• 541 577 4086 textnow treon phone number 541 267 5151 no 1312 dr Jennife

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Tue Oct 11 06:45:34 2022
    Bob ish
    378 4322
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    Actually Bob 541 435 5112


    A drug or probiotic that treats diarrhea could be at a form that is a sticker like a polymer or probiotic soaked paper mini shape ⬜, at alibaba used garments might be as little as 25-40¢/kg the distribution of the illness treating stickers is to have
    machines automatically fling-glue, or press attach them to the entire ship standard containerfuls of used and recycled childrens garments, notably at children 5 and under and girl's garments, these are then distributed in a variety of merchant and
    charity ways so they can reach the parents of children under 5 to treat illness

    Childrens garments often have less mass than adult garments but each alibaba childs garment is about 2-4¢ each, these are already successfully distributed and a flat antidiarrhea drug sticker/applique is 1/20th of 1¢, each million children reached is $

    A study of bowhead whales attributed their 2+ century lifespan to just 3 genes, noting the huge number of grams of a whale that omit getting cancer they could look for further anticancer genes bowhead whales have that are different than mouse and human

    A novel to me file manipulation a little like toggling redundant array of indpendent disks storage at the drive controller is making faster flash memory drives, the flash memory would have thinner, perhaps higher voltage storage areas on a regular multi
    year flash drive where the data is stable in the thin extra fast flash memory 16 hours, background use of this high speed flash memory complements and extends regular computer RAM, perhaps very cheaply as a Gb of flash memory is less than 40¢,the thin
    fast flash memory is periodically copied to longer lasting flash memory at periodic intervals, might be particularly useful at iot internet of things applications

    They could mass screen more herbal, fungal, anf possibly bacterial drug candidates by having collector drones in the rainforest cutting leaves and other herbs at the rainforest, four drones capable of taking two samples an hour each of plant material
    could visit 1000 plants in just a few days. It is possible they could breed a cancdr and other trsting mouse or perhaps more optimally shrew that as a result of reduced size, particulat shrews, has half the animal upkeep costs, making experiments on mice
    cheaper, mice and shrews og normal cognitive and smelling abilities that were less averse responsive to cat pee, that also had ordinary or higher than ordinary mating frequency could be bred to be nicer to the mice or shrews. Strongly reducing lab animal
    care costs could make various kinds of science experiments double digit % more affordable, resulting in more experiments per $/€/¥

    I just left a comment in youtubes comment section to a group of former us military workers, Thank you all for your service to the United States Government and the people of the United States. I'm a hippy pacifist and look forward to when the soldiering
    profession is permanently made obsolete by machines and new kinds of Strong Persuaders, i support the ending of hostilities in Urkraine and Russia immediately, i favor paying Russian soldiers to desert and inviting them to become, along with ukrainians
    with an interest legal immigrants to the USA

    It seems likely there is already a function at computer made music to create an instant multihuman voice version of harmonizing singers to anything a solo singer sings, i think they could add that feature as a button on handheld karoake machines

    Cancer surgery improving post-resection wound fill material, if a volume is cut out they could stuff the hole with a specialized sugar carbohydrate microthread floss, like stuffing a wound with oncostatic cotton candy, xylitol floss could be one with
    antibacterial action, but ribose floss might improve wound healing,

    I read that at some sites where a cancer is surgically removed recurrence would sometimes happen, that suggests that drawing lots of leukocytes (WBC) to the operation site could reduce recurrence ways to do this could be bacterial LPS rinses, that live
    BCG TB vaccine that makes scars, or even going over the internal excision surface area with a tattoo removal laser,the kind that causes leukocytes to glom carbon particles

    A technology that might already exist is an laser absorbing colorant rinse for cancer post surgery sites that only colorizes remaining oncocytes, making them especially easy to terminate with a second laser illumination that is after the laser scalpel

    They could see if Nmn dispersed at surgical site and dosed bodywide causes greater survival after surgery

