Now with 9V to 15V input range, direct gate drive and 500mA LED current.
Startup behaviour is not ideal but maybe that can be fixed if it needs fixing.
What's the cheapest op amp I can use for U2 instead of OP07?
Is there a cheaper comparator instead of LT1719 which will work?
Also the fet is bigger than it needs to ne.
Is there a better device for D4? Particularly if R4 can be reduced.
Will it work at all? Except in simulation.
"Edward Rawde" <invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote in message news:v1ho21$4ps$
Now with 9V to 15V input range, direct gate drive and 500mA LED current.
Startup behaviour is not ideal but maybe that can be fixed if it needs
What's the cheapest op amp I can use for U2 instead of OP07?
Is there a cheaper comparator instead of LT1719 which will work?
Also the fet is bigger than it needs to ne.
Is there a better device for D4? Particularly if R4 can be reduced.
Will it work at all? Except in simulation.
I think I've answered my own question for the current controller but I don't think it's feasible to attempt a discrete comparator on cost grounds.
Version 4
SHEET 1 3044 680
WIRE 2032 -272 64 -272
WIRE 2192 -272 2032 -272
WIRE 2480 -272 2192 -272
WIRE 2192 -224 2192 -272
WIRE 2480 -224 2480 -272
WIRE 2336 -176 2256 -176
WIRE 2416 -176 2336 -176
WIRE 976 -128 160 -128
WIRE 1072 -128 1040 -128
WIRE 2032 -128 2032 -272
WIRE 2192 -80 2192 -128
WIRE 2336 -80 2336 -176
WIRE 2336 -80 2192 -80
WIRE 2480 -64 2480 -128
WIRE 2688 -64 2480 -64
WIRE 16 -48 -16 -48
WIRE 64 -48 64 -272
WIRE 64 -48 16 -48
WIRE 96 -48 64 -48
WIRE 240 -48 96 -48
WIRE 336 -48 240 -48
WIRE 448 -48 336 -48
WIRE 464 -48 448 -48
WIRE 528 -48 464 -48
WIRE 608 -48 528 -48
WIRE 672 -48 608 -48
WIRE 784 -48 768 -48
WIRE 816 -48 784 -48
WIRE 864 -48 816 -48
WIRE 992 -48 944 -48
WIRE 1024 -48 992 -48
WIRE 1072 -48 1072 -128
WIRE 1072 -48 1024 -48
WIRE 1264 -48 1072 -48
WIRE 1360 -48 1264 -48
WIRE 240 -16 240 -48
WIRE 336 -16 336 -48
WIRE 2192 -16 2192 -80
WIRE 2480 -16 2480 -64
WIRE 1264 0 1264 -48
WIRE 1360 0 1360 -48
WIRE -16 32 -16 -48
WIRE 2128 32 1872 32
WIRE 2592 32 2544 32
WIRE 448 64 448 -48
WIRE 464 64 464 -48
WIRE 96 80 96 -48
WIRE 160 80 160 -128
WIRE 240 80 240 64
WIRE 240 80 160 80
WIRE 336 80 336 64
WIRE 384 80 336 80
WIRE 416 80 384 80
WIRE 816 80 816 -48
WIRE 992 80 992 -48
WIRE 336 96 336 80
WIRE 336 96 288 96
WIRE 656 96 480 96
WIRE 688 96 688 0
WIRE 688 96 656 96
WIRE 1264 96 1264 64
WIRE 1312 96 1264 96
WIRE 1936 96 1312 96
WIRE 240 112 240 80
WIRE 384 112 240 112
WIRE 416 112 384 112
WIRE 528 112 528 -48
WIRE 608 112 608 -48
WIRE 240 128 240 112
WIRE 336 128 336 96
WIRE 1360 128 1360 80
WIRE 1424 128 1360 128
WIRE 1872 128 1872 32
WIRE 1872 128 1424 128
WIRE 2192 128 2192 80
WIRE 2352 128 2192 128
WIRE 2480 128 2480 80
WIRE 2480 128 2352 128
WIRE 2032 144 2032 -48
WIRE 2128 144 2032 144
WIRE 1360 160 1360 128
WIRE -16 176 -16 112
WIRE 2032 192 2032 144
WIRE 2352 192 2352 128
WIRE 240 240 240 208
WIRE 336 240 336 208
WIRE 336 240 240 240
WIRE 384 240 336 240
WIRE 432 240 432 128
WIRE 432 240 384 240
WIRE 448 240 448 128
WIRE 448 240 432 240
WIRE 464 240 464 128
WIRE 464 240 448 240
WIRE 528 240 528 176
WIRE 528 240 464 240
WIRE 544 240 528 240
WIRE 608 240 608 176
WIRE 608 240 544 240
WIRE 1360 240 1360 224
WIRE 1424 240 1360 240
WIRE 1536 240 1424 240
WIRE 1696 240 1600 240
WIRE 1872 240 1760 240
WIRE 2128 240 2128 144
WIRE 2128 240 2096 240
WIRE 2288 240 2128 240
WIRE 544 272 544 240
WIRE 1264 272 1264 96
WIRE 1360 272 1360 240
WIRE -16 368 -16 256
WIRE 96 368 96 144
WIRE 96 368 -16 368
WIRE 544 368 544 352
WIRE 544 368 96 368
WIRE 816 368 816 144
WIRE 816 368 544 368
WIRE 992 368 992 144
WIRE 992 368 816 368
WIRE 1264 368 1264 352
WIRE 1264 368 992 368
WIRE 1360 368 1360 336
WIRE 1360 368 1264 368
WIRE 1872 368 1872 240
