• Shock is a medical word for body overreaction that is deleterious, shoc

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Sat Feb 4 04:11:52 2023
    Gum disease is associated with cardiovascular illness and dental problems, one of the major bacteria that cause gum disease lives beneath the gum line of teeth where it cannot be brushed off, as a technology, cofocal lasers that shine through the gums
    tissue can sterilize the area of the tooth that is below the gumline, both a laser consumer product and a dental office version are possible, one advantage is reduction of risk of cardiovascular illness, "Periodontal disease (PD) is one of the most
    common chronic inflammatory oral diseases. It ranks as the sixth most prevalent disease worldwide (Kassebaum et al., 2017). PD can be mainly divided into two major categories: gingivitis and periodontitis. Periodontitis is the primary cause of tooth loss
    in adults. PD is initiated by gram-negative microorganisms in the sub-gingival plaque biofilms (Socransky et al., 1998). Among these microorganisms, Porphyromonas gingivalis (P. gingivalis) ", another version of an antigingivitis wand for use at the
    dwelling or dental office is a piezoelectric ultrasonic wand that agitates and vibrates the tooth surface itself at sensationless MHz or other sensationless frequencies that optimally terminate gingivitis bacteria and break apart biofilms, it is also
    possible undulating traveling waves made with nonaudible sound could be biofilm disrupting

    Looking at an image of nitrogen fixing bacteria i noticed they were all a particular size, and some may have been longer than others, breeding or engineering a variety with double the surface area could double the amount of nitrogen fixed and increase
    crop production

    Grasscrete that keeps grass greener longer from evaporative cooling of water deep at the lawn, if you put a white porous clay pipe vertical in the ground then the water evaporating all day will cool the grass next to the porous clay pipe and at its
    diameter, because the grass is cooler all spring and summer it stays greener longer, also depthy grasscrete that evaporates water can cool the grass growing in its lumens so they stay greener longer, also greener longer grasscrete is likelier to grow
    sufficient grass so the grass persists, more aesthetically pleasing could be a fairy lawn ornament or ornament that is a human that has deep into the soil water source so the grass around the lawn ornament noticeably thrives and is greener longer

    One of the ways to make lawns and grass and crops like wheat be greener longer, and drought resistant is to actually paint them with IR reflective dyes causing the plants to be physically cooler which could increase plant thriving even at a greater
    variety of crop or lawn water availabilities and climate regions, far better and cheaper than putting ir reflective material on plants is to genetically engineer crops, lawns, wood making trees to produce an ir reflective plant physiochemical perhaps
    like the white material in snowberries, or an IR reflective carotene of new or preexisting form

    A kind of ir reflective lawn paint that could be a cheap to make product is a starch gel that is transparent to visible and white and minimally absoptive at ir spectroscopy, one novel source of visible transparent ir reflecting material is starches made
    from unusual sugars which have different ir reflectance, or, maybe not, if it does work as greener longer lawn paint, being a starch it is likely harmless to eat

    A possible really simple way to make semiconductor cleanrooms even cleaner is to vibrate the worktable at a space piezoelectrically at mhz so if a particle of dust meets a bare chip it has a 100 per 100 chance of bouncing directly back into the room air
    and avoiding contaminating a chip, an alternative way is to have piezoelectric Mhz beamed from the celing onto surfaces where it causes the high 100 bounce back up per 100 touch the surface ratio at IC fab cleanrooms

    Senolytics terminate senescent cytes that make SASP, proteins thag are actually bad for the well cytes, topical senolytic ointment at the face hands and body dermis could cause younger skin longer, one senolytic dasatinib with quercetin makes mice live
    perhaps 34% longer so could benefit youthspan of facial and body dermis as a beauty treatment, another beauty treatment is to terminate the 10% most atypical messed up looking dermis cytes, the 10% of dermis cytes with the most phenotypic aging, these
    things can be found because a publication i read said ultrasound imaging had resolution of 30 micrometers which is eentsy enough see individual dermatocytes and individual cytes that make up capillaries, to laser terminate individual cytes at dermis, use
    several beams cofocalizing on one cyte diameter, terminate a cyte and then noting the micrometers away of an actual 90th percentile old cyte have software calculate where to move the lasers to to terminate those 90th percentile of prematurely aged cytes
    or any precancerous or cancer cytes causing youthful beauty longer

