• Lignite and other coal to electricity with greater efficiency, sonolumi

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Fri Dec 9 03:27:31 2022
    The amount and growth period of apical meristem and other active growth tissues varies with different plants, it is possible to compare the genes that direct the actual physical mass amount and morphology of different plants apical meristem to likely
    find a xksing plants with 2-4 times the median apical meristem as well as 2-16 times the apical meristem new plant tissue growth rate, genetically engineering these high mass high velocity apical meristem genes into edible crop plants and silviculture
    plants and ornamental plants causes 2-4 times more rapid time to maturity and full plant size, creating plants that can be double or triple cropped per growing season at good land, with good climate, with added fertilization, i am reminded of California
    and the ukraine, some areas of which have 4 growing seasons with unengineered crops that could have 8-16 growing seasons a year with apical meristem enhanced genetics, i read the world's second largest producer of vegetables is indoor growing in Europe,
    this could also benefit from apical meristem engineered crops.

    It is possible that fungi fairy rings and plant bushes that grow in circles use the majority of some nutrient at the middle of the O, plants or fungi that live at those middle regions may or may not have higher nutritient gathering ability or longer
    lifespan, and the longer lifespan genetics can be researched

    Running 3 day average for waitresses, and other people that work with the public contact guideline, the waitress or other public worker that gets dating and sexual contact prompts could run a 3 day average to see who to respond to, with a known to them
    thought out baseline like have they been to college, do they earn ore than me, do they masturbate with two hands (sexual avidity and genital size), if a mid day person when the worker is in an unflirtatious mood exceeds the 90th percentile of her measure
    of contactees then she can favor that person with her contact info, dating smarter

    Glowsticks could have quantum dots in their plastic exteriors or fluids and make the Glowsticks light much brighter from upconverting and downconverting light to the preferred frequency, one use is decorative quantum dot exterior patterns on rave glow
    sticks of different colors, also as a useful attribute quantum dots make Glowsticks glow above a noted visibility threshold more hours, Glowsticks could also come with 4 bend crunch ampuoles each, making them reuseable at full brightness 4 times in a row,
    for multiple raves or vehicle and dwelling lighting occasions, as I perceive it the ampuoles have hydrogen peroxide in them which if readded might or might not reglow the glow fluid,

    Emeralds are soaked in refractive oil to fill cracks and make them look prettier, tooth polymer coatings already exist to decrease bacteria colonizing the teeth, i do not know if structural strength tooth infiltrate coatings exist to fill microfissures
    that might crack or crumble, or a particularly useful application, a coating that fills the microfissures that develop between old filling mass and actual tooth, the 4 hour no food or drink gradually infiltrating fill glue, possibly kept at high saliva
    levels by chewing a fluid center gum or fluid center white chocolate candy ball once every 20 minutes for 4 hours has the same velocity of infiltration and diffusion of emerald oil, so 4 hours at 98.6 is similar to more hours at 100, and the candies or
    gum could be eaten over several days, also, notably 6 days of 4 hours of dental improvement candy or gum eating can do a 24 hour tooth treatment, some polymer infiltration are used to keep mineral statues from crumbling so there might be adequate
    microcrack strengthening polymers available now.

    Some vehicle insurance companies have plug in driving monitors that are it so they can have lower rates with higher profits, life insurance providers could find everybody after menopause and males and give them a voluntary to take epigenetic oral
    modifier pill that acylates, that is upregulates the p53 tumor suppressor gene causing reduced occurrence of cancer, which then causes the life insurers to earn more money

    This is already known to exist, just a personal version is novel: Many cultures have celebrations with bright moving lights, fountains of light, and light balls, the cheapest drones at alibaba are about $2 at alibaba, and the cheapest Glowsticks are less
    than a cent, triplingight emission from a glow stick could be accomplished by mirror coating lines r facets of a Glowsticks interior and tripling the concentration of the chemicals, notably triple strength h202, unless they've already done that, wireless
    qi format power transmitters are about $2.30 at alibaba and a glows ticked, led, laser diode light emitting drone could take repetitive even yo-yo flights and return to base for recharging throughout a civic light emission festive occurrence, making
    pretty light and flying in pretty patterns

