• Putting a transparency moiety on PQQ anthocyanadins, zeaxanthin and man

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Tue Oct 11 21:20:03 2022
    Orbital angular momentum can be swapped with spin, the delayed choice quantum eraser could now use either spin or orbital angular momentum, DCQE that uses orbital angular momentum could make a motional change to matter, perhaps similar to laser tweezers
    that can be retrocausally reversed, and they could measure the retrocausal DCQE effect on actual matter

    What if you aim a large lumen output crystal diode laser at another laser or led, the potoelectric effect could energize the other laser, or if the other laser was already on, maybe copy the spin, orbital angular momentum, polarization and other
    attributes of light, or say you aim a small laser tweezers onto the emission surface of a large laser diode, like several watts, could the driving lasers characteristics be made large from the the smaller laser shining on it

    Is laser tweezers effect at separating air using IR spectroscopy wavelengths that differ between nitrogen and oxygen possible, a holographically based one 11w laser tweezer is separated with a hologram into 100k plural microwatt energy laser tweezers
    that do translational motion towards a transferring aperture where the element enriched gas concentrates, repeated concentration steps are possible, this could be much more efficient than swing concentration of gas, other applications include silicon and
    germanium isotope separation, noting fiber optics made from isotopically pure silicon cause light to travel much farther, the 100k laser tweezers could also use a tube of motional air of laminar flow form to utilize the 100k laser tweezers, if the laser
    tweezers address just one of the lamina at the laminar airflow then that specific element enriched particular gas lamina can be separated from the multilamina at laminar flow with a slit nozzle to concentrate the gas to an element like nitrogen or oxygen,
    if is cheap enough 40-100% oxygen could be used to improve the efficiency of jet engine based electrical generators that use CH4, actual jet engines, and chemical process inustries

    Effect of DQCE on retrocausal modification of a photovoltaic powered microprocessor that does a series of computations and speaks them aloud, each of two or more optical paths could power different microprocessor programs, then, if it works the output of
    one microprocessor is the input to the other microprocessor/optical path, then that output is copied to the other microprocessor and a fresh photovoltaic laser beam energizes the DCQE again, optimally with high pulses/second, this makes a computer that
    does some computations retrocausally, and perhaps doubles the amount of computation at half the energy/electricity,

    Ultrasonic transducer hip-wearable vibrator with a form factor like thong uderwear or crotchless panties, it vibrates with a directed beam ultrasonic transducer to clitoris, commisure, and internal vagina o-spot, a-spot and possible g spot that uses
    audio and video and external to the device microprocessor like a phone or a smart speaker to process the sexual behaviors like automatic motions, vocalizations, heavy breathing, and even eeg circlet or photonic brain scan during sex of the women and
    people of all ages with vaginas, so that the ultrasonic vibrator which can function during vagina-penis sex to be synchronized and increasing in pleasure, the ultrasound beat frequency vibrator and transducer can function even if pushed or sexually
    jostled to the side from any of 1) phased array geometry, 2) individual arm addressible arm koosh ball geometry, small separately actuated shape change focusing dish that can adjust to changing position, the ultrasonic transducer aligns itself by making
    ultrasound images ($20 alibaba fishfinder), new sex technology effect is penis head penetration or finger penetration or dildo/vibrator penetration where ultrasonic reinforcement frequencies follows or precedes the head of the penis, fingers, or
    vibrating dildo, the ultrasonic waves stimulate vaginal canal just ahead or just after penis tip motion, increasing the pleasure of each thust, it is also possible to focus the ultrasound on penis shaft or glans possibly increasing male pleasure at penis
    in vagina sex, a non-PZT transducer is used, and although i don't know if it can be made a soft piezoelectric element like PVDF or niobate combined with silicone to make an ultrasound emitting soft gel, or barium titanate or better combined with silicone
    to make a gel causes the ultrasonic transducer to be soft when pressed between two bodies, soft batteries could also be used, or at an elastic waist thong or crotchless panty form the soft batteries could be at the back part part of the waist elastic,
    batteries could last a long time because even with clitoris, crura, comissure, and vaginal canal stimulated only a few CCs of tissue are being ultrasonically vibrated

