• LSD psychedelic with more comfortable physical smooth muscle effect exp

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Fri Dec 9 11:54:28 2022
    Computing, surround a Higgs boson with helium 4 spin zero, nuclei if they comingle then lopsided or new geometries kinds of gravity, and chronoeffects from gravity could occur, remove 1-2-3 of the helium 4 element nuclei from part of the surrounding
    helium coating this could cause a narrow projecting gravity distal beam like thing that has fractional gravity, and fractional chronoeffects, or it could be a place where all the gravity and chronogravitic relativity effects project outward, at depending
    on whether 1, 2, 3, helium 4 nuclei are moved this makes a gravity and gravitochronoeffect beam project outward with an order of magnitude or greater gravity effect and relativity time dilation effect, making time dilation utilizing single atom computers
    able to compute greater than an order of magnitude more computations each moment to a data bus, or observer, that travels away, who experiences relativity time dilation, so, novel to me, this provides a way to cause an order of magnitude more time
    dilation to things humans make that go as near to, at or above, the velocity of light in a vacuum

    Casimir effect producer of light, energy, particles, other new things like stable math emergent energy fields like a magnetic field line that connects its distal areas to make a loop, things that are non trigonometric waves that rather than undulating
    are solitons, iterating plural fractional spin arrangements of 2 or 3 identity containers with 3,5,8,11... Sequential fractional spin amount Ness values, kind of like the way twith k lepton time asymmetry

    New kind of Higgs boson with new kinds of gravity, gravity equation notably similar and different effects, like something completely different than square of the distance effects like because the different new kind of Higgs boson is nonspherical, perhaps
    with a geometry that places greatest surface area as more determining of form than,

    Higgs boson bosonic colocation suggests that if you put a million or a new noninteger math treatment of a million Higgs bosons at the colocation Planck unit pixel volume, they might omit interaction and energy Traversals, that suggests a novel energy
    source that is not like nucleus fusion, but is energy shapes generated from matter compression that is anisotropic or geometric, like flat round disc of highest surface area with shallow dips on different sides, something like a vitamin capsule I saw
    that had a rounded body with a little neck protuberance that was, unlike the main volume easilyand causes gluons and quarks, novel to me is that at 1G as 9.6 m/s/s, a million colocated Higgs bosons might be, if a single Higgs boson has a G field equal or
    exceeding that of earth at some distance from its circumferenceish volumetric surface, then a million bosonically colocated Higgs bosons is 9.6 million G of attractive gravitational force, chronogravitational effects like relativistic time dilation can
    then do a thing where a single atom computer, a multi atom computer, a turing complete automata computer, one of which might be called a 0,1,0 automata, made with 2 different atoms per automata computer with different quantum line levels, as well as a 4
    atom, or 2 silver atom, noting that silver atoms motionize two electrons simultaneously, NAND operator, that could

    Just an idea, colored metal absorbs green laser light much more effectively, could laser based fusion on hydrogen, deuterium, tritium, helium or other things have much higher energy absorption at the spectroscopic quantum light absorption lines of these
    elements when lasers of the color wavelength most avidly absorbed are utilized, imaginably, a big laser of just the right color wavelength could be an order of magnitude or greater more absorbed, refractive index gradualizes light velocity,
    metaphorically if voltage goes less, current goes up, so one opportunity is very highly refractivebluepre helium fusion plasma, two photon absorption, one photon for each of the two electrons,
    at the bodto find out what possiblepossibly is few

    Dielectric coating keeps energy from radiating away

    Laser peening of polymers orders of magnitude more Shockwave from absorptive frequency colorant, makes it so orders of magnitude less energy, lasers, LEDs, quantum dot emitters can be used, prince ruperts drops, a couple hundred times stronger than glass,
    maybe, maybe not, so rather than just a laser peened tension and compression concentric wedge effect, an engineered effect, and a nonsentient genetic algorithm utilizing seeds effect, also, laser, led, quantum dot tuned to spectroscopy lines, a wild
    novel idea is putting negative refractive index alternating column peg optics as a metal plating, or minutely high at an oxide layer, a full large area sheet laser millisecond or 300th of zap to engrave the columnsorders of magnitude 3D form, multilayer