    Leaves contain cellulose, and a food producing fermenter organism could be engineered to produce cellulose degrading enzymes making chopped or chewed tree leaf mash edible and fermenting to sugars and delicious flavoring peptides for use

    Longevity technology, elderly mice exposed to young mice live longer, they could find the messenger rna difference in the young exposed mice, then see if gene therapy as well as epigeneric drugs to superproduce those beneficial chemicals and other things,

    Some possible new sex toys include a lubricant or clitoral and penile flavoring agent that changes flavor with rubbing and just perhaps suction, i do not know how the chemistry works but when a partner receiving clitoral oral stimulation said "that way"
    the flavor on the clit would make duplicating that pressure and flavor a way to stay in the more pleasuring form, some chemistry that might go with changing flavor on pressure and frequency could be based on the color change technology found in zubbles
    color changing bubbles, also flavoring peptides attached to polymers that dissolve at different endurances

    Longevity technology, antibodies to papp-a protein are published that decrease amount of papp-a, which then decreases cleavage of enzymes that defunctionalize insulin like growth factor, along with a human papp-a immunizations that longevize males whk
    have already attained their full height

    Longevity technology, cadmium hormesis effects are published at earthworms, it could be that there are cadmium hormesis longevity promoting effects at low doses in mice, this could be tested, another thing supporting this is that mouse species with
    double the lifespan of lab mice are also highly cadmium toxicity resistant. If some cadmium microdose does increase mouse lifespan then they could find the genes and mRNA that do some of the longevizing and then make cadmium longevizing effect drugs
    without any cadmium in them

    Sexual activity heightening and sex drive heightening genes, give a n=10,000 outdoor mouse dorm group two drugs that reduce sex drive, blocking all sex hormones including testosterone. And estrogen, as well as an Mc3R Mc4R receptor blocker, an opposite
    to bremelanotide, then find the mice at the 99 th percentile of sexual activity, these mice have some chemical or brain difference that can be translated into new mechanism aphrodisiacs for human use

    I read at quora that V shaped bird flight patterns cause linked vortices from wing flaps that cause Canada geese to be 71% more energy efficient, one possible related technology is drones with new body shapes and propeller shapes also being much more
    energy efficient when flying. A nifty possibility, perhaps unlikely, is that big cargo ships and oil tankers could have front of ship pull propeller arrays and back of ship push propeller arrays, lasers keeping the huge ships half a meter apart could
    link the ships at the right distance to have the push ship vortice interact with the pull ship vortice to create greater fuel efficiency

    three or four

    Pearl optics as new baubles, think of using something like a glass ball or a double convex lens as a seed for a cultured oyster pearl, after the real pearl coating accumulates on the lens take the pearl out and etch light passages and viewing areas in it
    to view the interior of the pearl bowl

    Ultrasonic pearl growth, two effects, ultrasonically wiggling away the passivation and depleted chemical layer at pearl deposition surfaces internally with mild ultrasound at the living oysted, that keeps the depositing chemicals fresher, and a second
    acoustic effect which physically microwiggles the seed pearl, making it elicit larger amounts of pearl coating production

    I think there
    Indium phosphide lookup table, 20 times faster digital logic than trig wave analog frequency form

    Also have 3 simultaneous trig relations make a Nor element

    Run the digital lookup table thing at 1-7thz,for a trig nand velocity of 10 to 70 times faster than a 5 ghz cpu, so that makes a 49-349 ghz cpu velocity

    Something shorter than a trig table many rows of numbers that can make a nor from a superposition, some cellular automata functions overlain might resolve to nor and be made from lots less physical actual chip feature elements than a trig table