    I used a vibrating butt plug that could heat the anal sphincter, and that warming was noticeably pleasureable, it is possible heating the clioris, commisure or vaginal canal is pleasurable to the woman during sex and masturbation, IR LEDs that cofocalize
    to heat at depth of clitoral tissue could cause this pleasure, such things as vibrating cock rings, wand vibrators an others could have clitorally focused nonvisible IR LEDs that heat 1CC of clitoris, and commisure increasing clitoral pleasure during
    penis vagina sex

    I may have read that genetically overexpressing the klotho gene product makes mice live 40% (?) Longer, looking to find the klotho protein receptor if there is one, finds a thing that when upregulated genetically or epigenetically causes greater
    longevity, also immunizations can, i think cause the production of antibodies that actually prop a receptor to open or activated, such an immunization that switches the klotho receptors to activated is a single dose that could make people live much
    longer with a single dose, a depot airjection of antigen could periodically provide booster doses over a 2 century span, the same approach could be used with other longevity proteins like upping dcis, gdf11, decreasing brd2

    Use epigenetics to treat people at risk of depression before it starts, 51st percentile and above of the risk of developing depression get epigenetic therapy that effects expression of depression genes to make them have nondepressive or even happiness
    causing epigenetic modification, once found those epigenetics that prevent depression and cause happiness can be made into a part of the human (Homo sapiens and branch species) germline genome as an RNA epigenetic drug produced at a new gene or existing
    RNA production gene as a fusion gene with multiple copies on different chromosomes,

    Epigenetic drug that upregulates Taar trace amine receptors could cause greater happiness, test on marmosets then paid volunteers

    Epigenetic drug, like an RNA drug that upregulates the genes associated with beneficial high density lipoprotein reduces risk of cardiovascular disease

    This is very clueless, but noting how a double slit is machine observable at either particle or wave could observer optics at IC making photolithograpy cause the light pattern drawing to be as strongly particle as possible, possibly causing crisper edges
    and corners

    Also clueless but could cryotreatment like the kind used to harden metal be used to harden photolithography resists so they make cleaner edges and corners when etched out, similarly the cryotreatment could cumulatively treat the entire ic wafer

    At ic making optimize solvation shells at etching fluids like ic chip etching halogenated fluorocarbon solution to make crisper edges

    Aptamers that glom carbohydrates and sugars reducing their glycemic response could be made

    Hypergeometry connected neural networks, with 4 spatial dimensions as the connection form, is it better at anything? if it is, why? Do those things have some intrinsic 4D character, 4D connected neural networks or 4D genetic algorithms could iteratively
    design molecules that have super high predictive ability at 4D spatial connected neural networks, do those molecules 4D character cause new kinds of chemical reactions, also can 4D predicted behavior mers at polymers cause completely new polymer
    characteristics, one possibility is a 4D neural network predictable DNA replacing polymer, one testable 4 spatial dimension characteristic is transmission of waves through the material, and also 4D new polarization effects

    With drone gardening, and growing perennials from seeds public spaces could have young childrens gardens at them, the plants could be every kind of favorite plant of children under 9 and could be planted with nonsentient robots and nonsentient drones,
    the wifi front page could have live and recorded material from thousands of other young children's gardens and even have 3D polarization glasses media of the other young children's gardens

    Genetic algorithms that find optimal piston shape and material like aluminum, ferrous, ceramic; some of these can be laser peened, piston rings can also be laser peened, also cast engine blocks are cheap, perhaps they could be cast in a mold with carbon
    blocks in it to save 20-80% of weight, the carbon blocks would be strategically located at the base and sides to be away from piston lumen area; reduced engine block weight improves energy efficiency at the vehicle, the carbon blocks could be anything
    from graphite to highly thermally conductive pyrolytic carbon so perhaps at a combination of the two a thermal expansion the same as the metal is producible

    Noting $99 5000 BTU window air conditioners, cars and trucks could simply have an extra air conditioner, redundant, as part of vehicle construction for $29 in extra parts; either a modular unit or an inline path extra compressor, tubing, refrigerant, and
    path co-located with the first air conditioner, at alibaba a working heat pump is $20 giving an idea of how cheap a redundant air concould be, this also goes well with million mile warranty electric cars