    Refrigerated laser peened materials like microcrystalline plastics, at all kinds of things made of plastics even corrosion resistant new kind of ptfe fluid things and wire insulation, utility pipes, geotextiles and wide area and stacked electricity
    generating nernst battery arrays as 2-3¢ per meter ^2 electrical energy generators, with, if it functions as a technology, 14-28 times more affordable from 14-28 times less microcrystalline plastic to make a sq meter, making it 1/3 to 1/10 ¢/meter,
    embossed or molded arrays, and notably their very thin film sputtered metal metalized food container thick layer on very thin film pedot, with the metal made corrosion resistant with laser peeningconsumer products like laptop, refrigerator, refrigerated
    polymer thread used at carpet, furnishings, very refrigerated bearings and ball bearings, silicon nitride, ceramic

    Nernst battery technology, easy shape like eensier 400 well plate, having identical wells but with alternating curve or bump meiniscuses, of 11 types

    Hearing voices schizophrenia reducer, thin auditory cortex shell is published as either highly associated with audio hallucinations or, without auditory shell thinness, auditory hallucinations omit occurring, optically activated drugs, or peptide aptamer
    connected to stem cyte attractor and, although stem cytes I think imitate what they locate near, bdnf, ngf, vegf, such that the auditory cortex shell grows
    190mg nootropics, 99th percentile responsiveness, at each nootropic messenger rna may contribute gene products that also heighten cognition, test those messenger rna as cognition heighteners, test median or higher social functioning, niceness, voluntary
    and enthused mating frequency, longevity to verify beneficial

    Wakefield magnetic compressor 1/1111th diameter beam at Wakefield does new MHD regime, customizable to different magnetohydrodynamics that do laminar, to swirl meets swirl, to standing waves that preferentially produce a preferred kind of particle, like
    gluons, quarks, k lepton, muons for muontricity, fractional spin and integer particles and energy carriers, shock diamond produced matter compressions that could fuse particles, not as an energy generator but, just as a mild Farnsworth fusor can do
    fusion, shock diamonds could fuse Higgs bosons with each other, fuse Higgs bosons with fractional spin particles to make 3,4,decimal fraction like, from 5/2 fractional spin 2.333333... A possible high utility new kind of particle is making charm or
    strange quarks that are of a form i read about where sometimes they have mass 4, and sometimes mass zero, so a particle I read about made from them is able to be a single proton or neutron mass unit, notably, a beam of mass 4 quarks, with the possibility
    of the beam having a geometry where sequences or curved pluralities are aligned such that repeated mass 4 and zero quarks cause regions of all mass 4 or mass zero, ranging from standing wave-like or 2D or 3D persistent patterns, that causes temporary or
    durable quark mass 4 or zero multiple simultaneous particles to be made including time asymmetric k lepton where alternation of mass amount causes 4 times greater time asymmetry and chronological effect variation, using usual k leptons or mass 4 as well
    as zero quark composition k leptons when used as the particles at a delayed choice quantum eraser chronological technology could show if time asymmetry from the k leptons effects future what physicists call heralding that interacts with, or perhaps gets
    content with the future, also time asymmetric k leptons that have retrocausal function at a delayed choice quantum eraser could have notably different, possibly greater than 1D numberline like plural time pre or apres effects, with a nifty new
    chronological technology, if it works, of having two, or a much larger plurality of physics things like varying mass 4 mass zero bosons or fermions, helium 4 spin zero bosons, including pluralities of colocated helium 4 bosons of a quantity 300k,3300k,
    300 million, 3 billion, 300 billion colocated bosons, then noting that light travels about 300K,km each million microseconds, so with a delayed choice quantum eraser technology form that can range from what is called optical lab on a chip at 1 millimeter
    size, to a 11millimeter size, to a walk up to and through it meter or multiple meter size there is an effect where the energy in the colocated bosons has retrocausal or future heralding data communication and energy emission, ordered, parallel, 2D or 3D,
    as well as NAND universal computing element, and computational automata like the turing capable automata that might be described as 0,1,0 3Drsecondtowardsmassalso foil

    Electrons I think might have Angular momentum besides spin, at regular CPUs or capacitors, or electromagnet generators, transformers, and electric motors, and radio broadcast antennas and it is possible

    Dcqe feedback connectionality with k leptons, Higgs bosons, other particles possibly fractional spin particles, and helium4 spin zero bosons, and also multiple large plurality colocated bosons, feedback between Dcqe things causes all kinds of effects,
    such as, at 2D video feedback central bright, or edge bright areas, things that rotate either direction, possibly magnification of just an area, something that looks like a screen full of miniatures, and at other 7th decade of the 20th century AD analog
    video effects, tracers, multiples of items, and at oscilloscope feedback with trigonometric waves, all kinds of lissajous figures, including at three waveforms effecting each other, predictable and non predictable effects with periodic and aperiodic form,
    I think 4 trigonometric waves or completely different changing forms, or new and rounded static forms has greater benefit to humans, that is Homo sapiens and branch species

