• Quantum, MWI, Spin, Fronds, Mathematics. (1/2)

    From Joe Mardin@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jul 23 06:22:54 2023
    Physics things could also arise from being able to do math on the aleph numbers of the MWI and unitary MWI, like: spin-polarized lighting at dwellings or modifying the worlds most frequently occuring protein, rubisco, to have some slightly adjusted
    quantum effects. Or, noting magnets synchronize spin, sleep in a big magnet, not necessarily to simultaneously orient spins, perhaps to cause them to have a frequently reoccuring beneficial characteristic, or even different spins at different brain
    regions (note spintronics and spin chemical catalysis exist, so modifying atomic spin at the brain while you sleep, varying at different brain areas, could actually have an effect on well being and possibly wellness) Perhaps a spin polarized nucleus
    accumbens feels even better from daily stimulation.

    (unitary MWI: does it permit modification; JY appears to make a sentient, purposed effort to modify the past; perhaps at JY’s amount of capability the belief is there that change is possible; JY utilized time-spanning techniques, which Ithinkof as a
    paranormal technology, so a person positioned to use a time machine who is smart enough to use it believes change is possible; notably JY also described alternative versions of earth to me, even one without an internet has describable presence of
    actuality in some sense; that supports a variety of universes, but could be without relevance to the physics based MWI)

    Even without the geometricization, any mathematics that supports the generation of fractals using operations with or on aleph numbers could reveal a regime of predictable, semipredictable, or themed order at infinities which might also be called
    nonfinities (although nonfinity might mean something more encompassing of something like unitary MWI, which might be outside of, kind of bigger than, planck-length/voxel notions of infinite things that could happen at 2019AD concepts like planck length
    voxels and infinite analog-direction ray photons).

    There might even be a statistics of a nonfinite distribution where the fractal equation treatment of the aleph numbers causes sufficient repetition, or varied repetion, of things to have bayesian effects, that is possibly the generation of “artificial
    priors”, or “traversable area tendencies”, to be used bayesianly, to better predict things that are more likely to occur even at a nonfinite distribution.

    You could mathematically, possibly with a computer or AI as well as human thought, seek out anisotropies, that is find clusters of effect, with the math, then look for them, at a nonfinite (some various versions of infinite) distribution. Using Bayesian
    effects at fractal versions of aleph number formulas could be a way of finding anisotropies, that is: possibly actual nameable things, some of which might have matter or time duration, with math. This could be off-earth, like the aleph bayesian fractal
    thing predicts that at the “a big universe has near identical matter and energy repeats” idea I read about at Scientific American, that there is a distribution of how near the big area repeats are to each other, and sometimes at a nonfinite
    distribution they are very near and even overlap, even if not that often, With aleph number statistics equations, physicists could search the observable universe, at whatever extent the observations they technologically make occur, for numerically
    predictable “big area” near-location overlaps and then find some. People that lived at the statistically likely infrequent big area overlaps might be less than a light year from their duplicate planets and duplicate selves. They could communicate
    with light.

    Finding and predicting anisotropies at a nonfinite distribution, possibly with MWI aware and optimizing value based actions, could also be at different size regimes like , and,although I have no reason to think it would work: visualize a fern, what if
    using minute energy furling or unfurling the eentsiest frond caused all the self-similar fronds to furlor unfurl. Mechanisms that do something like the frondmotion effect could be described mathematically, then the nonfinite MWI distribution math
    software screened or a human-conceptually realizes ways, to find, at either the existing pre-branch universe, or MWI branch groups or trees that when considered together sequentially, have producible anisotropic concentrations that do the fern frond
    motion effect. That would be finding new areas of eentsy-change-> large beneficial effect to heighten the happiness and well being at human and other sentience’ at a larger amount or proportion of MWI universes; amplification at human existence as
    well asthe sciences like physics.

    With MWI functional mathematics that can find anisotropies at a nonfinite distribution, software, or also possibly humans, could chart a course through different anisotropic clusters that promote well being at particular durations. metaphorically humans
    could go from Santa Barbara to Malibu, wheras without the technology they might have gone from vancouver to stockholm.

