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    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Mon Oct 10 09:13:55 2022
    [continued from previous message]

    What if there were a periodontitis and gingivitis reducing neutral to enjoyable feeling thing that clings to the teeth, and under the gums to reduce periodontitis anf gingivitis, for a while, and is absent colorization? Nutritive transparent or white
    metals like Mg and Ca and even Sr and, nonutritively Rb could have transparent forms, also Tin, Sn, is used on water vehicle hulls to keep things from living on them, so there is a chance that Sn is a GRAS food container approved antifouling agent for
    undergum and teeth application. Also the transparent In, or bismuth, or antimony, could have an attaches to proteinish calcium advantage as it is nearer the electronegative part of the periodic table compared with Ca, Mg, Sr; a variety of elements like
    Ga, Gd, Ge, and other more electronegative yet physiologically harmless metals might have better attachment to calcium phosphate at teeth. I had some Gd as a drink when I did a research MRI, so it is possibly it is physiologically harmless.

    I may have read that the volume of lung capacity is correlated with longevity, so that suggests that completely pulmonary-well persons could possibly benefit from gradual release bronchodilators, either oral or inhaled. Some stimulants are
    bronchodilators, so it is possible they could see if well mice on bronchodilators live longer, as well as have greater wellness, also research on an actually enjoyable better than caffeine feeling, can sleep when you are on it, bronchodilator would
    heighten longevizing usage and be appreciated, a perspective above “tolerated”. Also they could do research to find out if when the pulmonary well used bronchodilators they got less pneumonia, if so, less pneumonia would save lives. It is possible
    that a different non-antibacterial lung activity volume heightener, different than a bronchodilator could heighten longevity and reduce pneumonia incidence; oral mucolytics, molecules with localization to the diaphragm, or even something like creatine or
    NMN localized (for fewer Mg dosages that are easier to take) to the diaphragm that cause greater tidal volume could have beneficial effects. Lung probiotics could produce mucolytics, or even something like possibly bronchodilating CART peptide, or
    something that causes the miniature villi to move mucous around more rapidly to reduce pneumonia and cause higher functional pulmonary volume, which I perceive might correlate with longevity.

    Could a vaginal probiotic or other treatment heighten longevity? Noting the mouth and the vagina are each the size they are, if nonoptimal mouth bacteria can cause 20-50% of cardiovascular disease what effect, if any, does vaginal flora have on
    longevity and wellness? If there are humans with antibodies to vaginal mucous, possibly their own, (like oral immunoeffects) does that effect wellness and possibly longevity at the rest of the body from autoimmune effects? A $1 dollar store vaginal
    mucous antibody color test could let women know if their vaginal mucous was having beneficial, neutral, or nonoptimal effects. They could then use a vaginal probiotic or see a physician to move the affordable antibody color test to the beneficial or
    neutral range.

    I read using computers makes people 48% more likely to be cognitively well as compared with cognitively impaired, and as previously noted, what are they visiting online? If it is 1/3 social networking and youtube, 1/5th email, 1/3 browsable site-ourced
    entertainment (theonion.com) and the rest quora.com and the halfbakery.com when measured, does the ongoing cognitive capability go up the more they comment and produce original content? Websites could prompt more comments with slightly rearranged layouts
    and things like eAwards, that already exist at some sites, for how many posts or comments you make. Big social networking sites could have a “grandma” setting, likely described with greater thrillingness, that is quantitatively measured as causing
    twice the thread comments and possibly some other heightening of original content production.

    It is likely people are differently active online at different moments of the day. It is possible that morning or evening use supports meaurable sustained cognitive capability better. So noting the 48% heightening of congitive preservation it might be
    a simple rememberable thing to urge cognitively-at-risk people to use the internet during the morning, evening or afternoon. “I’m retired and the doctor told me to use the internet an hour before lunch, and that it’s particularly fun and beneficial
    to log in again after lunch to see all the responses to my things”, Also the physician might be aware that interpersonal socialization which is measured as correlating with greater wellness and greater longevity, often occurs during the afternoons or
    evenings, so the physician suggesting AM computing and evening live socializing might be communicating a comprehensible, very doable thing to retired persons.

    Some people, like big five high conscientiousness persons, can plan things on purpose, so they might actually do something like plan or schedule comment-rich internet site visits an hour before lunch.

