• New and completely new very highly pleasureable sex activity actions ar

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Fri Dec 9 08:12:20 2022
    Think of the nonvisible mesh nude appearance maintaining nonvisible meshcovering the entire hips, and the mesh, with travelling waves of compression causing mild pressing and compression, and even highly pleasureable dynamic gliding effects at the
    erogenous zones of the upper flat hollows, planes, and rising areas of the hips and hip bones of women and girls that are erogenous zones to compress and glide in such a way that the physical touch of others during sexual foreplay and sex is more nerve
    perceptible and nerve pleasureable, which makes the foreplay and actual sex more arousing and enjoyable, that the mesh can do this is based on the way swollen turgid clitorises feel more pleasure, and swollen hard erect penises feel more pleasure, along
    with the erogenous zones of the hips, all the erogenous zones of a woman's, girl's, boy's or man's body including the inner thighs, lower abdomen, breasts, collarbone area, face, and hands, and testicle can have nonvisible mesh compression, gliding, and
    dynamics that heighten pleasure and sexual arousal

    The nonvisble mesh could have computer interface non visible frequency Haptic light sensors, nonvisible photon frequency activated sex drugs, invisible photovoltaic electrophoresis, EEG playback sex pleasure effects, spine area DC electrical stimulation,
    tdcs like electret nanoparticle or microparticles, or flexing piezo particle, or nernst battery microprinted particles, or anti-gunk body implant surfaces like artificial hearts, artificial vasculature, stents, bone implants, artificial joints, neural
    brain interfaces, surgical suture and staple surfaces, breast implants and other implants, optical light guide implants like a new thing that is a plurality of nanometer diameter apertures, micrometer diameter, millimeter diameter, or centimeter
    Diameter apertures that pass through the entire thickness of the skull or other bones that facitate very very high nanometer or even Pico meter optical scanning, and spectroscopy that is photonic or other energy field form characterization like magnetic
    fields, quantum entangled or linked fields or molecular atoms, including durably quantum entangled or linked molecules and polymers physically orally dosed, inhalation, snorted, iontophoretically transported and dosed, new genetic or modified existing
    genetic gene product produced, probiotic produced, or also body tissue and brain produced laser photonic or magnetic field produced homogenous spin polarization, and quantum entanglement or linkage actualized form at brain and body elemental atom,
    molecule, physiopolymer, utilizing a plurality of different forms of quantum entanglement or linkage such as at electrons, protons, entire atom, molecule, physiopolymer, cytostructure and organelle angular momentum different than spin motion forms
    including rotational, back and forth vibration, translational motion forms, and any other acoustic like vibrational quantum entangle able or linkable forms, noting that I read a description of micrometer sized, multiple quadrillions or greater numbers of
    atoms having quantum entangled physical acoustic like motion vibrating, possibly resonantly vibrating quantum entangled object, and structure form, which then supports new technologies and technological object and energy stimulated forms of quantum
    entangled or linked particles, atom, molecule, physiopolymer, organelle and brain or body cytostructure, and plural cytes at a structure forms, this makes it so that brain and body scanning is able to have higher 3D resolution, and dynamic parallel and
    plural time varying resolution, and plural simultaneity resolution such that it generates brain and body scan data that is even more data producing than various heightenings of orders of magnitude faster scanning frequencies and cycles per second during
    2D entire slice area scanning, moving beam linear, or other geometry like curved motion, circular form sampling geometry, possibly fractal scanning, scanning energy data reading and recording 1D math structure microperiodicity form regularity of
    occurence,2D fractal scanning photonic, magnetic, vibrational and angular momentum form, 2D fractal spectroscopy doing polyform energy stimulators, of both uv to visible, to micrometer wavelengths, to terahertz wavelengths, microwave, uhf radio and other
    radio frequencies, and spectroscopy utilizing very low frequency, extremely low ELF frequencies, and frequencies so wide that they are measured with number of seconds per each cycle like 11 seconds per cycle, 111 seconds per cycle, 2,4,8,16,32,64 seconds
    per cycle, multiminutes per wavelength cycle, multi hours per wavelength cycle, multidays per wavelength cycle, multimonths, 24-120 month interval per wavelength, multidecade and multicentury, and multimillenium interval per cycle, among some of the
    benefits of very low frequency radio, ELF frequencies, and seconds, minutes, hours, 24 hour intervals, tenth of a month and month intervals, and 11 month, decade, century, millennium, and multimilleniums per wavelength scanning of the human brain and
    body, and other things like plants and other photosynthetic organisms, as both wild and natural plants, crop plants, freshwater and ocean water photosynthetic organisms, plural organisms grouped together like a crop plant entire field, a multi plant
    ecosystem, an ecosystem area or volume greater or less than a meter squared, and also meter area circumference considered as a circle, and also meter area considered at any of what I have written notes about I previously describe as the IT pattern and
    being at and of white form rounded curve, white energy rounded curve, or multiple rounded curve shape and geometry that is white form and or also white energy, as well as 3D volumetric meter description volume forms like spherical meters of volume, or IT
    pattern rounded curve or smooth rounded volumetric 3D forms that are formed and durable and of even greater white form and white energy than spheres, also, at the scanning of plants and ecosystem areas, and ecosystem parts, separate dynamic identity of
    ecosystem, ecosystem human or computer named components, as well as computer and sensor forms of various space dimensionalities, chronological forms, conceptually linkable to the Human 20th century American English word Time, as well as the 20th century
    American physics publications published utilization of the word Time, and the math equations that have Time function, polyfunction, structures, physics and math relations to energy, matter, information, linear time forms, parallel time forms, sequential
    time forms, nonsequential time forms that are variously predictable with math, unpredictable with math, approximate able with math, approximate able with discrete, measureability, exclusion from measureability, observer, wingers friend metobserverand
    mathematics word Timenonlinear, linear, integer, floating point, binary reprentation, cellular automataor two, three, four, eight, 16stable while highly likely emergent things about ecosystems that are what are science word called emergent effects,
    autogenerating effects, ecosystem things that actually are math words described as strange attractors, durableecosystem plural different systems geometryrmonthaster scanning, chat ionotropic also dosed to the brain and body materialangular momentum
    various alquantum entangled oscillatorsreneticto the body and brain as recording of brain structure and neuron and brain cyte and organelle structure , structure, protein, membrane, DNA, mRNA, ion, fluid dynamic liquid and gel motion patterns at
    intracyte cytoplasm, intercyte fluids and gelsEnsure

