• @At greenhouses and potted plants,individual plant lighting from the so

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Sat Feb 4 00:18:11 2023
    Camera airpuff streamer

    Could there be such a thing as a metamaterial that effected magnetism like hysteresis, even a repeated microconductor pattern like the c shape metal things or staggered pole arrays of negative refractive index materials and invisibility areas.

    In tea 1££l New Albany fab Oh as possible pro-tem 2025 until 2029

    Along with the very very likely use of metamaterials like acoustic absorbers at power tools and grips to minimize vibration to the hands, new kinds of foam could exist to reduce shock and vibration, foam lumens with angles might bend easily or be less

    Transparent or mirror surface magnetic carpet dust, it pulls out of the carpet with 11 times the alacrity of a vacuum or unmagnetized powder, but because the magnetic powder blends with its surroundings from mirror coat it is mostly invisible if not
    picked up from the strong magnet on the cleaning wand, dirt sticks to it, then it leaps up to meet the cleaning wand

    Plant rooting powder that was chemically constructed to enzymeatically decay after 2-7 weeks could be coated as part of already pelletized seed coatings along with time release degradation enzymes, alternatively at planting a tree or scion a little melty
    capsule of rooting hormone (that enzymeatically decays) could be placed in the planting hole first to increase rooting and thriving

    The combination of an enzymatically releasable from the enzyme degrading a starch holding gel plant hormone and a time span preferred release date and span could deliver different beneficial doses of plant howmones sequentially so perhaps rooting during
    early growth, gibberlin between and fruit size increasing hormones during the fruit growth period,

    A dental drilling and tooth preparatory restoration laser could view the tooth, dynamically, and just remove decayed£ 1@£ material, and as previously described leave physics compatible tunnels to more extensively receive and anchor the filling paste
    material, which could be vibratingly tamped into place with a piezoelectric wand, it is possible that cofocal lasers from fiber optic fingercots on the robot's tools or the dentists fingers could pulse dry the surface of the tooth having polymer filling
    applied to it, dry environment adhesives SOMETIMES 1 work better, there's a slight chance a water incorporating nanoparticle cement could be part of the filling material as a much stronger than previous resin-tooth adhesion chemistry

    Probiotic oral bactedia exoports oh- ion, bicarbonate ion in response to acid ph at tooth crevices, saliva, and gums, the oral probiotic increases its production of bases, lossibly even neutral or pleasant tasting basic amino acids or peptides to keep
    the mouth at the most optimal pH for tooth longevity and absence of gum disease, beneficial at all mammals as this many species probiotic preserves teeth

    A PENIS shaft sheath that is a lattice that permits most areas of the penile shaft to have skin contact through the lattice apertures can be made from a water or oil/silicone/glide strip enriched polymer that melts away over 2 hours of penile thrusting,
    continually lubricating, and with a deliquescent ingredient superlubricating the anus or vagina it is being utilized at, the top of the gappy polymer lattice sheath could be like a (>(-O-)<) lattice cap of its own, to produce strength while supporting
    pleasureable sensations of it own the gappy cap could be made with the kind of silicone£ they make heat sink pads with, the linear polymer ribbons or rolly tubes connecting the gappy lattice cap to the gappy lattice on the shaft could be engineered to
    be so soft, perhaps high in water like contact lens polymer, that regardless of how many times they were rolled or twisted they would still be hypersoft,

    FunA math thing, the transition from euclidean to noneuclidean geometry is famous, another one of those 1Qis: can you do compass and edge geometry on a figure, if you assume the figure itself is the only thing that exists, that is theres no nonfintite
    blank paper to draw compass arcs to do a bisection with because the only drawingQW area is that limned by the polyhedron, circle, or rounded noncircular form itself. Well one approach is that because if you assume equal angles are congruent then you can
    just make a complete miniaturized copy of the orginal somethinghedra in the center of the limned space giving your compass lots of room to draw big arcs for bisections, then noting that seems to permit all euclidean geometry even though only the figure's
    area exists, you look at the algebra or pantographic physical mechanism@1QAa1Q trigonometry that makes the miniature with room to draw proofs possible, at algebra this is likely a linear function where rise/run are always the same, that is the visual
    graph of the shrink is a straight line, then, instead, and this is the fun part, make a noneuclidean geometry that has a nonlinear function for its shrink function, this could cause all kinds of symmetric and asymmetric and lensed shapes of the£ AWAY @1
    12geometry diagram, in a simple way I'm reminded of scientists trying to find the shape of the universe and any anisotropy it may have, and the effect different universe geometries would have on relativity,

