• Eugenics: (2/2)

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Sat Oct 8 09:10:06 2022
    [continued from previous message]

    An immunization could have one of the effects of senolytics, “Senescent cells can develop a senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP), consisting of pro-inflammatory cytokines, chemokines, and extracellular matrix-degrading proteins”,
    immunizing against extracellular matrix-degrading proteins could cause greater tissue functionality longer, and senolytics are researched as causing greater wellness and younger phenotype. extracellular material might be particularly reachable with
    antibodies. It is possible that as some immunizations last as long as a person, immunizing against extracellular matrix degrading proteins could be a one dose lifespan increasing and wellness increasing immunization, possibly functional at farther than
    postpubertal ages even when given to a child, during the period when people routinely get immunizations and parents highly prioritize immunization activities and coverage. It is also possible that “matrix degrading proteins” have an effect on dermal
    cytes and structure, which I perceive I read have something to do with the word “matrix proteins”, that causes this possible longevity wellness immunization to also be a beautification and youthful appearance sustaining possibly one dose treatment,
    heightening popularity and voluntary use. The other chemicals mentioned, “pro-inflammatory cytokines, chemokines” could also be immunized against to benefit longevity, wellness, and phenotypic youthfulness; I pereive there are a number of these
    cytokines and chemokines, so a list of which have the highest mass/volume concentration both at the circulatory system and outside, right next to the cytomembrane at the intracyte space, and then immunizing against those, could concentrate effectiveness
    although cytotype and tissue specificity could make immunizing against all of them notably more effective; One benefit of immunizing against a multi digit (2 digit? three digit?) number of chemokines and cytokines is that some of them may have
    multidecade effective immunization coverage while others might have different immunization coverage, This partial yet long duration removal of deleterious cytokines and chemokines and matrix protein harming chemicals could actually interrupt and derail
    any harmful processes where the deletarious cytokines, chemokines and matrix-messing up chemicals effect each other, build on each other, or saturate body repairs, from combining or cascading each other’s effects. A person that is good at math and
    algorithms could look at a biochemical network, then come up with a minimum number of items to remove, at certain chemical-link distance from each other, to break a network effect, cause a different group average, or modify the persistence of an emergent
    effect, sort of like whats the fewest steps to wipe out a deleterious eignevalue? Immunizing against that group of chemokines, cytokines or matrix-protein messer-uppers could do that math, causing greater longevity, wellness, healthspan, and
    youthfulness of phenotype.

    Protein or peptide linked drugs could traverse vascular plaque cytopiles to deliver beneficial drugs that shrink of remove vascular plaque blobs and cytopiles and be a cardiovascular wellness drug, “[senolytic]reduces senescent cell-like, intimal foam
    cell/macrophages in vascular plaques”; they could screen the 526 peptide library of 2 unit (mer) peptides formed from 24 amino acids to find out if any cause preferential traversal of atherosclerotic plaque cytopiles and possibly cholesterol coatings.
    lipophilic peptides could be better at traversing cholesterol coated or layered cytopiles. lipophilic peptides linked to physiologically harmless immunocyte attractants could cause macrophages and WBCs to find atherosclerotic plaque particularly
    attractive to glom and remove. Making a protein digest of bacterial cytowalls, then linking them to lipophilic peptides could cause the immune system’s rapid and effective response to bacteria to be directed at atherosclerotic plaque, causing greater
    wellness and possibly improving cognition with improved CNS circulation, as well as reducing risk of cardiovascular disease. Immunizing against cholesterol works on rabbits to reduce cardiovascular nonoptimality, immunizing against plaque blobs could
    remove them: also just as there are many different velocities and “brush strokes” to cleaning off a nonbiological item, different velocities of immunoresponse as well as different biochemicals to remove (immunoglom) first could be tested to find the
    immunocleanup of vascular plaque blobs that was most beneficial and with the least risk.

    a novel senolytic mechanism with a “pick preferred candy out of a pile before getting on a school bus” metaphor: Some chemical transport channels of the exteriors of cytomembranes are possibly durably pluggable with molecules, these molecules are
    also consructed to have a lengthy molecular tail that the immune system recognizes and is reactive to. It is possible that deleterious cytes like the kind senolytics remove, as well as scar or encapsulation tissue cytes, as well as piled up cytoblobs at
    vascular arterial plaques, have greater molecular transport of some specific chemical. Then, I perceive that when a person gets a harmless viral cold, that they get symptoms for 3 days before the symptoms get better, that suggests that a 2019 AD human’
    s immunse system takes 72 hours to produce the antibodies to remove an infection.

