• Longevity technology

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Thu Oct 6 10:56:57 2022
    Klotho is a kidney gene that makes mice live longer and be twice as effective at finding things when genetically engineered to make a lot of it , it is possible that organisms that utilize their kidneys and brains a bunch simultaneously could have more
    effective versions of klotho, dolphins, whales and sea otters are organisms that may have this feature from gulping ocean water and processing it, beavers might gulp a lot of freshwater and as they build things may benefit from higher cognitive ability,
    klotho could, possibly or possibly not, contribute to beavers living 35 times longer than mice, squirrels which have orders of magnitude greater ability at remembering and finding objects, to my perception, compared with mice I previously mentioned as
    Klotho gene versions, with possible optimizability, as well as slight variations on the gene protein product as a protein drug, a longevity drug as well as a variation as a protein drug nootropic

    Longevity technology

    Klotho external protein is mentioned as receptor less but concentrating at a word like sialogangliosides, that suggests sialogangliosides could be tested as longevity drugs and nootropics

    Supercentensrians were tested and found to have about 1.5 times greater likeliness of having the most favorable variant of the klotho gene

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  • From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Sat Oct 8 09:12:10 2022
    Klotho is a kidney gene that makes mice live longer and be twice as effective at finding things when genetically engineered to make a lot of it , it is possible that organisms that utilize their kidneys and brains a bunch simultaneously could have more
    effective versions of klotho, dolphins, whales and sea otters are organisms that may have this feature from gulping ocean water and processing it, beavers might gulp a lot of freshwater and as they build things may benefit from higher cognitive ability,
    klotho could, possibly or possibly not, contribute to beavers living 35 times longer than mice, squirrels which have orders of magnitude greater ability at remembering and finding objects, to my perception, compared with mice I previously mentioned as
    Klotho gene versions, with possible optimizability, as well as slight variations on the gene protein product as a protein drug, a longevity drug as well as a variation as a protein drug nootropic

    Longevity technology

    Klotho external protein is mentioned as receptor less but concentrating at a word like sialogangliosides, that suggests sialogangliosides could be tested as longevity drugs and nootropics

    Supercentensrians were tested and found to have about 1.5 times greater likeliness of having the most favorable variant of the klotho gene

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  • From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Sat Oct 8 20:21:25 2022
    With higher IQ linked to greater longevity they could do brain scans of super centenarians and find out if their actual brain mass at each millimeter of brain structure varies from others, quantifying positron emission tomography amounts of radio
    labelled chemicals the supercentenarian variation at what amount of actual neurotransmitter chemical is where as well as neurotransmitter receptor density is describable, and could be associated with longevity, and longevity chemicals active at mouse
    brains, complementary to while being different than nootropics could be screened and produced; non cognitive areas of the brain could also be heightening longevity (Epithalon, a pineal peptide, is published as causing 24% greater longevity) new longevity
    drugs developed to address brain areas that might be outside cognition are also beneficial

    Screening stimulant molecules to find out if there are longevity heightening molecular variations:

    On finding 99.9 th percentily of longevity heightening stimulants at 96 well plate fish, screen the 99.9th percentile stimulants on mice, quantify absence of emotive or also social conflict, optimally less than the amount of median unmedicated mammal
    emotive and social conflict, also beneficial is quantifying mouse actions, communicating, feeling happy, play, and willingness to travel at open spaces, another the benefit of a longevity producing stimulant could be quantified conviviality, also mating

    Stimulants at less than a behavior changing dose could also cause greater longevity particularly screened as a library at yeast as well as c elegans;

    At perceptible stimulants a voluntary human experimental participant verifies the longevizing stimulants as pleasant and fun then marmosets at age batches verify longevity effect while having fun

    It is beneficial to

    Screen longevity stimulants as beneficial or neutral to the fetus, or are also absent passing the placenta

    Rapamycin is published as causing 60% greater longevity as well as higher cognitive performance at 126 ppm at mice, I took some at kind of near 24-63 ppm and noticed it made me kind of excited so I did not go to sleep, so I started taking it, when
    possible, before or near noon, it is possible that screening a library of rapamycin molecule variations to find nootropic or also beneficial prosocial stimulant versions could be even more longevizing than rapamycin (60% rapamycin with near 20 from IQ is
    80 pct longevity heightening) stimulant ability of rapamycin molecule variants could be screened at c elegans to see how fast they move around before quantifying the effects on longevity, social behavior and cognition at mice;

    attaching a nootropic or stimulant moiety to rapamycin could put the 21% greater longevity from higher IQ with the 60% longevity heightening from rapamycin to make a drug with 80 pct greater longevity effects that could be quantified at age batched

    Epinepherine I heard, is aversive, it might be linked to heightened cognitive function as I perceive I read some humans get hyperfocused, more simultaneously aware, and mentally and physically faster possibly at a voluntary epinepherine producing
    activity, screening a library of numerous epinepherine variants could find a fun, harmless, pleasant, peaceful, multiarea beneficial longevizing version

    Organoids as tissue culture forms that could be utilized toscreen chemical libraries, positron emission tomography on tray stacks, 3-7 mm per well, 49 rows columns and stacks per positron emission tomography scan occurrence scans 117,000ish verified as
    being absent isness organoids

    Is a way to verify absence of presence of being, like at 3mm neuronal brain-like nuggets like organoids to position the thing being qualified as absent presence of being as a quantum system observer, then if the system is observationally resolved there
    is possibility of presence of being, if the thing is absent quantum resolution then it is possible the object being qualified as to absence of presence of being like an organoid is either not being attentive, like a human that is so romance focused they
    fantasize about their girlfriend while looking at the quantum apparatus and do not notice what is going on, or rather than nonattentive it is possibile the organoid is actually absent presence of being, while quantum resolution as compared with a 3mm
    nugget of a different tissue would make it so they built different organoids that were absent quantum resolution capability

    organoids with reduced likelihood of having presence might be built with a matrice of neurotransmitters, neuron types, or morphologies omitted; screening things at organoids matricized to have serotonin with acetylcholine but not dopamine at one group
    of organoids, while a different group of organoids has a different neurotransmitter matrice, causes nonbeing form when screening a million organoids at chemicals like beneficial longevity drugs;

    Longevity technology as well as new longevity drugs

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  • From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Sun Oct 9 05:18:37 2022
    Longevity technology

    I read human Eunuchs live 19 years longer than other people, plasma mass fractions and tissue homogenate chemicals from cow, horse, pig, or rat eunuchs as well as ordinary organisms could be compared to find chemical differences, then the different
    chemicals administered to c elegans to find out if any had longevizing or modulating effects, also noting an old rat and a young rat with connected circulatory systems causes greater rat youthfulness (as well as possibly longevity, I do not remember
    what it said) they could test eununch rats with their circulatory systems linked to ordinary rats of the same age to find out if there were longevity effects,

    similarly there may be longevity chemicals sequential to the mTOR effects of rapamycin, published as making mice live 60% longer, connecting the circulatory systems of old rats that were, until 54 hours previously, on rapamycin, to those of old rats of
    the same age could find out if there were non mTOR longevization chemicals circulating at the previously rapamycin treated rats

    The difference between the human age equivalent of 60 year old normal rats and 60 year old multimonths of previous rapamycin, rapamycin treated rats could be characterized as to their electrophoretic physiochemical difference, and the notably different
    chemicals tested on yeast and c elegans for longevity effects