WIRE 1872 368 1360 368
WIRE 2032 368 2032 288
WIRE 2032 368 1872 368
WIRE 2352 368 2352 288
WIRE 2352 368 2032 368
WIRE -16 384 -16 368
WIRE 1936 400 1936 96
WIRE 2592 400 2592 32
WIRE 2592 400 1936 400
WIRE 288 448 288 96
WIRE 992 448 288 448
WIRE 1328 448 1072 448
WIRE 2688 448 2688 -64
WIRE 2688 448 1328 448
FLAG -16 384 0
FLAG 16 -48 in
FLAG 784 -48 sw
FLAG 1024 -48 out
FLAG 1424 128 isense
FLAG 1312 96 iref
FLAG 1328 448 ifb
FLAG 384 80 cmp-
FLAG 384 112 cmp+
FLAG 656 96 gate
FLAG 384 240 cmpv-
FLAG 1424 240 led
SYMBOL Comparators\\LT1719 448 32 R0
WINDOW 0 27 27 Left 2
WINDOW 3 -92 6 Left 2
SYMBOL res 320 112 R0
WINDOW 0 41 34 Left 2
WINDOW 3 35 64 Left 2
SYMATTR SpiceLine tol=1 pwr=0.1
SYMBOL ind 960 -64 R90
WINDOW 0 63 51 VBottom 2
WINDOW 3 -27 53 VTop 2
SYMATTR Value 68µ
SYMATTR SpiceLine Ipk=0.85 Rser=0.21 Rpar=0 Cpar=0 mfg="Sumida" pn="CDR105B-680"
SYMBOL res 1376 -16 M0
WINDOW 0 -37 34 Left 2
WINDOW 3 -57 63 Left 2
SYMATTR Value 0.68
SYMATTR SpiceLine tol=1 pwr=0.1
SYMBOL res 224 -32 R0
WINDOW 0 -35 19 Left 2
WINDOW 3 -49 48 Left 2
SYMATTR SpiceLine tol=1 pwr=0.1
SYMBOL schottky 832 144 R180
WINDOW 0 -42 30 Left 2
WINDOW 3 -119 -3 Left 2
SYMATTR Description Diode
SYMATTR Type diode
SYMBOL pmos 768 0 M270
WINDOW 0 10 129 VLeft 2
WINDOW 3 -10 67 VLeft 2
SYMATTR Value AO6407
SYMBOL voltage -16 160 R0
WINDOW 0 -75 16 Left 2
WINDOW 3 -71 54 Left 2
WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 0
WINDOW 39 -185 81 Left 2
SYMATTR Value 12
SYMBOL res -32 16 R0
WINDOW 0 -39 29 Left 2
WINDOW 3 -63 65 Left 2
SYMATTR Value 0.001
SYMBOL zener 544 176 R180
WINDOW 0 37 29 Left 2
WINDOW 3 68 -5 Right 2
SYMBOL res 320 -32 R0
WINDOW 0 40 7 Left 2
WINDOW 3 37 33 Left 2
SYMATTR SpiceLine tol=1 pwr=0.1
SYMBOL res 528 368 M180
WINDOW 0 39 76 Left 2
WINDOW 3 38 42 Left 2
SYMATTR Value 220
SYMATTR SpiceLine tol=1 pwr=0.1
SYMBOL cap 592 176 M180
WINDOW 0 29 52 Left 2
WINDOW 3 30 13 Left 2
SYMATTR Value 0.1µ
SYMATTR SpiceLine V=6.3 Irms=0 Rser=0.0337 Lser=180p
SYMBOL polcap 976 80 R0
WINDOW 3 24 56 Left 2
WINDOW 0 27 9 Left 2
SYMATTR Value 100µ
SYMATTR Description Capacitor
SYMATTR Type cap
SYMATTR SpiceLine V=6.3 Irms=0 Rser=0.9 Lser=0
SYMBOL res 224 112 R0
WINDOW 0 -40 33 Left 2
WINDOW 3 -52 57 Left 2
SYMATTR SpiceLine tol=1 pwr=0.1
SYMBOL polcap 80 80 R0
WINDOW 3 -57 61 Left 2
WINDOW 0 -39 4 Left 2
SYMATTR Value 100µ
SYMATTR Description Capacitor
SYMATTR Type cap
SYMATTR SpiceLine V=6.3 Irms=0 Rser=0.9 Lser=0
SYMBOL LED 1536 256 R270
WINDOW 0 72 32 VTop 2
WINDOW 3 0 32 VBottom 2
SYMBOL res 976 432 M90
WINDOW 0 -2 59 VBottom 2
WINDOW 3 35 64 VTop 2
SYMATTR Value 220K
SYMATTR SpiceLine tol=1 pwr=0.1
SYMBOL cap 976 -144 M90
WINDOW 0 -3 31 VBottom 2
WINDOW 3 36 35 VTop 2
SYMATTR Value 0.01µ
SYMATTR SpiceLine V=16 Irms=291m Rser=0.34258 Lser=0
SYMBOL res 1248 368 M180
WINDOW 0 -40 81 Left 2
WINDOW 3 -51 46 Left 2
SYMATTR Value 470
SYMATTR SpiceLine tol=1 pwr=0.1
SYMBOL schottky 1280 0 M0
WINDOW 0 43 24 Left 2
WINDOW 3 40 -8 Left 2
SYMATTR Description Diode
SYMATTR Type diode
SYMBOL FerriteBead 1360 192 R0
SYMATTR Value 6µ
SYMATTR SpiceLine Ipk=3 Rser=0.0102 Rpar=1220 Cpar=1.9p
SYMBOL cap 1344 272 R0
SYMATTR Value 0.001µ
SYMATTR SpiceLine V=10 Irms=0 Rser=0.1909 Lser=177p mfg="Würth Elektronik" pn="885012205006 WCAP-CSGP 0402" type="X7R"
SYMBOL LED 1696 256 R270
WINDOW 0 72 32 VTop 2
WINDOW 3 0 32 VBottom 2
SYMBOL pnp 2256 -128 R180
SYMATTR Value 2N3906
SYMBOL pnp 2416 -128 M180
SYMATTR Value 2N3906
SYMBOL npn 2128 -16 R0
SYMATTR Value 2N3904
SYMBOL npn 2544 -16 M0
SYMATTR Value 2N3904
SYMBOL npn 2288 192 R0
SYMATTR Value 2N3904
SYMBOL npn 2096 192 M0
SYMATTR Value 2N3904
SYMBOL res 2016 -144 R0
SYMATTR InstName R10
SYMATTR Value 100K
TEXT 16 392 Left 2 !.tran 0.001 startup
On 10/05/2024 4:11 am, Edward Rawde wrote:(Sniiip)