    It seems like the electrical character of a material effects its surface and possibly crystal growth, so effecting1@ the surface electrical charge of a wafer could cause different kinds of crystalline forms to grow, some of which support greater
    semiconductor performance, perhaps electrical charge from induction could do this
    Comical: at a transformer winding there could be one or zero turns at the primary, this causes divide by zero math undefined space, but an easily measured system to see the externalities cause, a variety of other physics systems also have ewuations where
    the denominator can be made zero, then, for entertainment batch up similar physical measurable externalities, and find data trends inq@ q them that can be enjoyed as art, or used to predict the actual divide by zero attributes of new systems, and
    technologies made from those systems, also a deep learning AI could take a bunch of physical measurements of actual divide by zero systems and get good at predicting what new previously unencountered systrms and numbers will be like when their actual
    physical components do an actual divide by zero

    One beneficial use of big data is to find the engine settings and car component parts that cause the highest gas mileage and fewest repairs at cars, engine sensor data and fuel use can be uploaded to the cloud for just 200 vehicles of 40 models, then the
    unique engine settings and part sourcingsof the 98th percentile most energy efficient and long lasting can be characterized and shared with other people that have cars all around the world

    Its very likely energy producing wind turbine engineers have thought about this already, a person on quora says 2 bladed wind energy machines are 20% more efficient, but during 2021 three blades were used because they were much more stable than 2 blade
    systems, that sounds like an opportunity to use dynamic computer control of airfoil shape or metronome mass height like speed and vibration compensators to make 2 bladed higher efficiency generators work better

    Laser peening piezo crystals could be beneficial, and, if piezo voltage or motion ability of crystals depends on surface area hypersculpting topology like crenellation, 2D and 3D crenellations, also at cast ceramic piezoelectrics and piezomotionals make
    2D and 3D forms like soliton wave makers, holographic sound makers, 2D and 3D sound calibration reticles (ultrasound, sonar, zapping like lithotripsy), any of a variety of possible metamaterial shapes, notably those that enhance sound air coupling, and
    laser made slot carved out antennas as well as domes, branched pillars can be made. Applications in petroleum and mineral finding and medicine

    Iread there is an opportunity for people to be weller if thdy take their medication, and that during the 20Th century ad about 1/3 of people could have done a better job taking their medicattion, it is possible iot pill bottles which update medical
    provider databases, could assist with medication compliance, i think i read iot pill containers already exist, complementing that is having the pills arrive in a visibly graphically designed light up paper postal letter that iot computing sends out to
    anyone that misses their pills 2 days in a row, the light emitting glowing envelope could sesnse human carrying and touching it with circuitry and batteries similar to those found in existing battery powered greeting cards, metal embossed paper glow
    surface tunnels, microleds, motional appearance chip

    Roomba like robot that is like a caterpillarseeks out opportunities to be like underdoor long crevice breeze blocker, weatherstripping,

    Tesla coil capacitor/capacitance facilitating sheath or annulus replaces air capacitance next to tesla coil causing different, shaped, rf fields transmitting energy further

    Witricity coils are bare wire, could they be double digits better with a ferrite/hysteretic material sheath on them, ferrite sheath causes 30-70% better wifi antenna attributes

    AntiNad making enzymes, their genetic removal causes more Nad, which makes more ATP, and causes longer lifespan, this could be genetically engineered into trees and crops to make them better

    Few example based learning, double at bred at 549 neuron c elegans, this makes new ai architectures

    Ski surfaces:glide strip, a robust PCA pyrrole polymer that is deliquescent,

    Fishfood could be mixed with water and hydrotransported to middle of aquarium to enjoy watching fish eat