    Earbuds and wireless headphones that stay in place, like earthquake resistant dynamic buildings move with ambient motion to stay in place micromotion masses at headphones and wireless headphones could use laser imaging of the ear to find out when they
    were wiggling out and use mass motion dynamics optimally above the range of Huan hearing to stay in place, there's also the slight possibility that electrowetting surface technology can do elecgroadhesiveness, making the surfaces of the headphones cause
    them to stay in place

    During 2021 AD some greenhouses were made with polymer panels like polycarbonate, one way to make these stronger without crenellation is to laser peen a lattice, ripstop nylon pattern, or other nonbreaking, no fraying pattern on the polycarbonate,

    Wood preservative nails and screws, simply coating fasteners with an amount of the chemicals used to treat wood could make make the deep hole production at fasteners have less deleterious to lumber span of function

    Probiotic at vagina and anus heightens sensation at their pleasure nerves with acetylcholine, tyrosine, or other pleasure nerve stimulants like rna drugs while also removing any discomfort at any uncomfortable nerves from the probiotics secreting GABA or
    GABA function alikes and RNA drugs,

    Epigenetics of the pleasure nerves of the prostate and female and male genitals could be modified to produce more sexual pleasure, that produces a single pill or dose epigenetic therapy that is beneficially given right after parturition to increase
    sexual and genital and masturbatory pleasure throughout iving, starting as a baby, epigenetics of the pleasure and sexual pleasure of nipples, breasts, pillow humping pleasure thigh muscles, sexual and sensual pleasure nerves of the abdomen between
    genitals and umbilicus, pleasure nerves of the neck, sensual and sexual pleasure nerves of the face and tongue, and sexual pleasure neurons and nerve structures at the brain, possibly including the cortical homonculus could all be epigenetically
    modulated to increase sexual and sensual human (Homo sapiens and branch species) pleasure,

    A IoT phone communicating rectal canal vibrating butt plug and cofocal acoustic prostate stimulator could respond to and build practice at anal sphincter compression numbers, duration, and strength, promoting easuring and charting success at anal
    pleasure practice, giving say one highly pleasurable prostate cofocal stimulation for every 4 lengthy held anal and anal sphincter squeezes, the idea is that this squeezing pleasures the erect penis that is in the anus a higher amount when the person is
    actually having sex with others, and it gives people something more to talk about and do during anal sex, a woman or girl could combine this with doing Kegels to potentiate her orgasm, which could also be from vibrator activity, fingers masturbating her
    clitoris, sex drugs, or orgasm from voluntary double penetration of anus and vagina simultaneously,

    An epigenetic skin and hair lightening dermal probiotic that is passed from mother to child is possible two possibilities are modifying, hypermethylating the approximately 7 genes associated with skin color, also leucistic genes exist Wikipedia notes,
    can cause leucism include c-kit,[10] mitf[11] and EDNRB,it is beneficial to make the genetics of leucism, which permits melanin at the retina, an expressed part of the germ line genome and somatic genome of all humans, that is Homo Sapiens and branch

    Hydrogen bonding likely effects many polymers, if there is a way to decrease or increase bond length and the number of hydrogen bonds that are at polymers this could effect crystallinity, transparency, strength;high intensity RF waves and diamagnetic
    jostling and squeezing are two approaches, as is modifying atomic outermost electron charge with fluorescence, from illumination with very high intensity UV r X radiation while making the polymer, also, a different approach is seeing if a paucity or a
    supersurplus of nucleation sites causes different crystal size growth and transparency at see through optical polymers like polycarbonate.

    Reminiscent of a Milliken oil drop experiment, Another possibility is to density gradient float Lightwave sized microcrystals of polymer as they are formed and separate out the 80th percentile of greatest transparency polycarbonate or other polymer
    crystals, a thermal rising zone at a slow forming polymer could be illuminated with enough ir to warm just those microcrystals with high absorption, then, forming the polymer in a centrifuge causes the most warmed, most liquid polymers to accumulate far
    from the centrifuge container base, generating a kind of tube shaped transparency gradient, and slices of 90th percentile and above transparent polymer sliced and combined to make an all high transmittance plastic polymer is accomplish able (I think),
    one use for 97% transparent polymers is replacing 91% transparent glass at things like solar panels, windows, and optics.