    Laser peened sawteeth of all kinds including circular saw blades and bandsaws could last longer, diamond gets 18% harder with laser peening, laser peening of screwheads keeps them from getting "turn out", laser peening of screws could keep them from
    stripping, as an enjoyable reminder that laser peening may be an option a multitool like the leatherman multitool could come in a laser peened version

    Laser peening effects on polymers like optical polycarbonate is unknown, but laser peening is likely to work on inorganic hardness coatings of spectacles and other optics like hardness coatings on drone cameras and self driving car optics

    Laser peened liquid natural gas, CH4 with a depthy hologram of peening could cause generation of longer hydrocarbons like ethane, propane, etc from laser peening shockwave alone, very little energy is used to power the laser because the entire volumetric
    bulk is strobed to make shockwaves at picosecond times, a catalyst could also be present, or even a shockwave foci like a silicon dioxide or purified alumnium silicate from clay could create foci of intensified motion, perhaps contributing to ch4
    molecule high energy collision without warmth that fuses ch4 to higher $ value longer hydrocarbons

    Hypervelocity vortexing of liquid ch4 reaches the amount of translational energy required to fuse the ch4 together when the vortex meets a block and stops, producing tinier molecule-molecule distances, the amount of motion required to attach liquid
    methanes together is comparable to the motion at a ch4 2020 thermal petroleum industry methane length extender, but at cold liquid methane vortex the motion comes from magnetohydrodynamics, simple vortexing like magnetic stirrers that spin 40K
    revolutions per second, or angled ch4 emitting nozzles, or laser tweezers that always give the spinning ch4 an angled push, are all ways to motionize ch4 for longer molecule production when the vortex rotation is abruptly blocked
    Cheaper would be laser peening of icy methane hydrates, as these use less cooling energy to make than liquid methane

    Absorption or resonance of lasers at peptides, like blue GHK-Cu beauty peptide could be tested to see if it has any benefits, it might, but you could just use a higher dose of peptide, although there could be benefit to laser resonating/wiggling a
    peptide that had already been absorbed to the cytoplasm, really easy to use beauty peptide, or peptide group is an oral version, then an ir laser mounted on the ceiling or facing the sleeping place invisibly lights up the face for hours of beauty peptide
    superactivation, whether a daily pill or a multidecade depot goo airjection of a suite of beauty and longevity peptides lasers could possibly improve them and being nude in front of the invisible lasers goes with entire body surface beauty

    Pee wicking colorimetric diaper tests for well babyhood, the more lines that show blue the better, including effective immunizations, 1 well baby diaper each year could be sufficient, at alibaba a diaper is 1¢ so the colorimetric well baby diaper could
    test 20 or 40 all upside things at 1/4¢ or less each for squares that fill in a QR code that when imaged on a phone go to an internet page with information and forwards the well baby data to the pediatricians chart, the colorimetric test diaper is 6-11¢
    to make

    Do ozone generators working on air omit making charged nitrogen species, if so then bubbling ozone through a battery or something better could refresh the electrgoop chemistry at the electrolyte, possibly a very high voltage recharger could make ozone
    and h2o2, a variety of patented hydrogen peroxide batteries exist so, perhaps their chemistry could be combined with lithium and magnesium metal anode batteries that react not to air but to pure oxygen radicals, being both more reactive than lithium air
    batteries with 5 times of higher oxygen concentration than oxygen nitrogen air, recharging the battery causes change of water to hydrogen peroxide, and goretex coating on battery causes that is provides water vapor that is deliquesced with K-PCA or a
    polypyrrole polymer, spontaneously putting liquid water or water gel at the battery and every recharge freshly generates H2o2 and what dissolved oxygen radicals turn into, so thats better than the air side of an air metal battery, what could be better
    than the metal side, the thought i had which was element Ce with peroxide is already a published effective battery technology which leaves the production of ozone and dissolved oxygen radicals to form new peroxide during recharge, one possibility is
    really really bright UV light at a transparent electrolyte, particularly a transparent sheath lining the tube that can be ultrasonically directively diffused to go to the core of a cylindrical battery, mixing the outer uv refreshed area with the interior,
    so lots of UV generated oxygen radicals are produced and electromigrated or ultrasonically migrated during recharging, this is a 1¢ uv 200mW led and a miniature ultrasonic transducer 1/4th the size of a 4¢ disc transducer for another cent, added to
    the cost of the battery, with the main benefit being much more rapid recharging, although much cheaper is just 2 across the long sides of the tube electrophoresis or iontophoresis conductors and having 3-4 conductive contacts on the battery,
    electromigrating refreshed battery chemicals