    It is possible maintaining full cognitive function is correlated with wellness and lifespan, Perhaps if physicians told retired people to talk during screen time more people would have more cognitive capability, that they use more often, that lasts a
    long time, optimally always.

    At a video streaming service there could be a “social” option where it automatically (possibly with AI) detects lulls in the action, and then puts conversation starters onscreen. These could of course be skipped with the remote, but could be a
    utilized option among those that seek wellness, enjoyment, and they frankly admit to themselves, a more lasting intellect. AI could customize the conversation starters psychological appeal around a fun quiz, like a gradually administered big five, that
    the viewers respond to perhaps 2 questions at a time, over a week, to accumulate a calculable profile: Party! 1) oh no! 2) pretty fun 3) glad I invited everyone to it! 4) yep, right now there is an actual party going on, here and now! or, “I want you
    to want me, I need you to need me, I’d love you to love me”: 1) lots of hearts! 2) kinda like a word puzzle 3)If I did not know it has a lively tune to go with it I’d think it was Jr high school love poetry.

    possibly physicians could, like healthy food, promote a social norm to talking with each other during a video

    I do not know but I perceive a functioning brain might also have a greater amount of autonomic nervous system effectiveness. Perhaps active frontal lobes make your cerebellum and brainstem and vagus nerves do a better job. Maintaining cognitive function
    is likely to contribute to a longevizing social life. A more lively mind that has the get up and go to do things might contribute some physical exercise, but I perceive that there are physiological benefits to being voluntarily and spontaneously alert,
    having motivations and preferences, to be functional enough to feel empathy and be kind,

    1.7 times lifespan IP placenta injections paper/publication: If you hook up a placenta to a heart lung machine does it function for weeks or months giving it transportability and the ability to be administered at clinics with scheduling; Could a new
    mother donate her placenta to the grandmother or her mother with the heart lunch machine sustaining the placenta, giving them months to get around to the longevity treatment?

    Although I have no idea what it would do they could give prepubsecent mice IP placenta injections and see if there were any advantages to the mice throughout their lives; this could popularize longevity research as I think people would like to benefit
    their children and if it turns out that 4-7 year olds get a lifetime of benefit from a placenta injection parents might be particularly willing to do it. Cryogenic storage of a revivable placenta, applied to, and for use in benefitting your
    kindergartener their entire life, could, like cord blood storage become popular, efficient, and valued

    It is my perception that during the year 2019 AD that some asian cultures had animal-derived sexual enhancement products, sometimes made from things like animal genitals, my perception is that these were comparatively popular in Asia during the year 2019,
    and that a new, ethically sourced tissue product that causes greater frequency of sex, longer duration of sex, greater ejaculate volume, more intense orgasms, and more frequent sex at retirement age would have active commercial, advertising, and popular
    interest; Administering ground placenta to mice at the human equivalent age of teens, 30s 40s 50s 60s 70’s 80’s, 90s and 100s and at both female and male mice then measuring their sexual behavior could produce quantified publishable results that a
    mouse that lives 1.7 times as long continues to have sex in it’s human equivalent 80s, and has an ejaculation volume and time to ejaculation similar to that of a 56 year old; Mouse mating postures and their quantity could also be tracked as a kind of
    guide to flirting intensity and frequency. Compared with a 20 or 40 human year old equivalent mouse, the placenta injected mice have a physiological 14 or 28 year old phenotype that is likely to have more sex, more often; ethical sources of human
    compatible placenta, or placenta substitute could be actual human placentas, possibly voluntarily provided endometrial uterus linings that are renewed monthly, and particularly ethical, tissue culture; notably during 2019 there was frequent published
    development of mass produced actual tissue animal meat substitute, suggesting increasing affordability and efficacy at industrial tissue culture with a goal of producing much more than tens of millions of pounds annually.

    A german chancellor received injections of fetal sheep cytes as part of a wellness treatment, suggesting between species tissue injection contact is sometimes nonlethal. Whales that live over 200 years have placentas. See if their placenta material
    injected into mice, and then humans, makes the mice and humans live more than 1.7 times longer. It is possible that this could lead to tissue culture growth of whale placenta without contacting actual whales. Genetic modification of whale placenta could
    make it xenotransplantation friendly and immunoneutral.