    Nd:YAG lasers cause 55% reduction of acne in 4 weeks, using no visible 1024nm ish light, perhaps something as simple as a nonvisible 1024nm ish colorant that soaks into the skin could increase the anti acne effect, a way to make 35 W/joule light
    treatments much cheaper than YAG would be to use 35W 35 joule LED light and a soak in topical cream with quantum dots that turns the light into the anti acne frequency/ir color right in the skin, or alternatively outside the skin at the applicator wand

    This is really uninformed but have they tried putting the ion form of the elements in Zblan super transmissive inorganic fiber optics into plastics like polycarbonate to see if transparency improves

    I favor people, that is humans being impervious to weather and going nude, a different thing is garments that are so transparent the wearers appear nude, one possibility is using UV lasers to drill 300 nanometer sized holes through 99/100ths the area of
    a woven fabric, the fabric could be very strong like aramid (Kevlar) so that when 99% of it was micro drilled away it still had shape, form, and tear resistance. One fun thing about transparent garments is that they can have anti reflective and
    metamaterial coatings that cause greater light transmission onto the body surface, then, at the body surface a visibility beauty treatment, an optical brightening non garish fluorescent brightening chemical, similar to a laundry Brightener can be worn,
    and this visibleity treatment can also contain roygbiv luminescent quantum dots, Another possibility is to coat any transparent garment with sparse threads that are smaller than Apple's retina display pixels which are smaller than a person can see,

    Better joints from epigenetically upregulating the production of synovial fluid and collagen

    ApoE variants can strongly reduce risk of heart disease, that suggests the epigenetic modulation of any particular version of ApoE gene a person has can be hypermethylates or acylate to reduce incidence of cardiovascular disease, along with adding the
    production of epigenetic modifier free circulating rnas or peptides to an enhanced human, that is Homo sapiens and branch species genome is the benefit of making a ubiquitous b durans probiotic spread from mother to child that also epigenetically
    modulates ApoE, noting Dave Pearce' hedonistic imperative a bacterial probiotic that spreads durably to all mammal species could reduce cardiovascular disease and with p53 modulation reduce cancer at all mammal species increasing health span and lifespan
    of all mammal species including marine mammals, it could be of value to look at the ApoE genes of multicentury bowhead whales and if they have have apoeE, 400 year tortoises and even 4+ century lifespan quahog clams to see if there are more optimal ApoE
    characteristics that can be epigenetically aimed for

    A greenhouse or a sunroom in a regular house could have gappy rubber pavers similar to grasscrete that was soft to lay on or place a tent base on, the greenhouse lawn would then be a possible place to lay or sleep on, fun for kids to weather comfortably
    camp out in the greenhouse during winter

    Better stronger pothole repairs, bulk laser etch the gravel/sand in asphalt to stay wetted by tar, notably at top surface, sodium silicate solution could reduce warm weather and cold weather shape change, a machine that puts a circular band aid like
    sticker on a filled pot hole removes edge of pothole reopenings,

    For liquid polymer crack fills or other road crack fills an expansion "holiday paper fruit expansion mesh" tape that looks kind of like a wave spring could be used, just lay the tape/tube in the lengthy crack and it automatically expands to a honeycomb,
    ready to receive micros and asphalt or polymer goop, it might reduce erosive movement and could possibly being paper or recycled polymer be twice as cheap as the same volume of unrecycled polymer

    With authorization and tri contactor booms drones could land on any light pole transformer for an electricity refill

    Pots for plants where the pots are super cheap air thermoses, π•Œ π•Šβ„π”Έβ„™π”Ό π•‹β„π”Όβ„π•„π•†π•Š ℙ𝕃𝔸ℕ𝕋 ℙ𝕆𝕋 like beverage containers. The difference is the drain hole does not disrupt vacuum

    Gems can be decorative and mathematical, tesselation art like penrose' kites ad darts and other aperiodic tiling might neatly on to the 3D form of a laser cut gem, beyond and different than MC Eschers' shape changing parallelogramoids of human and other
    figures many possible rounded forms are possible like double tennis ball dumbbells, not flat but puffy fresnels like actual old lighthouse optics, and Gradient Refractive Image lens forms like optimally spaced double convex so the single curved
    streamline form gem is functioning binoculars, kaliedescope or readable text or image projector onto the ground in sunlight, plural dcx of small size and Y or candelabra collimator could give round streamline gems the brilliant color flecks of an
    outwardly faceted gem, fivefold symmetry quasi crystal optical effect gems can be produced with lasers,

