• Reroute epigenetics to different genes from doing combinatorial chemist

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Wed Oct 12 05:36:47 2022
    Epigenetic sex drugs,

    Bremlenantide sex avidity increasing effect like upregulation of mcr3 and mcr4 receptor protein making genes and genes for other parts; also epigenetic upregulation to saturate the production of naturally occurring mc3 and mc4 physiochemicals

    The sexual avidity effects of cocaine and methamphetamine could be traced to particular neuron types and receptors as well as specific brain areas, epigenetic drugs that upregulate the proteins that make the high sexuality avidity receptors increases the
    beneficial and prosocial amplitude of seeking and doing sexual activity, and possibly at methamphetamine receptors feeling more sexual and experiencing greater genital pleasure during sex, the epigenetics of heightening that is uregulating the production
    of things naturally produced at the body that work on methamphetamine receptors besides dopaminethatligands

    Genetic enhancement of gamete so that all humans

    and epigenetics upregulate vaginal wetness and lubrication DNA from sexual arousal

    It is possible a one dose lifelong lasting that contributes to or causes rapid and possibly multiple orgasms, creating very very high likeliness of female orgasm from sex, comparing a possible epigenetic drug that produces full male genital pleasure
    during sex with hour-long or longer thusting and penis movement stamina; the receptors that cause hair trigger rapid ejaculatory occurrences at men have DNA that code those receptors, and epigenetics can be used to change the actual number of receptors
    downregulating the production of protein parts of those receptors decreases the actual number of receptors

    Oral vaccine given to children or babies, especially children with a penis causes hour or longer continuous sexual penis in vagina thrusting and reception of the woman or girls movement stamina from using an antigen that makes an antibody to the possible
    receptor proteins at a rapid ejaculation hair trigger orgasm structure, possibly the pelvic ganglion, or a tyramine responding nerve receptor, once the receptor is automatically covered in antibody gunk it ceases to receive signals so even over an hour
    of highly pleasuring penis sex activities happens without ejaculation, for sex stamina of over an hour, then making it so women and girls can opt voluntarily for super high likeliness of orgasm with even short duration sex, first, if women and girls
    share men's rapid ejaculation, hair trigger orgasm gene and receptor, and are given a ligand drug to that receptor researchers can find out if the women responds to the drug with rapid and frequent orgasm, it might actually have no effect on the women,
    if it does though, epigenetically uregulating the physical number of hair trigger receptors at women causes the lifetime unless modified super high orgasmiticity even with brief sex interval at the woman, an epigenetic approach to multiple orgas is
    wohagoes withou

    One dose dopamine receptor production increase, like proteins and other parts of the dopamine receptors from epigenetic upregulation is an antidepressant that could last for all of living, as a single oral dodecanate 1 month release epigenetic modifier
    pill could be used to banish diagnosable depression at both the developed and developing world for 3-11¢ of active epigenetic ingredient at the pill, to make sure the epigenetic drug passes the blood brain barrier a lipid soluble elecgronegative
    molecule, possibly with a peptide moiety that causes the epigenetic drug to pass the blood brain barrier more effectively, a one dose epigenetic antidepressant could be given to babies long before risk of diagnosable depression, precluding the child,
    teen, and adult from ever having depression, the epigenetic antidepressant could be used if there was a family history of depression like one parent or plural grandparents and plural cousins, a gene screen could also be used to determine about giving a
    baby a dopamine receptor epigenetic modifier at a good tasting liquid suckle snack drink, well partly developed babies could weigh a 20th of a well adult, making what at an adult is a dime a pill to just 1/2 of a ¢ to epigenetically modify a baby to be
    absent most risk of depression, along with of course parents at the developing world loving their children and coming up with 1-2¢ to get the high profit thus highly distributed baby epigenetic liquid pack like a cheap jelly single serving restaurant
    bread spread, to the even cheaper liquid honey packet to the amazing 1/100-1/10 of a cent rapid dissolve breath freshening smooth gel strip, a profit making 2/10ths of a cent lifelong epigenetic dopamine receptor structure amount increasing
    antidepressant is possible, noting the success of some philanthropic medical charities, a charity that reaches anyone on earth with a 3¢ single dose antidepressant pill or baby treat could relieve as much as several hundred million people of medical
    depression out of each 8 billion, for as little as 11-14 million $ for all the pills or baby treats to relieve medical depression at all of the depressed people on earth

