• As a longevity technology deprenyl attached to a peptide may have even

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Thu Oct 6 10:46:47 2022
    To find the optimal dose of epithalon they could see if it longevizes 6 month-1 year lifespan fish and drosophila, if it does then they could try higher, even order(s) of magnitude higher dosages to find the most longevizing dose then try that on mice
    and then humans

    At egg production they could find out if epithalon, deprenyl, matformin, acarbose, or 17 alpha estradiol, lithium, metformin and other longevity chemicals makes longer lived hens that lay eggs longer

    Previously I may have written the idea that injecting collagen or another dermal filler into the clitoral hood as well as a big blob under the G-spot could provide the voluntary increase in sex published for clitoral hood piercings, this may also
    increase pleasure, they could research clitoral and crural and clitoral hood shape size and morphology among women at the 99.9th percentile of pleasure, multiple orgasm, and orgasm satisfaction then make the genetics of that a part of all girls and women

    If you divide a 200 page 8.5x11 book into 90 two inch long flip books(cartoons) they could have at the dollar store for $1

    Plasmonic version of lissatricity, which is making things with electrons from more than one orbital at a time motionize, silver does this naturally I think synthetic chemicals could do it and lissatricity conductors could be hyperconductors, some
    semiconductors, from what I read have two electron simultaneity

    Can lissatricity occur in a liquid

    Making it so any person with a penis has the genetics and phenotype of having a 9 inch length 7 inch diameter penis is beneficial

    Technological enhancements to male sexual function that are technologically producible with genetics that are beneficial to cause at all persons with penises are that the penis stays hard and continues to feel only pleasure after ejaculating

    Technological enhancements to male sexual function that are technologically producible with genetics that are beneficial to cause at all persons with penises, higher (40-100 cc) ejaculate volume

    Technological enhancements to male sexual function that are technologically producible with genetics that are beneficial to cause at all persons with penises, multiple orgasms, with continued sensation of only pleasure on continued motion and touch

    Technological enhancements to sexual function that are technologically producible with genetics that are beneficial to cause at all persons, the 99.9th percentile of only pleasurable sensitivity and sensation of the female genitalia notably the clitoris
    and entire vagina as well as the penis, are linkable to genetics, making those genetic components part of all people, humans, that is homo sapiens is beneficial

    These genetically based technological enhancements to sexual function are beneficial when combined simultaneously each person, notably all of these enhancements already exists at a 99.9th percentile in the general population

    Another genetic enhancement that benefits all people to have is the genetics of most pleasurable to the woman thrusting rhythms and force during the automatic motion phase or parts of sex being made part of the genetics of every person with a penis

    Genetically modify all persons with a penis to have the interval of intense pleasure where the person cannot hold back from ejaculation lengthened to 29 minutes

    Another genetic enhancement that benefits all people to have is the genetics of the most pleasurable to the woman modification of wrapping the clitoral crural legs around vaginal canal undersurface making it both tighter and more pleasurable to the woman,
    genetics of clitoris and crura at other primates may provide clues

    Another genetic enhancement that benefits people, that is persons to have is the genetics of most pleasurable to the woman a new Ligament or motionizing tissue between, that is connecting the vaginal canal and clitoral hood and surrounding tissues, then
    penetration and thrusting always causes pleasurable direct clitoral stimulation

    Another genetic enhancement that benefits all people to have is the genetics of the most pleasurable to the woman is the genetics of 99.9th percentile of being alert, conversational and unsleepy after ejaculation among people with penises being made a
    part of the genetics of every person that ejaculates is beneficial

    Topical liposomal nerve growth factor as well as other neuroproliferative chemicals could be applied to the clitoris and glans of the penis voluntarily to grow greater pleasurable sensation nerve tissue

    Another genetic enhancement that benefits all people to have is among well people, the genetics of having the 99.9th percentile least gag reflex made a part of all humans' genetics is beneficial

    Another genetic enhancement that benefits all people to have is the genetics that among well people at the 99th percentile of longness of tongue genetic component be made to be at all persons, this benefits cunnilingus