    Laser peened microcrystalline polymer used as the polymer at disposable diapers uses 14-28 times less mass of polymer, and electret beam treated diaper absorbent gel is, just possibly twice as effective, disposable diapers at 1-4¢ each at alibaba, with
    2¢ being frequent, might be just ¢1/14, making disposable diapers very affordable for more babies, parents, and caregivers, because so much less polymer is used to make a much stronger laser peened diaper, a more or fully biodegradable diaper can be
    made at 1/7-1/9¢ each, something like aquarium anti chlorine or other harmless molecule neutralizes what chemical it is at pee and poo that causes itchiness or diaper rash, also curcurmin, i may have read about white non yellow curcurmin, noting these
    might cause 3-4/10 faster rash healthy dermis repair

    Things that could improve hearing and reduce illness related to hearing, i do not think that hearing less well has to do with ear hairs growing at sockets made of keratin, i perceive the cochlear hairs as growing from something like a hair root bulb,
    for while a few of my white hairs turned back to original color at actual keratin hairs I have at my head, finding other

    At humans who become previously alive, during when they are ill if they are accurately informed that they have a 97% likeliness of being other than alive as a result of spontaneous illness that there was a complete absence of any human or computer
    software367 days from whenabout told

    Lots of receptors and proteins have sites where ATP has a particular shaped miniarea that either receives a PO4 or PO3 which causes an energy change, that causes things like shape change and Homo highest occupied molecular orbital charge variation, i
    think this effects chemistry, the technology is to find the plural different forms of these sites, and find out which ones have things like fastest docking, fastest phosphate group traversal, and undocking, if there are 11 different nook sites, then they
    can be sorted on their attributes, and say the fastest neuron can be compared with growing fetal tissue, once the most optimal of these are found, modifying genes to make that most optimal atp nook replace the previous form of nook could cause 2,4,8,16
    times the receptor activity, so as a beneficial iq heightening genetic change of nook form, the AMPA acetylcholine receptors can be changed at the genes, and a personal sample, a 14 month depot gradual diffusion of a blood brain barrier passing variant
    of mRNA that directs the production of the new atp nook variation protein which is active alongside the previous version as a test prior to full body gene therapy, a way to modify all the cytoreceptors and other proteins, particularly atp facilitated
    function proteins to beneficially more effectively activate and do things, causing greater activity that is longevizing, youthspan heightening, wellness heightening, cognitive ability heightening, voluntarily heightening of light triad psychology
    psychometric brain structure receptors and other physiochemicals that are activated and facilitated with atp, pleasure heightening, notably at all pleasure sensing nerves, erogenous zone pleasure nerves among which can cause orgasms, sequential orgasms
    of heightening pleasure with each sequential orgasm, as well as heightening orgasmic muscle motion, causing greater orgasm pleasure with each sequential orgasm, heightening muscle motion and compression physics unit Newtons amount, strengthrealization and

    Tissue culture of genetically enhanced freeze dried sperm and genetically enhanced sperm, sperm may utilize fructose and atp as energy sources, it is even possible sperm could use GTP or other nucleotide triphosphates as energy sources, also, as a sugar
    fructose can be modified to have its oh and h attachments modified to produce the largest usable stored energy, where if among oh or h, the unoxidized h causes greater energy utility then a fructose with more unoxidized hydrogen can be producedcand nmn
    laser and ice scan, 1 part per 11,2048 inkjet printer frostban or antifreeze on each sperm tested, or, much easier, use a laser engraved stencil with 400nm spray openings of circular and other shapes to inkjet print optimally 1 part per 40 or 200

    Remotely possible, some bacteria live on white wintry nonliquid water landscapes and multiply and thrive at crystalline water, some of these may be bigger than human sperm, putting human sperm inside these bacteria and then freezing them and making them
    available at the frozen ice cream treat area of minimarts, gas station convenience stores, grocery places, exercise and health club, and college and university ice cream vending machines, atfreeze drying themcsp, hibernation peptide dadle