    A genetic enhancement to the vagina that increases the sexual pleasure of women and girls as well as men and boys during vagina and penis sex is finding the 99 th percentile of muscular vaginal canal among women at the 99th percentile of orgasm high
    intensity, pleasure from orgasm, and being multiorgasmic, having a more muscular vagina and vaginal canal causes increased tissue firmness, and that causes strong deep penile thrusts pressure to be transported into the hips for deeper female sexual
    pleasure from what was called in 2021Ad pounding sex that pleasures women and girls from throughout the pelvis, with the sexually exciting and pleasureable penile thrust and woman or girl directed sex motions repeating and physics force transmitting more
    effectively through denser muscular vaginal canal sides, for women and girls that become more and more sexually aroused and pleasured with deep thumping at the pelvis sex, 99th percentile of muscularity vaginas transmit even more thrusting driving and
    thumping force to the hips because the 99th percentile of high muscular vagina tissue is firmer it transmits more sex motion physics force to the deep tissues around the vagina and the hips, another benefit to a 99th percentile highly muscular vagina is
    that it might cause orgasm and multiple orgasm contractions that are 2 or three times more physically forceful and just possibly 2 or three times higher in peak squeeze orgasm pleasure amplitude, the 99th percentile high muscularity vagina also pleasures
    and sexually excites men and boys, being able to feel through a penis the woman or girls orgasmic contractions, 2 or 3 times more noticeably and is perhaps sexual sensation making like a man or boy with a penis feeling a woman or girl do a kegel exercise,
    the obviousness and strength of the 99th percentile. Muscular vagina communicating orgasm to the person with a penis let's the man or boy to thrust and drive faster, deeper, and stronger to make the woman or girls orgasm process and orgasm get even
    greater high intensity sexual stimulation during the orgasm itself

    Cunnilingus sex toy, an inserted in the vagina pulse meter, bp meter, and hip movement and gyrations measuring accelerometer that maps the orgasm mountain pulse graph, and accelerometer graphing the sexual immersion and automatic body hip movements that
    go with cunnilingus sex pleasure feeling immersion, and arousal with rhythmatic component, the vaginally inserted sex arousal facet mapping and projective graphing software is likely to be able to predict the good pleasures or orgasms or multiple orgasms
    from varying the cunnilingus and finger use behaviors, actions, and styles that the software predicts will cause the greater/like greatest amount of the woman or girls preferred pleasure, technologically the data gathering insertion vibrator can
    communicate with a phone app that can either just change screen color to indicate suggested cunnilingus and finger tongue, suction, and finger actions, styles, and intensities as live activity suggestion so the woman or girls greatest cunnilingus
    pleasure path can communicated with a side glance at the phone, which could pulse with a rhythm that guides tongue motion, suction or finger movement, the phone or even the vaginal insert could speak effective suggestions with just a few words, and the
    isertive vibrator could make strong feel able at the face big thumps as cunnilingus metronome, making sure that the metronomic thumps were pleasureable to the woman or girl receiving cunnlingus

    Recorder mapper works in vagina penis sex as deep vaginal depth hoberman sphere sexual pleasure vibrators and I think a pleasureable vibrating cock ring can have a computer camera that measures female hip angle changes and sexually rhythmic repeating
    motions, as well as vaginal and penile pulse and bp data that measure and predict orgasm mountain graph

    This could be a really beneficial at actual sexual activity sex education teaching cunnilingus at K-12 school class, I support teaching elementary school students cunnilingus with actual sex, sex education activity

    Battery powders are amorphous as far as I know, could crystallized nanosized or micro size actual crystals of battery chemistry crystal with regular surface area and vertices, this causes more battery chemistry to be able to be a part of reactions at a
    mass, causing higher power density, crystallizing some materials crystallized at alibaba is 8¢/Kg,if the crystallization cost is half that then a kg of crystallization adds only 4¢/kg to utilize and make the crystal version of battery chemicals,
    changing the environment and the things in the solution can make different shapes of crystals as well as create much more surface from branchlets and what are called leaves