    It is likely the research is published; the 1.7 times lifespan placenta paper mentions stem cells; has comminuting the tissue to smaller than a stem cell then making mass fractions, then seeing if any of the mass fractions extended lifespan been tested?
    If the centrifuged/sorted out stem cells produce the 1.7 times longevity effect without the rest of the placental tissue then the whale placentas could be swapped out with whale stem cells, possibly from any whale tissue, then these tested on mice and
    humans; there is published material on ways to modify tissue culture tissue to make it xenocompatible; whale stem cells, or tissue culture placentas are engineerable to be particularly well tolerated and beneficial when made xenocompatible and

    It is possible that as the placenta is attached to the uterine lining, the endometrium, that a comminuted uterine lining, perhaps mid or 4/5 cycle could be intraperitoneally injected into mice, like the 1.7 times lifespan mouse placenta publication, to
    see if it causes greater longevity. If it does then the available supply of longevity multiplying tissue, is much larger, and immediately available to almost every woman of childbearing age. It is even possible that a woman injecting herself with a
    comminuted uterine lining from her own uterus could experience benefit. Endometrial as well as myometrium tissue could be tested. Online it says endometrium produces stem cells, “The continuous cyclic nature of the endometrium through the female's
    reproductive lifetime implies that regeneration of the glandular and stromal components is likely a product of a stem and/or a progenitor (transient amplifying) cell population”, Also, noting the effect of hormones and growth factors (EGF, VEGF etc) on
    the uterine lining, it is possible some amount or combination of hormones or also growth factors would create the largest amount of stem cells or other longevity material at the uterine lining. Noting the 1.7 times lifespan increase paper injected the
    mice three times over ten days with ground placenta, it is possible the perhaps different volume dose of a 4/5 thickness nonpregnant uterine lining, once a month for 12 months could produce lifetime benefit. Also, they could do the experiment again on
    mice, and induce larger than normal placentas, smaller than normal placentas, 99th percentile highest amount of those hormones and growth factors that cause the proliferation of stem cells, also induced large fetus from diabetes in pregnancy, and see
    what different genotypes of mice with different placenta phenotypes have as an effect on raising the 1.7 times longer lifespan value from the published paper. Testing a variety of variables could cause a 2.0 times lifespan increase or higher from the 1.
    7 value.

    Placenta on a heart-lung machine: It is likely possible to connect a placenta to an oxygenator and pump such as a heart lung machine to keep it alive and cytologically normal for weeks or possibly months. Grind up placenta and administer to mammals
    during the same nonischemic interval in which CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) is functional, .5 to 4 minutes, as this likely causes greater stem cell survival and normal-mode form.

    Although xenotransplantation has immunocomplexities, it is possible a pregnant human female researcher, proceeding voluntarily, could have a collaborating scientist grind up some of her placenta within a CPR interval of birth and inject it
    intraperitoneally into mice; it is possible that some of the mice could be given immunomodulating drugs like those used for organ transplants, while other mice would experience immunoactive xenobiotic ground up placenta; noting humans live many times
    longer than mice, if there was not immunorejection the mice might benefit and live much longer than the 1.7 times published from injecting mouse placenta into mice. That could make the whale placenta as well as whale stem cell longevity medicalization

    Similarly, although the species are different, perhaps varied species of mice could have between species placenta injections to find out if things like the placenta of the white footed mouse, which lives twice as long as a mus musculus laboratory mouse,
    causes noticeably greater than a 1.7 times longevity increase. It is possibility that some species similarity would reduce xenobiotic responses.

    One thing that suggests it might be chemicals rather than stem cells is that, at humans, the placenta has fewer than 46 chromosomes, so any stem cells from the placenta might be noticeably different than usual human somatic stem cells. It might make
    them more effective, but perhaps finding out if they actually live and persist at the bodies of intraperitoneally injected mice, as compared with causing some reaction that then causes longevity would be beneficial. It is possible stem cells with less
    than 46 chromosomes might be resistant to concerns some people have about abnormal velocities of tissue growth.

