• Nootropics

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Sat Oct 8 20:22:30 2022
    Scientific American might say button pressing reaction interval is more predictive than iq, or possibly fully elucidates iq causing greater longevity, that makes it so that stimulants as well as nootropics could have a longevizing effect; screening
    molecule variants of stimulants on yeast, c elegans, drosophila and mice to find stimulants that cause greater longevity is beneficial

    At mice, screening stimulants to find those that are prosocial, peaceful, creative, productive, as well as fun is beneficial, human study participants on one occuremce doses could also be quantified as to various positive measures of beneficialness

    Notably, different stimulants function different ways. Noting the button press predictor of longevity it is possible that stimulants that effect the peripheral nervous system, even those that do not traverse the blood brain barrier could be longevity
    drugs, CNS stimulants could also be quantified as to longevizing effects as could stimulants that effect both, also I perceive there are other nervous systems like somatic sensory nerves that could have stimulants focused on them and quantified as to
    longevity effects

    Perhaps localization (published and new cyte and tissue localization technologies, as well as cytomembrane transport moieties) of stimulants also contributes to longevity effects, particularly longevity heightening effect nerves, possibly the vagus, the
    pancreatic nerves as well as spinal cord; localization could reach these while omitting effects on the heart like rapid pulse or blood pressure effects, decreasing any deleterious effects

    Stimulants could function based on different parts of neurons and it could be possible to find neuron areas that create a modality of stimulant type, a stimulant theme to make new screenable libraries with that heighten longevity; dendrite active
    stimulants. Synapse active stimulants, myelin enhancement that is stimulating or also makes button pressing reaction interval, as well as organism wide neural reaction interval more rapid are all screen able as different possible longevity drugs;

    Screening stimulant molecule varieties that are lipiphilic, hydrophilic, neutralphilic, as well as different sizes of AMU molecules are possible screenable libraries to find longevizing effects; also the 99.9th percentile of longevizing activity at c
    elegans or 96 well plate vertebrate fish stimulants could then be screened on mice, possibly sequentially every 72 hours to find beneficial benevolence, empathy, kindness, peacefulness, cognition, fun heightening molecules, then the quantified effects at
    mice could produce beneficial longevity heightening stimulants that voluntary human experiment participants could quantify with things like reactions to software and fMRI similarity to humans at the 99.9th percentile of beneficial mind, feeling,
    behavior and cognitive capability;

    Noting the higher velocity reaction intervals link to longevity it is possible nonchemical nerve velocity heightening technologies could be longevity technologies; microvoltage or micro current stimulation, EEG like non CNS electricity directing and
    causing EEGish frequencies like those recorded at 14 year olds could cause non CNS nerves to make the kinds of reoccurring waveforms at the same locations as particularly youthful, or actually (14 year old) youthful people, entire organism EEG like
    stimulation is described at the online site with my material on it, possibilities are ankle as well as wrist wearable through-body stimulation as well as possible electrochemically active .1 to 1 mm CPU size networked electrical waveform network making
    decal technology

    Making screenable library variants to find longevity heightening stimulants based on these chemicals:


    ADD drugs,

    Phenylethylamines, pikhal shulgin

    MDMA, prosocial. fun

    Stimulant molecular variants of rapamycin

    CART peptides


    Epinephrine molecular variants that are pleasant

    nonhabituating +Caines, procaine has about one study quantifying wellness and longevity benefits, screen 1000 nonhabituating -Caine's at outdoor mouse dorm mice

    Screening a million stimulant molecule variations on yeast could find longevity drugs even though yeast do not have nervous systems, among the possibilities are multifunction molecules with another longevity mechanism HAEE is an 10HDA(longevity) like
    molecule that causes anxiolytic and nerve healing effects, it is possible there is a stimulant molecular variation of HAEE, possibly even a decanoic acid ester, with simultaneous 10HDA longevity effects, HAEE anxiolytic and nerve healing effects and
    stimulant based longevity heightening effects; similarly 10HDA is an HDAC inhibitor, it is possible some variety of an HDAC inhibitor or other epigenetic modifying molecule that causes genetic availability of spontaneous stimulation, heightens stimulant
    ability, or is also a molecularly active stimulant as an actual chemical

