• Eugenics

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Sun Oct 9 00:55:07 2022
    parents getting their children germline gene therapy as well as gene therapy to benefit the child. Software noting the child's phenotype and genotype recommends gene therapy that will benefit the child and connects the parents to an ordering website like
    amazon.com as well as others, it is possible that the child's medical records include a previously characterized sequenced genome , heightening convenience and immediate fulfillment because there is an absence of expectorating into a tube, then
    remembering to visit the online site, with the genome, the pleasant even fun software communicates and advises based on the previously sequenced genome and recommends a one pill one dose gene therapy pill, also if the parent or child changes their mind
    having the previous genome as a record makes it possible to custom sequence reversion to the previous genome

    Enhancing genes at people with Y chromosomes

    Lifelong production of CRISPR/cas9 at a lifelong living tissue exports gene therapy to the body to maintain genetic modification of the testes; I do not know if the spermatogenic cytes automatically replace themselves every few months or years, tells
    seroli cytes or the cytes that become sertoli cytes to be genetically optimized and have only daughters. Daughters and girls and women are humans, that is persons, that is people, that is homo sapiens with ovaries, a uterus, a vagina, a clitoris, just
    two sex chromosomes both of them X chromosomes as well as breasts that develop during puberty.

    The lifelong gene therapy tissue like spinal cord membrane, genetically enhances the progenitors of sertoli cytes to make genetically enhanced sertoli cytes that then make sperm.

    What might make Y chromosome teenagers do this, Viagra, quantified success with women, possibly be better at school, some might like athletic ability, and during 2019 esports ability

    Genetic enhancement and optimization pill that is less than one cent

    Liposomal coated virus phage goes to lymphatic system, it is possible phosphatidyl version makes the engineered to be immunoneutral virus have even greater immunotoleration, Virus could have localization from being a virus already known to modify the
    genetics of vascular cytes, smooth muscle, or hepatocytes or a different high volume tissue like dermis, along with the genetic enhancement transfected cytes make a beneficial peptide or protein at sufficient amounts to be noted with a saliva test so
    people can know it worked, how much enhanced physiochemical activity is occurring, and although one pill one dose has lifelong function if another dose is beneficial

    One possibility is that the gene therapy produces physiological activity wellness reports at a reticled circle, a few hundred or thousand chemicals in saliva, possibly peptides, that change their amount based on things like "if I ignore it will it go
    away true?", neurotransmitters, sex hormones, a group of items that software (like deep learning AI) is able to use to graph a wellness trajectory and tell people how to be at the 90th percentile of wellness, something kind of like a reserve capacity
    meter for people planning a reserve utilizing thing like biking across the entire western world and taking LSD once a week, things like cholesterol, cortisol, all the 2019 standard annual routine tests at physician medical visits, possibly cancer
    screening from some kind of deep learning interpretation of simultaneous things being active at the immune system,

    " is my supplement working", also the mental health trajectory could be characterized with an emphasis on better than well,

    When a lickable test strip is at the bathroom, and the computer camera is at the bathroom then the software can update the persons on-their-computer only medical advice software, if the settings say to share it with a romantic partner they can
    supportively suggest action , "it is so awesome you are better than well, but the medithing says you are likely to get enjoyable hypomania unless you sleep more, and the medithing suggested melatonin so I got some, I can take it with you every night", or
    the software can notify a social companion robot to say something similar

    GSK, I read about airject, what about hickey-like; put a tube on your cheek or tongue and suction off actual cytes for numerous beneficial puposes, 14 pounds per square inch isn't much but could be combined with a micro disintegration laser like dentists
    use to divide living cytes from epithelial membranes and then suction them up; this could also function at the dermis, it is possible that with dental laser that might go mm per second through dental material a text sized comma or less could be divided
    from the dermis and sucked up at less than a two seconds, or, better than sucking up, a charged surface could electric charge absorb it, or a hygroscopic pad could absorb the 1-10 micro milliliters of the sample


    A one pill one dose genetic optimization, enhancement as well as a la carte genotype and phenotype pill available at less than one cent each popularizes beneficial eugenics