    Listing the physical characteristics, survey question responses, interpersonal tendencies and all psychometrics at monozygotic twins raised apart that they are most likely (95%) to share is also likely a list of genetically specifiable attributes, the
    beneficial ones are specifiable, those effects and that list are referenced with the acronym MZCPG

    There could be a genetics of attraction and sexual arousal to breasts findable with MZCPG, if there is then making those genetics part of the genetics of all people is beneficial

    Sexual-romantic visual allure is a human experience, among heterosexual males of an age 11 years after their first ejaculation the 99th percentile of frequency and intensity of sexual-romantic visual allure towards women, that is humans able to bear live
    young and nurse them, is highly beneficial to make part of the genomes of all people regardless of sex or gender

    I think public nudity is natural, normal and beneficial, it may be preferable

    Making the genetic components of the 99.9th percentile of clear, that is unblemished skin without pimples be a component of the genetics of all people is beneficial

    Studied at monozygotic twins raised apart, who have median or higher levels of emotion generally the genetics of having psychometric test light triad high scores as feelings when one's lover or romantic partner has another sexual or romantic partner
    being at all people is beneficial

    Utilizing MZCPG of people with penises at the 99th percentile of preferring and doing sexual foreplay then putting that component of those genetics at at all people, humans, that is persons, that is homo sapiens is beneficial

    Longevity technology, epithalon, AEDG, is a peptide published as making rodents live 24% longer and preventing disease, it is possible that if there are more epithalon receptors or other initial cytocomponent responders to epithalon the longevity
    increase would be even higher, then genetically engineering humans, that is people, that is homo sapiens to have more epithalon responsive elements like receptors is a longevity technology, one approach is to use radio labelled AEDG (epithalon) to find
    the receptor or other responsive cytostructure elements, radio labelling and tomography can also produce an all body tissue map of epithalon action, and any areas that are absent epithalon effect can be tested as to whether new variants of epithalon with
    localization moieties or peptides cause even greater longevity as well as further reducing disease, the genetics of epithalon receptors or other epithalon responsive cytostructure elements could be new longevity genes as well as be functional in
    developing new longevity drugs, particularly oral drugs, a new epithalon receptor or other responsive cytostructure element gene would be a new longevity gene, also allelic variations on the epithalon gene when characterized as to lifespan increase with
    epithalon are a guide to genetically enhancing humans to have greater longevity, simple gene duplication or particularly active gene promoter regions could also be beneficial technologies, a gene effect network diagram of what it is epithalon activates
    then looking at each of those as druggable systems to increase longevity is beneficial and is a new source of longevity increasing genes

    There are numerous bioactive plant peptides, some may benefit trees, flowers, agriculture,fruit, vegetables and herbs, it is possible the peptides at 1/100¢ to 1¢ a dose, screening a library could be done in a season, or, with duckweed in 24 hours (111
    96 well plates is 418,000 peptides screened annually), they could make systematic variations, mass screen, and find out if any have greater potency, some effect tissue differentiation, sugar (sucrose) metabolism,length flowers last, herbivore defense, "
    it is involved in vascularization, longitudinal cell expansion and increased radial expansion", what other plants a plant will breed with, auxin (growth chemical), "promote cellular proliferation and transdifferentiation", "maintain stem cell homeostasis"
    , systematically (amino acid substitution) varying these and screening a library could also find down regulating placeholder variants causing some beneficial effects to go up, extended release plant sprays exist, it is possible there is a string of
    multiple peptides that when genetically engineered into mycorhizial bacteria causes all plants to thrive and be more fecund https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plant_peptide_hormone

    Framing lumber could have long holes drilled in it to have data communications paths like optical fiber run through it, flexible shaft drilling could even make it so the optical fiber curved up to reach the face of the lumber

    They could make a geotextile with electret or piezoelectric polymers that repel mud where you just build a circle of it in a swamp and it makes (perfuses) an area of clear calm water which is pretty but can be used for a variety of purposes