    Longevity technology as well as new longevity drugs


    Scientific American might say button pressing reaction interval is more predictive than iq, or possibly fully elucidates iq causing greater longevity, that makes it so that stimulants as well as nootropics could have a longevizing effect; screening
    molecule variants of stimulants on yeast, c elegans, drosophila and mice to find stimulants that cause greater longevity is beneficial

    At mice, screening stimulants to find those that are prosocial, peaceful, creative, productive, as well as fun is beneficial, human study participants on one occuremce doses could also be quantified as to various positive measures of beneficialness

    Notably, different stimulants function different ways. Noting the button press predictor of longevity it is possible that stimulants that effect the peripheral nervous system, even those that do not traverse the blood brain barrier could be longevity
    drugs, CNS stimulants could also be quantified as to longevizing effects as could stimulants that effect both, also I perceive there are other nervous systems like somatic sensory nerves that could have stimulants focused on them and quantified as to
    longevity effects

    Perhaps localization (published and new cyte and tissue localization technologies, as well as cytomembrane transport moieties) of stimulants also contributes to longevity effects, particularly longevity heightening effect nerves, possibly the vagus, the
    pancreatic nerves as well as spinal cord; localization could reach these while omitting effects on the heart like rapid pulse or blood pressure effects, decreasing any deleterious effects

    Stimulants could function based on different parts of neurons and it could be possible to find neuron areas that create a modality of stimulant type, a stimulant theme to make new screenable libraries with that heighten longevity; dendrite active
    stimulants. Synapse active stimulants, myelin enhancement that is stimulating or also makes button pressing reaction interval, as well as organism wide neural reaction interval more rapid are all screen able as different possible longevity drugs;

    Screening stimulant molecule varieties that are lipiphilic, hydrophilic, neutralphilic, as well as different sizes of AMU molecules are possible screenable libraries to find longevizing effects; also the 99.9th percentile of longevizing activity at c
    elegans or 96 well plate vertebrate fish stimulants could then be screened on mice, possibly sequentially every 72 hours to find beneficial benevolence, empathy, kindness, peacefulness, cognition, fun heightening molecules, then the quantified effects at
    mice could produce beneficial longevity heightening stimulants that voluntary human experiment participants could quantify with things like reactions to software and fMRI similarity to humans at the 99.9th percentile of beneficial mind, feeling,
    behavior and cognitive capability;

    Noting the higher velocity reaction intervals link to longevity it is possible nonchemical nerve velocity heightening technologies could be longevity technologies; microvoltage or micro current stimulation, EEG like non CNS electricity directing and
    causing EEGish frequencies like those recorded at 14 year olds could cause non CNS nerves to make the kinds of reoccurring waveforms at the same locations as particularly youthful, or actually (14 year old) youthful people, entire organism EEG like
    stimulation is described at the online site with my material on it, possibilities are ankle as well as wrist wearable through-body stimulation as well as possible electrochemically active .1 to 1 mm CPU size networked electrical waveform network making
    decal technology

    Making screenable library variants to find longevity heightening stimulants based on these chemicals:


    ADD drugs,

    Phenylethylamines, pikhal shulgin

    MDMA, prosocial. fun

    Stimulant molecular variants of rapamycin

    CART peptides


    Epinephrine molecular variants that are pleasant

    nonhabituating +Caines, procaine has about one study quantifying wellness and longevity benefits, screen 1000 nonhabituating -Caine's at outdoor mouse dorm mice

    Screening a million stimulant molecule variations on yeast could find longevity drugs even though yeast do not have nervous systems, among the possibilities are multifunction molecules with another longevity mechanism HAEE is an 10HDA(longevity) like
    molecule that causes anxiolytic and nerve healing effects, it is possible there is a stimulant molecular variation of HAEE, possibly even a decanoic acid ester, with simultaneous 10HDA longevity effects, HAEE anxiolytic and nerve healing effects and
    stimulant based longevity heightening effects; similarly 10HDA is an HDAC inhibitor, it is possible some variety of an HDAC inhibitor or other epigenetic modifying molecule that causes genetic availability of spontaneous stimulation, heightens stimulant
    ability, or is also a molecularly active stimulant as an actual chemical

    It is published that longevity goes up 21% at the upper 32% (including higher amounts) of IQ, also longevity and being alive things that could likely be brain processed, like if a romantic partner is alive and the amount of friends as well as the social
    experience of a person effect longevity; drugs and genetics that enhance brain function are longevity technologies and drugs;