    Make Stem cells at ovaries with an optimized genome, differentiate to new oocytes, then deactivate previous unmodified oocytes

    Antipyretic pills at the dollar store are less than 1¢ each (.71 ¢), polymer coated enteric versions full of dry liposomes that bring CRISPR/cas9 or more advanced technology to restructure stem cells and oocytes utilizing the lymphatic compartment
    omitting first pass metabolism

    GnRH linked to another chemical caused more than 100 times preferential accumulation at the gonads, the CRISPR/cas9 system components could be linked to a new version of GnRH that omits the usual GnRH effects while concentrating at the gonads, screen a
    library of GnRH molecule variations to find a few that double or greater gondal concentration

    Otimizing the genome of oocytes could benefit from CRISPR/cas9 or a more advanced technology modifying a large tissue volume like hepatocytes, smooth muscle cytes, or vascular cytes so that the vascular export of further CRISPR/cas9 activity to the
    ovaries is sufficient to thoroughly remodel the ovaries

    The CRISPR/cas9 could make longevity and wellness peptides and proteins (AEDG, Epithalon, also they could screen dermal beauty peptides to quantify any beneficial longevity effects) and molecular variants as longevity drugs as well as quantified as
    functional beauty peptides while optimizing the genetics of oocytes. The combination of a pill that makes a woman or teenager get to be more beautiful, with clear beautiful skin while benefitting any aspirations of children she is thinking about having
    popularizes eugenics.

    Things that benefit teenagers

    Are there acne reducing peptides or proteins; antibiotic peptides are published, dermal cyte localization technologies could concentrate them at the dermis. screening a library of non-sex hormone active sex hormoneish molecules (methoxy moiety?) With
    dermal localization and concentration would decrease the effect of endogenous sex hormones produced during puberty just at the skin, causing preteen clear skin as well as youthful smooth clear childhood skin to continue throughout being a teemager, this
    could benefit adults as well. 17 alpha estradiol is a nonfeminizing sex hormone that is published as causing greater longevity, screening a molecule library of things like 17 alpha estradiol could find a clear skin, child like youthfulness of skin

    17 alpha estradiol molecular variant linked to a dermis localization moeity, with more effective teach to the dermis than minocycline could be a youthful clear skin technology. 17 alpha estradiol may have a gene therapy advantage as I perceive there is
    some protein chemical like an enzyme that converts some other kind of thing, possibly estradiol to 17 alpha estradiol, so upregulating the gene that makes that protein enzyme could be a longevizing, clear skin, gene therapy as well as germline gene

    Beauty and longevity technology

    17 alpha estradiol may have a gene therapy advantage as I perceive there is some protein chemical like an enzyme that converts some other kind of thing, possibly estradiol to 17 alpha estradiol(AE), so upregulating the gene that makes that protein enzyme
    could be a longevizing(AE), clear skin, gene therapy as well as germline gene modification. Also benefitting teenagers and adults people could also be characterized as to the effects of genetically determined sex hormone multiform ratios (things like 17
    b estradiol/17 a estradiol/progestetone ratios) and sex hormone receptor (where are they located at that genome driven phenotype, how many of them are there, what is their sensitivity) SNPs, alleles and gene copy numbers' beneficial effect on clear skin
    and beautiful teenage bodies with parents with beautiful bodies who say they had clear skin as teenagers could be utilized as a genomics science genotype to be compared with other genotypes to find and contribute body and skin components to the optimal
    genetics of teenage and adult beauty. AEDG linked to beauty peptides, some of which are tripeptides and seven or eight amino acid beauty peptides would also build heightened longevity with beauty, I favor germline engineering to build longevity and
    beauty physiological chemistry; among those who might like a pill AEDG (Epithalon) linked with an enzymatically degradable linker to beauty peptides or a parallel plurality of beauty peptides, or a sex hormone receptor activation decreaser, or a
    dermally concentratimg antibiotic peptide, could be a Try it for two months, if you like it, get the gene therapy and germline gene optimization. Notably at less than 1 cent a pill the gene therapy and germline enhancement pill is actually more
    affordable than a couple months of some different pill

