• Mid october 2020 notes from phone (1/2)

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Wed Oct 12 09:19:14 2022
    I read about something simpler and more mathematically basic than set theory but I do not know what it is called, noticing most 2020 computers besides analog computers and quantum computers run off set theory ( and, or, not, nand etc), it seems possible
    that CPUs and programs made from deeper math than set theory could have valuable characteristics and that higher level language computer programs compiled into deeper math than set theory hardware instructions could have new advantages, one way to test
    this is a 2020 set theory emulation of a DM computer (DMC) and software to find out if any of it, including programs compiled into DM form are better in some ways, one possible way is that different DM CPU layouts might be based on fewer transistors or
    even be made of semiconductors or other things that are actually not transistors at all, people could write simple software for the DM machine emulator then genetic algorithms (even cloud based 10,000 computer GA running a DMC (deep math computer)
    emulation could improve the simple programs (add, subtract, multiply, divide, other math functions, Conway's game of life, perhaps even a simple jr high level math equation solver as well as any kind of program humans think a DMC machine would be good at,
    disassembling the genetic algorithm optimized programs would teach human computer hardware engineers something and they could build DMCs in semiconductors (or other materials), if DMCs work better than set theory logic at the speed or also fewer-
    instructions per data type (like floats that have less volume of pixel span (bytes) to do the same thing and calculate faster, then that is an advantage, DMCs and their programs also might be more fault tolerant and have different race conditions or even
    no race conditions at all, different predictive branching and, at the hardware level different amounts of electrons utilized (energy consumption to do a thing) along with standalone DMCs there could be a DMC section of the CPU (this might be called a
    core) so humans and compilers could take advantage of the things DMCs are better than what set theory computers do, also, photonic DMCs might be able to do very different things than set theory computers, instantly
    The thing I read about in wikipedia did not, as far as I remember, have any of these names but there are similarities: "depends on what you take mathematics to be, and what your standards of proof are.
    Do you allow, or expect, infinitary, potentially non-constructive reasoning in mathematics? If yes to the latter, do you accept quantifier-free transfinite induction up to epsilon-zero? Do you take Peano Arithmetic as your foundation? Then your
    mathematics is consistent (Gentzen’s theorem).
    If you take strictly finitary reasoning but include mathematical induction (and not transfinite induction), then Godel’s results leave it an open question, because there’s a statement true in the standard model that you can’t prove (Godel’s first
    theorem) and you can’t use reasoning within the system to prove consistency (Second theorem), so that means either you must find a reduction strategy (say to Heyting Arithemetic, which then shifts the question there, and Godel showed this could be done)
    or be comfortable with reasoning in a stronger theory, like a metatheory (which is typically seen as not favorable to the formalist or even constructivist positions).
    Do you insist on Peano Arithmetic or Heyting Arithmetic as your foundation? There’s a result of Friedman and Meyer which says relevant arithmetic is consistent. But most logicians don’t like relevant logics, mostly because there’s so many of them,
    they are not characterized by finite models, and the proof theory for these systems reflects principles of carrying out mathematics that most mathematicians might not like (for instance: reductio proof is out, because one must have sharing of variables
    in a derivation). There’s also Presburger Arithmetic, which is decidable, complete, and consistent, and has induction, but only addition axioms. Is that a suitable foundation for mathematics? There’s also relative consistency proofs, and proofs of
    consistency using primitive recursion and finite types but, you know, these are still not quite what we want, which is an absolute claim about consistency for foundations (whatever that might be).
    For my money, I think the answer to the consistency of foundations question can be resolved by changing our assumptions about what the underlying logic should be — and very little has been done by way of work in substructural approaches to foundations.