    New longevity drugs based on nootropics (smart drugs), Screen a million or more nootropic molecule variants at yeast, c elegans; they may have longevity molecule actions that complement their cognitive effects, then screen the 99.9th percentile of
    longevizing nootropic sourced molecules on mice to find those that simultaneously heighten longevity, subjective well being as well as cognitive ability to make beneficial new human drugs

    Phosphatidyl serine and variations as nootropics as well as quantifiable longevity drug; other phosphatidyl amino acids and different molecule alkane lengths could be screened as a library

    Screen a library of a million nootropic molecule variants and find the molecules that simultaneously heighten longevity, subjective well being like happiness, and cognitive function, then test the 99.99 percentile of them on mice, make them human drugs

    All the greater than 100 neurotransmitter genes and all the brain morphology genes could be characterized as to their effect on longevity, heightening subjective well being and kindness as well as heightening cognitive ability; the simultaneously
    multibenefical effect chemicals, like proteins, the genes make are library screened as protein drugs, those at the 99th or 99.9th percentile of multi beneficial effect are then beneficial human drugs;

    it is also possible that among the greater than 100 neurotransmitters there are three where receptor activation is of greatest benefit as well as three where receptor activity decrease causes benefit like greater longevity, happiness as well as cognitive
    ability, drugs that effect these nifty and antinifty neurotransmitter types are then longevity, subjective well being, as well as cognitive ability increasing drugs, and genetics of the nifty neurotransmitters are genetic enhancement opportunities at
    humans as well as are the antinifty neurotransmitters activity being genetically reduced, which then heightens longevity or also happiness or also cognitive ability at humans

    Bile acids cause yeast to have doubled longevity and increase the maximum age attained; screening a library of a million molecular variants on lithocholic acid at yeast is a way to find new longevity drugs; Finding the 99.9 the percentile of molecules
    that heighten longevity at yeast then screening them at fish as well as mice, then making human drugs creates new longevity drugs; among numerous molecules variants screenable, along with combinatorial approaches, topology theme variations (undulating
    3dness at molecules, near planar molecules, rapidly or gradually repeatedly changing shape (like chair boat at benzene), possibly there are variations at hydrophobicity that happen to also be orders of magnitude differenct from each other at
    lipophilicity, dimerization at different sides of the molecule, protein versions, that to my perception can actually imitate few AMU drugs, making the distal thing that looks like a butyl to be propyl, heptyl, 6,7,8,9,10 C long (notably longevity
    molecule 10HDA(10H2DA) could be the distal thing), making the cyclohexane like parts of the molecule unsaturated (C=C areas, like partial benzenes) as well as making them cycloheptyl (7 atom circle) vesions at some of them, removing or replacing the
    methyl branch with an ethyl, propyl or other lipophilic alkane, changing the =O at the ester to a sulfur, as well as replacing the carboxyl with an amide (less hydrophilic), screen able variants like fluorine or other halogen where the hydrogen's are (
    fluorine might be notably hydrophobic from the teflonization I perceive possible, also some fluorinated drugs have 1000 times greater activity per mg, enhancing pills/dosing as well as heightening affordability possibly 1000 times, also ethynylization,
    noting lithocholic acid is cholesterolish and that ethynylizing cholesterolish sex hormones like progesterone makes them hundreds of times more active and active at a few hundred picograms per human dose; noting that sex hormones are cholesterolish,
    lithocholic acid variations with similarity to the published longevity drug, nonfeminizing 17 alpha estradiol which causes 11% greater longevity could be among the screenable variants

    Complementing screening a library of lithocholic acid variants, making radiolabelled versions and at the 14 most longevizing variants out of a million find out which cytoareas, receptors, as well as genetics the 99.999th percentile of heightening
    longevity variants effect

    three or fouteen genes producing differing bile acid molecules linkable to human longevity could be longevity genes

    Nootropic stimulants

    Longevity technology

    At longevity chemical and drug screening is also possible to utilize informed, voluntary, capable, humans, that is persons, that is members of groups of people, that is homo sapiens as voluntarily participating paid participants: utilizing psychological
    testing it could also be possible to heighten the happiness of the volunteers; it is possible to utilize only 70th percentile or greater of persons at their society's quantified feeling and thinking that they have options, surpluses, and other