    Labelling many things, then using a gentle wash to provide unwell/well cytocontrast: Decorative plugs that occupy a transport channel at the cytomembrane diffuse away, with a half-diffused amount at 24 hours, so 96 hours after the labelling dose, only 1/
    8 as many decorated plugs are on cytes. If the deleterious cytes stared with 80 plugs per cyte they will still have 10, but the cytes that only had 6-8 decorater plugs will have about 1 or zero.

    Noting that senolytics increase longevity, wellness, healthspan, and cause younger cytophenotype and tissue phenotype: a new kind of senolytic: Have the person eat or be dosed with an immunoreactive chemical that has a cytomembrane molecular transport
    channel plug that is like 3 to 40 times more likely to plug up a molecular transport channel at the external cytomembrane and accumulate at a deleterious cyte like the kind of cytes senolytics terminate. Noting well cytes and deleterious cytes differ as
    to their transport channels (senolytics are previously published as reaching their goals preferentially) Give them a big enough dose so that each deleterious cyte gets say 80 antibody-reactive plugs for every 2 at a well cyte, or even 90 antibody
    reactive plugs at a deleterious cyte for every 30 at a well cyte. Then give the human a big dose of the decoration (the antigen without the plug part) to activate the immune response, doing this after 96 hours of gentle diffusion washing away some of
    the decorator plugs, the big dose of plugless decoration causes a large immunogen response, after most of the well cytes are absent decoration while the deleterious cytes are still immunoreactive.

    Also, along with the activation dose of decorator (absent plug) antigen to produce an immune response after well cytes immunoreactivity is decreased, It is possible to use the body’s apparently ordinary 2019 AD 72 hours to make an immune response to a
    viral cold effect, then have that 72 hour spontaneous immune response glom to and remove the decorative plug labelled cytes once 96 hours have progressed, the body has produced antibodies after the 72 hour viral cold-like process, and well cytes have
    only zero to perhaps 3 decorated plugs compared with 8 at a deleterious cyte. The deleterious cytes have been senolytically removed, and could even possibly be removed on a “senescent cytes have different transport channels” basis, the thing that
    makes it a new senolytic is that it terminates cytes like a senolytic without an external drug toxin; similarly this could be a way to treat cancer, removing some of the oncocytes. Noting that some mechanism at senolytic chemotherapeutic drugs like
    dasatinib get preferential effect (thus likely membrane transport) at senescent cytes, and then the senolytic drugs terminate the senescent cytes, it is scientifically sensible to think senescent cytes have different molecular transport channels, or
    quantities of ordinary channels.

    Plugging the transport channel while attracting immunoreaction, when the immunoreaction can be times or sequenced creates kind of algorithmic numerical advantage in removing deleterious cytes. Possibly a plug that resides for just hours or 96 hours would
    preferentially remove deleterious cytes while using up all the circulating beginning antibodies to the decorated plugs; The decorator-plug immunoreactive cytes can use up all the circulating antibodies, that lack of antibodies causes the immunoreactions
    effect on well tissue to be minimized, which maintains organism well being. At some numerical versions, noting each deleterious cyte has more than 8 times as many decorative plugs on it while the well tissue only has between zero and 1/8th the sites and
    immunoreaction, After 8-24 hours after the 72 hours before the body makes its own antibodies to the plugs, at that 96 hour chronoregion, all the existing amounts of anti-plug antibodies are utilized and there are near zero circulating antibodies, so
    there is an absence of further antibody glomming action on well cytes and tissues even though the immune system has been activated, activated with the same effective intensity as a response to a viral cold.