    Thinking on the eentsy fern frond that adjust the entire fern: perhaps such a thing could even be physically constructed a little like an amplifying pantograph, although gear ratio energies come to mind, although there could be nifty springs; an optical
    version seems very possible as the energy required to furl/unfurl the littlest frond is eentsy with photons; relatedto optical: A CCD or photomultiplier tube seems like an optical near eentsy unfurl and unfurl technology; also this seems to differ mildly
    from op amps and transistors and ladders of diode voltage doublers connected in networks. Noting that a quantity of these eentsy unfurler-like things already exist, finding new instances of them at math that is used to guide people, and find new things,
    at the MWI creates new capabilities of benefit amplification, and possibly new technologyizable physics, chemistry, biology, and popular everyday object technologies.

    It seems like at 2019AD a human would be part of the realization and application, but the MWI math software might note a doubling of anisotropic durable areas when data velocities go up ten times. The human could then think, “yay benefitting people
    and all of the possible MWI futures (branches), I will think of a way to transmit data that is ten times faster, noting the aleph number math being functional at equation software says there are much larger numbers of beneficial anisotropies produced at
    a large majority of MWI universes; pleasantly Inotice this would also be beneficial at my branch universe.”

    The math might be used to look at networks, and transport of all objects, and might predict it would find an anisotropy span and duration improvement that could also be an optimality increaser at motor vehicles; if everybody had two vehicles, they would
    use the more optimal one, increasing system optimality and individual benefit, the equations of nonfinite MWI distributions qauntify this as about one third”
    The human might then think of an idea like: suggest that giving away your car be extensively advertised. The MWI effect of more people getting complimentary vehicles could cause the better of two or more vehicles to actually be utilized, thus improving
    the experience of driving and being beneficial to the environment. It is majority upside as people, even with advertising, are unlikely to give away their only vehicle, but at least some people would then have the more optimal two vehicles.

    Functional mathematics of MWI guidance have benefit.

    This could also generate new technologies with like: a person or group thought the image of Doug Mackenzie at the new canadian coin’s image was a drag, so we made some MWI universes, or branch generation technologies, that are toroidal 3 dimensional
    aleph-equivalent, thus have a non-MWI gap in the middle, reducing the quantity of universes that are without our preferred image of maple syrup on the canadian coin.

    Enumerating MWI and figuring out what I as a human, that is a person, one of a group of people, to ethically do based on the possibility that MWI is true: At this moment I do not even know if, noting the outcomes of throwing a spoon in the air, the spoon
    landing right side up, upside down, or standing up vertically, might each be/are all nonfinite, so the spoon landing vertical, possibly being nonfinite at a quantity of universes happens just as much as the other two. Geometricization of aleph numbers
    to make nonfinite distributions (like distributions of effect at, and producing of branch universes) adressablle with equations andthentechnologyizable addresses which areas of anisotropy favor vertical spoons.

    It is possible that many 20th century AD observation sort of finds itself in a homogenous stretch (anistropic concentration or cluster) at what is actually a nonfinite equiweighted distribution (somewhere at the MWI distribution, or other nonfinite
    distributions, there are a few million spoon landing vertical events, consecutively) so perhaps a geometric expansion restatement of math on aleph numbers might bring comprehendability of MWI effects of actual human actions to humans; people could
    produce pre-branch universe benefit (pre branch universe: the universe a 20th century AD person would think of as “where they live”) as well as all the MWI branch universes

    Bunching of tendencies at a nonfinite or noticeably big, MWI or unitary MWI: Anisotropic distributions (bunching) of outcomes; If something is nonfinite (infinite) and you representit with a number, then it will have nonfinite number or repetitions of
    the number 300 in a row. Also you would find areas at the digit length that treated as ascii numerals, said anything anyone ever previously said.

    Using the word Bunch as a way of saying mathematical region of anisotropy, among the anisotropies, possible chronologically durable anisotropy as well as width of span of effect are described as bunch, like something bunched up so it is concentrated and
    more prominent than the background. You would also find anisotropic bunches of things that follow from each other with math word:logic, and areas where any math word:logic setup would be resolved/answered with a nonsequitor. So there could be bunch
    unexpectedness. At a nonfinite distribution bunches could make more bunches happen; I perceive there were hints that MWI is responsive to the components and makeup of any pre-branched universe. I perceive they think unitary MWI stands outside
    directable variation.