    As another possible benefit it might minimize body hair growth

    Rescuing children

    Screen the most popular 40 computer amusements, including sims and Minecraft, and phone amusements with EEG and psychometrics that test irritability when interrupted and aggression levels after one hour of play, with both unimtoxicated and intoxicated
    persons, notably people with Y chromosomes, there could be some that cause less irritability on interruption and aggressiveness one hour later, if a person was receiving treatment for doing something it benefit children to be rescued from then part of
    their treatment could be to practice the upper decile of minimized aggressiveness video amusements then voluntarily keep using them where they dwell, I read live-in boyfriends were a numerically frequent cause of things children would have benefitted
    being rescued from, and the likeliness of an adverse event heightened while they were intoxicated, it is possible interruptions could contribute to live-in boyfriends behaviors that would be beneficial to decrease.

    I perceive that sound level effects mood, and that louder ambient sound might contribute to higher emotional volatility. It is possible that heightened emotional volatility among both adults and children could be linked to adult, like live-in boyfriends'
    behaviors that a child would benefit from being rescued from. Technology that tracks a person's location and produces quietness with antinodal sound systems already exist, so their applications to people at dwellings with children could be characterized
    as to higher proportion of kind as well as interesting words to non optimal words, vocal tone, and, video and audio recording those groups of persons living together deemed to be at risk of doing things that children would benefit from being rescued from,
    decrease of actual behaviors that children would benefit from being rescued from. Notably computers could just reduce the ambient decibels maintaining some ambience, and treat things like loud media, loud voices, and activity noises like cleaning or
    even joyful noises of children, and possibly crying babies to decibel levels people preferred while fostering the identical amount of beneficial baby adult and child adult interaction.

    Longevity technology

    Screen all GRAS food additives and FDA drugs at yeast coincubation with stable isotopes and the test chemical (4 levels of 6 stable isotopes produces about 16 million individually coded yeast colonies at a multiwell plate) to find out if any cause
    mitochondrial uncoupling, then make molecular variants on those GRAS ingredients and FDA drugs to find any that are up to an order of magnitude more effective (mitochondrial membrane passing, active transport, halogenation)


    At a new topological space like the acoustic singularities I read about (I do not know how it works, I perceive I read they used gravitational singularity equations on an acoustic simulation, made predictions based on the equations and they functioned).
    Also the acoustic singularity could have a much wider variety of asymptotic shapes, like rather than just _/ they could have



    That pass through more than one Cartesian quadrant, with two asymptotes, and a variety of nu (graphical nu )quadruple asymptotes or other mass shapes based on what I perceive is the flexibility of the acoustic singularity producer apparatus. Does it also
    function with THz waves and microwaves that are the size of audible acoustic sized waves. As an MWI thing do laboratory made singularities, optimally with larger numbers of asymptotes to make a plurality of singularities simultaneously, with custom
    topologies that are different than a sphere around a point make actual physical topological spaces with different electron or atom distribution than 3D space, like multiple simultaneous verges (event horizons) at a nu quadroasymptote, or it is even
    possible that actual atoms at a atmospheric pressure cold plasma being acoustically modulated could have verge simultaneity while as plasma have electron changes continuously

    It is possible that the acoustic singularity maker could make a two simultaneous singularity making parabola while staying positive, the equation would cause instant simultaneous two location advancement from the math. At an atom system this causes
    simultaneous emission of photons from electrons while being separated with space, a two photon simultaneity could go with a double effect MWI universe at the schroedinger equation, one that is simultaneously multiactual (2 branches of 2 simultaneous
    photon events, or 3 branches simultaneously which could cause an upgrade to the Schroedinger equation , or a twice as actualness of existence from 2 photon simultaneity reinforcement

    MWI (x=y²=z makes a volume parabola, possibly)

    Multiasymptote MWI systems could be utilized to make repeated narrow uuuu, traversing the anthropic principle numbers at different new MWI universes to create universes with a more anthropic and gynothopic favoring anthropic principle