    Comment on an internet item about a rooftop wind energy generator that is 150% more energy generative than solar photovoltaic, I'm sure they have already thought about using the 16-20 times greater airflow coanda effect, like the Dyson blade less fan to
    multiply airflow, it's possible that coanda effect at the exit port from the energy extracted air, which while very slow moving could be put through an array of tubes or slots to be laminar enough to pull 2-20 times the air, that is could pull, or be a
    velocity of more wind into the entry port, i wonder if vase top v, or angled fingerlike projections, or something like prandtl sphere 1/3 ifying of turbulence, with the prandtl sphere focalized airstream aimed at the rooftop wind energy generators air
    gathering area, if airflow focusing prandtl spheres are double the diameter of a 1 meter radius gathering area, then greater than 11, that is pi times 2 times 2 velocity of wind air reaches the wind energy generator, also, it is possible to imagine a
    large electrical utility wind turbine with prandtl spheres in front of it, either connected to the turbine blades, like spheroids on curved supports, preceding the turbine blade at 2, 4, 8 blade width distance or diameter then with pi this causes greater
    than 11, 48, 196 pi radius times radius greater prandtl sphere directed wind motion on the turbine, or perhaps just 4, 24, 98 times the wind multiplier effect from the wind being on just one side of a published prandtl sphere, a novel variation on this
    is to have an entire blade turbine radius or twice radius thing like an air focusing screen made up of hundreds or thousands of prandtl sphere like air directors, possibly as linear or rounded circular form periodically knobby with prandtl sphere shapes
    lengthy things that look like the middle of a thing called a vase face image, if the plural prandtl sphere array, directing of twice turbine blade entire rotational area and diameter functionally directs 11-29 parts per hundred of all the wind onto the
    blades, and the turbine blades at an area of 1-4 parts per 111 of the entire rotation area then, variously about 11,29,3, multiples more wind are directed onto the turbine blades at identitical to turbine blade area, at double the radius of the turbine
    area, these are multiplied with pi times 4 to produce an amount of wind reaching the turbine blades 132 times, 348 times, or greater than 34 times greater wind reaching the turbine blades, for each electricity producing turbine, causing as much as two
    orders of magnitude greater energy generation, notably this could be, if wind electricity was 29-98¢ a watt during 2021AD,then wind energy becomes 1.8¢/W to 7-9/10ths of a ¢ each watt from the wind focuser, the wind focuser could be made of a cheap
    metal geodesic, or better than geodesic genetic algorithm generated shape with fewer strut like elements, and the fewest number of construction activity moments connection between struts or non strut elements like vase face knobby prandtl sphere arrays,
    this use of a genetic algorithm to minimize struts and construction minutes could make construction much cheaper, and noting I have seen a video of drones rapidly weave a load bearing structure from flexible polymer coated Material very rapidly, among
    the genetic algorithm enhanced forms could be a weather impervious large diameter 4K 365 day multimillenial duration polymer or low salvage value but non Fe metal weave, possibly a zinc germanium nonoxdizing alloy, noting germanium keeps Ag from
    chemically reacting, with some amount of element P, noting I perceive I read that some P zinc alloys are stronger or less chemically reactive, also as the composite components like big threads of multi wires are made, a thing similar to laser shockwave
    peening, which is using a 3D depth magnetic field such as an electromagnet to make high intensity field line shockwaves in metal, laser peening causes 7-20 times greater strength, 15 times greater strength at titanium, as well as greater corrosion
    resistance so at magnetic Shockwave 3D depth peening it could be similar or greater, whichwith sufficient between weaving connections to Ike noting that to a if it is possible to use ocean based turbines that can be at quantities so large as to be
    cheaper than electricity from coal, to replace coal used to generate electricity

    I saw a thing I describe as a prandtl sphere, with a ridge about a third of the way on the sphere facing the wind or air, with 1/3 as much turbulence as a noprandtl sphere, that to my perception had a narrower channel of air after it, prandtl spheres
    with electret surface could have enhanced laminarity, I think it is possible to make a double active prandtl sphere from removing the middle so it looks like a water weenie, then having the canal have half sphere with a ridge, half prandtl bumps causing
    a narrow airstream of less turbulent flow, not only could this be directed at a wind turbine, it could also precede an airplane turbine engine aerodynamic surface textures like electret repellers or attractors, or micrometer or nm corduroy laser etched
    or cheaply molded onto the painted passenger airplane or passenger vehicle surface increase energy efficiency,

    much bumpsnoting people are nowhile notnor other producing much greater, withturbinersthen