    One very pragmatic way to possibly make an optical element gem is to laser drill out 265nm holes and happy planes in it with a UV laser, fill the holes with the novel optical material, like quantum dots or something with a notably different refractive
    index then warm it to remelt the holes

    Some gems like artificial emeralds use a growth from warm pressurized water process, it is possible that other aqueous polar solvents could be used to grow artificial gems and crystals faster with less energy, making the gems more affordable

    Rubidium chloride and rubidium yeast extracts/msg replaces or other monorubidium amino acids as flavor enhancing chemicals that are a flavor alternative of flavor balancer to Nachloride, Rb causes greater sociability, perhaps, and may be a slightly
    sellifying element, so microwave dinners, crisps, and quorn patties and nuggets could have Rbchloride blended in or surface sprayed to enhance flavor, it should be tested to see if it is good, bad, neutral for marosets and people

    Noting frostban protein prevents ice nucleation, perhaps there are a range of possible edible peptides or proteins that can customize ice nucleation size, to find a size, likely small and sudden, that most effectively preserves frozen dinners and things
    like frozen vegetable pizza toppings, the ice nucleation protein or peptide would be mass grown then added to the patties, nuggets and coated on the toppings

    Juice producing machines could have lasers making breakapart patterns on fruit surfaces prior to crushing to get more juice, similarly ultrasonic not much different than ultrasonic cleaners can be used at plant tissue to get more juice out of the food

    A way to net 1.25% better mpg from vehicles is, if air conditioning uses/used 10% of engine power 1/4 of the year, then putting a published window coating that reflects 85% of ir on the interior wall facing the engine, the undersurface of the vehicle and
    also the exterior top, sides, and upholstery of the vehicle lowers air conditioning use of fuel

    Autopowered moppers and room a mops exist, it's possible these would work with ultrasonic transducers making jiggle at the mop head, similarly with drone based building side cleaning and paint prep mopping

    Is there a way to stir a slurry so that the particles cavitate, that is cavitate the fluid between them, such that the bubble zapping causes the slurry particles to dissolve into solution, cavitation is sometimes seen on propellers and possibly other

    I saw a video where they explained why certain digits occurred more than others at multidigit numbers, one possibility is to search for/make with a computer true random numbers, another possibility is to make distribution ally similar to measured nature
    random numbers, P value changes, simpler explanations findable

    If the described-online preponderance of certain digit numbers is true of many systems, then perhaps completely on the up and up experiments with high concentrations of rare digits have unusually high statistical validity, even if they do not make a
    particular p value, i do not know how to do Bayesian probability, but anamolous digits kind of suggests a live prior at a current calculation.

    Also, mathematics that run against the calculation streams that cause digit glyph preponderance could be found by having genetic algorithms make and effloresce various calculations finding math that specifically favors the previously least favored digits,
    then people could look at that math and utilize it in other areas

    Colored light is published as increasing healing and promoting hair growth. I have seen wearable clitoral wibrators the are mini sized and worn around the waist it could be that some frequencies of light on the well clitoris would cause increases is
    pleasure nerve growth and thus sexual pleasure, and that those light emitters could be attached to sexual pleasure vibrators like vaginally inserted egg vibrators and wearable clitoral vibrators

    Gradual sustained wide area delivery of beneficial viruses, immunization antibody material, or drugs, think of a sponge full of colored paint, a person putting the sponge in their mouth, chewing, and swallowing and throat travel all cause paint to wipe
    onto surfaces, the entire time, the paint pill which could resemble either 1 or a plurality of hearing protector sponges, it is also lightly effervescent from the core, the effervescence from the core makes it so the paint pill can emit paint in the
    stomach and gi tract as well, generally, painting a beneficial immunizing antigen across a larger surface increases the beneficial physiological response for better cheaper oral vaccines taken as paint sponges, similarly the larger the area of mucous
    membrane a beneficial virus has to infect, the greater effectiveness at beneficial virus transmission also, if double the throat/body surface area is reached with a paint pill only 3/4-1/2 as much active ingredient has to be used which makes treatments

