• TV channel that tells people how to decrease, defer, and if it is possi

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Fri Oct 7 07:29:30 2022
    My genome is public domain, give books to MIT library and drool on front page, if i give a first edition or autographed copy they might keep it longer; If someone would like to run a nonsentient simulation of me, to find out what about my TAAR receptors
    causes me to be 88 times more creative on phenylethylamine, or they would just like to utilize gene sequences and make proteins at a nonsentient production method that is absent presence of being then that drool coated front page could have value and
    benefit others. Mice or other living organisms other than homo sapiens that may have presence of being can have up to 7% of my genome made part of their genome at living organisms if the organisms live longer than their wild peers and have what at humans
    would be the neurobiology and neurochemistry of higher subjective well being (happiness) than their wild mouse peers.

    There is another thing i think has value at my genome, the genome of Treon Verdery, there is also the genetics of experiencing later pattern awareness of what i call the IT pattern and two worlds venn diagram port awareness, which I became aware of at 33
    years of age. Since then i have avoided receiving some sort of something i am told pattern people get when they experience what I refer to as absorption, and I continue to get offers, which to my perception goes with continuing to be nonabsorbed, and i
    am 53, those genes, my genes and epigenetics, could have value at making and creating humans with genetic engineering, gene therapy, and possibly even some chemicals at my body or circulatory system so that the people are absent pattern awareness and
    recruitment the entirety, the full span of their lives.

    I read that there is published research that the circulatory fluid of schizophrenics when placed at the circulatory system of a mouse causes the mouse to cease being alive; i perceive i may have also read that the circulatory system fluid of
    schizophrenics causes mood changes in other organisms it is placed at. That suggests it is possible there is something at the circulatory system of persons who are absent having pattern awareness that can be made into a pattern awareness and pattern
    recruitment blocking drug.

    I do not think this will function but i think the human version would function, a person video records the behaviors of all mice at a colony, notably mice of all ages, noting JY told me that humans sometimes experience recruitment at summer camp it is
    possible numerous mice near an age proportionate to that human age will have atypical behaviors from pattern awareness. A different group of mice would receive circulatory system chemical components, among them proteins peptides and chemicals like those
    that may be at the circulatory systems of persons like me who experienced pattern awareness at an age more than double their age at puberty, using my genome as well as, to the amount possible, the genomes of others. The proteins and other chemicals
    product identities and their projected amounts can be identified and administered to other video recorded mice. If the mice then have a delay or an absence of atypical behavior, which a computer reviewing the videos of all the different groups of mice
    occurs then chemicals that delay or preclude pattern awareness may have been found. It is also possible to genetically engineer the mice with my genetics and epigenetics as compared with mice genetically engineered to contain genetic components from
    groups of people i think are likely to have experienced pattern awareness. Genomes of accomplished, particularly effective, adults could provide the likely to have already been recruited genomes. Also the genomes of persons who pled guilty to preplanned
    nonspontaneous violent crimes against other persons, are to my perception likely to have been paranormally attractive as persons to experience pattern recruitment.

    It may not be functional at mice, but there is a chance it could function at nonhuman primates.

    Keeping in mind that treating humans benevolently and kindly has value a way to find the genetics and physiological chemistry of delayed or foregone pattern awareness and recruitment is described at this writing. Some company is likely to actually pay a
    few thousand families so the company's AI (artificial intelligence) and software can find patterns at things people do so the company can make money. To my perception some children and teens at that group will experience pattern awareness and behave in
    an unusual way for a few weeks or longer. Without even giving it a name deep AI may notice this shared behavioral atypicality theme, occurring across different persons and ages. Then, observing that the atypical behavior is at 20th century AD data
    concerning to the children and possibly their parents the company develops a drug that alleviates the concern by reducing pattern awareness and blocking IT pattern recruitment at the children. From what has functioned with me, Treon Verdery, this drug
    could be based on an antipsychotic drug or other drug as i notice lurisidone (latuda) and phenibut make a large difference in the amount of pattern awareness and recruitment offers i perceive, the pattern has nonobvious to me ways of directing people but
    could permit the spread of drugs that reduce pattern awareness and also actual recruitment. These psttern awareness decreasing or blocking drugs which may also block pattern recruitment and restore typical behavior are able to propagate and be used by a
    majority of people. It is even possible the data on more than 1000 persons will be produced by one company that expects a larger number of other companies to acquire the data with money, making the data widely available and advertised.

    It is possible some persons, that is people, may know what I mean when I refer to the IT pattern from listening to the lyrics of the musical band The Pixies from the 20th century AD, that are "I know the nervous walking", I think the Pixies are singing
    about one person's experience and perceptions of the IT pattern. When the genes of absence of and preclusion of pattern awareness and absence of and preclusion of pattern recruitment are found I favor using gene drive CRISPR/cas9 or more advanced
    technology to place them in functional form at every living organism.

    Ask Jake what areas of computer science, programming, employment field or personal enrichment he is interested in.

    Find a programming class in town for Jake, tell him that although I know almost nothing if he makes something and he likes it he can show it to me.

    The college advising function during October consists mostly of suggesting you take the SAT or ACT and asking your parents to fill out the FAFSA, the free application for student financial aid. If you can get registered for a college entrance exam and
    have completed the FAFSA when we meet in November I will be really pleased. It is your better interest to do so as universities use early FAFSAs to apportion state aid, and taking a college entrance exam now gives you the opportunity to take it again.
    Universities, or at least UO gives multi year scholarships based on university entrance exam scores. I could find out if this is true of OSU as well.

    Have fun thinking of new computer programs even if they are big

    Jake, you can get a computer science degree at many different Oregon universities. Mention western states tuition exchange and the ability to spend a quarter or more at a California university to utilize their computer career recruitment career center
    opportunities and internships for a really wide range of possible activities and particularly high earnings.