    Viewing a bunch generating more bunches with a describable system: So at a branch-ajustable MWI two quantum events next to each other could cause a tropism, sustained tropisms accumulate, then there is a bunch, and the bunch directs the local area
    effects at that “region” of a nonfinite (or very big) distribution, creating more bunches. Bunches causing other bucnhes accumulate, and although this is more a math thing than a spatial computer program thing, it reminds me of automata like “life

    Aside from matter, Bunches could form standing waves of quantum event resolutions (or resolvability) that reinforce and concentrate, like, if I observe an atom, does the atom next to it have greater quantum resolutionability as it is next to an atom with
    realized charge and location (Using anAFM to look at a distal atom on a long alkane; do you get the entire molecule quantum observed, resolved, and behavior/potential-constrained, or just that partial length of the alkane before where the electron-
    distribution field change becomes nondistinguishablefrom background); does an observation cascade, thinking, is there a technology way to cascade, also, naturally occuring quantum resolution cascades, thus making it possible to resolve more things
    sequentially,partially automatically? It may be beneficial to create technology where one quantum resolving observation heightens, or makes more efficient, the quantum resolvability of neighboring things. That thing where you have partially preobserved
    the neighbors along with resolving the actual thing you look at could benefit the technology of quantum superobservers.

    At the AFM of an alkane, perhaps just viewing the distal parts causes the whole length of the the thing to be quantum observed/resolved. Yet, computationally and engineering niftily, it is possible that advancing just an atom at a time along the length
    of the alkane, while eventually resolving/observing the entire molecule might computationally or mathmatically take n steps more, so there could be an algorithm to most efficiently quantum observe and resolve a superposed or quantum thus-far
    nondetermined thing. An algorithm like that could be part of a superobserver. Also, thinking computer science there is also a least-efficient sampling method; as a beneficial technology that would keep the systemsuperposed the longest duration while
    providing little chunks ofinformation. I donot know muchabotu quantum computers but it is possible the computer science of lowest velocity sort, or most steps to cause a quantum observer based resolution, that is characterization,of an atom or quantum
    system, could have technology value: causing quantum superposition at quantum computers to be less tweaked and of greater duration.

    Previously described but not at this page, a superobserver is a thing, that when it observes something, has greater quantum resolution, collapse of superposition of the wave function, than a human produces. Noting the DQCE supports the effect of an
    actual human looking at something to change a quantum event, which then changes an optical path, I perceive that it is well known that a IC photosensor could look at something with UV light, resolving it while my gaze would have no effect. As described
    previously, but not on this page, a superobserver might be an 8 trillion element array or a higher amount from continuing technology development, (8 trillion elements is 1 TB flashdrive technology), where each of the array elements is capable of an
    observation. When that array looks at a gas or an atom or possibly even a person-graspable macroscopic blob of superposed matter, or possibly even something larger, (I read of a scientist who says big interstellar objects are nondeterminate). It, the
    superobserver, is vastly more effective at observing than I am; at a computer or robot it is fast about gazing on new and recent things, possibly eventhingsin my projected travel path; it observings them into quantum resolution before I as a human even
    notice them; as a superobserver it quantum resolves, kind of creates the world around me ahead of my actual participation; Beneficial AI and software that directs a superobserver could actually Make a more optimal reality for the humans.

    So it is then also possible to concentrate and array, like a 3d array the quantum resolvabillity heightening effect that standing waves of resolutionness, or even concentrated,possibly like standingwaves of probability zones of: likelyto be observed;

    Standing waves, or some other concentration effect, of likeliness of observation and of “area/emission/presence linked observation that heightens observability ease and strength” that increase and structure resolution of quantum superposition can be
    utilized as building modules: producing things like standing waves, mirrors and solitons functional as elements and effecting and circuitizing resolvability or proneness to observability. It is even possible to think of catalytic observability, I looked
    at does, it happens to; or something like a CCD amplifier of guided quantum resolution. Possibly this heightened controllable quantum resolvability at many items comes from one actual observation, or at nonobserver versions of quantum mechanics, possibly
    one energy transition (electron raising and photon emission) causing a bunch of things near it, or otherwise linked to it, (also linked but not near: quantum entangled photons) to be much more likely to quantum resolve, perhaps at things where it was”
    not their electron and not their photon”.

