• epigenetics of the superwell, put that in oral childhood immunizations

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Thu Oct 6 01:15:48 2022
    epigenetics of the superwell, put that in oral childhood immunizations Germline gene makes rna, then rna modifies epigenome to make all humans superwell, similarly any epigenetics of heightened cognitive ability are makeable into germline enhancements

    anti-SIDS technology clips to high side of crib or is 1 year flytime Mylar balloon does audio and video and compares microacoustics of heart and respiration to dataset on internet for continuous well baby screening as well as sids research (20k/yr pre
    2010); the intervention machine in the crib could splash water, make white light flashes, on aliba the balloon version could be 19-20 cents each on alibaba including helium; deluxe spritz water or other drug is 69 cents. The drone version watches baby
    play outside the house as well as nursery, previously described soft white drones as soft contact harmless white porous polymer mesh container

    The balloon version could have blue and green lasers that draw beautiful images that babies particularly like on the ceiling

    THz camera version sees the baby through blankets, and internet processing of data can discern the babys respiration and heart from people like parents or siblings the baby is sleeping with

    Awareness of human anti-sids rescue balloons is you can get them for a companion animals as well, baby animals get a lot of endearment. Popularizing the custom anti-sids genes companion animals can be given popularizes giving humans new anti-sids genes

    Layered paint on thz built up waveguides may be possible, especially if a waveguide maker alternates build up spray (or 3d print) with fine edged laser channel etching when making waveguides

    is a phone antenna next to a waveguidebetter than a plurality of antennas?: it is at a sattellite dish, so could benefit phones with space based internet (starlink) 2d brain slice looking data pick-up (antenna(s) and waveguides like (=|=) or (::|::)
    could be a new better space phone antenna

    Steadicam replaced with image sensor immersed in optically transparent gel which dampens vibrations more than just affixing or bolting an image sensor can be cuvette flled with jello thrifty:driverless vehicles have sensors like video camera or lidar;
    steadicam image stabilization would be complex but putting a video chip in a cuvette full of magnetic damped jello could be much cheaper; with use at vehicles this could spread to nonvehicle sensor uses like robots, milling,CNC and jello eyes on drones
    and power tools and agricultural vehicles; At these applications the actual image chip vibration is dampened and information data processing deblurring complements the camera physically wiggling less

    Sexy garland video camera is image sensors and faceted fiber optics and photovoltaic polymer in a weave. It makes a video data file of of itself at 720 degree sphere that also has software processing to make planar videos and 3D videos. garlandness The
    garlandness has surface photovoltaics and ambient passive RF energy harvesters along its length, leaving a video garland around the bedroom makes automatically recording sex videos at the dwelling effortless and multi camera angle effective, software
    automatically generates cinematography enhanced amateur sex videos and raw footage and sends them to you (people)

    most heritable IT pattern white ness could be 90% heritable or engineerable to be, that way certain kinds of goodness heritability Are carried with just 1 copy number at 1 gene (c1c) while simultaneously having multicopy number in multiple locations (
    c9c) c1c plus c9c simultaneous, effect causes any white partner to have white children, that is human physical progeny with white IT pattern way of living, way of benefitting others and hosting the genetics and phenotype of the 99.9th percentile of the
    light triad psychology test (metric), new synthetic genes and alleles that physically cause the 99.9th percentile light triad metric and phenotype, the new genes and alleles are c1c and c9c forms and are germline engineered into the earths entire
    population utilizing globe spanning bacteria and fungi that do gene therapy on all their habitat which is all the organisms. Notably this engineers all mammals to have high light triad neurochemistry which confers benefits on them as well.

    The previously described garland video camera also can automatically record a family room or also a children's room to make an enjoyable to watch 180-360 second video that the software makers deem the most enjoyable to watch and share.

    Three data pool longevity genetics, i may have written about this before in a paper notebook, a data diff or "sequal" query can do much more than just finding positive antiaging chemicals and genes it can find things where if they are absent the organism
    lives longer; again these can be combined into the same query: at tortoise and human shared genes which simultaneous upregulatins and downregulations have the greatest magnitude of effect; version one answer is 50th percentile magnitude of effect and
    above, version two answer is the entire set.