    Given Friedman and Meyer’s result, if absolute consistency is something independently valued, we should probably look elsewhere than Peano arithmetic or Is-mathematics-self-consistent
    Quantum dot millifiore ic lithography, imagine there could be a quantum dot that absorbs EUV at 230 nanometers, but is like a frequency doubling or tripling crystal and reemits light around 74 nanometers, much smaller than the EUV used to make computer
    chips, then you naturally draw lines and circles with the quantum dots to make chip features three times smaller than EUV's 7 nanometer (your chips are better at 2.33 nanometer feature size) size, so, since the quantum dots are so tiny how do you draw
    lines and circles with them, one way is to attach them to a polymer ladder or trirope (or structide). Then nudge or move the entire ladder or rope into the shape you prefer because perhaps the ladder or rope is so large it responds to laser tweezers;
    there is a lot you can do with a rope, O
 7nM conventional procesd features as big current carrying bars, bottom or top layer of Y connects tricircle transistor
Why would you do this, to get about 9, 36, or 144 transistors in the space of today's (
    October 2020) one; the quantum dots get it up to 144:1 transistors and beyond Another possibility to make nanofine bismuth powder is spectroscopic sputtering, basically you make bismuth vapor, add lots of filler gas so it can spread out then either zoom it around in a circle with a big magnet, next to an exit port so only bismuth
    blobs with the right number of atoms (say 2) get ported out to something like a cheap version of a magnetic bottle
    Doing millifiore use a polymer, noting DNA which is much much thinner than a half nanometer can be pulled up out of solution with a rod, do a polymer core millifiore diameter reduction roll (sequentially)until the polymer core of the millifiore is 1/8 to
    1/2 nanometers big, then the millifiore tiles, which could be as big as .5 cm^2 would contain a large plurality of circuit elements like these 1/8 to 1/2 nanometer circles at the P/N layer, these, tesselated like sphere packing are the basis of
    transistor tricircles
    Another possibility is to blend the polymer core, pre-millifiore with quantum dots then have another pipe-like layer of bismuth powder, or, if it can possibly work a malleable bismuth foil pipe, then millifiore it to 1/8 to 1/2 nanometer, kind of like a
    fat tire, the width of the bismuth layer determines non-contact width/space between tricircles
    Another millifiore possibility is a semiconductor process (rinses away simultaneously with the photoresist as a soluble polymer) with 20% active ingredient-in-polymer-matrix ingredient (quantum dots, bismuth powder)
    Actually using millifiore, Y or I shapes, containing quantum dots, adjacent to the central N/P circle, gives the ability to draw out an entire 1/4 to 1/2 nM polymer+active ingredient circuit, like literally, with millifiore you could draw any 2D geometry
    (I am reminded of a boxy circuit diagram with circular parts) and because each line and feature of the geometric template has a quantum dot coating around it or blended into it it can 1/4 to 1/2 nanometer so that when the quantum dots are activated to
    produce photomask effecting light this patterns the photomask (then semiconductors are CVD deposited, remask, put another layer of millifiore circuit diagram down,repeat)
    These millifiore tiles are circular and arrange in space like hexagonal sphere packing, it is possible to make square tiles as well, just "slab" the preroll core with 4 planes (a square) then put another polymer dough fill and tube around that, based on
    internet millifiore images it can stay square
    One thing about the quantum dot enriched polymer that exposes the photo resist is that I think it is likely to work better if the QD+polymer blend shapes have a very thin opaque layer all around them sort of like if you put a length of rebar or an old
    20th century fluorescent tube light into the middle of an opaque long paper towel tube or gift wrap tube; bright light would only exit from the base and top; this makes it so only the potoresist directly under the tube is illuminated without leaking
    around making blobby forms and lowering resolution; so at a big circle or a +| or Y or _|– there would be a very thin opaque layer at the millifiore around those traces, possibly except at tile edges where you wanted light exposure to bleed through to
    the adjacent tile to have light exposure that caused continuity of conductors; at a wide area millifiore tile there could be hundreds or EV a thousand or more transistor N/P single layers; as described previously, bismuth rich areas would be used to
    jiggle the millifiore tiles into place with each other using diamagnetism;
    I do not know enough to know about duration of exposure of quantum dots or if they have to be stimulated 100,000s of times per second (UV strobe) to give a 1s exposure; the quantum dots are pretty affordable, at alibaba a quantum dot polymer film screen
    is about $1-5 as just the quantum dot polymer layer, that covers an area at least as large, and possibly several times as large as a 17" monitor, so the amount of quantum dots per 300mm wafer could be less than 5-25¢
    I also do not know the activation frequency (UV, possibly even blue light) and optimal emissions frequency of the quantum dots; the photoresist might use alternative chemistry where it ignores UV/blue but considers itself exposed with green or IR (!)
