Thank you for viewing the S.A.M. update sheet. Started in 2001.
- Assets Wanted by researchers like you –
- BioSafety Cabinet – 4 or 5 footer
- ABI 392 or 394
- Accriva Avoximeter 4000
- BioCad 700e
- Leep Technologies HTS PAL
- Assets Available in our facilities or on consignment -
Beckman CEQ8000, OMNI Homogenizers, ABI 3730 48 Cap,
Agilent 2200 Tape Station, QIAgility, Sartorious Fermentors
Bio-Rad C1000, Bio-Rad S1000, Speed Vac's, Centrifuges - All sizes,
Water Baths, Pipettors, Microscopes, OMNIGrid Microarrayer,
Autoclave's, OMNIGrid Microarrayer,
Sartorious Chromatography Skids,
Beckman DXi600, DXi800, DAKO AutoStainer
Abbott Architect i1000, Tecan Freedom evo,
Illumina HiScan System, Illumnia Goldengate Infinium,
Chemical Fume Hoods, BioSafety Hoods,
Lab Benches/Cabinets and Much More...
Contact us today with your needs!
S.A.M. is Looking for Instruments!
Do you have any unused assets available?
Single asset to complete Building!!!
Please email your excess inventory and some
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