• New to me seed like crop seed technology, seeds could have 2,4,or 8 emb

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Fri Dec 9 07:54:40 2022
    New to me seed like crop seed technology, seeds could have 2,4,or 8 embryo growing or sprouting nubs, this heightens the likiliness a seed will sprout while also possibly making the grain more nutritious, sort of like wheat having 2-8 germs, that t is
    embryos, per kernal could make 1 slice of whole wheat bread have the micronutrients and vitamin content of 2-8 slices of bread, also there are pale varieties of wheat that could be bred or engineered to be even whiter, there is a white whole wheat bread
    available now that is pale, but it is only 1/2 whole wheat, genetically modifying wheat to have white bran is possible, one possibility is utilizing the white color genes of some berries to make whole grain wheat be white, and whole grain rice be white,
    that way people get all the advantages of white bread with 2-8 times the nutrients of 2021 whole wheat bread
    New to me seed like crop seed technology, seeds could have 2,4,or 8 embryo growing or sprouting nubs, this heightens the likiliness a seed will sprout while also possibly making the grain more nutritious, sort of like wheat having 2-8 germs, that t is
    embryos, per kernal could make 1 slice of whole wheat bread have the micronutrients and vitamin content of 2-8 slices of bread, also there are pale varieties of wheat that could be bred or engineered to be even whiter, there is a white whole wheat bread
    available now that is pale, but it is only 1/2 whole wheat, genetically modifying wheat to have white bran is possible, one possibility is utilizing the white color genes of some berries to make whole grain wheat be white, and whole grain rice be white,
    that way people get all the advantages of white bread with 2-8 times the nutrients of 2021 whole wheat bread

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