    Longevity technology

    Finding completely new hormetics that increase longevity, healthspan, wellness and cognitive function

    Endoplasmic reticulum hormetic is published. Could there be more, what about a golgi apparatus hormetic

    Catdiocyte hormetic, screen a library of molecules at tissue culture, one possibility is that at other muscles, exercise is kind of hormetic, microtears and lactic acid build up, as well as likely other chemicals are produced, if there are like a
    plurality of hormetic or hormeticish chemicals produced at smooth and regular muscle that is exercised to greatest strength build up or greatest volume build up then they could make cyto homogenates and also gather between cyte fluids endocytotically and
    between cytes then test them on mice or 3g shrews, it is possible one exercised beaver or cow could provide sufficient homogenate numerous shrews of mice

    Plasma protein fractions from one unwell monozygotic twin mouse or rat or pig transfused to the well one to find out if it becomes better than well, a possibility is screening plasma from mid unwellness as well as first 24 hours after recovery (absence
    of fever, normal motion patterns) monozygotic twins or clones

    NR mitochondrial pluralization is hormetic-like, is there a hormetic mitochondria fuel, screen a library of sugars. Galactose is really bad for mammals, could there be a molecular variant that is 1/200th as bad with longevizing, healthspan increasing,
    cognition maintaining or increasing effects

    Is quadrophospate hormetic (compare ATP)

    A possible harmless to experience brain hormetic could be the response of the brain to longevity producing caloric restriction, among mice that rapidly regain their full, measured during ad-libitum feeding, cognitive abilities even while calories
    restricted, or heighten them while calorie restricted it is possible to search for a hormetic response at the CNS, this can also be characterized outside the CNS at peripheral nerves like lever press velocity before and after caloric restriction and
    after full recover while still being caloric restricted, the volume of peripheral nervous system material may not be as much, although the greater structural simplicity might focus hormesis effects on physiochemical rather than brain structure

    Low dose imterleukins, or modified interleukin proteins tested st tissue culture

    Digital gradient matrix lasers on dermis, from 1 mW all the way to 1 Watt, and different pulse modes and light frequencies, then if any of these are hormetic. Possibly measurable with a computer camera looking at histology images to find any regions that
    have netter than well histology or the histological morphology of a person 14 years younger, then the cytoreactions from that wattage, pulse method, and frequency can be characterized to find out if cytes internal to the body having those hormetic
    chemicals upregulated or drug activated causes a beneficial hormetic response without internal lasers

    Cytoplasm mass fractions, like 1000 of them, perhaps from unwell cytes with 95/100 likeliness of full recovery could be screened, when I get a rash there is a continuum of responses from minutes or hours of non-oozing erythema to microcrusts, along that
    continuum there are likely 95/100 fully recovering cytes, I am not aware of any rash that seems to heighten wellness on it ceasing, beauty chemical peel treatments at less than peeling doses could possibly (possibly not) be characterized as causing
    histological hormetic benefit, I have doubts about systemic use, but salicylic acid makes yeast live 400% longer and I think may have been used at dermal chemical peels, so perhaps not the salicylic acid as a drug but the cytochemicals it causes to be
    emitted, upregulated, or even decreased, possibly at tissue culture, if salycilic acid does have a beneficial hormetic effect they could screen a library to find molecules that have double of an order of magnitude greater hormetic effect (halogenation or
    lipophilicity version combined with hydrophilic version could do it)), I perceive salycilic acid is water soluble)

    Screening a library like these and othets of a few thousand possible new hormetics could find those with the greatest longevity and healthspan effects, c elegans doubled lifespan from mitochondrial uncoupling is, to my perception ascribed to a prenatally
    activated lifelong hormetic response

    Longevity technology

    GSK salycilic acid might be hydrophilic and lipophilic things pass the blood brain barrier faster, I heard about the acetyl doing that but would propyl transport the drug even more rapidly, also decanoic acid esters are published as causing greater
    longevity, perhaps a salicylic acid decanoic ester would be beneficial