    More words: Quantum dot millifiore ic lithography, imagine there could be a quantum dot that absorbs EUV at 230 nanometers, but is like a frequency doubling or tripling crystal and reemits light around 74 nanometers, much smaller than the EUV used to
    make computer chips, then you naturally draw lines and circles with the quantum dots to make chip features three times smaller than EUV's 7 nanometer (your chips are better at 2.33 nanometer feature size) size, so, since the quantum dots are so tiny how
    do you draw lines and circles with them, one way is to attach them to a polymer ladder or trirope (or structide). Then nudge or move the entire ladder or rope into the shape you prefer because perhaps the ladder or rope is so large it responds to laser
    tweezers; there is a lot you can do with a rope, O
There are lots of ways to coat biological things with metal, I am reminded of old (?) Electron microscopy where they would coat things with "noble metals" before imaging, coating things like
    engineering protein shapes like big beta sheet simple machines with bismuth makes it possible to magnetically wiggle them, powering the machine by wiggling a distal bismuth coated lever (or also Bi as part of the polymer molecule)
    One possible way to coat things with bismuth is sputtering, another is a cold plasma gun, say you have a slightly complex shape, like a Y made of anything, even protein or a structide, with a standing up column at each of the Y distal tips, you would
    like to flip a few billion or trillion of them to Y table right side up, cold plasma bismuth application (coating) causes the 1% of them that are already table side up to get a bismuth film on their top surface; then anytime you like you can wiggle a
    magnet to make them hop to Y table side up because the upper table surface is avoiding the magnet
    I may have read that microencapsulated sperm are fertile and live a week with zero mortality, that made me think you could get them to live a month at 50% mortality and 3 months at 94% mortality (but 6% are still alive and fertile)things that improve
    this could be things that keep them from running out of food (fructose but raw ATP might work too) attaching sperm food (ATP, fructose) to a cell penetrating peptide could cause the food to reach them internally; sperm might tolerate osmotic feeding
    where their internal stuff content is so high they puff up a little with ATP, any other chemical in the TCA cycle, or fructose water, then when gently passaged back to semen osmotic environment and semen, they then live an extra month or longer from
    getting a food infusion, another possibility is slowing their metabolism so they take more time to run out of food, slowing down mitochondrial respiration might do this; mitochondria have receptors and respond to NMN, peptides or proteins that variously
    open up or block those receptors to 10% of usual metabolism could turn 1 month of zero mortality into ten months of living microencapsulated
Mitochondria have porins at their outer membrane, so any moiety that gets food to transport through a
    mitochondrial porin could cause greater lifespan, wikipedia says antibiotics are frequently transported by porins, along with simply attaching fructose, ATP (or any other TCA cycle chemical that is sperm food)to antibiotics or other chemicals that
    transport through the sperm mitochondrial porin is the possibility of taking the most transported antibiotic (or other chemical) and modifying it so it is absent antibiotic character which may be toxic; with an enzymatically degradeable linker peptide
    fructose and ATP could be transported by the newly nontoxic antibiotic to feed the genetically enhanced sperm, also, methylene blue is a dye suited to living tissues such that they stay alive, methylene blue linked to fructose or also ATP (and TCA
    chemicals) with an enzymatically degradeable amino acid linker, possibly GGG could feed genetically enhanced sperm, also a really gentle dose of detergent could make them permeable to a puff up with food, " cells by reversible cell permeabilization using
    the detergent Triton X-100." So looking up something even milder than triton x-100 and using a very low dose to plump up the sperm with food over 24 hours instead of 15 minutes as triton x-100 might be used for vivo dyes could cause genetically enhanced
    sperm to live longer;
Wikipedia says the mitochondrial porin at sperm is anion selective; "the voltage-dependent ion channel plays a key role in regulating metabolic and energetic flux across the outer mitochondrial membrane. It is involved in the
    transport of ATP, ADP, pyruvate, malate, and other metabolites," Is there a way to give ATP or fructose an anionic (negative) charge and still have them be edible, I do not know if anions are neutralized by H+, but between these fructose missing one
    hydrogen might still be edible the way 2 deoxy glucose is edible, similarly with all the (3) PO3s at ATP making one of them have a missing hydrogen atom could leave most of the yummy ATP food Mitochondria use Ca++ and porins transport it, a lesser or
    greater amount could make sperm live longer, if lesser then at genetically enhanced human tissue culture sperm there could simply less calcium in the tissue culture medium, if more calcium benefits sperm then more calcium could be added to the tissue