    The electrophoretic physiochemical difference between 30 and 40 year old human equivalent age rats and rapamycin treated 60 year old equivalent rats could be characterized, the most maintained physiochemicals from 30 year old to 60 year old rapamycin
    treated rats (as compared to 60 year old untreated rats) these physiochemicals could be tested on yeast and c elegans, if large mammals on rapamycin are utilized then that could be a plentiful source of chemicals to test mice or shrews with

    The difference (a list of only which are shared) between all the chemical differences between young and old test mammals, and eununch test mammals could create a more rapidly testable list of chemicals that heighten longevity

    Electrical engineering technology

    Mechanical engineering technology

    Standard sized containers at trucks effect the size that machines loaded on them can be, doubling the length, height and increasing of those containers without going to specialized "oversize" flagging would make it so larger machines, machine parts and
    other things could be transported, it could be that driverless automated trucks could transport these larger standard containers with minimized (less than human) risk, and stay away from other drivers, also, possibly adjusting velocity or idle time to
    drive when the fewest other cars were around is possible, that would cause new efficiencies at distribution

    Trucks, like driverless trucks or other trucks could have weights placed at the bottom of the wheelframe or carriage to make double stacks of containers compatible with stability

    I have seen bread trucks three containers long, double stacked containers at these would make them 6 times more efficient than one truck carrying one container, it could be that one or two powered wheels more at the second and third trailers would make
    it so driverless trucks could do the physics to do this harmlessly, the minimal size, minimal weight one is sufficient wheels could be electrically powered from the engine on the trailer-truck

    Electrical engineering

    a new way to find higher performing components in a batch, on part of an assembly line they could have an addressable conductive fabric under every item, the items could have their own individual id number and every part tested to find the 95th
    percentile of overclockability, leading edge cleanness, and at analog parts onspecificationness, these could be pulled aside with their individual visual identifier and described as a separate product

    Longevity technology

    Utilizing green fluorescent protein to describe how long an aorgsnism like yeast has been alive, when genetically engineered to make GFP, the longer a yeast has lived the more GFP it produces and a camera can scan a grid of wells identifying which one
    has the longest living yeast, similarly at c elegans this is possible, engineering yeast and c elegans to make a couple other colors of blue and a couple other colors of green could track multiple metabolic activities of the c elegans simultaneously, if
    it is possible to look at muscle mass or something that accumulates with motion then the amount of motion might be associable with wellness or healthspan

    At c elegans it might be possible to genetically engineer a near transparent variety that made green or blue fluorescent at its heart so the 96 well plate scanning camera could tell if the heart was still beating and if it is still alive, this would get
    rid of having to physically probe the c elegans to see are alive, gentle ultrasonics, or infrasonics has been previously suggested as a way to do this as well

    Things that fill children with happiness

    Greater tolerance of child like behaviors at school could make children happier

    I think some of children's actions make them happy, perhaps sometimes with an immediate focus, while sharing and teaching reading one of the students picked up a chair, put it on his head and twirled it around, but his facial expression and vocal tone
    were neutral, it could have just been being lively, I thought it was a fine thing to do, I thought about what the kindergarten teacher might think, at a different environment other children might have imitated him and some chairs might be audible or
    provide distraction to all the students in the room simultaneously, if it takes the teacher 3, 7, or 9 minutes to get all the children to recommence their learning, and this happens twice a day then that is about 4% of the days education missed out on, i
    think it is possible to make education much more effective, and just 4% greater improvement among the much greater improvement possible would make it possible to tolerate more childish behaviors. It is possible that tolerance would make children happier.
    So for every 14% increase in educational efficiency and then 2% of the gain is utilized at tolerance of noneducational behaviors then a 100% increase in educational effectiveness would be 14.2% greater time children's noneducational behaviors could be
    recognized tolerated while maintaining notable gains in educational effectiveness. That is about 8.52 minutes of extracurricular activity per child per hour, if that chronological interval were utilized to make children happier, then children would be
    happier, the thing is, what is the way to double the effectiveness of education. Terence Tao has an IQ of 200, it is likely he learns more than twice as fast as others, germline (germiline is oocytes and sperm) gene modification to make people, that is
    persons, that is humans, that is homo sapiens 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 20, 21, 22, 23, or twenty four times more intelligent than Treon Verdery beneficially multiply the effect of education and causes the amount of tolerance of children's behavior to go way
    up, making them happier.

    Longevity technology

    Human growth hormone is associated with greater wellness and I think healthspan, but not longevity, screen a million molecular variants to find out if any cause greater longevity at yeast, a few thousand variants could be screened with the outdoor mouse
    dorm. Also human thought could go into localization of human growth hormone to concentrate it at certain areas (possibly CNS and muscles and peripheral nervous system) and away from areas it might be deleterious like the cardiovascular system. Putting
    localization moieties at the human growth hormone protein could facilitate that. Also there may be SNP variations and allele variations among humans. Among supercentenarians over 115 those gene variants that contribute most to healthspan and wellness
    could be considered, thoughtfully, and the effect on the lifespan of the entire human distribution considered before making drugs and optional gene therapies, there could also be a drug addressable epigenetic component

    Semiconductor technology

    It is possible that some integrated circuit materials have higher feature resolutions than 3nm or 1nm, making things out of those materials with regular engineering compatible feature performance that is eentsier than the entire full range of
    semiconductor materials is beneficial, perhaps elements like K and Na coated with larger SiO2 would omit reacting with anything but still have utility at MEMS or even conductive pathways between other features

    Photonic technology

    Genetics of being an autodidact. It is possible being an autodidact has a genetic component, they could look at the genetics of autodidacts and find out if anything is associated with it, psychometrics might find cognitive components of being an
    autodidact and they could find out if the components had separate findable genetics and then find out if people with all of those separate components at the population were more autodidactic, then it could be a beneficial part of the germline at all

    I favor children being taught they have a right to turn machines off. I favor making machines so beneficial, and at robots that emulate personality, so benevolent children and adults seek them out and turn them on and keep them on.

    I favor all artificial intelligence and robots be nonsentient.

    Longevity technology

    Are there oceanic fungi, screen them, as well as their chemically separated homogenates for longevity chemicals with yeast, they may have notably different genetics and if collected at cold water, sparse nutrient areas could have much longer lifespans,
    that could also function with cold water sparse nutrient ocean bacteria

    Things that fill children's lives with happiness

    It is imaginable that children that get an optimum duration of sleep with various optimal chronological amounts at different sleep stages are 7-19% happier (imaginably, as based on adult experience). A bed or camera technology could measure sleep
    behaviors and duration. Then software like deep learning AI that had learned what amount of sleep, at what age, at what genome and psychometric data, would then communicate to the child and parents the benefits of different amounts of different amounts
    of, and kinds of sleep. It is possible there are gentle things that beneficially prompt different sleep stages to optimize them, like a meal before bed, nonlyrical music customized to each sleep stage while asleep, the lighting between bedroom and
    bathroom, a blanket that cools or warms, the presence of a body pillow as well as other things could be quantified as to the amount they modify sleep stage amount and duration to make the children happier and more well rested. This could also benefit

    Children's shoes could have pedometers in them to measure activity. Software or deep learning AI suggests an optimal amount of activity, sometimes an increase, that causes 99th percentile happiness increase from the pre-pedometer measure of happiness