    The connective tissue or ligaments that connect the penis to the body have natural genetic variation in shape, length, rigidity or high efficiency transfer of thrusting energy and motion to a sexually aroused persons vagina, and strong tendency for the
    penis connective tissue to make the erect penis point straight vertically up, and be at a - 20 to 4 degree different than an abdomen upright angle, notably the erect penis can go several degrees towards the body pressin into it when erect, that press
    into abdomen verticality penis connective tissue genetically enhanced and determined penis form creates greater pleasure in women and girls and boys and men a number of different ways 1)more effective penis thrusting depth and speed and larger amounts of
    transmitted force per thrust, from the base of the penis flexing much less, and dissipating less body part based thrusting physics force, females that like deeper stronger faster penis sex with a male might get the pleasure benefit of double digit
    increase percentage in actively moving conducted force at the genetically enhanced penises connective tissue, a higher penis thrusting speed could also occur, the genetically enhanced penis and penis tissue benefits the woman, girl boy or man because the
    strong spring like tension of moving a vertical or abdomen pressing to new angle of vagina entry causes the pressing upward penis to extra strongly stimulate the possibly more pleasurable upper inside roof of the vagina, although that varies with sex
    position, the pleasure for boys or men is that I noticed with my erect penis if you just press opposite to the erect angle the penis a fairly pleasureable sensation occurs, pleasure increases with even further movement opposite the starting erect penis
    angle, and then becomes very extra pleasureable when pressed just less far than angle discomfort, this gives various unremarkable penis vagina angles of entry a much more pleasureable to the boy or man erect penis spring opposition

    A sexual pleasure orgasm amplitude increasing, orgasm duration of pleasure and intensity experience at women, girls, boys, and men is to use a strong acoustic thump, or two acoustic thumbs on both side of an area that is experiencing an orgasmic muscle
    contraction or clenching, using sound, like from a piezoelectric cofocalized element that makes a mono hz or individual tissue compression compresses the orgasm-contacted tissue at more, perhaps 2-4 equivalent times the Newton phycics force of the orgasm'
    s contracting Newton force on the contraction tissue area such as the nerves at the ograsm muscle sites, and the muscles themselves the comparatively small piezoelement could receive much higher 20-40 times usual piezo output from a capacitor that stores
    a lot of energy to used at once to make the high acoustic force compressing pulse, notably the 2 sides of, or all around the orgasm contraction tissue can receive many strong rippling pulses, perhaps 2 per second, or 1 per second, the pulses duration and
    interval can be used that give the most augmented orgasm compelling and immerive orgasm amplitude an particularly duration increase, as a technology at the woman or girl a cervical ring or an on open to the cervix cervical cap contains a witricity or
    other inductive electrical power antenna, a 2-3¢ microcontroller, an 1/2 cm ultrasound imaging piezo tranducer to find each woman or girls unique hip tissue, possibly abdomen tissue, and vaginal and perineum tissue orgasm contraction locations so that
    the main 11-34 gram compression wave producer piezoelectric elements, that gets its acoustic emission localized and Cofocalized to orgasm contractile tissue with Ic control of plural power electrodes on the surface of a costom piezoelement shape like a
    sphere, a koosh ball with spheres or polygons at the tip of each koosh arm, or something like an undulating rod similar to the center of the vase/face image, or what looks like a longitude latitude mesh on a sphere, with the mesh lines being undulating
    rods, a capacitor, like a supercapcitor and simple power circuit to save up for high electricity intermetten use at acoustic compression or orgasmic contractile and nerve tissue, accumulating witricity or other inductive power for minutes or seconds of
    sexual activity between orgasms like during cunnilingus , oral penis sex, and and also accumulating capacitor or supercapcitor electric charge during vagina-penis hip driving motion and penis vagina thrusting, between the numerous sexually pleasureable
    sequential orgasms and multiple orgasms that occur periodically during many minute/hours of continuous voluntary sex, that occur with one or more simultaneous sexual arters, charging the orgasm intensifying and duration cervical cap or cervical annulus
    with an antenna can happen at any location because the woman or girl can have a witricity transmitter in their purse or backpack running from their tablet/phone/ or candy cube sized power extra power-pack