    Taking up room in an electrolyte, raise ion concentration and have polymer or ceramic spheroids be 1-11% of volume, the sphereoids are esonant speroids at ultrasonic frequencies beyond human and companion animal range of hearing, resonating the
    sphereoids with sound when batteries reach 8% of charge remaining could stir the electrolyte such that available battery reaction cheistry increases, also 8 seconds of ultrasonic resonance once every 18 minutes takes very little electrical energy, and
    the electrolyte mixing, especially next to anode or cathode could increase battery efficiency , amount of available current per gram, and disrupt power output decreasing chemical layers; what is the effect of ultrasonic electrolyte mixing on an
    ultracapacitor, it might preclude passivation layers, causing the ultracapacitor to be able to store more electrons, that is increases farads, noting 4¢ ultrasonic transducer circles at alibaba one a tenth of that size embedded in a cylindrical battery
    is less than 1/2¢

    Two electrons simultaneously from PEDOT, a conductive polymer where silver atom(s) are at each mer of the molecule could make an electrically conductive anode or cathode that moves two electrons, or just possibly if there are 2 Ag atoms per pedot mer, 4
    electrons per electron of battery recharging electricity are motioninzed, the motionized electrons likely decrease voltage while increasing current, so a recharger would likely just be built to output higher voltage, pedot batteries exist, as do silver
    inclusion pedot at ultracapacitors, actually putting Ag atoms on pedot or other conductive polymers repeating mer units

    Sequential segments gives batteries time to recuperate, some battery chemistries make batteries that if unused for a few minutes/hours recover some of their electrical output ability, if this is 2-4% then dividing a phone battery into 11 completely
    separate batteries, but fitting the same package and using the batteries in sequence so they have time to recuperate causes 2-4% greater battery discharge current, possibly larger than 4% if ultrasonics are utilized to mix electrolyte and remove
    passivation layers

    An anode or cathode can look like a koosh ball (3D asterisk) with high utility, Koosh with undulating arms - microcrenellated undulations increase koosh arm surface area, its possible that 20-40 picometer sized crenellations can be placed at the surface of the koosh electrode, molding the metal means that the koosh can likely have
    the same resolution that researchers get when they press peptides into silicone molding base and react them away, actual 3D silicone indentation mold lines the picometer thickness of amino acid strings and arbitrarily long, so at the koosh electrode mold
    making, a line or ridge layer making millifiore polymer strands in a subliming base would be used to wallpaper the mold with say a sublimating camphor or fluorobenzene millifiore sheet that contains ordered polymer strands, when the fluorobenzene
    evaporates then the new very high crenellation polymer remains on the mold surface and i think can be welded on with a flash of light

    At a battery, transparent to uv electrolyte, fluorescent in uv, that is it fluoresces or phosphorences outputting UV,for 24-72 hours makes continuous uv catalysis of electrolyte possible during discharge possible, the uv making phosphorescent material is
    superilluminated to photon refill during battery recharge from a built in LED, also optically optimized electrolyte could have .1% uv light scattering crystals, possibly quartz, to diffuse light from UV led to throughout entire battery area,

    Multilayer koosh, jawbreaker layer dip koosh electrode, one battery has one koosh electrode, pores in koosh to increase surface area possible, koosh electrode is cheaply mass producible with simple mold, koosh could be designed to have an ultrasonic, or
    sonic resonant physical vibration frequency for use of ultrasonics during recharging to heighten the velocity of recharge, laser peening of an anode or cathode could be tested to see if it reduces deleterious electrical battery dendrite growth, if that
    laser peening works then it can be cheaply mass produced with broad surface area diffraction pattern exposure at continuous process, genetic algorithms could be used to optimize koosh form, like different or anisotropic spacing between koosh arms, and
    anode koosh geometry as a ratio to cathode koosh, as well as koosh ball tube longer than wide forms (=======), very high surface area koosh electrodes could be possible with 3D printed microcrenellated koosh, this has personal electronics applications
    like earbuds, glasses, watches, body implants, autorefreshing millenium storage flash drives, IoT ambient powered (although ultracapacitors might be better) whatsits, and even gourmet phone batteries, one koosh optimation is individual arm recharge which
    could note any of the arms with particular characteristics, and then adjust voltage current and waveform (Dc undulations or surface refreshing ac) to that koosh arm, 1¢ microcontroller that produces stings of 1 and 0 could be amplified, a less optimal 2
    or 3 conductor simple connection to the battery that recharges the battery simply is a thing to conserve at the battery, high current recharge could simply bypass koosh arm microcontroller specific recharging, one possible battery chemistry that could
    make use of UV from the internal UV led is halogen like bromine atom-atom linkage modification with UV, or, oxygen radical and in-situ production of ozone with stronger UV leds, at 1¢ each that produce a watt of Uv is 5 times more capable than 2021AD uv
    leds, and is likely possible,