    Some debit cards could have a display on them, perhaps three digits, at the right side of the card that light up with each card reader transaction or on phones, this would provide 1000 variations, just at that one machine once making the card more secure,
    the display could be LED embedded in the plastic like the chip and powered by the card reader, two wrong guesses would turn the card off for 4 hours

    A woman with a variety of superheating was diagnosed with "diagnosed her with bilateral superior semicircular canal dehiscence. The rare condition means that Gemma is missing part of a tiny temporal bone in both her ear canals" suggesting that the
    genetics of normal ear anatomy could be enhanced to provide superhearing and greater frequency range, engineerable to benefit music appreciation

    Measuring the beauty appreciation of tetrachromats that see more colors and measuring the beauty perception of non tetrachromats tetrachromats at the 99.9th percentile of beauty appreciation at the non tetrachromat population could have genetics of
    enhanced beauty appreciation, making enhanced beauty perception a component of all persons' genetics is beneficial, another technology is to find the beneficial brain genetics of the 99th percentile of beauty appreciation among people also at the 99th
    percentile of happiness (quantified with psychometrics, possibly also AI interpreted fMRI of subjective well being, they could use psychometrics first, then find the different brain anatomy styles of beauty appreciation with fMRI), among the 99th
    percentile of wellness and happiness, perhaps detectable from scanning social media there is also a 99th percentile of enjoyed performance at touch, sight, taste, smell, and hearing which is beneficial to make a part of all humans, that is persons'

    A handbag with a flexible OLED or Quantum LED display, or even just an iPhone touchscreen display element that is Bluetooth connected to your bag contained actual phone on its exterior, when not in use the exterior displays patterns that harmonize with
    the bags visual design, the handbag would do wireless recharging

    Parents loving their children has a 99th percentile, as do children making people happy, as does g (like IQ), one out of every 100,000 2019 persons (or more, they might overlap), screening each billion persons on social media and internet of things would
    find 10,000 of them and they have a partially genetic basis, combining them and making those components part of the genetics of all persons, that is people, that is humans is beneficial

    Prestressed glass resists breaking (like Corian(tm)), cofocalized lasers or bulk sheet dot holography that installs distributed prestressed patterns could make this effect even stronger (possibly like prince Rupert's drops with their tails all at the
    interior could work)

    Fetuses may produce proteins and peptides that contribute to or cause pregnancy to continue, supplementing the mother with those chemicals during pregnancy could cause more of the intended pregnancies that occur from the first month on to continue, that
    this benefits the child and adult and also is absent wellness problems is very important, genetics of these chemicals may also exist and be beneficial components to enhance all female persons

    Science museums and other museums could have "get the app" QR codes at their exhibits, all the graphics and text at the museum from some of the exhibits could be loaded and the ones they actually imaged could be top loaded at the first page, it could
    also make a tappable index unique to each user

    Kindergardens and early grades and Montessori schools and Waldorf schools often have enrichment or play areas, they could use video to record usage patterns and have AI process all the video to find the 99th percentile of the children spontaneously
    seeking out the most educational and fun activities, then making those room plans available

    The appendix could be a reservoir of beneficial bacteria genetically engineered to make beneficial probiotics that make vitamins and science phrase essential amino acids, installed with outside of body sonication or steerable pills, possibly that
    recolonize the colon from gradual release from the pill over years, another approach is to have the probiotic bacteria make proteolytic enzymes and lipid membrane degrading enzymes that optimally only work on one species of bacteria like ecoli, or even
    host viruses that wipe out E. Coli and not the human body, releasing nutrients that feed the probiotics for even longer, this could benefit people globally, they could even make longevity increasing chemicals

    AI could look at prerepair potholes and postrepair potholes with video and possibly interferometry and find the 99.9th percentile of pothole fill smoothness and durability then have the pothole filling equipment duplicate those filling styles where they
    are applicable, pothole filling machines could have multiple hoppers of different materials to customize the pothole filling, I think there is a sweet spot between concrete where the material around it thins out to a bump and asphalt that degrades to a
    hollow, the AI blending that sweet spot from the hoppers would make better pothole fills, there is also the possibility that 3D printing of ultraffordable materials could make really durable mini structures that match the surface durably