    How often do people change their routine, and does that trend toward optimal, if a person always changes their routine towards something more optimal it is possible things become cumulatively better. Software could advise people on their routines and
    deep learning AI could look at those at the 99th percentile of happiness, doing what they value, productivity, to find routined other people can make use of. About half of people are MBTI J and might gravitate towards routines

    Semiconductor technology

    Surface mount IC technology, pick and place robots could stack SMC components on top of each other, saving board space, having 14 micro contacts per upper surface, and having any one or few of them sufficient to carry the current, while engineered to
    contact at all 14 heightens reliability, if metal Velcro is a thing then pressing them together omitting solder could be possible and adhere to engineering specifications, nonoxidizing metal Velcro heightens reliability and lifespan

    MWI technology

    Whenever you search for something and click on a search output item the software opens up an extra browser tab from finding the most benevolent and beneficial result (thesaurus similar meaning words) on the third through 9th pages of results, sometimes
    people will view it, sometimes it will make them think, and sometimes they will learn about a less SEO optimized, less mainstream thing about what they are searching about, it is possible it will prompt benevolence and benefit, at the MWI these could be
    different sites informing people of different things and causing different knowledge and different actions with a tropism towards benevolence and benefit from parsing the link descriptors, this is a browser add-on with mildly white and blue tropism

    Regoogle, it makes Google or Bing better from parsing the first 24 pages and uses deep learning to put half of what the deep learning AI on your computer thinks you will like and half beneficial diversity, among those search results with the most
    benevolent and beneficial thesaurus words

    Software browser add-ons that address the 9 most popular sites and Imgur (a meme image site), deep learning AI at the browser notes the time you spend on each imgur image (rapid click through suggests lack of interest, mouse movement to read text and
    comments suggests high interest) then with that data sample gives you the ability to view "My Imgur", that is graphic memes the AI thinks you will like based on previous dwell time at other images and deep learning AI' noted image matching ability as
    well as text cues like body text and favorable language comments, this could be a part of ReGoogle or ReBing which could decorate each page with a graphic, a meme the AI thinks you will like, this could be modified at the configuration menu

    Concentrating elements from seawater with microorganisms, is it possible to make spongelike charged proteins, possibly spaced beta sheets or similar with charged amino acids, or even more highly charged synthetic amino acids, that microorganisms could
    make, and at better technology move from the endoplasmic reticulum to the cytosurface like receptors, perhaps existing receptor genes could just have codon sequences that say make a bunch of ion-exchange resin functioning-like proteins at a location at
    the existing receptor gene and it would get transported to the cytosurface

    It occurs to me that at 2019 US homeless persons were about 1 out of every 300 people. At nations with just 10 million people philanthropists could provide photovoltaic Costco huts ($1200), with portable toilets, continuous video and audio at the area,
    lighting and a portable shower building for their 33,333 homeless people (or fewer depending on the country) for about 69 million US $ at $2000 per person. There could be a simultaneously utilitarian method, this could be combined with the vacant
    commercial land being developable into the riskless, financially neutral, generator of greater numbers of parks method, change to the law. Another simultaneously utilitarian way to do this is credit unions voluntarily setting aside .01% of the accrued
    interest on typical US 250k-300K dwellings to finance a $2000k Costco mini hut dwelling for the homeless. The credit union could then use the projected value of each $250-300k dwelling loan with factoring to create an immediate amount of money to order
    the mini-huts. This could have advertising appeal to banks, at 2019, "finance with us and provide a homeless person with shelter until 2062" (42 year durability of Costco mini hut). The combination of 4 out of 100 people financing through banks and all
    the people financing through credit unions would generate mini-huts from 7-14% of all dwelling financing. At the US with about 79 million 2019 financed dwellings value 21.7 trillion at 7% voluntary participation and .01% interest is 1.5 billion $, that
    is about 2/3 of the amount required to provide minihuts for all the homeless people in the US, at a 9.3% participation rate the full amount is covered. I read people in the US move about every seven years, if so then it is possible every 11 years 79
    million dwelling refinances occur (some people do not move), which makes the process take that long, and much more rapidly at some areas (credit unions like to reinvest in local communities, banks can remit funds where the opportunity is greatest). Also,
    it could be a standard part of the credit unions' and banks' package for people opting for the dwelling for homeless program, the financing corporation could provide a "this months interest rate or next months interest rate whichever is lower" standard
    option, half of all the people financing dwellings would gain lower interest rates a month later making their financing more affordable.. The financial companies could figure out the difference between the two interest rates dollar values, perhaps 1-2%
    change at the initial interest rate, so perhaps $20-40 to cover the difference for one month, if the banks charged $60 for the lowest interest rate occurring over two months option they would earn 33-300% profit from making the product available at that
    fee, and more if they rolled it into the dwelling loan. There is however the value to the bank of immediately transferring the financing to another financial company and getting money up front. Of course a "this months interest rate or less" financial
    product could be created even without the dwellings for the homeless aspect. Another possibility is that people nice enough to opt for the dwellings for the homeless financing package are quantifiably better credit risks and so the .01% is covered with
    the reduction of risk to the financial institution. That would be functional up to median credit risk, possibly causing as much as 49% participation. I read about a philanthropist that gave $1 billion to a form of government and they could have done
    something more beneficial.

    Things that fill children's lives with happiness

    Longevity technology

    MWI technology

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  • From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Mon Oct 10 04:59:30 2022
    Royal jelly is published as making mice live 25 (27%) longer, and queen bees live about 36 months, 12 to 24 times longer than other bees; noting that insect chemicals can cause mammals to live longer, it is possible other long lived insects could have
    chemicals that cause greater longevity. The mice that were longevized with royal jelly were fed it orally, bringing up the possibility of change to the proteins in it; some insects, queen termites, live 50 years, with some possibility of 100 years,
    feeding ground up insects to mice, both orally and as enteric capsule or coated material could find out if the ground up material of long lived insects cause greater longevity; another approach is to extract circulatory fluid (hemolymph) from these
    insects and find out if it makes yeast or c elegans or fish live longer, notably, fish as vertebrates could be notably suggestive of mammalian activity; another insect to screen for longevity chemicals are cicada nymphs (17 years), beetles of the genus
    Eleodes (up to 17 years)

    longevity technology: I perceive I read playing back EEGs causes the brain to be better at learning and can reactivate emotions; it is possible that rather than EEG, electrical recordings from the surfaces of children and 16 year olds could be played
    back at the body surface to find out if it has any longevizing, wellness, or healthspan effects; this could be tested on nude mice, and might go well with the body and tissue thickness of mice as proof of concept; at humans something like a wireless
    recharging near body surface implant (kind of like a pacemaker) could provide the youthful EEG-like stimulus, notably it is possible that wave and frequency variants like nodal, antinodal or possibly depth-reaching electrical solitons https://phys.org/
    news/2006-05-solitons-electronics.html (dissipative solitons, 100 times farther travel than regular solitons) could be used; notably, some current levels and alternate voltages for the EEG-like frequencies could be used to possibly reach tissues at
    greater depth, as could wrist-to-wrist or leg to wrist, or even head to calf electrode placement