"Edward Rawde" <invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote in message
Now with 9V to 15V input range, direct gate drive and 500mA LED current. >>>
Startup behaviour is not ideal but maybe that can be fixed if it needs
What's the cheapest op amp I can use for U2 instead of OP07?
Is there a cheaper comparator instead of LT1719 which will work?
Also the fet is bigger than it needs to ne.
Is there a better device for D4? Particularly if R4 can be reduced.
Will it work at all? Except in simulation.
I think I've answered my own question for the current controller but I don't >> think it's feasible to attempt a discrete comparator on cost grounds.
Version 4
The venerable LM311 is still a good value comparator, if you want to
penny pinch omit the gate driver buffers and lower the pullup resistor
but efficiency will drop a lot from 85% to ca 72%.
piglet <> wrote:
On 10/05/2024 4:11 am, Edward Rawde wrote:(Sniiip)
"Edward Rawde" <invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote in message
Now with 9V to 15V input range, direct gate drive and 500mA LED current. >>>>
Startup behaviour is not ideal but maybe that can be fixed if it needs >>>> fixing.
What's the cheapest op amp I can use for U2 instead of OP07?
Is there a cheaper comparator instead of LT1719 which will work?
Also the fet is bigger than it needs to ne.
Is there a better device for D4? Particularly if R4 can be reduced.
Will it work at all? Except in simulation.
I think I've answered my own question for the current controller but I don't
think it's feasible to attempt a discrete comparator on cost grounds.
Version 4
I’m not following through all the spicery, but fwiw:
The venerable LM311 is still a good value comparator, if you want to
penny pinch omit the gate driver buffers and lower the pullup resistor
but efficiency will drop a lot from 85% to ca 72%.
The positive drive of an LM311 can be improved by 100x or more, by adding a 2-cent NPN and a 2-cent diode. The NPN is an emitter follower, and the
diode goes from base to emitter, reverse biases when the NPN is on.
It pulls down to a diode drop above ground, but that can be a Schottky, and only has to handle the base bias, so it can be below 0.2 V, but you don’t care about 0.7 V in a gate driver anyway.
When the 311 goes low, the diode doesn’t start conducting till the transistor is off, and there’s no stored charge to worry about, since the NPN never saturates.
"Edward Rawde" <invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote in message >news:v1ho21$4ps$
Now with 9V to 15V input range, direct gate drive and 500mA LED current.
Startup behaviour is not ideal but maybe that can be fixed if it needs
What's the cheapest op amp I can use for U2 instead of OP07?
Is there a cheaper comparator instead of LT1719 which will work?
Also the fet is bigger than it needs to ne.
Is there a better device for D4? Particularly if R4 can be reduced.
Will it work at all? Except in simulation.
I think I've answered my own question for the current controller but I don't >think it's feasible to attempt a discrete comparator on cost grounds.
On 10/05/2024 4:11 am, Edward Rawde wrote:...
"Edward Rawde" <invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote in message
Now with 9V to 15V input range, direct gate drive and 500mA LED current. >>>
Startup behaviour is not ideal but maybe that can be fixed if it needs
What's the cheapest op amp I can use for U2 instead of OP07?
Is there a cheaper comparator instead of LT1719 which will work?
Also the fet is bigger than it needs to ne.
Is there a better device for D4? Particularly if R4 can be reduced.
Will it work at all? Except in simulation.
I think I've answered my own question for the current controller but I
think it's feasible to attempt a discrete comparator on cost grounds.