    Vegan milks could possibly be made more delicious and possibly more like actual milk with custom liposomes of optimal sizes, making liposomes is as simple as putting soy lecithin or sunflower lecithin in an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner which is amenable to
    industrial scale up, this could improve milkshakes and ice cream as well

    I have not tried it but I read adderal(tm) makes sustained studying easier, it likely heightens study quality, screening a library of amphetamines and amphetamine like compounds at mice to find those that enhance studying without activating dopamine
    neurons, so they are absent thrill and do not prompt reuse,the mice could persist and score higher at voluntary learning tasks and fMRI and possibly positron emission tomography and molecular biology could figure out how they work, there could also be an
    advertising slogan, get three hours of studying done in two, spend more time with your lover and friends

    I think 2/3 or 3/4 circle porthole doors that look like 2/3 or 3/4 of a rising sun may have pattern resonance benefits, even if they do not they look nice, especially the white ones, they could install them anywhere and installing them at schools is
    possibly beneficial

    The paranormal beings I perceive include bees as a hive mind, to benefit bees they could find the minimal amount of queen produced chemicals that keep a hive functioning, at same honey output, feeding all bee larvae with more royal jelly (there are
    already honeybee varieties that hyperproduce royal jelly) making them live longer and possibly more resistant to disease, developing a new kind of nectar and pollen rich plant with seeds so tiny they cling to bees like pollen does and falls off in flight
    spreads the plant, optimally the flower would persist even with seeds (there are peptides that effect flower petal duration), I read that duckweed has the smallest known seeds (to that person on the internet), so some of those genetic components could
    contribute to land plants, I think ferns might have smaller spores

    At inkjet and other printers paper quality can effect image resolution, lasers could flatten paper fibers of affordable normal paper through a few mechanisms, they could non thermally ablate it(like laser dental fillings) mowing it like a lawn, they
    could adjust the moisture enough to uncurve the fibers, they could use published laser tweezers that can move 3mm balls in fluid on much tinier paper fibers, or they could ultrasonically flatten it, the paper could be smoothed with a separate flying head
    from the inkjet head

    Coloring books could be reconfigured to heighten and optimize the pleasure of the swoop of the pen, utilizing quantitative measures to find the shapes that are most pleasurable, also there could be larger blank areas throughout the image design prompting
    the colorer to draw their own thing, circular areas and shapes like those at the math amusement sprouts are more optimal from a pattern resonance perspective, artists drawing on blank media is beneficial as well

    Sometimes students space out or get distracted, they could quantitatively measure the students perception of a focalized them-only speaker produced voice both during and after class, the voice could try out different phrases (ask!), tones, and pleasant
    voice characteristics that the students measure as being most good, potentially even enjoyable (acoustic guitar), likely varying the sound between events that cause just 9% of students to be attentive, sometimes though the student would hear something
    like give a thumbs up if you are glad I said Hello, the speaker would have a camera and further customize the experience to each student so they liked it so more and and more would voluntarily participate, students that do not like it at all would be
    automatically opted out after three days, this would be quantifiably measured to verify that actual learning increased

    The same individual only acoustic technology I have read about can be voluntarily placed on bike handlebars saying, or toning voluntary prompts that are quantitatively measured as making bicycle riding even more pleasant and enjoyable and the person glad
    they installed

    Coated seeds already exist, as do tree planting robots, coated seeds that also contain a multiplicity of small nitrogen fixing seeds, like clover seeds could be coated so the nitrogen fixing plant germinates a few months after the main plant like a tree,
    providing nitrogen to the plant, if there are nitrogen fixing plants that automatically propagate with runners that would be beneficial, it is possible a coated seed disc with a wider annulus of nitrogen fixing seeds works better, and as long as the
    nitrogen fixing seeds would grow they could be placed two or three seeds high at a coin sized disk made of compressed Jiffy-Pot material, drones or robots could place the disks