    culture medium
PQQ might or might not be coenzyme Q10 attached to some other thing that gets it past the exterior cytomembrane and the mitochondrial outer membrane, attach the Pqq transport moiety to fructose, ATP, and any other TCA food

    possible medium approach to longer life of genetically enhanced sperm, add EDTA to mop up ions of all kinds at semen to see if sperm live longer
    To transport fructose/ATP/TCA foods to the mitochondria via the anion favoring mitochondrial porin: PH as anionic environment, feeding fructose or ATP at modified pH (anything above pH7 with 99% genetically enhanced sperm survival) may work better
    Mitochondrial cool down tail; there are a variety of mitochondrial proteins and it is likely some prompt, command, sustain energy production, noting 100% survival of encapsulated sperm after one month the technology to be developed is something that
    causes convenience packaged long shelf life genetically enhancedsperm to use only 10% as much energy, increasing 100% survival at one month to high survival at 10 months (the same amount of metabolic energy); one approach to doing this is to find
    mitochondrial or sperm proteins that direct other proteins and cell processes to do metabolism and protein production and turn their activity to a decreased level so the genetically enhanced sperm can live longer, I read about how making a custom binding
    amino acid sequence (peptide)(or possibly protein or RNA) based on a complementary sequence (and structure) caused what i call the tail peptide/protein to glom onto a preferred protein to change its behavior, making tail peptides to sperm and sperm
    mitochondrial proteins that direct metabolism and apoptosis to slow them down (and block apoptosis) is likely to be a way to get sperm to use just 10% of the usual energy, extending the lifespan of encapsulated genetically enhanced sperm from one or a
    few months to ten months or longer
    At 60 million sperm per ejaculation there are about 300 million sperm per 10 ml; find the longest lived 9.9999 percentile and find out why they live (likely well over a month, much longer is possible) find out why compared to The 99th percentile that
    cease living, is it apoptosis, mitochondrial apoptosis, running out of food or essential amino acids or something different?
    If it is apoptosis putting BCL-xL in media and commercial and consumer packaged storage could cause genetically enhanced sperm survival, wikipedia says, "or running out of food or some more Bcl-xL is present, then pores are non-permeable to pro-apoptotic
    molecules and the cell survives"; there are ribosomes at the mitochondria, what mtDNA are they making, what protiens, would more of less of it be of benefit? perhaps sperm run out of essential amino acids, this harms their mitochondria or them and they
    cease living, mitochondrial DNA, which there is not very much of, has epigenetics, what epigenetics of mtDNA causes greatest longevity 99.9999 percentile? if their epigenetics is different than median and 99th percentile survival then try the: Even
    Moreso approach to amplify the beneficial epigenetics of the 9.9999 percentile while duplicating the epigenetics of the longest lived sperm at the tissue culture of genetically enhanced sperm
    Moments of thought doubled or tripled maintaining median or better attention genetics
    Bdnf other gf at box genes,like homeobox genes and other developmental genes that cause double thickness of neocortex are testable in rodents, monkeys; the 99th percentile of neocortex thickness at humans may correlate with higher g, if it does the
    genetic basis of 99th percentile of neocortex thickness is or are intelligence (g like IQ) genes to make part of the homo sapiens, that is peoples' that is humans' germline, additionally developmental genes like homeobox genes but likely different than
    homeobox genes that cause even thicker neocortex than 99th percentile could be new genes that heighten intelligence (g like IQ) could be made part of the human that is homo sapiens germline
    Epigenetic modifications to fetuses during pregnant or 1 day old birthed babies that cause greater neocortex thickness are beneficial, although the entire brain is important, epigenetics that increases the size of the pleasure centers (the pleasureable
    particular shell of the nucleus accumbens, ventral pallidum, various others) and the number of dopamine receptors specifically at the pleasure centers is beneficial; it is also beneficial to increase the size of the sexual pursuit area of the
    hypothalamus at women without androgens at any developmental stage, pineal Positive reinforcers for mice and rats
    Mom scented cotton puffs as positive reinforcers to mice and rats could be nice to the rodents and easy to make
    BT bacillus th. delta endotoxin and VIP proteins are an insecticide, perhaps optimizing its amino acid sequence and protein shape could make a better insecticide

    Colored liposomes with higher light absorbance could be photo activation as a form of activity localization at part of a brain, like neocortex absorption of growth factors (BDNF, NGF, etc) enabled through trans-skull brain surface photoexposure of