The venerable LM311 is still a good value comparator, if you want to penny pinch omit the gate driver buffers and lower the pullup resistor but efficiency will drop a lot from 85% to ca 72%.
Phil Hobbs <> wrote:
piglet <> wrote:
On 10/05/2024 4:11 am, Edward Rawde wrote:(Sniiip)
"Edward Rawde" <invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote in message
Now with 9V to 15V input range, direct gate drive and 500mA LED current. >>>>>
Startup behaviour is not ideal but maybe that can be fixed if it needs >>>>> fixing.
What's the cheapest op amp I can use for U2 instead of OP07?
Is there a cheaper comparator instead of LT1719 which will work?
Also the fet is bigger than it needs to ne.
Is there a better device for D4? Particularly if R4 can be reduced.
Will it work at all? Except in simulation.
I think I've answered my own question for the current controller but I don't
think it's feasible to attempt a discrete comparator on cost grounds.
Version 4
I’m not following through all the spicery, but fwiw:
The venerable LM311 is still a good value comparator, if you want to
penny pinch omit the gate driver buffers and lower the pullup resistor
but efficiency will drop a lot from 85% to ca 72%.
The positive drive of an LM311 can be improved by 100x or more, by adding a >> 2-cent NPN and a 2-cent diode. The NPN is an emitter follower, and the
diode goes from base to emitter, reverse biases when the NPN is on.
It pulls down to a diode drop above ground, but that can be a Schottky, and >> only has to handle the base bias, so it can be below 0.2 V, but you don’t >> care about 0.7 V in a gate driver anyway.
When the 311 goes low, the diode doesn’t start conducting till the
transistor is off, and there’s no stored charge to worry about, since the >> NPN never saturates.
Oh, and take the output from the emitter.
Phil Hobbs
"piglet" <> wrote in message news:v1li00$1eir3$
On 10/05/2024 4:11 am, Edward Rawde wrote:...
"Edward Rawde" <invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote in message
Now with 9V to 15V input range, direct gate drive and 500mA LED current. >>>>
Startup behaviour is not ideal but maybe that can be fixed if it needs >>>> fixing.
What's the cheapest op amp I can use for U2 instead of OP07?
Is there a cheaper comparator instead of LT1719 which will work?
Also the fet is bigger than it needs to ne.
Is there a better device for D4? Particularly if R4 can be reduced.
Will it work at all? Except in simulation.
I think I've answered my own question for the current controller but I
think it's feasible to attempt a discrete comparator on cost grounds.
The venerable LM311 is still a good value comparator, if you want to penny >> pinch omit the gate driver buffers and lower the pullup resistor but
efficiency will drop a lot from 85% to ca 72%.
Thanks, that works but I was hoping for a smaller inductor at about 1MHz and filtered LED feed referenced to ground for up to three LEDs.
I'm probably done with my circuit unless there's a cheaper comparator which can do the same job or a cheaper op amp which can run on lead acid voltage. Or preferably up to 15V.
Also a cheaper fet.
On Thu, 9 May 2024 23:11:03 -0400, "Edward Rawde"
<invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote:
"Edward Rawde" <invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote in message >>news:v1ho21$4ps$
Now with 9V to 15V input range, direct gate drive and 500mA LED current. >>>
Startup behaviour is not ideal but maybe that can be fixed if it needs
What's the cheapest op amp I can use for U2 instead of OP07?
Is there a cheaper comparator instead of LT1719 which will work?
Also the fet is bigger than it needs to ne.
Is there a better device for D4? Particularly if R4 can be reduced.
Will it work at all? Except in simulation.
I think I've answered my own question for the current controller but I >>don't
think it's feasible to attempt a discrete comparator on cost grounds.
I think the LED constant-current switcher can be done with a pfet and
two NPN transistors.
Edward Rawde <invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote:
"John Larkin" <> wrote in message
On Thu, 9 May 2024 23:11:03 -0400, "Edward Rawde"
<invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote:
"Edward Rawde" <invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote in message
Now with 9V to 15V input range, direct gate drive and 500mA LED
Startup behaviour is not ideal but maybe that can be fixed if it needs >>>>> fixing.
What's the cheapest op amp I can use for U2 instead of OP07?
Is there a cheaper comparator instead of LT1719 which will work?
Also the fet is bigger than it needs to ne.
Is there a better device for D4? Particularly if R4 can be reduced.
Will it work at all? Except in simulation.
I think I've answered my own question for the current controller but I >>>> don't
think it's feasible to attempt a discrete comparator on cost grounds.
I think the LED constant-current switcher can be done with a pfet and
two NPN transistors.
Ok here's the spec.
Input voltage range 10.5V to 12.6 V. Preferably 10V to 15V.
Minimum efficiency. 80%
Inductor not bigger than 68uH 1A. Preferably smaller.
One, two or three LEDs at 500mA +/- 50mA
Filtered LED feed referenced to ground.
Maximum total LED wiring length. 12 inches.
EMC compliant in all countries.
Cost. Minimum which will meet spec.
My LM311 based idea works ok with 68uH inductors too. Efficiency is above
80% for supply 10 to 13V and still 77% at 16V
Haven't explored 1, 2 or 3 LED outputs.
