• Juicy crayons

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Tue Oct 11 06:43:17 2022
    Genetic algorithm architecture showing styles of rooms anf funtjture placements that csuse the greatest use of the multiple rooms electric dining table facing couches at media area and two monitors

    Vaccine injecption needles for for could have FDA a fluid that causrs capillary leakage, if its possible to double capillary leakage witb a ochemical then antibodyentation goes way up, lasero cut syringe tips could havedifferent angles, pres

    Oral magnetic mucolytic antigen liposoes with d amino acids and magnetico applique

    Breathable vaccines could also have magnetic appliqué technology

    At anti malaria bednets especially at insecticide treated bedmets it is possible the bednets would last much longer if they came with a repair/replacement panel built in, if one of the 4 sides of a 38¢-$1 bednet got a hole you could just use or rotate
    the replacement panel to overlay part of it. Duobednets rotateable like cups,

    I read there is an approved anti malaria vaccine, its possible that putting sugars on the surface of the antigens that make up that vaccine could cause even higher efficiency, the internet says, Glycosylation of proteins is a common event and contributes
    to protein antigenic properties, so that supports the technology, it could be that different sugars could have different antigen improving effects.

    It is possible better piezoelectric transducers could be beneficial, even at things like vibrations that just possibly with sonoluminescence or fluidizdd bed effects turn coal to liquid hyxrocarbon fuel, some piezotransducers i have seen look like a blob
    of goo on a metal plate, crenelatting the plate to give it much larger surface area, and making the ceramic at some crystal phase advantaged warmth and pressure could enhance efficiency and energy density, metamaterials couple vibrations, perhaps not
    just at the surface of a piezoelectric thing, but also at its interior, some minerals have a fiberous character, suggestinpg that if you crystal grow a piezoelectric matdrial just right you can get aligned fibers of a preferred length, which piezo fibril
    length and stiffness goes goes with charge

    Life extension magazine says women that eat walnuts have 2-3 times less occurence of breast cancer, walnut peprides were mentioned as a possible source of this effect, new walnut chemistry based drugs could prevent cancer, concentrating the peptides and
    injecting them into mice permits 100 times higher peptide dosages than feeding, noting fragments and sequence variants of lactoferrin are much more effective than lactoferrin, fragments and sequence variants of walmut peptides could be 2,4,8 times as
    effective at preventing cancer, that's 16-24 times less susceptible the enhanced walnut peptides could be given as a 80 year depot injection or perhaps multicalsule implant at age 40, or durable probiotics could be engineered to make the walnut peptides,
    besides peptides walnuts may have other longevity chemicals, nondiscriminate fluorination of walnut extracts, and injecting these chemicals into mice could find wellness, anticancer, and longevity effects, imaginably it could be in the better interest of
    walnut trees to keep squirrels alive longer to spread and plant their walnuts, thinking of that, it is possible some food of naked mole rats, bats, or beavers, may have wellness causinga chemicals in them

    A slightly novel to me idea is that a deep learning ai could watch some plurality of humans, data scientists, clean and prepare data sets for their own deep learning ais, this might cause a few types of automatic cleaning at datasets to be available

    I read that sexual activity at mice produces specific mRNA at things like a mouse penis entering a vagina and making two strokes, the interval of response to make unique mRNA at mice is rapid, with the mRNA uniquely prompted by ejaculation an amount i do
    not remeber, that might be different mRNA produced 4 seconds after ejaculation, and even possibly at the 1/2 to one second interval of penis vagina intromission and two sexual thrusts producing unique mRNA, at human girls, women, boys, men, and fetuses
    the Unique mRNA produced from masturbation, and at people after parturition, partner sex can have the genes that produce them made into multiple mRNA and protein product or peptide product fusion genes, using what is published at Nature or Science
    magazine as gene logic, the mRNA, fusion gene mRNA, or their protein products can be signal amplified switches that turn on the mRNA and gene products that activate the 60th percentile of greatest most enjoyable pleasure at the pleasure centers of the
    central nervous system such as the nucleus accumbens, the pallidum, and any other pleasure centers (perhaps the cortical homonculus also causes pleasure) at a variety of neuron and neurotransmitter types, this makes it possible for any person to
    stimulate even sexual experience independent pleasure through physical masturbation, supporting Dave Pearce' hedonistic imperative

    (|⬜|) vacuum core silvered quallofill areas at insulative fabric filament

    At antibiotics could decreasing blood sugar say 1/3 for

    2 weeks decrease food tothe bacteria, like metformin as a food improver

    When you look at the metal tube of a slide guitar slide it looks like a featureless tube, but what if it looked like a U on its side, with different thicknesses of press-on-the-strings isolation and pressure for each of 6 or 12 strings on the guitar,
    then the slide would modulate things differently and sound different but likely good.