    Koosh in a hairnet geometryy at battery applies recharge voltage distally and at center

    Surface of koosh could could have lozenge shaped nestled in dish satellite dish like ultrasound miniresonators that turn ambient ultrasound during recharge to surface layer fluid mixing motion, or koosh tip motionizers that motionize, slightly the entire
    koosh arm, causing refreshing chemical mixing

    Photolectrowetting exists, could it be used to increase electrolyte mixing right at the koosh, and be active from strobing a high brightness led in a transparent electrolyte, noting interval of led strobing can be optimized to refresh surface chemistry
    this could benefit the output of the battery while in use, and make batteries last longer

    At metal air or oxygen batteries the lithium metal could just be spray coated on an aluminum koosh core, saving 94% of the lithium that would otherwise have been used, aluminum core could be hollow, and utility things could be placed in the tube lumen
    like ultrasonics makers

    Reduction to metal at rechargeable metal air or oxygen batteries could be increased by test coupon screening of single and combined known electroplating surface character and velocity increase producing chemicals, automatic frosted surface may outdo
    mirror surface additives, and any chemical that accelerates electrodeposition during electroplating has the possibility of being a battery additve; the applications of batteries are so many that using genetic algorithms to model and make
    electrodeposition rapidifiers from electroplating chemical seeds is high utility, they could just use 140 different patented high speed electroplating chemicals as seeds for a genetic algorithm, bacteria

    When using a vacuum cleaner at the dwelling the lateral width side that runs along the edges of walls and into corners seems like it could function better; using advanced alloys of great hardness at the areas of vacuum that travel right next to the wall
    sides could also be made of very very strong tempered glass such as phone gorilla glass of about 3 mm thickness so the vacuumer could see the corner and edge of wall they were vacuuming, the glass corners of the vacuum would also have coanda effect
    airjets at the mid horizontal side aim ahead of them, preruffling the area being vacuumed up a few cm;robots make better vacuumers than people

    Gunk builds up in batteries, degunker catalyst at 1-3% of battery volume gradually degunks batteries to reach steady state, anything more electropositive than lithium like a superacid or regular acid degunks lithium gunk nonelectrically useful molecules;
    recharge acidicness of battery with recharge electricity

    Nonfinite surface area batteries liquid metal li always has fresh lithium surface at lithium metal air batteries; wicking; ultrasonic recoalsece at recharge

    Screen a plurality of peptides at brain tissue organoid arrays to find a peptide that increases dendrite length which is published as linked or even causative to higher IQ, the mRNA of lengthy dendrite persons and the proteins that they make could have
    beneficial peptide aptamers that superactivate the dendrite length proteins from optimizing those proteins are also a thing that could be increased with epigenetic RNA drugs

    Microwhatsit (MWS)tells the internet to tell satellite internet to beam Rf to its location, increasing ambient rf power to MWS permitting it to be more energized and use the energy for something the MWS does, 24 hours of ambient rf energy are utilized to
    make a data chirp to microsatellite internet

    1/4 sized satellite internet receivers are likely possible if multiple data resends are possible, there is even the possibilty of a solitary ferrite or bettercoated antenna receiver without a concentrating reflector with multiple data sends

    Ferrite cobalt antenna sheath, optimal hysteresis, wiggle dwell reverbs data, reverbed data may be signal data concentrating for reflectorless satellite internet