    Use drones to imitate HVAC at greenhouses, circulating air above plants to optimize warmth and humidity with drone propellers

    Dot product origami, it might have entertainment value

    Some software improvements to phones: instant OCR of whatever is onscreen when you do a screenshot, perhaps a deeper, more energy saving sleep mode if untouched for 40 minutes to give longer battery life

    Can you plate or chemically etch tension into a spring, perhaps not, there's prestressed glass and Rupert's drops, what are the useful effects if any of prestressing a piezoelectric material like crystalline pzt or even pvdf?

    If there can be gaseous polyatomic ions like the partial methane, can they make ionic indium phosphide gas at some environment and see if it responds to varied electrical or photonic impulses beyond the 7.5 terahertz range of indium phosphide

    Could ultrasound, exterior to the body ultrasound colonoscopy function better than 2021 ways of doing colonoscopy? Some ultrasound has 30 micrometer resolution and it's possible to imagine a copious contrast enhancing "meal" of pudding to make the
    detection better. A similar approach could be used for screening of stomach cancer, ultrasound based noninvasive external screening of lung cancer could be possible and combined with mammogram screenings for thriftiness, it is also possible that
    mammograms that are already screened by computer could use the same amount of radiation but simultaneously image the lungs at some amount of very low false positive indications to suggest a regular chest radiographic lung cancer screening,

    Could a lung probiotic bacteria make and export color and flavor changing peptides or aptamers that glom to things lung cancer cytes secrete changing the flavor of the throat with flavor or sweetness peptides and the color of any coughed material,
    suggesting any person seek further screening for lung cancer

    Ultrasound could find microfractures at elderly causing possible medication with bone building drugs to be utilized prophylactic ally before an accident

    AI could link any trends in ultrasound images of the heart and some vasculature to heart disease, perhaps finding any proclivity very early like 30's or 40's for medication to prevent the heart disease

    I perceive much more beauty of the human female form looking through one eye compared with the other, they could do research on this to find out about beauty

    A fun math thing is to take one of those paper expansion pull holiday decorations that look kind of like a paper wave spring, stretch and rotate it into a sphere, just as they do now, and at every fused radiant gill replace the fusing contact with the
    same kind of linked surface that is the kind of linked edges and planes as a 4D hyper cube, a tesseract, so then after you have your tesseract beligned wave spring sphere you can have fun considering fun things like it's volume, fr example if a person
    has fun with the statement "what is the volume of water in CCs of a hyper cube with side length 2" then they can do the same thing with a wavespring of tesseract sphere

    I have previously written notes about finding nerves at the body, especially the genitals that are specialized to produce pleasure and increasing their growth with nerve growth factors like BDNF, as well as genetically and epigenetically increasing their
    amount of active nerve chemicals, i think it is asl possible to increase pleasureable sensations at the face and hands this way, and that increasing face ad hand pleasure is beneficial.

    Babies might enjoy any amongst longer breastfeeding, more milk per minute during breastfeeding, or eve better tasting human milk during breastfeeding, computer beeps between feedings suggesting extra opportunities to breastfeed, osmotic fluid transport
    at the breast increases amount of milk in ml, epigenetics and genetics of osmosis, epigenetics and genetics of milk volume utilized to increase the amount of milk,

    Catamarans go faster from reducing friction, could lines on the bottoms of skis reduce friction and make skis go at higher funner velocities, replacing fluorinated ski wax at velocitizing skis

    I have never seen telescoping auto-lock skis but I think this is possible, if light enough they could fit on a backpack in nested form

    Live djs and recorded music already have words and music that get people out on the dance floor, perhaps there is a way to collect the best of those techniques and technologies and develop them using the science of psychology to get even more people out
    voluntarily dancing.

    A straightforward or group of matrix experiments on the primate marosets, bonobos or also chimpanzees is to epigenetically upregulate or longevity favoring modulate singly or in groups the perhaps 90 genes already published as of 4/2022 as increasing lab
    mouse longevity, this may be highly ethical as it could be expected to increase the lifespan of these primates as research applicable to increasing human that is Homo sapiens and branch species lifespan.