    At men and boys, people with penises, the technology is about 4 times simpler and cheaper, possibly with an alibaba parts might be. The for is just a circular or rounded oval 1/2 cm tall 4-7Cm circumference rounded flat area with a plurality of
    piezoelectric emitters formed and arranged the make two or four very strong low Hz, high peak physics force that make an acoustic pressure beam that separately and as a group squeeze the superpleasureable ejaculation clenching muscle, likely just 1-3cm
    big, acoustic pulse squeezing the muscle for 3-20 times multiplied long duration, 4-24 seconds as a 20th century AD ejecaulatory orgasm muscle clenchvery a k, x or the minutes of walking into a room, before sex, undulatingor two of themacompressive
    ana sexualgidpresslatdehinto the abdomen above it with connective tissue andbeand be

    Simple penis ejaculatory orgasm peak amplitude increased pleasure and duration of orgasm opposite of botox peptides, localized muscle growth chemicals like steroids or new muscle growth receptor active

    Probiotic that is durable like B. Durans makes and secretes NMN absorbed with the gi tract, which has youthifying, wellness, voluntary exercise muscle strength and exercise stamina, and possibly or possibly not, mammal longvity

    Based on numerous genes and human allele variations at the citric acid cycle, upregulating or downregulating citric acid cycle genes epigenetically could increase ATP production strongly, kind of like NMN or even more atp generation facilitating
    epigenetic effects, given to babies, the growing children especially thrive

    NMN during pregnancy or epigenetic citric acid cycle enhancement could be measured as causing Weller fetuses with fewer birth defects from more energy to do protein producton, this may likely also cause higher birthweight, which moves some % of
    underweight babies to normal weight and have reduced medical risks

    It is possible that giving NMN to babies could reduce risk of SIDS, NMN causes greater exercise stamina, and possibly supports stronger pleasant to experience, preventing SIDS from strengthening what might be the t risk of SIDS baby's too weak to
    stimulate the Diaphragm nerve signals could be an already approved nerve conduction velocity increasing supplement chemical like lrenylpiracetam, if it does increase nerve conduction velocity, also a pleasant to experience dopamine drug like longevizing
    deprenyl, or other nootropic nerve conduction velocity increasing chemical or drug including any physiologically generally beneficial antiepileptic drugs or drugs described as increasing EEG strength could be tested as a SIDS preventing drug, the
    advantage of phenylpiracetam is that this nootropic makes the babies have intelligence that might go up a measurable 11-20 iq points if teens were tested for phenylpiracetam intelligence increase, smarter babies might enjoy the richer thoughts, and its
    possible they achieve published research developmental milestones like standing and toddling, or speech, and word use either earlier, or at a larger number of people that are babies, fewer babies miss or lag at developmental milestones, it is unknown to
    me if the nootropics centrophenoxine and DMAE increase nerve conduction velocity, possibly reducing the risk of SIDS, if they do then the developmental milestone greater success with a nootropic is beneficially complemented from centrophenoxine and DMAE
    increasing mammal longevity 14 or 19%, it's possible that with pleasant to experience nootropics that cause greater longevity, both existing and newediemethyllhysianti SIDS drug

    Epigenetics makes more ampa receptors and more of the body's physiologically produced ampa receptor activator ligands, at the entire body and modifying the ampa epigenetics of the brain and spine

    Epigenetic increases in pelvic ganglion or other genital pleasure nerve structure that connects the genital pleasure nerves and perhaps sexual arousal process nerves to the spinal cord to communicate with the brain can be epigenetically modified to have
    higher nerve signal strength, perhaps a strength like what is called increased EEG strength, higher nerve conduction velocity, and from modifying the citric acid cycle epigenetically to make more ATP to make proteins even more easily and give the genital
    sexual pleasure and physiological sex arousal, nerve feedback that is part of the sex process, like shared and automatically produced sexual rhythmic motion, and nonCNS arousal local nerve feedback at the genitals like building to and having a non CNS
    physiologically based cunnilingus or clitoral rubbing or female hip motions that drive the erect penis in and out of the vagina at a velocitypenis
    or sexual pleasure vibrating and communication,

    Actual sex sex education that teaches girls, particularly those girls who have developed 10 or more pubic hairs and are thus able to have voluntary erect penis in vagina sex with boys or men who have a development of 10 or more pubic hairs

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