    So like 100 milligram of antibodies gets used up on the highly 8:1 decorated transport channel-blocking molecules, while well cytes have a graphical distribution displaying the number of glommable plugs as centering on just one or even zero; It would
    take 24 hours to make another entire 100 milligrams of antibodies, so noting the decorated plug molecules wear off before that 24 hours while the body is producing the next 100 mg, the 24 hours that pass make cause just 1/4 of 1/8th the decorative plugs
    to be at well cytes. The well cytes only get 1/32nd the immunoreaction cleaning dose of immune system response. Meanwhile the deleterious cytes still have a plurality of decorative plugs at each cyte, labelling them for glomming and removal.

    Longevity technology:

    So is there a sequencable series of natural allergens, or even easy to find and get harmless colds that can be screened, like a screenable library, to do this glom at the places beneficial senolytics are active, gently wash well cytes to experience
    immunoharmlessness, and also up immunocytes purposefully to terminate the labelled deleterious cytes? That would be a sequence made from preexisting viruses and allergens at the 2019 AD typical population, where a human body proceeding through that
    sequence actually gets greater longevity, wellness, healthspan, and youthful phenotype.

    So, uh, BCG, and possibly, MAO-B receptors on blood cyte surfaces, and perhaps there is something natural that occurs at capillary epithelial cytes; could blenderized pollen, perhaps with oil to make GI tract passaging liposomes, cause immunoreaction at
    the circulatory system? Also what about things like mushrooms, fugu, and other species immunoreaction physiological products? Are there things like blenderized e. coli variations of particular kinds that cause varied immune response, which can be bred
    or engineered to be longevity, healthspan, wellnes,, and youthfulness of phenotype beneficial senolytics, because they have different lipopolysaccharides on their membranes?

    Find the receptors or molecule transport channels that are at the exterior cytomembrane of senescent cytes, the kind longevity, wellness, healthspan and youthful phenotype producing senolytics effect. Optimally find external cytomembrane molecular
    biology characteristic structures, senescent cyte-only receptors and molecule transport channels unique to senescent cytes. Then gather a bunch of those unique molecular biology object-features, like proteins, molecule transport channel membrane protein
    structures, or possibly lipid raft like cytomembrane fragments with a stable, typical to living structures of a molecular biological form of the kind of deleterious cyte terminating senolytics terminate, Then screen libraries of wild-type bacteria, fungi,
    plants, and even virus products to find out if they effect, modify, block, cause hypertransport at, or disintegrate these molecular biology structures.

    Also, a novel thing, place a bunch of the actual molecules and proteins that are the unique biomolecular structures of the kinds of cytes senolytics terminate, at a culture medium, perhaps a (1000 times 1000) million multiwell plate, that contains a wide
    survey of bacteria, wild yeast, and variations on what humans think of as beneficial bacteria (probiotics); possibly use micropositioning to place a zone of molecular biology unique structures, a diffusion gap. and then a bacterial growth area: this
    causes material that diffuses across the zone to be measurable as to its quantitative effect on the unique molecular biological structures of the kind of cytes senolytics direct their effects at; When some of the million sample multiwell plates find
    bacteria, fungi, even viruses hosted by human tissue culture cytes products’ or other materials that cause plugging, blocking, hypertransport amplification, or disintegration of the unique molecular biological structures of the kind of cytes senolytics
    terminate, then organisms that produce new senolytics have been identified and can be quantified as longevity, wellness, healthspan, and youthful phenotype producing drugs. These wild type organisms can also be bred to have much higher amounts of
    senolytic chemicals. That is a new source of senolytic drugs.

    As a technology, an immune response generating functions-like-a-senolytic yeast beverage or yogurt, plant, or plant pollen, bscteria, or even physiologically and attentionally nonperceptible dermal bacteria, similar to a probiotic, that is a senolytic
    from immunofunctioning, that is the immunosensitizing bacteria, plant, fungi or even virus causes greater longevity, wellness, healthspan, and youthfulness of phenotype like senolytics do. The humans, that is person’s or people’s immune response to
    optimally, the organisms or ok, but less nifty as it goes with actual human sustained production of concentrates, organism material concentrates, where both and either of these causes the immune system to be sensitized to glom and terminate the kind of
    cytes senolytics terminate.