    Similarly using three species simultaneously provides longevity genetic technology advantages: if high at tortoise and human then engineer to be high at mice, including genes that make synthetic new genes and alleles that are more active than human or
    tortoise versions of a protein, that tests an "even moreso" version of a prolongevity gene at the mouse species beaver(35) mouse human groups could be compared

    i read that genes and phenotypes associated with hibernation are associated with greater longevity, differing rates of gene accumulation and change could generate hibernation accelerated regions (HbAR)just the same way human accelerated regions (HAR) are
    found at Homo genus. finding HbARs then testing their effect on longevity when engineered into mice is a longevity technology that can then be tested at humans with age-batched groups of human volunteers

    Which HbAR branches are most longevizing

    hibernation acceleration regions "Direction of travel" extended to become new human longevity genes from making new synthetic HbAR-like genes and testing them on marmosets first then age batched groups of human volunteers; testing both the gene therapy
    and the HbAR genes'protein and peptide and small molecule and mRNA output for longevization effects

    Diif hibernators same species strain lifespan longest lived version teaches longevity mechanism source, attaches it to just a few genes

    I think that childhood injections should be replaced with oral or snortable injection alternatives as frequently as possible, where there is injection it should be replaced with the needleless air pressure injection

    improving pop cans: alumina oxide layer could be anticatlytic form of catalytic alumInum oxide crystal, preserving flavor

    side thickness or bulge thickness at fingernail area that opens can could be wider or bigger volumetrically; with new aluminas at the can coating that means the can itself can be made out of cheaper than aluminum alloy, i havent looked it up but
    manganese element and iron element replacing 50% of the aluminium in pop cans would make cans twice as cheap to make

    Qr codes only visible to computer cameras could make diffraction grating shimmer qr codes that, as the shimmer is invisible to visible range look completely visually homogenous and blank to a human viewer but are full of computer data. one use of this is
    that every recycled container can be tracked, and, at reedemable cans makes it so even a fragme7nt of a completly mashed can can be swapped for money

    ACtual physical sims-like diagnostic gem that floats above their head is a drone:

    Undulating paper airplane wings could keep aircraft such as drones flying full time. peristaltic surface wing flies itself, something like peristaltic motion, also an airscrew in a sound insulative tube, or even a bundle of tubes with side tubes
    controlling yaw pitch and roll are i think possible. it might look like laminated panpipes, with a small amount of them, or their recorder apertures sideways, lots of computer dynamic balancing makes a new to me kind of aircraft, notably a .5-11 gram
    noiseless (peristaltic wing)drone that people could have noiseless SIMS (sims 2021 computer game)diagnostic and touchless data transmission hub. power could come from ambient rf or beamed power i perceive that white, blue, and green are beneficial colors
    to make the floating gem

    Way to sort sperm: the idea is that the sperm body parts like acrosome and tail are chemically slightly different from each other with genetics, becaue these sperm parts are produced after meiosis they may have external chemistry differences between
    differing sperm from the same male; this makes sorting sperm on some new correlates to the actual genes in each separate sperm possible where previously studied data is aguide, to sort say 100 million sperm on their most optimal phenotypic-correlates-
    genotype chemistry ir spectroscopy could be used; this way 99th percentile ranking of sperm is microfluidically concentrateable to e used at the vagina as a 1 million viable, with correlations to better genetics sperm Insert. it is even possible a
    genetic improvement and life improvement sex lubricant cpuld have antibodies to nonoptimal sperm-after-meiosis sperm, leaving the top most 1% of sperm alive to fertlize the egg. noting the most affordable antibodies are $465/gram and only a few
    micrograms are utilized, making genetic improvement lubricant identical to median sex lubricants in cost

    I Think coolsculpt cryozone fat disintegration technology might be usable directly on the surface of the heart, it is uknown if this fat is deleterious but if it is laproscopic coolsculpt could address it. it could even have warming lasers on the
    coolsculpt zones to heighten resolution; a strategy that could be used anywhere in the body

    Coronary arteries unlike leg arteries get gunked up; why? comparative mammal ungunkedness and cardiac development genes could be tested at nonhuman primates to engineer better coronary arteries

    Bremelanotide is a sex drug that effects mcr4 and mcr3 receptors, a drug with sex effects would be a new kind of tail nestling peptide that nudges the actual receptor protein to make it think it was fully occupied, variations of this new peptide could be
    linked to a blood brain barrier passing moiety or peptide.

    Improving mass spectrometry improves mRNA profiling (gene expression profiling), solitons are published as improving spectroscopy; could using groups of quantum entangled photons to make the solitons out of improve rsolution or rapidity? also there are
    different kinds of solitons, could Dissipative solitons with their published 100 times greater durability improve spectroscopy further?

    SOftware measures IT pattern, Wikipedia phrase: nonparametric statistics make fewer assumptions which provides absence of preloaded assumptions about what IT pattern things occur

    science and math: they could search histogram data for soliton forms of histogram undulation, suggesting some interesting relation at the phenomena being measured

    ARtificial widom, "example, the naive Bayes classifier will make the correct MAP decision rule classification so long as the correct class is more probable than any other class. This is true regardless of whether the probability estimate is slightly, or
    even grossly inaccurate. In this manner, the overall classifier can be robust enough to ignore serious deficiencies in its underlying naive probability model." as artificial wisdom, such as at search engines and living-advice software, "Most bayesian
    probable personal motivator" find fewest things that have to go right for a particular instance of bayesian psychology (a person) based on database of what works, to realize a goal or seek a mindpace that generates happier mutually beneficial goals