    There are databases made from different types of mice, where wild mouse lifespan correlates highly with survival of a tissue culture in response to specific toxins like hydrogen peroxide or CD ion, to improve longevity they could do tissue culture tests
    from different thrivingnesseses of location at just one species, like mice, then do things to equalize and increase the longevity of tissue culture, like epigenetic or drug actions, then they could test the effect of entire-organism actions on longevity
    as part of developing human, that is Homo sapiens and branch species, longevity drugs

    I may have previously mentioned that keratin reactive transparent henna like antibiotics may be possible and that they could be made a beneficial part of sexual activity lubricants

    I think there are pattern resonance benefits to having pale pink vaginas and pale pink vaginal lips so it benefits people to be genetically engineered to have pale pink vaginas and anuses.

    Appreciating the sexually suggestive parts of the maypole during spring, and aware there are other meanings of the maypole including circling, i think delicious fruits could be engineered go look more like genitals, white with pink blush on the cleft
    nectarines and apricots and pink bananas are possible

    The loading software circle could be entertainingly made into a maypole with dancers and children circling around it

    Preventing malaria with insecticide treated bedneds is well known, one thing I'm not aware of is if simply doubling the amount of insecticide makes bednets much more lethal to mosquitos, these chemicals are very cheap, and at a 10Β’-1$ alibaba bednets
    are about one fifth of one cent for 10 milligrams of pure chemical, could spending 2-3 fifths of a cent make bednets 11-27% better at preventing malaria

    Live or plastic plant attractor with anti mosquito chemicals: mosquitos at no flying times of the day might seek out artificial wet leaf undersides, those and their scents could have mosquitocides on them

    Longevity technology, proteins that glom to insulin like growth factor cause it's inactivity, increasing longevity, it's possible epigenetic up regulation of the amount of those glomming proteins production could be a single multi-day or longer active
    single dose epigenetic longevity drug

    I have never seen an led light mounted to/with a suction cup, this could be a thing, and photovoltaic or witricity could power it.

    Canada geese fly with "71%" greater efficiency from sharing wing tip vortices, it is possible air compressors and refrigeration compressors could, from sharing vortices at a plurality of impellers also be over 49% more efficient, saving lots of energy
    and money, groups of propellers or jet engine esque turbines are therefore possibly more efficient than single propeller/impellar gas/air/water pumps

    Could the 71% greater efficiency of reused vortices with flight/fluid flow at plural Canada geese benefit hydroelectric and other fluid flow electricity making turbines including nuclear and natural gas turbines if they had combined vortices energy

    A magazine describes microthread fuzzies in used laundry water as a microplastic environmental issue, I think something like a collimated cheap led flash or laser diode could weld the fuzzies to the thread better reducing eentsy thread mini component
    microplastic effects, if any, velveting the surface of the microfiber things are woven from might make them feel different/better

    There could be a druggable epigenetics of especially good at seeing human retinas, that's something to think about, i wonder if it's richer colors or greater acuity or both

    An amusing things, a drone that follows under a paper airplane emitting fan air such that it keeps the paper plane continually aloft, the drone could even steer the paper airplane above it

    Sexual pleasure sheath for men and boys of all ages contains a thrusting soft sleeve with long side slit apertures so that fingers and groups of fingers can touch the erect penis while the fleshlight like sleeve moves up and down the length of the penis
    either manually or automatically. I saw an erotic video where a clitoral suction vibrator applied to the head of the penis causing ejaculation, an electric suction vibrator port shaped like an annulus can encircle the glans/tip of the penis and provide
    even more pleasure to men and boys of all ages than the womanizer suction spot.



    Logical OR symbol \/ looks like v makes vng which rhymes with orange

    a woven poly

    topical cream that

    Another way to do it might be to match the spectroscopic absorptio

    Analog acoustic sexual pleasure vibrator, motor thunks, but adjustable slider mass softens and rounds and extends vibration like a metronome


    24 ukraine musician peace song
    100 2g rapamycin + shipping
    200 hfs deprenyl antipsychotics
    40 ebay
    40-80 aliexpress or save it

    300 refugee effort 100 immunizations or malaria

    Telephone psychiatrists, dentists
    Jiff pot tree seeds

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