    Laser peening and 3D depthy magnetic peening could be made more effective from the microcrystals between stitial materials getting a customized Shockwave frequency, since they are eentsy, nanometer or micrometer sized between grains, they likely have
    sound pulse vibration optimal absorption frequencies that are very high, the laser would then pulse, along with published Pico second pulses, with an extra group of undulating pulses at the top of the pulse, or possibly a very steep parabola at the
    center of each pulse, leading edge, or trailing edges of each pulse, at lasertheir, noting there are materials with between crystal stitial materials, like crystals or noncrys, peening while electrified, along with tension and compression, as one
    Cartesian coordinate vector, there are spherical 720° math force vector describable directions, what is a tension or compression like force, which are things laser peening changes to cause strength, and reaction resistance, but has a different name that
    there are geodesic spherical coordinate vectorsthere are things like beingwire squishing

    7-28 times cheaper fasteners like nails, bolts, rivets, and staples that are hollow tubes with side apertures, possibly like a smooth tube cheese grater the diameter of a nail or other construction fastener, that causes greater adhesion, very cheap
    seamed or seamless tubing could be laser peened or magnetically peened externally and internally to have 7-28 times greater strength, this makes It possible to make them 14-28 times lighter, and so have much less material $/kg, making stainless
    noncorroding alloys strong enough and value effective enough to replace fe for more durable construction

    Dental Polymer coating, with polycrystalline laser peening optimal structure, similar to available polymer coatings, on teeth laserpeened last 7-28 365 day periods, decreases tooth decay and partly freshens breath at adults and children's teeth, 4
    treatments/century, blocking gingivitis precludes some teeth coming out and I read it has a double digit effect on heart disease and cardiovascular disease, if 2-3 out of 11 heart attacks could be prevented with preventing gingivitis, that is about 19-29
    million heart attacks prevented at each 340 million 2021AD person lives, about 7 million more than population of the USA at 2021AD, or possibly 494 million heart attacks prevented per 7.9 billion 2021AD earth population amounts, stannous fluoride,
    germanium silver 499 Pico meter to 2-8 nanometer sized particles that migrate dentifrice gum

    Fabulously cheap is a cuso4 with gingivitis bacteria 1100 times concentrate at a dentifrice gum, that immunize against gingivitis, based on cuso4 cholesterol immunization dentifrice gum gene therapy,

    Positive element polymer semiconductors, optics, and possible more concentrated forms of matter, anisotropic huesler crystal and other alloy forms

    New sex drug that is 7/10¢ a dose, bremelanotide is an fda approved sex drug that makes my penis 4-8 times more sex pleasure feeling during masturbation about 51-300 minutes after snorting 27-29mg, like 4-8 times sex pleasure nerve feeling enjoyability
    effects, bulk produced enzymes like proteolytics are $7-11 per KG, chlorophenoxy bremelanotide CAG chemicals active at an oral enteric pill dose of 111 mg, are about 7/10ths ¢

    Sex pleasure vibrator, squeezing handle causes more pulses per second, and pressing the actively vibrating part onto the clitoral area or pressing strongly at the sides or upper area of the vaginal canal causes higher amplitude stronger vibrations,
    making that even more pleasureable for the woman or girl is aligning a magnetic pulse at the base of the spine that from what I read apparently causes orgasm or other intense sexual pleasure, with the magnetic pulses simultaneous with peaks of vibrator
    strength intensity that occur each 4-7 times a second, or possibly where the strength intensity leads the magnetic pulse 1/11 of a second

    Sex pleasure vibrator, I watched a sex video of a pale blonde woman with large breasts masturbating with what is called, or could be called a twig vibrator, it was a sexy video and I enjoyed my penis becoming erect while she masturbated, every time she
    pulled the vibrator out 2-4 inches before another pleasureable inthrust the twig head spent a moment not in contact with her clitoris, i made a comment on the note much like, I really liked how much she enjoyed the white twig vibrator, a vibrator even
    more pleasureable for women could be if the twig lengthens - >that is, is soft polymer spring loaded to lengthen the twig a 2-3" to always keep touching her clitoris, and continually press onto her clitoris, touching her clitoris continually each time
    she pulled the insertive part away, in and out 2-4 inches, also with a 2-4¢ sensor on the clitoral vibrating twig head the twig could stimulate the clitoris more during when she pulled the main insertive body of the vibrator back, making the clitoral
    stimulation 149% of the previous amount if she pulls back for the next thrust gradually, 190% more intense if she pulls it back more quickly for a new pleasurable thrust into her vagina->then women and girls using the vibrator could use the feature that
    the first 1.5 seconds of the new Rethrusting in causes clitoral stimulation to go up to 290%, just for that first 1.5 seconds of inthrust, then it goes to 111%