    Perfluorocarbon ingredient at lithium air battery stores pure oxygen, then during the recharge any oxides are converted back to o2, which dissolves in the perfluorocarbon for a lithium air battery with multiples greater energy density because of pure
    oxygen chemistry,

    Every fda drug could be considered a physical brain location and neuron type mapping place(s) identifier such that if a glomming aptamer to that drug is made and when that aptamer has a branch peptide on it that is physiochemically brain active then the
    peptide drug is localized to where the aptamer-on-drug goes, this provides peptide drug localization anywhere another drug naturally accumulates, consider an antipsychotic or serotonin or dopamine antagonizing peptide delivered to the same receptors as
    aptamers to aripiprazole (Abilify) as a drug, or at a polypill an anticholesterol drug like simvastatin as the localizer and a low density lipoprotein anticholesterol peptide branch on a Y shaped aptamer with a peptide drug branch, possibly connected
    utilizing a spontaneous break-off linker amino acid sequence, a longevity aptamer and branch drug could be rapamycin aptamer with mTOR inhibiting peptide branch, notably as peptide drugs are often active at microgram to 1 mg quantities that gives
    physiological response only a milligram of rapamycin produces localization sufficient to site the aptamer and branch peptide drug producing longevization, a nootropic drug could be a peptide aptamer to phenylpiracetam with the branch peptide being a
    generic neuron stimulant like nontoxic glutamate or acetylcholine, as well as an Ampa neuron stimulator

    Antipsychotic peptide gene therapy installed at persons with the genetics that cause schizophrenia prevents schizophrenia before it occurs,

    An even cheaper synthesis of phenol based on glucose or starch digested to C6 sugars may be possible, if it is this combines one of the cheapest feedstocks, cyclo sugars optionally from starch with a high volume production chemical, phenol, online a
    reaction is described that changes cyclohexene to benzene using bromine and light, it could be that putting glucose in acid or base with bromine, makes lots of C=C and turns digested starch sugars into benzene, and that its possible to tune the reaction
    such that there is just one original OH remaining on the benzene, making phenol, also Br is very cheap and is in seawater

    What is a partially saturated C=C sugar called, what do they do,

    Better earbuds and wireless headphones that reduce ear moisture and friction irritation, the earpiece has an exterior to interior of ear air movement path, or tube, also its possible to have a 40khz beyond range of human hearing ultrasonic vibrator pump
    air in and out of the ear precluding high ear humidity and sweaty ears, another headphone improvement is to have the silicone or other ear side contact material be little nubs that raise above the headphone surface at 1/4 to 1/10th the area, producing
    reduced contact area with the sides of the ear such that different sessions of using the headphones are likely to have minimal skin contact point overlap and repeat, that reduces potential of always at the same ear place occurring and reducing any risk
    of irritation

    White fluorescent protein blend of roygbiv fluorescent proteins gives skin a brighter appearence, this is a possible topical glowing white transparent henna michael reaction absorbable beauty drug and, if the person likes the look, a gene therapy

    Food additive that changes flavors is an aptamer peptide that gloms to the flavors molecular shape and changes its flavor, the aptamer has optional enzymatic degradeability, one version is an amptamer that gloms to sweetness peptides which adjusts the
    sweetness and also removing off-flavors and improving flavor from making the base sweetener be flexed differently for example it could remove bitterness flavor from high concentration neotame, if a peptide aptamer is 7-9 mers long, and a kg of GHK beauty
    peptise is $60 then bulk flavor optimizing apatamers are 140-180 $ or less per kg, making a 1 milligram to modify 1 mg neotame two one thousandths of a cent to utilize, also it is possible to make the aptamer cofunctional at simultaneously glomming and
    neutralizing any deleterious chemicals at the circulation such as those found with parabiosis at young-old and well-unwell marmoset pairs flavor aptamer chlorination co-op tamer zaps deleterious

    Y shaped peptide with epithalon branch is good for people, regardless of what the aptamer flexion and attachement on a flavor does

    Vehicle shock absorbers could have springs, where the springs are hollow tubes, and the tubes are filled with oil, glasses at different levels full make different sound notes when percussed, so the actual vibrations of the road that pass the shock
    absorbable fluid filled springs is tunable as to both oil and fullness of the shock absorber tube space for quietist ride

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