• There are lots of different body fluids like vaginal lubrication and we

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Fri Dec 9 11:55:57 2022
    Longevity drug, feeding simple concentrated rna to rodents made them live double digit % longer, repeat this with marmoset but administer the rna as enteric coated pills at a group of 9 marmosets, and at a group of 8 marmosets feed them oral rna without
    enteric coating, watch the biomarkers of aging to see which treatment is better, simultaneously at rodents, repeat the original experiment with 8 structure variations, pure AT/uridine only repetitive rna as well as G/Uridine

    Beneficial diet pill and photonic beam technology that could voluntarily reduce eating from already having the sensation at the stomach as having the sensation of measurably slightly pleasant fullness from a meal that causes a notably less than overfull
    feeling, the stomach pleasant fullness receptors at the stomach and the spinal cord nerves they connect to could have aptamer Localization peptides connected to peptides that activate the fullness receptors for 1-3 months after taking a dodecanate of
    C40anate three month depot diffusion pill, to make it more stable it could be a dextro amino acid peptide, possibly with Si or ge atom replacing c atoms at the peptide causing multimonth stability and have an enzymeatically, or loose antibody moieties
    attached to a peptide that occupies the fullness receptors

    7-9 attribute epigenetic RNAi modifier of melanocortin 3 receptor and melanocortin 4 receptor that causes 8-128 times more heightened sexual arousal, sex pleasure nerve pleasure increase activity, orgasm enjoyment, higher number of voluntary easily
    attained and sought after sexual activities and sex each 24 hours, higher number of orgasms each 24 hours, there are things

    Ampa receptor acetylcholine receptor with something attached to it, a ligand, can be spectroscopically absorption frequency or fluorescence spectroscopy stimulated, that is orbital charge modified to, i think, vibrate as to its receceptor is recepting or
    receptor not noticing a ligand state, as well as a different pair of states, that is, has po4 from atp/ does not have po4 from atp /is liganding actively with atp, the idea is that this oscillation produced with light like a photonic headset multiplies
    the cognition enhancing effect of the Ampa neuron many times because it attaches and reattached 2,4,8,16,32,64 times as often, 11-22 iq points, concentration adderall

    I read there is an fda approved penis numbing topical material, that makes it so men voluntarily omit ejaculation for a longer duration while having sex that omits having an effect on the orgasmic sensitivity of the person he is having sex with, a
    different technology product more enjoyable to men and the people they have sex with,

    Diarrhea ameliorating and survival promoting probiotic, B. Durans is a published very durable at the gi tract probiotic, modifying it to treat and minimize risks of no survival of children 60 months and younger has a part where a peptide is produced that
    decreases active transport of fluid from the circulatory system to the membranes of the gi tract so as to greatly reduce risk of dehydration, the peptide could be an aptamer peptide that attaches to the forms or lodges at the aperture of the active
    transport channels of water to reduce the amount of water moving from the body to become diarrhea to an amount that commercial product engineers think will cause the most people, notably children, to stay alive, other enhancements to B. Durans are
    published higher than lactoferrin antimicrobial proteins called lactoferrin fragments, published cycloxygenase 2 inhibitor peptides that reduce fever and perception of illness, cause heightened activity at active water transport channels to move water to
    the circulatory system fluids from the gi tract

    Melatonin variants prevent Photoaging, skin cancer, and cause whiter skin, melatonin is described as radio protective, that is that I perceive when possibly x-ray irradiated mice are predosed with melatonin, and some highly effective, higher
    effectiveness variants they are able to live through radiation exposure better than untreated mice, it is possible they get cancer less but i do not know, at a sunscreen they could find out if topical and lipoomal melatonin prevents Photoaging and skin
    cancer, better than this is finding a melatonin molecular variant I saw published that is much more radioprotective than melatonin, I perceive that melatonin is radioprotective because it passes through the cytomembrane to the cytoplasm, so adding the
    membrane passing peptide CAG to the better than melatonin molecule increases effectiveness and rapidity of UV protection, also because melatonin is an active sleep cycle drug, keeping its better radioprotective chemical version on the body side of the
    blood brain barrier could be beneficial, something like a triple = ethynyl group with high electropositivity could keep antiphotoaging, anticancer CAGmelatoninlikeC=CHsunscreen that soaks into the body on the body side could be beneficial

    Laser wavefront array as nontrig wave like soliton, wavelet, nand operator, plural nand at a beam of on a photoelectric ic material making 11K separate pectoral line computers per 440nm, 3D laser wavefront array, laser drill, laser peening

    airplane wing diagonal, 111th wind chime supersonic ound rainforest longevity sound, cetaceans whale dolphin happiness longevity marine drive sound

    Piezoelectric pleasure vibrator cleans anus, vagina, mouth, lungs, lymphatic motion