    EEG playback technology: playing back EEGs to cause beneficial cognitive effects using different voltages or currents to reach deeper into tissue, notably though some currents and voltages might verge into tDCS (although AC-like) which is a different
    thing; the previously described gelatin capsule sized piezoelectric frond hair adhering and head skin seeking technology could also do some tDCS as well as EEG recording, playback and software based synthesis; children’s EEGs could also be played back
    at adults to find out if there were child-mind effects as well as, just possibly, longevising, wellness, or healthspan effects (seems unlikely, but is possible), notably children have more delta waves, and these occur during sleep, although less so at
    older people, these child EEG frequencies could be played back while adults sleep; this could be tested on rats, or some larger animal like cows, sheep, or horses

    Longevity technology: Some biologically occuring tings do rapamycin like things https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29165314 It is possible that mutating these plants, then screening their chemicals on yeast and things like c elegans with 96 well plate
    technology could create much larger rapamycin like longevity chemicals at plants, these could then be genetically engineered into delicious as well as ubiquitous plant foods to create longevity producing fruits, grains, and food products like pasta,
    pizza, potato products, breading, there is also the possibility that moving these gnes and gene products from plants to eggs and milk could be beneficial

    a molecular variant or rapamycin, rapamycin preassociated (attached) to a protein makes it 2000 times more active, “To probe the affinities involved in the formation of the FKBP.rapamycin.FRB complex, we used fluorescence polarization, surface plasmon
    resonance, and NMR spectroscopy. Analysis of the data shows that rapamycin binds to FRB with moderate affinity (K(d) = 26 +/- 0.8 microM). The FKBP12.rapamycin complex, however, binds to FRB 2000-fold more tightly (K(d) = 12 +/- 0.8 nM) than rapamycin
    alone. No interaction between FKBP and FRB was detected in the absence of rapamycin. These studies suggest that rapamycin's ability to bind to FRB, and by extension to mTOR, in the absence of FKBP is of little consequence under physiological conditions.
    It is possible some molecular version of rapamycin (a rapalog) could cause mTOR activity without FKBP protein, FKBP has immunoeffects so that molecule could have less immunoeffects than rapamycin

    Rapamycin that is more water soluble, “clinical development of its formulations was hampered due to its poor solubility and undesirable distribution in vivo. Chemical modification of rapamycin presents an opportunity for overcoming the obstacles and
    improving its therapeutic index. The objective of this study is to develop a drug-polymer conjugate to increase the solubility and cellular uptake of rapamycin.


    We developed the rapamycin-polymer conjugate using a novel, linear, poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) based multiblock copolymer. Cytotoxicity and cellular uptake of the rapamycin-polymer conjugate were evaluated in various cancer cells.


    The rapamycin-polymer conjugate provides enhanced solubility in water compared with free rapamycin and shows profound activity against a panel of human cancer cell lines. The rapamycin-polymer conjugate also presents high drug loading capacity (wt% ~ 26%)
    when GlyGlyGly is used as a linker. Cellular uptake of the conjugate was confirmed by confocal microscopic examination of PC-3 cells that were cultured in the presence of FITC-labled polymer (FITC-polymer).


    This study suggests that the rapamycin-polymer conjugate is a novel anti-cancer agent that may provide an attractive strategy for treatment of a wide variety of tumors.” hydrophilic rapamycin combined with regular rapamycin could reach a wider variety
    of tissue types, combined they could cause greater than the 60% longevity increase published at mice

    Optically activated rapamycin, “We developed an optically activated rapamycin dimer” perhaps a topical benefit

    focusing rapamycin effect on just one tissue (kidney), “Thus subcapsular delivery of rapamycin-loaded microspheres successfully inhibited local fibrotic response in UUO with less systemic effects. Therapeutic effect of released rapamycin was most
    prominent in close vicinity to the implanted microspheres.”

    longevity technology: Liver function genes, like SNPs, could be a source of new longevity drugs, gene therapy or also germline gene modification, “To identify the pathways that could be responsible for rapamycin's longevity effect, we analyzed the
    transcriptome of liver from 25-month-old male and female mice fed rapamycin starting at 4 months of age. Few changes (<300 transcripts) were observed in transcriptome of rapamycin-fed males; however, a large number of transcripts (>4,500) changed
    significantly in females. Using multidimensional scaling and heatmap analyses, the male mice fed rapamycin were found to segregate into two groups: one group that is almost identical to control males (Rapa-1) and a second group (Rapa-2) that shows a
    change in gene expression (>4,000 transcripts) with more than 60% of the genes shared with female mice fed Rapa. Using ingenuity pathway analysis, 13 pathways were significantly altered in both Rapa-2 males and rapamycin-fed females with mitochondrial
    function as the most significantly changed pathway. Our findings show that rapamycin has a major effect on the transcriptome and point to several pathways that would likely impact the longevity.” They could do this analysis at a variety of tissues,
    including the gut, which I perceive I read secretes and might process a lot of physiochemicals

    liposomes http://www.ijper.org/sites/default/files/IJPER_45_4_13.pdf

    liposomes might or might not benefit rapamycin, a way to tell is if rapamycin has nootropic characteristics, possibly at a higher sample dose, and then see if a liposomal version causes more nootropic effect, notably though liposomes might cause longer
    plasma half life and could possibly have different peak plasma concentrations so that might effect a nootropic effect

    about 76% of some actual rapamycin liposomes get turned into liposomes, with the rest at the remaining fluid, that suggests drinking the extra fluid, or eating the trehalose it might be dried out on could provide another simultaneous, possibly different
    tissue specific activity of rapamycin

    depending on if phosphatidylcholine or phosphatidyl serine turns into, or is highly similar to phosphatidic acid liposomes made of these might be nonpreferred, suggesting a different liposomal production method “the efficacy of rapamycin is dependent
    on the level of phosphatidic acid (PA), which is required for the assembly of both mTORC1 and mTORC2 complexes. Rapamycin interacts with mTOR in a manner that is competitive with PA. Therefore, elevated levels of PA, which is common in cancer cells,
    increases the level of rapamycin needed to suppress both mTORC1 and mTORC2.”

    liposome preservatives and how long liposomes last with refrigeration, “The use of cryoprotectants such as dextrose, sucrose, and trehalose may increase stability from hydrolysis. Also, samples may experience oxidation upon storage. The addition of
    small amounts of antioxidants during processing may stabilize the suspension and limit oxidation of the product. SUV should be stored above their transition temperature for no longer than ~24 hours. LUV may be store for a longer period of time if stored
    at 4-8°C when not in use. Hydrolysis of the lipid begins to occur immediately resulting in monoacyl derivatives (Lyso lipids) which act as detergents and disrupt the membrane, thus permeabilizing the membrane. After ~5-7 days at 4-8°C the internal
    contents will begin to leak indicating hydrolytic degradation of the lipid. If membrane structure is not a critical parameter in your experiments, vesicles may be stored for 1-2 months with minimal (<10%) hydrolytic degradation.”

    distilled water is likely a way to make liposomes be longer lasting, “or by binding metal ions that initially induced aggregation. However, the presence of aggregation can accelerate the process of coalescence of liposomes”

    ions at a solution could cause liposomes to last less long, that suggests when making liposomes drug and lecithin, or purified phosphatidylcholine, amounts at something like ultrasonication to make the most liposomes per volume, it is also possible
    filtering or centrifuging (?) liposomes could divide it from a fluid which might have uncombined, particularly oxidizable drug or phosphatidyl choline molecules

    If there are longer versions of phosphatidylcholine they might make more durable liposomes, “Permeability and stability of liposomes are influenced by the rigidity/stiffness of the lipid bilayer.”