    At a 2019 AD quantum computer, can you look at one electron out of a multiatom system and still have the superposed qubits be functional and unresolved; do they become more likely to resolve from viewing just one electron?

    [[Crude and clueless: If you have a transparent doped tin oxide IC camera chip, and a laser passes through it, do the few photons that the camera chip absorbs cause the transmitting photons to be more emphatically particlely or wavey at a double slit
    experiment; the P/W output still goes/comes from the laser-illuminated experiment structure, it is just that the math and statistics of resolvability go way up from the one of many pre-observation. Doubtful,yet at this moment it seems like it
    couldbethat way. At high school physics lab the little laser lines might actually be different. If so, you could use less energy or fewer observations, or possibly function more rapidly with part-of-the-group-observed systems priming things to be extra

    At a molecule like a long alkane with a halogen on each distal part, if you use an AFM (atomic force microscope) to look at one of the halogens, the electron HOMO/LUMO thing immanentizes/is resolved, yet it seems like quantum resolvability, from
    observation, as the differences of local electron field strength’s variation could be non distinguishable from chance just a few carbon atoms away, causing quantum resolution to change as a gradual gradient across the length of the alkane, possibly
    meaning the other halogen atom is quantum unresolved,and it is still superposed. Some macromolecules are described as macroscopic objects: but at a rubber tire, which I read can be thought of as a macromolecule, it seems like shining a laserpointer on
    one part of the tire does not photoelectrical-effect-ize the entirity of the thing, although perhaps it does.


    Some quantum effect resolutions have durable chronological characteristics. I think spin polarized gases last like 15 minutes, so I perceive that it is 15 minutes before the system is so stochastic you have a renewed opportunity for an observer effect
    to be possible, I perceive. So noting some quantum resolvables have a 15 minute interval, and I perceive some are photon-quick, can a person make a technology out of it? Like you observe polarization of the spin polarized gas 9that you polarized with a
    different laser or a magnet), which keeps its quantum spin resolution for 15 minutes which causes all the 15 minutes of new lasers you are illuminating it with or sending through it to possibly have photons that function differently, perhaps be more
    observable, or less observable. Photons do interact with gases, chlorine gas is green, so it is possible spin polarized hydrogen has a “color” at some nonvisible spectral area for the laser to interact at with it.

    Perhaps a laser reflected off of a mirror made of spin polarized metal/metal freshly spin polarized with another laser or a big magnet, has some novel optical characteristic I do not know the name of that, is likely already well studied; the thing is, I
    perceive I read about re-emission of photons from an electron-field was what made a metal mirror work, so if the electrons that make up the field are polarized, is the mirror different as to its effects on a laser; does it change the laser’s

    If you see the laser bounce off the all spin-up mirror do you then know, have made an observation that the laser will then have some different characteristic? reflecting a laser off a spin polarized mirror have you partially preobserved it, possibly
    changing other things about its observability, resolution, like spatial resolution, or energy distribution?

    Can you heighten laser resolution and detectability at actual applications this way? I think they use lasers sometimes at biochemistry applications. If the resolution goes up with preobservation/preloading of observedness, then you could use eentsier
    lasers to illuminate tinier things. That benefits making computers and biomedical applications and research. Also there could be integrated circuit production benefits from laser photons that had higher, tighter spectral envelope, tighter spatial
    resolution, and presensitized to heightened absorption and energizing of what the photons landed on.

    It is possible partially preobserved photons or photon systems could increase the amount of data that can be transmitted at optical data distribution like the internet; also pre partially observed, or observed system linked (spin polarized gas or spin-
    homogenous mirror surfaces are some versions of loading a laserbeam with extra regularness from something kind of like pre-actual detector light characterization. A semiconductor version would be more optimal for data communications; possibly sending the
    laser through a IC fab style tin oxide or other transparent conductor camera/light sensor could observe some of the photons, possibly causing the others to be easier/more sensitively/with tighter or more digital characteristics be quantum resolvable/
    detectable; Note this is mostly a technology application of a technology that partially preobserves to immanentize quantum resolution thing, it is different than polarization.