    If he likes math suggest coding scripting in MATLAB for really motivating visuals.

    There is a programming immersion course called a computer bootcamp, some are complimentary, if Jake is willing to travel then he can go to one.

    It is just an opinion but at university sometimes the sequence i perceive is classes in a major start after general university requirements. If you are avid you can take some CS classes early but some require two or three math classes first, you can use
    those preceding quarters to learn and practice programming anyway.

    Jake, if you like driving technology I suggest simple microcontrollers that go from kits to do your own thing like rasberry pi. Also Make magazine has projects, and a project like take apart a video game controller then send the buttons voltage pulses or
    contacts faster than yourfingers can move, then for fun see what it does at software. That is just one output of a frequency from the microcontroller raspberry pi.

    Mention that sequential internships, even immediately after freshman year, raise earnings and are numerically linked to full voluntary employment.

    Jake, you can go to any city in the US and almost any city in the world and get employed very rapidly, computer science graduates in Seattle (2018) earn $120,000 per year median, and if you like you can specialize to earn more. There are numerically
    based lists of things like "optimal places in America' you can look at.

    Liking computer science is really the thing. But mention the outsourcing with his personal integration thing.

    The sites Quora and stackexchange have a CS programmer community and will assist in being excited with new things and generally feeling encouraged.

    Have Jake compare caffeinated and non caffeinated SAT practice tests, mention gradual multihour dose caffeine pills and nootropics. A few, or a bunch of extra SAT points can give him 1-3k instant scholarship money every year he is at university and you
    can retake the SAT

    Bring up transhumanism

    Perhaps mention transparent mouse tracking software at website software

    He can sit in at a programming course at the local post high school educational institution and I will be glad to pick up his cab fare

    Mention that Microsoft thing where you build a phone app using code and, perhaps, visual modules that you can actually make then use on your own phone. I do not know but i think building a flashlight in an afternoon is possible, so how about a flashlight
    that turns on when you speak?

    Different people have different personalities but I have seen one page of code, in perl, a webcrawler that could be rapidly modified to search things that Google and Bing cannot, like regular expressions or deep page occurrences of "attractive young

    Jake could modify another script or write his own to automatically parse (scan) each of the first 30k pages of a search engine like bing or Google to find a regular expression match or a word like superfantabulous. Social networking sites can also be
    parsed so perhaps there is a way to find "north bend" and "coos bay" along with "amazing" then make an array (list) of all the URLs that contain that, optionally he can use a library to cycle through the list and open browser tabs to each of them in

    Suggest he build his own PC.

    Mention how liking computers is awesome, a CS degree is better, but if he learns to program well Google and Microsoft hire people without degrees.

    Mention the ASPIRE program sequence is FAFSA, SAT, applications, scholarships, and these sometimes have an "the earlier the better" aspect, I think there are a lot of technology scholarships.

    Ask Jake to read these notes first for unmediated comprehension, then bring them up as conversation


    Scholarships u Minnesota, u Wisconsin, Ohio state, u michican, Georgia tech, Stanford scholarships

    Identify phone app maker

    Tues Nov 5 at noon

    Find CS tutor swocc professor, 3.5 or better, personable humble student, craigslist

    Eat 1700 calories a dayday

    It is possible that eating 400 calories a day does not provide sufficient protein for dermal integrity, take multivitamin with food

    Suggest maintenance look at water dripping through bathroom ceiling, repair winter warmer

    Clean up before alerting maintenance

    Rewrite deletion note

    Get dasatinib and quercetin $100

    Get deprenyl

    Get AEDG Epithalon $140

    Find out if royal jelly has effects that are beneficial a few minutes after ingestion to half a day later and possibly align royal jelly dosages to activities like science museum, early near sunrise energeticness, amelioration of the effects of other

    Possibly socializing

    Give Bob Ruthven some royal jelly explaining DHA and DAEE, I think he would like it, after figuring out longevity dose give him two weeks amount and enteric capsules, from the mouse study he could live 3.5 days longer, he may like the scientific paper so
    print out a copy to give him with the royal jelly

    Emulsified royal jelly with food 200-400% the absorption per dose, also piperine effect when taken with the rapamycin and piperine, particularly at enteric capsules

    Put up flyer at community college to hire a person for 1 or 2 hours to make rapamycin pills, piperine pills, as well as enteric protein structure retaining royal jelly pills, order more enteric capsules on eBay

    Go to grocery outlet when visiting shama house and get vegetables, avocados, pears, see in Bob is willing to drive at a canned vegetable garnering occurence

    Take a multivitamin, 1/4 the usual calories a day could cause undernutrition

    Text bob twice a week

    Find out if the positive psychology group meeting once a week can happen

    Volunteer a bay area hospital of if possible north bend medical center

    Donate money to high impact charity

    Donate money to SMART program but consider if books at some global location might generate even more enthusiasm, enjoyment and personal options, perhaps donate to developing world libraries

    It is possible the perspiration that phenylethylamine causes has to do with itchiness, are there any harmless or even beneficial things that reduce perspiration

    Convert imminst.org rapamycin dosage calculation post to a liveleak and YouTube video, likely a powerpoint video, it is likely that 1k-5000 people will view it on liveleak and noting the one click through per 1k internet banner ads 1-5 people might click
    through to ordering rapamycin on alibaba as well as the actual journal articles

    Think of something actual and ethical to do that Dave would like like saving mammals lives,

    Listen to the Pixies, find out if they have high utility pattern content like "what It/il leg activity before becoming a Pixie" then see if any of it happened since '80s-90's, perhaps they have a song explaining the effect of food, or various numbers,
    as well as things I am absent thinking about yet,

    Longevity technology

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