    Its likely headphone engineers are already using metamaterials;headpones that leave large open ajr gaps, like a 3D open polygon chess board that are still able to have noise cancellation technology would be comfier on the ears as earbuds, similarly
    metamaterials that couple sound generation really well to the polymer headphone shell could make sound work better

    There could be a multitool like the leatherman, but with all the tools most useful to a refugee, like one of those actual fleeing stuff refugees there were during the 20th century ad, tarp/tent repair, and some sort of thing that permits garment repair
    and shoe assembly like a plurality of needles and thread in a tube at one handle of the tool, its possible the tool could have drill bits in it too, and something like an @ shaped wire jig or a make nails and staples from wire jig, that way a person with
    just wire and some wood could make nails and, if the tool can drill the holes first, make a vegetarian chicken coop with the tool, also, i think based on 5 drops of bleach stsrilizing a gallon of water the multitool could come with a chlorine rich,
    perhaps with fluorine, refillable 1 drop purifies 2 gallons of water thing at the tool, the tool ckuld also have a metal or csramic pad you could place a finerprint on, then purposefully transfer the fingerprint to another surface like a document or
    fingerprint reader, ambient rf power could gather at the tool so it is possible to copy a flash drive's contents go the tool's multi GB centuries stable static RAM, some improvements include ceramic construction, which i have seen at screwdrivers, again,
    the emphasis is on a multitool most useful to refugees

    What might work, if its possible to dilate or constrict arteries and arterioles with chemicals like photoactivateable peptides is to inject these into the prostate or other cancer tissue, if constricted bloodflow goes down 60% perhaps there is 60% less
    risk of metastasis and 60% less core tumor growth from getting less food and o2.

    Strontium aluminate sralo glows in the dark, replacing the oxygen with Se or S could make longer or higher intensity glow and glow intervals, as could stable isotopes

    With sufficient battery power surfboards could move water through side channels so they do their own paddling

    fmri and laser scan of the cns brain experiencing romantic love, both preteen and teen experience of being in love is a basis to have actual persons who consent to be in love with each other, like intense teenage love be in love, i think it is possible
    from polyamorous groups, polygynous groups, and polyandrous groups to also structure their brain chemistry to be in love plurally, various technologies to record brain structure, microstructure, and neurotransmitter an even ion activity are previously
    describrd, enhancing that slightly is spectroscopy of ratioized stable isotopes, even thinkgs like Mg, K, chloride, another area of the feeling of being in love and loving others with romantic love biochemical research is research on areas outside the

    Nnnnn silicone impressions of dna have wigglrs on them, graphene supercapacitors already exist, graphene with wiggles all on the surface area would have more surface area, possibly multiplying the amount of current stored at the ultracapacitor

    Longevity technology, make near clonal variants of lab yeast strains as a group of 111 different cultures that differ from the strain base organism with just 40 genes each, then at a variety of treatments shown/published as causing noted longevity
    increase in rodents or other organisms like centrophenoxine, C60 fullerene, lkm512 yogurt concentrate, 17 alpha esgradiol, royalactin, 10-HDA, rapamycin, NDGA, treat a suite of all 111 separate microfluidic cultures, and use math and graphing software to
    find out which longevity treatments, if any, are more longevizing at certain of the tested 111 strains, then engineer new mice with the entire 40 gene variation that the individualized yeast have, then see if these mice when tested surpass the previous
    published longevity increase, if those mice go further than longevized to be superlongevized then it is also pretty possible to find out which genes at their batch of 40 are associated with superlongevity, then, people can look at big databases of human
    genomes and records of how long people live, to associate the mouse and yeast superlongevity genes with human genes, so people can produce epigenetic therapies and gene therapies with them