You didn't say if "ground" was input negative or positive but if positive ground then flip the circuit over and use a cheaper N-channel FET :)
The input to a buck converter is pulsed current - you have mentioned
leads but some, possibly extensive, filtering will be needed on the input.
Pay me for EMC compliance :)
"John Larkin" <> wrote in message
On Thu, 9 May 2024 23:11:03 -0400, "Edward Rawde"
<invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote:
"Edward Rawde" <invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote in message
Now with 9V to 15V input range, direct gate drive and 500mA LED current. >>>>
Startup behaviour is not ideal but maybe that can be fixed if it needs >>>> fixing.
What's the cheapest op amp I can use for U2 instead of OP07?
Is there a cheaper comparator instead of LT1719 which will work?
Also the fet is bigger than it needs to ne.
Is there a better device for D4? Particularly if R4 can be reduced.
Will it work at all? Except in simulation.
I think I've answered my own question for the current controller but I
think it's feasible to attempt a discrete comparator on cost grounds.
I think the LED constant-current switcher can be done with a pfet and
two NPN transistors.
Ok here's the spec.
Input voltage range 10.5V to 12.6 V. Preferably 10V to 15V.
Minimum efficiency. 80%
Inductor not bigger than 68uH 1A. Preferably smaller.
One, two or three LEDs at 500mA +/- 50mA
Filtered LED feed referenced to ground.
Maximum total LED wiring length. 12 inches.
EMC compliant in all countries.
Cost. Minimum which will meet spec.
On Thu, 9 May 2024 23:11:03 -0400, "Edward Rawde"
<invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote:
"Edward Rawde" <invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote in message >>news:v1ho21$4ps$
Now with 9V to 15V input range, direct gate drive and 500mA LED current. >>>
Startup behaviour is not ideal but maybe that can be fixed if it needs
What's the cheapest op amp I can use for U2 instead of OP07?
Is there a cheaper comparator instead of LT1719 which will work?
Also the fet is bigger than it needs to ne.
Is there a better device for D4? Particularly if R4 can be reduced.
Will it work at all? Except in simulation.
I think I've answered my own question for the current controller but I don't >>think it's feasible to attempt a discrete comparator on cost grounds.
I think the LED constant-current switcher can be done with a pfet and
two NPN transistors.
On Fri, 10 May 2024 11:35:35 -0700, John Larkin <> wrote:
On Thu, 9 May 2024 23:11:03 -0400, "Edward Rawde"
<invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote:
"Edward Rawde" <invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote in message
Now with 9V to 15V input range, direct gate drive and 500mA LED current. >>>>
Startup behaviour is not ideal but maybe that can be fixed if it needs >>>> fixing.
What's the cheapest op amp I can use for U2 instead of OP07?
Is there a cheaper comparator instead of LT1719 which will work?
Also the fet is bigger than it needs to ne.
Is there a better device for D4? Particularly if R4 can be reduced.
Will it work at all? Except in simulation.
I think I've answered my own question for the current controller but I don't
think it's feasible to attempt a discrete comparator on cost grounds.
I think the LED constant-current switcher can be done with a pfet and
two NPN transistors.
That's overkill. A pfet and one NPN might work.
Edward Rawde <invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote:
"John Larkin" <> wrote in message
On Thu, 9 May 2024 23:11:03 -0400, "Edward Rawde"
<invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote:
"Edward Rawde" <invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote in message
Now with 9V to 15V input range, direct gate drive and 500mA LED
Startup behaviour is not ideal but maybe that can be fixed if it needs >>>>> fixing.
What's the cheapest op amp I can use for U2 instead of OP07?
Is there a cheaper comparator instead of LT1719 which will work?
Also the fet is bigger than it needs to ne.
Is there a better device for D4? Particularly if R4 can be reduced.
Will it work at all? Except in simulation.
I think I've answered my own question for the current controller but I >>>> don't
think it's feasible to attempt a discrete comparator on cost grounds.
I think the LED constant-current switcher can be done with a pfet and
two NPN transistors.
Ok here's the spec.
Input voltage range 10.5V to 12.6 V. Preferably 10V to 15V.
Minimum efficiency. 80%
Inductor not bigger than 68uH 1A. Preferably smaller.
One, two or three LEDs at 500mA +/- 50mA
Filtered LED feed referenced to ground.
Maximum total LED wiring length. 12 inches.
EMC compliant in all countries.
Cost. Minimum which will meet spec.
My LM311 based idea works ok with 68uH inductors too. Efficiency is above
80% for supply 10 to 13V and still 77% at 16V
Haven't explored 1, 2 or 3 LED outputs.
You didn't say if "ground" was input negative or positive but if positive ground then flip the circuit over and use a cheaper N-channel FET :)
The input to a buck converter is pulsed current - you have mentioned
leads but some, possibly extensive, filtering will be needed on the input.
Pay me for EMC compliance :)
"piglet" <> wrote in message news:v1m48d$1j1bc$
Edward Rawde <invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote:
"John Larkin" <> wrote in message >>>
On Thu, 9 May 2024 23:11:03 -0400, "Edward Rawde"
<invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote:
"Edward Rawde" <invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote in message
"piglet" <> wrote in message >news:v1m48d$1j1bc$
Edward Rawde <invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote:
"John Larkin" <> wrote in message >>>
On Thu, 9 May 2024 23:11:03 -0400, "Edward Rawde"
<invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote:
"Edward Rawde" <invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote in messageI think the LED constant-current switcher can be done with a pfet and
Now with 9V to 15V input range, direct gate drive and 500mA LED
Startup behaviour is not ideal but maybe that can be fixed if it needs >>>>>> fixing.