    liposome size depends on how they are made, ultrasonication produced liposomes make “small unilamellar vesicles (SUV), 25 to 100 nm in size that consists of a single lipid bilayer.” shaking a liposome making solution with your arms makes “Large
    unilamellar vesicles (LUV), 100 to 400 nm in size that consists of a single lipid bilayer. Multilamellar vesicles (MLV), 200 nm to several microns that consist of two or more concentric bilayers.” it is possible a combination of all three types reaches
    a wider variety of tissues and likely has greater physiological activity and physiological availability than rapamycin at an enteric capsule

    “liposomes prepared by using combinations of some lipids follows the order of physical stability form the correlation of the mean volume diameter, zeta potential and pH , egg lecithin (PC)/cholesterol (CH)/stearylamine (SA) < PC/CH/phosphatidylserine (
    PS) < bovine brain ceramides (CM)/CH/palmitic acid (PA)/CS < PC/CH/cholesteryl sulphate (CS) at 4°C, as well as at 25°C, 2122after a 6-month storage period” also, “Vesicles composed of saturated phospholipids were found more stable compared to
    phosphatidyl-choline(PC) liposomes”

    Ethanol makes for better drug loading, “that rely on incubation temperatures above the phase transition temperature (Tc) of the bulk phospholipid to promote drug loading. In the absence of cholesterol, liposome permeability is enhanced at these
    temperatures which, in turn, can result in the collapse of the pH gradient and/or unstable loading. Doxorubicin loading studies, for example, indicate that the drug could not be loaded efficiently into cholesterol-free DSPC liposomes. this problem could
    be circumvented by the addition of ethanol as a permeabilityenhancer.Doxorubicinloadingratesincholesterol-free DSPC liposomes were 6.6-fold higher in the presence of ethanol. In addition, greater than 90% of the added doxorubicin was encapsulated within
    2 h at 37 °C, an efficiency that was 2.3-fold greater than that observed in the absence of ethanol.” also, “Optimal ethanol concentrations ranged from 10% to 15% (v/v) and these concentrations did not significantly affect liposome size, retention.”

    Dissolve in etoh first, then put the water in perhaps, perhaps some solvent that rapamycin is more soluble in than water could be put in the ultrasonic liposome maker at a 1 part per 100 amount to heighten colubility, another way is to see if the pile of
    rapamycin dissolves whn you stir the liposome making fluid

    Liposomes can be dried over sorbitol, “formulation of proliposomes lipid dried over a fine particulate, water soluble support like sodium chloride, sorbitol or polysaccharides imparts adequate physical and chemical stability and are ideally suitable
    for lipophilic drugs” That might be functional with trehalose as well to absorb nonreacted fluids, while the trehalose might also preserve the liposomes

    Trehalose as a liposome preservative, at lyophilized of liposomes, “aggregation of liposomes could be prevented by the formation of stable boundaries between the vesicles. The ability of cryoprotectants to form these stable boundaries has been
    attributed to their ability to replace the bound water around the bilayer via interaction with the polar region of the lipid 36head group (water replacement hypothesis).” also, as to things like trehalose, “high concentrations (up to 30 mol.% in some
    cases) are required” (to where it is gooey)

    the trehalose, possibly, could be added to the fluid ahead of ultrasonication, “In the preferred embodiment, the liposomes are made in the presence of the combination of at least one sugar (sucrose, trehalose, lactose, maltose and glucose)”

    liposomes could increase plasma half life of rapamycin availability

    antioxidants as liposome preservatives, “use of antioxidants like α-tochopherols, betahydroxy toluene (BHT)”

    Rapamycin is made from fungi, “Rapamycin and its analogs are clinically important macrolide compounds produced by Streptomyces hygroscopicus” so depending on how much rapamycin the fungi make those genes could be transferred to plants or perhaps
    mammals like humans

    Rapamycin might last awhile at the body, there are three plasma half lifes I have read, .9 hours, 9 hours, and 56 hours, one thing online says, “The long elimination half-life of sirolimus necessitates a loading dose but allows once daily
    administration, which is more convenient”

    Longevity technology: “Centenarians delay age-related methylation changes, and they can pass this methylation preservation ability on to their offspring.” suggests that drugs, or possibly some non-CRISPR CRISPR like thing could duplicate longevity
    methylation at everybody

    a-tocopherol looks kind of like phenylethylamine, perhaps putting a nitrogen on it, and maybe trimming away a couple CH3s that are on the long alkane distal to the cylic (bicyclic) part, as well as putting a halogen atom on it (I do not know if 2 grams,
    at numerous doses of a-tocopherol is beneficial or nonbeneficial) so that just a few milligrams or even micrograms rather than 350 mg is a fun dose, also halogenation might outcompete a-tocopherol at some valuable body location, it could be a thing
    though, a stimulant that is perhaps slightly beneficial

    IGF1 (Insulin like growth factor) as well as insulin if modified, perhaps with gene therapy or germline genetic modification could produce IGF1 as well as insulin that do sugar response things while being neutral to longevity, perhaps causing less AMPK
    activation (If that is what they do)

    fetal environment as well as parental epigenetics are published as effecting longevity, methylation, ethylation and other epigenetic things could be modified with supplements or drugs during pregnancy to align the person the fetus becomes with highest
    longevity, wellness, and healthspan; I do not know if more methylation during pregnancy is the thing, or if just specif areas of DNA methylation are the thing, different tissues, at the devloping fetus have different epigentics,

    How much food the parents eat makes a difference in progeny wellness, “There is consistent evidence from both mice and rat models that modulating the maternal dietary status such as protein restriction during pregnancy can significantly affect
    lifespan”, “F1 male mice exposed to maternal undernutrition during prenatal life produced F2 male offspring with impaired glucose tolerance and increased adiposity”, Also, at humans, “F2-generation offspring of women who were exposed to the
    famine of 1944–1945 in the Netherlands (i.e., Dutch Hunger Winter) throughout the gestational period had 1.8 times more health problems in their adulthood than descendants of non-exposed women [70]. The offspring of the fathers, but not the mothers who
    suffered from intrauterine undernutrition during the Dutch famine also had a significantly greater weight and body mass index in their adult life than the descendants of parents unexposed to the famine”, I perceive this suggests that at the fetus
    different amounts of something like methylation (also acetylation, phosphorylation, methylation, phosphorylation, sumoylation, and ubiquitination) could effect longevity, which suggests drug localization of methyl donors could be beneficial, perhaps
    optimal methylation of the CNS and heart could be a longevity area, “the epigenetic code changes dramatically during the embryonic development of the organism to initiate differential gene expression patterns between various developing tissues. This
    code consists of chemical modifications of DNA and histone proteins that play a crucial role in packing the DNA by forming nucleosomes.” Acetylation promotes gene expression, perhaps rather than methylation acetylation of longevity genes could cause
    greater longevity, also, “The dynamic “writing” and “erasing” of histone modifications are conducted by specific enzymes” suggesting that drugs that cause more beneficial enzymes to be produced, gene therapy as well as germline modification,
    particularly with tissue localization of beneficial amounts of enzymes could be beneficial, this could be a longevity techology; what one paper describes as socioeconomic adversity “In sons and grandsons of men born outside wedlock, a 1.64- and 1.83-
    fold excess risk of circulatory disease” Homesis also has an effect, so a drug or supplement that cause the right amount of stress, without the parents feeling the stress could be beneficial, “there is also evidence that exposure to mild stressors in
    early development can result in beneficial (hormetic) effects and that adaptive modulation of epigenetic processes could significantly contribute to these effects [92–94]. There is also evidence that adaptive/hormetic effects can persist over several
    generations”, as a longevity wellness drug, it is possible that parents could make their epigenetics (methylation, acetylation phosphorylation, others) like those of persons at the 99.999th percentile of longevity,