    The opposite of a bayesian predictive, probability like or actual probability azeotrope can be created with and because of human mathematicians, and created from the utilization of nonsentient artificial intelligences, and also made more effective, so
    they have greater predictive ability, and even greater modelling ability, and eve greater utilizabity at doing a vegetarian fishing expedition on a known previously gathered dataset, or the ability to communicate and represent, to find a particular math
    relation, such that a new actually existing effect and dynamicism, and boundaried, or artificially boundaried information, energy, matter, conceptual identity like Mwi physics utilizing effect that simultaneously verifies the Many Worlds Interpretation
    of physics, like physics that utilizes the schroedinger equation, a new better variant of the schroedinger equation, or the schroedinger equations repacement

    One fun and high utility thing to do with an opposite of a Bayesian predictive math azeotrope is having the computer program that runs the bayesian anti azeotrope finder and then having the software suggest where physicists, mathematicians, engineers,
    new technology commercial product developers, scientists, students, and inventors can look for things that do what their equation says, or do what a computer model that makes various actualities, dynamicisms, and energy or mass effects on other objects
    occur from some actual anti azeotrope bayesian predictability software suggestions as to what matter, energy, equation glyphs and components are most likely to some, a component, or all the things their engineered thing does,

    A generator, motor, engine, or construct able physiohemistry, that has a math and software predictable way of vibrating at a frequency that most decreases change, and especially accumulating change, this could b createable from finding the math equation
    opposite of a resonant frequency, the computer and genetic algorithm processes billions or even trillions of restatement of an engineering cad drawing to find and focalize on the least vibrating, at any frequency, any form, with the lightest mass, and
    greatest drive field effect, field effect energy concentration, greatest field effect harmlessNess to humans or also greatest field effect benefit to humans, at an electrical generator, electrical motor, or social companion robot component, or
    manufacturing robot component, thispoly refrigerator different possible angular momentums cooled, or excluded, artificial bandgaps for non quantum systems

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