    Potassium PCA is a deliquescent pyyrole,it's possible periodic PCA at starch,replacing the occasional hexose creates a starch that automatically gathers water holes drilled in crayons or wax fruit combined with preservatives and sweeteners make full of
    edible juice although they could mold unless rich in ag element ion

    Microembossed truly round seamless bags

    Previously described are hollow core french fries, i think these could be made even more delicious with cofocal ir lasers or leds warming the interior oil
    Creating crisp french fry and onion ring interiors

    Where water runs off an individual trees canopy and reaches the ground might be called a dripline, an automatic tree benefitting machine similar to an air pressurized pole or water jet could loosen, aerate, or possibly compress the dripline area around
    trees so they had better water retention and drainage, shapes different than just a dripline perimeter could could extend toward the tree as well

    Cat toy, i think cats like sitting in boxes, and cats like catnip, a box or large bowl of sittable size with catnip oil on it is a new mind of cat toy

    It seems possible people use dance aerobics steps to chane and improve the relation of two bodies to each other at edge of the bed and front to back sex, an earobics step two foot placement wide that was adjustable at 1/8" height gradations, when
    combined with a person elevating 2 box springs or two mattresses could make it so bodies align really well for extra sexual pleasure, the upper mattress could even have dip-in soft recessed jelly handles to hold position when repeatedly thrust into from
    behind, the people could have the option of having the recessed gel handles do pulse rate and bp tracking telling the computer about her or his progression to ograsm and mutiple orgasm, the galvanic skin response of the recessed gel handles, the computer
    that watches people have sex doing truth detection digital thermography and sexual arousal mapping guiding and suggesting digital thermography, truth detection with gsr and digital thermography could build and practice truer Daddy sex consort relations,
    as when she said, i love your cock, its so hard, or give it to me, or fuck me harder the truth detector acents her words with a compatible musical acoustic strum sound, if she says daddy's cock is big it really is big to her, also this could build and
    utilize a wider range of words during sex like feels so full, or vibe me till i come on your cock

    Drones could till land rather than, or supplemental to tractors if they mass drive miniature explosive pellets into the ground this might be cheaper and even more automated than using a tractor,

    Nutritional supplements like powdered milk with nut butter and vitamins directed at children could be kept from being utilized by adults by finding a hypothetical enzyme or mouth probiotic that turns a completely neutral flavor into a delicious flavor
    only for children with the mouth probiotic, another possibility is a shareable nutritional supplement with two 1¢ capacious plenum pouches like jelly cup snacks at alibaba, the childs cup contains the highly nutritive powdered milk mixture and an adult
    food treat plenum contains a food delicious to adults like synthetic white chocolate this way the adult and child get to share a meal together, with the adult measurably preferring the adult food

    Alcohol dehydrogenase gets rid of the 1/2 oz of ethyl alchol spontaneously produced at the body, could girls and women of all ages, even prior to puberty upregulate their alcohol dehydrogenase genes so as to have almost zero circulating alcohol during
    eventual preganancy with the effect of decreasing the incidence of etoh birth defects slightly from getting rid of etoh produced during pregancy, similarly ketones and acetone are produced naturally at the body, they could dose mice with keytones and
    acetone to see if they have a relation to birth defects, similarly the body may produce some sugar alcohols like erythritol naturally, if any of these are associated with birth defects then a single dose epigenetic drug given to infant girls could
    prevent birth defects. Noting the i have not looked it up possibility that keytones and acetone may be associated with birth defects it could be beneficial to measure the effect, and if there is one urge fertile women to either avoid what is called a
    ketogenic diet, or upregulate the epigenetics of metabolizing keytones, there is a possibility the ketogenic diet is completely harmless and assists with svelteness, if so perhaps upregulating the genes of ketosis epigenetically is possible.
    Epigenetically upregulating placenta size could benefit fetal and baby well being

    It seems possible that modifying the epigenetics of the homeobox hox genes could reduce birth defects

    Metamaterial near field wave, i read that near field waves, which look like a cluster of small loops on an EM Smith chart have very different photonic behaviors than regular light waves, it could be possible with ion beam editing of half circle metal
    resonators to change attributes of the near field to produce new opical effects, this is kind of derivative notably at near field wave effects, but editing the half circles is new to me, a previously written at my notes use for this is as a near field
    adjustor layer right on top of a ic photoresist to make smaller feature sizes