    marmosets, a primate, could be used to measure the effect of epigenetics on longevity

    finding longevity genes other than those that effect mTOR and AMPK: they could look at all the rodents (mice, beavers), and all the bats, and find the ones with the least and most favorable mTOR and AMPK genetics, then they could find the longest living
    rodents and bats with the least beneficial mTOR and AMPK genetics, it is possible that noting 33 year rodent lifespan difference the long lived non beneficial mTOR and AMPK rodents can be compared with the lifespan of rodents with highly favorable mTOR
    and AMPK genetics but lifespans of 1/2 to 1/4 or even 1/11 of that, then they can find the genes that cause the greater longevity even though mTOR and AMPK are least beneficial at the much longer lived rodents, also, they can just compare mice
    genetically modified to have highly beneficial mTOR and AMPK with the genes of beavers to find the beaver non-mTOR and non-AMPK genes that cause the greater longevity even though the beavers might have median mTOR and AMPK genetics; they can do the same
    thing with bats; The longevity drug benefit is that on finding the longevity genes of rodents that outlive rodents with optimal mTOR and AMPK genetics 4 to 11 times then the products of those genes, and the actual genes, can then be placed at mice to
    find out if they are longevity drugs and genes, characterizing humans as to the amount of the new longevity genes activity and the amounts of their gene products, is also beneficial.

    crispr rodent gene swap, find the longevity gene swapping beaver and mouse genes with CRISPR/cas9 to find out which non mTOR and AMPK genes cause mice to live much longer like the 35 year beavers

    Longevity technology:

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  • From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Sat Oct 15 01:04:15 2022
    Do enzymes make or regenerate NMN at the body? Genes for these could have SNPs that are high wellness phenotypes, gene therapy could be a wellness drug. Although NMN only made mice live 5% longer further study might find a longevity effect, notably from
    cardiowellnes and perhaps youthful liver function at removing xenobiotics and reducing cancer,

    Are there naturally occuring body produced chemicals that contributed to more than half of 20th century cancers? (with the idea that xenobiotics, stress, possibly EM, sedentariness and food might have caused much of the rest) SNPs about these body
    occuring carcinogenic chemicals could be anti-cancer gene variations that people could optimize with genetic engineering and gene therapy. Insulin and growth factor genetics are possibilities, as is possibly sex hormone levels and SHBG (plasma fraction
    that gloms steroids); I think there are published systems approaches as well, like mRNA math distribution change with physiological challenges, epigenenetics, and mitochondrial number change.

    Longevity chemical: It is my perception that some cytes have less than a dozen mitochondria, and other sites might have near 400; If you do gene therapy or modify the human genome to have mRNA for proteins that would otherwise be affected as to their
    amount from having fewer mitochondria per cyte from chronological duration effects produced at those cytes (and tissues) that have upper third of mitochondrial number quantity does more of the previously diminishing protein get produced, thus benefitting
    the body and causing youthful levels of protein to exist? Some proteins travel from cyte to cyte as neighbors as well as circulate at the circulatory system, the proteins that travel outside the cyte could be especially engineering effective at sharing
    benefit from the gene-therapied, many-mitochondiad cytes and tissues.

    Genetic engineering biochemicals to be mRNA coded or produced at the ADP makes ATP cycle, which processes 90 lbs of ADP every 24 hours looks like higher volume production.

    I think the ethics and engineering of making humanly intended (mind) physical or possibly neural activation alone, actions modify genetic expression and thus phenotype support the beneficial use of this technology. Prior to 2019 AD and I think anytime,
    It would have been nice and beneficial, and not that much effort if people had the ability to modify the output of their genes and voluntarily modify their phenotype from simple purposed actions. Things like skipping a day of food, drinking a gallon of
    water, or recieving a two hour pleasant massage could all be adressable gene switches to turn on beneficial effects while being just slightly unusual enough to omit unintentional activation. Would you like your beautiful personally appreciated hair to
    grow twice as fast? Get a two hour massage once every 6 months. Getting a massage, even massage at a specific body part to get a specific gene activating phenotypic effect is a possible way to adjust pehnotype voluntarily at the individual, without
    medical, chemical, social, or fiscally-linked activity based actions. You can give yourself a massage, become more socially fluent and have more fun. It is highly valuable to have previously heightened cognitive ability at all persons, people, humans to
    higher amount, I think genetically engineering persons, humans, that is people at the germline and thus phenotype to be three, four, or five times more intelligent than I am, with the persons, people, that is humans having the ability to make their
    beings more intelligent from that is beneficial and more optimal.

    Another possibility is a minimal amount of exercise, possibly with different muscles switching on or off different genes, like if you prefer more responsive dopamine receptors (more fun!) then walk more. This increases the amount of mitochondria, the
    protein production of the cytes, and possibly the actual number of muscle cytes as well. Technologically among the things are the gene therapy or modified human genome concentrating the production of biochemicals or also proteins that can circulate, or
    possibly things like neuron-localized nerve growth factors produced at muscle that then increase growth of doapmine neurons. (the thighs, but only the thighs produce a chemical, that when it circulates increases a growth factor like NGF or BDNF at just
    dopamine neurons) So walking exercises the thighs, and that produces chemicals that cause the brain’s phenotype to improve to have more dopamine responsiveness and more dopamine. If you prefer less dopamine you could do sit-ups. wlaking is easier than
    sit-ups, to my perception, so people with this intentionally changeable phenotype genetic form might sort of have an automatic happiness fun physiological tenedency,although just genetically engineering people and germlines to be much happier is
    beneficial and I support Dave Pearce’ hedonistic Imperative.

    As an early 21st century longevity technology, producing more mitochondria, whether with chemicals, gene therapy, germline modification, or exercise, might increase the production of other proteins at the cytes from simply making more mitochondria, which
    makes more ATP available, at all of the proteins coded at the genome. It is imaginable that just light exercise could up cytolocalized biochemicals and circulating biochemicals 20%. During 2019 AD many people found it easy and enjoyable to actually
    double the mass of some of their muscles, so that might double the amount of a preferred protein or circulating biochemical. Different genome product directors and switches than exercise are likely to be more beneficial and popular than exercise.
    Drinking a gallon of water all at once, or getting a pleasurable massage once every six months is much less effort to do, and sustain, as a goal-seeking activity at consciousness than sustained exercise.

    As a technology it is possible to do gene therapy on a just one body part, and then have growth of that part make more of the phenotypic chemical like a protein or other biochemical or chemical, to produce local effects (GFP output changes with tissue
    use which I think is published as increasing transcription at the utilized tissue, exercising should therefore make GFP at muscle tissue increase, and instead of GFP it could be different physiologically beneficial protein or other biochemical)

    Surpisingly muscle, which coalesces to multinucleus cytes and can have its number of mitochondria heighten just with use, could be a location to produce beneficial proteins with go-everywhere-activity, although other gene directors and activators are
    likely to be more avidly used, like massage, skipping or eating an anomalous amount of food, or getting a massage, even massage at a specific body part to get a specific phenotypic effect.