    A person making the reusable psychometric product, likely software, finds people above the 70th percentile of fiscal resources, as well as above the 70the percentile of preferred amount of fiscal flows at that society, and quantifies them
    psychometrically, then at a different group, the group of people that would like to participate, at that group of people they also find the people at the median quantified feeling or above, of that of the 70th percentile group as to their feeling
    fiscally of perceiving they are median or above at big 5 psychology test measured mental wellness, they are also screened on if they are at or above the society's median at both intelligence and educational hours experienced; these people perceive they
    are doing well, do what they offer, can comprehend the purpose, documentation risks and benefits of being a human experimental subject; heightening the happiness of the participants is also possible, a 16 to 40 item optional psychology test is available,
    the quantifications from they test have an r value of predicting the effect of experiment participation among people replying at various ways on the psychological test, then they get to participate based on their percentile of how much happier they are
    projected to be, that is, their quantifiable subjective well being, from participating as a human test subject at that actual experiment;

    I favor financial compensation to humans that voluntarily participate at scientific studies including medical studies.

    Actinomycetes also is modified to be a nutrient source, as well as possibly a habitat for the fungi and bacteria that globally produce longevity heightening drugs that are effective on humans as well as numerous other organisms, that way from the fungi
    and bacteria living at the actinomycetes that lives at the earthen particles(dirt) the earthen particles continually, at minute amounts, like the amounts reaching leaves of plants at 2019 AD earth, cause the surfaces of plants to have longevity chemical
    and drug molecule producing bacteria and fungi on them, possibly as entire fungi and bacteria as well as spores, noting the bacteria and fungi are harmless to the plant unless kept wet with unmoving water for 72 hours, noting that rain is moving water,
    rather than the unmoving water that accumulates bacterial and fungal chemicals various lengths of rain omit causing the fungi and bacteria to digest the plant; the fungi and bacteria grow, activate, and make longevity drugs and chemicals when at unmoving
    water 72 hours;

    Rapamycin at 126 ppm that causes 60% greater longevity causes more mouse head lifts as well as better cognitive performance; possibly, it could be that head lifts are moments of noticing, or a pleasant mood causing the action; as a human taking about 40-
    60 mg of rapamycin every 24 hours I noticed near sleep hour rapamycin causing being too slightly enthused and alert to sleep, while socializing while it was light I perceived I responded to the other person more promptly, was absent any new or novel
    emotional valence, and I experienced a moment when I felt I would have liked it if the person I was socializing with said funner newer things more rapidly, but that was like a few seconds; I experienced the rapamycin as being emotionally non modifying,
    less stimulating than caffeine, as well as harmless; it brings up a technology of screening longevity drug molecular variants on their projected and actual effects on beneficial voluntary being, form and activity at human mind and behavior;

    Screening a library of longevity drugs as to behavior effects, presence of being, as well as being physiological wellness heightening or wellness neutral at 72 hour dosing technology: Screen a library of perhaps 100,000 rapamycin or other longevity drug
    variants at say 33 mice, with sequential screening of the longevity chemicals to characterize the mice' behavioral, social, fMRI, Positron emission tomography effects; one different chemical per each 72 hours, with the mice on video and their tissue
    scanned a couple times, is near 300 chemicals quantified per mouse, at a 2019 AD unmedicated mouse; so that is 100k longevity chemicals sequentially quantified with 40ish mice,

    To find pleasant or also neutral behavior and mind effect longevity chemical molecules the mice could be screened for a few hours of being medicated at group size: one mouse, before screening any particular chemical molecule on the 8 mice per molecule
    that generates a p<.05 p value, screening the longevity chemicals at mice to verify beneficial positive or neutral effects on mind and behavior prior to characterizing and screening them at marmosets makes it so the majority of mice and the primates have
    beneficial, positive, or neutral mind effects and behavior effects; noting these longevity drugs are technology to benefit humans, that is persons, that is members of groups of people that is homo sapiens quantifying and screening to find beneficial
    positive effects has actual value;

    Noting the longevity chemicals are longevity beneficial, 33 marmosets could screen 700k molecules or higher amounts sequentially while providing primate data that could be more predictive of human prosocial, pleasantness of experience, as well as a
    variety of beneficial things like actualized behavior as well as mind and feeling and sustained presence of benevolence, kindness, empathy behaviors and ways of mind as well as fMRI of mind (like find 99th percentile benevolent empathic kind humans, do
    fMRI, then at the marmosets note which longevity drug molecules align the fMRI of the marmosets with those of 99th percentile benevolent, empathic, kind humans; also at a different quantification find the longevity drugs that cause, at the marmosets,
    actual behavior or also fMRI well above the human actual behavior or also fMRI at greater than the previous unmedicated median voluntary amount of: sharing, mating success, above median social fluency, initiating what to a human would be friendly contact,
    big 5 psychology test openness to experience, conscientiousness, mental wellness, as well as fMRI of creativity