    There is a gene allele variant that causes people to thrive on only about 4 hours of sleep each 24 hours, epigenetic modification of that gene at 8 hour sleepers could give them full rest after only 4 hours

    A dynamic soliton energy transmittter could, if an oval shape was what the soliton would be uniquely absorbed by, transmit through a group of spherical shapes, one of which was modified to be an oval from a second acoustic beam, this could be used to
    focalize and deposit acoustic energy at Hifu cancer treatments, sex toys, and mining explosives

    A slight advancement in how diamonds and other gems are cut could create new decorative and other products, wikipedia says diamonds are cut with lasers, i think arranged laser 3D light from gratings could cofocalize to cut a shell away from a diamond,
    sort of like zapping out an entire almond shell in two halves (sides or top and base) in one cofocalized beam laser treatment, baguette gems and round cushion gems are prettier but the table on an ice cream cone cut could be laser deshelled to make a
    faceted interior diamond waffle cone, and up top, a thing that looks like an internally faceted bottlecap, wikipedia suggests these two new items may be half of the diamond's mass, the waffle cone base part could be sectioned into eentsy annular beads
    like lifesavers of imaginably a couple - 4mm diameter, and annular beads could also be made from the bottlecap top that is simultaneously 3D carved away from the brilliant cut diamond, notably in 2021AD diamond values for water and artificial blue white
    colored diamonds might be near $3-20/300 cwt at alibaba

    Carnosine fluorocarnosine flexible tissue; i read a cholestyryl chemical nestles into a protein fold and keeps it from folding, a way to reduce the occurrence of cataracts, an article i read said it made things melt 4°C cooler, causing, i think,
    increased protein fluidity, that reminds me a lot of how marine omega 3 fatty acids increase membrane fluidity at cooler temperatures, so, i have a feeling it has already occurred to them, but cholesteryl fluidity enhancers could soften stiff joints and
    cartilidges of all kinds relieving arthritis

    Gene therapy of the superwell to everybody decreases cancer

    Alginate or pca printed mycorhizzial community starter on tree bags and burlap balls cause burlap or polybag, especially biodegradeable polybags to bacterially and fungally digest away leaving a root growth access port directly to the soil, this could be
    as ultraffordable as just printing alginate on burlap or polymer

    Breast implants could be made immunoneutral by using chemistry to attach the turns immune system to foster tolerance chemical i read abkut which might be phosphatidylcholine to the polymer film of the implant, whether the implant is fluidic microcapsules
    similar to liposomes, 1/4 mm beads kind of like vitamin D soft gels, these two breast implant types have the advantage of being scarlessly injected, and removable by using tuned ultrasonics at resonance frequencies to deflate the liposomes and minibeads
    if desired, another surface treatment besides phosphatidyl groups could be the longevity associated element Ce, either as a near transparent thickness coating on the 1/4 mm beads, or as part of the surface facing part of the thing that is like a strong
    liposome, pure C60 is a light buff color, and c60 has some published papers as being beneficial to a variety of organisms so it could be tested as a surface chemical for injectable breast implants as well, one advantage of C60-300 fullerenes or larger is
    that they can contain magnetically responsive atoms like Co that make microcontouring and lifting and breast to breast nearness choosable and maintainable with an elecgromagnetic field emitter, it is beneficial at scarless injectable breast implants that
    they match the softness, compressibility, and cotravelling equality of bounce and sway during the woman or girls physical motion,

    A new kind of local anesthetic could be based on near sensationless acupuncture needles, make hollow needles 1/4-1/2 the diameter of acupuncture needles, out of polymer or superalloy, pump concentrated anesthethic through these needles so the same/
    similar area space is strongly anesthetized, then, parallel to the first needle slide in a second needle like a breast implant fluid injection needle, then have an automated pump press the implant fluid into the body, this needle can have a nonopen end
    and aperatures along the sides ==:==:==:==:==\ so that it oozes the pumped fluid along its entire length,