    So, perhaps: blenderized e coli membranes, combined with cytomembrane molecule transport channel plugs that preferentially populate deleterious chemokine and deletarious cytokine export channel (efflux) transport channels, also combined with some oil to
    make liposomes that make it through the GI tract;

    So where do the at-wild, at 2019AD society, efflux blocker molecules come from? Organisms at a culture medium with chemical travel zone and an area of chemically changeable molecular biology structures to measure the modification efficacy of each of
    the organisms forms is described. As another source of efflux channel blocking molecules that are combinable with immunosensitizing decorations on the efflux blocking molecule, for immunoglomming and removal, which has a senolytic function effect.

    It seems like it would be possible to screen a library of naturally occuring materials and molecules,proteins, peptides,andother things, as well as genetically engineered materials like new or enhanced proteins and peptides, to find out if there are any
    that plug the efflux channels that are effluxing deleterious biochemicals.

    It might be that to a molecular biologist this is sort of easy, like “the transport channel is n angstroms wide and w angstroms tall. Anything hydrophobic/hydrophilic you make with an angle bend, a beta sheet or an alpha helix on it will block the
    efflux channel of that size and form. If you make a 20 amino acid peptide tail and put iton the plugging protein, you can use an amino acid that is absent any environemental or body-wide previous immune sytem antigen stimulation, or immune system
    activity. Immunocytes that react to the unique 20 mer peptide, after the “immune system alerting dose” are unlikely to react to any other physiological biochemical, minimizing immunological reactions drift, thus keepin nearer optimal human,
    immunofunction, human longevity, human wellness, and youthful phenotype form at the human.

    The technology is that if just those cytes are immunoterminated which have a bunch of efflux channels where deleterious cytokines, chemokines, and matrix protein messer-uppers are effluxed, then that immunotermination functions like a senolytic:

    Gene therapy, that transfects and terminates deleterious cytes with something like apoptosis, gene therapy that produces immunoequivalents to senolytic drugs, or gene therapy that actually produces proteins or peptides that are senolytic in their own
    right. Technology of senolytic longevity, wellness, healthspan, and phenotypic youthfulness of form are developing. At 2019 AD, at any deleterious cyte where a senolytic accumulates at but previously did not terminate as it would more optimally do, gene
    therapy could be a way to get the 30% that fisetin does not reach, the 50% that curcurmin does not reach, or the numerous kinds of cytotypes and tissues that any known senolytic might not reach the cytoplasm of (cartilidge, eye lenses, osteocytes, other
    nonvascularized tissues).

    Curcurmin and fisetin are published senolytics; could curcurmin as well as fisetin molecules with an antibody alerting moeity or tail, attached with: an enzyme endogenous to the cytoplasm that divides the curcurmin or fisetin from the immune system
    alerting moeity, which then travels to the outer surface of the exterior cytomembrane, which alerts the immune system to terminate the cyte that the senolytic has already localized and concentrated at. That only works if fisetin, curcurmin, andother
    senolytics actually localize to deleterious cytes. If they just go to allcytes, but only terminate deleterious ones, then a different technology would be the thing to make. If senolytics do localize and concentrate at deleterious cytes then putting
    immunoactivators on them would cause them to be even more senolytic as the immunocytes seek them out.

    wellness technology: somehow leukocytes, macrophages and WBCs notice they are more effective at being an active and beneficial immune system when they travel past the capillary epithelia to actual cytotypes that provide a utility definition to a tissue (
    chondrocytes, pneumocytes, cardiocytes, dermatocytes, beneficial only immune responses to neurons, glia, mesentary, hepatocytes) to have a curative beneficial effect; that is they make their way past the epithelia to reach pneumocytes to engulf
    pneumocytes that have viruses and cure pneumonia when they do that. So, is there a chemical peptide or protein that causes luekocyctes and other immunocytes to move past, or between, epithelial cytes twice as often, twice as fast, or even travel
    preferntially along tissue cytes and omit a travel path that is along epithelial lined passgaeways like capillaries? Those would be drugs that multiply the effectiveness of the immune system at interacting with and vanquishing infections. Kindof like
    the utility of antibiotics, it could be possible to terminate twice as many infected cytes orinvasive organismsevery 24 hours, rapidifying recovery from illness and improving wellbeing.


