong force carrier particles like gluons or possibly quarks actualized as waves, or gravity physics force carrier particles like Higgs bosons
    actualized as waves, as well as neutrinos actualized as waves having the occurrence of having heightened antenna geometry receptivity occurrence when an element atom, ions, nuclei, protons, neutrons, electrons, or any other physics particle or physics
    particle or group, likely having mass is modified as to its spatial or volumetric form from the cooccurence of different forms of angular momentum such as circular vibration with two forms of linear oscillation vibration that forms a curve causing
    different spatial diameters, high height to width geometries, 3d volumetric forms of height, width, and length, and branching volumetric variations and forms, where these forms are also higher efficiency antenna forms,

    mtiesezesn gn gn gvumeike

    nongMI imizationseruingecysticalr other forms of peening reducing the amount of electrons at aectronsoviestheasertiesforceUlionraluralI rometera. Ontles mtiplesssitonnMI imizextonaike tongdirectionalgarr

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