    The p53 tumor supressor gene may differ between bowhead whales, people 400 year lifespan tortoises and mice, they could see if these different versions make mice and humans much more resistant to cancer,

    It seems possible to improve alibaba 1-2¢ AA and AAA and cr2032 batteries that get used at the developing world for things like toys and clocks, strengthening the gaskets and at zinc batteries increasing the thickness of the zinc makes 11-20 recharges
    of these cheap chemistry batteries possible, the recharger could be an alibaba 50¢ phogovoltaic path light that is LEDless but instead has a usb connector if the developing world person has a usb power source

    Computer chips could run cooler if the unfeatured back of the chip had deep trenches lasered into it, with likely uniform, or better, custom tesselations of trenches that are then filled with Ag or other heat sink metal to gather and reradiate warmth

    I think it is beneficial to genetically engineer humans, that is homo sapiens and branch species to have faces that along with being beautiful look happy and inviting when the face is in emotionally neutral at repose position

    Fluorescence, spin polarization, embedded 1/256 or 1/512th antennas

    Lasers sharpening industrial and personal tools and things with edges is an obvious use of lasers but does not seem to exist yet, which is peculiar as laser sharpening of tools could also do laser peening raising edge strength and possibly durability,
    the use of lasers to polish glass was at about twice the value needed to make optical transparency in 2021, perhaps that fineness of material removal of material is sufficient for laser edge sharpening

    Laser fruit juice extractor, oil press, raster or surface hologram zaps holes all over what is getting squeezed, also ultrasonics

    Centrophenoxine is published at two studies as causing 50% greater longevity with injection, rerunning the study with different amounts and particularly different dosing intervals could support that and find even better effects at people,
    1,2,4,8,16,32 automatic fishfeeder or mouse food on lp turntable finds optimal timing of drug doses, and the mouse conversion factor for interval dosing

    Musical shaker egg 1/2 mass particles, half of sound from electronics teaches staying on the beat or developing rhythmic beats, plastic with shaker granules or soft lightweight all foam and electronics egg with the enjoyable feel of a microfoam makeup
    applying round, for advanced foam rhythm egg players touch sensors like lightguides (optical haptic sensing surface technology) could give the rhythm eggs more instruments, and person with person interactivity, iot capable as well, white and light
    pastel colors at rhythm synthesizer eggs are beneficial, being microfoam the synthesizer rhythm egg could also respond to gentle squeezing, and a thumb pressing or swirling the top area.

    Noting its musical uses, and the possibility of making a chording computer keyboard from just a foam tube with haptic detect bendy fiber optics in it, pleasing to the touch microfoam interfaces could be popular, if they had cvd cold plasma diamond on
    them they might stay cleaner, in general these are ultraffordable musical instruments and computer input technology

    Its possible to imagine that just doubling the area/span of petrochemical drilling would double the petroleum output in places like the middle east and the US' petrochemical fracing areas, so, making the pipes to the oil 11% longer might recover 11% more
    reources, that suggests redrills at highly productive areas could make more petroleum available more rapidly, another thing they could do, might already do, is multiform pressure tapping, so that one big hole, perhaps made with a laser contains 2 or 3
    pipes in pressure relation to each other so a neutral pressure petroleum deposit can be pumped out without backpressure from another deposit near it, but on the same drillpath

    Swamp coolers also known as evaporative coolers work through evaporation, perhaps a new to me kind of evaporative cooler could spritz water onto tubes with air passing through it, cooling the air in the tubes

    Soft to the touch velcro that feels nice to children, unlike hooks, the part that snags the puffyfiber is non

    Wave springs are de
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    Ask Bob if his 1995 truck has an engine light data port or just look this up, give him a vehicle data port reader $16.nn at aliexpress as a summer solstice gift, perhaps along with catalytic converter restorer treatment fluid, update it wont work on his

    Just#@Qatar 2 q 21as a pretty plant thing, do different isotopes have different colors from different spectral lines, so isotopic variations of magnesium make a different green at plants from different chlorophyll


    I read about how p

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