    lookfor variants at a human population, find the genetics of passing epthelia or omitting travel at epithelial separation from the tissue cytes to be beneficially immunoterminated. Gene therapy could then produce muchhigher effectiveness immune systems
    at the people whoget the genetherapy who then have immune function that is twice as effective as passing, or passes twice as frequetly throughepithelia. Similarly my perceptionisthe leukocytes WBCs and other immunocytes have chemoreceptors. it is
    possible that at humans some human immune systems have twice the ability to sense, accurately a immunomeaningful chemical or molecule; These might be much more effective at sensing things at a distance when to pass an epithelial structure like a
    capillary to reach an actual tissue cyte to terminate the deleterious cytes and cause healing. One thing supporting the twice as effective idea is that at other body systems human capability differences between and amongst 2019 AD humans ranges over
    amounts much more than twice as effective, human vision, from 20-15 to 20-30, at immunoreactivity, children and adults have notably different immune learning libraries, much more than two times different, even persons of normal mental capability during
    2019 AD could have brains that were twice or half as weighty. The technology is then, find an area of the immune system, particularly rapid, affordable, and effective at being changed, where the difference betweena human withthe most beneficial
    versionand a median activity humanis twice the effectiveness or greater. Then amongst that list of doubled or higher immune system capability, find the capabilities that respond withgreater ability most effectively to drugs, plants or other organisms,
    gene therapy, germline modification, lifestyle changes, and

    Possibly things like biologically originated duration of immunity from an exposure could cause some people to be ill half as often (twice effectiveness) at areas, mostly previous to the 21st century, where disease organisms were persistent at the
    environment. So these persons would be able to omit becoming ill twice a as long or twice as effectively as others when re-exposed.

    Adjuvants. I read about vaccine adjuvants. Are there any physiologically harmless adjuvants, possibly what were known during 2019 AD as GRAS food additives? Adjuvants similar to those that are a part of vaccines; these adjuvants when taken orally cause
    the entire volume of the body to be more effective at beneficially developing an immune response. So basically, if a person gets athlete’s foot, taking an oral adjuvant makes them twice as effective at developing an effective immune response to the
    fungi, so that makes them be cured twice as fast and be half as likely to have a recurrence. It is possible a bodywide adjuvant could reduce pneumonia, saving lives, although infection frequency could just be from organism variety; also, there is
    research on food, lifestyle, and cancer prevention. I have not heard of how taking adjuvant pills could make it so non detectable carcinogenesis is twice as immuno reacted to, thus the persons as a population, as measured at a population, get cancer as
    disease half as often.

    Wikipedia mentions PAMPS, “Adjuvants accomplish this task by mimicking specific sets of evolutionarily conserved molecules, so called PAMPs, which include liposomes, lipopolysaccharide (LPS), molecular cages for antigen, components of bacterial cell
    walls, and endocytosed nucleic acids such as double-stranded RNA (dsRNA), single-stranded DNA (ssDNA), and unmethylated CpG dinucleotide-containing DNA.[4] Because immune systems have evolved to recognize these specific antigenic moieties, the presence
    of an adjuvant in conjunction with the vaccine can greatly increase the innate immune response to the antigen by augmenting the activities of dendritic cells (DCs), lymphocytes, and macrophages by mimicking a natural infection.” things that look like
    cytostructures, a lot of different things have as adjuvants.”, screening large libraries of PAMPS could find better adjuvants and possibly those that if taken orally, possibly as parts of liposomes, provide beneficial systemic immune sytem enhancement.

    It is possible to imagine liposomes, or artificial lipid bilayer bags, that have proteins on their surfaces causing engineerable changes in immune response, that is, being adjuvants;

    Bag surface proteins could be kind of purposefully noncomplex, priming for a broad different similar group of proteins to recognize. Noting the lipid bilayer bag could be made out of different lipids it is possible lipid bags made out of really lengthy
    new omega 3s like C20 or C27 could be hyperdurable yet physiologically harmless or even measurably beneficial as omega-3s when they disintegrate. My perception is that some kinds of liposomes are ultraffordable to produce, sort of like: oil, water,
    ultrasonic transducer manufacturing.