    I read that there is published research that says injecting rodents with the blood of schizophrenics causes death at the rodents, perhaps at lower doses they just act different, finding what those chemicals are then immunizing against them so they are at
    well person levels could reduce the symptoms and experience of schizophrenia, immunizing primates to produce much reduced values compared with well primates could be studied to find out if there is any behavioral benefit, possible longevity benefit (
    measurable at mice) and if primates taught to place an object on a slider bar that describes their mood changes, I think the slider bar can be taught if there is something like a brief animated gig at each distal area of the slider with one displaying
    glum behavior and the other displaying how a primate behaves when it finds a cache of treats, while first learning to communicate mood with the slider bar the primate gets a treat whenever it puts the object on the slider bar and, when it is given a
    bunch of treats it gets a favorite toy, and if primates like physical contact a pat on the back to reinforce that something that makes them feel good, when they report on it causes things they like even more, to teach them to adjust the slider bar when
    they are glum something like an identical version of their favorite toy is presented to them, and if they move the object towards the glum part of the slider bar they get a treat and are presented with their original intact toy, after learning to express
    their mood the well primates are then immunized to have much lower amounts of the chemicals in the blood of schizophrenics than median primates and they then report their mood, it is also beneficial to simultaneously teach the primates that the animated
    gifs represent the emotion they feel by switching the poles occasionally, positron emission tomography of primates brains and fMRI may have numerical linkage to human brain scans and equivalent or partially

    Localize dopamine antipsychotics or completely different antipsychotic drugs to just the brain scan areas that are different between well people and schizophrenics

    Antipsychotic and other drugs that change cytomorphology with kinesin or maybe actin to lengthen or shorten cytes among them neurons to reduce or even cure schizophrenia

    Do people with longer dopamine neurons have more fun and are happier than median

    A technology could be developed that provides veterinary care to free range actual non domesticated animals, drones, peptide and protein drugs 3d printed casts and the drones do radiography or other imaging, they could even do biometrics and accumulate
    medical histories (like charts) gene drive longevity wellness genes as previously described, epithalon and thymosin peptides

    There are drapable foam sheets, and there are reflective mylar-like emergency blankets, but I have not heard of a durable yet disposable reflectorized baby blanket that benefits babies, notably at the developing world, they could quantitatively measure
    babies surface temperature and a possible reduction in crying quantitatively and iterate improvements

    When people repeatedly use a chemical I read that their baseline neurotransmitter response adjusts and sometimes they prefer otherwise, I may have had this response to phenibut, it went from thrilling to fun, and I thought if I took it too often my
    baseline neurotransmitters might adjust to less than fun, people could voluntarily readjust their neurotransmitter responses to the amount they had before taking any of the neurotransmitter response baseline adjusting chemical, it is my perception I read
    that antibodies can be made that attach loosely and temporarily to other chemicals, proteins and cytostructures, an interval similar to a medically quantified success at tapering off a neurotransmitter neuron could be the duration of attachment of the
    antibody, I have read that there are antibodies that can activate a receptor or passivate a receptor, so whichever way the receptor is, from the person's perspective at a non optimal activation amount from endogenous body chemicals the gradually
    detaching antibodies can duplicate the 99th percentile of quantified successful chemical tapering, it is possible that this could be a one dose oral antigen, in an enteric coated pill with the antibodies encapsulated in micelles (which are published as
    passing the blood brain barrier) the outside of the micelles could also have membrane transport peptides attached to them to both better transport through the blood brain barrier as well as do some localization of effect, there are published maps of
    where antibodies accumulate at the brain so the outside of the micelles could, optionally have those brain area mapped antibodies attached to its surface, an online paper mentions vaccines at 17-50 milligrams per dose and,"tablets with dried vaccine
    incorporated and supplied with special coatings" are functional, another approach is to molecularly attach the micell to the neuroactive chemical, with me, phenibut, or a bunch of phenibuts with the possibility that it will migrate to the same areas as