    It is possible I might think of a longevity technology or another technology that benefits human beings,

    prosocial computer activities, which could possibly be scripted like movies to contain sufficient user enjoyment to get people to repeatedly voluntarily use the software, could feature Assistance environments, where people could become fluent in
    associating that environement with a kind of beneficial assistance they could provide. This could be simultaneously utilitarian, “If we are able to vividly imagine helping someone, then we think we're more likely to actually do it," said Young, "
    Imagining the scenery surrounding the situation can also prompt people to take the perspective of the people in the situation who need help, which in turn prompts prosocial action” https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2019-07/bc-tbp071119.php So
    that suggests that a high school student using a simulator to actively assist others in a photorealistic office environment is more likely to effectively assist co-workers, causing better things for the co-worker and incidentally causing the high school
    student to have practiced skills that will cause others to value her and prefer to keep her around, promote her, and pay her more. It is possible that people could get photorealistic practice assisting children, causing them to be better parents. A
    mechanism like a mini-drone could fly through a person’s dwelling, then the photorealistic environemnt would be of where they live, and the people the practice assisting could be the people they live with. Perhaps 2 or 3 hours a day could practice a
    parent into being a more prosocial parent, or a child into lifting their siblings emotions and mindset possibly from good to awesome. It is also possible people could practice assisting single mothers, causing more frequent, more beneficial assistance to
    actual single mothers. In the United States in 2019, a tranched data view suggests 96.2% of people were employed (3.8% unemployement rate) so linking prosocial behaviors of assistance to photorealistic employment environments could benefit more than 9
    out of 10 people. The article that talks about how practicing an environment can also practice altruism does things with fMRI of brain regions and uses TMS to interrupt processes to figure out things, so the photorealistic assistive environment having
    an effect is kind of suggested; “suggests that imagining and remembering scenes of helping a person in need increases intentions to help”, “It seems our willingness to help may be guided, in part, by how easily we can construct imagined and
    remembered helping episodes.” They could see if it works on romance as well, when a person imagines talking to their romantic crush, or asking them out, or composes a text in their mind, does the intention, and perhaps the action, or romantic
    communication happen? If it does there could be software that improves people’s romantic lives with prompted imaginings.

    Benadryl or other immune calmer with a polyglycine or a hydrophilic group on it so it does not pass the blood brain barrier and relieves itching, hives, and immunoreactions without causing sleepiness. There is a slight chance that bacteria or yeast grown
    in benadryl would be modified to be hydrophilic while partially metabolizing.

    Some studies link microRNAs to longevity, these could be made with gene therapy, such as on the liver, or even photonically activateable at the dermis to adjust amount, and then have some effect at the circulatory system. Frequently mentioned
    improvements to nucleotide/amino acid drugs here are: varying electronegativity, lipophilicity or hydrophilicity, attaching a cytotransport moiety like a peptide or protein, attaching a blood brain barrier passing moiety like aceytl, diacetyl, ethynyl,
    or chlorophenoxy, and transcytosis proteins or peptides to get the drug to travel past the capillary epithelium.

    GSK (.5B):

    Noting [2fries] idea about alternating pools of water that reduce algal growth [link]:

    Two phase dental hygiene:it seems plausible that a harmless antibacterial at a mouth rinse might cyclically complement a harmlessly antibacterial toothpaste. I have heard cheese prevents tooth decay so perhaps an emulsified oil or cheese protein at the
    toothpaste and some less yucky tasting ingredient from listerine could complement each other cyclically.

    Then again, perhaps there is zero correlation between the number of bacteria in a mouth, the recovery time of S. mutans tooth plaque, and actual cavities. It might be a novel, potentially effective breath freshener though. P. gingivitis could be another
    bacteria to measure.

    Another possibility is a morning mouth rinse and an evening toothpaste, each with very different ways of terminating plaque and breath scent bacteria. That way morning breakfast tastes OK rather than toothpastish.

    If cycling pH can be used to reduce bacteria quantity and growth then a polyprotic fruit acid like food grade adipic acid (low pH) could be at the toothpaste and possibly a flavor-tolerable high pH magnesium containing molecule could be at the mouth
    rinse. Magnesium threonate tastes neutral or slightly pleasant and is even published as a nootropic.

    If it is possible to demonstrate that a toothpaste/rinse cycle reduces cavities and unpleasant breath as effectively as brushing twice a day (Which I do not do) then this could take the place of some toothbrushing. The flavor of breakfast could be
    improved for millions of people! Minty breakfast cereal and surfactant flavor disruption would be a quaint 2019 experience.

    Also, there is that fruit that makes everything taste sweet, but takes 1/2 an hour to work. If you put that at the AM mouth rinse then it might have time to work, causing breakfast to be really sweet tasting.

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