    Turning the output of a neural network layer back into the input of an identically weighted side and separate neural network and then reinputting that networks output back to the first nn, that iteration cycle can be used in combination, adding a
    cellular automata rule lookup table between the two nn to generate high numbers (quadrillions etc) of highly intrasimilar data sets, that makes it so you can generate a whole bunch of quasifractal nn training sets from a much littler sample of a few to a
    few hundred actual observations, then, because you first train a third nn when you know the right answers you want it to produce, you can find out which of the vast plurality of highly similar autogenerated new teaching sets actually works, then you use
    that cellular automata ruleset to generate new side teachings that increase the sample to learn from size at completely new data to be analyzed

    Some covid face masks are 8/10ths of a cent at alibaba, towards making these much cheaper it is possible using 1/2 thickness material, soaked in very cheap chemicals, but dry to the touch could be cheaper

    Vegetarian processed foods like instant green drinks and nutrition bars sometimes contain pea protein, i think they could develoo a new kind of pea protein that would taste even better by developing a new kind of dry able beautiful pea from the delicious
    when fresh sugar snap pea, among options along with breeding are genetically engineering the new peas to have delicious peptide flavors, and even peptides that glom taste receptors blocking any aversive tastes, this could also be accomplished at soybeans,
    and the protein content of rice could be increased with engineering, at any of these plants, actually reducing the amount of the amino acid metthionine in them could contribute to longer lifespan,

    Ultradense gombach center for sit up pillow, i got a sit up pillow and it seems like it does not want to sit up that much, perhaps a gombach center would make it nore sit up active. The other thing a chair could do is to look inside a persons body with
    ultrasound or perhaps thz pulses that detect posture and the chair could adjust itself to optimize comfort and posture

    Terminating tumors with electricity, just the way a prostate cancer curing radioactive "seed" is placed in the prostate a voltage (battery ag or zn air, or in situ liquid nernst battery) that zaps prostate cancer tissue to terminate it could work both in
    the immediate neighborhood of oncocytes at the implant site zapping their membranes to depolarize and terminate them, as well as generate highly toxic oxidizing oxygen and even chlorine radicals from nacl at body fluid, cl gas bubbles, h202 from ozone
    production and oh- radicals at the ellectrode could all be toxic to oncocytes in the fluid diffusive path of the electrochemical antitumor implant, it is possible that electrodes with unusual metals could make better tumor terminating chemicals. Also it
    is possible a small electrical implant could hyperalert the immune system to the tumor from things like pulsed periodic heat shock of tissue with 1/4-1mm smd leds or laser diodes, these smd leds or laser diodes might nkt actually terminate tissue but
    just be repeatedly stimulated to attract leukocyte attention

    Anoth way to attract leukocyte attention to tumors to get rid of the tumors is to inject IR microabsorber fluids or beads of the IR that most easily passes through tissue, and then the microbeads absorb it and turn it to local heat, terminating the tumor
    cytes it has been injected into and also attracting leukocytes just the way tattoo removal lasers attract leukocytes to the areas they zap.

    Is there a voltage high enough that the majority of electrons are doing quantum tunneling, this reminds me of a plasma produced with high voltage, is it possible to etch with quantum tunelling alone where the electrons appear micrometers or millimeters
    at depth in matter, polarizing and depolarizing stuff apart, that could be, but likely is not a new kind of etching plasma, ultra high energy using beam thing

    Other eulers number entertainment, because eulers number has swaps with trig functions then there are eulers number equivalents and trig function identities, even without triangles at the 2D numberline and also at the 4D cartersian hypercoordinate
    euclidean mapping system like hyperspheres and hypergons for hypersystems, is there any system where eulers number is not 2.71ish,just like you can make pi not be 3.14 with a noneuclidean space,what would a noneulersnumber space look like

    I have seen geotextiles and massive fabric vegetable planters online that would be better as green objects with IR absorbing colorant

    Quantum dots with hole in them brilliantly emit color, fill the hole with a smaller quantum dot and the qd ceases emitting, easy cleanup bodypaint and fingerpaint

    Ptz cameras pan zoom tilt and are about 9.45-18.00 at alibaba, removing the camera

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