    Making longevity drugs globally available, the 24 most frequently occurring kinds of bacteria as well as fungi that live on wet decaying leaves, also wet decaying grass are engineerable with CRISPR/cas9 gene drive to make longevity drugs, the most
    frequently occurring soil bacteria, among them actinomycetes, are also gene drive modifiable to make longevity drugs, making dirt water longevizing, fungally produced rapamycin, Epithalon AEDG peptide, mTOR decreasers, senolytic fisetin, e coli
    producible antibodies cause insulin like growth factor 1 reduction, decreased response at the ILGF-1 cytosurface receptor from antibodies on it, are all producible at organisms and gene drive at organisms that cause wet plant material to decay; the
    person just puts some water on plant parts, puts it in a bag and when the sweetness peptides the genetic engineering produces make it taste delicious, perhaps with an enzyme that neutralizes other flavors, the longevity drugs are orally utilizable

    Also mTOR decreasing active proteins

    mTOR receptor response reducing active noncyto nonmacrophage glomming of entire cyte receptor glomming antibodies

    Screening longevity chemicals and drugs sequentially, when the 100-700k chemicals are sequentially screened with the mice or also marmosets at a weather ameliorated (canopied) outdoor mouse dorm as well as outdoor marmoset dorm then the mammals can move
    and socialize heightening social data value

    Lithochilic acid causes yeast to live twice as long and heightens maximum lifespan, screening a million molecular variations on lithocholic acid could create new longevity drugs; at humans, humans that have greater amounts of lithocholic acid have higher
    cancer risk, I read mice tend to get cancer more than humans so when screening the 99.99th percentile of the most longevizing molecular variants of lithochilic acid it is possible a mammal lthat has less cancer risk than mice, as well as age batched
    marmosets could be a better model for quantifying longevity increase; an online item says lithocholic acid is toxic but not at humans when medically adminsteref, it is also possible that at humans the coadministration of cancer risk reducing longevity
    chemical like metformin or rapamycin could cause the actual cancer risk of rabbits as well as mice as well as marmosets to be less that that of completely unmedicated rabbits, mice, or marmosets; cholesterol risks could be reduced to less than those of
    unmedicated mammals with the high density lipoprotein cholesterol reducing drug simvastatin which is published as having a longevity benefit, although possibly from heightening healthspan

    Alibaba lithocholic acid dose; at humans it is published that 30mg/24 hours of ursolithocholic acid causes 16.86 micromolar concentration ( up from .05), and bile acid amount went up to 17.21 (all the bile acids) suggesting that 50 micromolar
    concentration like the yeast that live twice as long is a 89 mg/24 hours; although it might not be a plausible dose: the paper says 30 mg of ursolithocholic acid causes only .22 micromolar concentration of lithocholic acid at humans; perhaps the 17.21
    millimolar concentration of all kinds of bile acids, 6 of which make yeast live longer, compensates for that; another paper says ursodeoxycholic acid (a hydrophilic bile acid at ( 30mg/kg each 24 hours) makes previously unwell humans 2.1times more likely
    to omit being alive than unmedicated humans, note though that that is at 30 mg/kg/24 hours so is 70 times higher than the 30 mg makes 17 micromolar concentration at humans so it is possible that a 1/70th dose has only a 1.03 (compared with one)
    likeliness of causing not being alive;

    it is possible that doing correlative studies of human longevity from the varying amounts of bile acid that occur at the different phenotypes at the human population could find genes that make concentrations of bile acid molecules different than others,
    if there are versioms of three or fourteen different kinds of genes that effect bile acid actual different molecule amount then those three or fourteen genetic variations, their SNPs, alleles, and copy numbers could correlate with different human
    longevity, also they could look at the genetics and measured amounts of bile acids at super centenarians to find out if there is a more longevizing genetics of bile acids or amount of bile acids

    I do not know if there is a yeast compensation number when calculating a human dose from a yeast dose like the order of magnitudish less drug compensation number at mice

    Write about lithochilic acid online like longevity.org

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