    Spring loaded entire vaginal canal sex pleasure vibrator

    There is a slight possibility that a prandtl sphere with a ridge on it could make vacuum cleaners, any system that uses a vacuum more efficiently from being placed behind the floor meeting nozzle, and at either central sphere at wide tube or bumpy middle
    water weenie shape cause just 1/3 of the frictional turbulence magnetically accelerated oxygen as vacuum cleaner pressurize and ultralight automobile plasma chamber quadruple pressurizer, quadrupled oxygen causes greater power per expansion cycle and
    more complete oxidation of hydrocarbons and carbon particulates that would have otherwise been pm2.5 non utility emissions, magnetic field at a automotive engine plasma area could shape expanding oxidation plasma to press onto the piston more than sides
    of the plasma chamber, noting positive ion like octane element C and hydrogen can be attracted with a magnetic field, as suggested with ion spectroscopy, putting a plural amount of 1 or 2 tesla continuous effect magnets, with pole piece field
    intensifiers and distance of field reaching at the length of the plasma chamber, as well as the ability to have the area where the valves are at be magnetic at a way that optimizes the magnetic field on the piston head to cause the expanding plasma to
    shape at a way that presses the piston and is neareron the piston surface, acoustic wave compression causes a few mm of very highly reduced pressure, even vacuum pressure just ahead and adjacent with the expanding plasma to cause greater nearnessizing to
    the piston surface, also a two to four orders of magnitude stronger acoustic like piezoelectric pressure shape can be highly energy efficient because it is only 499 nanometers to 29 micrometers thick, but has an acoustic wave produced like a bulging
    lenticular waveand aygenatouto as a lasers on the head at 140 with eye safe frequency valve tops

    Rockets and airplanes and underwater vehicles that produce liquid oxygen right as

    Nitrous oxide or most harmless nitrogen oxygen emission from a drone where acoustic pressure waves a micrometer thick cause duoatomicoxygen to react with duoatomic nitrogen to emit energy or gas pressure that keeps the drone aloft

    Would mono atomic nitrogen atoms at a thing they are in be about twice as buoyant as usual atmospheric duonitrogen and duo oxygen, if that occurs, then various acoustic, magnetic, catalytic, rf EM technologies, including magnetic electron push
    sequestration, can make and preserve mono element nitrogen gas, this lighter than air so prevalent to be made at a buoyant drone, transport blimp, 1/2 the amount of friction mass driver rail gun tube filling, fluid gas surface coating of any spacecraft
    revisiting or visiting Earth or any otherery

    Pv=nrt batteries quadrupling pressure effects chemical reaction rate, which at hydrocarbon refining companies is used to velocitize reactions and produce greater amounts of preferred products, at high pressure batteries this causes higher current, or
    possibly causes a different range of chemicals batteries are made from, including things like rechargeable alkaline earth metal alternatives to lithium I have read about, as well as matched conductive positiveness and negativeness polymers polymers like
    pedot, pedot with Se element, germanium fullerene with metal atoms at their lumens, amazing to me new battery polymers based on a antimony, fluorine, hydrogen, oxygen superacid, or a superbase, at possibly, based on Wikipedia 10^22-35 greater
    electropositive effect or electronegative effect, which i perceive as much greater electrical potential with any other thing, greater than fluorine having 4 volts and lithium 3.7ofnoting that at 10possibly tesselated monolayer moldybden electric vehicle
    batteries can be pressurized to hundreds or thousands of atmospheres of pressure using a nonleaking fill gas like nitrogen or krypton,

    Sonic anesthesia of all the humans at a parturition event, brain scan verification of enjoyment of pleasure nerves simultaneously activated with acoustic numbing of any nonpefreferred sensory nerves, among ways of numbing arthritis wristwatch and hip
    applique, possibly witricit

    Mapped fish finder or higher resolution ultrasound locates areas of unwell Ness or high concentration of illness causing organisms, it then disintegrates them with directed 3D acoustics that cause the size and shape of the micro chunks to be just the
    right size for leukocyte engrabment, and immune system learning, also leukocytes have strong attraction to some chemicals that might be from sonicated human tissue like possibly, or not possibly floating ribosomes, as well as chunks of things like
    lipopolysaccharides from bacteria membranes, when the sonication communicates orders of magnitude more learning about different identifiers then the person responds more effectively with their immune systemAntibacterial, antiviral antiatherosclerotic
    plaque, gi tract bacteria editing, lymphatic brassage, falciparum resonant frequency malaria organism disintegration, tapeworm or other parasite disintegration, pneumonia phlegm motionizing, could also motionize phlegm

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