    A cosmetic that gives the nipples of the breasts an attractive erect nipple form, and a technology that causes increased pinkness and optional puffiness of the nipples is possible first, measure the mRNA produced at nipple tissue during high sexual
    arousal that causes erect nipples, then trace those mRNA to genes, make single dose eligenetic drugs that cause the nipple erection genes to be upregulated on, apply the epigenetic drug to just the nipples, possibly with an iontophoretic topical cream,
    use the same mRNA to epigenetic functions to make nipples pinker, and if desired, puffier

    Using photonic brain scans and positron emission tomogrphaphy it is possible to map the 99th percentile of women who make multiple first sexual moves to particular brain areas and brain chemicals, then doing genetics that peacefully increase the size of
    those areas and neurotransmitter enrichment of those areas at all women and girls with germline genetic modifications and somatic genetic modifications is beneficial.

    Antiviral drugs warts mRNA difference when they cure themselves also herpes lesions mrna when they cure themselves

    High quality earbuds and headphones could have many micrometer size chamfered holes laser drilled in them to keep the ears from steaming up with the extra ventilation

    I saw some colored quartz that had electroplated parts to look extra pretty, they could electroplate candy, or electrically sputter it or cold plasma deposition metal on it so the candy has a curved color metallic reflective surface then the candy could
    also have lasers make cleavage planes and perforation lines in it, making the candy more enjoyable to eat

    Laser perforated pie crusts of all kinds could work, also pizza
    Could dmso with wonderberry sweetness extract take sweetness producing action faster?

    Shinier silver and gold, bulgy specular reflective transparency gratings, another thing that would make silver and gold shinier is to laser drill 4-2400 nm wide holes, and fill the holes with roygbiv white upconversion quantum dots, particularly at
    incised or concave features

    Silvicultural plants that make more wood could come from making a fusion gene that starts off as saying make sugar for sap, then fuse it to a gene that says make wood, causing the tree to build wood faster

    I think a fiberous chewable fungi, sort of like quorn leather could be soaked in anesthetic like anbesol or better and teethed on to prevent teething discomfort

    Skatole causes the aversive scent of 3/2022AD feces, a probiotic bacteria, or genetically engineered gi tract that makes enzymes that rapidly convert skatole to an odorless or pleasant smelling chemical is beneficial to make a part of the human (Homo
    sapiens and branch species) germ line genome and somatic genome, the coresident probiotic also removes the aversive scent simultaneously

    Genetically modifying all humans (Homo sapiens and branch species) to be without the ability to smell sulfur having molecules as well as skatole at the germline genome and the somatic genome is beneficial.

    A tree like the elm could be genetically engineered to have 8 inch thick soft bark, like 4-8 times softer than a cork tree, then people and children laying in its branches could be comfy. People would like that kind of round leafed tree and spread it
    everywhere. It is beneficial that the tree's bark be white.

    Safrole and perhaps other flavors from actual sassafrass roots has the effect of being good for my teeth, they could measure the reduction in gum disease from chewings sassafras root bark, if gum disease is reduced then that strongly supports making
    sassafras a popular ingredient in chewables, foods, and dentifrices. Gum disease is published as having a 24% association with cardiovascular disease so reducing it strongly compensates from any cancer risk from the safrole.

    Its possible a 100ml or less blood transfusion from the parent or older sibling of a child could cause immunity to many different childrens infections.

    More efficient electrical heating, it occurred to me the warming coil of an electrical heater could be spending energy to make a magnetic field (much like a primary winding without a secondary to pick it up) - but that the field did not have its own
    heating inductor load to make warmth, so the technology is just a secondary winding to go with the heating element, i could imagine this makes electric heaters 2-20% more efficient

    Fresnel lens light emitting diode or laser diode makes more light at the facet than usual laser diodes, i read about the size and shape of the zone that actually emits light at the laser diode called the facet, thinking of actual gems, there are many
    cuts that produce more surface emitted light than the rectangular/parallelogram form of a 2019 AD lased diode facet, along with what are custom cuts made with photo lithography are ion beam etched away parts, along with that are fresnel facets, cochoidal
    fracture facets, and light pipe facets,

    There are

    Pecentile matched sloppiness of housekeeping at online dating benefits the sloppy and tidy and juste matching them to their own kind
    gums and making my teeth feel better, they could measure

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