What's the cheapest op amp I can use for U2 instead of OP07?
Is there a cheaper comparator instead of LT1719 which will work?
Also the fet is bigger than it needs to ne.
Is there a better device for D4? Particularly if R4 can be reduced. >>>>>>
Will it work at all? Except in simulation.
I think I've answered my own question for the current controller but I >>>>> don't
think it's feasible to attempt a discrete comparator on cost grounds. >>>>
two NPN transistors.
Ok here's the spec.
Input voltage range 10.5V to 12.6 V. Preferably 10V to 15V.
Minimum efficiency. 80%
Inductor not bigger than 68uH 1A. Preferably smaller.
One, two or three LEDs at 500mA +/- 50mA
Filtered LED feed referenced to ground.
Maximum total LED wiring length. 12 inches.
EMC compliant in all countries.
Cost. Minimum which will meet spec.
My LM311 based idea works ok with 68uH inductors too. Efficiency is above
80% for supply 10 to 13V and still 77% at 16V
Haven't explored 1, 2 or 3 LED outputs.
You didn't say if "ground" was input negative or positive but if positive
ground then flip the circuit over and use a cheaper N-channel FET :)
The input to a buck converter is pulsed current - you have mentioned
leads but some, possibly extensive, filtering will be needed on the input.
That makes me wonder whether the input could be made near enough DC by using >two converters.
One taking current when the other isn't. Perhaps two LEDs each.
Thanks for all your input. I think I'm just about done with this unless John >Larkin want to show his pfet and one npn circuit.
Pay me for EMC compliance :)
On Fri, 10 May 2024 18:17:47 -0400, "Edward Rawde"
<invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote:
"piglet" <> wrote in message
Edward Rawde <invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote:That makes me wonder whether the input could be made near enough DC by using >> two converters.
"John Larkin" <> wrote in message >>>>
On Thu, 9 May 2024 23:11:03 -0400, "Edward Rawde"
<invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote:
"Edward Rawde" <invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote in messageI think the LED constant-current switcher can be done with a pfet and >>>>> two NPN transistors.
Now with 9V to 15V input range, direct gate drive and 500mA LED
Startup behaviour is not ideal but maybe that can be fixed if it needs >>>>>>> fixing.
What's the cheapest op amp I can use for U2 instead of OP07?
Is there a cheaper comparator instead of LT1719 which will work? >>>>>>> Also the fet is bigger than it needs to ne.
Is there a better device for D4? Particularly if R4 can be reduced. >>>>>>>
Will it work at all? Except in simulation.
I think I've answered my own question for the current controller but I >>>>>> don't
think it's feasible to attempt a discrete comparator on cost grounds. >>>>>
Ok here's the spec.
Input voltage range 10.5V to 12.6 V. Preferably 10V to 15V.
Minimum efficiency. 80%
Inductor not bigger than 68uH 1A. Preferably smaller.
One, two or three LEDs at 500mA +/- 50mA
Filtered LED feed referenced to ground.
Maximum total LED wiring length. 12 inches.
EMC compliant in all countries.
Cost. Minimum which will meet spec.
My LM311 based idea works ok with 68uH inductors too. Efficiency is above >>> 80% for supply 10 to 13V and still 77% at 16V
Haven't explored 1, 2 or 3 LED outputs.
You didn't say if "ground" was input negative or positive but if positive >>> ground then flip the circuit over and use a cheaper N-channel FET :)
The input to a buck converter is pulsed current - you have mentioned
leads but some, possibly extensive, filtering will be needed on the input. >>
One taking current when the other isn't. Perhaps two LEDs each.
Thanks for all your input. I think I'm just about done with this unless John >> Larkin want to show his pfet and one npn circuit.
Pay me for EMC compliance :)
Something like this should work.
But I'd rather use a TPS562208, which would be cheaper and simpler and
has spread-spectrum to help the EMC thing by about 20 dB.
On 11/05/2024 3:29 pm, John Larkin wrote:
On Fri, 10 May 2024 18:17:47 -0400, "Edward Rawde"
<invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote:
"piglet" <> wrote in message
Edward Rawde <invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote:That makes me wonder whether the input could be made near enough DC by using
"John Larkin" <> wrote in message >>>>>
On Thu, 9 May 2024 23:11:03 -0400, "Edward Rawde"
<invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote:
"Edward Rawde" <invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote in messageI think the LED constant-current switcher can be done with a pfet and >>>>>> two NPN transistors.
Now with 9V to 15V input range, direct gate drive and 500mA LED >>>>>>>> current.
Startup behaviour is not ideal but maybe that can be fixed if it needs >>>>>>>> fixing.
What's the cheapest op amp I can use for U2 instead of OP07?
Is there a cheaper comparator instead of LT1719 which will work? >>>>>>>> Also the fet is bigger than it needs to ne.
Is there a better device for D4? Particularly if R4 can be reduced. >>>>>>>>
Will it work at all? Except in simulation.