    Lasers like those sky-optic lasers that show/characterize atomospheric wiggle so computer canadjust the telescope could benefit from superresolving lasers.

    As a technology partially preobserved photons and lasers could be a new kind of sees through things machine or microscope. Actually, a glow from flashlight fingers might be more information-rich if the laser doing the illuminating had some preloaded
    tendency to react/respond to the scattering and reflection a certain way.

    Thinking about the effect of preobserving photons, and thus possibly other wave things, like electrons, Like at water waves at the ocean, if I look at just a couple of them, then I have a statistical image of almost all the waves’ direction and the
    energy distribution of what other waves are lapping up on shore; my perception is that the quantum physics people might think or say that at an actual quantum system the other waves get their distribution of energies, wavelengths and velocities
    structurally bounded from the eentsy-sample observation. I am absent clue though.

    Thenthereis the other version, couldyou doantinodal,precludesobservationthings? COuld you create “fuzz” that madeobservation noncollasping? (atnonobserver quantummechanics, evenifyou illuminate the entire laboratory with the emissions spectrum of
    the atom you are raisinganelectron up a level,and producing a emissions line photon with, it happens evenif the scientist cannot seeit)

    Noting quantumcomputers, it is possibletouse technology to get a multi superposed state, multiatom system to resolve; I donot knnowif the multiple qubits as seperate circuits are polled sequentially,orifthereis a retina-like parallel simulteneity of
    quantum resolution; it seemslike wuantumcomputersexistence maysupport one observation,of say anatom, causing the quantum unresolved atomsnearit to be easier to resolve.

    AT Quoraitsays that a field exists, but observing it causes anelectron to be resolved. Stacking up fields to cause something, even withoutan observation is previously described, the thing is that canyou do stuff to fields without observingthem, like put
    a flashdrive quantum tunneling container next to a field, then perhaps the thing tunneled,perhapsitwasabsenttunneling, soif you pileupabunchofpotentialtunnelings yet neverobservethem, then have a particle (possibly a previuslyobservedparticle) or
    something traverse the area with the bigpile of potential tunnelings at it, does anythinghappentothe particle? Like if the particle veers, that causes causes quantum resolution of some tunneling that previouslyoccured? I havenoidea.

    also with variations on duration and physical span. Therecouldbe a bunch of Noting the possible equal nonfinitude of spoons landing vertically compared with the nonfinitudes of bowlside up there could be “areas” of MWI or unitary MWI where bunches,
    possibly novel, unimagined bunches, Cause or are linked to anisotropic areas of a nonfinite distribution where all the spoons land vertically. It is possible that physics is a bunch, just part or region of the stuff-that-could-happen at a nonfinite
    distribution at MWI or unitary MWI, but things near the physics bunch tend to quantum collapse or resolve around the fields, as well as possibly cumulative tropisms, around the bunch (avoiding metaphor, but scrounging around for similars: standing waves
    cause equispaced blob concentrations - the standing waves cause thing concentration: having numerous (concentration of) neighbor atoms causes entrained efffects like lasability, quantum duration, or matter concentration).

    Are bunches compatible with mathematics: The thing is if you say there are fields, basically entrainment, from the bunch, which is an various-sized anistropy with, among some possible characteristics being being span or duration areas at a the nonfinite
    distribution, having fields might cease to utilize/be functional at utilizing or being describable with the math of probability that says there are bunches of anisotropy at a nonfinite distribution.

    So anisotropy actually apparently seems to be a part of the equation, possibly though, the mechanical view of the universe (all linked causes,and even thr schroedinger equations direction of outcome pointing to the MWI) is just a bunch, and that other
    bunches amongst the MWI distribution have different bunches and bunch-guided themes from different bunches, and these bunches do not yet have english or math or physics names. If MWI, even unitary MWI is viewed as a distribution, the nonfinite number of
    times the spoon lands vertically could be bunched together, and the things that cause or propagate something like coherent bunching “there” mght be different than what humans experienced during the 20th century. For example, sppons could always land
    vertically, at nonfinite quantities, if something absent recognition of existing carefully stood them on end. a thought is something like, kuroko (“in kabuki, the kuroko serve many of the same purposes as running crew. They move scenery and props on
    stage, aiding in scene changes and costume changes. They will also often play the role of animals, will-o-the-wisps, or other roles which are played not by an actor in full costume, but by holding a prop…in order to imply that they are invisible and
    not part of the action onstage”) People are near that now. Humans making AI could possibly easily have don’t-bother-to-see-it assistance and what during the 20th century would ahev been stage effects from AI guidance and matter technologies, among
    them robots yet also nanotechnology. Humans are very near having AI and nanotech causing all their spoons land vertically.