    This might heighten electric generator efficiency at hydro power and nuclear power, it has likely already been tested, generators and motors are sometimes strengthened with filling all the gaps between the wires with a potting compound that keeps the
    wires from vibrating and breaking, then, to increase energy generation at generators, make the potting chemical be a ferrite or nanocrystal inductor material, and utilize that to shape modify the magnetic field to produce the most electricity at a
    generator, using an inductive nanocrystal /ferrite potting material at a motor could increase the magnetic field to make a higher efficiency stronger motor like a factory or elevator or hvac motor, also although the motors would be of higher weight they
    might be some digits more efficient, less likely to wear out from the potting compound, also one big possible benefit of an inductive potting material at generators and motors is that the inductive potting compound can have different inductivity amounts
    at different areas of potted winding to heighten electricity generation

    Longevity technology, i just viewed a movie of actual mitochondria surrounding a nucleus and providing the nucleus with ATP, the noticeable thing from the movie was that the heaps of mitochondria around the nucleus were asymmetric and anisotropic, which
    suggests that some different asymmetry or even homogenous symmetry of the heaps of mitochondria around a nucleus could provide both more ATP as well as make up for fewer mitochondria at elderly humans during the 20th century AD, one approach to
    optimizing the heaps of mitochondria around the nucleus is to find humans with 99.9th percentile largest mitochondrial heaps and 90th percentile ancrestor longevity to find the genetic differences that cause and find particularly effective mitochondria
    surrounding nucleus heap or homogenous coating cytostructure, along with just finding the genes that enhance cytostructure is the genetics of possible mitochondrial organizing actin and myosin cytostructure producing filaments, as a longevity technology
    more effective atp generation right next to the nucleus partially makes up for 20th century 80 year old having only about 20% the number of mitochondria, and less atp production than a yound adult, which could be limiting or simplifying of the proteins
    made, and how much of them are made at the elderly, a completely different longevity technology is to find the genetics of 200 year lifespan bowhead whales and 400 year lifespan tortoises and find out why their mitochondria (may) avoid decreasing in
    numbers, those genetics engineered into marmosets could be verified as longevizing and youthspan increasing

    A possible improvement to crispr/cas9 is where what i call a structide at other notes is used to construct the crispr part and the cas9 part from artificial nucleotides that are based on some cyclic molecule other than ribose that is as the word
    structide suggests structurally better

    It may be possible to find something i think is very rare, adults or teens doing what is called grooming of prepubertal children so the prepuberty child has sex with teens or adults, using the truth detection digital ir thermography of Anbar, show
    content to the child both visual and audio with visual that depicts atypical child adult behaviors like cuddling, spooning, fluffy bunny marshmallow oral sex practice, as well as doing IR thermography of brief idea statements like lets put our hands down
    our pants together, the digital thermography or cheap published photonic brain reader measures, at the research supported higher amount of awareness of or previous experience of the grooming behaviors, as well as facial microexpression of enjoyment of
    grooming narratives at the child can cheaply mass screen children as a way to reduce prepubertal children having sex with teens and adults, 2-4 minute software based screening could occur at the annual medical check up, or even the dentist's, note though
    that mutual genital play among similar aged children is spontaneous and natural and likely enjoyable, on occurrences where grooming is found the child can be asked who they know that does the particular grooming behavior the software found, and then the
    parents can reduce or cease access to the child that the groomer has without using the legal system

    When gathering valuable elements from rock fragments during heap leaching a large sonic transducer could be placed at the center of the pile and micro vibrate the mineral fragments as they soaked in the leaching fluid to gather more element, faster, a
    100w sonic cleaner transducer is $8-9 and a 100W photovoltaic array is $30-45 at alibaba
    To my perception Plants respond better to rainwater or tapwater left out 24 hours than to tapwater right from the tap, there is the possibility that irrigation water if aerated on its way to the field could have beneficial qualities like rainwater, other
    testable cheap nonchemical higher quality agricultural water processes are sonication from an electrical or solar electrical sonic transducer, another possibility is making nonchemical anode or cathode water and blending it with the bulk irrigation water
    to create a differing pH water on the field