    Diahhrea or rectal incontinence reduction and solving technology, photon beam absorption spectroscopy and fluorescence spectroscopy with emissions tuned to the absorption frequencies of particular chemicals, each of those chemicals is a receptor at a
    cyte that has a shape, where stimulating the receptor with the resonant time repeated frequency wiggles that receptors quaternary protein shape back and for the activate it or decrease its activation, then at the colon and anal can of elderly people that
    habe less pooing ability, do the peristalsis stationary or slightly backwards keeping the poo away from the 18 inches farthest from the anal sphincter, also do photonic beam activation of the anal sphincter to simultaneously compress it to non passing of
    poo, so at the noncontinent person the poo is both much farther from the anal sphincter and the anal sphincter is holding back the poo, when the person who previously was incontinent wants to go poo, they sit on the toilet say to a computer smart speaker,
    like Microsoft cortana, or Amazon alexa, Time to go poo, and the photonic beam activates the nerves that direct the muscles that cause compression or peristalsis of the anal canal, and also dilate the anal sphincter, the software learns each person's
    preferred interval of pre pooing and pooing, learning to make it as fast as the defecation of a median person, or if they like, faster, another technology that can assist the noncontinent to be continent is the epigenetic modulation of just the colon and
    anal canal and sphincter to activate the genes that produce muscle directing nerve chemicals to produce more nerve chemicals, like a titrated 2, 4,8, 16,32 times as much of the nerve active messaging chemical amount of chemical at colon muscle, anal
    canal muscle, and anal sphincter muscle like acetylcholine, nicotinic acetylcholine nerves, tyrosine active nerves, and, if of utility, muscarinic nerves, it is also possible to use epigenetic modulators like acetylation to upregulate the production of
    the numeric amount of what I think are called ion pumps, such that the defecation muscle activating nerves can produce and transport 2,4,8,16 times as many element ions like calcium that motionizes muscle, magnesium, potassium to make it such that
    photonic stimulation of the receptors that cause greater defecation continence are able to also utilize more ions when they are stimulated, notably, epigenetic modification of the colon, anal canal, and sphincter can be cheaply accomplished with an
    enteric coated oral pill that responds to the modification of liquid feces to water decreased feces at the colon with sudden diffusion of the epigenetic modifier at the colon, which then motionizes to the anal canal and sphincter

    Lkm512 that makes epigenetics of defecation continence at the elderly and babies strongly increases longevity from lkm512 while epigenetically doubling the nerve response to a a compress or dilate message at the anal sphincter, optionally, any of the
    genes that make the receptors that have a response to SARMS that causes muscle mass building, muscle strength building can be epigenetically up modulated at the anal sphincter and other muscles of defecation continence paused fecal moved, or increase the
    strength of voluntary defecation

    Making new epigenetic upregulation acetylators, such as epigenetic sex pleasure and arousal drug receptor amount produced heightening modulators that caus 2,4 times the number of both the melanocortin 3 and melanocortin 4 receptors, and the genes and
    networks and cascades that cause the most orgasmic, pleasureable, highest heightening of sexual arousal, and largest number of new sex partners approached that are particularly Pleasureable, and particularly rapid at the action, the most

    Better particle accelerators, one of these could be a laser wakefield array 1000 times smaller or 1000 times more powerful than an a 2021Ad laser Wakefield array that is 200mm long because the plasma is energized with a muon beam, muons are 1000 times
    more minute than electrons so the same amount of pumping energy of a laser can be at 1000 times narrower plasma filaments, making the beams and Wakefields that make new physics particles and energy accelerator output be much higher power and
    concentration output geometries like beams, 3D standing waves of particles or energy at custom Wakefield accelerators, and Wakefield topologies that make solitons, hundreds of times more durable dissipative solitons, what could be called geometries that
    represent and do math equations like the minimax 3D double parabola surface that causes either hyper frequent center tropism of energy fields, particles, and boson particles having the minimax center tropism having continual cumulative boson
    colocationity, with the effect that the Wakefield accelerator makes millions, billions, trillions or even larger amounts of bosons to colocate, including element atoms and other bosons, such that very high energy concentrations from boson collocation
    occur, then, to activate and utilize the potential energy of the colocated bosons a nucleus proton and neutron integer amount modifier that turns the even amount bosons to odd Parton amount fermions that then immediately motionize to a larger area than
    the colocation area are doing and being very high energy translational motion, repulsion energy field concentrations, magnetic field and field production effects from the sudden plurality of fermions, including ferro magnetic element atom boson
    colocations becoming ferro magnet element fermions, where the motion, and angular momentum cause magnetic field production, with some geometries of the radiation that causes bosons to become motionizing fermions causing particularly double digit or
    higher amounts of magnetic field lines per most minute magnetic field line area, imaginably nanometers at afm atom array making ferro magnetic element patterns like linear cordouroys, 3D afm atom placements that go from a circle, to a wider circle, to a
    high curve parabola that then has a suffient amount of afm placed pole piece element atoms placed on its upper surfaces, sides, or even middle area such that the heightening and concentration of magnetic field lines occurs at afm atom placement forms
    made of 111-1K atoms just 7 to 11 atoms on each 3D side being a magnetic field producing form of 700-900 Pico meter height, width and length or curved 3D form diameter, such that if 4, 11, 28, 32 highly concentrated magnetic field lines are produced then
    the field lines created are a physics effect and technologyizable 180 Pico meter, 90 Pico meter, 22-24 Pico meter separate field line distances and spacings, and the field lines having a narrowness of possibly 1/22-1/40-1/111th the afm produced magnetic
    form being next to another form where identical magnetic poles face each other causing field line narrowing and intensification of 7-11 times, this identical pole form next to form placement geometry then causes the field line shapes produced from the
    pole piece element atom layer or 3D pole piece to heighten narrowness, and, as an engineering option heightens round curves roundness or linear line field lines greater length or engineering utility identicalism of field line spacing 7-11 esliedentics, -
    ementsnarrow magnetic field lines of greater heightdoing motion