    Thinking about making stuff, with possible novel physical span or durability, and keeping Dave’s “schoedinger’s neurons: idea around, Are there things that are absent being able to be quantum-resolved? Does making those things have technological
    utility? Some things do this easily for intervals of time, like a created photon traveling a path prior to measuring is unresolved, but are there physical objects, or even just groups of atoms where it is non-possible from a logic/set theory perspective
    to have them be quantum resolvable? a few types might be things that aren’t there that could be: the 1-(tunneling probability number) area where the thing is absent quantum tunneling, another could be analog things at actual physics: the electron or
    atom considered as having spherical analog coordinates around it, and a photon emission,or even a nuclear nucleus fissioning event, that causes an analog, nonfinite possible path; an analog thing might be nonpossible to “accurately” observe or

    I read at quora that electrons are what you see when you observe a field, so if you stack a lot of unobserved fields on each other, technologically like with big lasers or something, could you heighten field concentration such that it produces
    somethingthat obtrudes onto consciousness. like for those versions of quantum mechanics that value a human observer, the field does something so loud, if a human exists, anywhere, they notice and observe it? That is like a novel logic area of
    observation-doing-something to me.

    Ithinkthe universe was created.

    , another could be things that are absent possibility of detection. then there might be things that are near absent being able tobe quantum resolved like neutrinos, perhaps there is a neutrino type which is so noninteracting that it would take longer
    than the “20th century physics universe” was expected to exist, or require more matter than the 20th century universe could containto detect/interact with; another possibility isvariationson the wave function of the universe, as a wave function ithas
    a wavelength,sojust naming a wavelength twice as big might be nondetectable,at least at some resolution (I have heard of 1/4 wave antennas so even multiplications of the size/wavelength of the universal wave functionmight be detectable)

    (interestingly, people have already noticed that there are apparently different actual things, evenif they happen to be shaped concentrations of homogenous stuff, like electrons, or that thing I read on quora that said there are fields and electrons just
    happen to occur when you look at a field)
    (although non coherent could also be possible, it is just that universe groups where the spoon lands vertical a few million times in a row, seem, at least at first, to suggest coherent bunch-effect)

    I have not read about questions 20th century humans, even the most intelligent humans, cannot comprehend, and might only be able to even ask with software that generates the questions; Like I can say “it seems possible to figure out geometry expansions
    of aleph numbers”, but there are simple core ideas I simply cannot think of. Software, and thus possibly AI can read, and then work on questions that go beyond human, that is people’s ability to ask, and then the answers could be used to benefit
    humans, that is people, and make technologies.

    that are . (can MWI technology experiments purposefully generate aleph number equations that make an upward parabola vase or sphere? How about a gideon’s trumpet?)

    anA size of unitary MWI electron bandwidth emission (color) event could generate a mathematically nonfinite, possibly a particular size namable amount of infinity like aleph one to be generated from a 360 sphere version of an electron to emitted.

    The 360 photon emissions event and its photon re-emission causes MWI, possibly also unitary MWI, to have an all possible photons at all possible electron locations, at all the enumerable electrons size of the unitary MWI

    Refutations of infinity or sizes of infinity could then affect the struture of aleph numbers and thus MWI unity at some simplest possible thing like set theory or Functors (or forgetful-functor system/structures ) statments of the math of unitary MWI.

    Also technologically testable could be at thing, or another thing which is if every letter at the schoedinger equation are some, but not others of those letters, is the schoedinger equation still supported. nonfinite letters would lmit the size, or
    restate the unitary MWI.

    [continued in next message]

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