    Motorized rotating lollipops were or perhaps are moderately successful, a new thing, the piezoelectric lollipop with 19¢ or less alibaba parts amplifies its rate of dissolving so is more flavorful

    I read that people had a guideline to brush their teeth for two minutes, i'm pretty much noncompliant, a toothbrush you would only have to use 30-60 seconds may be possible, first start out with a regular electric toothbrush, then add piezoelectric
    sonication, then add dome speaker base z axis movement, toothpaste could have minute pop rocks in it that removes plaque that has not been brushed off, and the toothpaste could contain a bacteriostatic peptide that keeps the plaque from regrowing

    Serrated micromops increase, perhaps 1.5 times the surface area of plaque scraping off during toothbrushing

    A sex toy that makes cunnilingus even more pleasureable, a gel applique similar to a breath freshness strip to the tongue adheres from through saliva glue, the applique becomes hyperslippery like an artificial mucous, the slippery side diffuses topical
    drugs and peptides that activate pleasure nerves at the clitoris, clitoral hood and vagina, these are nerves rather than neurons so they have things that are like but different than dopamine activators or gaba antagonists or glutamate activators to cause
    even higher nerve receptivity to the pleasure of physical cunnilingus, breath freshening strips are near 1/20th of 1¢ each so this sex pleasure technology is globally affordable

    Penis version of breath strip nerve pleasure amplifiers
    Could be at a stroking lubricant for pre sex pleasure amplification, minutes to hours in advance of intromittive or oral sex, at a penis nerve pleasure amplifier there might be a nerve chemistry sensor that is very pleasurable but is absent a nerve
    stimulation component of ejaculation, a chemical mix that amplifies all the nonejaculatory pleasure nerves, while using an aptamer peptide drug to reduce stimulation of ejaculation promoting penis surface nerves causes people with penises to have very
    pleasureable sex but be absent ejaculation after an hour or more of continuous thrusting or partner, including female partner hip movements

    At people with clitorises and vaginas a different group of sex nerve pleasure and rapidity of orgasm could be utilized, with multiple orgasms from amping up the nerve sensation that through repeated experience or cumulative stimulation potentiates female
    orgasm, some of the ultraffordable 1/10,000 of a cent per clitoral dose chemicals that do potentiation of multiple orgasm at women and girls are peptides that activate and occupy g protein coupled receptors associated with cumulative stimulation to
    orgasm with a peptide or protein shape that switches the gpcrs to feeling stimulated, as well as nerve chemistry drugs, using a lubricant perhaps on an insertive vibrator or dildo lubricated with GPCR pleasure nerve activating peptides or proteins causes
    increased sexual pleasure at the vaginal canal, A-spot, O-spot and going with the idea it exists, the G-spot during vibrator, fingers, or penis in vagina sex, a technology that assists rapid and deeper dermis nerve availability of the sex pleasure
    peptides, proteins or other chemicals is liposomes, what is previously described at notes as iontophoretic micro glitter, genetically modifying the most durable vaginal flora bacteria to make the peptide or protein heightened sex pleasure and multiple
    orgasm drugs so they are always continually soaking in at the clitoris and vaginal canal, keratin reactive michael reaction moieties on the sex drugs, likely with a linker peptide make a fluid that coats the clitoris and clitoral area as well as the
    vaginal canal and lasts a long time, kind of like a transparent henna drug gradual release depot, liposomes could be used to migrate the keratin reactive sex drug more deeply at the tissues of the clitoris, clitoral area, and vaginal canal, once women
    have tried heightened sexual pleasure and multiple orgasm drugs and they like them then they can genetically engineer their daughters to produce these peptide or proteins at the body

    As a possible battery technology chalcones could be added to the battery chemistry to cause change at passivation layers which supports higher energy at less mass batteries, i first read about chalcones at the color changing bubble fluid called zubbles

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