    Sex technology, gnrh, gonatropin releasing hormone causes a plurality of mammal species to have greater sexual activity effects at both female and male mammals, with longer duration of penis thrusting, and larger more frequent number of sexual penis in
    vagina different sexual events occuring at castrated horses administered gnrh, as well as female rodents expressing sexual interest to males with rear area presentation and motioning, at humans, as a voluntary and reversible sex drug, epigenetic
    modulators can heighten the amount of gnrh coding mRNA produced, as well as epigenetically modify to modify the activity of cytoprocesses upstream of gnrh that cause the pulse interval of gnrh, making it such that the pulse interval is the interval as
    well as waveform that causes greatest female sexual pleasure, sexual arousal, and voluntary repeated sexual actions and activities, with, also benefitting females heightened sexual attraction to other females, the hands and entire body surface makes a
    chemical such as a physiochemical at keratin dermal surface production, as well as the production of physiochemicals at perspiration at the hand and palm and finger surface that travels to the body of a woman touching a woman is a gnrh receptor shape
    modifier, or also form that props the receptor shape to be much more receptive to gnrh, that heightens gnrh receptor sensitivity and response to the gnrh already reaching the receptor, such that the sexual arousal and sex partner seeking behaviors are 2,
    4,8,16,32 times higher when women touch other women, with hands or other dermal surface, this beneficially prompts and causes female bisexual or lesbian sexuality

    A gnrh sex drug or epigenetic modulation that benefits men or also boys is where the particular body tissues, and brain and CNS tissues that cause, at another mammal, horses, faster penis erection, greater duration of penis thrusting, and higher amounts
    of repeated sexual activity are at human boys and men epigenetically modified to cause 2 or 4 times as many gnrh receptors to be produced, causing the heightened sexual vigor many men and boys like, notably this excudes from epigenetic modulation all
    brain, CNS, and other tissues that cause any nonpreferred behavioral or physical effect of gnrh response

    Possible, but not known to me are any gnrh receptors at just the pleasure causing areas of the nucleus accumbens, if these exist epigenetic modulators can increase the production of those receptors

    Some mammals produce gnrh as a response to olfactory stimulation and scent, to find out if this occurs at humans, combinatorial chemistry producing 100K to a million variants of scents produce a group of chemicals that can be tested as to their effects
    on heightening gnrh production, these chemicals can be as easily produced as varied amounts of halogenation of laundry water from females and males, laundry water of females and males that cause the 99th percentile of arousal at others, noting sex
    performers get 3/10-4/10 more tips when they are ovulating, also the laundry water of ovulating women

    Comment on a data measuring drone airfoil, Interferometry can make a visual map of bending and flexing, really cheap would just be two laser diodes pointed at the drone propeller or airfoil doing interferometry and a 20¢ at alibaba phone camera imaging
    the interferometry lines and the way they change, this actually does the same thing as the bumps for about 28¢

    Multioval slit, and tricircle slit variations of the wave attribute of light and other physics things produced at a double slut apparatus, a double slit produces lines from diffractive effect of light, these lines can be made to overlap further if a
    tricircle of apertures is utilized, at the center area of the light pattern the highest concentration of photonic lines occurs, such that, with even a greater number of circles than three, the amount of photons at the center region of the light reaching
    surface is much higher, then think of two laser beams, one of them a millimeter diameter and the other a 400 nm wavelength beam made to be 10,20,30nm diameter from negative refractive index optics, beaming an 11nm beam at a tricircle or 32 polyoval flat
    koosh ball causes possibly 32 times as much photonic diffracted pattern to be concentrated at the center area of the surface the polyoval slit shines on, this creates a new to me optical effect where the 10nm laser beam is modified to be a 1/32 diameter
    photon energy concentration, turning a 32nm beam into 1 nanometer, a 16 nm beam making a 1/2 nanometer photon concentration, and a 10nm beam making a 340ish picometer photon concentration, the technological utility of this is lasers with polyoval slits
    being able to polish lens materials to optical smoothness, surface smoothing of each cvd layer produced at ic like CPU manufacture, possibly heightening chip yield and