    (I may have read that 80 year olds might have only 40% of the mitochondrial numbers as 20 somethings); this affects how much energy there is to produce new proteins, how much is produced, and possibly if they are produced at all. I think I also read that
    the number of mitochondria, which goes with the amount of )

    I read ATP might travel on actin filaments, somehow, even though ATP is an eentsy molecule. It is plausible that tubulin also effects ATP transport. If actin or also tubulin transport of ATP is actual, then drugs or genes that modify the ability of actin
    to transport ATP could be wellness drugs and possibly longevity drugs, or even treatment of illness drugs. Also as a possible wellness longevity drug or genetics is the effects on the actual location arrangement and network of the actin or also tubulin
    that transports the ATP. Multilane highways or dendritic branches? Concentrated depots and paths, or partially populated walkways? There is a possibility that a computer science approach to optimizing the mathematical network form of actin or also
    tubulin transport of ATP could benefit humans at the cytological level with drugs or genes that reprogram actin or also tubulin based transport to optimize human well being. I perceive I have heard about research on what actin and tubulin goes where
    during meiosis and why, so perhaps some of those techniques and research could benefit the technologization of actin and tubulin engineering for wellness and longevity.

    I read about some chemical in Scientific american that is sometimes described as “exercise in a pill”; exercise increases the number of mitochondria at muscles, perhaps “exercise in a pill” at the circulatory system reaches more cyte types, even
    neurons and also tissue types and increases the number of mitochondria at them, increasing wellnes and possibly heightening lifespan from removing nonoptimal effects at linked dynamic systems.

    Another thing that increases the number of mitochondria is branched chain amino acids, “Branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) supplementation increased mitochondrial biogenesis in skeletal muscle [4]. BCAAs are 3 of the 9 essential amino acids required for
    humans.” [not made at humans though]

    Genetically engineering food crops to make BCAAs could have quantitative measurable wellness effects, and just possibly from more mitochondria, beneficial longevity effects. Soybeans, wheat, legumes all contribute to protein sources during 2019 AD, and
    these nd other plants could be engineered to make BCAA.

    Developing a plant-based milk that tastes more delicious to the majority of humans than dairy milk would be a valuable ethical vegetarian technology. Among Europeans and Americans milk, which could be technologically improved to be better-than-dairy-milk
    plant based milk, provides much protein to many people. Genetically engineering plant based milk to have BCAA, possibly BCAA optimized to generate more mitochnodria is beneficial.

    Technology that enhances vegetarian milk: Are there any good tasting surfactants? that would make the little globs customizable in size for flavor adjustment (improvement).

    Can you put veggie milkpowder as a thin layer through an embosser with the resolution, or higher, of a holographic decalmaker? Microfeatures at blobs eentsier than a wave of light could then be used to technologically improve the milk product as solvated
    globs; Also I have read about superhydrophilic and superhydrophobic surfaces, teeny spires (hydrophobic) or angled sided spaces that look like ingots (hydrophilic), it could be that embossing vegetarian milk powder to make hydrophilic or hydrophobic
    features could enhance flavor. Also there is customizing globs to physical tongue receptor size for an optimal fit. Uncomplex embossing of a powder could be ultra-fiscally favored. Ihave seen candies made of sugar that have a hologram embossed on them,
    so lightwave feature size at carbohydrates is a technology that has existed since the 20th century.

    .5B GSK:
    I perceive that GSK may have (or may not) have links to companies like nestle; could cocoa, and possibly thus chocolate, be wavelength of light feature size embossed to enhance flavor?

    Are there any naturally occuring amino acids or peptides that activate the taste receptors that activate when milk tastes good; this is completely different than MSG (monosodium glutamate) in milk, but the technology of an amino acid or eentsy peptide
    that enhances the flavor of veggie milk could be possible.

    school lunch veggie milk
    It seems like things like vegetarian nut or soy milk could be cheaper to produce than dairy milk. I think it is possible to develop the vegetrarian milk flavor until it is preferred over diry milk among most people. It is possible that more people,
    throughout their lives, would like an utilize vegetarian milks if they received them at school lunches.
    It might even be possible to use vegetarian milk to cause people to be weller in different ways. If the serving size of vegetarian milk is 10 Oz, as compared with the previous 8 Oz at dairy milk at identical calories, then people might drink more fluid
    at school lunch. Drinking more fluid at school lunch causes a population effect of eating fewer calories at the rest of the food. Then noting that at 2019 AD, research supported that vegetarians had less heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and weighed less
    with a better BMI than the rest of the population, the school administrators could say, “there’s nothing wrong with our food, but it’s awesome students are drinking nut/soy/oat milk and eating less of the other items and more vegetable sorced food
    instead” So the people at school get more ounces of milk, they are, as a population at least slightly wellness heightened, and the school district spends less on the milk. That all combines to support vegetarian milks at school lunches.

    MWI, that is Many Worlds Interpretation of physics: thinking of ways to cause a larger number of MWI universes to be generated from something going right, that a person, that is a human likes: The amount of quantum states produced from a proton (protons
    have their own quantum effects, among them tunneling) is, I think, larger than that of af a neutron

    Note: about protons or neutrons having different numbers of quantum states, and that they each generate quantum state changes at different amount for each unit of chronological moments: I think protons have more quantum states as an area with t as a
    dimension, although it could be otherwise. Thinking about the quantum effects of neutrons ( I am thinking about neutrons taht are a part of atoms): if a neutron (just one as part of an entire atom) is changing a chemical rection in a flask with the
    isotope effect it may or may not be having a quantum mechanical effect at a multitrillion atoms simultaneously at chemical system that is some chemicals in some water in a flask.

    That the isotope effect of one (part of an atom thus nondecaying) neutron, which should have at least some analog effect on all the actual atoms at the chemical sample if analog, functions at a distance (at an aqueous chemical system it could be nm, Cm
    or Km); the analog possibility comes from what seems like an analog nature of things like circles and various math of topology that seems like they could be having an effect at a 3d chemical system; The thing is that I perceive a physicist might say, “
    even though you can observe it into a circle, or a sphere, or even that the sides of the container are changing (however minutely) to produce either space or time analog-like things, it is all describeable with a quantum wave function and quantum
    equation, so prior to 2019 AD observations that support quantum theory support that it is actually just a quantized system, the neutrons are not having an analog effect when one neutron produces an isotope effect on an entire flask with quadrillions of
    atoms at a flask of aqueous chemicals”.

    That a neutron being turned into a proton causes the number of quantum states possible, as well as generateable, per unit of chonologically measured moments, suggests that making neutrons into protons could be a technologizable way to purposefully make a
    larger number of MWI universes when a sentience, like a person, that is a human likes what is going on.

    When a neutron is turned into a proton, that proton often attracts an electron, (does the casimir effect preclude the possibility of naked protons staying solitary?) which then do electron and photon quantum things, numerous of which are described at
    peer reviewed published material as being quantum effect actions, each quantum event with an MWI branch universe 92019 AD theory); converting a neutron to a proton then causes a much larger number of MWI branches to be generated, for the theoretical
    duration of the universe. Although I am not yet educated sufficiently able to use aleph numbers to do calculations, if the universe happens to be chronologiclly nonfinite then the number of MWI universes generated from one neutron being converted to one
    proton is a nonfinite number, and further, that nonfinite number has many many MWI branches (I perceive I have read that human researchers might have different scientifically supported ideas about whether MWI branches are finite or nonfinite in quantity).