    Even though I mentioned phenibut as a drug I thought about tapering off of I think the benefits have value

    People online say they think they look better in the mirror than in phone camera images, there could be an app or filter item that does the same things as an actual glass mirror and good bathroom lighting as adjustments to the image, it could have
    adjustable values to possibly intensify what might be an improvement effect, the looks better in mirror effect might just have to do with eye contact, motion (people might look better in animated gifts) and duration of gaze, if so then that painting
    style where the eyes of a portrait follows you around the room could be part of the filter effect

    Painted rocks already exist, but mineral specimens often have a fascination of their own, with intriguing shapes, people could paint these, but I think that having a deep learning AI sample opinions on a website to find the most moving and beautiful
    forms, images and pallets could also look at the person's mineral specimin and compose an image for them to paint on the mineral specimin, after practicing with the AI people might really like making their own compositions

    Rubidium when it replaces some potassium at neurons is an antidepressant, perhaps the replacement of potassium causes more neuron activity, a quick mouth rinse, spray, or toothpaste could intensify flavors, possibly making them taste better

    A safer nuclear reactor to power nuclear reactors in space is to have a nuclear reaction that emits almost all its radiation as alpha particles on a flat sheet of material like polymethylmethacrylate PMMA, that turns to jello when it gets wet and has
    eentsy fragile capsules of water in it to make a warmth source and roll it up into a swiss roll, if it reenters at some planet the capsules rupture on impact or possibly reentry, or a solenoid shock from a computer detecting a problem, the swiss roll
    turns to jello and the alpha particles cannot get through the jello, the jello could be digestion proof and taste bad so that even if someone ate it or someone smeared it on their skin, or it landed on some building the radiation absorbed dose would be
    in safety limits, also the swiss roll could have a deliquescent material (pulls water out of the air to make a liquid) in it to keep the remains hydrated indefinitely, epoxy catalyzer capsules and base might be better than PMMA

    Cerenkov radiation illuminates from the inside out

    They transilluminate tissue to do do imaging, it is possible they also activate photoactivatable drugs this way, a pill with a xenon flash in it could illuminate from within (kind of like flashlight fingers) at very high brightness, reaching the surface,
    the pill could have a lens or a diffractive dot (microbeams) pattern on it for better resolution, if you took 11-40 of these pills they could beam at different areas and one or more of them would point the right way, the electronics could strobe them
    sequentially to find out which one was best, along with imaging this could activate photoactivatable drugs

    Phosphor micelles and a chest x ray, there are bright phosphors and they could be put in micelles that have anticytomembranetransport molecules on the outside, there are routine x ray procedures like chest x rays that then make the phosphor glow, imaging
    equipment then does known transillumination (flashlight fingers) imaging, with harmless phosphors this could do deep brain imaging

    Phosphor micelles and medical x ray could also be used on tumor imaging or other imaging if the micelles have localization antibodies on them, to make sure a surgeon got all of a tumor out a slightly different system stimulated with UV could make all the
    antibodied micelles glow for easy visibility while being harmless to the surgeon with repeated exposure

    I have seen rotating spray style heads on glass cleaner spray bottles but I have not seen rotatable nozzles on spray paint, it is possible that first and second coat at different densities makes a better looking outcome

    I think I read that some headaches are caused by muscles at the head above the skull, a regular fast acting analgesic could be combined with photoactivetable drugs in micelles and then an invisible UV emitting wand could be placed at the areas that don't
    feel good, pressing it past the hair, activating the local potent analgesic at the right, there are a variety of potent local analgesics but minute amounts of opiate peptides could work, perhaps even more beneficially this could be used to spot treat
    arthritis and rashes

    Some mammals will voluntarily watch videos, they could quantitatively measure if this is beneficial then put video players at zoos, possibly sometimes using a video projector onto the ground