I think I've answered my own question for the current controller but I >>>>>>> don't
think it's feasible to attempt a discrete comparator on cost grounds. >>>>>>
Ok here's the spec.
Input voltage range 10.5V to 12.6 V. Preferably 10V to 15V.
Minimum efficiency. 80%
Inductor not bigger than 68uH 1A. Preferably smaller.
One, two or three LEDs at 500mA +/- 50mA
Filtered LED feed referenced to ground.
Maximum total LED wiring length. 12 inches.
EMC compliant in all countries.
Cost. Minimum which will meet spec.
My LM311 based idea works ok with 68uH inductors too. Efficiency is above >>>> 80% for supply 10 to 13V and still 77% at 16V
Haven't explored 1, 2 or 3 LED outputs.
You didn't say if "ground" was input negative or positive but if positive >>>> ground then flip the circuit over and use a cheaper N-channel FET :)
The input to a buck converter is pulsed current - you have mentioned
leads but some, possibly extensive, filtering will be needed on the input. >>>
two converters.
One taking current when the other isn't. Perhaps two LEDs each.
Thanks for all your input. I think I'm just about done with this unless John
Larkin want to show his pfet and one npn circuit.
Pay me for EMC compliance :)
Something like this should work.
But I'd rather use a TPS562208, which would be cheaper and simpler and
has spread-spectrum to help the EMC thing by about 20 dB.
Yes, my take is not too far distant but I tried to accomodate the OP's >unexplained desire for ground referenced LED output.
On Sat, 11 May 2024 16:04:15 +0100, piglet <>
On 11/05/2024 3:29 pm, John Larkin wrote:
On Fri, 10 May 2024 18:17:47 -0400, "Edward Rawde"
<invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote:
"piglet" <> wrote in message
Edward Rawde <invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote:
"John Larkin" <> wrote in message >>>>>>
On Thu, 9 May 2024 23:11:03 -0400, "Edward Rawde"
<invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote:
"Edward Rawde" <invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote in messageI think the LED constant-current switcher can be done with a pfet and >>>>>>> two NPN transistors.
Now with 9V to 15V input range, direct gate drive and 500mA LED >>>>>>>>> current.
Startup behaviour is not ideal but maybe that can be fixed if it needs
What's the cheapest op amp I can use for U2 instead of OP07? >>>>>>>>>
Is there a cheaper comparator instead of LT1719 which will work? >>>>>>>>> Also the fet is bigger than it needs to ne.
Is there a better device for D4? Particularly if R4 can be reduced. >>>>>>>>>
Will it work at all? Except in simulation.
I think I've answered my own question for the current controller but I >>>>>>>> don't
think it's feasible to attempt a discrete comparator on cost grounds. >>>>>>>
Ok here's the spec.
Input voltage range 10.5V to 12.6 V. Preferably 10V to 15V.
Minimum efficiency. 80%
Inductor not bigger than 68uH 1A. Preferably smaller.
One, two or three LEDs at 500mA +/- 50mA
Filtered LED feed referenced to ground.
Maximum total LED wiring length. 12 inches.
EMC compliant in all countries.
Cost. Minimum which will meet spec.
My LM311 based idea works ok with 68uH inductors too. Efficiency is above >>>>> 80% for supply 10 to 13V and still 77% at 16V
Haven't explored 1, 2 or 3 LED outputs.
You didn't say if "ground" was input negative or positive but if positive >>>>> ground then flip the circuit over and use a cheaper N-channel FET :) >>>>>
The input to a buck converter is pulsed current - you have mentioned >>>>> output
leads but some, possibly extensive, filtering will be needed on the input.
That makes me wonder whether the input could be made near enough DC by using
two converters.
One taking current when the other isn't. Perhaps two LEDs each.
Thanks for all your input. I think I'm just about done with this unless John
Larkin want to show his pfet and one npn circuit.
Pay me for EMC compliance :)
Something like this should work.
But I'd rather use a TPS562208, which would be cheaper and simpler and
has spread-spectrum to help the EMC thing by about 20 dB.
Yes, my take is not too far distant but I tried to accomodate the OP's
unexplained desire for ground referenced LED output.
That's nice. It's only an LED, so it probably doesn't need +12v
LEDs lose light as temperature rises, so it probably doesn't need Vbe
temp compensation either. I'm glad that you saw the hysteresis trick,
and that you drew a decent looking schematic with a title, date, and
We have one project here that has had three or four project engineers
so far, and the project folder contains 175 (yes, 175!) .asc files,
most of which are hideous uncommented messes.
My sim will be # 176.
It's a dual isolated programmable DC power supply, but it has remote
sense and a paralleling relay, which complicate life. We don't know
what bizarre loads the user will have, or if they will connect the
remote sense right.
Sims run super slow and there are many cases to test, so we set up
three monster PCs in the conference room as a simulator farm, to
supplement the two we will use in engineers offices.
On 11/05/2024 5:42 pm, John Larkin wrote:
On Sat, 11 May 2024 16:04:15 +0100, piglet <>
On 11/05/2024 3:29 pm, John Larkin wrote:
On Fri, 10 May 2024 18:17:47 -0400, "Edward Rawde"
<invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote:
"piglet" <> wrote in message
Edward Rawde <invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote:
"John Larkin" <> wrote in message
On Thu, 9 May 2024 23:11:03 -0400, "Edward Rawde"
<invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote:
"Edward Rawde" <invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote in messageI think the LED constant-current switcher can be done with a pfet and >>>>>>>> two NPN transistors.