    THe statistics of the least likely thing to occur, that is observable could be like 1-bayes

    finding a plrality of least likely things to occur, as outlined by math at a large dataset (million proteins or trillion optical measurements) finds new scientific discoverables when they do occur as these improbable things are mathematically universe
    age @sampling rate unlikely yet are measured as occuring

    JY said looking at a persons future was like viewing a fisheye lens image with the far future eentsy at the perimeter cobalt blue lenses that turn fisheye to map-projection like hypersized perimeter could make viewing far future (perimeter) higher
    resolution and what jycalled "expensive". at IT pattern resonance craft optical computing lab bench on a chip could have cobalt blue optical elements or also cobalt blue laser, with same spectral lines as deep cobalt blue glass; they could also test
    lapis lazuli spectral lines for effect

    NOnparametric statistics heart ekg; photonics of volumetric heart beating map are used as nonparametric statistics to find new lifesaving relations and kernal groups(?) of ekg and photonic heart profile; new drugs that cause this make it so there are
    fewer heart attacks, they are more survivable, and do less harm

    Photoactive sarm or steroid builds up particular heart microlocations to be like preclude heart attack ekg/photonics profile

    Photoactive NGF on vagus nerve and spine could be systemically administered and then possibly invreased in nerve conduction velocity and, beneficially at making vagus-connected organs at mice and marmosets work better and longer; extrnal to body cofocal
    holographic computer-steered light source lights up just the vagus

    logevity technology: With awareness of nonparametric statistics a yeast lifespan protocol could find new non-genetic bases of heightened longevity: 1 billion clonal yeast at chip dish, find outlier longest and shortest lived, reculture to fill billion
    dish chip with descendants of longevity outliers, measure everything, find nomparametric data patterns of nongenetic longevity sources, make those longevity sources into drugs

    Growth factors like NGF, BDNF, others might dwell longer at receptors if deuterium replaces hydrogen,

    mRNA profile of sleep (compared with awake), as a source of regenerative proteins and RNA drugs that do what sleep does; possibly adminsterable while awake, also epigenetics of most restorative sleep, this could be a wellness drug and a nootropic as
    people think better when well rested

    there are video lab mammal habitats now that record lab mammal behavior throughout the experiment that are interpreted by software, enhance this with continuous or periodic CT scan of the mammal habitat as well as continuous MRI and spectroscopy of the
    mammal at the lab container; developing longevity technologies and therapies, treatments, perhaps simultaneous could be characterized as to their producing youthful phenotype, at many defined, as well as pre-definition nonparametric statistical methods.
    clonal marmosets could be raised in the multiscanner environment

    maintaining peak most amplitudes of whole genome mRNA expression found in human 8 year olds throughout living could be a longevity wellness technology; keeping the vertices uncrumbled metaphor

    longevity technology: wiipedia says, "Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) (also functional enrichment analysis) is a method to identify classes of genes or proteins that are over-represented in a large set of genes or proteins, and may have an
    association with disease phenotypes. " use GSEA on long lived organisms with longevity phenotype compare White footed mouse with regular mouse; 400 year lifespan tortoise/human to find new longevity gene Classed and protein system overlaps

    Bowhead whale/human is another GSEA pair

    GSEA of a young and old marmoset, then computer word: diff on GSEA of a young and supercentenarian humans finds new gene classes that effect longevity, those linked protein function classes find completely new longevity cytoprocesses and receptor
    networks to use as a basis for new longevity drugs as well as gene therapies for humans that change proteins to their intensified "even moreso" amino acid sequence forms

    Manufacturing line station swap-betweens and statistical measure of being most like 95th percentile awesomenes of a particular manufactured object like a computer chip or a car; interferometry and hyperspectral image sensor spectroscopy, Airjet percussed
    audio ping function

    Replace or remix 7th percentile tools/manufacturing stations/robots

    For snortable drugs what amount of drug-velovitizing effercescence and surfactancy is without perceptible irritation, alternatively does putting a deliciously flavored topical anesthetic in the snortable drug make higher dosages and velocities possible;
    electoimpelled iontophoretic mica-like flake could drive extra rapid and sustained delivery from a snort

    Lipid fraction and water fraction of plasma; dissolved RNA drugs could reach particular tiss

    ues (brain hydrophobic) better

    mRNA drugs like a library of epigenetic drugs from plants; radioactive; at a dna squence most like the mRNA to be made

    Teoligo matches to dna location blows it apart, some stochastic thing fills it in; at million or billion dish media plate variously plant cells, yeast or bacteria are the things the radioactive oligo nudges; use spectroscopy at million dish plate to find
    out which cultures are making new mRNA that is equivalent to a human designed epigenetic mRNA drug, Like a longevity drug, then culture that organism and gather the drug; just genetic engineering is better, but as a non-genetically engineered mRNA drug
    catalog these could be valued

    (that was note 70)

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