    Falling in love or in crush at first sight is a fun experience and would make a nifty recreational drug I think I would try, it is possible that this could be recorded with fMRI, possibly from people who say they frequently fall in love at first site
    looking at 3D images, then using some of the brain localization technologies previously described a pill or snortable that causes either, or, or both the feeling and the actual love part could be constructed, they could quantitatively measure if trying
    this drug enhanced the lives of couples and polyamourous groups

    Laser ablation paint removal exists, but I did not find anything on laser paint preparation between coats (scuffing), a less intense laser could microtexture the undercoat for better adhesion and durability, billions are spent on paint and coatings
    annually and less peeling and more durability have value

    A computer program or an AI could make a recombination matrix (sometimes called a waffle) out of two or three word phrases out of a wide dictionary or also wikipedia titles, then people at a site with upvote/downvote likes and playlist-like novelty
    insertion on top, refreshed periodically (I think imgur does it rapidly) could bubble up the nifty ones, live laugh love and rotatable spray paint nozzle might occur, this could make something like Craigslist have both the user base and the cultural elan
    to make it functional and lightly amusing like their OK to beam this message to outer space checkoff box

    The color pink is published as causing people to be calmer and is "usually associated with happiness and compassion", many camping tents are translucent they could find out if tents that have pink fabric on the inside and white on the outside are
    quantitatively measured to find out if they amplify peacefulness, appreciation of nature, and increase cuddling

    [continued in next message]

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Fri Oct 7 23:41:34 2022
    To find the optimal dose of epithalon they could see if it longevizes 6 month-1 year lifespan fish and drosophila, if it does then they could try higher, even order(s) of magnitude higher dosages to find the most longevizing dose then try that on mice
    and then humans

    At egg production they could find out if epithalon, deprenyl, matformin, acarbose, or 17 alpha estradiol, lithium, metformin and other longevity chemicals makes longer lived hens that lay eggs longer

    Previously I may have written the idea that injecting collagen or another dermal filler into the clitoral hood as well as a big blob under the G-spot could provide the voluntary increase in sex published for clitoral hood piercings, this may also
    increase pleasure, they could research clitoral and crural and clitoral hood shape size and morphology among women at the 99.9th percentile of pleasure, multiple orgasm, and orgasm satisfaction then make the genetics of that a part of all girls and women

    If you divide a 200 page 8.5x11 book into 90 two inch long flip books(cartoons) they could have at the dollar store for $1

    Plasmonic version of lissatricity, which is making things with electrons from more than one orbital at a time motionize, silver does this naturally I think synthetic chemicals could do it and lissatricity conductors could be hyperconductors, some
    semiconductors, from what I read have two electron simultaneity

    Can lissatricity occur in a liquid

    Making it so any person with a penis has the genetics and phenotype of having a 9 inch length 7 inch diameter penis is beneficial

    Technological enhancements to male sexual function that are technologically producible with genetics that are beneficial to cause at all persons with penises are that the penis stays hard and continues to feel only pleasure after ejaculating

    Technological enhancements to male sexual function that are technologically producible with genetics that are beneficial to cause at all persons with penises, higher (40-100 cc) ejaculate volume

    Technological enhancements to male sexual function that are technologically producible with genetics that are beneficial to cause at all persons with penises, multiple orgasms, with continued sensation of only pleasure on continued motion and touch

    Technological enhancements to sexual function that are technologically producible with genetics that are beneficial to cause at all persons, the 99.9th percentile of only pleasurable sensitivity and sensation of the female genitalia notably the clitoris
    and entire vagina as well as the penis, are linkable to genetics, making those genetic components part of all people, humans, that is homo sapiens is beneficial

    These genetically based technological enhancements to sexual function are beneficial when combined simultaneously each person, notably all of these enhancements already exists at a 99.9th percentile in the general population

    Another genetic enhancement that benefits all people to have is the genetics of most pleasurable to the woman thrusting rhythms and force during the automatic motion phase or parts of sex being made part of the genetics of every person with a penis