    liposomes even though the liposomes are circulating at the entire body they are only active at the neocortex surface where the light shines;
    peak light absorbers, or
    Magnetic hard disk writers with 4 different readable modes per pixel: bump shaped magnetic field, dish, flat and corrugated (BDFC), a modified magnetic write head could make these and i wrote some material about how electron solitons (published) come
    with a magnetic field i think BDFC waveforms are possible with a new kind of write head, perhaps different styles of soliton (i am aware of two, regular and dissipative), also I am sure they have thought about this already but what about the two
    different N or S facing up, with BDCF magnetic forms and N/S at each of them that is 8 times more data with slight variations to read write heads at a magnetic hard disk; I previously wrote at a paper notebook about a way to make a 200 terabyte 3.5" hard
    drive, with this that is 8 times more, 1.6 petabytes at a 3.5" hard drive, suggesting that most of the time 200 Tb of data could be written 8 times in various locations to minimize read head seek time by having the data near wherever the read head likes
    to hang out at, the perimeter has the highest velocity (7200,rpm at 2020) so always storing to the perimeter first gives highest data rate; also comparing the magnetizing ability of an electron soliton running through the write head to produce something
    like an EM field magnetic soliton it is possible deep full depth of magnetic domain magnetization is possible as well as tapering /| magnetic form at the HDD pixel size, if these can be distinguished by a read head that is another factor of 2 bringing
    the HDD (3.5") to 3.2 petabytes
    Mini optical proteolytic cup pee or plucked hair test with 7 colors times two line types (dashed or solid) and 3 cup depths (bottom, mid, top), also the cups could come in pairs or triples like a : or tricup with a common wide fluid sharing channel at
    the base and super hydrophobic wicking to the other cups to make 3 48 on/off variables per cup, a mini jelly cup (10-15 gram) is $5 for 600 on alibaba (cup to diagnose and a delicious cup you eat which makes something that collects chemicals for more
    better diagnostic ability, perhaps creamy pudding as the protein makes it nontransparent; gene test) so less than a cent a cup for jello that does its own proteolytic and wicking chemistry with see-through sides; 144 different chemicals tested for
    Another possibility is a delicious drink in a sealed cup alibaba 1 cent as a jelly treat, you drink the evening before and a cup you pee into in the morning, the cup you drink has enteric coated liposamal antibodies to 146 different chemicals, these glom
    chemicals/proteins in the bloodstream and then you pee them out in the morning, perhaps the antibody has a CPP that localizes to kidneys, this concentrates chemicals of interest for when you pee in the indicator cup, it is my perception antibody based
    stains to antibodies concentrates (too weak to test antibodies, layered twice become strong enough to see) antibodies and increases detectability and contrast, the drink and cup two pack could come connected and you just detach the drink and go
    Personality and other psychology test written around questions that have .9 correlation with some chemical, its kind of crude but estrogen goes with women, usually so 2/3 likely to be F, feelers, yet screening like 100 variations on feeler questions
    might find some that are .9 correlated with estrogen presence, and meaningfully how much, similar with testosterone and mbti thinker type (2/3rds of males are thinker type), this could be combined with cortisol to diagnose likeliness of stressed or
    unstressed F-feelings, it is possible endogenous phenyl ethyl amines or dopamine post chemicals (dopamine oxide?) Telling how happy (PEA) and motivating (dopamine oxide) your life is, at .9 as corroborated with the concepts/wording of the product
    developmental test; other chemicals could be anything associated with longevity although I don't think the sensitivity is enough for telomeres, creatinine to diagnose heart trouble early, and, as a hair follicle/root is damp with what I think might be
    plasma when it comes out, anything beneficially diagnostic that is in plasma such as globulin ratios, iron to diagnose anemia, very easily treated to give people more energy, also some measure of fertility, like month long circulation globulin-bound sex
    hormones, at 2 cent at alibaba dollar store pregnancy tests detect really minute amounts of human chorionic gonadatropin really minute amounts of things bound to plasma (dampness at hair root, proteolytic product of hair root digest) that show 1-3 month
    body averages possibly with sugar-reacted globin bound products at plasma correlating to blood sugar, just as dopamine has a circulating post neurotransmitter form I read about (similar to the words dopamine oxide) 5HT (serotonin) may also have a "5HT
    oxide", the amount of and balance of many (20? 40?) Different neurotransmitter oxides (more AMPA means you are smart(er), more oxytocin more feeling and affiliative, schizophrenia test results before you have symptoms