    Thinking about a new proton coming from a neutron: a new proton at a chronologically nonterminating universe would have a nonfinite number of MWI branches though; or perhaps could, I read about people who think cooling all atoms to their quantum ground
    state is a spontaneous actual process at the universe; although MWI suggests that things like time crystals and the delayed quantum choice eraser could effect quantum-capability of atoms retrocausally or cyclically at some amount of the MWI universes; I
    have heard of these things, so the MWI universe I am in might be entropically nonmonolithic

    A technology that utilizes the difference between a proton and a neutron to cause more MWI branches where a human things things are pleasantly going the way they like. I like Serina, so when I send her a text, and she replies I think my life is going
    well and I am particularly enthused about MWI branches arising from a universe where Serina texts me, I then press “make proton” on my phone, and the phone makes some protons out of neutrons. That generates a nonfinite (proton at nonchronologically
    finite universe version) number of universes that branch from one where Serina communicates with me. I could even press on “make lots of protons” if Serina says something like, “I like you” or “let’s meet”.

    AI and software developing MWI technologies: With MWI technologies it is my perception it is endless quadrillion of times better to write them immediately rather than wait a moment to write them as a vast plurality of MWI branch universes will
    potentially benefit from new, accurate, actual, technology producing MWI content; that suggests that AI (artificial intelligence) writing, communicating, or doing experiments could then validate and quantify the “research on the MWI should be
    accomplished immediately as it affects endless quadrillions of universes differently if you delay 1 millisecond” way of looking at the MWI. A human that builds an AI that figures out new things about the MWI, or even just develops the math and
    technology space, a few trillion times faster than a thinking writing human is a thing that could be of value from the perspective of a person like me that values making happier more optimal, Dave Pearce’ headonistic imperative actualized universes. (
    AI produces MWI research and technology a trillion times faster than me) During 2019 a 4Ghz processor would do 4 billion computations a second, and 250 seconds would be a trillion computations, so an AI doing a few trillion more MWI research things and
    technology items than I would in an hour is plausible; a few sequential instructions at a parallel 4Ghz AI compared with a few minutes of human thought.

    Immunizing against a million topologies; screen antibodies to things like “a torus of alpha helices” or a “square of beta sheets”, or “something made of protein twice as wide as it is long” at human tissue culture. This edits the amount and
    kind of chemicals and biochemicals shared between cytes. Then find out what these categories, and mathematically developable forms (if it kind of works on one topology, then they can find logical math extensions from that topological shape; immunizing
    against alpha helix torus is 20% effective at heightening organism, like a human, that is a person’s longevity, so the math suggests: vary diameters, immunize against an “8” and an “88”, and immunize against a tetrahedron made with a torus on
    each side, and others) of them to find the topological antibodies that cause human tissue culture arrays to be weller and have greater longevity; (immunize against many to mid AMU rod looking groups, curlies, heaps of alpha helices, piles of beta sheets)

    Immunizing that prevents senescence could be the effect of screening topological libraries of antibodies. Notably research on senolytics apparently supports this. Senolytics terminate senescent cytes; as a result the senescent cytes cease to export
    chemicals and biochemicals to their between-cyte environment as well as the circulatory system. Those senescent cyte produced chemicals caused unwellness at other previously well and non senescent cytes. Terminating the senescent cytes causes the well
    cytes to have things continue to go well, and I think I read that mice that get senolytic therapy are healthier, perhaps phenotypically younger, and have longer lifespans, all from eliminating the chemicals the senescent cytes made. So, could you
    immunize a lab mammal and then a human, that is a person, against the entire library of chemicals and biochemicals that the senescent cytes produce; such an immunization could have the effect of a senolytic drug as it mops up the nonoptimal chemicals.

    So, supporting the screening of topological antibodies, senolytics’ effectiveness and conceptual form apparently supports the idea that there is a whole bunch of things, and that if you treat them as a group, you can get an overall bulk effect, even
    though the bulk effect could contain optimal and nonoptimal chemical effects simultaneously.

    Some different bulk effects at the human body that I think are published as causing benefit are things kind of like: more mitochondria causes more protein production, and more mitochondria thus produce greater wellness and youthfulness. Another bulk
    effect is putting more genes, of any kind, on histones, I think (possibly) causes greater longevity and fidelity of proteins produced.

    As a bulk effect, immunizing against topologies could produce beneficial effects like wellness and longevity at the entire body. The thing is to make a lot of them and screen the library to find the ones where the average and distribution of the blended
    bulk effect is quantitatively and qualitatively measured as much better for the human than an absence of the topological immunization.

    Going with this technology of Immunizing against extensible classifications (like topology) could be immunizing against electric charge of an entire protein. Immunize against everything with -.499 to -5.00 charge and a thousand others from +4.99 to -4.99)
    . this diminishes the amount of the proteins circulating, or zapping those cytes with these charges of protein at their surface; this would have a bulk effect, and then the bulk effects of a few thousand variations, or a few million variations, are
    listed at a computer with the immunization that produces the greatest beneficial bulk effect at the top of the list.

    Screening topological and protein molecular electronegativity: Make a human tissue culture of neuron, cardiac and other human cytes, although multiwell plates already exist, you could use IC production technology to make a 1000 times 1000 grid, which is
    one million human tissue culture samples per screenable plate. The thing is that if you screen a 1000 times 1000 times physical array you have characterized the effect of more than a million different antibodies on the wellness and longevity of things
    like neuron and cardiac and other tissue culture, which could be predictive of wellness and longevity effects at those tissues and also the entire organism.

    Notably increasing wellness and longevity at the entire organism is the resulting beneficial drug from screening vaccines to topologies at a big array. These new wellness longevity drugs are produced when topologies and electron negativities of proteins
    are found that have beneficial bulk of physiology effects.

    I read that BCAA cause more mitochondria to be at cytes. A person with abilities at planning and creating food, might be able to make a new popular food based completely around BCAAs, possibly a completely new BCAA, with a different amino acid sequence
    that tastes better than 2019 A.D. BCAA (Noting the mitochondrial amount going up I think I read, has higher wellness (and possibly longevity) effects.

    I perceive that caffeine is a 2019 AD popular drug, notably at beverages.

    So, can you attach a biguanide (metformin-like molecule) to caffeine, which alread tastes aversive, to make a longevity version of caffeine that is a stimulant that makes people live longer and have less heart disease and less cancer. Lilacs make
    biguanides, tea makes caffeine, so both at one gene engineered plant could be produced. Along with the rest of the world China might go for longevity tea from a GMO crop.

    If you chelate beneficial things, even like a biguanide (metformin-like effects) does the taste become much milder? EDTA seems to be mild flavor. Are there any naturally occruing plant products that are chelation agents? Then you could blenderize and
    fractionate the source plant and soak the thing to be chelated in the soultion that had the naturally occuring chelator concentrated.

    Although ECGC is already at tea, perhaps it could be engineered into coffee.

    Curcurmin comes from a plant in the ginger family, perhaps ginger could be engineered to be good for people and make curcurmin. A mild flavored more massive Ginger root with curcurmin might replace the potato

    Tea bred or engineered to have 10x as much ECGC, noting tea already produces ECGC.

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