Now with 9V to 15V input range, direct gate drive and 500mA LED >>>>>>>>>> current.
Startup behaviour is not ideal but maybe that can be fixed if it needs
What's the cheapest op amp I can use for U2 instead of OP07? >>>>>>>>>>
Is there a cheaper comparator instead of LT1719 which will work? >>>>>>>>>> Also the fet is bigger than it needs to ne.
Is there a better device for D4? Particularly if R4 can be reduced. >>>>>>>>>>
Will it work at all? Except in simulation.
I think I've answered my own question for the current controller but I
think it's feasible to attempt a discrete comparator on cost grounds. >>>>>>>>
Ok here's the spec.
Input voltage range 10.5V to 12.6 V. Preferably 10V to 15V.
Minimum efficiency. 80%
Inductor not bigger than 68uH 1A. Preferably smaller.
One, two or three LEDs at 500mA +/- 50mA
Filtered LED feed referenced to ground.
Maximum total LED wiring length. 12 inches.
EMC compliant in all countries.
Cost. Minimum which will meet spec.
My LM311 based idea works ok with 68uH inductors too. Efficiency is above
80% for supply 10 to 13V and still 77% at 16V
Haven't explored 1, 2 or 3 LED outputs.
You didn't say if "ground" was input negative or positive but if positive
ground then flip the circuit over and use a cheaper N-channel FET :) >>>>>>
The input to a buck converter is pulsed current - you have mentioned >>>>>> output
leads but some, possibly extensive, filtering will be needed on the input.
That makes me wonder whether the input could be made near enough DC by using
two converters.
One taking current when the other isn't. Perhaps two LEDs each.
Thanks for all your input. I think I'm just about done with this unless John
Larkin want to show his pfet and one npn circuit.
Pay me for EMC compliance :)
Something like this should work.
But I'd rather use a TPS562208, which would be cheaper and simpler and >>>> has spread-spectrum to help the EMC thing by about 20 dB.
Yes, my take is not too far distant but I tried to accomodate the OP's
unexplained desire for ground referenced LED output.
That's nice. It's only an LED, so it probably doesn't need +12v
LEDs lose light as temperature rises, so it probably doesn't need Vbe
temp compensation either. I'm glad that you saw the hysteresis trick,
and that you drew a decent looking schematic with a title, date, and
We have one project here that has had three or four project engineers
so far, and the project folder contains 175 (yes, 175!) .asc files,
most of which are hideous uncommented messes.
My sim will be # 176.
It's a dual isolated programmable DC power supply, but it has remote
sense and a paralleling relay, which complicate life. We don't know
what bizarre loads the user will have, or if they will connect the
remote sense right.
Sims run super slow and there are many cases to test, so we set up
three monster PCs in the conference room as a simulator farm, to
supplement the two we will use in engineers offices.
Compensating feedback systems to cope with wide ranging capacitive loads
is awkward. I have good results with Phil Perkins stacked RC 3dB/octave >method.
On Fri, 10 May 2024 18:17:47 -0400, "Edward Rawde"...
<invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote:
"piglet" <> wrote in message >>news:v1m48d$1j1bc$
Edward Rawde <invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote:
"John Larkin" <> wrote in
On Thu, 9 May 2024 23:11:03 -0400, "Edward Rawde"
<invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote:
"Edward Rawde" <invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote in message
Now with 9V to 15V input range, direct gate drive and 500mA LED
Something like this should work.
But I'd rather use a TPS562208, which would be cheaper and simpler and
has spread-spectrum to help the EMC thing by about 20 dB.
On Sat, 11 May 2024 16:04:15 +0100, piglet <>
On 11/05/2024 3:29 pm, John Larkin wrote:
On Fri, 10 May 2024 18:17:47 -0400, "Edward Rawde"Yes, my take is not too far distant but I tried to accomodate the OP's >>unexplained desire for ground referenced LED output.
<invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote:
"piglet" <> wrote in message
Edward Rawde <invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote:
"John Larkin" <> wrote in
On Thu, 9 May 2024 23:11:03 -0400, "Edward Rawde"
<invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote:
"Edward Rawde" <invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote in message
Now with 9V to 15V input range, direct gate drive and 500mA LED >>>>>>>>> current.
That's nice. It's only an LED, so it probably doesn't need +12v
LEDs lose light as temperature rises, so it probably doesn't need Vbe
temp compensation either. I'm glad that you saw the hysteresis trick,
and that you drew a decent looking schematic with a title, date, and
We have one project here that has had three or four project engineers
so far, and the project folder contains 175 (yes, 175!) .asc files,
most of which are hideous uncommented messes.
My sim will be # 176.
It's a dual isolated programmable DC power supply, but it has remote
sense and a paralleling relay, which complicate life. We don't know
what bizarre loads the user will have, or if they will connect the
remote sense right.
Sims run super slow and there are many cases to test, so we set up
three monster PCs in the conference room as a simulator farm, to
supplement the two we will use in engineers offices.
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