    They could screen a library of mlecules to find out if there are better adjuvants than “alum”, aluminum phosphate. Gallium is at the same row of the periodic table so they could try that. Also, noting the milligrams or possibly even micrograms of
    aluminum phosphate at an injection it is possible aluminum phosophate liposomes that make it past the GI tract could produce the same chemical concentration as an injected dose from oral consumption; it could have its flavor made palatable rather than
    tasting like alum because of the liposomes.

    Also, they could find out if oral food: pickles, which contain alum, have an immunobeneficial, all-body adjuvant effect on laboratory mammals, and also do correlation studies on humans that eat pickles. It is possible there are other adjuvant foods,
    possibly some kind of recipe for liposomal transport of something immunoadjuvantish, so like a salad dressing, a nugget dipping sauce, a dilute milk drink, or a new kind of quantifiably physiologically beneficial margarine to make liposomes or lipid
    bilayer bags with and at. There is a chance that oil coated fried potatos like french fries could have a liposome producing oil-water effect, or a purposeful coating; the technology to think of though is what is at the core of the liposomal bag; PAMPS;
    something like “vegemite”, dried yogurt powder enzyme product (basically a bunch of bacterial cytostructures and mambranes as a heap of legos), I read activated carbon, and I think zeolite like aluminum oxide, so possibly some naturally occuring
    zeolite like mineral, at liposomal bags. They could also make artificial zeolite that is, imaginably many times more effective than other forms of aluminum oxide, although it might not be.

    If zeolites work as adjuvants, then a variation of the food thing sodium silico aluminate might be sort of like a ceramic material that could have a different zeolite like form that could be an adjuvant.

    silica gel adjuvants: Other silica materials that might have adjuvant character, be placeable at liposomes, or could have an adjuvant like aluminum or gallium phosphate or ion exchange resins dissolved in them are silica gels, it is possible silica gels
    have different AMU amounts of silica networks, so perhaps they have light and medium ones, ones that adsorb strongly, others that adsorb weakly, also, silica gels can absorb liquids which I perceive might diffuse out again over hours, so if there is a
    liquid adjuvant it might go well with silica gel with liposomal bag around it; “The hydroxy (OH) groups on the surface of silica can be functionalized to afford specialty silica gels that exhibit unique stationary phase parameters. These so-called
    functionalized silica gels are also used in organic synthesis and purification as insoluble reagents and scavengers.” makes custom silica gels sound like they can be tuned to absorb or adsorb custom chemicals, there is even a chance that they could do
    some sort of simple localization, although it seems like to a silica gel, everything they are near would be epithelium.

    Another, new to me approach to an oral immunization: If silica gels that are really eentsy are placed in liposomes then migrate through the small intestine to the circulatory sytem then perhaps they meet immunocytes like leukocytes or macrophages or WBCs
    or some other thing that react to them as a granular particle to be engulfed, I do not know how it works, but after being engulfed a silica gel particle might diffuse out something, even a liquid, that then causes a beneficial immune reaction.

    Alginate jello blobs at liposomes might be an adjuvant, “adjuvants may provide physical protection to antigens which grants the antigen a prolonged delivery” That suggests the possibility that putting alginate jello in liposomes would cause alginate
    filled oil-water bags to travel around the circulatory system. These might pruprosefully leak alginate, causing some amount of antigens to get alginated-attached and then get gradually re-emitted; also ion exchange resins could be at liposomal bags and
    even glom and then gradually re-emit biological molecules of particular masses and surface charges.

    Somewhat dubious, but it is my perception there are sometimes trace amounts of blood in stools. That suggests that an adjuvant, like a PAMP, aluminum or gallium phosphate at liposomes, that dissolves or migrates through membranes at the large intestine,
    or just contacts the sides of the large intestine, which, based on the blood at a stool concept, might have circulatory system distribution possibilities for something like the micrograms or milligrams of something like alum that could be a bodywide

    longevity technology:

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