    Gratings heighten the transparency of metal, at imaging chips and hyperspectral bolometer sensors and just above or mid area of the junction layer of photovoltaics, thermoelectric, mostly transparent electrode like indium tin oxide at phone displays,
    inertial confinement laser fusion element containing spheres, considering ghz frequency phone data frequencies as photons, it is possible a grating on the surface of a broadcast antenna heightens energy efficiency and output, as well as gratings at the
    surface of a receiving antenna heightening reception, gratings at the surface of fractional spin materials like huesler alloys could cause greater transmission of 5/3,3/2,5/2 physics energy fields,

    Ruthenium cs electric mining explosive catalyst, 15,000 times faster nitrogen disintegration causes much higher instant energy output making for larger amounts of micropowder that facilitate element extraction, beneficially making materials notably

    NMN energy benefits, 7 times more exercise stamina, youthspan increase has a function-similar at mRNA that make 14 different enzymes at the atp cycle, 200 picogram/24 hours/enzyme is 2.8 nano grams per 24 hours, about 9 micrograms per decade, and 2
    milligrams for over 2 centuries of dosing, at $1k per gram that is $2 for over 2 centuries of greater longevity, youthspan, health span, and greater stamina, even greater longevity from system 1 skip

    Casimir effect particle and photon generator, a 300 or 700 layer piezoelectric where the piezoelectric material like pvdf, niobium titanate layers are 11-111 micrometers thick makes a layered piezoelectric 3-7 millimeters to 3-7 cm thick, constructing
    the layers so at a side they are fused together, then opposite that side they are stretched apart with a rounded strut between the layers makes it such that the layers functioning as casimir plates have very wide, gradually gradient occuring spacing,
    noting I read that the particular particles and photons produced from vacuum generation vary with the spacing of the casimir plates, 300 or 700 layers, with varied plate spacing, at 300-700 Pico meters, 1000 gradient spacing of increasing nanometers,
    1000 gradient spacings of individual micrometers are then producing of particles and photons of different types from the casimir effect, and this multilayer piezoelectric can be used to characterize them, notably it is possible to do things with the
    casimir generator that heighten the amount of nonrecombined produced that can reach a detector, among these are beaming time asymmetric k mesons at the casimir generator to see if that reduces recombination from causing anisotropy, as well as a possibly
    simple effect such as putting the casimir generator next to, on just one side published double digit tesla magnetic fields such that at much casimir effect particle duos from vacuum one moving positive particle is attracted, and its antiparticle repelled
    such that they separate further and interact less, making more of them continue to exist, another way to get the particles and photons to recombine with their antiparticle less, is noting antiprotons and protons have different emissions spectra and i
    think quantum spectroscopy absoption lines, aiming an energetic light or laser at the multilayer casimir generator causes the preferred matter particle to be charged, and a large amount of absorption line photons actually motionize the particles away
    from their antiparties, the casimir generator is made of piezoelectric material such that the spread of the spacing of the layers can be continually adjusted piezoelectrically when next to a detector and automatically incremented across billions of
    different casimir plate gap widths, at 1K variations per second, attracted or repelled with a magnetmatter andphotonic quantum absorption line photon absorption causes anisotropy and possibly decreases recombination, fields

    Sexual lubricant that causes durable shininess and gleaming of the vagina and penis, or also causes woman or girl originated vaginal wetness mucous to cause shininess and gleaming such as harmless or beneficial like phosphatidyl long edible 16-22 C
    alkane oil with cooh on it that provides shininess while the phosphatidyl group decreases immune reaction, and the fatty acid produces shininess, that is visually shinier than nonmodified vaginal mucous, this also Makes the erect penis shine and gleam
    even if the vaginal mucous dries on the penis, photocoating like material

    Cooling refrigerator, if 1 part per 40 or 80 of the refrigerant at a refrigerator, heat pump, or air conditioner is a highly ferro magnetic chlorofluorocarbon like cobalt fluorine chlorine, C or even a less responsive diamagnetic bismuth version then
    permanent 1-2 tesla magnets at the beginning

    Fuel injection plate peltier cooling, or warming, and sides of the fuel injector apertures or mini tubes outputting a bunch of led uv light to preionize the gasoline or other fuel to make it byperreactive, which could heighten efficiency or also
    beneficially modify the composition of exhaust, photons can do this because the fuel Injector apertures/mini tubes stay clean

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