    Pee test plant band aid, farmers could put a cellulosease containing dot band aid on plants and color responsive antibodies could tell the farmer a plurality of useful things, likely 1-2 cents at alibaba and less than 6 cents per dot
    Mosquito terminator that might reduce malaria; there are audio mosquito repellers, are there audio mosquito attractors, if there are you could put them at the lid of a pitcher of soapy water that takes a couple of months to evaporate, the mosquito's fly
    in, land on the sponge and cannot fly out; another possibility is simply a roll of flypaper (mosquito paper) with a battery powered photovoltaic all night intermittent acoustic effect
    The internet says male mosquito's are attracted to female mosquito sounds, but I do not know what sounds, if any female mosquitos are attracted to
    Could an immunization to mosquito toxin which is perhaps a dermis dissolving protease or also an anticoagulant make mosquito bites less itchy and annoying? One dose might (might not) last a lifetime and relieve children and adults from discomfort
    There may be a genetic reason why some people get fewer mosquito and other bug bites, using protocols (approximately described) at my paper notes, these genes, if non deleterious and supporting pale white attractive (porcelain) skin are beneficial to
    place at homo sapiens' that is humans' that is people's germline genome
    The internet says mosquito's do not respond to light, but the internet also mentions what I perceive is a scientific study that they are 500% more active (I do not know what active means here)at the full moon so the unique spectrum of moonlight could
    make them more active, a dollar store photovoltaic lawn ornament over a built in water container and a moon spectrum LED could possibly attract them, or, if active means they fly away from things with moonlight on them aiming moonlight LEDs at doors and
    bedspread in a sleep compatible way could cause them to be active about staying out of rooms and also avoiding people in bed, people with socializing backyards could put up moonlight LED floodlights which might even work during the day or at dusk
    Moonlight LED augmented drone, optimally silent to very quiet, perhaps with egg whisk rotors replacing propellers (paper notes), drags electrified mesh over mosquito's it spots using IR night vision, as most B&W webcams have/had. The cheapest
    rechargeable plausible drone on alibaba is $3.00 with WiFi, which is beneficial as a PC can read the drone's video and tell it where to go, also a raquet bug zapper on alibaba is 15 cents, the camera might be 10 cents so the mosquito zapping WiFi drone
    might be $3.25 plus land-on wireless recharger(60 cents at alibaba), this could also be a new IoT (internet of things) appliance with more than a billion units globally if it works well, I think $3.25 + 60 cents, $3.85 is affordable at the developing
    world where a mosquito bednet is about $2-4, but is 23 cents to 95 cents (insecticide treated) at alibaba
    I have never heard of polymer weave bednet, window and door(?) Mosquito netting that approaches transparency from the polymer fibers, which are actually tubes being gradient refractive index sideways along-length lenses (GRIN lenses)
    Could there be such a thing as a fun mosquito bednet, lingerie look may be appealing to some, as could doll/video character themes for children; putting a fun 3 month (2 layers nested) helium mylar balloon inside the net might be fun, I have not seen one
    with extra fabric that drapes over a nightstand with for example a glass of water, a book, a tablet computer, a sexual pleasure vibrator, a netting accessible nightstand drawer, and a clock or phone on it
    Noise cancellation directed confocal piezo speakers could remove mosquito noises by aiming at people's ears while being far from their head, this would work on other buzzing insects as well, this is somewhat comparable to two groups of five wired piezo
    buzzers for 2 cents each plus the computational sophistication of an alibaba 1 cent microcontroller so, from some perspectives this is 11 cents, from other perspectives that include wires and wall plugs and ac/DC converters it is 54 cents, as a guess,
    from alibaba parts, it may not work very well without a camera to see and track ear location (another 10 cents)
    Beaded curtains at interior doors may keep mosquito's from passing doors particularly if the beaded curtain has an acoustic mosquito repeller aimed at the beads which are structured to resonate to a second emitted nonaudible frequency that causes the
    specially shaped beads to each emit bug repelling frequencies on its own
Powering these things around the bedroom at the developing world makes me think of $3 drones carrying (alibaba)10 cent rechargeable power banks, a library of 10 power banks could
    fly around the developing or developed world at about $4.11 (camera and microcontroller also) for the grouperid
Conductive polymer like rubber, even conductive carbon or better conductive rubber is corrosionless, waterproof and wipes clean at OO
    wireless charger and drop/casually an inexactly placed power bank to power the wireless charger that then charges a phone, tablet, or even a drone, plaid power traces support simply putting power bank brick on top of each other

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