    Has GSK tried combining piperine at its antipyretic an analgesic pills, 2-2000 times dose multipliers are published with piperine and if two or more doses fit at one pill they could make 24 hour acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and naproxen with the same sized

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Thu Oct 13 19:39:16 2022
    parents getting their children germline gene therapy as well as gene therapy to benefit the child. Software noting the child's phenotype and genotype recommends gene therapy that will benefit the child and connects the parents to an ordering website like
    amazon.com as well as others, it is possible that the child's medical records include a previously characterized sequenced genome , heightening convenience and immediate fulfillment because there is an absence of expectorating into a tube, then
    remembering to visit the online site, with the genome, the pleasant even fun software communicates and advises based on the previously sequenced genome and recommends a one pill one dose gene therapy pill, also if the parent or child changes their mind
    having the previous genome as a record makes it possible to custom sequence reversion to the previous genome

    Enhancing genes at people with Y chromosomes
    Lifelong production of CRISPR/cas9 at a lifelong living tissue exports gene therapy to the body to maintain genetic modification of the testes; I do not know if the spermatogenic cytes automatically replace themselves every few months or years, tells
    seroli cytes or the cytes that become sertoli cytes to be genetically optimized and have only daughters. Daughters and girls and women are humans, that is persons, that is people, that is homo sapiens with ovaries, a uterus, a vagina, a clitoris, just
    two sex chromosomes both of them X chromosomes as well as breasts that develop during puberty.
    The lifelong gene therapy tissue like spinal cord membrane, genetically enhances the progenitors of sertoli cytes to make genetically enhanced sertoli cytes that then make sperm.

    What might make Y chromosome teenagers do this, Viagra, quantified success with women, possibly be better at school, some might like athletic ability, and during 2019 esports ability

    Genetic enhancement and optimization pill that is less than one cent
    Liposomal coated virus phage goes to lymphatic system, it is possible phosphatidyl version makes the engineered to be immunoneutral virus have even greater immunotoleration, Virus could have localization from being a virus already known to modify the
    genetics of vascular cytes, smooth muscle, or hepatocytes or a different high volume tissue like dermis, along with the genetic enhancement transfected cytes make a beneficial peptide or protein at sufficient amounts to be noted with a saliva test so
    people can know it worked, how much enhanced physiochemical activity is occurring, and although one pill one dose has lifelong function if another dose is beneficial

    One possibility is that the gene therapy produces physiological activity wellness reports at a reticled circle, a few hundred or thousand chemicals in saliva, possibly peptides, that change their amount based on things like "if I ignore it will it go
    away true?", neurotransmitters, sex hormones, a group of items that software (like deep learning AI) is able to use to graph a wellness trajectory and tell people how to be at the 90th percentile of wellness, something kind of like a reserve capacity
    meter for people planning a reserve utilizing thing like biking across the entire western world and taking LSD once a week, things like cholesterol, cortisol, all the 2019 standard annual routine tests at physician medical visits, possibly cancer
    screening from some kind of deep learning interpretation of simultaneous things being active at the immune system,
    " is my supplement working", also the mental health trajectory could be characterized with an emphasis on better than well,
    When a lickable test strip is at the bathroom, and the computer camera is at the bathroom then the software can update the persons on-their-computer only medical advice software, if the settings say to share it with a romantic partner they can
    supportively suggest action , "it is so awesome you are better than well, but the medithing says you are likely to get enjoyable hypomania unless you sleep more, and the medithing suggested melatonin so I got some, I can take it with you every night", or
    the software can notify a social companion robot to say something similar

    GSK, I read about airject, what about hickey-like; put a tube on your cheek or tongue and suction off actual cytes for numerous beneficial puposes, 14 pounds per square inch isn't much but could be combined with a micro disintegration laser like dentists
    use to divide living cytes from epithelial membranes and then suction them up; this could also function at the dermis, it is possible that with dental laser that might go mm per second through dental material a text sized comma or less could be divided
    from the dermis and sucked up at less than a two seconds, or, better than sucking up, a charged surface could electric charge absorb it, or a hygroscopic pad could absorb the 1-10 micro milliliters of the sample

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)