    Genetically modify all persons with a penis to have the interval of intense pleasure where the person cannot hold back from ejaculation lengthened to 29 minutes

    Another genetic enhancement that benefits all people to have is the genetics of the most pleasurable to the woman modification of wrapping the clitoral crural legs around vaginal canal undersurface making it both tighter and more pleasurable to the woman,
    genetics of clitoris and crura at other primates may provide clues

    Another genetic enhancement that benefits people, that is persons to have is the genetics of most pleasurable to the woman a new Ligament or motionizing tissue between, that is connecting the vaginal canal and clitoral hood and surrounding tissues, then
    penetration and thrusting always causes pleasurable direct clitoral stimulation

    Another genetic enhancement that benefits all people to have is the genetics of the most pleasurable to the woman is the genetics of 99.9th percentile of being alert, conversational and unsleepy after ejaculation among people with penises being made a
    part of the genetics of every person that ejaculates is beneficial

    Topical liposomal nerve growth factor as well as other neuroproliferative chemicals could be applied to the clitoris and glans of the penis voluntarily to grow greater pleasurable sensation nerve tissue

    Another genetic enhancement that benefits all people to have is among well people, the genetics of having the 99.9th percentile least gag reflex made a part of all humans' genetics is beneficial

    Another genetic enhancement that benefits all people to have is the genetics that among well people at the 99th percentile of longness of tongue genetic component be made to be at all persons, this benefits cunnilingus

    Listing the physical characteristics, survey question responses, interpersonal tendencies and all psychometrics at monozygotic twins raised apart that they are most likely (95%) to share is also likely a list of genetically specifiable attributes, the
    beneficial ones are specifiable, those effects and that list are referenced with the acronym MZCPG

    There could be a genetics of attraction and sexual arousal to breasts findable with MZCPG, if there is then making those genetics part of the genetics of all people is beneficial

    Sexual-romantic visual allure is a human experience, among heterosexual males of an age 11 years after their first ejaculation the 99th percentile of frequency and intensity of sexual-romantic visual allure towards women, that is humans able to bear live
    young and nurse them, is highly beneficial to make part of the genomes of all people regardless of sex or gender

    I think public nudity is natural, normal and beneficial, it may be preferable

    Making the genetic components of the 99.9th percentile of clear, that is unblemished skin without pimples be a component of the genetics of all people is beneficial

    Studied at monozygotic twins raised apart, who have median or higher levels of emotion generally the genetics of having psychometric test light triad high scores as feelings when one's lover or romantic partner has another sexual or romantic partner
    being at all people is beneficial

    Utilizing MZCPG of people with penises at the 99th percentile of preferring and doing sexual foreplay then putting that component of those genetics at at all people, humans, that is persons, that is homo sapiens is beneficial

    Longevity technology, epithalon, AEDG, is a peptide published as making rodents live 24% longer and preventing disease, it is possible that if there are more epithalon receptors or other initial cytocomponent responders to epithalon the longevity
    increase would be even higher, then genetically engineering humans, that is people, that is homo sapiens to have more epithalon responsive elements like receptors is a longevity technology, one approach is to use radio labelled AEDG (epithalon) to find
    the receptor or other responsive cytostructure elements, radio labelling and tomography can also produce an all body tissue map of epithalon action, and any areas that are absent epithalon effect can be tested as to whether new variants of epithalon with
    localization moieties or peptides cause even greater longevity as well as further reducing disease, the genetics of epithalon receptors or other epithalon responsive cytostructure elements could be new longevity genes as well as be functional in
    developing new longevity drugs, particularly oral drugs, a new epithalon receptor or other responsive cytostructure element gene would be a new longevity gene, also allelic variations on the epithalon gene when characterized as to lifespan increase with
    epithalon are a guide to genetically enhancing humans to have greater longevity, simple gene duplication or particularly active gene promoter regions could also be beneficial technologies, a gene effect network diagram of what it is epithalon activates
    then looking at each of those as druggable systems to increase longevity is beneficial and is a new source of longevity increasing genes

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